UP OPEN UNIVERSITY LIBRARY NEW ACQUISITIONS LIST as of September 2004 (from International Book Fair) AZ History of scholarship and learning. The humanities AZ Electronic collaboration in the humanities: issues and options / edited by James A. 183 Inman, Cheryl Reed, Peter Sands. U5 E44 B1-5802 Philosophy (General) B World without design : the ontological consequences of naturalism / Michael C. Rea. 828.2 R43 BF – Psychology BF Exploring research / Neil J. Salkind. 76.5 S24 2003 BF 121 G47 2004 BF 637 C6 M37894 2003 Psychology and life / Richard J. Gerrig, Philip G. Zimbardo. Doing counselling research / John McLeod. BF712-724.85 Developmental psychology BF Conceptions of development : lessons from the laboratory / edited by David J. 713 Lewkowicz, Robert Lickliter. C65 BF 723 C5 O38 Cognitive and language development in children / John Oates and Andrew Grayson. BF 723 P75 I57 Integrating gender and culture in parenting / Toni Schindler Zimmerman, editor. BJ71-1185 Ethics. History and general works BJ Ethics : a pluralistic approach to moral theory / Lawrence M. Hinman. 1012 H564 2003 BJ 1025 G675 Eight theories of ethics / Gordon Graham. CB History of Civilization by Period CB Critical cultural policy studies : a reader / edited by Justin Lewis and Toby 430 Miller. C75 GB Physical geography GB Essentials of physical geography / Robert E. Gabler, James F. Petersen, 54.5 L.Michael Trapasso; contributing authors, Robert J. Sager, Daniel L. Wise. G33 1997 GE1-350 Environmental sciences GE Environmental ethics : an introduction to environmental philosophy / Joseph 42 R. Des Jardins. D48 2001 GE 105 C865 2004 Principles of environmental science : inquiry and applications / William P. Cunningham, Mary Ann Cunningham. GE 105 G563 Global environmental issues / edited by Frances Harris. GE 149 L65 GE 170 E5754 The skeptical environmentalist : measuring the real state of the world / Bjorn Lomborg. Environmental governance reconsidered : challenges, choices, and opportunities / edited by Robert F. Durant, Daniel J. Fiorino, and Rosemary O'Leary. H1-99 Social sciences (General) H Game theory : a critical text / Shaun P. Hargreaves Heap & Yanis Varoufakis. 61.25 H4 2004 H 61.28 I57 Inside interviewing : new lenses, new concerns / James A. Holstein, Jaber F. Gubrium, editors. H 61.28 P67 Postmodern interviewing / editors, Jaber F. Gubrium, James A. Holstein. H 62 G72 Doing research in the real world / David E Gray. H 62 Q353 The qualitative research experience / Deborah K. Padgett, editor. H 62 Q356 2004 Qualitative research : theory, method, and practice / edited by David Silverman. H 62 J346 2003 "Stretching" exercises for qualitative researchers / Valerie J. Janesick. H 62.5 D44 D48 2003 Development fieldwork : a practical guide / edited by Regina Scheyvens and Donovan Storey. H 62.5 U5 S56 2003 Social studies for secondary schools : teaching to learn, learning to teach / Alan J. Singer, and the Hofstra Social Studies Educators, Hofstra University. HA29-32 Theory and method of social science statistics HA Next steps with SPSS / Eric L. Einspruch. 32 E448 HA 32 F67 2001 HB615-715 HB 615 I575 1998 Data analysis using SPSS for Windows versions 8 to 10 : a beginner's guide / Jeremy J. Foster. Entrepreneurship.Risk and uncertainty. Property Entrepreneurship and organization : the role of the entrepreneur in organizational innovation / edited by Michael J. Lynskey and Seiichiro Yonekura. HB 615 I575 1998 HD28-70 Management. Industrial management HD The economics of self-employment and entrepreneurship / Simon C. Parker. 30.22 P376 HD 30.22 S247 2001 Managerial economics in a global economy / Dominick Salvatore. HD 30.25 B664 1997 Quantitative analysis for management / Charles P. Bonini, Warren H. Hausman, Harold Bierman Jr. HD 30.3 H3575 The new handbook of organizational communication : advances in theory, research, and methods / Fredric M. Jablin, Linda L. Putnam, editors. HD 30.3 K485 Key issues in organizational communication / edited by Dennis Tourish, Owen Hargie. HD 30.4 P735 Making managers in universities and colleges / Craig Prichard. HD 30.4 M3489 Management education / [edited by] P.R. Trivedi, K.N. Sudarshan. HD 31 B369485 2004 Management : the new competitive landscape / Thomas S. Bateman, Scott A. Snell. HD 31 C4125 2003 Modern management : adding digital focus / Samuel C. Certo. HD 45 B799 2004 Strategic management of technology and innovation / Robert A. Burgelman, Clayton M. Christensen, Steven C. Wheelwright. HD 58.82 B56 The Blackwell handbook of organizational learning and knowledge management / edited by Mark Easterby-Smith and Marjorie A. Lyles. HD 58.8 C57 2002 The end of management and the rise of organizational democracy / Kenneth Cloke, Joan Goldsmith ; foreword by Warren Bennis. HD 58.82 H36 Handbook of organizational learning and knowledge / edited by Meinolf Dierkes ... [et al.]. HD 58.82 M3698 2003 Action learning in action : transforming problems and people for world-class organizational learning / Michael J. Marquardt ; foreword by Reg Revans. HD 60 H3893 Harvard business review on leadership in a changed world. HD 62.5 T55 2004 New venture creation : entrepreneurship for the 21st century / Jeffry A. Timmons and Stephen Spinelli, Jr. HD 62.6 P38 Managing and measuring social enterprises / Rob Paton. HD 69 P75 M54 Project management toolbox : tools and techniques for the practicing project manager / Dragan Milosevic. HD 69 P75 O86 Practicing evaluation : a collaborative approach / by Rita G. O'Sullivan. HD 69 P75 S39 2002 Information technology project management / Kathy Schwalbe. 2 nd ed. HD 69 P75 S39 2004 Information technology project management / Kathy Schwalbe. 3 rd ed. HD72-88 Economic growth, development, planning HD Research for development : a practical guide, / Sophie Laws [with Caroline 77 Harper and Rachel Marcus]. L38 HD4801-8943 Labor.Work.Working class HD Women in management : current research issues / edited by Marilyn J. 6054.3 Davidson, Ronald J. Burke. W643 HF5410-5417.5 Marketing.Distribution of products HF Integrated advertising, promotion, and marketing communications / Kenneth 5415.123 E. Clow, Donald E. Baack. C58 HF 5415.123 S54 2003 Advertising, promotion & supplemental aspects of integrated marketing communications / Terence A. Shimp. HF5549-5549.5 Personnel management.Employment management HF The HR answer book : an indispensable guide for managers and human 5549.17 resources professionals / Shawn Smith, Rebecca Mazin. S62 HF 5549.5 T7 L4264 2004 Multimedia-based instructional design : computer-based training, web-based training, distance broadcast training, performance-based solutions / William W. Lee, Diana L. Owens. HF5801-6182 Advertising HF Effective advertising : understanding when, how, and why advertising works / 5823 by Gerard J. Tellis. T273 HF 5823 W455 2003 Advertising : principles and practice / William Wells, John Burnett, Sandra Moriarty. HF 5826.5 K38 2003 The media handbook : a complete guide to advertising media selection, planning, research, and buying / Helen Katz. HG4501-6051 Investment, capital formation, speculation HG Electronic commerce and the revolution in financial markets / Ming Fan ... [et 4515.5 al.]. E44 HM Sociology HM Methods for testing and evaluating survey questionnaires / edited by Stanley 538 Presser ...[et al.]. M48 HM 585 B375 2003 Discovering sociology : using MicroCase ExplorIt / Steven E. Barkan. HM 623 B374 The Sage dictionary of cultural studies / Chris Barker. HM 786 E87 Essential guide to qualitative methods in organizational research / edited by Catherine Cassell and Gillian Symon. HM 1261 D533 Leading with the brain in mind: 101 brain-compatible practices for leaders / by Michael H. Dickmann, Nancy Standford-Blair, Anthea Rosati-Bojar. HN Social history and conditions HN Globalization and social policy / Nicola Yeates. 28 Y43 HQ The Family. Marriage. Women HQ Child development : its nature and course / Ganie B. DeHart, L. Alan Sroufe, 767.9 Robert G. Cooper. D44 2004 HQ 1180 R35 Feminist methodology : challenges and choices / Caroline Ramazano?glu with Janet Holland. HQ 1391 U5 S75 2002 Gender images in public administration : legitimacy and the administrative state / Camilla Stivers. HV Social service. Social work HV Social work : an introduction to the profession / Elizabeth A. Segal, Karen E. 40 Gerdes, Sue Steiner. S435 HV 91 S48 2003 Techniques and guidelines for social work practice / Bradford W. Sheafor, Charles R. Horejsi. JF1338-2112 Public administration JF Classics of public administration / [edited by] Jay M. Shafritz, Albert C. Hyde, 1351 Sandra J. Parkes. C465 2004 JF 1351 D46 2004 Theories of public organization / Robert B. Denhardt. JN Political JN 425 P75 institutions and public administration Providing quality in the public sector : a practical approach to improving public services / Lucy Gaster and Amanda Squires ; with John Crawley ... [et al.]. K 3581- (3598) Environmental law K The earth on trial : environmental law on the international stage / Paul 3585.4 Stanton Kibel. K53 1999 KD Law of the United Kingdom and Ireland KD Copyright in further and higher education libraries / revised and updated by 1305.2 Sandy Norman. C665 1999 KF Law of the United States KF Who owns academic work? : battling for control of intellectual property / 2979 Corynne McSherry. M37 KPM Law. Asia. Philippines KPM Laws on women / edited by Myrna S. Feliciano, Flordeliza C. Vargas-Trinidad. 517.5 P55 LB1025-1050.75 Teaching (Principles and practice) LB How to design a training course : a guide to participatory curriculum 1027.47 development / Peter Taylor. T39 LB 1028 A53 Research questions / Richard Andrews. LB 1028 B755 2000 Philosophy of educational research / Richard Pring. LB 1028 D57 Disseminating qualitative research in educational settings : a critical introduction / Christina Hughes. LB 1028 E73 The Ethics of educational research / edited by Mike McNamee and David Bridges. LB 1028.24 B78 Action research and postmodernism : congruence and critique / Tony Brown and Liz Jones. LB 1028.25 G7 H36 Educational research, policymaking and practice / Martyn Hammersley. LB 1028.3 H355 2004 Handbook of research on educational communications and technology / edited by David H. Jonassen. LB 1028.43 I53 Information and IT literacy : enabling learning in the 21st century / edited by Allan Martin and Hannelore Rader. LB 1028.5 L85 Learning online : a guide to success in the virtual classroom / Maggie McVay Lynch. LB 1033.5 R65 The role of communication in learning to model / edited by Paul Brna ... [et al.]. LB 1044 U85 2004 Using video in teacher education / edited by Jere Brophy. LB 1044.87 D47 Design and implementation of Web-enabled teaching tools / [edited by] Mary Hricko. LB 1044.87 G74 2001 The Internet in school / Duncan Grey. LB 1044.87 I547 Integrated e-learning : implications for pedagogy, technology and organization / edited by Wim Jochems, Jeroen van Merrieenboer, and Rob Koper. LB 1044.875 F33 Facilitating online learning : effective strategies for moderators / by George Collison ... [et al.]. LB1049.9-1050.75 Reading LB Reading and reader development : the pleasure of reading / Judith Elkin, Briony 1050 Train, Debbie Denham. E39 LB 1050.42 A44 Teaching strategic processes in reading / Janice F. Almasi ; foreword by Michael Pressley. LB 1050.42 D84 Explaining reading : a resource for teaching concepts, skills, and strategies / Gerald G. Duffy. LB 1050.45 R46 Rethinking reading comprehension / edited by Anne Polselli Sweet and Catherine E. Snow LB 1050.5 B29 Struggling readers : assessment and instruction in grades k-6 / Ernest Balajthy, Sally Lipa-Wade. LB1050.9-1091 Educational psychology LB Totally positive teaching : a five-stage approach to energizing students and 1065 teachers / Joseph Ciaccio. C52 LB 1065 M2745 2004 LB 1072 D39 How to turn learners on-- without turning them off : ways to ignite interest in learning / Robert F. Mager. A passion for teaching / Christopher Day. LB1101 - 1139 Child study LB Language and learning: the home and school years / Terry Piper. 1139 L3 P53 2003 LB1140 Preschool education. Nursery schools LB Creating effective learning environments / Karyn Wellhousen and Ingrid 1140 Crowther. W44 LB1555-1602 Elementary or public school education LB Interpreting literature with children / Shelby A. Wolf. 1575.5 U5 W65 LB 1575.8 Z37 2002 LB 1576 S246 2003 Rethinking language arts : passion and practice / Nina Zaragoza. Total literacy : reading, writing and learning / Mary Beth Sampson, Timothy V. Rasinki, Michael R.Sampson. LB1705-2286 Education and training of teachers and administrators LB Teaching to learn, learning to teach: a handbook for secondary school teachers 1737 / Alan J. Singer with Maureen Murphy, S. Maxwell Hines, and the Hosfstra New A3 Teachers Network. S56 LB 1738 S39 The scholarship of academic development / edited by Heather Eggins and Ranald Macdonald. LB2300-2430 Higher education LB A handbook for teaching & learning in higher education : enhancing academic 2331 practice / [editors] Heather Fry, Steve Ketteridge, Stephanie Marshall. H3145 LB 2333 G46 2003 A handbook of techniques for formative evaluation : mapping the student's learning experience / Judith George, John Cowan. LB 2369 W355 Your undergraduate dissertation : the essential guide for success / Nicholas Walliman. LB 2393 E95 Giving a lecture : from presenting to teaching / Kate Exley and Reg Dennick. LB 2395 T35 Studying at a distance : a guide for students / Christine J. Talbot. LB 2395.7 C45 Using C & IT to support teaching / Paul Chin. LB 2395.7 S25 2003 E-moderating : the key to teaching and learning online / Gilly Salmon. LB 2395.7 T54 The global virtual university / John Tiffin and Lalita Rajasingham. LB2801-3095 School administration and organization LB Leading learners, leading schools / Robin Brooke-Smith. 2805 B82 LB 2805 E69 EQ + IQ=best leadership practices for caring and successful schools / edited by Maurice J. Elias, Harriett Arnold, and Cynthia Steiger Hussey. LB 2806.4 C66 Supportive supervision: becoming a teacher of teachers / Albert J. Coppola, Diane B. Scricca, and Gerard E. Connors. LB 2831.92 S68 The leadership brain: how to lead today's schools more effectively / David A. Sousa. LB 2831.926 G7 F53 The headship game : the challenges of contemporary school leadership / Brian Fidler & Tessa Atton. LB 2838 A77 Assessing teacher effectiveness : developing a differentiated model / Jim Campbell ... [et al.]. LB 2900.5 F53 Strategic management for school development : leading your school's improvement strategy / Brian Fidler. LB 2900.5 L435 Leadership in education / edited by Mark Brundrett, Neil Burton and Robert Smith. LB 3401 – 3495 School hygiene. School health services LB Classroom-based language and literacy intervention: a programs and case 3454 studies approach / Francine C. Falk-Ross. F37 2002 LC 149- 161 Literacy. Illiteracy LC Literacy in the information age : inquiries into meaning making with new 149.5 technologies / Bertram C. Bruce, editor. L577 LC 189- 214.53 Educational sociology LC Educational foundations : an anthology of critical readings / [edited by] Alan S. 196 Canestrari, Bruce A. Marlowe. E393 LC 3701-3740 Immigrant or ethnic and linguistic minorities TS Dual language instruction : a handbook for enriched education / Nancy Cloud, 155 Fred Genesee, Else Hamayan. LC3731 C568 S334 2004 LC 3950-4806.5 Exceptional children and youth. Special education LC Making technology work for learners with special needs : practical skills for 4024 teachers / Jean G. Ulman. U56 LC 4031 M46 Research and evaluation methods in special education / by Donna M. Mertens, John A. McLaughlin. LC 5800-5808 Distance education LC Flexible learning in a digital world : experiences and expectations / Betty 5800 Collins, Jef Moonen. C655 LC 5800 O62 Open and distance learning today / edited by Fred Lockwood. LC 5803 C65 D86 Learner centered theory and practice in distance education : cases from higher education / Thomas M. Duffy and Jamie R. Kirkley. LC 5808 G7 S56 Student retention in online, open, and distance learning / Ormond Simpson. NC 997-1003 Commercial art. Advertising art. NC Exploring the elements of design / Poppy Evans, Mark Thomas. 997 E94 P Philology. Linguistics P The new psychology of language : cognitive and functional approaches to 37 language structure / edited by Michael Tomasello. N44 P87-96 Communication. Mass media P Introduction to mass communication : media literacy and culture / Stanley J. 90 Baran. B284 2003 P 90 B285 2003 Mass communication theory : foundations, ferment and future / Stanley J. Baran, Dennis K. Davis. P 90 S3994 2002 Communication : making connections / William J. Seiler, Melissa L. Beall. P 91 B36 The basics of communication research / Leslie A. Baxter, Earl Babbie. P 91.25 C615 Communication studies : the essential resource / [edited by] Andrew Beck, Peter Bennett, and Peter Wall. P 91.28 M43 Media access : social and psychological dimensions of new technology use / edited by Erik P. Bucy and John E. Newhagen. P 91.3 B386 1998 Media research techniques / Arthur Asa Berger. P 91.3 M46 Communication research methods / Gerianne Merrigan, Carole Logan Huston ; with a foreword by Brian A. Spitzberg. P 93.5 N48 New media : theories and practices of digitextuality / edited by Anna Everett and John T. Caldwell. P 96 E25 M4 2003 Media economics : theory and practice / edited by Alison Alexander ... [et al.]. P 96 M34 M4 2003 Media management : a casebook approach / Jan LeBlanc Wicks ... [et al.]. P 96 T46 N39 New media language / edited by Jean Aitchison and Diana M. Lewis. P101-410 Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar. P New horizons in the study of language and mind / Noam Chomsky. 106 C524 P 107 T48 Communication and language : a handbook of theory and practice / Neil Thompson ; consultant editor, Jo Campling. P 118 F585 Language learning : a lifelong process / Joseph Foley and Linda Thompson. P 118 L2497 Language acquisition and conceptual development / edited by Melissa Bowerman and Stephen C. Levinson. PE 1001-1693 Modern English PE Intertexts : reading pedagogy in college writing classrooms / edited by 1404 Marguerite Helmers. I54 PE 1408 R69 2002 Writing analytically / David Rosenwasser, Jill Stephen. PE 1413 B28 Academic writing : a practical guide for students / Stephen Bailey. PE 1408 M787 2001 The craft of revision / Donald M. Murray. PE 1408 R28 2004 The Prentice Hall writer's guide to research and documentation / Kirk G. Rasmussen. PE 1408 R426 2002 Strategies for successful writing : a rhetoric, research guide, reader, and handbook / James A. Reinking, Andrew W. Hart, Robert von der Osten. PE 1475 H65 2002 Technical writing basics : a guide to style and form / Brian R. Holloway. PN 1990-1992.92 Broadcasting PN How to make the most out of every media appearance : getting your message 1992.8 across on the air, in print, or online / George Merlis. I68 M47 PN 4699-5650 Journalism PN Journalism : principles and practice / Tony Harcup. 4731 H296 PN 4888 P6 M39 The two W's of journalism : why and what of public affairs journalism / Davis "Buzz" Merritt and Maxwell McCombs. PN 5114 C84 2003 Power without responsibility : the press and broadcasting in Britain / James Curran and Jean Seaton. Q Science (General) Q Reading and understanding research / Lawrence F. Locke, Stephen J. Silverman, 180 Waneen Wyrick Spirduso. A1 L63 2004 Q 180.5 M67 M33 2000 Scientific integrity : an introductory text with cases / Francis L. Macrina. Q 180.55 M3 B88 2003 Managing research / Robert W. Bushaway. Q 181 V57 2002 A vision for science education : responding to the work of Peter Fensham / edited by Roger Cross. QA Mathematics QA MySQL tutorial / Luke Welling and Laura Thomson. 76.3 S67 W45 2004 QA 76.575 S775 2001 Developing effective websites : a project manager's guide / Roy Strauss, Patrick Hogan. QA 76.7 S43 2003 Concepts of programming languages / Robert W. Sebesta. QA 76.73 C15 Q55 2003 Parallel programming in C with MPI and openMP / Michael J. Quinn. QA 76.76 H94 P43 2004 Programming the Web using XML / Ellen Pearlman, Eileen Mullin. QA 76.9 B32 L57 2003 Implementing backup and recovery : the readiness guide for the enterprise / David B. Little, David A. Chapa. QA 297 C426 1999 Numerical mathematics and computing / Ward Cheney, David Kincaid. QD Chemistry QD Chemistry : a project of the American Chemical Society. 31.3 B45 2005 QD 33.2 H54 2004 QD 33.2 I56 2004 Chemistry for changing times / John W. Hill, Doris K. Kolb ; with special contributions by Cynthia S. Hill and Steven W. Keller. QD 39.7 K69 2003 The ethical chemist : professionalism and ethics in science / by Jeffrey Kovac. QD 253.2 S65 2004 Organic chemistry / T.W. Graham Solomons, Craig B. Fryhle. Chemistry in your life / Colin Baird, Wendy Gloffe. QH Natural history (General) QH Schaum's outline of theory and problems of molecular and cell biology / William 506 D. Stansfield, Jaime S. Colome, Raul J. Cano. S76 1996 QH 541 S674 2004 Ecology : theories and applications / Peter Stiling. QH 541.5 F6 K55 2004 Forest ecology : a foundation for sustainable forest management and environmental ethics in forestry / J.P. Kimmins. QP Physiology QP Human biology : health, homeostasis, and the environment / Daniel D. Chiras. 36 C46 2002 R Medical education R Making sense of factor analysis : the use of factor analysis for instrument 853 development in health care research / Marjorie A. Pett, Nancy R. Lackey, John J. S7 Sullivan. P479 RA Public aspects of medicine RA Health care economics [sic] / Paul J. Feldstein. 410 F44 2005 RA 525 H36 Handbook for the economic analysis of health sector projects. RC Internal medicine RC Cardiac nursing / [edited by] Susan L. Woods...[et.al]. 674 C3 2005 RC 954 H33 2003 Handbook of geriatric nursing care. RG Gynecology and obstetrics RG Maternity nursing care / Lynna Y. Littleton and Joan C. Engebretson. 951 L565 RJ Pediatrics RJ Straight talk about psychological testing for kids / Ellen B. Braaten, Gretchen 503.5 Felopulos. B73 RM Therapeutics. Pharmacology RM Core curriculum for infusion nursing / Infusion Nurses Society ; editors, Ann 170 Corrigan, Mary Alexander. C67 2004 RT Nursing RT Informatics and nursing : opportunities & challenges / Linda Q. Thede. 50.5 T486 2003 RT 81.5 M235 Understanding nursing research : reading and using research in practice / Carol L. Macnee. RT 84.5 M45 2005 Theoretical nursing : development and progress / Afaf Ibrahim Meleis. RT 85 T73 2002 Ethics in nursing : the caring relationship / Verena Tschudin. RT 90 N86 2003 Nurse as educator : principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice / [edited by] Susan B. Bastable. RT 86.54 A53 2003 Transcultural concepts in nursing care / Margaret M. Andrews, Joyceen S. Boyle ; Canadian editor, Tracy Jean Carr. SH Fisheries resources SH Ecology of aquatic management / Chris Frid, Mike Dobson. 327.5 F74 T Technology T Technology transfer : strategic management in developing countries / Goel 49.5 Cohen. C626 T 385 P515 The digital designer : 101 graphic design projects for print, the Web, multimedia & motion graphics / Stephen Pite. T 385 W362 Microsoft Direct3D programming : kick start / Clayton Walnum. TK 5101-6720 Telecommunication TK Communication technology update / [edited by] August E. Grant and Jennifer 5101 Herman Meadows. C65 2000 TK 5105.2 W36 Video processing and communications / Yao Wang, Jeorn Ostermann, Ya-Qin Zhang. TK 5105.888 B365 Design for new media : interaction design for multimedia and the Web / Lon Barfield. TK 5105.888 M376 User-centered Web site development : a human computer interaction approach / Daniel D. McCracken, Rosalee J. Wolfe. TR Photography TR Digital moviemaking / Lynne S. Gross, Larry W. Ward. 860 G76 2004 TR 860 V53 2004 The Videomaker guide to digital video and DVD production / from the editors of Computer videomaker magazine ; introduction by Matt York, publisher/editor ; preface by Stephen Muratore, editor-in-chief. TR 882.5 Z485 2004 Video basics 4 / Herbert Zettl. TR 897.5 K73 Motion graphic design & fine art animation : principles and practice / Jon Krasner. Z Books (General) Writing Z Graphic communications today / by William Ryan and Theodore E. Conover. 246 C58 2004 Z 674.75 I58 A87 Attracting, educating, and serving remote users through the Web : a how-to-do-it manual for librarians / edited by Donnelyn Curtis. ZA 3157 A45 E-learning and teaching in library and information services / Barbara Allan. ZA 4080 D44 2002 Digital futures : strategies for the information age / Marilyn Deegan and Simon Tanner.