TO: RE: SYSTEMS ACCESS / PENALTY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATEMENT I decline to sign the acknowledgement of “Agency Policy for Systems Access, Table of Penalties for Violations”. My reasons for refusing to sign include: 1. The acknowledgement violates my due process rights by forcing me to agree in advance to certain penalties even though I have done nothing wrong. 2. The Table of Penalties violates Article 23 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. This Article deals with progressive discipline allowing for oral warnings and written reprimand BEFORE a suspension is imposed on any employee. 3. SSA is asking me to acknowledge certain laws, regulations and OMB circulars without providing me with copies and the duty time to familiarize myself with them. 4. It is unclear to me which relationships the Agency could deem “unauthorized.” Please place a copy of this in my SF 7B file. _______________________________ Employee _______________________________ Date Submitted SSA SYSTEMS ACCESS VIOLATIONS DISCLAIMER I incorrectly signed the Acknowledgement Statement regarding SSA's policy regarding systems access violations. I was asked to sign this statement without a thorough explanation or definition of the terms "family", "friend", "acquaintances", "co-workers" and/or "coaching". Check all that apply: _____ I request a written definition of the following terms: ____ "family" ____ "friend" ____ "acquaintances" ____ "co-workers" ____ "coaching" I request that the Acknowledgement Statement that I signed be removed from my 7B extension file and returned to me, and that management provide me with an opportunity to sign the form after I have been provided with the above written definitions and have achieved a thorough understanding of the terms listed above. ____________________________________ ________________ Employees Name CC: 7B extension file Date TO: RE: SYSTEMS ACCESS / PENALTY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATEMENT I have signed the sanctions statement before realizing that the agency may consider my signature as my acknowledgement that I totally understand the “Agency Policy for Systems Access, Table of Penalties for Violations”. The sanctions can be confusing and I do not waive my right to progressive discipline, as is my right under Article 23 of the Union Contract. 1. The acknowledgement violates my due process rights by forcing me to agree in advance to certain penalties even though I have done nothing wrong. 2. The Table of Penalties violates Article 23 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. This Article deals with progressive discipline allowing for oral warnings and written reprimand BEFORE a suspension is imposed on any employee. 3. SSA is asking me to acknowledge certain laws, regulations and OMB circulars without providing me with copies and the duty time to familiarize myself with them. 4. It is unclear to me which relationships the Agency could deem “unauthorized.” Please place a copy of this in my SF 7B file. _______________________________ Employee _______________________________ Date Submitted TO: RE: Safeguarding Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Acknowledgement Statement I decline to sign the “Safeguarding Personally Identifiable Information (PII)” Acknowledgement Statement. My reasons for refusing to sign include: 1. SSA is asking me to acknowledge certain law, regulations, and other policies without providing me with copies and/or duty time to familiarize myself with them. 2. The Reminder is not clear about employee responsibilities to safeguard PII. 3. The Reminder is not clear about management’s responsibilities to safeguard PII. 4. It is unclear to me what would be considered a PII violation. 5. The Reminder is not clear about penalties an employee could be subject to for PII violations. 6. The Reminder is not clear about what information is considered to be PII. 7. Other reason (optional): __________________________________________ Please place a copy of this statement in my 7B file. ___________________________ Employee ________________________ Date