2012 / 50 Participation Branch staffing advice (doc

Adult Community Education Memo No: 50/2012
21 December 2012
ACFE Regional Council Chairs
Adult Education Institutions
ACE Organisations
ACE Stakeholders
ACFE Staff
Subject: Participation Branch staffing advice
The new organisational structure for DEECD was announced in mid-October and flagged a
significant change with the integration of functions currently performed by the ACFE Division and
functions of the Pathways, Participation and Youth (PPY) Division within the Higher Education and
Skills Group, to form a new Pathways and Participation Division. This merger brings together into
one Branch, the Participation Branch, inter- related functions that include current ACFE business,
projects and budgets, support for the LLEN initiative and Workplace Learning Coordinators, statewide
VET e-learning, access and equity, and the Wurreker strategy. There is also a Pathways Branch in
the Division that covers support for career development for learners, youth pathways including Trade
Training Centres and VET in schools and apprenticeship policy and programs.
The Participation branch of the new Division has two units:
Network and Regional Support Unit. Responsible for place-based planning and delivery of transition
and adult learning supports for young people and higher needs learners. This unit includes staff in
DEECD regional offices within the four new regions:
South-Eastern Victoria Region (current Gippsland and Southern Metropolitan Regions)
North-Eastern Victoria Region (current Hume and Eastern Metropolitan Regions)
North-Western Victoria Region (current Loddon Mallee and Northern Metropolitan Regions)
South-Western Victoria Region (current Barwon South Western, Grampians and Western
Metropolitan Regions).
Participation, Practice and Development Unit. To support practice and pedagogical development,
and strategies that increase participation. The Unit will also provide support for the ACFE Board.
Staff have now been assigned to most positions within the two units and are key staff and those with
regional responsibilities or located in regions are detailed in the attached Participation branch
organisation chart. Whilst there is no change in the location in some of the four regions there is of
necessity some relocation and changes in others and we will provide updates on the contact details
and locations of staff progressively into the New Year as these become clearer.
I would also like to take this opportunity to recognise the valuable contribution made by a number of
ACFE staff who will not be continuing in the new structure and know that you will join me in wishing
each of them the very best in the next phase of their lives. I would also like to thank all the Learn
Local organisations for staying focused and continuing to work hard to deliver ACFE programs to
learners across Victoria.
Acting Executive Director
Adult, Community and Further Education Board
Level 3, 2 Treasury Place, East Melbourne Victoria 3002 GPO Box 266 Melbourne Victoria 3001
Telephone: (03) 9637 2072
Facsimile: (03) 9637 3693
Email: acfe@edumail.vic.gov.au
Website: www.acfe.vic.gov.au
Pathways Branch
Director – Bronwen Heathfield
South East
North East
North West
Teresa Durka
Project Support Officers
Immanuel Subbiah
Jackie Morrow
1 x TBA
Senior Network Project Officer
Jeremy Brewer
DEECD - HESG 2 Treasury Place
Manager, Stakeholder & Regional Support
Robyn Downie
DEECD Regional Office Dandenong
Stakeholder & Regional Support Officer
Janine Pickersgill
DEECD Regional Office Dandenong
Senior Network Project Officer
Ruth Barnes
DEECD Regional Office Ballarat
Manager, Stakeholder & Regional Support
Georgina Ryder
DEECD Regional Office Geelong
Stakeholder & Regional Support Officer
David Harris
DEECD Regional Office Geelong
Senior Network Project Officer
Anne Burgoyne
DEECD Regional Office Glen Waverley
Manager, Stakeholder & Regional Support
Julie Hebert
DEECD Regional Office Glen Waverley
Stakeholder & Regional Support Officer
Angelo Pietrobon
DEECD Regional Office Glen Waverley
Senior Network Project Officer
Manager, Stakeholder & Regional Support
Kaye Callaghan
DEECD Regional Office Bendigo
Stakeholder & Regional Support Officer
Susanne O’Brien
DEECD - HESG 2 Treasury Place
Verna Kearney
Senior Project Officers
Brian Donne
Rebecca Pollard
Amanda Wells
Sharon Waitzer
Tom Collins
2 x TBA
Project Officers
Sally Jamieson
Christine Marett
Manager ACFE Board
Jane Dewildt
Senior Project Officer
Georgie Marinucci
Project Support Officer
Aimee Nelker