Guidelines & Protocol for Conducting Telephone Interviews

Human Research Ethics Committee
Ethics Approval for Research Involving Humans
Guidelines & Protocol for Conducting Telephone Interviews
Telephone Interviews
Because telephone interviews are an intrusive research tool, the researcher will need to
demonstrate the following to the Committee's satisfaction:
Why it is the preferred method of surveying and why you could not obtain the
information by a less intrusive means, e.g. self-administered questionnaires.
If questions are of a sensitive nature, how the researchers intended to
minimise the potential for psychological harm and what referral protocol
exists for people who experience emotional distress resulting from the
interview or the request to be interviewed.
As a general rule, the minimum requirement is that the potential participants receive a
written Information Sheet for Participants that forewarns them that telephone contact
will be made. In addition to the normal requirements for an information sheet it should
also address the following:
How names, addresses and telephone numbers of the target population were
The desired interviewee and why this person was chosen.
The reasons for obtaining information via a telephone interview.
An example of the nature of the questions they will be asked.
When the interview will take place and the time required.
How the potential participants may prevent telephone contact, e.g. the use of
a refusal form that can be returned to the researcher.
A telephone interview script must be submitted with the application.
The introduction should be short and to the point, clearly identifying the
caller, for whom the research is being undertaken and referring to the letter.
It should also be stated who is funding the research (where relevant) and
from whom ethics approval has been obtained. In asking to speak to the
intended interviewee, the specific nature of the call should not be disclosed to
a third party. For example, it is sufficient to say "I would like to speak to ...
regarding a letter we sent to him/her about mental health", rather than "I
would like to speak to ... regarding a letter we sent to him/her about how
often he/she see his/her therapist".
It must cater for people who do not receive the information letter, e.g. people
who have changed address and retained their telephone numbers or lost mail.
If it is necessary to interview such people.
The interview cannot proceed until such time as they are provided with an
Information Sheet for Participants if they are willing to receive one.
Created: 16/06/2009
State And Federal Laws Concerning The Taping Of Telephone
Telecommunications Act 1997 (CTH)
Listening Devices Act 1984 (NSW)
National Industry Standard for Telemarketing and Research Calls
prohibit the recording of phone conversations except where all parties to the
conversation provide consent.
This legislation requires that you obtain consent from all participants before you publish
any research based on telephone conversations with these participants. As these laws
protect privacy, courts will apply them strictly. This means that the consent obtained
from participants should be specific, and identify how the information will be stored, used
and distributed. The level of detail in the consent form will depend on the amount of
personally identifying information that is collected, stored and accessed on an ongoing
if the information which is being collected has no identifying details, so that
the parties to the conversation can never be traced or identified by people
accessing the primary data, the privacy concerns will be much less, and the
consent can be more general;
if identifying information is collected, and then removed from the information,
that is distributed, privacy concerns will be increased. Forethought must be
given to how the primary data with its identifying details will be securely
stored and limiting access to that data and to any system which could allow
the primary data and the aggregate data to be matched The consent will
need to allow retention of the identifying data and future access to it.
Consent forms should, therefore, contain the following information:
where the information will be published;
who will have access whilst the information is stored at UNE;
what will happen to the material once the 5 year storage period has expired;
that the researchers are subject to strict confidentiality obligations when
collecting data.
Whether or not identifying data is to be recorded, the researchers involved in collecting
the data will inevitably hear information that may be regarded as private or confidential.
If there is not already a confidentiality agreement in place covering the work of the
researchers, then they should also sign a confidentiality undertaking.
By taking the above steps the researchers ensures that the participants understand the
exact nature of the project and have given their fully informed consent for the use of the
information recorded.
Created: 16/06/2009