1. This condition is the result of a lack of frog pressure. The foot will become narrow at the heels and the frog will become shrunken and recessed.
2. What is likely to happen if a bit is fitted too low in a horse's mouth?
3. In a double bridle, when the reins are not uniform in width, which rein is the widest?
4. What is the best feeding management for horses in meal size and frequency?
5. When a horse travels with all four feet treading a very narrow line, this is called a. base narrow b. board walking c. rope walking d. toeing in
6. What is meant by ‘one horse’s length’ and how is this concept utilized?
7. The waxy substance that forms a protective coating on the surface of the hoof and is responsible for the control of evaporation and moisture content within the hoof:
8. The process in which food is broken down into simple units which can be absorbed into the bloodstream to be used for energy, growth, maintenance, tissue repair or stored for future use:
9. Name six symptoms of colic.
10. What is the difference between lateral aids and diagonal aids? Explain these aids for a canter depart.
11. A horse that stands pigeon toed (or toes in) tends to travel: a. straight b. dishing or winging in c. paddling outward d. very safely
12. Very straight upright pasterns may predispose a horse to Navicular.
13. What is the purpose of side reins? What seats utilize them and how are they utilized?
14. When using a bit that has two reins and you want to run one of the reins through the rings of a martingale, which rein would be used for this? What English bridle should never utilize a running martingale with it?
15. What are drop nosebands? How are they utilized and by what seats primarily?
16. The semi horny projection which protrudes from the rear base of the fetlock joint is called: a. chestnut b. sesamoid c. ergot d. coronet
17. The lateral and medial metacarpals are commonly called:
18. What problems will the rider have if the saddle is placed too far back from its ideal position on the horse's back? (explain two)
19. What is the common term for the fluid retention in the lower legs of some horses whose activity has been greatly restricted?
20. What part of the foot aids in absorbing concussion, circulation and regulating moisture?
21. What problems will the rider have if the saddle is placed too far forward from its ideal position on the horse's back (explain two)
T F 22. A mule foot is one which is narrow at the heels with straight upright hoof walls.
23. If a horse is lame in his right front foot, he will most likely be lamer when lunged clockwise.
24. Bone composition reaches maturity as the horse reaches its fifth or sixth birthday and stays at the same approximate density and strength from that point on.
25. A blemish will result in an unsound horse.
26. Oats are lower in protein than corn.
27. What is the weakest region of the horse's back?
28. What the name of a swelling on the back surface of the rear cannon about four inches below the point of the hock? a. thoroughpin b. windpuffs c. curb d. osselets
29. Who is the Italian Cavalry officer who revolutionized riding in his time and what seat did he invent/develop?
30. The tendon most often involved in a bow is the:
31. Describe the proper adjustment of a running martingale and a standing martingale. Which is considered more severe?
32. What type of metal is sometimes found on the mouthpieces of bits and is intended to make a horse salivate or have a moister mouth?
33. What is the term for the horse eating its own manure and why might a horse do this?
34. A pastern that slopes too much a. decreases concussion of the bones of the horse's lower leg b. results in a horse with an increased susceptibility to tendon injuries in the lower leg c. increases the strain on the suspensory ligaments and proximal sesamoid bones d. all of the above
35. Explain two points of the horse's digestive system that make it practically impossible for it to vomit.
36. Joint capsule distensions, without lameness, in the area of the fetlock are called:
37. Why are splints more common in horses under the age of six?
38. A horse’s inability to vomit lead to what end result?
39. What are draw reins used for?
40. Explain the use of voice aids when working with or riding a horse?
41. What is the purpose of long lining or ground driving and what seats utilize this?
42. How is moldy tack stripped and the tack put back into good working order?
43. What can be used to extend the length of an English girth?
44. What is the purpose/use of exercise or quarter rugs?
45. What is the name of the vital signs test where you are pressing your finger on the gums of your horse long enough to create a white spot on the pink surface and then releasing it? Explain what you are testing for, what will happen during and what are the results that you want.
46. There are two places on the horse to utilize the skin pinch test to check for hydration. Where are these two spots and what you expect to see? What would mean normal and what abnormal?
48. When a horse has a displaced patella he is said to be or have a. a dropped hip b. stringhalt c. stifled d. a bow
49. Which of the following bones is involved in cases of Laminitis? a. navicular b. digital sesamoids c. coffin d. none of those given
50. Which of the following internal parasites most severely debilitates the mature horse? a. bots b. ascarids c. pinworms d. large strongyles(bloodworms)
51. A horse is measured from: a. the coronary band to his withers b. the ground to his withers c. the ground to his poll d. the coronary band of his find leg to mid-point of his croup
52. A female horse 3 years old or younger is called a what?
53. When a horse rests one front foot about 10 or 12 inches ahead of the other in an effort to reduce weight on the affected side, this action is called what and may indicate what problems?
54. When the lateral cartilages of the coffin bone calcify, the horse is said to have what unsoundness? a. calcification c. sidebone
55. What is the Jockey Club? b. navicular d. ringbone
56. What was the first extant book written on Horsemanship, who wrote it and when was it written?
57. Name three reasons why a horse can become sore in its back.
58. Explain the multiple uses of the terms ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ when riding a horse that relate to where you are riding and your horse.
59. Why are teeth floated and how often should this be done?
60. Corn is high in energy and low in what compared to other grains fed to horses?
61. What does a balanced ration refer to?
62. What are five possible signs of an abscess in the foot?
63. What is proud flesh?
64. What are 3 possible problems that may cause a horse’s eye to be cloudy in appearance?
65. What are three problems that moldy hay can cause for the horse?
66. What does water do to horse's feet and why can this sometimes be a problem such as when you give baths?
67. What is rotation worming? Why and how is it done?
68. What is the Galvaynes groove and what does it indicate?
69. What is the maximum height that a pony may be according to the USEF?
70. What is a Bosal?
71. What is a mechanical hackamore?
72. What is a tie down?
73. Name three equine tranquilizers?
74. Describe the vision of a horse? What are the visual fields, ability to see distance, night vision etc.
How do they see? Be able to diagram this.
75. What are the signs of a choking horse? What is the treatment?
76. Why is banding utilized and what breeds utilize it?
77. Diagram the foot falls for a right lead canter.
78. Unnatural wear of the teeth is associated with: a. weaving b. pointing c. heaves d. cribbing
79. Which classification of nutrients is most commonly fed to meet the horse's energy requirements? a. proteins b. fats c. minerals d. carbohydrates
80. The opposite condition of a nice large eye is called a a. wall eye b. pig eye c. glass eye d. lizard eye
81. Which would be more likely to cause founder, too much alfalfa hay or too much timothy hay?
82. Why is it possible for the veterinarian to pass a stomach tube through the nose of the horse and have it wind up in the stomach?
83. Describe two functions of the bacteria in the horse's digestive system:
84. What are the six nutrients needed by the horse to sustain life?
85. The extreme depletion of body fluids, resulting in excessive fluid excretion or insufficient water intake is called:
86. What is the purpose of ridged stirrup pads?
87. Why would you choose a running martingale or a standing martingale?
88. Why would you choose rubber reins over laced reins or vice versa. What are the benefits/detriments of either?
89. Who uses figure eight cavessons & why?
90. What could be used on a snaffle bit to prevent the ring from being pulled through the horse’s mouth?
91. What are the three weight aids and when would each be used?
92. Explain the two standard leg aid positions and when each would be utilized? What are other leg positions that could be utilized and when are they used?
93. Explain the benefits or reasons why it is better to lunge a horse in a cavesson versus a halter?
94. What is the discussion about the use of leather halters vs. nylon halters?
95. A horse indicates displeasure or discomfort by: (circle any which apply)
a. swishing his tail b. flattening his ears/flaring his nostrils c. rolling his eyes d. biting at his sides
96. What function do leather bit keepers perform and what are they used on?
97. What is the difference between high ring bone and low ring bone?
98. Exotosis in the fetlock joint is known as:
99. Who wrote the book ‘Saddle Seat Equitation’ and is considered one of the most famous instructors in that seat?
100. The union between two bones, movable or not, is known as a:
101. What disease does the Coggins Test screen for? Give the full name.
102. What is the name of the condition that can occur when a horse's leg is wrapped over a liniment that is not made for bandaging?
103. List three benefits of daily grooming:
104. List the two basic classifications of hays and give two examples of each:
105. What is meant when we say horses are gregarious in nature? Give an example of the importance of understanding this tendency?
106. Which bedding is highly toxic and should never be used with horses?
107. 97 degrees is within the normal range for an adult horse’s temperature.
108. Usually the front feet are more prone to contracted heels than the hind feet.
109. A Navicular horse lands on his toes while a foundered horse lands on his heels.
110. What does I.M. mean in reference to shots?
111. Name an anti-inflammatory drug, similar to but more expensive than Bute, that can be given IV but should not be given IM as it can cause major complications?
112. What is the correct Calcium to Phosphorus ratio for the horse?
113. What type of pasterns predispose the horse to injury of the flexor tendons, sesamoid bones, and suspensory ligaments? a. short & straight b. short & sloping c. long & sloping d. long & straight
114. What is the most common cause of capped hocks?
115. Which of the following minerals are needed in the greatest amounts for skeletal growth and optimal bone density? a. iron & sodium b. phosphorus & calcium c. calcium & selenium d. phosphorus & iron
116. Why can a horse colic from a radical change in feed?
117. What is it called when a horse is unable to pass food down the Esophagus?
118. Vitamins are divided into two main classifications. What are they?
119. Name four classifications or types of Colic.
120. Connective tissue bands that connect muscle to bone are called what?
121. When the toe of the hind foot hits the bottom of the front foot on the same side, the horse is said to be doing what?
122. The normal temperature range for a mature horse at rest under normal conditions is: a. 96-100 degrees b. 99-101 degrees c. 100-102 degrees d. 98-102 degrees
123. Define and compare the phrases animal welfare and animal rights.
124. Explain how and where to apply a hoof dressing, such as Hooflex, to a horse's hoof. Why is it important to apply it in this manner?
125. What can happen to a horse's leg if it is set up in a bandage that is too tight in some areas and restricts the normal blood circulation?
126. Why is it important never to wrap a chain over or under a horse's chin when you tie the animal?
127. The use of cold water on horses that are experiencing heat stress or stroke is positively T F indicated in order to get the temperature down.
128. Why is it important to not feed moldy or spoiled feed to a horse? What could these cause?
129. Discuss three factors that will affect how much water a horse will need to drink in a day.
130. What is the every day name for the anti-inflammatory drug that is most commonly used for horses?
131. Feeding a high carbohydrate ration to a fit horse that is not worked could result in what health problem the next time the horse is worked?
132. What is the name for when the lower jaw is situated behind the plane of the top jaw:
133. Thrush is a bacterial infection that is commonly a result of standing in a damp and dirty T F environment.
134. An abnormal deviation in the function of the horse that can affect wind, limb, or eyesight is called a a. blemish b. unsoundness c. lameness d. all of these
135. A horse shoe with a rolled toe is used to: a. stop the horse from hitting the opposite leg b. increase the height of the foot in flight and lengthen the stride c. allow the foot to break over more easily d. allow the foot to break over to the inside
136. The range for the respiration rate for an adult horse at rest under normal conditions is a. 17-25 breaths per minute c. 8-16 bpm b. 25-40 breaths per minute d. 12-24 bpm
137. It is desirable for a horse to have short forearms and long cannon bones.
138. Dressage horses in this country can be shown with braided tails.
139. A blemish does not interfere with the serviceability of the horse, but can detract from his appearance.
140. A gallop is a fast four beat gait.
142. The walk, trot and canter are natural gaits of a horse, as opposed to the slow gait and rack.
143. Who is George Morris and what seat has he had such an impact on?
141. When a nail goes into the sensitive laminae, the horse will be very lame. What is this condition called?
144. The teeth referred to as molars are the front, biting teeth.
145. Hot applications stimulate removal of accumulated fluids in tissues.
146. What part of the horse does the disease 'Thrush' effect?
147. What is Smegma? How often should the area that it is found be cleaned?
148. How is a stack wrap applied to a horse’s leg?
149. The normal heart rate for an adult horse at rest in normal conditions is: a. 32-44 bpm b. 72-80 bpm c. 8-12 bpm d. 24-36 bpm
150. Describe a spider bandage, where and when would it be used?
151. Any irregularity in gait which results from moving with pain is called: a. a conformational defect b. an unsoundness c. a lameness d. painful movement
152. The nutritional value of legume hay is higher than that of grass hay, making it a more valued feed for growing and hard working horses. T F
153. The horse has better distance vision than does the human.
154. Lamenesses are more common in the horse's hind limbs than in the front ones
155. The standing horse (no rider) at rest has a center of gravity that is located about six inches T F behind the elbow.
156. In order to see something at a distance, the horse must raise his head and to see up close, he must lower it.
157. What is the name of the theory of how horses see distance or up close?
158. Where are the horse's blind spots?
159. What piece of equipment will help to keep a saddle from slipping too far back on a horse's back?
160. Diagram the footfalls of the walk, trot, canter, gallop, and slow gait.
161. Traditionally, the color of the yarn used to braid a hunter's mane and tail should be: a. white b. dark blue c. the color of the mane being braided d. the color of the rider’s coat
162. Forging is often solved with the use of: a. square toes behind c. square toes in front b. an egg bar shoe d. toe or side clips
163. When a horse is viewed from the front and a perpendicular line is dropped from the shoulder to the ground, a horse whose legs fall inside the line is said to be: a. base narrow b. toed in c. base wide d. toes out
164. Which of the following conditions is most likely to result from improper feeding practices.
Circle any which apply. a. roaring b. thrush c. founder d. colic
165. A disorder characterized by excessive and involuntary jerking of the hind leg is called: a. stifled b. spasm c. stringhalt d. stretched tendons
166. A Saddlebred with a roached or trimmed mane and tail will compete in what divisions: a. Fine Harness b. 5-Gaited show c. 3-Gaited show d. 3-Gaited pleasure
167. If the horse is lame in his left front foot, his head will nod down when his right front foot touches the ground at the trot.
168. Where is an I.V. shot given on a horse? Into what structure and where?
169. The healthy horse at rest will often shift weight from one hind foot to the other.
170. A short underline can cause a horse to forge.
171. A long back is very desirable in a horse. T F
172. A horse that is wide in the chest will often be base narrow and will paddle when moving. T F
173. Equine influenza, strangles, equine encephalomyelitis(sleeping sickness) WEE/EEE/VEE, T F tetanus, equine viral rhino pneumonitis and are all diseases that can be helped if not totally prevented by vaccination.
174. Pin or whip worms in a horse are a constant cause of irritation. How will you be able to tell if your horse has pin worms?
175. The hock area is subject to several types of unsoundnesses. List four unsoundnesses of the hock:
176. There are two changing characteristics of the mucous membrane linings of the eye, nostrils and mouth that reveal the general health of the horse. What are they and what should they look like if the horse is healthy?
177. Where are the best two places to take a horse’s pulse?
178. What are two unsoundness conditions that might tend to develop in a horse with short, straight pasterns and why?
179. What is a thoroughpin? Where is it found?
180. What is the purpose of a vaccination?
181. The opposite condition of sway back is called what? a. goose backed b. roach back c. arched back d. short back
182. Where is the problem of scratches located on a horse?
183. What causes an ordinary wound to turn into a summer sore? a. infection b. dirt c. flies d. lack of oxygen
184. Give two reasons why a constant supply of fresh, clear water is so important for the horse:
185. Name four reasons why you should check on a horse kept at grass (pasture) at least once a day:
186. What is the normal distance you set between trotting poles or cavalletti?
187. What is the name of the connective tissue bands that extend from bone to bone?
188. What is the name of the edge of the Sensitive Laminae where it combines with the Insensitive
Laminae: it is visible as we pick up a horse’s foot and is a guide for the placing of horse shoe nails.
189. When the toe of the front foot hits the front of the hind leg above the hind foot the horse is:
190. The youngest and most elastic portion of the hoof wall is found at:
191. With what type of pressure does a curb bit work?
192. How do you measure an English saddle and a Western saddle?
193. What are the two bits found in a double bridle and what is the purpose of each?
194. What are the seven points of the horse’s head upon which pressure may be applied by a bridle or bit?
195. What is the name of the first horse, also known as the ‘Dawn Horse’, who lived 55-60 million years ago. This horse was a browser who lived in swamps.
196. What illness is characterized by a double movement of the flanks when the horse is breathing?
197. The end of the horse shoe nail, which penetrates the wall of the foot and is bent down, is called what?
198. Describe a properly applied polo bandage.
199. What is the best height at which to tie and horse and why? What should a horse be tied with?
200. Describe a properly applied shipping bandage, including the parts of the leg that are covered.
201. What is the purpose of the shipping bandage?
202. Describe a properly applied standing wrap and what horses would benefit from wearing them?
203. Give two reasons for body clipping a horse in the winter.
204. How much water will a healthy horse drink daily under normal conditions?
205. Give four characteristics of bad or moldy hay.
206. What condition can result from a puncture wound if your horse is not vaccinated and given a booster shot against it?
207. Name three different ways to use a chain shank as a restraint.
208. Which of a horse’s teeth are sometimes removed and why?
209. If your horse bolts his grain and throws it out of his bucket, give three ways you might correct this.
210. Why should a horse with colic not be allowed to roll?
211. Explain two reasons why it is important to control flies around the stable.
212. When trimming a horse, what size blades might be used on ears and why that size?
213. What protective equipment might be found on a 5-Gaited horse in the show ring? Name three.
214. Name five things you would need in order to braid a hunter’s mane.
215. Which of the following conformation faults is best viewed from standing to the side of the horse? a. toe in b. cow hocks c. knock knees d. base narrow e. calf knees
216. Diagram the footfalls of the rein-back.
217. What does the term serviceably sound mean?
218. Describe the correct way to lead a horse.
219. What do the initials USEF stand for and what is this organization?
220. What do the initials AQHA stand for and what is this organization?
221. Please discuss three signs that your horse might be foundering.
222. What is cold hosing and what is it used for?
223. What do the initials USDF stand for and what is this organization?
224. What do the initials FEI stand for and what is this organization?
225. What do the initials ASHA stand for and what is this organization?
226. Insufficient water intake in the horse will a. increase the capillary refill time c. Increase the chance of colic e. all of the above b. decrease its feed intake d. create dehydration
227. Causes of Laminitis may include a. overexertion b. obesity c. Concussion from being ridden on hard surfaces e. all of the above d. eating something that disagrees with him
228. Name five kinds of bedding and give an advantage or a disadvantage to each.
229. What is the disease EPM, what do the initials stand for and what is its cause?
230. Explain what ‘aids’ are and how they relate to working with or riding a horse?
231. Aids can be divided into natural aids and artificial aids. Explain the definitions, and list examples of each.
232. The front legs bear about what percentage of the horse's weight?
233. What is considered the normal canter stride of a hunter in feet and which jumps are set on distance wise?
234. What is a crest release and what seat utilizes this?
235. When introducing jumping to horses and riders, one should start with ground poles and T F cavalletti.
236. Exercises used to develop lateral agility or flexibility in the horse may include: (choose all that apply) a.
Circles b.
Changes of speed within each gait c.
Transitions d.
Half turns e.
None of the above
237. Exercises used to develop longitudinal agility or flexibility in the horse may include: (choose all that apply)
Changes of speed within each gait
Half turns
None of the above
238. A “displacing leg” is placed behind the girth.
239. For safety, a back cinch should always have a strap connecting the front and back cinch. T F
240. A western horse is said to be “four-beating” when it is doing what? a. jogging without a clean two beat jog b. loping without any suspension resulting in a very choppy rhythm c. loping while bobbing his head and neck up and down d. loping where the diagonal pair of legs is no longer hitting the ground simultaneously
241. The average adult size western saddle seat size is a. 16” b. 18" c. 13" d. 14"
242. A western turn on the haunches to the left requires the horse to pivot with which hind foot stationary?
243. A sliding stop is the result of the western horse
a. stopping all four legs at the same time
b. stopping as abruptly as possible with the legs compensating in whatever way each individual horse finds practical
c. locking his hind legs while walking or stepping with his front legs
d. rearing while his hind legs are sliding to a stop
244. Explain the following rein aids, what they are, how done, what they accomplish and which seats commonly utilize which? a. Leading rein b. Direct rein c. Indirect rein in front of the withers d. Indirect rein behind the withers e. Neck rein f. Bearing rein
245. Explain the following movements, how they are done (what are the aids) and what seat utilizes them.
Be able to diagram the rein and leg aids on a little horse. a. Leg yield b. Turn on the forehand c. Turn on the haunches d. Shoulder In e. Haunches In f. Half Pass g. Side Pass h. Rollback i. Spin j. Slow Gait k. Rack l. Park Out
246. Explain the following terms: a. Cross canter b. Counter canter c. Flying lead changes d. Simple lead changes e. Lateral Flexion or bend f. Longitudinal flexion or bend g. Vertical flexion h. Collection g. Above the bit h. Accepting the bit i. Behind the bit j. On the bit k. Transitions l. Rein back m. Backing n. Central Balance o. Center of gravity p. Stabilization of the horse q. animated walk r. cross canter s. flat foot walk t. double bouncing u. bascule
247. Draw the following ring figures: a. Center line b. Half turn c. Half turn in reverse d. Long diagonals e. Short diagonals f. Volte g. 10 meter circle h. 20 meter circle i. Three loop serpentine j. Figure eight k. Broken line l. Inside track m. Outside track
248. BE ABLE TO LABEL THE FOLLOWING: a. Label the parts of the western saddle b. Label the parts of the English saddle, both hunt seat, saddle seat and dressage c. Label the parts of the bridle, both western, hunt seat/dressage and saddle seat
249. Label the following structures in the horse’s front leg.
Label the bones of the front leg of the horse.