Activity 2. Scale of effects of land cover change on watershed functions in the humid tropics Terms of Reference Introduction / context This activity concerns the spatial scale of areas where watershed functions are at risk due to land use change (viz, risk of flooding, diminished base flow in areas of rising demand, sedimentation of reservoirs, etc) and the coincidence of these ‘hydrological hotspots' with areas where biodiversity richness is at risk due to land use change (biodiversity 'hotspots') and human poverty in the humid tropics. Undisturbed forest can be a source of clean water and of biodiversity, so the two tend to be associated with each other in a broad sweep across the globe. Yet, there is no direct functional link between the two. In a few percent of area in the tropics, ‘cloud forest’ does contribute to streamflows, but even this physical effect does not depend on a highly diverse natural vegetation. Efforts to protect forest lands from ‘human disturbance’ can as a side effect maintain clean water flows, but natural forests/highly biodiverse systems are not unique in providing this service, and the value appears to be overrated in much of the public debate, despite the efforts of researchers (notably Hamilton, Bruijnzeel and Calder) to expose the myths involved. The global review of ‘forests, water, people’ relations undertaken in 2000 (by Bonell et al) has marshalled evidence from around the world that traditional/general public perceptions of ‘forest watershed functions’ need revision. Current process-based understanding of the hydrological cycle leaves doubts regarding the meso-scale (10 – 1000 km) impacts on rainfall distribution of large-scale forest clearing, but otherwise leads to a separation of tree effects (intercepting/using more water than other vegetation), soil effects (maintaining infiltration rates) and landscape integrity (esp. filter functions in riparian strips). Once decomposed in these terms, one can better understand the impacts land use change in the forest margin can have on properties such as total water yield of a catchment, partitioning between peakflow and baseflow, sediment load and the buffer capacity for extreme rainfall episodes. None of these subsets of ‘watershed functions’ is logically dependent on forest biodiversity per se. Despite the apparent lack of functional relationships, there may nevertheless be significant scope for fiscal relationships between biodiversity conservation and watershed functions. It is difficult to charge local and national groups the full costs of conservation of global environmental services -- viz, existence values and conservation of endemic species. Indeed, local/national populations should not be expected to pay the full costs of conservation of globally important biodiversity, nor is it desirable (or even feasible) to impose these costs on them. Moreover, it is not even clear that it is feasible either to generate sufficient funds globally to compensate local people for the opportunity costs or to create institutions that can effectively transfer the payments (even if the money were available). Although watersheds – like biodiversity conservation hotspots -- suffer from externalities / free rider problems and other market failures associated with public goods and services, the scale of the problem is (sometimes) smaller, making it easier to imagine feasible fiscal or other mechanisms within conventional administrative boundaries (or between adjacent nations) to compensate 'winners' and 'losers' of policies to address the externalities. In some areas, by virtue of climate and topography, the biodiversity conservation problem and the watershed problem may coincide. Among ASB sites, for example, this may obtain in Montane Mainland Southeast Asia and some of the islands of Indonesia and the Philippines. In cases where the problems coincide spatially (and in scale), then feasible fiscal and other mechanisms for addressing the (bundle of) watershed problems also may be able to produce biodiversity conservation as a side effect. In other areas -where there is a misfit between the location and/or scale of the problems, the market failures and inappropriate incentives for conservation may need to be tackled separately for conservation of watersheds and for biodiversity. Goal(s) / research hypothesis Process-based hydrological models are necessary to move ahead in our understanding of hydrology and its policy implications. But the question remains: at what scale are these relevant to watershed (or biodiversity conservation) policy? Discussion at a 1999 ASB workshop in Chiang Mai suggested that better understanding of the scale of policyrelevant watershed functions is in our grasp -- this is the goal of this activity. If the influence of land cover change on watershed functions attentuate within 1-10 km, then there would seem to be no point in attempting to model those functions at the pantropic scale – since resolution of data available at present are not sufficient. Even if sufficiently detailed data were available, it is not clear this would be a productive approach. Certainly, for the micro scale / case study level (see Activity 5), this sort of modelling may make sense. The big area of doubt is the meso-scale -- is it useful and feasible for the Mekong for example? (Participants at that workshop also suggested that a similar understanding of the scale of biodiversity conservation problems is not readily available, at least not by Dec 2002. That is why this project mainly will rely on secondary sources of 'biodiversity hotspots'.) Hypothesis for Activity 2. Except for water quality, effects of conversion of natural forest to agriculture on hydrological processes and other watershed functions attenuate within 10 km. (NB: scale of effects will have to be examined for specific functions). Tasks A key assumption of this activity is that individuals with specialized expertise are willing to collaborate. The activity leader, in consultation with leaders of other activities, will identify and seek involvement from key collaborators with experience in tropical hydrology and spatial analysis. Through consultation among collaborators, experts will synthesize knowledge (and identify gaps) on the effect of land cover change on hydrological processes and other watershed functions at different scales in the humid tropics. At what scale is land use / cover change relevant for watershed functions? Best reviews of evidence available will be identified on what links (if any) there are between land cover change (deforestation) and risks of flooding, water shortage, and deterioration of water quality (including siltation). Experts will collaborate with policy analysts to produce a brief policy-oriented synthesis of existing information for the humid tropics. The crucial strategic question from a policy perspective is to identify the scale of the transition from meso-level effects that are strongly influenced by land cover and macro phenomena where land cover has little influence. Insights regarding scale of effects will be applied to pantropic spatial analysis (building on Activity 1) to identify ‘hydrological hotspots’. How do watershed hotspots relate spatially to human populations and biodiversity ‘hotspots’? The activity leader will facilitate interaction by various expert collaborators by email in preparation of draft outputs. Once drafts are available, the activity leader will organize a meeting of collaborators to review and finalize written outputs. (Funds budgeted for this meeting may be used for more than one meeting or for individual consultancies, or some combination of these options, at the discretion of the activity leader in consultation with the global coordinator and the World Bank project manager.) Results will be published in forms appropriate for researchers and for policymakers; results also will contribute to Activity 2 and to ASB global publications. Deliverables 2.a. Summary and synthesis of knowledge on hydrological processes at different scales in the humid tropics, including review of literature, with indication of knowledge gaps and research implications (if any) for this project. 2.b. Draft paper specifying ‘rules of thumb’ and data requirements for identifying-- at pantropic, meso, and local levels --areas where hydrological functions are sensitive to land cover change, ie., ’hydrological hot spots’. 2.c. Draft policy brief with context-specific recommendations about the scale at which the effects of land cover change on hydrological functions attenuate. 2.d. Hydrological hot spots map at pantropic scale (based on watershed maps and DEM from Activity 1) and scale of watershed units determined above in 2.b and 2.c. 2.e. Documentation and analysis of spatial distribution of hydrological hot spots (2.d), biodiversity hotspots and human population (from Activity 1). The project will then try to determine: How many people live in such areas? How poor are they? What is the local and global significance of the biodiversity in these areas? What downslope areas benefit from flood prevention – and who lives there, and how poor are they? 2.f. Meeting of experts to finalize paper (2.b) and policy brief (2.c) and to assess research and policy implications of spatial analysis with hydrological hot spots (2.d. and 2.e). Schedule: Work will begin in April 2001 and will culminate in a meeting of experts to finalize drafts of written deliverables by the end of March 2002. (Outputs are needed in early 2002 as inputs for Activities 3, 4, and 5.) Team members (CVs attached) Meine van Noordwijk (leader) Thomas P. Tomich Ken Chomitz Stan Wood Budget (by calendar semester, Jan- June; July-Dec) Line item 2001 / I 2001 / II Research personnel 8665 8665 Meeting Other costs 300 500 Subtotal 8965 9165 Total: USD 84429 2002 / I 20299 45500 500 66299 2002 / II 0