Compliance with Professional Standards Questionnaire Contact Details Name: Registration No: Telephone: Email: Infection Control Please circle “Yes” or ‘No” and attach an explanation for all negative responses 1. Vaccination of clinical staff current (signature required if declined) 2. Protocol for infection control available and staff trained 3. Personal Protective Equipment: gloves worn (single use) protective clothing/equipment worn in clinical area only suitable protective eyewear available 4. Items in contact with blood, saliva, and mucous membranes either disposed of or sterilised between patients 5. Autoclave used for sterilisation and validated 6. Appropriate decontamination prior to disinfection or sterilisation procedures 7. Handling and disposal of sharps and waste appropriate 8. Storage of instruments appropriate 9. Appropriate procedures in place for cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces between patients and materials labelled 10. No food or drink in clinical and sterilising areas Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Emergencies Please circle “Yes” or ‘No” and attach an explanation for all negative responses 1. Dentist has completed training to a level equivalent to the NZRC Modular Certificate of Resuscitation and Emergency Care (CORE) Level 4 in the last 4 years 2. Staff trained in emergency procedures including CPR 3. Manual for dealing with emergencies immediately available including essential telephone numbers 4. Patient medical histories up to date 5. Appropriate emergency drug kit and equipment up to date, operational, and readily available 6. After an emergency, the patient never leaves unaccompanied 12/02/16 Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Records Please circle “Yes” or ‘No” and attach an explanation for all negative responses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Legible and time bound for all patients Privacy and confidentiality provisions in place Storage of records adequate Patient access provisions in place Basic information up to date: name, date of birth, gender address if under 18 contact details of parent or guardian current medical history 6. Records contain details, as appropriate, of: all visits, failures and cancellations presenting complaint history clinical findings diagnosis options and treatment plan treatment carried out treatment patient unwilling to proceed with consent obtained fee estimates given unusual sequelae Yes Yes Yes Yes / / / / No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes / / / / No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes / / / / / / / / / / / No No No No No No No No No No No Sedation (if providing sedation) Please circle “Yes” or ‘No” and attach an explanation for all negative responses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Appropriate level of conscious sedation training Appropriate level of emergency training current Patient medical histories up-to-date and relevant Pre and post operative instructions given Informed consent detailed in records Records detail drugs, dosage, and timing Equipment appropriate, available, and maintained Facilities adequate (including for recovery when necessary) 9. Appropriate trained staff always present during procedure 10. Appropriate emergency drugs available 11. Discharge protocol in place Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Informed Consent Please circle “Yes” or ‘No” and attach an explanation for all negative responses 1. Systems in place for oral and written consent 2. Systems in place for language /communication difficulties 3. Records include: treatment options including possible consequences estimated costs of options consent noted consent in writing where appropriate consent from caregiver where appropriate treatment refused and consequences of the decision option for referral if appropriate Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No 2 Working relationship with dental hygienists and dental auxiliaries (where relevant) Please circle “Yes” or ‘No” and attach an explanation for all negative responses 1. A signed professional agreement is in place with the hygienist(s) /dental auxiliary in relation to the provision of clinical guidance, direct supervision, radiography and access to prescription medicines as required by the scope of practice for a hygienist or dental auxiliary Yes / No 2. The dentist examines all new patients, assesses the medical history and develops the oral health care plan Yes / No 3. The dentist provides timely advice and ensures the hygienist has access to advice and guidance when off site Yes / No 4. The dentist assesses the medical history of patients who self-refer to the hygienist Yes / No 5. The dentist is onsite when dental hygiene services are provided to patients who self-refer to the hygienist or have been referred by other dentists Yes / No 6. Dental hygienists registered to provide LA do so only when the dentist is on the premises (direct supervision) Yes / No 7. Dental hygienists only treat patients under sedation in accordance with the Code of Practice on Conscious Sedation Yes / No 8. All activities performed by dental auxiliaries are under the direct clinical supervision of the dentist who remains onsite Yes / No 9. The dentist ensures that the specific requirements in relation to dental hygienists and auxiliaries registered in the additional radiography and orthodontic procedures scopes are met Yes / No Professional relationships associated with the practice of dental therapy (where relevant) Please circle “Yes” or ‘No” and attach an explanation for all negative responses 1. A signed professional agreement is in place with the therapist(s) in relation to the provision of advice, radiography and access to prescription medicines Yes / No 2. The dentist provides advice on the same working day as it is sought Yes / No 3. The dentist ensures access to timely advice in the event of his or her unavailability Yes / No 4. The dentist keeps accurate records of advice given Yes / No 5. The dentist ensures that the specific requirements in relation to dental therapists registered in the additional radiography and adult scopes are met Yes / No 3 Professional relationships associated with the practice of dental technology and clinical dental technology (where relevant) Please circle “Yes” or ‘No” and attach an explanation for all negative responses 1. Patients are informed of all treatment options available 2. Timely advice is provided to the technician undertaking the dentist’s work on request 3. Dental technology services are sourced from registered practitioners 4. Overseas dental technology services are sourced from ISO accredited laboratories 5. Oral health certificates are only provided when there is no diseased or unhealed hard or soft tissues or any other contraindicating abnormalities 6. Accurate records are kept on advice given, prescriptions provided and oral health certificates issued 7. The dentist retains responsibility for the preparation of teeth and/or soft tissues for partial dentures, immediate dentures and overdentures and for the fitting and clinical care outcomes of immediate dentures and root or implant supported overdentures Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Declaration I hereby declare that: the information I have given in this questionnaire is true and correct I understand that I may be visited to confirm the accuracy of the responses given in this questionnaire I have attached an explanation for all negative responses and a timeframe for ensuring compliance Name: Registration Number: Signed: Date: 4