Lady Bulldog Basketball Off-Season Program

Metuchen Girls Basketball Off-Season Strength and
Conditioning Program
Metuchen Strength and Conditioning Guidelines:
1. Make sure you consult your athletic trainer or doctor before beginning any
2. You are never to be in the weight room unsupervised.
3. Always use spotters while lifting and proper form.
4. Always use safety clips while lifting heavy weight.
5. Make sure you have enough room around you and the area is safe to lift.
6. These exercises are only suggestions for you to use in the weight room if you feel
uncomfortable with any exercise, discontinue the exercise immediately.
*Dynamic Stretching Warm up to be done before every Strength and Conditioning*
Rutgers Strength and Conditioning Staff Philosophy on Dynamic Stretching
”Static - refers to the traditional stretching that requires the athlete to hold a
stretched position for a period of 10-30 seconds. Can be improved
significantly with daily stretching. Less functional for an athlete. Should
be performed post practice while muscles are warm.
Dynamic - the flexibility required by the muscles to move through a given range of motion. This is highly
sport specific. Should be done prior to
2 Laps of jogging through the Hallways of MHS the H or
5 min jog.
1) Dynamic Flexibility (15 yards, Down and Back Hallway)
A) Cocky Walk- move down the hallway at a comfortable pace up onto
your toes as you walk.
Arms in, Arms Out- moving down the hallway trying to loosen up your
upper body. Pull arms into your body hugging yourself then move arms all
the way out. This will help to stretch out your arms while also warming up
your legs.
C) Donkey Kicks- Hands on the ground, legs kick out.
High Knee Grab- Just like it says your are going to moving down the
hallway grabbing one leg with a high knee then the other leg. This will help
to stretch the gluteus maximus muscle.
E) Figure 4 (grab lower leg)- This is another stretch for the gluteus
maximus and hamstring muscles. Grab the lower leg just above the ankle
and at the knee. Alternate each leg.
Quad Grabs- This is your common quad stretch with a walk make sure
you alternate legs and lean forward.
G) Tinmans- This is an excellent stretch for the hamstrings, Kick the legs up
alternating just like a tinman would walk. Get good extension on your kicks
to stretch out those hamstrings.
H) Walking sumos- Walk and squat down like a sumo wrestler, these will
help to stretch out the groin muscles.
I) Lateral jog-move lateral one direction then switch.
J) Backwards jog- Faster backward movement.
K) Buttkicks- Faster movement with back of the heel hitting your butt going
L) High Knees- Faster movement to activate muscle spindle activity of the
body and get ready for workout.
M) Quick Starts1. Knee Punch
2. High Knee Sprint
3. Lean Fall Run Sprint
4. Jump Back Sprint
5. Spider Start 1,2,3 movements and go
6. Push up start
*Note if you feel tight, stretch out whatever you want with a static stretch*
In weight room two days a week: Bike for 30 minutes Every 30 second sprint at
over 100 rpms 30 second jog at above 80 rpms.
Three days a week sprint workout:
Day 1: 20 X 20 yd sprint
Day2: 10 X 30 yd sprint
Day 3: 40 x 10 yd sprint
Increase number of sprints as they get easier
Metuchen Girls Basketball: Day 1
* Back or Front
3 x 6 each
Dead lift
2 x 10
Dumbbell Tricep
Kick Backs
2 x 10
Cybex bicep curl
Cybex tricep
2 x15
Medball AB VTwist
3 x 12
Plate crunch
3 x 15
4 x 15
Low Level Plyo’s
Green Plyo
hurdles (220-300)
Foot contacts
Jump Rope 5
*Back Squat Procedure:
1. Keep your chest high and buttocks out
2. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and your weight distributed on your heels.
3. Slowly descend by pushing your hips back and flexing at your hip and knee joints.
4. Go down until your hamstrings are parallel to the ground.
5. Drive out of the bottom explosively by extending your knee and hip joints.
Key Points:
1. Keep your chest up at all times and your head focused straight ahead with your eyes up.
2. Keep your weight distributed on your heels; your heels should never come off the ground.
3. Your knees should never be in front of your big toes.
(Rutgers University, 2)
1. Position the bar high on your chest and across your shoulders. Keep your focus up and out in front of
2. Grip the bar close to shoulder width with your elbows pushed up and in. Keep your upper arms parallel
with the floor and your elbows high.
3. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, your chest and buttocks out, and a slight bend in your knees.
4. Slowly descend by pushing your hips back and flexing at your hip and knee joints.
5. Go down until your thighs are parallel to the ground.
6. Drive out of the bottom by extending your knee and hip joints.
Key Points:
1. Keep your chest and elbows up at all times and keep your eyes focused up and straight ahead.
2. Maintain a tight arch in your back and your weight distributed on your heels.
*Modified Romanian Dead Lift
1. Using a barbell, stand holding the weight with a shoulder width grip. Position your feet under your
2. Keep a slight bend in your knees, your chest inflated, buttocks out, and your back arched.
3. Keep the weight as close to your body as possible.
4. Slowly descend by pushing your hips back. The bar should travel to 2-3 inches below your knees.
5. Ascend by following the same path back to the starting position.
Key Points:
1. Maintain a slight arch in your back throughout the entire exercise while keeping your chest up.
2. The movement should occur in your hips only. Your knees should maintain the same position
throughout the exercise.
3. You should feel a stretch in your lower back and hamstrings.
(Rutgers University, 2)
Metuchen Girls Basketball: Day 2
*DB Bench
3 x 6 each
Lat Pulldown
DB Row on
bench or swiss
Cybex bench
3 x15
cybex shoulder
3 x 15
Cybex lateral
raises 3x15
Front and
Lateral raises
2 x 10 each
Cybex low back
3 x15
Low Back
Lying opposites
3 x 30
low back
3 x 30
1. Lay on the bench with your feet flat on the floor.
2. Hold the dumbbells slightly wider than shoulder width with your thumbs around the handles.
3. Lift the dumbbells up off your mid-lower chest.
4. In a controlled manner, lower the dumbbells directly over your mid-lower chest.
5. Push the dumbbells up in an explosive, but controlled manner to the original starting position.
Key Points:
1. Keep your buttocks and upper back on the bench throughout the entire exercise.
(Rutgers University, 2)
Metuchen Girls Basketball: Day 3
*Hang Clean
with bar or
broom stick*
3 x 6 each
Lunges w/wt.
Calf Raises
Cybex leg press
3 x10
Cybex leg curl
3 x 15
Body weight
Squat Jumps
3 x 10
4 way directional
theraband ankle
routine 3 x 10
*4 way
theraband hip
routine 3 x 10
Agility Ladders
15 min
See Below
1. Use a shoulder width grip, with your arms fully extended. Your feet under your hips and weight on heels.
2. Hold your shoulder blades together and maintain an arch in your back while grabbing the bar
3. Maintain a slight bend in your knees and ankles with your shoulders positioned directly over the bar.
4. Explosively extend your hips, back and ankles, performing a jumping motion.
5. Explosively transfer the weight from your heels to the balls of your feet and shrug your shoulders
6. As the weight moves upward, simultaneously drop your body underneath the bar, catching the weight
across your shoulders and in a 1/2 squat position. Finish the lift by standing upright under control.
7. Move the weight to the start position and repeat the exercise.
Key Points:
1. The movement is very explosive, occurring in the hips, legs, and shoulders.
2. Your back should remain tight and flat throughout the entire exercise.
3. As you drop down under the bar, flip your elbows forward so that you catch the bar across your
shoulders with your arms parallel to the floor and your elbows pointing straight ahead.
4.Make sure to use bumper plates for this exercise and allow for plenty of room. (Rutgers University, 2)
*Ankle Theraband routine
DorsiFlexion- theraband around the top foot, Pull ankle straight up
Plantar flexion- theraband around the bottom of foot, push foot down
Inversion- theraband inside of foot, move foot in towards your body
Eversion- theraband around outside of foot, move foot out away from your body
*Hip Theraband routine
Multi hip procedure:
Flexion- theraband around the lower leg, with a straight leg move the leg forward at the hip
Extension- theraband around the lower leg, with a straight leg move the leg backwards
Adduction- theraband around the lower leg, with a straight leg move the leg to the inside
Abdution- theraband around the lower leg, with a straight leg move the leg to the outside
Ladder Drills
1. Sprint Two feet Each Box: Starting Position – Facing Ladder both
feet outside.
2. Lateral Shuffle: Starting Position – Lateral both feet outside, Then
two feet in each box.
3. Lateral Shuffle: Starting Position – Lateral one foot in first box one
foot outside. Fast one foot in each box.
4. Carioca: Starting Position – Lateral both feet outside ladder, Step
first with front foot into first box, back foot over front into second
5. Lateral 2 in 2 out: Starting Position – Facing Lateral, in front of first
box outside
6. Lateral 2 in 2 out through Ladder: Starting Position – Lateral in
front of first box outside, Go forward and back
7. Cross Country Skier: Starting Position – Lateral over first box in
split leg formation. Not even going inside box’s.
8. Icky Shuffle: Starting Position – Facing Ladder on one side of first
9. Icky Shuffle backwards: Starting Position – Backwards to Ladder
on one side of first box.
10. Lateral Icky Shuffle
11. Billy Simms Shuffle: Starting Position – Facing both feet on one side
of Ladder, both feet in first box, both feet outside, both feet in second
12. One Leg Hop: Starting Position – Facing One leg outside and one leg
up, fast movement one leg in each box.
13. Double Leg Hop: Starting Position –Facing Ladder both legs outside.
14. Double Leg Slalom: Starting Position – both leg outside Facing
Ladder, Jump into first box, outside ladder with both then box, into
second box.
15. Hop Scotch: Starting Position –Facing both feet spread apart on
each side of Ladder. Both feet in Both feet out.
16. Jump Rope: Starting Position – both feet same as Hop Scotch start,
cross over one foot in one box the other in another box.
17. Lateral Jab Step Crossover: Starting Position – two feet lateral
outside ladder, 5 inch from first box. Jab second box with back leg
then front foot in first box then move to third box with back leg.
18. Lateral Jab Step: Starting Position – two feet lateral outside ladder,
5 inch from first box, Front leg in box two and back leg in box one,
then front leg in box three and so on.
19. Hop and Turn: Starting Position – one foot in, one foot out facing
the ladder. Step into box two with outside foot then into outside with
inside foot.
Ladder Drills can be seen in video at this website:
1. University of Nebraska,, 2004.
2. Rutgers University,, 2004.