603 Grant No - 49 - Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief Medium Terms Expenditure (Taka in Thousand) Projection Budget Description 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Non-Development Development Total: Revenue Capital Total: 1.0 Mission Statement and Major Functions 1.1 Mission Statement To reduce risks for people, especially the poor and vulnerable, by strengthening the overall capacity of disaster management and to establish an efficient and capable emergency disaster response system to face large scale disasters. 1.2 2.0 Major Functions a. Formulation and implementation of laws, policies and an action plan for disaster risk reduction, emergency response and disaster management; b. Preparation of policies and plans for urgent humanitarian assistance and rehabilitation programmes and preparation and preservation of all social safety net programmes; c. Preparation of disaster risk reduction plan, taking up activities for training and research, and coordination, monitoring and evaluation among local, regional and international development partners; d. Humanitarian assistance to ensure food security through the preparation and implementation of Food for Work (Rural Infrastructure Development); Rural Infrastructure Maintenance (Test Relief), VGF, GR, and other related programmes; e. Ensure employment for the ultra-poor during lean period of the year to reduce risk; f. Coordination of the use and distribution of emergency food aid and other humanitarian assistance received from abroad; g. Implementation of programmes related to refugee affairs and co-ordination with national and international agencies. Medium Term Strategic Objectives and Activities Medium-Term Strategic Objectives Activities Implementing Departments/Agencies 1 2 3 1. Institutionalising disaster management system, creation of professionalism and increasing the capability Imparting training on disaster management to all concerned people in disaster prone areas Secretariat Prepare agency-wise national and local Directorate rate of Disaster 604 Medium-Term Strategic Objectives Activities Implementing Departments/Agencies 1 2 3 level contingency plans for disaster risk reduction and identification of disaster prone and ultra-poor population areas 2. Construction, extension and up-gradation of infrastructure to reduce disaster risks 3. Reducing the sufferings and disaster risks for vulnerable people and people in danger Procurement, maintenance and distribution of rescue vehicles and equipment to respond to disasters Construction of small and medium bridges/culverts for rapid discharge of water Construction and maintenance of multipurpose cyclone shelters in coastal areas Construction and maintenance of multipurpose flood shelters in flood prone areas Construction of cyclone resistant houses, raising the grounds of social institutions and raising high grounds (matir killa) Creation of employment for the ultrapoor, especially poor destitute women, in identified disaster prone areas Implementation of risk reduction and climate change adaptation programmes Identification ofinternal risks and reducing loss of lives and properties through early warning Implementation of Food for Works (FFW) Programme Implementation of Test Relief (TR) Programme Implementation of Vulnerable Group Feeding (VGF) Programme Distribution of GR Food, GR Cash, Sarees, Lungis, Blankets, CI Sheets, House Building Grants etc. Management Directorate rate of Disaster Management Secretariat Directorate rate of Disaster Management 3.0 Poverty and Gender Reporting 3.1 Impact of Strategic Objectives on Poverty Reduction and Women's Advancement 3.1.1 Institutionalising disaster management system, creation of professionalism and increasing the capability Impact on Poverty Reduction: Disaster risks have been mitigated through early warning signals, necessary training and increasing public awareness activities, strengthening of volunteer forces and implementation of disaster risk reduction programmes. The capacity of the poor and at risk community to face disaster is also improved through partnerships and coordination of efforts among various ministries, agencies and development partners. Community empowerment, capacity building, response management 605 are strengthened to reduce the loss of lives and properties caused by natural disasters. Socio-economic security of the poor people is strengthening, creating positive impact on reduction of poverty. Impact on Women’s Advancement: In disaster prone areas, the capability of women to face natural disasters has been enhanced due to their involvement in disaster awareness activities and livelihood training. As a result, poverty and disaster risks are reduced. 3.1.2 Construction, extension and up-gradation of infrastructure to reduce disaster risks Impact on Poverty Reduction:with the construction of flood/cyclone centres in disaster prone areas, poor people take shelter in these centres with their belongings. Through the construction of disaster resistant houses and raised grounds (matir killa) people are protecting their assets by transferring their livestock to these places. Their crops are saved because of the fast discharge of water through bridges /culverts. This will have an impact on the reduction of poverty. Impact on Women’s Advancement:An effective transport system plays a positive role in rescuing people, especially women and children during disasters. The lives of women and children are also saved by taking shelters during floods and cyclones. The overall benefits of communications and transport accelerate women’s advancement. 3.1.3 Reducing the sufferings and disaster risks for vulnerable people and people in danger Impact on Poverty Reduction: The poverty of a minimum of 65-70 lakh peopleis being reduced every year through implementation of Employment Generation Programme for the Poorest (EGPP), Test Relief (TR) Programme and Food for Work (FFW) Programme and other programmes during agricultural slack seasons and in disaster affected areas. Similarly, by getting instant food relief under VGF programme to face disaster shocks the sufferings of 25 lakh poor people are eased every year. In addition, distributions of disaster reliefs immediately after the shocks such as GR Food, GR Cash, Sarees, Lungis, Blankets, CI Sheets, and House Building Grants etc. help the affected people to overcome losses and pain. Impact on Women’s Advancement: At least 30% of the beneficiaries are women under targeted and women friendly programmes. The poor and destitute women are getting preferential employment, their income is increasing and their access to food improved. Women, children and handicapped people are shifted to safe shelters on a priority basis at the beginning of any great disaster and they are given food and medicines. As a result, their social security and capacity to face disaster have been strengthened. Poverty Reduction and Women’s Advancement Related Spending 3.2 (Taka in Thousand) Particulars Budget 2014-15 Projection 2015-16 2016-17 Poverty Reduction Gender 4.1 Priority Spending Areas/Programmes Priority Spending Areas/Programmes 1. 2. Expansion of social safety net programmes Related Strategic Objectives Reducing the sufferings and Employment Generation Programme for the Poorest, FFW (in exchange for food/taka, TR and VGF programmes play an important role in reducing unemployment, disaster risks and easing food shortages during periods of crises. These efforts thus ensure food security for the poor. In consideration of this, this area has been given the first priority. disaster risk of vulnerable people and people in danger Construction of small bridges, culverts and Flood and Cyclone Shelters Construction, extension and During disasters, the protection of human lives and properties is one of the prime responsibilities of this Division Therefore, construction and maintenance of cyclone/flood shelters, keeping the communication up-gradation of infrastructure to reduce disaster risks 606 Priority Spending Areas/Programmes Related Strategic Objectives system operating uninterrupted in rural areas, and constructing and maintaining small bridges/culverts are considered to be the second area in the list of priorities. 3. Procurement and maintenance of search and rescue vehicles and equipment Search and rescue vehicles and equipment play an important role in saving lives and properties of disaster affected people. Therefore, procurement and maintenance of search and rescue vehicles and equipment have been given the third position on the priority list. 4. Institutionalising disaster management system, creation of professionalism and increasing the capability Institutionalising disaster Risk reduction training, research and awareness programme In order to reduce the impact of global climate change there is no alternative to update the overall disaster management programmes and to undertake training, research and public awareness activities to conduct, monitor and evaluate adaptation initiatives. management system, creation of professionalism and increasing the capability 4.2 Medium Term Expenditure Estimates and Projection (2014-15 to 2016-17) 4.2.a Expenditure by Department/Agencies/Operational Units (Taka in thousand) Description Budget Revised Budget 2014-15 2013-14 Projection 2015-16 2016-17 Grand Total : 4.2.b Expenditure by Economic Group Wise (Taka in thousand) Description Economic Group Code Budget Revised Budget 2014-15 2013-14 Projection 2015-16 2016-17 Revenue Expenditure 4600 5.0 Pay of Establishment Key Performance Indicator (KPIs) Indicator 1 Related Unit of Revised Actual Strategic Measurement Target Objectives 2012-13 Target Revised Target 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 8 9 10 21.81 23.44 25.07 26.69 0.32 0.40 0.50 0.55 0.60 2.50 2.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 3 4 1. Beneficiaries of social safety net programme (Employment generation programme for the poorest) 3 Lakh person month 20.40 2. Shelter provided to disaster prone people in Cyclone/Flood prone areas 2 Lakh person 3. Coverage of training to Disaster Management Committee members 1 Number in thousand 5 2013-14 Medium Term Targets 6 7 6.0 Recent Achievements, Activities, Output Indicators Expenditure Estimates of the Departments/Agencies and Targets and 6.1 Secretariat 6.1.1 Recent Achievements: The Disaster Management Act - 2012has been promulgated. Construction and maintenance management policy for cyclone shelters has been approved earlier. New warning signals and public disaster messages on cyclone and weather have been published. A program for sending emergency 607 disaster messages in a short time to disaster prone people through cell phones has been undertaken and under this program pilot projects have been implemented in the district of Cox's Bazar and Sirajgonj. New chapters on disaster risk reduction program and emergency humanitarian assistance, fire, earthquake and tsunami have been included in the Standing Order on Disaster (SOD). The National Work Plan-2010-2015 on disaster management has been prepared. In addition, arrangements have been made to send disaster warnings and risk reduction messages through IVR and SMS. In the last three years, under the ultra-poor employment program a total 1987 lakh unemployed ultra-poor rural workers were given 80 days of employment; one third of them were women. 6.1.2 Activities, Output Indicators and Targets Activities Output Indicator 1 2 3 4 5 Trained Disaster Manager 1 Number in thousand 0.15 2. Implementation of risk reduction and climate change adaptation programmes Adaptation programme 3 Programme number in thousand 3. Creation of employment for the ultra-poor especially poor destitute women in identified disaster prone areas Employment of ultra-poor 3 3 1. Imparting training on disaster management to all related persons Related Unit of Revised Actual Strategic Measurement Target Objectives 2012-13 4. Identification of internal risk and Training of reducing loss of lives and volunteers and properties through early supply of warning machineries and equipments 6.1.3 Target Revised Target 2013-14 7 Medium Term Targets 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 9 10 11 0.145 1.5 - - 1.00 1.20 1.00 - - Lakh man month 20.40 21.81 23.44 25.00 26.69 Person (thousand) 2.50 6 6 6 6 6 8 Medium Term Expenditure Estimates by Operational Unit, Programmes and Projects (Taka in Thousand) Actual Name of the Operational Unit/ Programme/Project Related Activity 2012-13 1 2 3 Budget Revised 2013-14 4 5 Medium Term Expenditure Estimates 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 6 7 8 Operational Units 6.2 Directorate of Disaster Management 6.2.1 Recent Achievement: During the financial years from 2009-10 to 2011-12, 99,773 projects were completed under the Rural Development Infrastructure (FFW) Program of the directorate involving 7.31 lakhs MT of food grains and taka 274.60 crore. As a result, employment was generated for 46.58 lakh poor people. Under Rural Infrastructure Maintenance (TR) Program, 6, 16,978 schemes were implemented with 10.07 lakh MT of food grains, generating employment for 83.79 lakh of poor people. As a result, there has been significant institutional development in educational, religious and public welfare institutions, including rural infrastructure development. Under VGF program, a total 5.23 lakh MT of food grains were distributed to 2.38 crore ultra-poor/helpless/destitute families. Under the GR program, a total of 1.27 lakh MT of rice, Taka 15.91 crore and house building grants of taka 117.80 crore were distributed among affected 70.75 lakh destitute people. Taka 4.70 crore were spent for transportation of relief items, taka 66.00 crore for purchase of CI sheets, taka 29.99 crore for purchase of blankets, taka 34.85 lakh for purchase of fuel for watercrafts and taka 26.60 lakh for repair of watercrafts. Under the 12 meter long bridges/culverts construction program, taka 366.705 crore for construction of 1847 bridges in plain/hilly areas. As a result, transportation was facilitated for 2.15 crore people. 74 flood shelters were built at a cost of 31.04 crore in cyclones prone and river erosion areas. 608 6.2.2 Activities, Output Indicators and Targets Activities Output Indicator Related Unit of Revised Actual Strategic Measurement Target Objectives 2012-13 1 2 3 4 5 1. Implementation of Food for Work (FFW) Programme Beneficiary 3 Person in lakh - 2. Implementation of Test Relief (TR) Programme Beneficiary 3 Person in lakh 3. Implementation of Vulnerable Group Feeding (VGF) Programme Beneficiary 3 4. Construction of small and medium bridges/culverts for rapid discharge of water Bridge/ Culvert 5. Construction and maintenance of multi-purpose cyclone shelters in coastal areas Target Revised Target 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 9 10 11 19.79 20.41 21.75 21.87 - 19.68 19.20 20.80 21.87 Person in lakh - 189.00 208 229 252 2 Thousand metre - 13.17 13.17 13.17 13.17 cyclone shelters 2 Thousand square metre - 8.35 8.35 8.35 8.35 6. Construction and maintenance of multi-purpose flood shelters in flood prone areas flood shelters 2 Thousand square metre - 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 7. Construction of cyclone resistant houses, raising the ground of social institutions and raising high ground (matir killa) cyclone resistant houses 2 Thousand sq. Metre - 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Beneficiary 3 Person in lakh - 30.00 35.00 40.00 40.00 9. Procurement, maintenance and Rescue vehicles distribution of rescue vehicles and machineries and equipments to respond to disasters 1 Taka (crore) - 40 40 40 40 10. Prepare agency-wise national and local level contingency plans for disaster risk reduction and Identification of disaster prone and ultra-poor population areas 1 Number - 12 12 12 12 8. Distribution of GR Food, GR Cash, Sarees, Lungis, Blankets, CI Sheets, House Building Grants etc. 6.2.3 Contingency plan prepared 7 Medium Term Targets 6 8 Medium Term Expenditure Estimates by Operational Unit, Programmes and Projects (Taka in Thousand) Actual Name of the Operational Unit/ Programme/Project Related Activity 2012-13 1 2 3 Operational Units Budget Revised 2013-14 4 5 Medium Term Expenditure Estimates 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 6 7 8