ANIMAL CARE AND USE PROGRAM REVIEW FORM SECTION 6A1. APPENDIX - AQUATIC ANIMALS IN A SMALL SCALE LABORATORY SETTING This section must be completed for rooms that are used to hold aquatic animals but that are not part of a larger aquatic animal facility. This section details the criteria used by the CCAC to conduct site visits. Animal Care Committee members should refer to the CCAC policies and guidelines for further information, in particular the CCAC guidelines on: the care and use of fish in research, teaching and testing, and the CCAC Guide to the Care and Use of Experimental Animals. GENERAL INFORMATION 6A1-01. a) The manager of the animal facility: Name and Title (Dr., Mr., Ms., etc.): Position: Mailing address City, Prov., Postal Code , , Phone: ( ) - Fax number: ( ) - ext. Email: b) To whom does the manager of the animal facility report? 6A1-02. To whom does the animal care staff report? 6A1- 03. Describe (either write a brief description or refer to relevant standard operating procedures): a) the rooms used to hold aquatic animals, and whether they are part of a laboratory animal facility or are research or teaching laboratories: b) any improvements made to the facility since the last CCAC visit: Program Review Form Section 6A1 Page 1 N/A CONFIDENTIAL c) the species held and the purpose of their use: d) the housing systems for the animals (e.g. aquaria, tanks, hiding places for the animals as appropriate): e) the source of water used and the system in place to ensure good quality water at all times for the animals: f) the person(s) responsible for the care of the animals and the management of the facility – is s/he or are they primarily animal care or research/teaching personnel? g) the procedures used to monitor water quality: h) the procedures used to monitor animal health and welfare, including the involvement of a veterinarian: i) the supply of emergency power where pumps, aeration and/or filters are being used: N/A j) the procedures to keep the facility clean and well-organized, and the tanks/aquaria clean: k) the security measures in place to limit access to the animal rooms: Program Review Form Section 6A1 Page 2 CONFIDENTIAL l) the way in which regular maintenance is ensured for the equipment and the rooms, so that all essential equipment is backed-up and alarmed as appropriate, and that internal surfaces in the room are free of damage, impervious to water and easy to clean and disinfect (including waterproof electrical outlets): ANIMAL CARE AND WELFARE General Information 6A1- 04. Who is/are the veterinarian(s) responsible for the aquatic animals? 6A1- 05. Have all relevant federal, provincial and municipal requirements (e.g. permits, regulations) been obtained/followed for capturing, removing, transporting, transferring, housing or reintroducing aquatic animals? Yes 6A1- 06. Yes and No No N/A The following is a list of possible sources for acquiring animals. Indicate all animal species that are used/housed in the facility according to their acquisition source: a) Wild stock Please list species: b) Private or government hatcheries Please list species: Do fish come from hatcheries with defined health status? Yes Yes and No No Please elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "NO": d) Program Review Form Aquarium suppliers Please list species: Section 6A1 Page 3 CONFIDENTIAL 6A1- 07. e) Provided by other institutions holding a CCAC Certificate of Good Animal Practice Please list species: f) Other sources Please specify source and list species: Identify any animals that are kept long-term (a year or more) in the facility and the purpose for which they are kept: N/A Species 6A1- 08. Length of time Protocol kept in facility number Purpose for which they are kept Comments or additional information: Identification and Records 6A1- 09. All animal cages should be identified with standardized ID cards that include the following information. Please check all that apply at your facility: source of fish and date of arrival species and sex (if identifiable) estimated age or weight number of fish in tank name of principal investigator and emergency contacts animal use protocol number, including expiration date other special instructions as may be pertinent to their care Please elaborate if any of these pieces of information are not included: Program Review Form Section 6A1 Page 4 CONFIDENTIAL 6A1- 10. Are daily husbandry records (including feeding schedule) and records of maintenance, experimental procedures and water quality parameters kept in the holding area? Yes Yes and No No Please elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": 6A1- 11. Are all SOPs for fish care, use and handling and facility management readily available to animal care staff, research team members and students within the animal facility? Yes Yes and No No Please elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": 6A1- 12. Are all protocols readily available to animal care staff, research team members, students and any other individuals working with animals, and is information on endpoints and procedures easily available within the facility? Yes Yes and No No Please elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": 6A1- 13. Comments or additional information: GENETICALLY- ENGINEERED ANIMALS N/A 6A1- 14. If not applicable, skip this section. Have all regulatory requirements relating to the importation, creation or use of organisms with novel traits been met? N/A Yes Yes and No No Please elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": 6A1- 15. Comments or additional information: Program Review Form Section 6A1 Page 5 CONFIDENTIAL Program Review Form Section 6A1 Page 6 CONFIDENTIAL