

2.1 SSNB

Train to Train (T2T)


Free Body Strength



DO each of the 8 exercises once - go through the list 2 times with a max 5 min rest at the end of all 8

Tucked position & good technique are important - pay attention to the technical points on the KORDS sheet.

“IF” you can easily do all the Kords & Weigh shift – add a 10LB sack of sand to your hips for more resistance.

1 st Set -1 X 50 free standing single leg squats 5 x

10 on RT leg / do 10 on LT - Keep alternating until 50 completed -

- Technical position – Knee to ankle . IF you cannot do a free standing SLQ – Do them with your recovery leg supported on something about your knee height. See SSNB Leg squat progression sheet

2 nd set - Kords (Seat belts)


--5 X 10 each leg ( RT Leg Cross –as in the turn) r 3’ (Focus on



- 2 down - 0 - 2 up - 0 , staying in a proper tucked position is key

( You need to feel your abs are engaged)

(do 10 turn and do 10 with other leg and repeat until done)

- Lean angle - at least 45 degrees from perpendicular - Make sure support knee stays under middle of chest when compressed . DO Not grab belt with hand - hold just enough to avoid rotation . Try to drop your shoulder closest to belt support, so your shoulders remain parallel with the ground. Left leg extension / recovery DOES NOT touch the ground.

Weight should be mid foot, knee well over toes. (An angled foot brace gives a better feel of the push to better mimic when you skate).

3 rd Set - Position dry skate - 2 X 4 Min ( 3-5 sec switches) Decent tucked position – weight on support leg – as recovery leg returns from the back and when knee begins forward movement body begins its lean .

when the Knees are together the skater presses the hip across for the next stride.Foot lands under the Hip .

(DO NOT Stick foot out to receive the landing)

Low position walking toe touches - 15 steps each leg . From a low basic position - Place 1 foot extended to the front – touch toes for a 3 count with the weight mid foot on the support leg –little or No weight on extended leg . WITH OUT going up – walk forward on to extended foot in a low position and have other foot extended to the front. NOT Done Fast . REPEAT required number of times

Bounding Up - 1 X 5 r 1’ Explosive Jumps (HOW HIGH are you JUMPING ?)

From a low tucked position, (arms back ) do an explosive jump up on to an elevated surface landing in a stable tucked position . ( Height of the surface you are jumping to will be something that you can easily jump, BUT EACH JUMP IS A MAXIMAL EFFORT FOR HEIGHT

SSNB Plank - From a push up position - 1.5 min

10 sec stable arm reach ( alternate every 5 sec); 20 sec walking feet out wide & back in; 20 sec constantly alternating from push-up position to front forearm , 10 sec stable arm reach ( alternate every 5 sec) ; 20 sec walking feet out wide & back in. 10 sec constantly alternating from push-up position to front forearm. Finish in a push up position.

Abductors - 2 X 15 each leg Stand straight throughout motion with core engaged - push your foot away from the support base- You can very lightly touch something for balance

Roll Away Jackknife - 8 Repetitions ( roll out- pause for 2 count & back )

With a weight bar or an inexpensive roller gadget , place object on floor. Roll out to full Push - up position ( Or to the farthest point you can hold) and return back to starting position. Can be done as the

“inch worm” if you do not have a bar.

NOTE : Can be done with a Physio ball. When fully extended - elbows on ball (try to extend tricepts fully)

Skipping (with a rope ) You should have your own - they come in handy

1 X 2 min continuous rest – 1 min

IT Band stretch - 2 X 30 sec each side

Crossover in front of hip to stretch - arms straight over head and lean back to the side the crossover leg comes from - keeping body in a straight sideway line

DO ALL 8 Drills - REST 3 - 5 Minutes

- Repeat so you have done complete Program 2 times and finish up with 3 rd set (dry skate)
