NEW PATIENT INTAKE AND HEALTH HISTORY Name __________________________________________________________________ First Last Middle Medical Care is only possible when the practitioner completely understands the patient’s physical, mental and emotional conditions. The information you provide will help us to understand your needs and how to help you reach your health goals. Please write legibly and answer all the questions thoroughly. Address: _____________________________________________________________ City_____________________ State________________ Zip code: ______ Phone: Cell _______________________ Work_____________________ Email: ________________________________ The best way of contacting you is ______________________________________ Birth sex: Male/Female Gender you identify with: Male/Female Occupation: _____________________ Number of children: ___________________ Birth date: ______________________ Date and reason of last visit to doctor’s office, medical clinic or hospital: ________________________________________________________________________ Main reason for visiting the clinic today? ______________________________________ How did you hear about the clinic? ___________________________________________ Self/Family History Previous hospitalizations/surgeries: __________________________________________ What diagnostic imaging studies have you had? Bone density scan Mammogram Electrocardiogram Electroencephalogram X-rays CT scan MRI Medications/Supplements: do you take or use any of the following Pain relievers (asprin/ibuprofen) Antacids Laxatives Diet pills Thyroid medications Cortisone (cream or pills) Sleeping pills Tranquilizers Antibiotics Anti-depressants Please list any prescription medications, over-the counter medications, vitamins or other supplements you are taking: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Allergies: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ General Height:________________ Weight___________ lbs. Weight one year ago_______ lbs. Maximum Weight: ______________________ lbs. When? ________________________ When is your energy the best?______________________ The worst? _______________ Family history of disease: Please circle Diabetes Hayfever/hives Heart Disease Mental illness Glaucoma Goiter Tuberculosis Stroke Liver disease Heart murmer Kidney disease Asthma Father still living? Yes; his age______ Mother still living? Yes; his age______ No: age at time of death_____ Cause______ No: age at time of death_____ Cause______ Childhood illnesses: Please circle Mumps Rheumatic Fever Measles Rubella Scarlet fever Mono Other:_________________ Review of Symptoms: Please circle: condition P= problem of the past Headaches Head injury Ear ringing Mumps Y Y Y Y N N N N P P P P Skin Rashes Acne Y N P Y N P Epilepsy Gall bladder disease High blood pressure Y= yes present condition N= no never had the Migraines Dizziness Earaches Pain/stiffness Y Y Y Y N N N N P P P P Psoriasis Hair Loss Y N P Y N P Jaw/TMJ problems Impaired hearing Swollen Gland Goiter Y Y Y Y N N N N P P P P Eczema/hives Color changes Y N P Y N P Itching Y N P Bumps Y N P Musculoskeletal Joint Pain Y N P Arthritis Y N P Muscle Spasms Y N P Broken Bones Y N P Weakness Sciatica Y N P Y N P Eyes: Blurred Vision Y N P Eye pain Y N P Spots in Eye Y N P Cataracts Glaucoma Color Blind Glasses/contacts Tearing/dryness Double vision Y N P Y N P Y N P Nose/Sinuses: Stuffiness Y N P Hayfever Y N P Loss of smell Y N P Nose Bleeds Y N P Sinus problems Frequent Colds Y N P Y N P Mouth/Throat Hoarseness Y N P Jaw clicks Y N P Gum Problems Y N P Dental Cavities Y N P Frequent Sore throat Y N P Sore lips/tongue Y N P Respiratory Asthma Y N Cough Y N Sputum Y N Pleurisy Y N Shortness of Breath Wheezing Y Bronchitis Y Pneumonia Y Emphysema Y at night? Y N P P P P P Y N P Y N P Y N P Y N P N P Spitting up Blood Y N P N P Difficulty Breathing Y N P N P Pain with Breathing Y N P N P Tuberculosis Y N P lying downs? Y N P Cardiovascular Angina Y N P Chest pain Y N P Murmer Y N P Fainting Y N P Ankle swelling Y N P Rheumatic Fever Y N P High blood pressure Y N P Blood clots Y N P Heart disease Y N P Low blood pressure Y N P Gastrointestinal Diarrhea Y N P Constipation Y N P Changes in thirst Y N P Ulcers Y N P Black Stool Y N P Coughing up blood Y N P Jaundice Y N P Hemorrhoids Y N P Gall Bladder disease Y N P Liver Disease Y N P Abdominal Pain Y N P Blood in stool Y N P Mucous in stool Y N P Undigested food in stool Y N P Number of bowel movements per day ______ Urinary Incontinence Y N P Frequent infections Y N P Painful urination Y N P Kidney Stones Y N P Frequency at night Y N P Hesitancy Y N P Blood/Peripheral Vascular Anemia: Y N P Leg pain Y N P Cold hands/feet Y N P Easy Bruising Y N P Thrombophlebitis Varicose Veins Y N P Y N P Muscle weakness Y N P Numbness/tingling Y N P Emotional Mood swings Y N P Tension Y N P Nervousness Y N P Stress Y N P Depression Anxiety Y N P Y N P Endocrine Hypothyroid Y N P Excessive Hunger Y N P Hyperthyroid Y N P Heat intolerance Y N P Excessive thirst Cold intolerance Y N P Y N P Testicular Masses Y N P Discharge/sores Premature Ejaculation Y N P Hernias Y N P Y N P Neurological Paralysis Y N P Loss of Memory Y N P Male Reproductive Prostate Issues Y N P Testicular Pain Y N P STD Y N P Female Reproductive Age of First Menses ___________ Age of last menses (if menopausal)_______ Length of Cycle: ______________ Duration of Menses (bleed time) ________ Date of last annual exam: ________ Birth control: yes/no If yes: what type: Number of pregnancies _____ Miscarriages _____ Abortions_____ Live Births______ Endometriosis Y N P Ovarian Cysts Y N P Cervical dysplasia Y N P Fertility Issues Y N P Venereal Disease Y N P Cycles regular Y N P Abnormal pap Y N P Nipple discharge Y N P Do self breast examsY N P PMS Y N P Menopausal Symptoms Y N P Bleeding between cycles Y N P Breast lump Y N P Spotting Y N P Sexually active Y N P Painful Menses Y N P Heavy bleeding Y N P COLORADO MANDATORY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT & INFORMED CONSENT This disclosure statement is in compliance with the State of Colorado, Department of Regulatory Agencies, Colorado Statue Title 12 Article 29.5. All rules and regulations set forth by the Department of Health are strictly adhered to, including proper cleaning, sterilization, and sanitation of equipment and office. Only single-use, disposable, factory-sterilized needles are utilized. The practice of acupuncture and of Naturopathic Medicine is regulated by the Director of Registrations, Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies. If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please contact the Acupuncturists Registrations Office, 1560 Broadway, Suite 1350, Denver, CO 80202 (phone: 303.894.2440). The patient is entitled to receive information about the methods of therapy, the techniques used, and the duration of therapy, if known. The patient may seek a second opinion from another healthcare professional or may terminate therapy at any time. In a professional relationship, sexual intimacy is never appropriate and should be reported to the Director of the Division of Registration in the Department of Regulatory Agencies. Licenses: The staff of White Willow Healing Arts all hold appropriate licenses and certificates in the state of Colorado. Practitioner Education, Certification, and Experience: Dr. Mueller holds N.D. and M.Ac. degrees from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine. Her Training includes: Four years of post-graduate medical instruction 4 years of masters level training for acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Studies in basic sciences, conventional diagnosis, pharmacology, and natural therapies including homeopathy, botanicals, nutrition and hydrotherapy, acupuncture, qi gong, sound healing, massage 3000 hours of Rotations- Clinical Training Hours Medical degree accredited by the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME) and The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Diplomate of Acupuncture accredited by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. (NCCAOM) Dr. Mueller is also trained in functional medicine, herbs, nutrition, magnet therapy, sound healing, qi gong, electrical stimulation, cuping and applied kinesiology. ND License Number: 0054; LAc license number 1681. Miles Nichols holds a M.S.O.M degree and is a licensed acupuncturist. His training includes: Bachelor of Arts in contemplative psychotherapy from Naropa University. Over 3000 hours of training from Southwest Acupuncture College, a 4-year masters level program for acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Over 1000 clinical training hours Holds a Diplomate of Oriental Medicine (Dipl. O.M.) from the NCCAOM as of 2014 Has an acupuncture license in the state of Colorado, license number 2038 Is a certified Sheng Zhen Gong teacher Miles Nichols is also trained in tuina, shiatsu, cupping, moxabustion, electrical stimulation, gua sha, functional medicine, herbs, nutrition, injection therapy, sound healing, qigong, hypnosis, NLP, Eden Energy Medicine & craniosacral therapy Clinic Fee Schedule (due at time of service): Initial Consultation & Treatment, 60 min Follow-Up Treatment, 45 min $230 $95 Herbs, supplements, and lab kits are extra and not included in treatment fee The practitioners at White Willow Healing Arts are not contracted with insurance providers. We do accept payment from Health Savings Accounts (HSA) and Flex Spending Accounts (FSA). Patient is responsible for submitting this information to the appropriate people. Some insurance companies will accept payment for acupuncture services. If necessary, we can provide a superbill with correct insurance codes for possible reimbursement. Payment to White Willow Healing Arts is expected at the time of service, via cash, check, or with credit card. Appointments can be changed or cancelled up to 24 hours before the scheduled time. Missed appointments are subject to a $95 missed appointment fee. You will be notified if there are any changes of services or charges. Product Sales: Nutritional supplements are available to purchase through White Willow Healing Arts. This is a service that is available for your convenience. These products are also higher quality than most products offered in stores. You are not required to purchase items recommended by your doctor from White Willow Healing Arts. You are free to purchase these or similar products at the retailer of your choice. Rights: You have the right to be informed of the procedure involved in your care, the options and alternatives for treatment and the risks involved. You have the right for your questions to be answered completely. You have the right to know your practitioner’s assessment and recommendation. You have the right to courteous service, free from verbal, physical, or sexual abuse. You have the right to confidentiality. Your records and transactions with this office are confidential. This information will not be released outside of this clinic unless authorized by you or required by law (see privacy policy) You have the right to access other community services, to change practitioners at any time, and to refuse services unless otherwise provided by law. Informed Consent I hereby request & consent to the performance of acupuncture and/or naturopathic treatments and other procedures within the scope of the practice of acupuncture and/or naturopathic medicine on me (or on the patient named below, for whom I am legally responsible) by the acupuncturist and/or naturopathic doctor indicated in this form and/or other licensed acupuncturists who now or in the future treat me while employed by, working or associated with or serving as back-up for the White Willow Healing Arts, INC, including those working at the clinic or office listed above or any other office or clinic, whether signatories to this form or not. I understand that methods of treatment may include, but are not limited to, naturopathic medicine, acupuncture, functional medicine, moxabustion, cupping, electrical stimulation, Eden Energy Medicine Applied Kinesiology, injection therapy, Tui-Na (Chinese massage), Chinese herbal medicine, Western herbal medicine, hypnosis, craniosacral therapy, qigong, and lifestyle/nutritional counseling. I understand that the herbs may need to be prepared and the teas consumed according to the instructions provided orally and in writing. The herbs may have an unpleasant smell or taste. I will immediately notify a member of the clinical staff of any unanticipated or unpleasant effects associated with the consumption of the herbs. I have been informed that acupuncture is a generally safe method of treatment, but that it may have some side effects, including bruising, numbness or tingling near the needling sites that may last a few days, and dizziness or fainting. Burns and/or scarring are a potential risk of moxabustion and cupping, or when treatment involves the use of heat lamps. Bruising is a common side effect of cupping. Unusual risks of acupuncture include spontaneous miscarriage, nerve damage and organ puncture, including lung puncture (pneumothorax). Infection is another possible risk, although the clinic uses sterile disposable needles and maintains a clean and safe environment. I understand that while this document describes the major risks of treatment, other side effects and risks may occur. The herbs and nutritional supplements (which are from plant, animal, and mineral sources) that have been recommended are traditionally considered safe in the practice of Chinese Medicine, although some may be toxic in large doses. I understand that some herbs may be inappropriate during pregnancy. Some possible side effects of taking herbs are nausea, gas, stomachache, vomiting, headache, diarrhea, rashes, hives, and tingling of the tongue. I will notify a clinical staff member who is caring for me if I am or become pregnant. While I do not expect the clinical staff to be able to anticipate and explain all possible risks and complications of treatment, I wish to rely on the clinical staff to exercise judgment during the course of treatment which the clinical staff thinks at the time, based upon the facts then known, is in my best interest. I understand that results are not guaranteed. I understand that clinical and administrative staff may review my patient records and lab reports, but all my records will be kept confidential and will not be released without my written consent. By voluntarily signing below, I show that I have read, or have had read to me, the above consent to treatment, have been told about the risks and benefits of acupuncture and other procedures, and have had an opportunity to ask questions. I intend this consent form to cover the entire course of treatment for my present condition and for any future condition(s) for which I seek treatment. I acknowledge that neither claims of cure nor promises of outcome have been made regarding my therapy. I have read the above information and consent to treatment by the practitioners at White Willow Healing Arts. Signed: ______________________________________ Date: ______________ PRIVACY POLICY This notice explains how medical information about you may be used and how you may get access to this information. Please review it carefully. White Willow Healing Arts, INC respects your privacy. We understand that your personal information is very sensitive. We will not disclose your information to others outside of practitioners and employees of the clinic unless you tell us to do so, or unless we are required by law to do so. We do reserve the right, when appropriate, to share information between practitioners and employees working at the clinic. This allows us to better serve you and helps with the smooth operations of our business. The law protects the privacy of the health information we create and obtain while treating you. Federal state law allows us to use and disclose your protected health care information for the purpose of treatment and health care operations. State law requires us to your authorization to disclose this information for payment purposes. Examples of Use and Disclosure of Health Information for treatment, payment and health operations: For treatment: Information obtained by our health care team will be recorded in your medical record to help determine what is the best care for you. We may also provide information to others providing your care. This will help them stay informed about your care. For payment: We may request payment from your health insurance plan. Health plans need information from us about your medical care. Information reported to health plans may include your diagnosis, procedures performed and recommended care. For health care operations: We use your medical records to assess quality and improve services. We may use and disclose medical records to review the qualifications and performance of our health care providers and to train our staff. We may contact you to remind you of appointments and to give your information about treatment alternatives. We may use and disclose your information to conduct services for accounting and legal services, audit functions including fraud and abuse detection and compliance programs. Your Health Information Rights The health and billing records we create here are the property of White Willow Healing Arts, INC. The protected health care information in it generally belongs to you. You have the right to: Receive, read and ask questions about this notice. Ask us to restrict certain uses and disclosures. You must do this in writing. We are not required to grant this request. Request and receive from us the latest notice of privacy practices Request that you be allowed to obtain a copy of your protected health information. You may make this request in writing. Have a review a denial of access to your health information – except in certain circumstances. Ask us to change your health information. You must make this request in writing. You may make a statement of disagreement if your request is denied. This will be stored in your medical records and included with any release of records. When you request, we will give you a list of disclosures of health information. The list will not include disclosures to third party payers. You may receive this information without charge once every 12 months. We will notify you of the cost involved if you request this more than once every 12 months. Ask that your health information be given to you by another means. This request must be signed and dated. Cancel prior authorizations to use or disclose your health information. This does not affect information already released. Sometimes you cannot cancel an authorization if its purpose was to obtain insurance benefits. Our Responsibilities We are required to: Keep your information private Give you this notice and follow its terms We have the right to change our practices regarding the protected health information that we maintain. If we make changes we will update this notice. You may receive the most updated copy by calling or asking at your next visit for one. If you feel that your privacy has been violated you may speak with Dr. Diane Mueller, Miles Nichols, or contact the U. S. Secretary of Health and Human Services. Other Disclosures Notification of Family and Others Unless you object, we may release medical information to family members involved in your care. We may also release information to someone who pays for your care. We may tell family and friend your condition if you are hospitalized. In addition, we may disclose information about you to help with disaster relief efforts. We may give your name, general condition and location to a hospital if necessary. You have the right to object to the disclosure of this information. We will not use it or disclose it if you object. We may disclose your information without your authorization in cases such as: With medical research: if the research has been approved and the policy is to protect your health information. We may also share your information with researches preparing to conduct a health study. To funeral directors/coroners: consistent with laws designed to help them carry out their duties. To organ procurement organizations To the Food and Drug Administration: relating to problems with food, supplements, and products To apply with worker’s compensation laws: if you make a worker’s compensation claim. For public health and safety purposes as required by law. To report suspected neglect or abuse as required by law. To correctional institutions if you are in jail or prison, as necessary for the health and safety of others. For law enforcement purposes: such as when receive a subpoena, court order, or other legal process or you are a victim of a crime. For health and safety oversight activities For disaster relief purposes: For example: your information may be shared with disaster relief agencies to assist in notification of your condition to your family or others. For work related conditions that could affect employment health. For example an employer might ask us to assess health risk of a job site. To military authorities of the U.S. and foreign military personnel. For example the law might require us to provide information necessary to a military mission. For specialized government functions: for national security purposes. In the course of Judicial/Administrative Proceedings: at your request or as directed by a subpoena or court order. Other uses and protected health information: Uses and disclosures not in this notice will only be made as allowed or required by law or with your written authorization. HIPPA Notice of Privacy Practices and Consent I hereby consent to the use and disclosure of my protected health information by White Willow Healing Arts, INC for the purposes of treatment, payment and healthcare operations or as otherwise required by law. White Willow Healing Arts has shown me a copy of their Privacy Practices which provides more detailed information about the usage and disclosure of my protected health information. I have a right to review the notice prior to signing this consent and to receive a printed copy of this policy. I have the right to request restrictions to the usage and disclosure of my protected health information. I have the right to request and alternative to the standard method of communication of my protected health information. I have the right to revoke this consent in writing at any time. Revocations will be honored as of the date they are received by White Willow Healing Arts, INC. I understand that while White Willow Healing Arts, INC may honor these requests, they are not required by law to do so. I am aware that White Willow Healing Arts, INC reserves the right to change the terms of their Notice of Privacy Practices and to make new notice of Privacy Practices provisions effective for all protected health information that they maintain. In the event of amendments, White Willow Healing Arts, INC will make available a revised notice of privacy practices for my review. Signed: _____________________________ Date: ___________________ DR. DIANE MUELLER N.D. L.AC. MILES NICHOLS L.AC. PHONE AND EMAIL POLICY Please keep in mind that communications via email are not secure. Although it is unlikely, there is a possibility that information you include in an email or sent to you in an email can be intercepted and read by other parties besides the person to whom it is addressed. Also please keep in mind that we cannot formally diagnose your condition from information via email and communications via email cannot replace the relationship you have with your healthcare practitioner. There is no charge for emails or phone calls regarding clarification of your current treatment plan such as supplement or medication doses, or when your physician has requested that you check in about your response to a treatment. There will be a fee, however, of $35 to $95 depending on length of time required, for emails or phone calls regarding a new health problem, information requiring medical advice or an issue that requires your chart being pulled and information being recorded. You are always welcome to schedule an appointment or hold your questions until your next session if it’s not an urgent matter. When it comes to question regarding research that you have read or heard from others, we request that you write these down and bring them to your next appointment. Dr. Mueller and Mr. Nichols do take your questions seriously and want to address them. However, the appropriate time for this is during a visit and not via email. Thank you for your patience and your understanding of our policy. Please note: insurance does not cover this expense and this fee will be your responsibility. Also please note that your practitioner may call or email a response saying that it is easier to discuss your questions during an office visit or that she will answer your questions in person during your next session. We will do our best to answer your questions via email or phone within 3 business days. We do not check or respond to emails or phone calls on the weekend. If you have an urgent health problem that needs to be addressed, please go to urgent care or the hospital. In an effort to respond in a timely manner, responses may be brief and direct. Should you need more detailed description or explanation, please schedule an appointment. Feel free to ask if you need any clarification about this policy. Signed ___________________________ Date: _____________________