Page 1 of 2 Jade P. Wang 28 Russell Rd. • Somerville, MA 02144 • Email: • Cell: (908) 770 -5267 OBJECTIVE A research & development position in optical communications and networking. CITIZENSHIP U.S. citizen, security clearance. EDUCATION Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Doctor of Philosophy, June 2008. GPA 4.8/5.0. Topic: Photonic switching in communications networks. Coursework includes: Nonlinear Optics, Optics and Photonics, Applied Quantum and Statistical Physics, Data Communication Networks. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Master in Engineering, August 2002. GPA 4.8/5.0. Topic: Complete characterization of optical pulses in the picosecond regime. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Bachelor of Science, June 2002. GPA 5.0/5.0, minor in Creative Writing. Coursework included: Detection, Estimation, and Stochastic Processes, Feedback Systems. EXPERIENCE MIT Lincoln Laboratories Lexington, MA Research Assistant (Doctoral Research) (2002-Present) Researched all-optical ultra-fast signal processing technologies and methods for packet routing in telecommunication networks with extensive experience in designing, analyzing, implementing testing high-speed optical devices and systems. Made numerous technical presentations in meetings, seminars and conferences to researchers, engineers, undergraduate and graduate students, management, and government sponsors. Major accomplishments include: Designed, built, and tested a 40-Gb/s all-optical header processing unit using semiconductor optical amplifier-based switches. Developed and tested efficient optimization techniques for solid-state integrated alloptical switches. Demonstrated 10 Gb/s single-channel error-free all-optical regeneration over 10,000-km using a single integrated photonic switch. Collaborated with the Integrated Photonic Materials and Devices group at MIT to design and characterize new monolithically-integrated all-optical switches. Research Assistant (Masters Research) (2001-2002) Researched and implemented methods for complete phase and amplitude characterization of ultrashort (picosecond class) optical pulses. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA Teaching Assistant (Fall 2003) Taught and held weekly office hours and recitations for the undergraduate course on Electromagnetics. Developed and delivered problems to demonstrate the general concepts taught in lecture. Tutored students in one-on-one settings on concepts and techniques. Page 2 of 2 Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies Shanghai, China Intern (Summer 2000) MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives program for internships abroad. Optimized an MP3 decoder written in C for a Lucent DSP chip by porting the code to the devicelevel language used on the chip. MIT Lincoln Laboratories Lexington, MA Intern (Summer 1999) The Foliage Penetration (FOPEN) project uses ultrawideband UHF to image ground targets obscured by forest or other ground coverage. Used heuristic techniques to optimize statistical detector parameters for the algorithms developed by Peter Henstock and other staff. LANGUAGES Extensive experience with MatLab, LaTeX, Subversion. Proficient with BeamProp, AN D T O O L S LabView, Mathematica, HTML, and C Languages. Extensive laboratory experience with optical fiber communications devices and systems. Conversational Mandarin. AWARDS/ Selected for LeaderShape (1999), a leadership training program. MIT Science Fiction Society RECOGNITION Treasurer (1999) and President (2000-2002). Recipient of the Ida A. Green Fellowship (2003). Member of the Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) honor society at MIT. INTERESTS Science fiction, book repair, video games, creative writing, biking. P U B L I C A T I O N S J. P. Wang, B. S. Robinson, S. J. Savage, S. A. Hamilton, E. P. Ippen, R. Mu, H. Wang, J. (*Invited) Sarathy, B. B. Stefanov, “Efficient performance optimization of SOA-MZI devices,” Optics Express, 16 (5), pgs 3288-3292 (2008). J. P. Wang, B. S. Robinson, S. A. Hamilton, E. P. Ippen, R. Mu, H. Wang, J. Sarathy, B. B. Stefanov, “Efficient Performance Optimization for Ultrafast All-Optical Switching in SOA-MZI devices,” International Conference on Photonics in Switching, TuP15 (2007). (*) J. P. Wang, S. J. Savage, B. S. Robinson, S. A. Hamilton, E. P. Ippen, R. Mu, H. Wang, L. Spiekman, B. B. Stefanov, “Regeneration using an SOA-MZI in a 100-pass, 10,000-km Recirculating Fiber Loop,” Conference for Lasers and Electro-optics (CLEO 2007), CMZ1 (2007). J. P. Wang, B. S. Robinson, S. J. Savage, S. A. Hamilton, E. P. Ippen, R. Mu, H. Wang, J. Sarathy, B. B. Stefanov, “A Performance Optimization Method for SOA-MZI Devices,” Optical Fiber Communications Conference (OFC 2007), OThT4 (2007). J. P. Wang, B. S. Robinson, S. A. Hamilton, E. P. Ippen, “Demonstration of 40-Gb/s Routing using All-Optical Header Processing,” Photonics Technology Letters, 18 (21), pgs 2275-2277 (2006). J. P. Wang, B. S. Robinson, S. A. Hamilton, E. P. Ippen, “40-Gb/s all-optical header processing for packet routing,” Optical Fiber Communications Conference (OFC 2006), OThS1 (2006). REFERENCES Professor Erich P. Ippen, MIT Dr. Scott A. Hamilton, MIT Lincoln Laboratory (617) 253-8504 (781) 981-7670