128 EFFICIENT ALGORITHM UNDER THE SET OF CONVOLUTION ALGORITHMS 1 V.V. Myasnikov 2 2 Image Processing Systems Institute of RAS 443001, Molodogvardeiskaja st., 151, Samara, Russia; +7 (846) 3378084, vmyas@smr.ru A problem of the construction of a computationally efficient convolution algorithm is considered. It is proved that the process of the efficient algorithm construction may be presented as three sequential operations. During the first operation, we construct the wise algorithm under the supporting set of the convolution algorithms. Then we construct reduced wise algorithm. Finally, we construct the induced algorithm, which belongs to the closure (by the transformation model) of the set of the only reduced wise algorithm. The theorems presented in the work show the necessary and sufficient criteria on the efficiency and strict efficiency of the constructed algorithm. Examples of the analytical construction of the efficient convolution algorithm are given. Introduction Convolution calculation is the basic operation in the digital signal and image processing theories. It may be written as: y n h n * x n M 1 hm xn m , m 0 n M 1, N 1; (1) x, y , h F. Here x . and y . are input and output signals, h . is a FIR-filter, F is (finite or infinite) field. There are a huge number of convolution algorithms in the digital signal processing theory. Their main groups are as follows: direct convolution algorithms ADC [1]; AFC fast convolution algorithms [2,3,4,5,6,7], they use the fast orthogonal transforms algorithms like Fast Fourier Transform (FFT); recursive algorithms ARF [8,1,9]. However, the abundance of the convolution algorithms and the methods of their construction does not decide the basic practice problem: what is the way that allow to obtain the convolution algorithm with the lowest compu- tational (or time) requirements. Some of existent approaches, which are oriented to solve the problem indicated above, were presented in [5] and [6]. Unfortunately, these approaches are focused on the discrete orthogonal transforms algorithms only and do not take into account some additional aspects of the problem (see bellow for details). Moreover, the main imperfection is that they cannot guarantee the convolution algorithm, proposed by the specific approach, has the lowest computational (or time) requirements among the known or/and available convolution algorithms. This paper proposes new approach to solve the problem indicated above and to construct the efficient convolution algorithm. This approach satisfies specific requirements: it uses any given supporting set of convolution algorithms while the constructing the efficient algorithm, it takes into account the a prior information of the task (1). Particularly, it uses the fact that the sizes of the signals and values of the FIR-filter are preliminary known; _______________________________________________________________________ 1 This research was financially supported by: Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Project № 06-01-00616-а; Russian Science Support Foundation. 129 it uses analytical features of the input signal and the original values of the FIR-filter, it guarantees the constructed algorithm will be efficient under the supporting set of the convolution algorithms. Be definite, the constructed algorithm is called efficient if its computational (or time) complexity: is less then or equal to the computational complexity of every algorithm from the supporting set at any convolution task (1), is less then the computational complexity of every algorithm from the supporting set at some convolution tasks (1) (strict efficiency). Unvarying complexity algorithms Let Z Z 0 ,xn nN01 be a convolution task (1) with the a prior information M 1 0 hn n0 , N , x . Let the function par is defined as par Z 0 , xn nN01 0 h n M , N . N , x M 1 n 0 , Definition 1 Algorithm A is called unvarying complexity algorithm if for every task Z its computational complexity equation may be written as the explicit function of par Z , i.e. U AZ u A par ( Z ) u A M , N . Let AM ,N be the domain of the unvarying complexity algorithm. Definition 2 Algorithm A A is called the wise algorithm under the supporting set A of unvarying complexity convolution algorithms if it is defined as follows: A M , N A M , N , AA Z A* M , N AZ A* Z M , N parZ u M , N A* . if min u A M , N A A: AA M , N A M , N Proposition 1 [10] Wise algorithm under the supporting set A of unvarying complexity convolution algorithms is the unvarying complexity convolution algorithm. ■ Definition 3 [10,11] Complexity function u A M , N of the unvarying complexity algorithm A is called well-formed if the following inequality holds M , N AM , N u A M , N u A m, N M m min u A M m, N m , m1,M 2 m, N ( M m ) A M , N , add M m, N m A M , N u A M m, N m n N M n 1 min min . , m 0,1, 2... n 0,1,2,... N M 1 M m, N m n A M , N u A M , n n M 1 u A M , N n M 1N n min N M 1 n 1,N / 2 MM,,n A M , N , N n M 1A M , N Definition 4 Unvarying complexity algorithm with well-formed complexity function is called the reduced (unvarying complexity) algorithm. Theorem 1 [10] For any unvarying complexity algorithm A with domain AM ,N the re duced algorithm A exists (may be constructed) and the following inequalities hold: A M , N AM , N , M , N AM , N u A M , N u AM , N . ■ Following the theorem 1, we can introduce the reduce operation, that construct the reduced (unvarying complexity) algorithm A from the (unvarying complexity) algorithm A . Some aspects of the reduce operation, features of the reduced wise algorithm and the results of them practical application are presented in [11]. Definition 5 The extension to the domain M ,N of the (unvarying complexity) convolution algorithm A with the domain AM ,N is the operation, that gives the (unvarying complexity) convolution algorithm A( ) with the domain A( ) M ,N M ,N , which satisfies: 130 M , N AM ,N A( ) M , N AM , N . Obviously, definition 5 does not give the way to construct the extension of the algorithm A ; it gives only restrictions on this operation. Closure of the set of convolution algorithms. Induced algorithm Equation (1) may be written in several equivalent forms. Therefore, to calculate the convolution we can use the algorithm of the CR-model. CR-model of algorithm [10] Step 1. Preprocessing. We calculate the convolution of the input signal x n and specific FIRfilter g x k kKx01 : ~ x n K x 1 g~x k xn k , n 0, N 1 . (2) k 0 Step 2. We calculate S convolutions of the preprocessed signal ~x n and prepared parts h~s mSs01 of the preprocessed FIR-filter h. : ~y n s h~s m ~x n m , n 0, N 1, mDs Ds supphs m , s 0, S 1. (3) Step 3. Summation of values from Eq.(3): ~ y n S 1 ~ys n . s 0 Step 4. Postprocessing. We calculate the values of the result signal y . recursively: y n K h K x 2 g~t yn t ~y n , algorithm Aprep . It is used for the calculation of the convolution in the Eq.(2). Let’s denote this convolution task as Z prep ; set of the algorithms As Ss01 . They are used for the calculation of S convolutions in the Eq.(3). Let’s denote these convolution tasks as Z s s 0, S 1 . The computational complexity of the algorithm of the CR-model is as follows: second group are algorithms. Namely, this group has: S 1 U As Z s add S 1 K h K x 2 . s 0 Definition 6 Ternary K h , K x , S of the positive natural integers is called the order of the CR-model. Definition 7 [10] Closure of order K h , K x , S by the transformation CR-model of the set of algorithms A upon the task Z (further: closure CR K h , K x , S ) is the set of the algorithms of the CR-model, denoted as ACR Kh ,K x ,S , which is obtained - for the specified parameters K h , K x , S , - for admissible values of other numerical parameters of the CR-model and - for the fixed algorithms As Ss01 , Aprep from the set A; algorithms have to that have the tasks Z s s 0, S 1 and Z prep , correspondingly, in their domains: Aprep A Z prep A, t 1 g x k kKx01 and so on. Parameters from the U ACR U Aprep Z prep n 0, N 1 . CR-model of algorithm - End To determine the specific CR-algorithm we have to determine several parameters f the CRmodel. It is easy to see that we can collect these parameters into two groups. The first group has the numerical parameters K x , K h , As AZ s A s 0, S 1 . Definition 8 [10] Closure by the transformation CR-model of the set of algorithms A upon the task Z (further: closure) is the set of the CR-model algorithms, denoted as A , given by: A ACR Kh ,K x ,S . K h 1, M 1; K x 1, N 1; S 1, 2,... 131 Definition 9 [10] Algorithm A Z A is induced by the a prior information 0 of the task Z (further: induced algorithm) if it has the minimal computational complexity for the task Z in the closure A and, also, the closure A has no any other algorithm, which has the same complexity and less order: U A Z min U AZ AZ A A Z ACR Kh ,K x ,S ~ ~ ~ K h , K x , S K h , K x , S . min U A Z U A Z AZ ACR K~ , K~ ,S~ h x Efficiency of the induced algorithm. Construction of the efficient algorithm Theorem 2 Induced algorithm A Z A upon the task Z is efficient algorithm under the supporting set A of convolution algorithms, used to solve Z. ■ Theorem 3 Let ADC be the set of the only direct convolution algorithm ADC ; let AFC be the set of the fast convolution algorithms; and ARF be the set of the recursive convolu tion algorithm. Let A be the reduced wise algorithm, which is constructed under the set ADC AFC of the unvarying complexity algorithms. Then, for any task Z A the induced algorithm AADC AFC A Z A is efficient under the set of algorithms ADC AFC AFR . ■ Last theorem gives the obvious way to construct the efficient algorithm. This way is presented in the following conclusion. Conclusion of theorem (method for constructing the efficient algorithm) To construct the efficient algorithm for the task Z under the set of algorithms ADC AFC AFR it is necessary: to construct the wise algorithm A under the supporting set ADC AFC of algorithms (algorithm ADC has to have the required domain), to construct the reduced wise algorithm A from the wise algorithm A ; to construct the induced algorithm A Z A Z (of the task Z), which belongs to the closure of the set of the only re duced wise algorithm A Z . ■ This conclusion determines the order of operations, which give the efficient convolution algorithm. Moreover, top two operations are fully formalized for technological and/or program implementation. The difficulty of the last operation, i.e. the construction of the induced algorithm, depends on the properties of the field F. Because of the limited space of this paper, it is impossible to present the details of the work in it. Therefore, the presentation will present: the way to construct the reduced and wise algorithms, several theorems and propositions, which prove the equivalence of the different orders of the operations (reducing, extension and wise algorithm constraction). Moreover, some results on the induced algorithm construction will be presented. In addition, the examples of the analytical construction of the efficient algorithm will be given. Conclusion A problem of the construction of a computationally efficient convolution algorithm has been considered. It has been proved that the process of the efficient algorithm construction may be presented as three sequential operations. Some aspects of these operations have been given. The propositions presented the necessary and sufficient criteria on the efficiency and strict efficiency of the constructed algorithm have been presented. References 1. Rabiner L.R., Gold B. Theory and applications of digital signal processing // Prentice-Hall, Inc. 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