CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, BAKERSFIELD SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Department of Public Policy and Administration PPA 415 – Research Methods in Public Administration Exercise 8 Question 1 2 3 4 Total Analysis 6 12 6 16 40 Interpretation 9 18 9 24 60 All answers must include all inferential steps in narrative form. All answers must be presented in professional format as though being presented to an evaluation sponsor. 1. Do problem 11.5 in Healey (p. 272) – (15 points, 6 – analysis, 9 – interpretation). As the state director of mental health programs, you note that some local mental health facilities have very high rates of staff turnover. You believe that part of this problem stems from the fact that some of the local directors have scant training in administration and poorly developed leadership skills. Before implementing a program to address this problem, you collect some data to make sure that your beliefs are supported by the facts. Is there a relationship between staff turnover and the administrative experience of the directors? Use column percentages, the maximum difference, and measures of association to describe the strength and direction of the association. Write a few sentences describing the relationship. 1 Table 1. Mental health staff turnover by director's level of experience Staff Turnover * Director Experienced? Crosstabulation Staff Turnover Low Moderate High Total Count % within Director Experienced? Count % within Director Experienced? Count % within Director Experienced? Count % within Director Experienced? Director Experienced? No Yes 4 9 Total 13 14.3% 40.9% 26.0% 9 8 17 32.1% 36.4% 34.0% 15 5 20 53.6% 22.7% 40.0% 28 22 50 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Assuming a random sample and nominal or ordinal measure for both variables, Table 1 assesses the impact of mental health directors’ experience on staff turnover. The null hypothesis suggests that experience has no effect on turnover. However, the state director believes that directorial experience reduces staff turnover. He evaluates the table above using the chi-square distribution with two degrees of freedom (χ2 critical = 5.991). Chi-square obtained is 6.35 (from the SPSS run). We can reject the null hypothesis of no difference; experience does reduce turnover. The maximum difference is 30.9 percent, a fairly strong relationship. If we predict using the largest category, we can reduce our error in prediction by 13.3 percent knowing the level of experience. If we predict using the actual distribution, we reduce our error by 6.3 percent. In general, we can conclude that the state mental health director may well reduce turnover by promoting local directors with more experience. 2. Do problem 11.8 in Healey (p. 273) – (30 points, 12 – analysis, 18 – interpretation). A researcher has conducted a survey on sexual attitudes for a sample of 317 teenagers. The respondents were asked whether they considered premarital sex to be "always wrong" or "OK under certain circumstances." The tables below summarize the relationship between responses to this item and several other variables. For each table, assess the strength and pattern of the relationship and write a paragraph interpreting these results. 2 a. Attitudes toward premarital sex by gender: Table 2. The effect of gender on attitudes toward premarital sex Premarital Sex * Gender Crosstabulation Premarital Sex Always wrong Not always wrong Total Count % within Gender Count % within Gender Count % within Gender Gender Female Male 90 105 58.1% 64.8% 65 57 41.9% 35.2% 155 162 100.0% 100.0% Total 195 61.5% 122 38.5% 317 100.0% α = .05. Df = 1. χ2 critical = 3.841. χ2 obtained = 1.525. λ = 0. b. Attitudes toward premarital sex by courtship status: Table 3. The effect of courtship status on attitudes toward premarital sex. Premarital Sex * Ever "Gone Steady" Crosstabulation Premarital Sex Always wrong Not always wrong Total Count % within Ever "Gone Steady" Count % within Ever "Gone Steady" Count % within Ever "Gone Steady" α = .05. Df = 1. χ2 critical = 3.841. χ2 obtained = 53.751. λ = .270. 3 Ever "Gone Steady" No Yes 148 47 Total 195 77.9% 37.0% 61.5% 42 80 122 22.1% 63.0% 38.5% 190 127 317 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% c. Attitudes toward premarital sex by social class: Table 4. The effect of social class on attitudes toward premarital sex. Premarital Sex * Social Class Crosstabulation Premarital Sex Always wrong Not always wrong Total Count % within Social Class Count % within Social Class Count % within Social Class Social Class Blue Collar White Collar 72 123 60.5% 62.1% 47 75 39.5% 37.9% 119 198 100.0% 100.0% Total 195 61.5% 122 38.5% 317 100.0% α = .05. Df = 1. χ2 critical = 3.841. χ2 obtained = 0.082. λ = 0. The three analyses assume random sampling and nominal association. The null hypotheses for three tables suggest that gender, courtship status, and social class bear no relationship to attitudes toward premarital sex. Using chisquare and alpha=.05, the critical value is 3.841 for all three tables. Only for courtship status can we reject the null hypothesis. If we know the courtship status of the teenager, we can reduce the error in predicting attitudes toward premarital sex by 27 percent over not knowing whether they have “gone steady.” In general, teenagers who have “gone steady” have more lenient attitudes toward premarital sex. 3. Do problem 12.5 in Healey (p. 295) – (15 points, 6 – analysis, 9 – interpretation). All applicants for municipal jobs in Shinbone, Kansas, are given an aptitude test, but the test has never been evaluated to see if test scores are in any way related to job performance. The following table reports aptitude test scores and job performance ratings for a random sample of 75 city employees. a. Are the two variables associated? Describe the strength and direction of the relationship in a sentence or two. 4 Table 5. The relationship between aptitude tests and job performance in Shinbone, Kansas Efficiency Ratings * Test Scores Crosstabulation Low Efficiency Ratings Low Moderate High Total Count % within Tes t Scores Count % within Tes t Scores Count % within Tes t Scores Count % within Tes t Scores 11 44.0% 9 36.0% 5 20.0% 25 100.0% Tes t Scores Moderate 6 24.0% 10 40.0% 9 36.0% 25 100.0% High 7 28.0% 9 36.0% 9 36.0% 25 100.0% Total 24 32.0% 28 37.3% 23 30.7% 75 100.0% α = .05. Z critical = 1.65. Z obtained = 1.443. Somer’s dyx = .147. Assuming random sampling and ordinal measurement, Table 5 tests the ability of Shinbone’s employment aptitude test to predict job performance. The ordinal association model assumes no relationship (Somer’s dyx = 0). The City of Shinbone clearly assumes that the test positively predicts performance. For the test to be significant, Z obtained must exceed 1.65. The Z score for the ordinal table is only 1.443. I cannot reject the null hypothesis. The aptitude test appears to be a poor predictor of performance. Substantively, Somer’s d suggests that we can only improve our prediction of a positive relationship by 15 percent by knowing the applicants score on the aptitude test. b. Should the aptitude test continue to be administered? Why or why not? Given the insignificant relationship and the weak association, the current aptitude test should be discontinued. The test is a poor predictor of performance. The city needs to adopt or develop a more focused and valid test of job performance for new applicants. 4. A researcher at the University of Delaware Disaster Research Center believes that the probability of a major disaster declaration (with SBA declarations treated as turndowns) varies by FEMA region, primary type of disaster, intensity scale, and number of deaths (recoded to zero for no deaths and one for one or more deaths). In particular, she is interested in four hypotheses: a. The probability of a major disaster declaration varies across the 10 FEMA regions. b. The probability of a major disaster declaration increases significantly across the five levels of disaster intensity. 5 c. The probability of a major disaster declaration varies significantly across primary type of disaster. d. The probability of a major disaster declaration increases significantly as the number of deaths increases. Run the appropriate cross-tabulations to test these four hypotheses, and prepare a one-page report (with tables) summarizing and interpreting the results. HINT: two of the cross-tabulations involve nominal association and two involve ordinal association. (40 points, 16 – analysis, 24 – interpretation). Table 6. The effect of region on major disaster declarations, 1953 - 1973 Crosstab FEMA Region Presidential Disaster Decis ion (SBA as Turndowns) .0 Turndown, Withdrawn, SBA 1.0 Major Disaster Total 1 Connecticut, Maine, Mas sachusett s , New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont 4 17.4% 19 82.6% 23 100.0% 2 New Jers ey, New York, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Is lands 3 15.0% 17 85.0% 20 100.0% 3 Delaware, Dis trict of Columbia, Maryland, Penns ylvania, Virginia and W. Virginia 9 20.9% 34 79.1% 43 100.0% 4 Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mis sis s ippi, N. Carolina, S. Carolina and Tenness ee 47 45.2% 57 54.8% 104 100.0% 5 Illinois , Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wis cons in 26 36.1% 46 63.9% 72 100.0% 6 Arkansas, Louis iana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas 29 33.3% 58 66.7% 87 100.0% 7 Iowa, Kansas , Mis souri and Nebraska 16 30.8% 36 69.2% 52 100.0% 8 Colorado, Montana, N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Utah and Wyoming 13 36.1% 23 63.9% 36 100.0% 9 Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Is lands, Marshall Is lands, Micronesia 26 39.4% 40 60.6% 66 100.0% 10 Alas ka, Idaho, Oregon and Was hington 6 16.7% 30 83.3% 36 100.0% Total 179 33.2% 360 66.8% 539 100.0% α = .05. Df = 9. χ2 critical = 16.919. χ2 obtained =21.370 (from SPSS). G&K τb = .04. Table 7. The effect of type of disaster on major disaster declarations, 1953 – 1973. Crosstab Presidential Disas ter Decis ion (SBA as Turndowns) .0 Turndown, Withdrawn, SBA 1.0 Major Disaster Total 1 Earthquake 0 .0% 5 100.0% 5 100.0% 2 Winds , Tornadoes and Flooding 3 10.3% 26 89.7% 29 100.0% 3 Flooding, Storm Surge, Tsunamis , Lands lides 83 25.8% 239 74.2% 322 100.0% Primary Disas ter Type 5 4 Commercial Winds torms , Failures Hurricanes, Caus ed by 6 Fores t Fire, and Climate and Brush Fire, Tornadoes Environment Wildfire, Fire 39 4 10 35.5% 66.7% 62.5% 71 2 6 64.5% 33.3% 37.5% 110 6 16 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% α = .05. Df = 8. χ2 critical = 15.507. χ2 obtained =75.214 (from SPSS). G&K τb = .140. 6 7 Drought 10 66.7% 5 33.3% 15 100.0% 8 Snow Storm, Ice Storm, Winter Weather 18 81.8% 4 18.2% 22 100.0% 9 Riots , Chemical Accidents, Explosions, Insect Infestations 12 85.7% 2 14.3% 14 100.0% Total 179 33.2% 360 66.8% 539 100.0% Table 8. The effect of disaster intensity on major disaster declarations, 1953 - 1973. Crosstab 1 Presidential Disas ter Decis ion (SBA as Turndowns) .0 Turndown, Withdrawn, SBA 1.0 Major Disaster Total Intens ity Scale 3 13 11 46.4% 28.2% 15 28 53.6% 71.8% 28 39 100.0% 100.0% 2 141 34.6% 266 65.4% 407 100.0% 4 12 29.3% 29 70.7% 41 100.0% 5 2 8.3% 22 91.7% 24 100.0% Total 179 33.2% 360 66.8% 539 100.0% α = .05. Z critical = 1.65. Z obtained (from SPSS) = 1.709. Somer’s dyx = .069. Table 9. The effect of number of deaths on major disaster declarations, 1953 - 1973. Crosstab Presidential Disaster Decis ion (SBA as Turndowns) .0 Turndown, Withdrawn, SBA 1.0 Major Disaster Total Count % within Number of Deaths (Collapsed) Count % within Number of Deaths (Collapsed) Count % within Number of Deaths (Collapsed) α = .05. Z critical = 1.65. Z obtained (from SPSS) = 7.979. Somer’s dyx = .303. 7 Number of Deaths (Collaps ed) 0 No deaths 1 Deaths 135 44 Total 179 47.5% 17.3% 33.2% 149 211 360 52.5% 82.7% 66.8% 284 255 539 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Assuming random samples and nominal association, the first two tables test whether FEMA region or primary type of disaster significantly affect the probability of receiving a major disaster declaration. The null hypothesis for both tables is that no relationship exists. On the other hand, I assume that major disaster probabilities vary significantly by region or type of disaster. If I am willing to tolerate a five percent chance of being wrong in my predictions, I can reject the null hypothesis in Table 6 if chisquare is greater than 16.9 and in Table 7 if chi-square is greater than 15.5. The obtained chi-square for both tables exceeds the critical value. I can reject the null hypothesis and assume that both region and type of disaster have significant impacts on the probability of receiving a major disaster declaration. Using Goodman and Kruskal’s tau b to measure the strength of the association, I can reduce my error in predicting whether a request receives a declaration by 6.9 percent by knowing FEMA region and by 14.0 percent by knowing type of disaster over simply guessing randomly that 67 percent receive major disasters and 33 percent are refused. Substantively, regions 1, 2, 3, and 10 have unusually high rates of approval (northeast, mid-Atlantic, Pacific Northwest) and region 4 has a low rate approval (south). Similarly, earthquakes, WTF (wind, tornado, and flood combination), flooding, and windstorms all have greater than 50 percent probability of receiving a declaration whereas the other five types have considerable less than 50 percent. Assuming random samples and ordinal association, the second two tables test whether disaster intensity and reported deaths have a significant effect on the probability of a major disaster declaration. The null hypothesis assumes that no association exists (positive and negative pairs are equal). The research hypotheses are both one-tailed: increases in intensity and/or deaths increases the probability of a major disaster declaration. For Tables 8 and 9, this translates into a Z(critical) of 1.65. Z(obtained) for Table 8 is 1.70; Z(obtained) for Table 9 is 7.979. I can reject the null hypothesis for both tables: intensity and number of deaths are both positively related to the probability of a major disaster declaration. The Somer’s d coefficients for both tables suggest that disaster intensity reduces the error in predicting a positive relationship by about 7 percent, and number of deaths reduces the error in predicting a positive relationship by about 30 percent. 8