Reading List

UCD Adult Education Centre
HN147 Sean Lemass’s Century: Man, Myth and Legacy
Autumn 2011
Reading List
The following are samples of materials referred to during the course. This list will be discussed in
Reading Texts:
The two core texts for the course are the two most recent biographical studies of Lemass:
Garvin, T. (2009) Judging Lemass, Dublin
Evans, B., (2011) The Other Lemass, Cork
Both books are widely available through booksellers and distributors. The course will centre around the
historiographical debate and differences between these two authors’ appraisals of Lemass.
The following list of free websites and podcasts will be useful: Free podcasts of Diarmaid Ferriter’s popular radio show on twentieth
century Ireland. The free-to-view digitalised 1901 and 1911 censuses. Archive of images from the Irish Virtual Research Library and Archive. Online introduction to key personalities and concepts of this period. Full list of Lemass’s election results from 1924 to
1966 The digitalised, free-to-view Dáil debates 1919-2011. Irish history blog by academics and researchers.
Further Reading:
Aherne. B. (2009) The Autobiography, Dublin
Allen, K., (1997) Fianna Fáil and Irish Labour, 1926 to the Present, London
Andrews, C.S., (2001) Dublin Made Me, Dublin
Bew, P., and Patterson, H., (1982) Seán Lemass and the Making of Modern Ireland, 1945-66, Dublin
Browne, N., (1986) Against the Tide, Dublin
Coogan, T.P., (2003) Ireland in the Twentieth Century, Dublin
Cooney, J., (1999) John Charles McQuaid: Ruler of Catholic Ireland, Dublin
Daly, M., (1981) Social and Economic History of Ireland Since 1800, Dublin
Daly, M., (1992) Industrial Development and Irish National Identity, 1922-1939, Dublin
Daly, M., (2006) The Slow Failure: Population Decline and Independent Ireland, 1920-1973, London
Dolan, A., (2006) Commemorating the Irish Civil War: History and Memory, 1923-2000, Cambridge
Fanning, R., (1978) The Irish Department of Finance, 1922-58, Dublin
Farrell, B., (1983) Seán Lemass, Dublin
Feeney, T., (2009) Seán MacEntee: A Political Life, Dublin
Ferriter, D., (2005) The Transformation of Ireland, 1900-2000, Dublin
Ferriter, D., (2009) Occasions of Sin: Sex and Society in Modern Ireland, Dublin
Ferriter, D., (2007) Judging Dev: A Reassessment of the Life and Legacy of Éamon de Valera, Dublin
Fitzgerald, G., (1991) All In A Life, Dublin
Foster, R.F., (1988) Modern Ireland
Garvin, T., (2004) Preventing the Future: Why was Ireland So Poor for So Long?, Dublin
Girvin, B., and Murphy, G., (eds.) (2005) The Lemass Era: Politics and Society in the Ireland of Seán
Horgan, J., (1997) Seán Lemass: The Enigmatic Patriot, Dublin
Kennedy, L., (1989) The Modern Industrialisation of Ireland 1940-1988, Dublin
Kennedy, M., (2000) Division and Consensus: the Politics of Cross-border Relations in Ireland, 19251969, Dublin
Keogh, D., (2004) The Vatican, the Bishops and Irish Politics 1919-39, Cambridge
Keogh, D., O’Shea, F., and Quinlan, C., (eds.) (2004) The Lost Decade: Ireland in the 1950s, Cork
Lee, J.J., (1989) Ireland 1912-1985: Politics and Society, Cambridge
O’Connor, E., (1992) A Labour History of Ireland, 1824-1960, Dublin
Ó Gráda, C., (1997) A Rocky Road: The Irish Economy Since the 1920s, Manchester
O’Sullivan, M., (1994) Seán Lemass: A Biography, Dublin
Savage, R., (1999) Seán Lemass, Dundalk
Walsh, D., (1986) The Party: Inside Fianna Fáil , Dublin