Contents Report Volume – I Foreword Preface Check List Salient Features Executive Summary List of Officers Associated in Preparation of DPR Index Map Volume –I - Main Report Para No. Particulars Page No. Chapter – 1 Introduction 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.8.1 1.8.2 General Outline of the Project Justification and the Objective of the Project Lessons Learned from Previous Projects National Perspective Plan for Water Resources Development Memorandum of Understanding between Centre and States and Inter- State Aspects Selection of Proposed Scheme Project Planning and Optimisation of Benefits Methodology Adopted Data Collection Planning and Lay-out Jheri Dam Paikhed Dam Chasmandva Dam Chikkar Dam Dabdar Dam Kelwan Dam Paikhed Barrage xcv 1 2 8 9 12 14 17 25 28 28 29 30 30 31 31 31 32 32 Para No. 1.8.3 1.8.4 Particulars Page No. Chasmandva Barrage 32 Link Canal 32 Powerhouse 33 Surveys & Investigations 33 Survey & Investigation Works Carried out 34 Departmentally Survey and Investigation Works Carried out by 36 Other Agencies Topographical Surveys 36 Borrow Area Survey, Construction Material Survey 36 and Testing of Rock Core Samples Geological Survey 37 Drilling Works 37 Demarcation of Command Area En- route of the 37 Link Canal Technical Studies 37 Design of Important Project Components and 37 writing of Design Chapter Irrigation Planning 38 Construction Planning, Equipment Planning and 38 Man-power Planning Hydrological Study 38 Power Potential and Electrical & Mechanical 38 Studies Study of Seismic Parameter 38 Morphological Study 38 Mineral Surveys 39 Archaeological Surveys 39 Cadastral Surveys 39 Soil Surveys 39 Socio-economic Survey and Environmental Impact 39 Assessment Studies Engineering Assessment and Front End 40 Engineering xcvi Para No. 1.8.5 1.8.6 1.9 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.2.7 2.2.8 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.4.5 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 Particulars Dam and Head Works Tunnel Connecting Jheri and Paikhed Reservoir Barrages Link Canal Ecological, Socio-economic and Financial Aspects Monitoring Mechanism Clearances Required Chapter – 2 Physical Features Geographical Disposition Topography of the Basins, Reservoirs and Command Area Par Basin Auranga Basin Ambica Basin Purna Basin Tapi Basin Narmada Basin Topography of the Reservoirs Topography of the Command Area Geology of the Basin, Reservoir and Command Area Geology of the Basins Geology of Reservoirs Geology of Command Area River System and catchment Area Par Basin Auranga Basin Ambica Basin Purna Basin Tapi Basin Basin Characteristics Rainfall Temperature, Relative Humidity, Wind Speed and Cloud Cover xcvii Page No. 40 42 42 42 43 49 49 50 50 50 51 52 52 53 53 54 55 56 56 57 59 60 60 61 62 62 63 64 64 65 Para No. 3.1 3.2 3.3 (a) 3.3(b) 3.3(c) 3.3 (d) 3.3 (e) 4.0 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6 4.1.7 4.1.8 Particulars Chapter – 3 Interstate Aspects States Traversed by the Rivers Distribution of Catchment in State and Yields from the Catchment of the State Concerned Effect on Project & of the Project on the Interstate Agreement on Sharing of Waters, Sharing the Benefits and Costs, Acceptance of Submergence in the Upstream State Etc., if Any. Effect on Project & of the Project on the Interstate Adjudication, if Any Effect on Project & of the Project on the Interstate Aspect of Territory, Property, etc. Coming Under Submergence, Project Affected People, Rehabilitation, Compensation, etc. Effect on Project & of the Project on the Existing and Sanctioned Projects. Any Other Aspect of the Project Involving Interstate Problems. Chapter – 4 Surveys and Investigations General Topographical Surveys Rivers Reservoirs Head Works Plant and Colony Layout Canal & Water Conductor System and Canal Structures Alternative crossing of Tapi River without Dropping at Ukai Reservoir Power House, Switch Yard, Surge shaft, Tailrace etc Tunnel Survey Command Area (detailed and sample) Detailed topographical surveys for identification of en-route Command Area of link canal. xcviii Page No. 67 67 70 74 74 75 75 76 81 82 85 89 94 94 95 95 96 96 97 Para No. 4.1.9 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.3 4.3.1. 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.4 4.4.1 4.5 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.5.4 4.5.5 4.5.6 4.5.7 4.5.8 4.5.9 4.6 4.6.1 4.6.2 4.6.3 4.6.4 4.6.5 Particulars Page No. Sample Command Area surveys for OFD works 99 Soil Conservation 99 Other Surveys 100 Archaeological Survey in the Reservoir area 100 Mineral Survey in the Catchments/ 100 Reservoir/Canals Area Right of Way Survey for the Reservoirs 101 Communication Surveys 101 Drainage Survey 103 Soil Surveys 103 Geology, Geophysical and Seismic Investigations 103 Regional Geology 103 Local Geology 104 Geological Investigations 105 Seismicity 109 Sub-surface Geology and Foundation 111 Investigations Geophysical Investigations 120 Construction Material Investigations 124 Soils 124 Sand 126 Rock and Aggregates 127 Bricks and Tiles 127 Pozzolona 127 Cement 128 Steel 128 Scarce Material 128 Any other Material 128 Hydrological and Meteorological Investigations 128 Rainfall 128 Discharge Data 131 Wind Speed 132 Humidity 132 Temperature 132 xcix Para No. 4.6.6 4.6.7 4.6.8 4.6.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.3.5 5.3.6 5.3.7 5.3.8 5.4 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 5.4.4 5.4.5 5.4.6 5.5 5.5.1 5.6 5.6.1 5.7 5.7.1 Particulars Sedimentation Water Quality Evaporation Morphological Studies Chapter –5 Hydrology and Water Assessment General General Climate and Hydrology General Information about Regions Specific Information Drainage Basins Command Area Floods and Drainage River Geometry Ground Water Recharge Reservoir Area Other Water Usage Navigation Data Availability Rainfall and Snowfall Pan Evaporation Temperature, Relative Humidity, Wind Speed and Cloud Cover River Gauge and Discharge Sediment (Suspended and Bed Load) Inflow and Grain Size Composition Water Quality Hydrological Data Requirement Alternatives and Classifications Type of Inputs Hydrological Inputs Compilation and Processing of Basic Hydrological Data Hydrological Investigation c Page No. 133 134 135 135 136 136 137 137 137 142 142 143 144 145 149 149 149 149 157 158 159 160 161 162 162 162 162 163 163 Para No. 5.7.2 5.7.3 5.7.4 5.7.5 5.8 5.8.1 5.8.2 5.8.3 5.9 5.9.1 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.14.1 Particulars Page No. Data from Other Sources 165 Processing of Data 165 Quality of Data 165 Filling of Short Data Gaps 165 Consistency of Data 166 Consistency Check of Rainfall Data 166 Weighted Mean Rainfall 167 Consistency Check for Discharge Data 172 Presentation of Data 194 Rainfall Data 194 Discharge / Yield Data 194 Water Availability / Inflows 195 Storage Projects 195 Approach in the Current Study 195 Hydrological Inputs required for Simulation 196 Water inflow in to Storage Reservoirs 196 Rainfall-Runoff Relationship 196 Gross Yield Series 202 Net yield Series 204 Diversion and Small Pondages 207 Sedimentation Studies 207 Revised Area Capacity Curves 207 Potential Evapotranspiration and Rainfall 217 Inputs for Water Quality 218 Low Flow Inputs 218 Surface to Groundwater Recharge 219 Data for Studies other than Simulation 219 Design Flood and Diversion Flood Studies of 219 Dams Derivation of Unit Hydrograph 220 Design Storm Studies 225 Convolution 229 Design flood (PMF) 229 Diversion Flood 232 ci Para No. 5.14.2 5.14.3 5.15 5.16 5.16.1 5.16.2 5.17 5.17 .1 5.17.2 5.17.3 5.17.4 5.17.5 5.17.6 6.0 6.1 6.1.1 Particulars Page No. Conclusion 239 Design Flood and Diversion Flood Studies of 240 Weirs Derivation of Unit Hydrograph 240 Design Storm Studies 243 Convolution 246 Flood Hydrograph at Weir Sites 246 Conclusion 249 Tail water rating curves 250 Studies for design of drainage in the command area 254 Studies for Determination of Levels for Locating 254 Structures on Outlets Location of structures 254 Location of Outlets 256 Simulation Studies of the Reservoirs 257 Broad Criteria 258 Computation of Net Inflows in to the Reservoirs 258 and Barrages Priorities / Operation policy 270 Demands 270 Common Demands at Each Reservoirs 270 Project Specific Demands 271 Multi reservoir Simulation Study 273 Reservoir Operation Policy / Priorities 274 Assumptions in the Simulation Study 275 Simulation Results and Observations 276 Chapter –6 Design Aspects Engineering Assessment 279 General 279 Geology, Seismicity and Foundation 282 Geology 282 Seismicity 285 Foundation Treatment 286 cii Para No. 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5 6.1.6 6.1.7 6.1.8 6.2 6.2.1 Particulars Page No. Alternative Studies carried out for Selection of Site 288 and Type of Structure Choice of Final Layout of all Major Components of 288 the Project and Reason Design Flood and Sediment Studies 290 Design Flood Studies 290 Sediment Studies 291 Flood Routing Studies 291 Free Board for Fixing Top Elevation of Various 293 Dams Jheri Dam 294 Paikhed Dam 294 Chasmandva Dam 294 Chikkar Dam 294 Dabdar Dam 294 Kelwan Dam 295 Paikhed Barrage 295 Chasmandva Barrage 296 River Diversion Arrangements 296 Construction Materials 296 Rock / River Boulder Samples (Coarse Aggregate) 296 Fine Aggregate Samples 297 Details of Model Studies for Important Structures 298 Dam 298 Concrete Face Rock Fill Dam – Design Criteria 298 and Stability Analysis General Layout 298 Background on Selection of CFRD 300 Attractive Features of a CFRD 301 Design of Typical Section of CFRDs 302 Dam Slope Stability 306 Plinth 306 Face Slab 307 Face Slab Thickness 308 ciii Para No. Particulars Panel Width Joints Parametric Joint and Water Stops Tensile Vertical Joint (Near Abutments) and Compressive Vertical Joint Horizontal Construction Joint Concrete Properties Concrete Mix Design Properties Concrete Aggregates Reinforcement Parapet Wall Joint between Parapet Wall and Face Slab Interface Wall Filter (Zone 2A) - Filter Requirements 6.2.2 Concrete Dam Layout of Concrete Dam Free Board Zoning Design of Concrete Dam Design Criteria for Non- Overflow Section Stability Analysis of Non-Overflow Section Design of Overflow Section (Spillway) Stability Analysis of Overflow Section Chute Spillway Energy Dissipation Arrangement Curtain and Consolidation Grouting Spillway Gates Opening through Dams Gallery Water Stop, Air Vent & Internal Drainage 6.3 Barrages and Head Regulators 6.3.1 Selection of Barrage Site 6.3.2 Design Flood civ Page No. 308 309 309 310 311 311 312 312 312 312 313 313 314 316 316 318 318 321 321 322 329 332 340 340 341 342 357 357 357 358 358 359 Para No. 6.3.3 6.3.4 6.3.5 6.3.6 6.3.7 6.3.8 6.3.9 6.3.10 6.3.11 6.3.12 6.3.13 6.3.14 6.3.15 6.3.16 6.3.17 6.3.18 6.3.19 6.4 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3 6.4.4 6.4.5 6.4.6 Particulars River Diversion Silt Factor Assumed Retrogression at Maximum and Minimum Discharges Pond Level Waterway and HFL Energy Dissipation Arrangement Drainage and Anchorage Arrangements Barrage Spillway Gates Paikhed Barrage Chasmandva Barrage Barrage Spillway Stop Logs Paikhed Barrage Chasmandva Barrage Gantry Crane for Stop Logs Paikhed Barrage Chasmandva Barrage Road-Cum-Gantry Bridge, Trestle, etc. Instruments and Remote Control Diesel Generating Set Weight Estimate for Gates and Operating Equipment Protection Works Seepage Control Head Regulator, Service Gate and Stop Logs and Hoists Paikhed Barrage Chasmandva Barrage Jheri – Paikhed Link Tunnel Layout of Link Tunnel Hydraulic Design of the Link Tunnel Intake Structure at Jheri Reservoir Jheri to Paikhed Link Tunnel Details Outfall Structure at Paikhed Reservoir Hydro-Mechanical Equipment for Jheri-Paikhed cv Page No. 359 360 360 360 360 361 361 361 361 362 362 362 363 364 364 364 364 365 365 365 366 366 367 367 368 369 369 369 370 371 373 374 Para No. Particulars Tunnel Intake at Jheri reservoir Outfall in Paikhed reservoir Instruments and Remote Control Diesel Generating Set Weight Estimate for Gates and Operating Equipment 6.5 Canals 6.5.1 Description of Canal System Canal Capacity Canal Alignment Details of Lining Provided Transmission Losses Sections and Reaches Shape Design Calculation for Adequacy of Canal Section Canal Operation 6.5.2 Canal Structures Cross Drainage Works / Regulators Layout and Foundation Cross Drainage 6.5.3 Study of Integrated Network of Canal System and its Operation 6.5.4 Description of Soil Profile along the Canal Alignment 6.5.5 Broad Outline of Canal Automation and Branch Canals upto 8 Cumec 6.6 Power Houses 6.6.1 6.6.1 Surface Power house at Paikhed dam Intake Structure Pressure Shaft /Penstock Tail race pool / Tail race channel Power Intake Service & Emergency Gate Draft Tube Gates 6.6.2 6.6.2 Surface Power house at Chasmandva Dam cvi Page No. 374 375 376 376 377 377 378 378 379 381 382 382 382 382 384 384 384 385 385 388 389 389 389 390 391 392 393 393 394 394 Para No. 6.6.3 6.6.4 6.6.5 6.6.6 6.7 6.8 7.0 7.1 7.1.1 Particulars Intake Structure Penstock Tail Race Pool / Channel Power Intake Service & Emergency Gate Draft Tube Gates Surface Power House at Chikkar Dam Intake Structure Penstock Tail Race Pool /Channel Power Intake Service & Emergency Gate Draft Tube Gates Surface Power House at Dabdar Dam Intake Structure Penstock Tail Race Pool / Channel Power Intake Service & Emergency Gate Draft Tube Gates Surface Power House at Kelwan Dam Intake Structure Penstock Tail Race Pool / Channel Power Intake Service & Emergency Gate Draft Tube Gates Surface Power House of Kelwan Feeder Canal Intake Structure Penstock Tail Race Pool Feeder Canal Power House Intake Service & Emergency Gate Feeder Canal Draft Tube Gates Instrumentation Other Studies Chapter – 7 Reservoir General Jheri Reservoir Fixation of Storage and Reservoir Levels cvii Page No. 396 396 396 397 397 398 400 400 400 400 401 402 403 404 404 404 405 405 407 407 408 408 409 409 411 411 411 411 412 413 413 414 417 417 Para No. 7.1.2 7.1.3 7.1.4 7.1.5 7.1.6 7.1.7 Particulars Approach–Criteria Dead Storage Level (DSL) Low Water Level / Minimum Draw-Down Level (MDDL) Full Reservoir Level (FRL) Maximum Water Level (MWL) Maximum Backwater Level at FRL and MWL and its Effect, Points to Which Backwater Effect is Felt. Maximum Distance of Such Points from the Axis of the Structure Saddles along the Reservoir Rim Fetch Direction of Wind - Velocity of Wind - Wave Height - Free Board-Top of Dam Sedimentation Data and Studies Rate of Sedimentation with Basis Quantity of Sediment Type and Shape of Reservoir Sediment Studies – Jheri Reservoir Sediment Distribution Life of Reservoir in Years with Basis Capacity Capacities of Jheri Reservoir Storage Water Tightness of the Reservoir Annual Losses Flood Absorption Effects on Sub Soil Water Table in the Adjoining Areas Particularly Downstream of the Dam Reservoir Rim Stability Area of Submergence At Maximum Water Level At Full Reservoir Level Submergence Ratio - Submerged (Cultivated) Area cviii Page No. 418 419 419 420 420 421 421 421 421 423 424 424 424 425 430 430 430 430 431 432 432 432 432 433 433 433 433 Para No. 7.1.8 7.1.9 7.1.10 7.1.11 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.2.4 Particulars / CCA Land Acquisition-Property SubmergedRehabilitation Land Acquisition Details of Property Submerged Rehabilitation of Project Affected People Recreation Facilities Pisciculture Need and Recommendation for Soil Conservation Measure in the Catchment Paikhed Reservoir Fixation of Storage and Reservoir Levels Approach–Criteria Dead Storage Level (DSL) Low Water Level / Minimum Draw-Down Level (MDDL) Full Reservoir Level (FRL) Maximum Water Level (MWL) Maximum Backwater Level at FRL and MWL and its Effect, Points to which Backwater Effect is Felt. Maximum Distance of such Points from the Axis of the Structure Saddles along the Reservoir Rim Fetch Direction of Wind - Velocity of Wind - Wave Height - Free Board-Top of Dam Sedimentation Data and Studies Rate of Sedimentation with Basis Quantity of Sediment Type and Shape of Reservoir Sediment Studies –Paikhed Reservoir Sediment Distribution Life of Reservoir in Years with Basis Capacity cix Page No. 433 433 434 434 436 436 437 437 437 439 439 439 440 440 440 441 441 441 442 442 442 442 442 447 448 Para No. 7.2.5 7.2.6 7.2.7 7.2.8 7.2.9 7.2.10 7.2.11 7.3 7.3.1 Particulars Page No. Capacities of Paikhed Reservoir 448 Storage 448 Water Tightness of the Reservoir 449 Annual Losses 449 Flood Absorption 449 Effects on Sub Soil Water Table in the Adjoining 450 Areas Particularly Downstream of the Dam Reservoir Rim Stability 450 Area of Submergence 450 At Maximum Water Level 450 At Full Reservoir Level 450 Submergence Ratio - Submerged (Cultivated) Area 450 / CCA Land Acquisition-Property Submerged- 451 Rehabilitation Land Acquisition 451 Details of Property Submerged 451 Rehabilitation of Project Affected People 452 Recreation Facilities 452 Pisciculture 452 Need and Recommendation for Soil Conservation 453 Measure in the Catchment Chasmandva Reservoir 453 Fixation of Storage and Reservoir Levels - 453 Approach–Criteria Dead Storage Level (DSL) 454 Low Water Level / Minimum Draw-Down Level 455 (MDDL) Full Reservoir Level (FRL) 455 Maximum Water Level (MWL) 455 Maximum Backwater Level at FRL and MWL and 456 its Effect, Points to Which Backwater Effect is Felt. Maximum Distance of Such Points from the Axis of the Structure cx Para No. 7.3.2 7.3.3 7.3.4 7.3.5 7.3.6 7.3.7 7.3.8 7.3.9 7.3.10 7.3.11 Particulars Page No. Saddles along the Reservoir Rim 456 Fetch 456 Direction of Wind - Velocity of Wind - Wave 457 Height - Free Board-Top of Dam Sedimentation Data and Studies 457 Rate of Sedimentation with Basis 457 Quantity of Sediment 458 Type and Shape of Reservoir 458 Sediment Studies – Chasmandva Reservoir 458 Sediment Distribution 458 Life of Reservoir in Years with Basis 462 Capacity 462 Capacities of Chasmandva Reservoir 462 Storage 462 Water Tightness of the Reservoir 463 Annual Losses 464 Flood Absorption 464 Effects on Sub Soil Water Table in the Adjoining 464 Areas Particularly Downstream of the Dam Reservoir Rim Stability 464 Area of Submergence 465 At Maximum Water Level 465 At Full Reservoir Level 465 Submergence Ratio - Submerged (Cultivated) Area 465 / CCA Land Acquisition-Property Submerged- 465 Rehabilitation Land Acquisition 465 Details of Property Submerged 465 Rehabilitation of Project Affected People 466 Recreation Facilities 466 Pisciculture 467 Need and Recommendation for Soil Conservation 467 Measure in the Catchment cxi Para No. 7.4 7.4.1 7.4.2 7.4.3 7.4.4 7.4.5 7.4.6 7.4.7 Particulars Page No. Chikkar Reservoir 467 Fixation of Storage and Reservoir Levels - 467 Approach–Criteria Dead Storage Level (DSL) 469 Low Water Level / Minimum Draw-Down Level 469 (MDDL) Full Reservoir Level (FRL) 469 Maximum Water Level (MWL) 470 Maximum Backwater Level at FRL and MWL and 470 its Effect, Points to which Backwater Effect is Felt. Maximum Distance of such Points from the Axis of the Structure Saddles along the Reservoir Rim 470 Fetch 471 Direction of Wind - Velocity of Wind - Wave 471 Height - Free Board-Top of Dam Sedimentation Data and Studies 471 Rate of Sedimentation with Basis 472 Quantity of Sediment 472 Type and Shape of Reservoir 472 Sediment Studies –Chikkar Reservoir 472 Sediment Distribution 472 Life of Reservoir in Years with Basis 476 Capacity 477 Capacities of Chikkar Reservoir 477 Storage 477 Water Tightness of the Reservoir 478 Annual Losses 478 Flood Absorption 478 Effects on Sub Soil Water Table in the Adjoining 479 Areas Particularly Downstream of the Dam Reservoir Rim Stability 479 Area of Submergence 479 At Maximum Water Level 479 cxii Para No. 7.4.8 7.4.9 7.4.10 7.4.11 7.5 7.5.1 7.5.2 Particulars Page No. At Full Reservoir Level 479 Submergence Ratio - Submerged (Cultivated) Area 479 / CCA Land Acquisition-Property Submerged- 480 Rehabilitation Land Acquisition 480 Details of Property Submerged 480 Rehabilitation of Project Affected People 481 Recreation Facilities 481 Pisciculture 481 Need and Recommendation for Soil Conservation 482 Measure in the Catchment Dabdar Reservoir 482 Fixation of Storage and Reservoir Levels - 482 Approach–Criteria Dead Storage Level (DSL) 483 Low Water Level / Minimum Draw-Down Level 484 (MDDL) Full Reservoir Level (FRL) 484 Maximum Water Level (MWL) 484 Maximum Backwater Level at FRL and MWL and 485 its Effect, Points to Which Backwater Effect is Felt. Maximum Distance of Such Points from the Axis of the Structure Saddles along the Reservoir Rim 485 Fetch 485 Direction of Wind - Velocity of Wind - Wave 485 Height - Free Board-Top of Dam Sedimentation Data and Studies 486 Rate of Sedimentation With Basis 486 Quantity of Sediment 486 Type and Shape of Reservoir 487 Sediment Studies – Dabdar Reservoir 487 Sediment Distribution 487 cxiii Para No. 7.5.3 7.5.4 7.5.5 7.5.6 7.5.7 7.5.8 7.5.9 7.5.10 7.5.11 7.6 7.6.1 Particulars Page No. Life of Reservoir in Years with Basis 492 Capacity 492 Capacities of Dabdar Reservoir 492 Storage 492 Water Tightness of the Reservoir 493 Annual Losses 493 Flood Absorption 493 Effects on Sub Soil Water Table in the Adjoining 494 Areas Particularly Downstream of the Dam Reservoir Rim Stability 494 Area of Submergence 494 At Maximum Water Level 494 At Full Reservoir Level 494 Submergence Ratio - Submerged (Cultivated) Area 494 / CCA Land Acquisition-Property Submerged- 495 Rehabilitation Land Acquisition 495 Details of Property Submerged 495 Rehabilitation of Project Affected People 496 Recreation Facilities 496 Pisciculture 496 Need and Recommendation for Soil Conservation 497 Measure in the Catchment Kelwan Reservoir 497 Fixation of Storage and Reservoir Levels - 497 Approach–Criteria Dead Storage Level (DSL) 498 Low Water Level / Minimum Draw-Down Level 499 (MDDL) Full Reservoir Level (FRL) 499 Maximum Water Level (MWL) 499 Maximum Backwater Level at FRL and MWL and 500 its Effect, Points to which Backwater Effect is Felt. cxiv Para No. 7.6.2 7.6.3 7.6.4 7.6.5 7.6.6 7.6.7 7.6.8 7.6.9 7.6.10 Particulars Maximum Distance of such Points from the Axis of the Structure Saddles along the Reservoir Rim Fetch Direction of Wind - Velocity of Wind - Wave Height - Free Board-Top of Dam Sedimentation Data and Studies Rate of Sedimentation with Basis Quantity of Sediment Type and Shape of Reservoir Sediment Studies –Kelwan Reservoir Sediment Distribution Life of Reservoir in Years with Basis Capacity Capacities of Kelwan Reservoir Storage Water Tightness of the Reservoir Annual Losses Flood Absorption Effects on Sub Soil Water Table in the Adjoining Areas Particularly Downstream of the Dam Reservoir Rim Stability Area of Submergence At Maximum Water Level At Full Reservoir Level Submergence Ratio - Submerged (Cultivated) Area / CCA Land Acquisition-Property SubmergedRehabilitation Land Acquisition Details of Property Submerged Rehabilitation of Project Affected People Recreation Facilities Pisciculture cxv Page No. 500 500 500 501 501 501 502 502 502 507 507 507 507 508 508 509 509 509 509 509 509 510 510 510 510 511 511 511 Para No. 7.6.11 7.7 7.8 7.9 8.0 8.1 8.1.1 8.1.2 8.1.3 8.1.4 8.2 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.3 8.4 8.4.1 Particulars Page No. Need and Recommendation for Soil Conservation 512 Measure in the Catchment Ukai Reservoir (Existing) 512 Paikhed Barrage 513 Chasmandva Barrage 513 Chapter – 8 Power General 514 Present Status of Power Development in 514 Maharashtra and Gujarat States Available Generating Capacity (MW) in the 514 State/Region from different sources with location, category wise. Present Status of Utilisation of Power Produced 519 Shortages / Surpluses and Import / Export of 520 Power from/to the neighbouring States/Regions Transmission System and Operation Voltages 521 Power requirements 522 Existing 522 Anticipated Requirements of energy (MU) and 522 peak load (MW) Future Plans of Power Development 522 Assessment of the Power Benefits from Par-Tapi- 525 Narmada Link Project Paikhed Dam Power House 527 Power Potential Study 527 Type of Project 527 Hydrology, Sedimentation Studies and Criteria for 528 Fixing up Reservoir Levels Reservoir Operation 529 Simulation Studies 529 Firm Power 530 Installed Capacity 530 Scope for Seasonal/Secondary Power Generation 532 cxvi Para No. 8.4.2 Particulars Page No. Size and Type of Generating Units 532 Number of Generating Units 533 Electrical & Mechanical Works 533 Turbine 534 Francis Turbine and Associated Equipments 534 Inlet Valves 536 Governing Equipment 537 Pressure Oil System 537 Generator 537 Electrical Control and Protection Equipments 541 Material Handling in the Power House 542 Auxiliary Power Supply 542 Cables and Boxes 543 Station Drainage System 543 Dewatering System 543 Ventilation System 544 Draft Tube Gate 544 Tailrace Channel 544 Switchyard 544 Grounding Systems 545 Transmission and Distribution Works 545 Drawings 546 Cost Estimate (S-Power Plant) 546 Chasmandva Dam Power House 547 Power Potential Study 547 Type of Project 547 Hydrology, Sedimentation Studies and Criteria for 548 Fixing up Reservoir Levels Reservoir Operation 549 Simulation Studies 549 Firm Power 549 Installed Capacity 550 Scope For Seasonal/Secondary Power Generation 551 Size and Type of Generating Units 552 cxvii Para No. 8.4.3 Particulars Page No. Number of Generating Units 552 Electrical & Mechanical Works 552 Turbine 553 Francis Turbine and Associated Equipments 554 Inlet Valves 556 Governing Equipment 556 Pressure Oil System 557 Generator 557 Electrical Control And Protection Equipments 560 Material Handling in the Power House 561 Auxiliary Power Supply 561 Cables and Boxes 561 Station Drainage System 561 Ventilation System 562 Draft Tube Gate 562 Tailrace Channel 562 Switchyard 562 Grounding Systems 563 Transmission and Distribution Works 563 Drawings 564 Cost Estimate (S-Power Plant) 564 Chikkar Dam Power House 565 Power Potential Study 565 Type of Project 565 Hydrology, Sedimentation Studies and Criteria for 565 Fixing up Reservoir Levels Reservoir Operation 567 Simulation Studies 567 Firm Power 567 Installed Capacity 567 Scope for Seasonal/Secondary Power Generation 569 Size and Type of Generating Units 569 Number of Generating Units 569 Electrical & Mechanical Works 570 cxviii Para No. 8.4.4 Particulars Page No. Turbine 570 Francis Turbine and Associated Equipments 571 Inlet Valves 573 Governing Equipment 574 Pressure Oil System 574 Generator 574 Electrical Control And Protection Equipments 577 Material Handling in the Power House 578 Auxiliary Power Supply 578 Cables and Boxes 579 Station Drainage System 579 Ventilation System 579 Draft Tube Gate 579 Tailrace Channel 579 Switchyard 580 Grounding Systems 580 Transmission and Distribution Works 580 Drawings 582 Cost Estimate (S-Power Plant) 582 Dabdar Dam Power House 582 Power Potential Study 582 Type of Project 582 Hydrology, Sedimentation Studies and Criteria for 583 Fixing up Reservoir Levels Reservoir Operation 584 Simulation Studies 584 Firm Power 585 Installed Capacity 585 Scope For Seasonal/Secondary Power Generation 587 Size and Type of Generating Units 587 Number of Generating Units 587 Electrical & Mechanical Works 587 Turbine 588 Francis Turbine and Associated Equipments 589 cxix Para No. 8.4.5 Particulars Page No. Inlet Valves 590 Governing Equipment 591 Pressure Oil System 591 Generator 591 Electrical Control And Protection Equipments 594 D.C. System 595 Fire Protection 596 Material Handling in the Power House 596 Auxiliary Power Supply 596 Cables and Boxes 596 Station Drainage System 596 Ventilation System 597 Draft Tube Gate 597 Tailrace Channel 597 Switchyard 597 Grounding Systems 598 Transmission and Distribution Works 598 Drawings 599 Cost Estimate (S-Power Plant) 599 Kelwan Dam Power House 600 Power Potential Study 600 Type of Project 600 Hydrology, Sedimentation Studies and Criteria for 601 Fixing up Reservoir Levels Reservoir Operation 602 Simulation Studies 602 Firm Power 602 Installed Capacity 603 Scope For Seasonal/Secondary Power Generation 604 Size and Type of Generating Units 604 Number of Generating Units 605 Electrical & Mechanical Works 605 Turbine 605 Francis Turbine and Associated Equipments 606 cxx Para No. 8.4.6 Particulars Page No. Inlet Valves 608 Governing Equipment 609 Pressure Oil System 609 Generator 609 Electrical Control And Protection Equipments 612 D. C. System 613 Fire Protection 613 Material Handling in the Power House 613 Auxiliary Power Supply 614 Cables and Boxes 614 Station Drainage System 614 Ventilation System 614 Draft Tube Gate 614 Tailrace Channel 615 Switchyard 615 Grounding Systems 615 Transmission and Distribution Works 616 Power evacuation 616 Step-up Transformers for the Switchyard 616 Transmission Lines 617 Drawings 617 Cost Estimate (S-Power Plant) 617 Power House on Kelwan Feeder Canal (Canal drop 618 at RD 5.80 km) Power Potential Study 618 Parameters used in Power Potential Study 618 Net Discharge 619 Firm Power 619 Installed Capacity 620 Scope for Seasonal/Secondary Power Generation 621 Size and Type of Generating Units 621 Number of Generating Units 621 Electrical & Mechanical Works 622 Turbine 622 cxxi Para No. Particulars Kaplan Turbine and Associated Equipments Inlet Valves Governing Equipment Pressure Oil System Generator Electrical Control And Protection Equipments Station Drainage System Dewatering System Ventilation System Draft Tube Gate Switchyard Grounding Systems Transmission and Distribution Works Drawings Cost Estimate (S-Power Plant) Chapter-9 Irrigation Planning and Command Area Development General Existing/Proposed Irrigation Facilities in the Proposed Project Command Area Proposed Irrigation Facilities in the Proposed Project Command Area Existing Cropping Pattern Existing Area Under Rain-Fed Cultivation Soil Surveys Soil Capability Classification Land Irrigability Classification Agro-Climatic Conditions Rainfall Temperature, Relative Humidity, Wind Speed and Cloud Cover Frost free days Proposed cropping pattern Proposed irrigation facilities En-route command Command area proposed under Feeder Canals 9.0 9.1 9.1.1 9.2 9.2.1 9.3 9.3.1 9.3.2 9.4 9.4.1 9.4.2 9.4.3 9.5 9.5.1 cxxii Page No. 622 624 625 625 626 629 630 631 631 631 632 632 632 634 634 635 636 637 641 641 643 643 645 645 645 647 647 648 650 650 652 Para No. 9.5.2 9.6 9.6.1 9.7 9.7.1 9.7.2 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.10.1 9.10.2 9.10.3 9.10.4 Particulars Page No. Command Area of Narmada Main Canal (NMC) 652 of SSP to be taken over by the Link Canal Scope for double and multiple cropping pattern 653 and change in cropping pattern on the basis of latest available data Soils 653 Agro-climatic conditions 653 Water and other inputs like Fertilizers, Weedicides 654 and Pesticides Irrigated crops in the adjoining areas 654 Attitude of farmers towards modern irrigated 654 agricultural practices Crop water requirement 654 Monthly water requirement for irrigation 658 Water Planning 661 Surface water 661 Total irrigation demand of the link project 661 Domestic and Industrial use in the Periphery of 661 Reservoirs Environmental Releases 662 Total water demand of the link project 662 Working Tables 663 Designed head discharge of canal systems 664 Ground water 665 Ground water quality 665 Conjunctive Use/ground water support 666 Command Area Drainage 666 Water Course / Field Channels 666 Water Management 667 Review and evaluation of existing system of operation and distribution in the command and/or in some adjoining projects, if any Proposals for Participatory Irrigation Management including formation of water users Association Scope of introduction of modern technology like sprinklers, drip irrigation etc Existing practice of Department of Agriculture for popularizing micro irrigation cxxiii 667 667 668 668 Para No. 9.11 Page No. Facilities for training the operation and 669 maintenance personnel at different levels of management & farmers-adequacy of existing facilities and proposals for augmentation Existing extension activity & proposals for its 669 improvement Command Area 670 9.11.1 Command Area Details 670 Location 670 Classification of land (forest, grass land, cultivable land, cultivable waste, barren land) Size of land holding Climate of Command Area Irrigation Socio-economic Aspects Infrastructure facilities 671 677 678 679 681 Topography and soils Ground Water and Drainage Agriculture Farmers’ attitude towards improved agricultural practices Identification of problems in en-route command area Financial problems Proposed cropping pattern with justification based on land irrigability classification, agro climatic conditions developed irrigated cropping pattern in adjoining project / area etc. Land development work proposals Ayacut roads Benefits 9.11.2 Command area proposed under Feeder Canals Benefits 686 686 9.11.3 Command Area of Narmada Main Canal (NMC) of SSP to be taken over by the Link Canal – Additional Irrigation in Saurashtra &Kutch 688 9.10.5 9.10.6 Particulars cxxiv 672 672 673 674 675 682 683 683 683 684 684 Para No. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.3.1 10.3.2 10.3.3 10.4 10.4.1 10.4.2 Particulars Regions and Benefits Benefits Chapter - 10 Construction Program, Man Power and Plant Planning General Objective of the Project Main Project Components Basis for Study General Construction Material Sources Basic Considerations Scheduled Working Hours Construction Period Construction Methodology and Equipment planning River Diversion Works Jheri Dam Concrete Face Rock-Fill Dam (Jheri Dam) Surface Excavation Fill Placement List of Major Construction Plant and Equipment for Jheri CFRD Dam Construction Programme Concrete Dam (Jheri Dam) Surface Excavations Concreting List of Major Construction Plant and Equipment for Concrete Dam Construction Programme 10.4.3 Paikhed Dam Concrete Face Rock-Fill Dam (Paikhed Dam) Surface Excavation (b) Fill Placement cxxv Page No. 688 690 690 691 694 694 694 696 696 697 698 698 698 698 699 701 707 708 708 709 710 711 711 712 712 713 714 Para No. Particulars List of Major Construction Plant and Equipment for CFRD Dam Construction Programme Concrete Dam (Paikhed Dam) Surface Excavations Concreting List of Major Construction Plant and Equipment for Concrete Dam Construction Programme Paikhed Dam Power House Excavation and Concreting List of Major Construction Plant and Equipment for Power House Construction Programme Chasmandva Dam Concrete Face Rock-Fill Dam (Chasmandva) Surface Excavation Fill Placement List of Major Construction Plant and Equipment for CFRD Dam Construction Programme Concrete Dam (Chasmandva) Surface Excavations Concreting List of Major Construction Plant and Equipment for Concrete Dam Construction Programme Chasmandva Dam Power House Excavation and Concreting List of Major Construction Plant and Equipment for Power House Construction Programme Chikkar Dam Concrete Face Rock-Fill Dam (Chikkar) (d) (a) (b) ) ) 10.4.4 (a) (b) (a) (b) (d) (c) 10.4.5 cxxvi Page No. 719 720 721 721 722 723 723 724 724 725 725 725 725 726 728 733 734 734 735 736 736 737 738 738 739 739 739 739 Para No. Particulars (a) Surface Excavation (b) Fill Placement List of Major Construction Plant and Equipment for CFRD Dam Construction Programme Concrete Dam (Chikkar) (a) Surface Excavations (b) Concreting ) List of Major Construction Plant and Equipment for Concrete Dam (d) Construction Programme Chikkar Dam Power House Excavation and Concreting List of Major Construction Plant and Equipment for Power House ) Construction Programme 10.4.6 Dabdar Dam Concrete Face Rock-Fill Dam (Dabdar) Surface Excavation (b) Fill Placement List of Major Construction Plant and Equipment for CFRD Dam (d) Construction Programme Concrete Dam (Dabdar) (a) Surface Excavations (b) Concreting (c) List of Major Construction Plant and Equipment for Concrete Dam (d) Construction Programme Dabdar Dam Power House Excavation and Concreting ) List of Major Construction Plant and Equipment for Power House (c) Construction Programme cxxvii Page No. 740 742 747 748 748 749 750 751 751 752 752 753 753 753 753 754 756 761 762 762 763 764 764 765 766 766 767 767 Para No. 10.4.7 (a) (b) (d) (a) ) (d) (c) 10.4.8 10.4.8(a) 10.4.8(a).1 10.4.8(a).2 10.4.8(a).3 10.4.8(b) 10.4.8(b).1 10.4.8(b).2 10.4.8(b).3 (c) Particulars Kelwan Dam Concrete Face Rock-Fill Dam (Kelwan Dam) Surface Excavation Fill Placement List of Major Construction Plant and Equipment for CFRD Dam Construction Programme Concrete Dam (Kelwan Dam) Surface Excavations Concreting List of Major Construction Plant and Equipment for Concrete Dam Construction Programme Kelwan Dam Power House Excavation and Concreting List of Major Construction Plant and Equipment for Power House Construction Programme Barrages Paikhed Barrage & Head Regulator Surface Excavation Concreting List of Major Construction Plant and Equipment for Paikhed Barrage Chasmandva Barrage & Head Regulator Surface Excavation Concreting List of Major Construction Plant and Equipment for Chasmandva Barrage Chasmandva Canal List of Major Construction Plant and Equipment for Chasmandva Feeder Canal Construction Programme Chikkar - Dabdar feeder canal cxxviii Page No. 767 767 768 770 775 776 776 777 778 779 779 780 780 781 781 781 782 782 783 783 784 784 785 785 786 788 788 788 Para No. Particulars Page No. List of Major Construction Plant and Equipment r 790 for Chikkar feeder canal (c) Construction Programme 790 Dabdar Feeder Canal 791 List of Major Construction Plant and Equipment r 792 for Dabdar Feeder Canal (c) Construction Programme 793 Kelwan Feeder Canal 794 List of Major Construction Plant and Equipmentnt 795 for Kelwan Feeder Canal Construction Programme 795 10.4.10 Kelwan Dam Power House at the drop of Feeder 796 Canal from Kelwan Reservoir 10.4.10(a) Excavation and Concreting 796 10.4.10(b) List of Major Construction Plant and Equipment 797 for Power House 10.4.10 (c) Construction Programme 797 10.4.11(a) Par-Tapi Link Canal 797 10.4.11 (b) List of Major Construction Plant and Equipment r 799 for Par-Tapi Link Canal 10.4.11 (c) Construction Programme 800 10.4.12(a) Tapi - Narmada Link Canal 800 10.4.12(b) List of Major Construction Plant and Equipmentnt 802 for Tapi-Narmada Canal 10.4.12(c ) Construction Programme 803 10.4.13(a) Jheri to Paikhed Link Tunnel 803 10.4.13(b) Concrete Lining 806 10.4.13(c) List of Major Construction Plant & Equipment for 807 Construction of Jheri- Paikhed Link Tunnel 10.4.13 (d) Construction Programme 808 10.4.14 Tunnels in Main Canal 808 10.4.14(a) Excavation of Tunnel 809 10.4.14 (b) Concrete Lining 811 10.4.14 (c) List of Major Construction Plant & Equipment for 812 cxxix Para No. 10.4.14(d) 10.5 10.6 10.6.1 10.7 11.0 11.1 11.1.1 11.1.2 11.1.3 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.4.1 11.4.2 11.4.3 11.4.4 11.4.5 Particulars Construction of tunnel in Main Canal Construction Program Construction Program & Deployment Schedule Manpower Planning Organisation Setup Year Wise Allocation of Cost Chapter - 11 Environment Impact Assessment and Environment Management Plan General The Proposed Project Project Background Project Justification Project Description Study Area Legal Status of the Project Baseline Environmental Data Air Environment Ambient Air Quality Noise Environment Meteorology Water Quality Surface Water Quality Monitoring Ground Water Quality Monitoring Land Environment Land Use Mineral Deposits Historic / Archaeological Monuments Geology Soils Terrestrial Ecology Delineation of Flora in Study Area Status of Fauna Status of Fish Fauna Public Health Facilities cxxx Page No. 813 813 814 814 816 817 817 817 818 819 822 822 824 824 824 827 828 828 828 833 834 834 836 836 837 838 843 843 846 846 847 Para No. 11.4.6 11.5 11.5.1 11.5.2 11.5.3 11.5.4 11.5.5 11.5.6 11.6 11.6.1 11.6.2 11.6.3 11.6.4 11.6.5 11.6.6 11.6.7 11.6.8 Particulars Page No. Drinking Water Supply 850 Environmental Impact Assessment 850 Impacts on Air Environment 851 Impact on Air Quality 851 Impacts on Noise Environment 852 Impacts on Water Resources and Quality 852 Impacts on Land Environment 857 Impact on Biological Environment 859 Terrestrial Environment 859 Impacts on Forest Cover 859 Impacts on Wildlife 860 Impacts on Aquatic Ecology 861 Impact on Socio-economic Environment 863 Impacts On Micro Climate 864 Greenhouse Gas Emission 864 Environmental Management Plan 866 Pollution Control at Construction Sites 866 Air Population Control 866 Noise Control Measures 869 Water Pollution 870 Land Management Plan 870 Disposal of Muck and Reclamation of Muck 870 Disposal Sites Restoration Plan for Quarry sites 871 Restoration of Colony and Office Complex 875 Biodiversity Conservation and Management Plan 876 876 Compensatory Afforestation Biodiversity Management Plan 876 Green Belt Development Plan 883 Environmental Management in Labour Camps 884 Public Health 885 Catchment Area Treatment Plan 886 Approach for the study 886 Estimate of Soil loss using Silt Yield Index 887 cxxxi Para No. 11.6.9 11.6.10 11.6.11 11.6.12 12.0 12.1 12.1.1 12.1.2 12.1.3 12.1.4 12.1.5 12.1.6 12.2 Particulars Method Catchment Area Treatment measures Silt Transfer Disaster Management Plan Energy Conservation Measures Energy Conservation during Construction Phase Energy Conservation during Operation Phase Budget Environmental Monitoring Programme Cost of Environmental Management Plan Chapter - 12 Socio-Economic Studies and Resettlement and Rehabilitation Plan Introduction Socio-Economic Profile and Survey Regional Profile from the Available Secondary Data Demography Agriculture Literacy Salient Features of the Link Sample Design and Methodology Selection of Villages Selection of Households Questionnaire Profile of the Study Area Jheri Reservoir Paikhed Reservoir Chasmandva Reservoir Chikkar Reservoir Dabdar Reservoir Kelwan Reservoir Perception about the Project Impact of Par-Tapi-Narmada Link cxxxii Page No. 888 893 894 895 896 896 897 897 899 901 902 903 904 905 905 906 907 908 908 908 908 912 917 924 930 937 943 952 953 Para No. Particulars 12.2.1 12.2.2 12.2.3 12.3 12.3.1 Short-Term Impact of Link Project Long-Term Impact of Link Project Social Impact Assessment Impacts Due to Land Acquisition Rehabilitation and Resettlement Assessment of Economic Loss Due Displacement Land under Submergence Project Affected Community People’s Perception towards Rehabilitation Package Rehabilitation and Resettlement Package Measures for Resettlement Measures for Rehabilitation Local Area Development Plan Monitoring and Evaluation Cost of Rehabilitation & Resettlement Plan Chapter – 13 Cost Estimate, Benefit Cost Ratio and Financial Aspects General Classification of Units Unit – I : Head Works Direct Charges Indirect Charges Unit – II : Canal System Direct Charges Indirect Charges Unit – III : Hydroelectric Installation Direct Charges Indirect Charges Unit–IV: Navigation Unit–V: Water Supply Works Unit–VI: Command Area Development 12.3.2 12.3.3 12.3.4 12.3.5 12.3.6 13.0 13.1 13.1.1 13.1.2 13.1.3 13.1.4 13.1.5 13.1.6 cxxxiii Page No. 953 954 954 954 955 to 956 956 957 958 958 958 966 970 970 972 974 976 978 979 983 984 984 989 990 990 992 992 992 993 Para No. 13.2 13.2.1 13.2.2 13.2.3 13.2.4 13.2.5 13.2.6 13.2.7 13.2.8 13.2.9 13.2.10 13.3 13.3.1 13.3.2 13.3.3 13.3.4 Particulars Page No. Revenues 993 Yearly Programme of Development w.r.t. Date of 993 Starting of Construction of the Project Sources of Revenue 993 Water Rates – Irrigation Cess 994 Auction of Ferry Service, Inundated Land Lease, 994 Auction for Fruit Bearing Trees along Canals, Lease of Land for Shops in Colony Area, Navigational Permits Revenue from Hydro-Power 995 Revenue from Water Supply 995 Navigation 995 Other Sources (Pisciculture, Tourism etc.) 995 Concession in Water Rates (Irrigation), Cargo and 995 Passenger Rates, etc. Administrative Charges for Supply of Water and 996 Collection of Revenues etc. If the Area to be Irrigated is Prone to Scarcity, the 996 Expenditure Normally Incurred to Redress the Scarcity Year in Which the Revenue Would Start Accruing 996 from Various Sources Counting from the First Year of Construction Total Income from Various Sources 996 Details of Staff Proposed for Collection of 997 Revenues and its Basis Net Revenue Expected from Different 997 Components of Project Productivity of Project in Terms of Percentage 997 Financial Returns Benefit– Cost Ratio and Internal Rate of Return 998 Estimate of Annual Cost 998 Benefit Cost Ratio 998 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 998 Benefit-Cost Ratio for flood control component of 999 cxxxiv Para No. 13.3.5 14.1 14.2 14.2.1 14.2.2 14.2.3 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.5.1 14.5.2 14.6 14.6.1 14.6.2 14.7 Particulars projects Benefits Other than those Considered in the Benefit-Cost Ratio and Internal Rate of Return Chapter - 14 Other Aspects of the Project Foreign Exchange Element Revenue Revenue from Irrigation Revenue from Power Fisheries Financial Resources Future Utilisation of Facilities Created (Buildings) Legal Aspects of Par-Tapi-Narmada Link Effect of Par-Tapi-Narmada Link on the Territory of Other States Existing Interstate Agreement on Sharing of Water Sharing of Water and Hydro Power Water Sharing Power Sharing Feasibility of Utilisation of Water by Maharashtra State Across Western Divide by Lift List of Abbreviations cxxxv Page No. 999 1000 1000 1000 1000 1001 1001 1002 1002 1002 1003 1003 1004 1005 1005 1007 Volume – II Annexures of Main Report Annexure Particulars No. 1.1 Letter of Concurrence Received from Govt. of Maharashtra in respect of Par-Tapi-Narmada link 1.2 Letter of Concurrence Received from Govt. of Gujarat in respect of Par-Tapi-Narmada link 1.3 A Copy of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Signed By Hon’ble Chief Ministers of Gujarat and Maharashtra and Hon’ble Union Minister for Water Resources for Preparation of DPR of Damanganga - Pinjal & Par-Tapi-Narmada Links 1.4 A Copy of Letter No. NWDA/IC/V/T-85/ 2010/1383-86 dated 20.04.2010 Gist of discussion held by Director General, NWDA with Principle Secretary, Water Resources Department, Govt. of Gujarat, Gandhinagar Terminating the Par-TapiNarmada Link Canal at Existing Miyagam Branch Canal of Narmada Canal System 1.5 A Copy of Letter from Water Resources Department, Govt. of Gujarat, Gandhinagar Requesting to Carry out Survey and Investigations as Envisaged in Original Proposal of NWDA 1.6 A Copy of Letter from Principal Chief Conservator of Forest, Gandhinagar According Permission For Carrying Out Survey & Investigations Work in the Forest Area in Gujarat State 1.7 A Copy of Letter from Deputy Conservator of Forest (West), Nasik According Permission for Carrying Out Survey & Investigations Work in the Forest Area in Nasik District of Maharashtra 1.8 Constitution of the Committee for Empanelment of Consultant for Socio-Economic and Environmental Impact Assessment Studies- Office Order Dated 14/11/2008 Issued by NWDA Head Office cxxxvi Page No. 1 2 3 6 8 9 11 15 Annexure Particulars No. 1.9 Modification in the Scope of the Committee for Empanelment of Consultants for EIA StudiesOffice Order Dated 14/05/2009 Issued by NWDA Head Office 1.10 A Copy of MoEF letter No. J-12011/55/2008-IA.I Dated 8th June 2009 Regarding ToRs for EIA Studies 1.11 A Copy of Letter Constituting the Committee to Monitor and Review the Progress of Work of EIA Studies - Office Order Dated 09/06/2010 Issued by NWDA Head Office 1.12 A Copy of Letter Reconstituting the Committee to Monitor and Review the Progress of EIA Studies of Damanganga - Pinjal and Par – Tapi - Narmada Link Projects under the Chairmanship of Chief Engineer (EMO), CWC, New Delhi 1.13 A Copy of MoWR’s Office Order Constituting Monitoring Committee to Monitor and Supervise the Overall Work of Preparation of DPR of Damanganga - Pinjal & Par – Tapi - Narmada Link Projects 1.14 A Copy of MoWR‘s Letter Constituting Steering Committee to Review the Progress of Works of DPR of Damanganga - Pinjal and Par – Tapi Narmada Link Projects 4.1.1 Details of RCC Permanent Bench Marks Established in the Project Area of Par-TapiNarmada Link Project 4.1.2 Details of Temporary Bench Marks Established in the Project Area of Par-Tapi-Narmada Link Project 4 (A) A Copy of Letter No. NWDA/Tech-I/200/4414/mmeting/09/Vol.I/126-32 dated 26th June, 2012 from the Head office of NWDA – Minutes of the meeting held with CWC Regarding Dropping of Mohankavchali dam and Connecting Jheri Reservoir cxxxvii Page No. 17 19 34 36 38 44 45 48 54 (A) Annexure No. 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10.1 4.10.2 4.11 4.12.1 4.12.2 Particulars with Paikhed Reservoir by Tunnel A Copy of Letter No.36/10/MIS/08-09/4078 dated 19th Jun, 2009 from the Superintending Archaeologist, ASI, Vadodara – Regarding Archaeological Survey in the Gujarat Portion of Par-Tapi-Narmada Link Project A Copy of Letter No.F No.12/2009-10/Tech-3036 dated 17th Feb, 2011 from the Superintending Archaeologist, ASI, Aurangabad – Regarding Archaeological Survey in the Maharashtra Portion of Par-Tapi-Narmada Link Project A Copy of Letter 171/G-1/EG/WR/GSI/08-09 dated 9th April, 2009 from Engineering Geological Division of Geological Survey of India, Jaipur Regarding Mineral Survey A Copy of Letter No. 2/2/2012 (vol-I)/FE&SA/16 dated 4th January, 2013 from FE&SA Directorate of CWC – Regarding Site Specific Design Earthquake Parameters for Par-Tapi-Narmada Link ProjectApproved by NCSDP Litho Logs of Bore Holes on Jheri Dam Litho Logs of Bore Holes on Paikhed Dam Litho Logs of Bore Holes on Chasmandva Dam Litho Logs of Bore Holes on Chikkar Dam Litho Logs of Bore Holes on Dabdar Dam Test Results of Soil Sample Collected from Trial Pits on Jheri Dam Axis Area Test Results of Soil Sample Collected from Trial Pits Upstream of Jheri Dam Axis Area Test Results of Soil Sample Collected from Trial Pits Upstream of Paikhed Dam Axis Area Test Results of Soil Sample Collected from Trial Pits on Chasmandva Dam Axis Area Test Results of Soil Sample Collected from Trial Pits Upstream of Chasmandva Dam Axis Area cxxxviii Page No. 55 56 63 64 67 71 102 130 138 146 147 149 151 152 Annexure Particulars No. 4.13.1 Test Results of Soil Sample Collected from Trial Pits on Chikkar Dam Axis Area 4.13.2 Test Results of Soil Sample Collected from Trial Pits Upstream of Chikkar Dam Axis Area 4.14.1 Test Results of Soil Sample Collected from Trial Pits on Dabdar Dam Axis Area 4.14.2 Test Results of Soil Sample Collected from Trial Pits Upstream of Dabdar Dam Axis Area 4.15.1 Test Results of Soil Samples from Trial pits on Kelwan Dam Axis Area 4.15.2 Test Results of Soil Samples from Trial pits on Upstream of Kelwan Dam Axis Area 5.1 Gross Yield Series upto Railway Bridge Site 5.2 Gross Yield Series at Jheri Dam Site on Par River 5.3 Gross Yield Series at Paikhed Dam Site on Par River 5.4 Gross Yield Series for whole Auranga Basin. 5.5 Gross Yield Series at Chasmandva Dam Site on Tan River (Tributary of Auranga River) 5.6 Gross Yield Series for whole Ambica Basin. 5.7 Gross Yield Series at Chikkar Dam Site on Ambica River 5.8 Gross Yield Series at Dabdar Dam Site on Khapri River (Tributary of Ambica River) 5.9 Gross Yield Series for whole Purna Basin. 5.10 Gross Yield Series at Kelwan Dam Site on Purna River 5.11 Net Yield Series at Jheri Dam Site on Par River 5.12 Net Yield Series at Paikhed Dam Site on Par River 5.13 Net Yield Series at Chasmandva Dam Site on Tan River (Tributary of Auranga River) 5.14 Net Yield Series at Chikkar Dam Site on Ambica River 5.15 Net Yield Series at Dabdar Dam Site on Khapri River (Tributary of Ambica River) cxxxix Page No. 155 156 158 159 165 166 168 169 170 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 182 183 184 Annexure Particulars No. 5.16 Net Yield Series at Kelwan Dam Site on Purna River 5.17 Minutes of 1st Meeting Held on 23rd September, 2011 between the States of Gujarat and Maharashtra at the Level of Chief Engineers on Sharing of Damanganga Water 5.18 Minutes of 2nd Meeting Held on 14th June, 2013 between the States of Gujarat and Maharashtra at the Level of Chief Engineers on Sharing of Damanganga Water 5.19 Minutes of 3rd Meeting Held on 17th June, 2014 between the States of Gujarat and Maharashtra at the Level of Chief Engineers on Sharing of Damanganga Water 6.1 Salient Features of Spillway Radial Gate at Jheri Dam 6.2 Salient Features of Spillway Stop log at Jheri Dam 6.3 Tentative Weight Estimate of Hydro mechanical Equipment of Jheri Dam 6.4 Salient Features of Spillway Radial Gate at Paikhed Dam 6.5 Salient Features of Spillway Stoplogs at Paikhed Dam 6.6 Tentative Weight Estimate of Hydro mechanical Equipment of Paikhed Dam and Paikhed Power House 6.7 Salient Features of Spillway Radial Gate at Chasmandva Dam 6.8 Salient Features of Spillway Stoplogs at Chasmandva Dam 6.9 Tentative Weight Estimate of Hydro mechanical Equipment of Chasmandva Dam 6.10 Salient Features of Spillway Radial Gate at Chikkar Dam 6.11 Salient Features of Spillway Stoplogs at Chikkar Dam 6.12 Tentative Weight Estimate of Hydro mechanical Equipment of Chikkar Dam cxl Page No. 185 186 193 203 211 212 213 214 215 216 218 219 220 222 223 224 Annexure Particulars No. 6.13 Salient Features of Spillway Radial Gate at Dabdar Dam 6.14 Salient Features of Spillway Stoplogs at Dabdar Dam 6.15 Tentative Weight Estimate of Hydro mechanical Equipment of Dabdar Dam and Dabdar power House 6.16 Salient Features of Spillway Radial Gate at Kelwan Dam 6.17 Salient Features of Spillway Stoplogs at Kelwan Dam 6.18 Tentative Weight Estimate of Hydro mechanical Equipment of Kelwan Dam , Kelwan Dam toe PH and Kelwan Feeder canal PH 6.19 Salient Features of Spillway Radial Gate at Paikhed Barrage 6.20 Salient Features of Spillway Radial Gate at Chasmandva Barrage 6.21 Salient Features of Spillway Stoplogs at Paikhed Barrage 6.22 Salient Features of Spillway Stoplogs at Chasmandva Barrage 6.23(a) Tentative Weight Estimate of Hydromechanical Equipment for Paikhed Barrage 6.23(b) Tentative Weight Estimate of Hydromechanical Equipment for Chasmandva Barrage 6.24 Tentative Weight Estimate of Hydro mechanical Equipment for Canal Head Regulator & Cross Regulator at D/S of Ukai Dam 6.25 Salient Features of Spillway Radial Gate at Paikhed Head Regulator 6.26 Salient Features of Stop Logs for Paikhed Head Regulator Service Gate 6.27 Salient Features of Spillway Radial Gate at Chasmandva Head Regulator 6.28 Salient Features of Stop Logs for Chasmandva Head Regulator Service Gate 6.29 Salient Features of Intake Service Gate at Jheri Dam cxli Page No. 226 227 228 229 230 231 233 234 235 236 237 239 241 242 243 244 245 246 Annexure Particulars No. 6.30 Salient Features of Emergency Service Gate at Jheri Dam 6.31 Salient Features of Intake Service Gate at Paikhed Dam 6.32 Salient Features of Emergency Service Gate at Paikhed Dam 6.33 Tentative Weight Estimate of Hydromechanical Equipment for Jheri- Paikhed Link Tunnel 6.34 Hydraulic Particulars of Canal 6.35 Hydraulic Particulars of Feeder Canals 6.36 Salient Features of Power Intake Service Gate at Paikhed Dam Power House 6.37 Salient Features of Power Intake Emergency Gate at Paikhed Dam Power House 6.38 Salient Features of Draft Tube Gate at Paikhed Dam Power House 6.39 Salient Features of Power Intake Service Gate at Chasmandva Dam Power House 6.40 Salient Features of Power Intake Service Emergency Gate at Chasmandva Dam Power House 6.41 Salient Features of Draft Tube Gate at Chasmandva Dam Power House 6.42 Salient Features of Power Intake Service Gate at Chikkar Dam Power House 6.43 Salient Features of Power Intake Emergency Gate at Chikkar Dam Power House 6.44 Salient Features of Draft Tube Gate at Chikkar Dam Power House 6.45 Salient Features of Power Intake Service Gate at Dabdar Dam Power House 6.46 Salient Features of Power Intake Emergency Gate at Dabdar Dam Power House 6.47 Salient Features of Draft Tube Gate at Dabdar Dam Power House 6.48 Salient Features of Power Intake Service Gate at Kelwan Dam Power House 6.49 Salient Features of Power Intake Emergency Gate at Kelwan Dam Power House 6.50 Salient Features of Draft Tube Gate at cxlii Page No. 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 Annexure No. Particulars Kelwan Dam Power House 6.51 Salient Features of Power Intake Service Gate at Kelwan Feeder Canal Power House 6.52 Salient Features of Power Intake Emergency Gate at Kelwan Feeder Canal Power House 6.53 Salient Features of Draft Tube Gate at Kelwan Feeder Canal Power House 9.1 to 9.23 Annexures of Irrigation Planning of Par-TapiNarmada link project prepared by Irrigation Planning (South) Directorate, CWC, New Delhi 9.24 A copy of letter No. F.No./Tech/Gh-4/Par-TapiNarmada link Pro./1806/2015 dated 21.04.2015 from State Agricultural Department Regarding Approval for the suggested Cropping pattern in the En-Route Command of Par-Tapi-Narmada Link Project. 9.25 The District wise total Utilisable/Extractable Ground Water Availability and Net Draft in the Command Area in Pre & Post Project Scenario. 10.1 Detailed Construction Schedule of Par-TapiNarmada Link Project 10.2 Deployment Schedule of Major Construction Equipments Required for the Project 10.3.1 to Proposed Organisational Chart for Execution of 10.3.7 the Project 10.4 Abstract of Requirement of Staff 10.5 Requirement of Staff (Other than Field Staff) 10.6 Requirement of fund for the scheme and its Yearly Phasing 12.1 Household Interview Survey 12.2 Village Survey Schedule 13.1 Abstract of Cost of Unit-I Head Works 13.2 Abstract of Cost of Unit-II Canal System 13.3 Abstract of Cost of Unit-III Power House 13.4 Abstract of Cost of Unit-VI Command Area Development Works 13.5 Calculation of Benefit - Cost ratio ( Project as a Whole) cxliii Page No. 268 269 270 271 (1-106) 272 274 276 279 281 288 289 299 304 311 322 323 324 325 326 Annexure Particulars No. 13.6 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 14.1 Executive Summary of Alternative proposal to utilise Maharashtra portion of water contributing to Par-Tapi-Narmada link by lift across Western Ghats. 14.2 Salient Features of Alternative proposal to utilise Maharashtra portion of water contributing to ParTapi-Narmada link by lift across Western Ghats. 14.3 Index Map of Alternative proposal to utilise Maharashtra portion of water contributing to ParTapi-Narmada link by lift across Western Ghats. 14.4 A Copy of the Letter No. NWDA/CE(S)/IS Links/DG(Ek) –GV/2010-DB/284-88 Dated 18th April, 2011 Addressed to the Secretary, Water Resources Department, Government of Maharashtra – Circulation of PFR of Nar Par-Girna Link Project, an Intrastate Link Project of Maharashtra cxliv Page No. 327 330 332 334 335 Volume – III Appendices - Surveys and Investigations Appendix Title No. 4.1 RRSC, Jodhpur Report No. RRSCN/TR/2011/1- Regarding Demarcation of Command Area en-route Par-Tapi-Narmada link. 4.2 Report on Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation for Par-TapiNarmada Link Project of National Water Development Agency in the Dangs & Valsad Districts of Gujarat and Nasik District Maharashtra (Field Season 1993 - 94). 4.3 Report on Estimation of Site Specific Design Ground Motion (Seismic) Study of Par-Tapi-Narmada Link Project (CWPRS Report No. 4848). 4.4 Interim Report on Geophysical Surveys for Par-Tapi-Narmada Link Project of National Water Development Agency in Dang and Valsad Districts of Gujarat and Nasik District of Maharashtra (Field Season 1993-94). 4.5 The Report of GSI on geotechnical investigations at Paikhed and Chasmandava dam sites carried out at DPR stage(Field Season 2009-10). 4.6 The report on laboratory investigations of Rock core samples from Paikhed Dam Area Submitted by CSMRS, New Delhi (CSMRS Report No. 2/RM-I/CSMRS/E/4/2011of April, 2011). 4.7 The report on laboratory investigations of Rock core samples from Chasmandva Dam Area Submitted by CSMRS, New Delhi (CSMRS Report No. 1/RM-I/CSMRS/E/4/2011of April, 2011. 4.8 Report on Sub-Surface Exploration at the Chikkar Dam Site of Par-Tapi- Narmada Link Project, of National Water Development Agency, in District The Dangs, Gujarat (Field Season 1994-95). 4.9 The report of CSMRS bearing No. C-I/CSMRS/E/04/2014Regarding Construction Material Survey and Investigations of Coarse and Fine Aggregate Samples for Par-Tapi-Narmada Link Project. Morphological Studies of Par-Tapi-Narmada Link Project using Remote 4.10 Sensing and GIS Technology (RRSC Report No. RRSCN/TR/2013/01). cxlv Volume – IV Appendices – Hydrology and Water Assessment Appendix Title No. 5.1 Water Availability Study Report of Par-Tapi-Narmada Link Project (CWC Report - March 2012) 5.2 Sedimentation Study Report of Par-Tapi-Narmada Link Project (CWC Report – July 2013) 5.3 Design Flood and Diversion Flood Studies at Dams of ParTapi-Narmada link project (CWC Report – October 2012) 5.4 Design Flood and Diversion Flood Studies at Weirs of ParTapi-Narmada link project (CWC Report - January 2014) 5.5 Simulation Studies of Reservoirs Involved in Par-Tapi-Narmada Link Project (Prepared by NWDA) cxlvi Volume – V Appendices –Power Appendix Particulars No. 8.1 Report on Power Potential Study of Paikhed Dam Power House of Par-Tapi-Narmada Link Project (THDCIL Report – Jan 2015) 8.2 Report on Power Potential Study of Chasmandva Dam Power House of Par-Tapi-Narmada Link Project (THDCIL Report – Jan 2015) 8.3 Report on Power Potential Study of Chikkar Dam Power House of Par-Tapi-Narmada Link Project (THDCIL Report – Jan 2015) 8.4 Report on Power Potential Study of Dabdar Dam Power House of Par-Tapi-Narmada Link Project (THDCIL Report – Jan 2015) 8.5 Report on Power Potential Study of Kelwan Dam Power House of Par-Tapi-Narmada Link Project (THDCIL Report – Jan 2015) 8.6 Report on Power Potential Study of Kelwan Feeder Canal Power House of Par-Tapi-Narmada Link Project (THDCIL Report – Jan 2015) 8.7 Report on Electrical and Mechanical (E&M) Study of Paikhed Dam of Par-Tapi-Narmada Link Project (THDCIL Report – Feb 2015) 8.8 Report on Electrical and Mechanical (E&M) Study of Chasmandva Dam of Par-Tapi-Narmada Link Project (THDCIL Report – Feb 2015) 8.9 Report on Electrical and Mechanical (E&M) Study of Chikkar Dam of Par-Tapi-Narmada Link Project (THDCIL Report – Feb 2015) 8.10 Report on Electrical and Mechanical (E&M) Study of Dabdar Dam of Par-Tapi-Narmada Link Project (THDCIL Report – Feb 2015) 8.11 Report on Electrical and Mechanical (E&M) Study of Kelwan Dam of Par-Tapi-Narmada Link Project (THDCIL Report – Feb 2015) 8.12 Report on Electrical and Mechanical (E&M) Study of Kelwan Feeder Canal of Par-Tapi-Narmada Link Project (THDCIL Report – Feb 2015) cxlvii Volume – VI (A) Appendices - Cost Estimate Annexure No. 13.0 13.1 13.1.1 13.1.2 13.1.3 ) ) (b) ) ) ) ) ) (b) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 13.1.4 Title Page No. General Abstract of Cost General Abstract of Unit-I Head Works A - Preliminary B - Land C - Works Jheri Concrete faced Rock fill dam Jheri Non over flow Section Jheri Over flow Section Jheri dam gates Paikhed Concrete faced Rock fill dam Paikhed Non over flow Section Paikhed Over flow Section Paikhed dam gates Paikhed Barrage Paikhed Head Regulator Paikhed Barrage and Head Regulator gate Chasmandva Concrete faced Rock fill dam Chasmandva Non over flow Section Chasmandva Over flow Section Chasmandva dam gates Chasmandva Barrage Chasmandva Head Regulator Chasmandva Barrage and Head Regulator gate Chikkar Concrete faced Rock fill dam Chikkar Non over flow Section Chikkar Over flow Section Chikkar dam gates Dabdar Concrete faced Rock fill dam Dabdar Non over flow Section Dabdar Over flow Section Dabdar dam gates Kelwan Concrete faced Rock fill dam Kelwan Non over flow Section Kelwan Over flow Section Kelwan dam gates K - Buildings 1 2 3 4 7 9 19 26 34 35 45 53 61 62 66 69 70 80 86 93 95 99 102 103 114 121 129 130 140 148 156 157 169 177 185 186 cxlviii Annexure No. 13.1.5 13.1.6 13.1.7 13.1.8 13.1.9 13.2 13.2.1 13.2.2 ( a) ( b) 13.2.3 13.2.4 13.2.5 13.2.6 13.2.7 13.2.8 13.2.9 13.2.9 ( a) 13.2.9 ( b) 13.2.10 13.2.11 13.2.12 13.2.13 13.2.14 13.2.15 13.2.16 13.3 13.3.1 13.3.1(a) 13.3.1(b) 13.3.1(c) 13.3.1(d) 13.3.1(e) Title Page No. M - Plantation O - Miscellaneous P - Maintenance R - Communications X - Environment & Ecology General Abstract of Cost Unit-II: Canal System B-Land C - Works Abstract of cost of Tunnels Cost of Tunnels Cost of Tunnel gates D-Regulators E-Falls F-Cross drainage structures Aqueduct Syphon aqueduct Super passages Canal syphon Culverts G – Bridges H – Escapes K – Buildings L-Earthwork & Lining Par-Tapi Reach including Feeder canals Tapi-Narmada Reach M-Plantation O-Miscellaneous P-Maintenance R-Communications U-Distributaries/Minors V-Field channels & Water courses W-Drainage X-Environment & Ecology General Abstract of cost of Unit-III: Power J – Abstract of Power Plant Civil works Paikhed dam toe power house Paikhed dam toe power house gate Chasmandva dam toe power house Chasmandva dam toe power house gate Chikkar dam toe power house 192 193 196 197 198 206 207 208 209 220 221 225 226 227 230 232 235 237 238 243 244 249 250 254 258 259 261 262 263 cxlix 264 265 267 268 269 280 281 289 290 Annexure No. 13.3.1(f) 13.3.1(g) 13.3.1(h) 13.3.1(i) 13.3.1(j) 13.3.1(k) 13.3.2 13.3.3 13.3.3(a) 13.3.3(b) 13.3.3(c) 13.3.3(d) 13.3.3(e) 13.3.3(f) 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7.1 ( a) 13.7.1 ( b) 13.7.1 ( c) 13.7.2 ( a) 13.7.2 ( b) 13.7.2 ( c) 13.7.2 ( d) 13.7.3 ( a) 13.7.3 ( b) 13.7.3 ( c) 13.7.3 ( d) 13.7.4 ( a) 13.7.4 ( b) 13.7.4 ( c) 13.7.5 ( a) 13.7.5 ( b) 13.7.5 ( c) 13.7.6 ( a) 13.7.6 ( b) 13.7.6( c) Title Page No. Chikkar dam toe power house gate Dabdar dam toe power house Dabdar dam toe power house gate Kelwan dam toe power house Kelwan dam toe power house gate & Feeder canal gate Kelwan Feeder canal Power house P – Maintenance S – Abstract of Electro-mechanical works Paikhed dam toe power house Chasmandva dam toe power house Chikkar dam toe power house Dabdar dam toe power house Kelwan dam toe power house Kelwan Feeder canal Power house General Abstract of cost of Unit-IV: Command area development Calculation of B.C.Ratio Calculation of I.R.R Quantity estimate of Jheri dam ( CFRD) Quantity estimate of Jheri dam ( NOF) Quantity estimate of Jheri dam ( OF) Quantity estimate of Paikhed dam ( CFRD) Quantity estimate of Paikhed dam ( NOF) Quantity estimate of Paikhed dam ( OF) Quantity estimate of Paikhed Barrage Quantity estimate of Chasmandva dam ( CFRD) Quantity estimate of Chasmandva dam ( NOF) Quantity estimate of Chasmandva dam ( OF) Quantity estimate of Chasmandva Barrage Quantity estimate of Chikkar dam ( CFRD) Quantity estimate of Chikkar dam ( NOF) Quantity estimate of Chikkar dam ( OF) Quantity estimate of Dabdar dam ( CFRD) Quantity estimate of Dabdar dam ( NOF) Quantity estimate of Dabdar dam ( OF) Quantity estimate of Kelwan dam ( CFRD) Quantity estimate of Kelwan dam ( NOF) Quantity estimate of Kelwan dam ( OF) 297 298 306 307 315 cl 316 323 324 325 327 330 333 336 339 342 343 344 345 359 365 372 387 394 402 407 424 431 438 443 458 465 473 486 493 501 515 523 Annexure No. 13.8.1 (a) 13.8.1 (b) 13.8.1 (c) 13.8.1 (d) 13.9.1 (a) 13.9.1 (b) 13.9.1 (c) 13.9.1 (d) 13.9.1 (e) 13.9.1 (f) Title Page No. Quantity estimate of Jheri-Paikhed tunnel Quantity estimate of Par-Tapi reach and Feeder Canal Quantity estimate of Tapi-Narmada reach Canal Abstract of quantity of Canal lining Quantity estimate of Paikhed dam toe Power house Quantity estimate of Chasmandvar dam toe Power house Quantity estimate of Chikkar dam toe Power house Quantity estimate of Dabdar dam toe Power house Quantity estimate of Kelwan dam toe Power house Quantity estimate of Kelwan feeder canal Power house 530 535 634 726 727 738 747 755 764 772 Volume – VI (B) Appendices - Cost Estimate Annexure No. 13.10 13.10.1 13.10.2 13.10.3 13.10.4 13.10.5 Title Page No. Cost of Material, Hire Charges and Labour Charges for Rate Analysis Rate Analysis for Dam Rate Analysis for Tunnel Rate Analysis for Power House Quantities and Cost of U –Distributaries and VWater courses Benefits from pre and post project scenario 1 cli 7 247 364 463 475 Volume – VII Drawings - Surveys and Investigations Plate Title No. 1.1 Index map of PTN link project 4.1 Longitudinal Section of Par River: 17.70 km u/s and 10.60 km d/s of Proposed Jheri Dam Site 4.2 Longitudinal Section of Nar River: 18.45 km u/s and 5.55 km d/s of Proposed Paikhed Dam Site 4.3 Longitudinal Section of Nar River: 1.60 km u/s and 6.82 km d/s of Proposed Paikhed Weir Site 4.4 Longitudinal Section of Tan River: 1.14 km u/s and 14.74 km d/s of Proposed Chasmandva Dam Site 4.5 Longitudinal Section of Ambica River: 6.86 km u/s and 6.28 km d/s of Proposed Chikkar Dam Site 4.6 Longitudinal Section of Ambica River: 80 km towards Sea from Confluence with Khapri River Near Kalaamba Village 4.7 Longitudinal Section of Khapri River: 7.95 km u/s and 10.53 km d/s of Proposed Dabdar Dam Site 4.8 Longitudinal Section of Purna River: 14.25 km u/s and 5.19 km d/s of Proposed Kelwan Dam Site 4.9 Longitudinal Section of Purna River: 85.80 km towards Sea from Waghi to Vyara Road Bridge 4.10 Cross Section of Par River at Proposed Jheri Dam Site 4.11 Cross Section of Nar River (Tributary of Par River) at Proposed Paikhed Dam Site 4.12 Cross Section of Nar River (Tributary of Par River) at Proposed Paikhed Weir Site clii Drawing No. NWDA/PTN/Link/ICV/2014/1 NWDA/PTN/Link/ICV/2014/2 NWDA/PTN/Link/ICV/2014/3 NWDA/PTN/Link/ICV/2014/4 NWDA/PTN/Link/ICV/2014/5 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/6 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/7 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/8 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/9 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/10 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/11 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/12 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/13 Plate Title No. 4.13 Cross Section of Tan River (Tributary of Auranga River) at Proposed Chasmandva Dam Site 4.14 Cross Section of Tan River (Tributary of Auranga River) at Proposed Chasmandva Weir Site 4.15 Cross Section of Ambica River at Proposed Chikkar Dam Site 4.16 Cross Section of Khapri River (Tributary of Ambica River) at Proposed Dabdar Dam Site 4.17 Cross Section of Purna River at Proposed Kelwan Dam Site 4.18 Submergence Map of Jheri Reservoir (FR stage) 4.19 Submergence Map of Jheri Reservoir (DPR stage) 4.20 Submergence Map of Paikhed Reservoir (FR stage) 4.21 Submergence Map of Paikhed Reservoir (DPR stage) 4.22 Submergence Map of Chasmandva Reservoir (FR stage) 4.23 Submergence Map of Chasmandva (DPR stage) 4.24 Submergence Map of Chikkar Reservoir (FR stage) 4.25 Submergence Map of Chikkar Reservoir (DPR stage) 4.26 Submergence Map of Dabdar Reservoir (FR stage) 4.27 Submergence Map of Dabdar Reservoir (DPR stage) 4.28 Submergence Map of Kelwan Reservoir (FR stage) 4.29 Submergence Map of Kelwan Reservoir (DPR stage) 4.30 Contour Plan of Jheri Dam Site Area 4.31 Contour Plan of Paikhed Dam Site Area cliii Drawing No. NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/14 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/15 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/16 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/17 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/18 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/19 Prepared by BISAG NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/20 Prepared by BISAG NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/21 Prepared by BISAG NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/22 Prepared by BISAG NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/23 Prepared by BISAG NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/24 Prepared by BISAG NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/25 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/26 Plate Title No. 4.32 Contour Plan of Chasmandva Dam Site Area 4.33 Contour Plan of Chikkar Dam Site Area 4.34 Contour Plan of Dabdar Dam Site Area 4.35 Contour Plan of Kelwan Dam Site Area 4.36 Contour Plan of Kelwan Saddle dam Site Area 4.37 Contour Plan of Paikhed weir Site Area 4.38 Contour Plan of Chasmandva weir Site Area 4.39 Indicative Map Showing Plant and Colony Layout 4.40 Command Area Map of Par-TapiNarmada Link Project (Sheet 1 of 5) 4.40 Command Area Map of Par-TapiNarmada Link Project (Sheet 2 of 5) 4.40 Command Area Map of Par-TapiNarmada Link Project (Sheet 3 of 5) 4.40 Command Area Map of Par-TapiNarmada Link Project (Sheet 4 of 5) 4.40 Command Area Map of Par-TapiNarmada Link Project (Sheet 5 of 5) 4.41 Contour Plan of Sample Command Area Near Mandavi Village (TapiNarmada Reach) 4.42 Contour Plan of Sample Command Area Near Wankal Village (TapiNarmada Reach) 4.43 Contour Plan of Sample Command Area in Valiya Taluka (TapiNarmada Reach) 4.44 Map Showing Communication Network in the Project Area cliv Drawing No. NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/27 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/28 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/29 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/30 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/31 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/32 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/33 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/34 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/35 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/36 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/37 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/38 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/39 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/40 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/41 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/42 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/43 Plate Title No. 4.45 Soil Map of Enroute Command Area of Par-Tapi-Narmada Link Project 4.46 Geological Plan of Jheri Dam Site 4.47 Geological Plan of Chasmandva Dam Site from RD 0 to 1000 m (Sheet 1 of 3) 4.47 Geological Plan of Chasmandava Dam Site from RD 1000 to 1900 m (Sheet 2 of 3) 4.47 Geological Plan of Chasmandva Dam Site from RD 1900 to 3000 m (Sheet 3 of 3) 4.48 Geological Plan of Chikkar Dam Alignment between RD 0 to 740 m (Sheet 1 of 2) 4.48 Geological Plan of Chikkar Dam Alignment between RD 740 to 2048 m (Sheet 2 of 2) 4.49 Geological plan of Dabdar Dam Alignment between RD 0 to 600 m. (Sheet 1 of 2) 4.49 Geological plan of Dabdar Dam Alignment between RD 600 to 1268 m. (Sheet 2 of 2) 4.50 Geological Plan of Kelwan Dam Alignment between RD 0 to 800 m (Sheet 1 of 2) 4.50 Geological Plan of Kelwan Dam Alignment between RD 800 to 1378 m. (Sheet 2 of 2) 4.51 Geological Plan of Proposed Kelwan Saddle Dam 4. 52 Geological Section along the Downstream axis Y-Y’ of Jheri dam site 4.53 Tentative Geological Section along the Proposed Chasmandva Dam Axis between RD 0 to1320 m (left NOF) Earthen Dam (Sheet 1 of 3) clv Drawing No. NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/44 GSI Drawing GSI Drawing GSI Drawing GSI Drawing GSI Drawing GSI Drawing GSI Drawing GSI Drawing GSI Drawing GSI Drawing GSI Drawing GSI Drawing GSI Drawing Plate Title No. 4. 53 Tentative Geological Section along the Proposed Chasmandva Dam Axis between RD 1320 m to 2500 m (Sheet 2 of 3) 4.53 Tentative Geological Section of Right NOF along the Proposed Chasmandva Dam Axis from RD 2500 m to 3050 m (Sheet 3 of 3) 4.54 Geological Sections of Chikkar Dam(Sheet 1 of 2) 4.54 Detailed Geological Section along Proposed Chikkar Masonry Dam between RD 1090 m to 1485 m (Sheet 2 of 2) 4.55 Tentative Geological Sections of Dabdar Dam 4.56 Tentative Geological Sections of Kelwan Dam 4.57 Tentative Geological Section along the Proposed Kelwan Saddle Dam Alignment. 4.58 Location Plan of Borrow Area Pits of Jheri Dam Area 4.59 Location Plan of Borrow Area Pits of Paikhed Dam Area 4.60 Location Plan of Borrow Area Pits of Chasmandva Dam Area 4.61 Location Plan of Borrow Area Pits of Chikkar Dam Area 4.62 Location Plan of Borrow Area Pits of Dabdar Dam Area 4.63 Location Plan of Borrow Area Pits of Kelwan Dam Area 5.1 Par Basin Map 5.2 Auranga Basin Map 5.3 Ambica Basin Map 5.4 Purna Basin Map clvi Drawing No. GSI Drawing GSI Drawing GSI Drawing GSI Drawing GSI Drawing GSI Drawing GSI Drawing NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/45 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/46 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/47 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/48 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/49 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/50 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/51 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/52 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/53 NWDA/PTN/Link/ ICV/2014/54 Drawings-Report on Preliminary Geotechnical Investigations carried out by Geological Survey of India, Jaipur Plate No. Title A-1 Photo-geological Lineament Map of Dabdar Dam Site, the Dangs, Gujarat A-2 Photo-geological Lineament Map of Chikkar Dam Site, the Dangs, Gujarat A-3 Photo-geological Lineament Map of Kelwan Dam Site, the Dangs, Gujarat A-4 Photo-geological Lineament Map of Chasmandva Dam Site, Valsad District, Gujarat A-5 Photo-geological Lineament Map of Mohankavchali Dam Site, Valsad District, Gujarat A-6 Photo-geological Lineament Map of Paikhed Dam Site, Valsad District, Gujarat A-7 Photo-geological Lineament Map of Jheri Dam Site, Nashik District, Maharashtra I Bedrock Section along Dam and Energy Dissipation Axes along with the Location of Geophysical Observation Points and Magnetic Response (V.F), Dabdar Dam Site, District the Dangs, Gujarat B-IA Typical T-D Plot & VES Curves, Dabdar Dam Site, District the Dangs, Gujarat B-II Bedrock Section along Dam and Energy Dissipation Axes along with the Location of Geophysical Observation Points and Magnetic Response (V.F), Kelwan Dam Site, District the Dangs, Gujarat B-IIA Bedrock Section along Dam and Energy Dissipation Axes along with the Location of Geophysical Observation Points and Magnetic Response (V.F), Kelwan Saddle Dam Site, District the Dangs, Gujarat B-II B Typical T-D Plot & VES Curves, Kelwan Dam Site, District the Dangs, Gujarat B-III Bedrock Section along Dam and Energy Dissipation Axes along with the Location of Geophysical Observation Points and Magnetic Response (V.F), Chikkar Dam Site, District the Dangs, Gujarat B-III A Typical T-D Plot & VES Curves, Chikkar Dam Site, District the Dangs, Gujarat B-IV Bedrock Section along Dam and Energy Dissipation Axes along with the Location of Geophysical Observation Points and Magnetic Response (V.F), Chasmandva Dam Site, clvii Plate No. B-IV A B-V B-V A C-I C-II C-III C-IV C-V C-VI C-VII C-VIII C-IX Title District Valsad, Gujarat Typical T-D Plot & VES Curves, Chasmandva Dam Site, District Valsad, Gujarat Bedrock Section along Dam and Energy Dissipation Axes along with the Location of Geophysical Observation Points and Magnetic Response (V.F), Jheri Dam Site, District Nashik, Maharashtra Typical T-D Plot & VES Curves, Jheri Dam Site, District Nashik, Maharashtra Geological Plan of Chikkar Dam Alignment between RD 740 to 2048 m (Enclosed as Plate No.4.48 Sheet 2 of 2) of this Drawing Volume) Geological Plan of Chikkar Dam Alignment between RD 0 to 740 m (Enclosed as Plate No.4.48 Sheet 1 of 2 of this Drawing Volume) Tentative Geological Section along the Proposed Chikkar Masonry Dam Alignment (C-D) between RD 1090 m to 1485 m (Enclosed as Plate No.4.54 Sheet 2 of 2 of this Drawing Volume) Tentative Geological Section along Proposed Chikkar Earthen Dam Alignment (B-C) between RD 340 m to 1090 m (Enclosed as Plate No.4.54 Sheet 1 of 2 of this Drawing Volume) Tentative Geological Section along Proposed Chikkar Earthen Dam Alignment (A-B) between RD 0 m to 340 m (Enclosed as Plate No.4.54 Sheet 1 of 2 of this Drawing Volume) Tentative Geological Section along Proposed Chikkar Earthen Dam Alignment (C-D) between RD 1485 m to 2048 m (Enclosed as Plate No.4.54 Sheet 1 of 2 of this Drawing Volume) Tentative Geological Section along Left Bank of the River Ambica Through Proposed Drill Hole at RD 1200 m (Enclosed as Plate No.4.54 Sheet 1 of 2 of this Drawing Volume) Tentative Geological Section along Right Bank of the River Ambica Through Proposed Drill Hole at RD 1440 m (Enclosed as Plate No.4.54 Sheet 1 of 2 of this Drawing Volume) Tentative Geological Section along the River Ambica Through Drill Hole CKR-1 and Proposed Drill Hole No. clviii Plate No. C-X C-XI C-XII C-XIII C-XIV C-XV C-XVI C-XVII C-XVIII C-XIX C-XX C-XXI C-XXII C-XXIII C-XXIV C-XXV C-XXVI C-XXVII Title CKR-2 (Enclosed as Plate No.4.54 Sheet 1 of 2 of this Drawing Volume) Geological Log of Bore Hole No. CKR-1 from 0.00 m to 32.74 m Geological Log of Bore Hole No. CKR-1 from 32.74 m to 54.86 m Geological Log of the Trial Pits Geological plan of Dabdar Dam Alignment District the Dangs, Gujarat (Enclosed as Plate No.4.49 Two Parts / Sheets of this Drawing Volume) Section along the Proposed Dabdar Masonry Dam between RD 650 m and 980 m (Enclosed as Plate No.4.55 of this Drawing Volume) Section along the Proposed Dabdar Earth Dam between RD 0.00 m and 650 m (Enclosed as Plate No.4.55 of this Drawing Volume) Section along the Proposed Dabdar Earth Dam between RD 980 m and 1300 m (Enclosed as Plate No.4.55 of this Drawing Volume) Section along the Left Bank Through Bore Hole No. DBR-4 RD 689.393 m (Enclosed as Plate No.4.55 of this Drawing Volume) Section along the Right Bank Through Bore Hole No. DBR-2 RD 976.401 m (Enclosed as Plate No.4.55 of this Drawing Volume) Section Across the Dam Alignment Through Bore Hole No. DBR-1 and 3 and River (Enclosed as Plate No.4.55 of this Drawing Volume) Geological Log of Bore Hole No. DBR-1 Geological Log of Bore Hole No. DBR-2 Geological Log of Bore Hole No. DBR-3 Geological Log of Bore Hole No. DBR-4 Geological Log of the Trial Pits Geological Plan of Kelwan Dam Alignment District the Dangs, Gujarat (Enclosed as Plate No.4.50 Two Parts/Sheets of this Drawing Volume) Tentative Geological Section along the Proposed Kelwan Masonry Dam Alignment Between RD 215 m and 552 m (Enclosed as Plate No.4.56 of this Drawing Volume) Tentative Geological Section along the Proposed Kelwan Earthen Dam Alignment Between RD 0.00 m and 215 m clix Plate No. Title (Enclosed as Plate No.4.56 of this Drawing Volume) C-XXVIII Tentative Geological Section along the Proposed Kelwan Earthen Dam Alignment Between RD 552 m and 1388 m (Enclosed as Plate No.4.56 of this Drawing Volume) C-XXIX Tentative Geological Section along the Kelwan Dam Alignment at RD 205 m along Left Bank of Purna River (Enclosed as Plate No.4.56 of this Drawing Volume) C-XXX Tentative Geological Section across the Kelwan Dam Alignment at RD 550 m along Right Bank of Purna River (Enclosed as Plate No.4.56 of this Drawing Volume) C-XXXI Tentative Geological Section across the Kelwan Dam Alignment at RD 500 m along the Purna River (Enclosed as Plate No.4.56 of this Drawing Volume) C-XXXII Geological Log of the Trial Pits C-XXXIII Geological Plan of the Proposed Kelwan Saddle Dam, District the Dangs, Gujarat (Enclosed as Plate No.4.51 of this Drawing Volume) C-XXXIV Tentative Geological Section along the Kelwan Saddle Dam ,(Enclosed as Plate No.4.57 of this Drawing Volume) C-XXXV Geological Plan of Chasmandva Dam Site, District Valsad, from RD 0.00 m to 1000 m (Enclosed as Plate No.4.47 Sheet 1 of 3 of this Drawing Volume) C-XXXVI Geological Plan of Chasmandva Dam Site, District Valsad, from RD 1000 m to 1900 m (Enclosed as Plate No.4.47 Sheet 2 of 3 of this Drawing Volume) C-XXXVII Geological Plan of Chasmandva Dam Site, District Valsad, from RD 1900 m to 3000 m (Enclosed as Plate No.4.47 Sheet 3 of 3 of this Drawing Volume) C-XXXVIII Tentative Geological Section along the Proposed Chasmandva Dam Axis between RD 0.00 m to 1320 m (left NOF) Earthen Dam (Enclosed as Plate No.4.53 Sheet 1 of 3 of this Drawing Volume) C-XXXIX Tentative Geological Section along the Proposed Chasmandva Dam Axis between RD 1320 m to 2500 m (Enclosed as Plate No.4.53 Sheet 2 of 3 of this Drawing Volume) C-XL Tentative Geological Section of Right NOF along the Proposed Chasmandva Dam Axis from RD 2500 m to 3050 m (Enclosed as Plate No.4.53 Sheet 3 of 3 of this Drawing Volume) C-XLI Geological Plan of Jheri dam site, District Nashik, clx Plate No. C-XLII C-XLIII C-XLIV C-XLV C-XLVI Title Maharashtra (Enclosed as Plate No.4.46 of this Drawing Volume) Geological Section along the Downstream axis Y-Y’ of Jheri dam site (Enclosed as Plate No.4.52 of this Drawing Volume) Geological Log of Bore Hole BH-1 at Jheri Dam Site Geological Log of Bore Hole BH-2 at Jheri Dam Site Geological Log of Bore Hole BH-3 at Jheri Dam Site Geological Log of Bore Hole BH-4 at Jheri Dam Site Note: Text and Appendices of Report on Preliminary Geotechnical Investigations carried Out by Geological Survey of India, Western Region, Jaipur is enclosed as Appendix – 4.2 in Volume-III: Appendices- Survey Investigations. Volume – VIII (A) clxi Drawings - Design Aspects Plate No. 1. 1 6. 1 6. 2 6. 3 6. 4 6. 5 6. 6 6. 7 6. 8 6. 9 6. 10 6. 11 6. 12 6. 13 6. 14 6. 15 6. 16 6. 17 6. 18 6. 19 Description CWC Drawing No. Index Map of Par-Tapi-Narmada Link Project (NWDA/PTN Link/ICV/2015/1) Plinth Foundation Treatment Details of PTNL-5900-PConcrete Faced Rockfill Dam of Jheri Dam 1042 Layout Plan of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of PTNL-5900-PJheri Dam 1036 Section at A-A of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam PTNL-5900-Pof Jheri Dam 1037 Section at B-B of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam PTNL-5900-Pof Jheri Dam 1038 Joint Details of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam PTNL-5900-Pof Jheri Dam 1039 Plan of Interface Wall of Concrete Faced PTNL-5900-PRockfill Dam of Jheri Dam 1040 Sectional Details of Interface Wall of Concrete PTNL-5900-PFaced Rockfill Dam of Jheri Dam 1041 Layout Plan of Jheri Dam PTNL-5900-P3041 Maximum Non Over Flow (NOF) Section (Right PTNL-5900-PSide) of Jheri Dam 3049 Maximum Non over flow (NOF) Section (Left PTNL-5900-PSide) of Jheri Dam 3052 Zoning of Materials for Non Over Flow (NOF) PTNL-5900-PSection (Right Side) of Jheri Dam. 3051 Zoning of Materials for Non Over Flow (NOF) PTNL-5900-PSection (Left Side) of Jheri Dam 3054 Water Stop Details for Maximum Non Over PTNL-5900-PFlow (NOF) Section (Right Side) of Jheri Dam 3050 Water Stop Details for Maximum Non Over PTNL-5900-PFlow (NOF) Section (Left Side) of Jheri Dam 3053 Maximum Over Flow (OF) Section of Jheri PTNL-5900-PDam 3046 Zoning of Materials for Maximum Over Flow PTNL-5900-P(OF) Section of Jheri Dam 3048 Water Stop Details for Maximum Over Flow PTNL-5900-P(OF) Section of Jheri Dam 3047 Typical Details of Consolidation Grouting in PTNL-5900-POver Flow (OF) Portion of Jheri Dam 3045 Spillway Plan of Jheri Dam PTNL-5900-Pclxii Plate No. Description 6. 20 Spillway Elevation of Jheri Dam 6. 21 Longitudinal Section of Chute Spillway of Jheri Dam Chute Channel and Cross Section at A-A of Jheri Dam General Installation of Spillway Radial Gate (15000mmx12000mm) of Jheri Dam General Installation of Spillway Stoplogs (15000mmx12600mm) of Jheri Dam Plinth Foundation Treatment of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of Paikhed Dam Layout Plan of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of Paikhed Dam Section at A-A of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of Paikhed Dam Section at B-B of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of Paikhed Dam Joint Details of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of Paikhed Dam Plan of Interface Wall of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of Paikhed Dam Sectional Details of Interface Wall of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of Paikhed Dam Layout Plan of Paikhed Dam 6. 22 6. 23 6. 24 6. 25 6. 26 6. 27 6. 28 6. 29 6. 30 6. 31 6. 32 6. 33 6. 34 6. 35 6. 36 6. 37 6. 38 6. 39 Maximum Non Over Flow (NOF) Section (Right Side) of Paikhed Dam Maximum Non Over Flow (NOF) Section Power Intake Block of Paikhed Dam Zoning of Materials for Non Over Flow (NOF) section of Paikhed Dam Zoning of Materials for Non Over Flow (NOF) Section- Power Intake Block of Paikhed Dam Water Stop Details for Non Over Flow (NOF) Section of Paikhed Dam Maximum Over Flow (OF) Section of Paikhed Dam Zoning of Materials for Maximum Over Flow clxiii CWC Drawing No. 3043 PTNL-5900-P3044 PTNL-5900-P3042 PTNL-5900-P3055 PTNL-5900JHD-1501 PTNL-5900JHD-1502 PTNL-5900-P1028 PTNL-5900-P1022 PTNL-5900-P1023 PTNL-5900-P1024 PTNL-5900-P1025 PTNL-5900-P1026 PTNL-5900-P1027 PTNL-5900-P3001 PTNL-5900-P3011 PTNL-5900-P3009 PTNL-5900-P3013 PTNL-5900-P3010 PTNL-5900-P3012 PTNL-5900-P3006 PTNL-5900-P- Plate No. Description 6. 42 (OF) Section of Paikhed Dam Water Stop Details for Maximum Over Flow (OF) Section of Paikhed Dam Typical Details of Consolidation Grouting in Over Flow (OF) Portion of Paikhed Dam Spillway Plan of Paikhed Dam 6. 43 Spillway Elevation of Paikhed Dam 6. 44 Longitudinal Section of Chute Spillway of Paikhed Dam Chute Channel and Cross Section at A-A of Paikhed Dam Chute Channel and Cross Section at B-B of Paikhed Dam General Installation of Spillway Radial Gate (15000mm X 12000 mm) of Paikhed Dam General Installation of Spillway Stoplogs (15000mm X 12300mm) of Paikhed Dam Plinth Foundation Treatment of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of Chasmandva Dam Layout Plan of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of Chasmandva Dam Section at A-A of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of Chasmandva Dam Section at B-B of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of Chasmandva Dam Joint Details of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of Chasmandva Dam Plan of Interface Wall of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of Chasmandva Dam Sectional Details of Interface Wall of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of Chasmandva Dam Layout Plan of Chasmandva Dam 6. 40 6. 41 6. 45 6. 46 6. 47 6. 48 6. 49 6. 50 6. 51 6. 52 6. 53 6. 54 6. 55 6. 56 6. 57 6. 58 6. 59 Maximum Non Over Flow (NOF) Section (Right Side) of Chasmandva Dam Maximum Non Over Flow (NOF) Section (Left Side) of Chasmandva Dam Zoning of Materials for Maximum Non Over clxiv CWC Drawing No. 3008 PTNL-5900-P3007 PTNL-5900-P3004 PTNL-5900-P3003 PTNL-5900-P3005 PTNL-5900-P3002 PTNL-5900-P3014 PTNL-5900-P3015 PTNL-5900PKD-1501 PTNL-5900PKD-1502 PTNL-5900-P1035 PTNL-5900-P1029 PTNL-5900-P1030 PTNL-5900-P1031 PTNL-5900-P1032 PTNL-5900-P1033 PTNL-5900-P1034 PTNL-5900-P3021 PTNL-5900-P3030 PTNL-5900-P3033 PTNL-5900-P- Plate No. 6. 60 6. 61 Description CWC Drawing No. of 3031 Flow (NOF) Section (Right Side) Chasmandva Dam Water Stop Details for Non Over Flow (NOF) PTNL-5900-PSection (Right side) of Chasmandva Dam 3032 6. 65 Maximum Over Flow (OF) Section of Chasmandva Dam Zoning of Materials for Maximum Over Flow (OF) Section of Chasmandva Dam Water Stop Details for Maximum Over Flow (OF) Section of Chasmandva Dam Typical Details of Consolidation Grouting in Over Flow (OF) Portion of Chasmandva Dam Spillway Plan of Chasmandva Dam 6. 66 Spillway Elevation of Chasmandva Dam 6. 67 Longitudinal Section of Chute Spillway of Chasmandva Dam Chute Channel and Cross Section at A-A of Chasmandva Dam General Installation of Spillway Radial Gate (12000 mm X 12000 mm) of Chasmandva Dam General Installation of Spillway Stoplogs (12000 mm X 12300 mm ) of Chasmandva Dam Plinth Foundation Treatment of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of Chikkar Dam. Layout Plan of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of Chikkar Dam Section at A-A of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of Chikkar Dam Section at B-B of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of Chikkar Dam Joint Details of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of Chikkar Dam Plan of Interface Wall of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of Chikkar Dam Sectional Details of Interface Wall of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of Chikkar Dam Layout Plan of Chikkar Dam 6. 62 6. 63 6. 64 6. 68 6. 69 6. 70 6. 71 6. 72 6. 73 6. 74 6. 75 6. 76 6. 77 6. 78 clxv PTNL-5900-P3026 PTNL-5900-P3028 PTNL-5900-P3027 PTNL-5900-P3025 PTNL-5900-P3024 PTNL-5900-P3023 PTNL-5900-P3022 PTNL-5900-P3029 PTNL-5900CHVD-1501 PTNL-5900CHVD-1502 PTNL-5900-P1049 PTNL-5900-P1043 PTNL-5900-P1044 PTNL-5900-P1045 PTNL-5900-P1046 PTNL-5900-P1047 PTNL-5900-P1048 PTNL-5900-P- Plate No. Description 6. 79 6. 89 Maximum Non Over Flow (NOF) Section (Right Side) of Chikkar Dam Maximum Non Over Flow (NOF) Section (Left Side) of Chikkar Dam Zoning of Materials for Maximum Non Over Flow (NOF) Section (Right Side) of Chikkar Dam Zoning of Materials for Maximum Non Over Flow (NOF) Section (Left Side) of Chikkar Dam Water Stop Details for Non Over Flow (NOF) Section (Right Side) of Chikkar Dam Water Stop Details for Non Over Flow (NOF) Section (Left Side) of Chikkar Dam Maximum Over Flow (OF) Section of Chikkar Dam Zoning of Materials for Maximum Over Flow (OF) Section of Chikkar Dam Water Stop Details for Maximum Over Flow (OF) Section of Chikkar Dam Typical Details of Consolidation Grouting in Over Flow (OF) Portion of Chikkar Dam Spillway Plan of Chikkar Dam 6. 90 Spillway Elevation of Chikkar Dam 6. 91 Longitudinal Section of Chute Spillway of Chikkar Dam Chute Channel and Cross Section at A-A of Chikkar Dam General Installation of Spillway Radial Gate (15000 mm X 12000 mm) of Chikkar Dam General Installation of Spillway Stoplogs (15000 mm X 12900 mm) of Chikkar Dam 6. 80 6. 81 6. 82 6. 83 6. 84 6. 85 6. 86 6. 87 6. 88 6. 92 6. 93 6. 94 Volume – VIII (B) clxvi CWC Drawing No. 3061 PTNL-5900-P3072 PTNL-5900-P3069 PTNL-5900-P3074 PTNL-5900-P3071 PTNL-5900-P3073 PTNL-5900-P3070 PTNL-5900-P3066 PTNL-5900-P3068 PTNL-5900-P3067 PTNL-5900-P3065 PTNL-5900-P3064 PTNL-5900-P3063 PTNL-5900-P3062 PTNL-5900-P3075 PTNL-5900CKD-1501 PTNL-5900CKD-1502 Drawings - Design Aspects Plate No. 1. 1 6.95 6.96 6.97 6.98 6.99 6.100 6.101 6.102 6.103 6.104 6.105 6.106 6.107 6.108 6.109 6.110 6.111 6.112 6.113 Description CWC Drawing No. Index Map of Par-Tapi-Narmada Link Project (NWDA/PTN Link/ICV/2015/1) Plinth Foundation Treatment of Concrete Faced PTNL-5900-PRockfill Dam of Dabdar dam 1056 Layout Plan of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of PTNL-5900-PDabdar Dam 1050 Section at A-A of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam PTNL-5900-Pof Dabdar Dam 1051 Section at B-B of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam PTNL-5900-Pof Dabdar Dam 1052 Joint Details of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of PTNL-5900-PDabdar Dam 1053 Plan of Interface Wall of Concrete Faced PTNL-5900-PRockfill Dam of Dabdar Dam 1054 Sectional Details of Interface Wall of Concrete PTNL-5900-PFaced Rockfill Dam of Dabdar Dam 1055 Layout Plan of Dabdar Dam PTNL-5900-P3081 Maximum Non Over Flow (NOF) Section (Right PTNL-5900-PSide) of Dabdar Dam 3092 Maximum Non Over Flow (NOF) Section (Left PTNL-5900-Pside) of Dabdar Dam 3089 Zoning of Materials for Non Over Flow (NOF) PTNL-5900-PSection (Right Side) of Dabdar Dam 3094 Zoning of Materials for Non Over Flow (NOF) PTNL-5900-PSection (Left Side) of Dabdar Dam 3091 Water Stop Details for Non Over Flow (NOF) PTNL-5900-PSection (Right Side) of Dabdar Dam 3093 Water Stop Details for Non Over Flow (NOF) PTNL-5900-PSection (Left Side) of Dabdar Dam 3090 Maximum Over Flow (OF) Section of Dabdar PTNL-5900-PDam 3086 Zoning of Materials for Maximum Over Flow PTNL-5900-P(OF) Section of Dabdar Dam 3088 Water Stop Details for Maximum Over Flow PTNL-5900-P(OF) Section of Dabdar Dam 3087 Typical Details of Consolidation Grouting in PTNL-5900-POver Flow (OF) Portion of Dabdar Dam 3085 Spillway Plan of Dabdar Dam PTNL-5900-Pclxvii Plate No. Description 6.114 Spillway Elevation of Dabdar Dam 6.115 Longitudinal Section of Chute Spillway of Dabdar Dam Chute Channel and Cross Section at A-A of Dabdar Dam General Installation of Spillway Radial Gate (15000 mm X 12000 mm) of Dabdar Dam General Installation of Spillway Stoplogs (15000 mm X 12600 mm ) of Dabdar Dam Plinth Foundation Treatment Details of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of Kelwan Dam Layout Plan of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of Kelwan Dam Section at A-A of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of Kelwan Dam Section at B-B of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of Kelwan Dam Joint Details of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of Kelwan Dam Plan of Interface Wall of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of Kelwan Dam Sectional Details of Interface Wall of Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam of Kelwan Dam Layout plan of Kelwan dam 6.116 6.117 6.118 6.119 6.120 6.121 6.122 6.123 6.124 6.125 6.126 6.127 6.128 6.129 6.130 6.131 6.132 6.133 Maximum Non Over flow (NOF) Section (Right Side) of Kelwan Dam Maximum Non Over flow (NOF) Section (Left Side) of Kelwan Dam Zoning of Materials for Non Over Flow (NOF) Section (Right Side) of Kelwan Dam Zoning of Materials for Non Over Flow (NOF) Section (Left Side) of Kelwan Dam Water Stop Details for Non Over flow (NOF) Section (Right Side) of Kelwan Dam Water Stop Details for Non Over flow (NOF) Section (Left Side) of Kelwan Dam Maximum Over flow (OF) Section of Kelwan clxviii CWC Drawing No. 3084 PTNL-5900-P3083 PTNL-5900-P3082 PTNL-5900-P3095 PTNL-5900DBD-1501 PTNL-5900DBD-1502 PTNL-5900-P1063 PTNL-5900-P1057 PTNL-5900-P1058 PTNL-5900-P1059 PTNL-5900-P1060 PTNL-5900-P1061 PTNL-5900-P1062 PTNL-5900-P3101 PTNL-5900-P3109 PTNL-5900-P3112 PTNL-5900-P3111 PTNL-5900-P3114 PTNL-5900-P3110 PTNL-5900-P3113 PTNL-5900-P- Plate No. Description 6.137 Dam Zoning of Materials for Maximum Over flow (OF) Section of Kelwan Dam Water Stop details for Maximum Over flow (OF) Section of Kelwan Dam Typical Details of consolidations Grouting in Over flow (OF) Portion of Kelwan Dam Spillway Plan of Kelwan Dam 6.138 Spillway Elevation of Kelwan Dam 6.139 Longitudinal Section of Chute spillway of Kelwan Dam Chute Channel and Cross Section at A-A of Kelwan Dam General Installation of Spillway Radial Gate (15000mmX12000mm) of Kelwan Dam General Installation of Spillway Stoplogs (15000mmX12000mm) of Kelwan Dam General Layout Plan (Alternative Alignments) of Jheri-Paikhed Link Tunnel General Layout Plan (Final Alignment) of JheriPaikhed Link Tunnel L-section Along Jheri-Paikhed Link Tunnel 6.134 6.135 6.136 6.140 6.141 6.142 6.143 6.144 6.145 6.146 6.147 6.148 6.149 6.150 6.151 6.152 CWC Drawing No. 3106 PTNL-5900-P3108 PTNL-5900-P3107 PTNL-5900-P3105 PTNL-5900-P3104 PTNL-5900-P3103 PTNL-5900-P3102 PTNL-5900-P3115 PTNL-5900KLD-1501 PTNL-5900KLD-1502 PTNL-5900DPR-1001 PTNL-5900DPR-1002 PTNL-5900DPR-1003 PTNL-5900DPR-1004 PTNL-5900DPR-1005 PTNL-5900DPR-1006 PTNL-5900DPR-1007 PTNL-5900DPR-1008 PTNL-5900DPR-1009 Intake Details at Jheri of Jheri-Paikhed Link Tunnel Trash Rack Details (Metal Work) at Intake of Jheri-Paikhed Link Tunnel Typical Excavation and Rock Support Details (Horizontal Reach) of Jheri-Paikhed Link Tunnel Typical Concrete Lining and Grouting Details of Jheri-Paikhed Link Tunnel Construction Adit Portal Excavation Support Details of Jheri-Paikhed Link Tunnel Typical Excavation and Rock Support Details of Construction Adit (6 m x 6 m D-Shape) of JheriPaikhed Link Tunnel General Installation of Intake Service Gate (3000 PTNL-5900mm X 3000 mm) at Jheri of Jheri-Paikhed Link JPLT-1501 clxix Plate No. 6.153 6.154 6.155 6.156 6.157 6.158 6.159 6.160 6.161 6.162 6.163 6.164 6.165 6.166 6.167 6.168 6.169 Description Tunnel General Installation of Intake Emergency Gate (3000 mm X 300 0mm) at Jheri of Jheri-Paikhed Link Tunnel General Installation of Intake Service Gate (3000 mm X 3000 mm) at Paikhed of Jheri-Paikhed Link Tunnel General Installation of Intake Emergency Gate (3000 mm X 3000 mm) at Paikhed of JheriPaikhed Link Tunnel General Layout Plan (Alternative Alignments) of Power House at Paikhed Dam General Layout Plan (Final Alignment) of Power House at Paikhed Dam L-section of Water Conductor System and Power House at Paikhed Dam Plan and Section of Power Intake of Power House at Paikhed Dam Trash Rack Details (Metal Work) of Power Intake of Power House at Paikhed Dam Pressure Shaft (Typical Excavation on Rock Support Details) of Power House at Paikhed Dam Pressure Shaft (Typical Concrete Lining and Grouting Details) of Power House at Paikhed Dam Penstock / Pressure Shaft (Ferrule Details) of Power House at Paikhed Dam Penstock Shaft (Ferrule Details) of Power House at Paikhed Dam Plan of Power House at Paikhed Dam Cross Section of Surface Power House at Paikhed Dam General Installation of Power Intake Service Gate (1800 mm X 2500 mm) at Paikhed Dam General Installation of Draft Tube Gate (4020 mmX2300 mm) at Paikhed Dam General Layout Plan (Alternative Alignments) of Power House at Chasmandva Dam clxx CWC Drawing No. PTNL-5900JPLT-1502 PTNL-5900JPLT-1503 PTNL-5900JPLT-1504 PTNL-5900DPR-2001 PTNL-5900DPR-2002 PTNL-5900DPR-2003 PTNL-5900DPR-2004 PTNL-5900DPR-2005 PTNL-5900DPR-2006 PTNL-5900DPR-2007 PTNL-5900DPR-2008 PTNL-5900DPR-2009 PTNL-5900DPR-2010 PTNL-5900DPR-2011 PTNL-5900PKPH-1501 PTNL-5900PKPH-1502 PTNL-5900DPR-3001 Plate No. 6.170 6.171 6.172 6.173 6.174 6.175 6.176 6.177 6.178 6.179 6.180 6.181 6.182 6.183 6.184 6.185 6.186 6.187 6.188 6.189 Description General Layout Plan (Final Alignment) of Power House at Chasmandva Dam Layout Plan of Water Conductor System and Power House at Chasmandva Dam L-Section of Water Conductor System and Power House at Chasmandva Dam Plan and Section of Power Intake of Power House at Chasmandva Dam Trash Rack Details (Metal Work) of Power Intake of Power House at Chasmandva Dam Penstock (Details of Steel Liner) of Power House at Chasmandva Dam (Sheet 1 of 2) Penstock (Details of Steel Liner) of Power House at Chasmandva Dam (Sheet 2 of 2) Plan of Surface Power House at Elevation of 175.120 m of Chasmandva Dam Cross Section of Surface Power House at Chasmandva Dam L-Section Through Centre Line of Turbine of Surface Power House at Chasmandva Dam General Installation of Power Intake Service Gate (1420 mm X 1800 mm) at Chasmandva Dam General Installation of Draft Tube Gate (3400 mm X 2340 mm) at Chasmandva Dam General Layout Plan (Alternative Alignments) of Power House at Chikkar Dam General Layout Plan (Final Alignment) of Power House at Chikkar Dam L-section of Water Conductor System and Power House at Chikkar Dam Power Intake Details of Power House at Chikkar Dam Trash Rack Details (Metal Work) of Power Intake of Power House at Chikkar Dam Penstock (Details of Steel Liner) of Power House at Chikkar Dam (Sheet 1 of 2) Penstock (Details of Steel Liner) of Power House at Chikkar Dam (Sheet 2 of 2) Plan of Surface Power House at Elevation of clxxi CWC Drawing No. PTNL-5900DPR-3002 PTNL-5900DPR-3003 PTNL-5900DPR-3004 PTNL-5900DPR-3005 PTNL-5900DPR-3006 PTNL-5900DPR-3007 PTNL-5900DPR-3008 PTNL-5900DPR-3009 PTNL-5900DPR-3010 PTNL-5900DPR-3011 PTNL-5900CHPH-1501 PTNL-5900CHPH-1502 PTNL-5900DPR-4001 PTNL-5900DPR-4002 PTNL-5900DPR-4003 PTNL-5900DPR-4004 PTNL-5900DPR-4005 PTNL-5900DPR-4006 PTNL-5900DPR-4007 PTNL-5900- Plate No. 6.190 6.191 6.192 6.193 6.194 6.195 6.196 6.197 6.198 6.199 6.200 6.201 6.202 6.203 6.204 6.205 6.206 6.207 6.208 6.209 Description 167.920 m of Chikkar Dam L-Section Through Centre Line of Turbine of Surface Power House at Chikkar Dam Cross Section of Power House at Chikkar Dam General Installation of Power Intake Service Gate (1420 mm X 1800 mm) at Chikkar Dam General Installation of Draft Tube Gate (3400 mm X 2340 mm) at Chikkar Dam General Layout Plan of Power House at Dabdar Dam L-section of Water Conductor System and Power House at Dabdar Dam Plan and Section of Power Intake of Power House at Dabdar Dam Trash Rack Details (Metal Work) of Power Intake of Power House at Dabdar Dam Penstock (Details of Steel Liner) of Power House at Dabdar Dam (Sheet 1 of 2) Penstock (Details of Steel Liner) of Power House at Dabdar Dam (Sheet 2 of 2) Plan of Power House at Elevation of 135.830 m of Dabdar Dam Cross Section of Surface Power House at Dabdar Dam L-Section Through Centre Line of Turbine of Surface Power House at Dabdar Dam General Installation of Power Intake Service Gate (2000 mm X 2500 mm) at Dabdar Dam General Installation of Draft Tube Gate (5100 mm X 2340 mm) at Dabdar Dam General Layout Plan of Power House at Kelwan Dam L-section of Water Conductor System and Power House at Kelwan Dam Plan and Section of Power Intake of Power House at Kelwan Dam Trash Rack Details (Metal Work) of Power Intake of Power House at Kelwan Dam Penstock (Details of Steel Liner) of Power clxxii CWC Drawing No. DPR-4008 PTNL-5900DPR-4009 PTNL-5900DPR-4010 PTNL-5900CKPH-1501 PTNL-5900CKPH-1502 PTNL-5900DPR-5001 PTNL-5900DPR-5002 PTNL-5900DPR-5003 PTNL-5900DPR-5004 PTNL-5900DPR-5005 PTNL-5900DPR-5006 PTNL-5900DPR-5007 PTNL-5900DPR-5008 PTNL-5900DPR-5009 PTNL-5900DBPH-1501 PTNL-5900DBPH-1502 PTNL-5900DPR-6001 PTNL-5900DPR-6002 PTNL-5900DPR-6003 PTNL-5900DPR-6004 PTNL-5900- Plate No. 6.210 6.211 6.212 6.213 6.214 6.215 6.216 6.217 6.218 6.219 6.220 6.221 6.222 6.223 6.224 6.225 6.226 6.227 6.228 Description House at Kelwan Dam (Sheet 1 of 2) Penstock (Details of Steel Liner) of Power House at Kelwan Dam (Sheet 2 of 2) Plan of Power House at Elevation of 134.830 m of Kelwan Dam Cross Section of Power House at Kelwan Dam L-Section Through Centre Line of Turbine of Surface Power House at Kelwan Dam General Installation of Power Intake Service Gate (1800 mm X 2500 mm) at Kelwan Dam General Installation of Draft Tube Gate (4020 mm X 2300 mm) at Kelwan Dam General Layout Plan of Power House at Kelwan Feeder Canal L-section of Water Conductor System and Power House at Kelwan Feeder Canal Plan and Section of Power Intake of Power House at Kelwan Feeder Canal Trash Rack Details (Metal Work) of Power Intake of Power House at Kelwan Feeder Canal Penstock Details of Steel Liner (Details of Ferrule) of Power House at Kelwan Feeder Canal Penstock Details of Steel Liner (Details of Ferrule) of Power House at Kelwan Feeder Canal Plan of Power House at Elevation of 118.180 m of Kelwan Feeder Canal Cross Section of Power House at Kelwan Feeder Canal Power House Roof Truss Details at Kelwan Feeder Canal General Installation of Power Intake Service Gate (2000 mm X 2500 mm) at Kelwan Feeder Canal General Installation of Power Intake Emergency Gate (2000 mm X 2500 mm) at Kelwan Feeder Canal General Installation of Draft Tube Gate (2652 mm X 1500 mm) at Kelwan Feeder Canal General Layout Plan of Paikhed Barrage clxxiii CWC Drawing No. DPR-6005 PTNL-5900DPR-6006 PTNL-5900DPR-6007 PTNL-5900DPR-6008 PTNL-5900DPR-6009 PTNL-5900KEPH-1501 PTNL-5900KEPH-1502 PTNL-5900DPR-7001 PTNL-5900DPR-7002 PTNL-5900DPR-7003 PTNL-5900DPR-7004 PTNL-5900DPR-7005 PTNL-5900DPR-7006 PTNL-5900DPR-7007 PTNL-5900DPR-7008 PTNL-5900DPR-7009 PTNL-5900KFCPH-1501 PTNL-5900KFCPH-1502 PTNL-5900KFCPH-1503 PTNL-5900-P- Plate No. Description CWC Drawing No. 2501 PTNL-5900-P2502 PTNL-5900-P2503 PTNL-5900-P2504 PTNL-5900-P2505 PTNL-5900PKB-1501 PTNL-5900PKB-1502 PTNL-5900PKB-1503 6.229 Detailed Layout Plan of Paikhed Barrage 6.230 Longitudinal and Cross Section (Anchorage and Drainage Details) of Paikhed Barrage Stilling Basin Plan (Anchorage and Drainage Details) of Paikhed Barrage Head Regulator and Flared Out Walls of Paikhed Barrage General Installation of Spillway Radial Gate (15000 mm X 7000 mm) of Paikhed Barrage General Installation of Spillway Stop log (15000 mm X 9100 mm ) of Paikhed Barrage General Installation of Head Regulator Service Gate (3000 mm X 3000 mm) of Paikhed Barrage General Installation of Stoplog (3000 mm X PTNL-59003350 mm) for Head Regulator of Paikhed PKB-1504 Barrage General Layout Plan of Chasmandva Barrage PTNL-5900-P2506 Detailed Layout Plan of Chasmandva Barrage PTNL-5900-P2507 Longitudinal and Cross Section (Anchorage and PTNL-5900-PDrainage Details) of Chasmandva Barrage 2508 Stilling Basin Plan (Anchorage and Drainage PTNL-5900-PDetails) of Chasmandva Barrage 2509 Head Regulator and Flared Out Walls of PTNL-5900-PChasmandva Barrage 2510 General Installation of Spillway Gate (12000 PTNL-5900mm X 8000 mm) of Chasmandva Barrage CHB-1501 General Installation of Spillway Stop log PTNL-5900(12000 mm X 8250 mm ) of Chasmandva CHB-1502 Barrage General Installation of Head Regulator Service PTNL-5900Gate (3000 mm X 1000 mm) of Chasmandva CHB-1503 Barrage General Installation of Stoplog (3000 mm X 1200 PTNL-5900mm) for Head Regulator of Chasmandva Barrage CHB-1504 Volume – VIII (C) 6.231 6.232 6.233 6.234 6.235 6.236 6.237 6.238 6.239 6.240 6.241 6.242 6.243 6.244 6.245 clxxiv Plate No. 1. 1 6.246 6.247 6.248 6.249 6.250 6.251 6.252 6.253 6.254 6.255 6.256 6.257 6.258 6.259 6.260 6.261 6.262 6.263 Drawings - Design Aspects Description CWC Drawing No. Index Map of Par-Tapi-Narmada Link Project (NWDA/PTN Link/ICV/2015/1) Canal Section(s) – At Different Reaches of Main PTNL-5900-PCanals and Feeder Canals 2511 Canal Section(s) – Typical Details of Cutting PTNL-5900-Pand Filling 2512 Typical Details of Canal Lining PTNL-5900-P2513 Typical Details of Drainage Arrangement Under PTNL-5900-PCanal Lining 2514 Par-Tapi Reach Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-PRD 0.00 to RD 3000 m 2515 Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-PRD 3000 m to RD 6000 m 2516 Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-PRD 6000 m to RD 9000 m 2517 Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-PRD 9000 m to RD 12000 m 2518 Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-PRD 12000 m to RD 15000 m 2519 Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-PRD 15000 m to RD 18000 m 2520 Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-PRD 18000 m to RD 21000 m 2521 Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-PRD 21000 m to RD 24000 m 2522 Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-PRD 24000 m to RD 27000 m 2523 Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-PRD 27000 m to RD 30000 m 2524 Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-PRD 30000 m to RD 33000 m 2525 Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-PRD 33000 m to RD 36000 m 2526 Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-PRD 36000 m to RD 39000 m 2527 Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-PRD 39000 m to RD 42000 m 2528 clxxv Plate No. 6.264 6.265 6.266 6.267 6.268 6.269 6.270 6.271 6.272 6.273 6.274 6.275 6.276 6.277 6.278 6.279 6.280 6.281 6.282 6.283 Description Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 42000 m to RD 45000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 45000 m to RD 48000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 48000 m to RD 51000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 51000 m to RD 54000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 54000 m to RD 57000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 57000 m to RD 60000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 60000 m to RD 63000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 63000 m to RD 66000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 66000 m to RD 69000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 69000 m to RD 72000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 72000 m to RD 75000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 75000 m to RD 78000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 78000 m to RD 81000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 81000 m to RD 84000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 84000 m to RD 87000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 87000 m to RD 90000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 90000 m to RD 93000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 93000 m to RD 96000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 96000 m to RD 99000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 99000 m to RD 102000 m clxxvi Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from CWC Drawing No. PTNL-5900-P2529 PTNL-5900-P2530 PTNL-5900-P2531 PTNL-5900-P2532 PTNL-5900-P2533 PTNL-5900-P2534 PTNL-5900-P2535 PTNL-5900-P2536 PTNL-5900-P2537 PTNL-5900-P2538 PTNL-5900-P2539 PTNL-5900-P2540 PTNL-5900-P2541 PTNL-5900-P2542 PTNL-5900-P2543 PTNL-5900-P2544 PTNL-5900-P2545 PTNL-5900-P2546 PTNL-5900-P2547 PTNL-5900-P2548 Plate No. 6.284 6.285 6.286 6.287 6.288 6.289 6.290 6.291 6.292 6.293 6.294 6.295 6.296 6.297 6.298 6.299 6.300 6.301 6.302 6.303 Description Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 102000 m to RD 105000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 105000 m to RD 108000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 108000 m to RD 111000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 111000 m to RD 114000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 114000 m to RD 117000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 117000 m to RD 120000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 120000 m to RD 123000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 123000 m to RD 126000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 126000 m to RD 129000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 129000 m to RD 132000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 132000 m to RD 135000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 135000 m to RD 138000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 138000 m to RD 141000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 141000 m to RD 144000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 144000 to RD 147000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 147000 m to RD 150000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 150000 m to RD 153000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 153000 m to RD 156000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 156000 m to RD 159000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 159000 m to RD 162000 m clxxvii Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from CWC Drawing No. PTNL-5900-P2549 PTNL-5900-P2550 PTNL-5900-P2551 PTNL-5900-P2552 PTNL-5900-P2553 PTNL-5900-P2554 PTNL-5900-P2555 PTNL-5900-P2556 PTNL-5900-P2557 PTNL-5900-P2558 PTNL-5900-P2559 PTNL-5900-P2560 PTNL-5900-P2561 PTNL-5900-P2562 PTNL-5900-P2563 PTNL-5900-P2564 PTNL-5900-P2565 PTNL-5900-P2566 PTNL-5900-P2567 PTNL-5900-P2568 Plate No. 6.304 6.305 6.306 6.307 6.308 6.309 6.310 6.311 6.312 6.313 6.314 6.315 6.316 6.317 Description Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from RD 162000 m to RD 165000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from RD 165000 m to RD 168000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from RD 168000 m to RD 171000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from RD 171000 m to RD 174000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from RD 174000 m to RD 177360 m Feeder Canals Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from RD 0.00 to RD 2859.91 m of Chasmandva Feeder Canal Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from RD 0.00 to RD 3000.00 m of Interconnecting Canal between Chikkar and Dabdar Reservoirs Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from RD 3000.00 m to RD 6000.00 m of Interconnecting Canal between Chikkar and Dabdar Reservoirs Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from RD 6000.00 m to RD 9000.00 m of Interconnecting Canal between Chikkar and Dabdar Reservoirs Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from RD 9000.00 m to RD 12000.00 m of Interconnecting Canal between Chikkar and Dabdar Reservoirs Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from RD 12000.00 m to RD 14341.97 m of Interconnecting Canal between Chikkar and Dabdar Reservoirs Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from RD 0.00 to RD 3100.00 m of Dabdar Feeder Canal Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from RD 3100.00 m to RD 6200.00 m of Dabdar Feeder Canal Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from clxxviii CWC Drawing No. PTNL-5900-P2569 PTNL-5900-P2570 PTNL-5900-P2571 PTNL-5900-P2572 PTNL-5900-P2573 PTNL-5900-P2574 PTNL-5900-P2575 PTNL-5900-P2576 PTNL-5900-P2577 PTNL-5900-P2578 PTNL-5900-P2579 PTNL-5900-P2580 PTNL-5900-P2581 PTNL-5900-P- Plate No. 6.318 6.319 6.320 6.321 6.322 6.323 6.324 6.325 6.326 6.327 6.328 6.329 6.330 6.331 6.332 6.333 6.334 Description CWC Drawing No. RD 6200.00 m to RD 9300.00 m of Dabdar 2582 Feeder Canal Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-PRD 9300.00 m to RD 12258.087 m of Dabdar 2583 Feeder Canal Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-PRD 0.00 to RD 3100.00 m of Kelwan Feeder 2584 Canal Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-PRD 3100.00 m to RD 6200.00 m of Kelwan 2585 Feeder Canal Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-PRD 6200.00 m to RD 7615.69 m of Kelwan 2586 Feeder Canal Tapi-Narmada Reach Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-PRD 0.00 to RD 3000 m 2587 Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-PRD 3000 m to RD 6000 m 2588 Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-PRD 6000 m to RD 9000 m 2589 Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-PRD 9000 m to RD 12000 m 2590 Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-PRD 12000 m to RD 15000 m 2591 Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-PRD 15000 m to RD 18000 m 2592 Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-PRD 18000 m to RD 21000 m 2593 Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-PRD 21000 m to RD 24000 m 2594 Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-PRD 24000 m to RD 27000 m 2595 Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-PRD 27000 m to RD 30000 m 2596 Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-PRD 30000 m to RD 33000 m 2597 Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-PRD 33000 m to RD 36000 m 2598 Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from PTNL-5900-Pclxxix Plate No. 6.335 6.336 6.337 6.338 6.339 6.340 6.341 6.342 6.343 6.344 6.345 6.346 6.347 6.348 6.349 6.350 6.351 6.352 6.353 6.354 Description RD 36000 m to RD 39000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 39000 m to RD 42000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 42000 m to RD 45000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 45000 m to RD 48000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 48000 m to RD 51000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 51000 m to RD 54000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 54000 m to RD 57000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 57000 m to RD 60000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 60000 m to RD 63000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 63000 m to RD 66000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 66000 m to RD 69000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 69000 m to RD 72000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 72000 m to RD 75000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 75000 m to RD 78000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 78000 m to RD 81000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 81000 m to RD 84000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 84000 m to RD 87000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 87000 m to RD 90000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 90000 m to RD 93000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 93000 m to RD 96000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal clxxx Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from CWC Drawing No. 2599 PTNL-5900-P2600 PTNL-5900-P2601 PTNL-5900-P2602 PTNL-5900-P2603 PTNL-5900-P2604 PTNL-5900-P2605 PTNL-5900-P2606 PTNL-5900-P2607 PTNL-5900-P2608 PTNL-5900-P2609 PTNL-5900-P2610 PTNL-5900-P2611 PTNL-5900-P2612 PTNL-5900-P2613 PTNL-5900-P2614 PTNL-5900-P2615 PTNL-5900-P2616 PTNL-5900-P2617 PTNL-5900-P2618 PTNL-5900-P- Plate No. 6.355 6.356 6.357 6.358 6.359 6.360 6.361 6.362 6.363 6.364 6.365 6.366 6.367 6.368 6.369 6.370 6.371 6.372 6.373 6.374 Description RD 96000 m to RD 99000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 99000 m to RD 102000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 102000 m to RD 105000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 105000 m to RD 108000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 108000 m to RD 111000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 111000 m to RD 114000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 114000 m to RD 117000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 117000 m to RD 120000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 120000 m to RD 123000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 123000 m to RD 126000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 126000 m to RD 129000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 129000 m to RD 132000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 132000 m to RD 135000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 135000 m to RD 138000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 138000 m to RD 141000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 141000 m to RD 144000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 144000 to RD 147000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 147000 m to RD 150000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 150000 m to RD 153000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal RD 153000 m to RD 156000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal clxxxi Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from Section from CWC Drawing No. 2619 PTNL-5900-P2620 PTNL-5900-P2621 PTNL-5900-P2622 PTNL-5900-P2623 PTNL-5900-P2624 PTNL-5900-P2625 PTNL-5900-P2626 PTNL-5900-P2627 PTNL-5900-P2628 PTNL-5900-P2629 PTNL-5900-P2630 PTNL-5900-P2631 PTNL-5900-P2632 PTNL-5900-P2633 PTNL-5900-P2634 PTNL-5900-P2635 PTNL-5900-P2636 PTNL-5900-P2637 PTNL-5900-P2638 PTNL-5900-P- Plate No. 6.375 6.376 6.377 6.378 6.379 6.380 6.381 6.382 6.383 6.384 6.385 6.386 6.387 6.388 6.389 6.390 6.391 6.392 6.393 Description RD 156000 m to RD 159000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from RD 159000 m to RD 162000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from RD 162000 m to RD 165000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from RD 165000 m to RD 168000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from RD 168000 m to RD 171000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from RD 171000 m to RD 174000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from RD 174000 m to RD 177000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from RD 177000 m to RD 180000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from RD 180000 m to RD 183000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from RD 183000 m to RD 186000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from RD 186000 m to RD 189000 m Canal Alignment and Longitudinal Section from RD 189000 m to RD 191307.40 m CD Structures General Layout Map of Aqueducts and Culverts in Par-Tapi Reach General Layout Map of Aqueducts and Culverts in Tapi-Narmada Reach General Layout Map of Superpassage in ParTapi and Tapi-Narmada Reach General Layout Map of Head / Cross Regulator at Par-Tapi and Tapi-Narmada Reach General Layout Map of Canal Syphons and Syphon Aqueduct in Par-Tapi Reach General Layout Map of Canal Syphons and Syphon Aqueduct in Tapi-Narmada Reach General Layout Map of Road and Railway Bridges in Par-Tapi Reach General Layout Map of Road and Railway Bridges in Tapi-Narmada Reach clxxxii CWC Drawing No. 2639 PTNL-5900-P2640 PTNL-5900-P2641 PTNL-5900-P2642 PTNL-5900-P2643 PTNL-5900-P2644 PTNL-5900-P2645 PTNL-5900-P2646 PTNL-5900-P2647 PTNL-5900-P2648 PTNL-5900-P2649 PTNL-5900-P2650 PTNL-5900-P2651 PTNL-5900-P2652 PTNL-5900-P2653 PTNL-5900-P2654 PTNL-5900-P2655 PTNL-5900-P2656 PTNL-5900-P2657 PTNL-5900-P2658 Plate No. 6.394 Description 6.406 Typical Details of Double Lane Road Bridge Across Canal of Bed Width 15 m Typical Details of Double Lane Road Bridge Across Canal of Bed Width 21.80 m Typical Details of Double Lane Road Bridge Across Canal of Bed Width 5.50 m Typical Details of Double Lane Road Bridge Across Canal of Bed Width 8.50 m Typical Details of Single Lane Road Bridge Across Canal of Bed Width 15 m Typical Details of Single Lane Road Bridge Across Canal of Bed Width 21.80 m Typical Details of Single Lane Road Bridge Across Canal of Bed Width 5.50 m Typical Details of Single Lane Road Bridge Across Canal of Bed Width 8.50 m Typical Details of Aqueducts in the Reach RD 0.000 km to RD 60.070 km and Feeder Canals Typical Details of Aqueducts in the Reach RD 60.070 km to RD 108.250 km Typical Details of Aqueducts in the Reach RD 108.250 km to RD 129.600 km Typical Details of Aqueducts in the Reach RD 129.600 km to RD 177.736 km Typical Details of Superpassages 6.407 Typical Details of Syphon Aqueducts 6.408 Typical Details of Canal Syphons 6.409 Typical Details of Feeder Canal Out Fall 6.410 Typical Details of Pipe Culverts / Box Culvert 6.411 Typical Details of Cross Regulator 6.412 Typical Details of Head Regulator (Type A&B) and Escape on Main Canal Escape Construction Adit (5.50 m X 5.75 m, D-Shape) Typical Excavation and Rock Support Details of 6.395 6.396 6.397 6.398 6.399 6.400 6.401 6.402 6.403 6.404 6.405 6.413 clxxxiii CWC Drawing No. PTNL-5900-P2659 PTNL-5900-P2660 PTNL-5900-P2661 PTNL-5900-P2662 PTNL-5900-P2663 PTNL-5900-P2664 PTNL-5900-P2665 PTNL-5900-P2666 PTNL-5900-P2667 PTNL-5900-P2668 PTNL-5900-P2669 PTNL-5900-P2670 PTNL-5900-P2671 PTNL-5900-P2672 PTNL-5900-P2673 PTNL-5900-P2674 PTNL-5900-P2675 PTNL-5900-P2676 PTNL-5900-P2677 PTNL-5900-P2678 Plate No. 6.414 6.415 Description Tunnels in Par-Tapi Reach Typical Concrete Lining and Grouting Details of Tunnels in Par-Tapi Reach Typical Construction Tunnel Portal Excavation Support Details of Entry and Exit Portal of Tunnels in Par-Tapi Reach clxxxiv CWC Drawing No. PTNL-5900-P2679 PTNL-5900-P2680