Role Plays - Grade 4 Qatar

‘The Cat and The Mouse’
Students perform together, using lots of expression and some props.
10 Characters
Narrator 1, Narrator 2, Narrator 3, Narrator 4,
Mr Cat, Miss Mouse, Miss Cow, Miss Baker,
Mr Farmer, Mr Butcher, Mr Farmer.
Everyone: Here is our story about the cat and
the mouse!
Mouse: Mr Butcher, please give me some
meat, so I can get my tail back!
Narrator 1: The mouse wanted to give the
meat to the farmer…
Narrator 2: …and the hay to the cow…
Narrator 1: One day, the cat was hunting.
Narrator 3: …and the milk to the cat.
Cat: Mwwaa ha ha! I can see you little mouse!
Mouse: Eeek!
Narrator 2: He caught the mouse and bit her
tail off!
Mouse: AAGGH! Mr Cat! Please give me back
my tail!
Narrator 3: The mouse wanted her tail back
but the cat would not give it to her.
Butcher: “No! I will not give you any meat until
you go to the baker and get me some bread!
Narrator 4: So the mouse went to the baker.
Mouse: Miss Baker, please give me some
bread, so I can get my tail back!
Narrator 1: The mouse wanted to give the
bread to the butcher…
Narrator 4: …and the meat to the farmer…
Cat: No! I will not give back your tail until you
go to the cow and get me some milk!
Narrator 4: So the mouse jumped and ran
away to the farm.
Narrator 2: …and the hay to the cow…
Narrator 3: …and the milk to the cat.
Mouse: Miss Cow, please give me milk so I
can get my tail back!
Baker: Ok, I will give you some bread if you
will promise never to come into my bakery and
eat my things and scare my customers away!
Cow: No! I will not give you any milk until you
go to the farmer and get me some hay!
Narrator 1: The mouse promised, got the
bread and ran to the butcher.
Narrator 1: So the mouse went to the farmer.
Narrator 4: The butcher gave her meat. She
took the meat to the farmer.
Mouse: Mr Farmer, please give me some hay,
so I can get my tail back!
Narrator 2: The mouse wanted to give the hay
to the cow…
Narrator 2: The farmer gave her hay. She
took the hay to the cow.
Narrator 3: The cow gave her milk. She took
the milk to the cat who gave her back her tail.
Narrator 3: …and the milk to the cat.
Farmer: No! I will not give you any hay until
you go to the butcher and get me some meat!
Cat: Yum yum yum! Here, little mouse – you
can have your tail now. Ha ha ha!
Everyone: The end!
Narrator 4: So the mouse went to the butcher.
‘The Three Goats’
Students perform together, using lots of expression and some props.
8 Characters – Narrator 1, Narrator 2,
Narrator 3, Narrator 4, Big Goat, Middle
Goat, Little Goat, Monster
Narrator 1: Once there were three goats that lived
on a hillside.
Narrator 2: They were sad and very, very, very
All Goats: Aiya! We are sooooo sad and always
Narrator 3: They were sad and hungry because
they had eaten all the grass on the side of the hill.
Narrator 4: But on the other side of the hill, across
the bridge, there was lots and lots and lots of grass
to eat.
All Goats: We should go over there! Over to the
other side of the hill!
Little Goat: (Trembling, scared little voice) It is I,
the little goat.
Little Goat: No! No! Don't eat me! I am thin and
little and really do not taste good at all. Please, wait
for my big sister. She is fat, tasty and yummy.
Monster: Hmm, you're right! You are tiny. I will wait
for a lovely fat yummy goat!
Narrator 3: The little goat ran across the bridge.
Next, the middle goat came to the bridge.
Middle Goat: (Shaking) It is I the middle goat!
Big Goat: But what about the big, scary monster
that lives under the bridge? He is big and is always
hungry for… GOATS!
Middle Goat: Oh don't eat me. I am just the middle
goat - wait for my big brother. He is much, much,
much bigger than I am. Think about it. My fat
brother would be delicious. Pleeeeeeeese!
Middle Goat: Hmmm, maybe he is gone. Maybe
he is visiting his mother.
Monster: He's bigger than you? Mmmm, ok – I will
wait for him. You can go!
Little Goat: Yeah – maybe he is on holiday. Let's
go across the bridge – I need grass!
Narrator 4: The middle goat ran across the bridge.
Next, the big goat came to the bridge.
Narrator 1: The goats decide to go to the bridge…
Big Goat: (Looks at the little goat) Ok, you can go
across the bridge first.
Big Goat: (In a loud voice) It is I, the big goat.
Little Goat: Me? Why me?
Big Goat: Because you are soooo small and soooo
thin...(Looks little goat up and down). If you don't
get to the other side of the hill first, you will... you
will…. get sick! Oh it would be horrible!
Little Goat: You're right big goat. I will go first and I
will eat lots of the lovely green grass!
Narrator 2: The little goat went up to the bridge,
and suddenly, the scary monster jumped out!
Big Goat: Oh, I don't think so! (Lowers his head)
One! Two! THREE! (He charges and hits the
monster in the stomach, who falls down.)
Monster: WAAAAA!
Big Goat: Ha ha! Silly monster! Now it’s time to get
my dinner.
All Narrators: …And the goats lived happily ever
after! The end!
‘Where the Wild Things Are’
Students perform together, using lots of expression and some props.
8 Characters – Narrator 1, Narrator 2, Narrator 3,
Narrator 4, Max and 3 monsters.
Narrator 1: Max looked deep into their yellow eyes
without blinking!
Narrator 1: It was a dark night, and Max decided to
wear his scary wolf suit!
Narrator 2: They were frightened and called him
the most wild thing of all!!
Narrator 3: They made him king of all wild things.
Narrator 2: He was very naughty and ran around
the house!
Max: Now we can be wild!
Narrator 3: His mother shouted at him.
Mother: Max! You are such a wild thing! Get to bed
at once!
Max: …And now you must stop! And go to bed
without dinner!
Max: I’ll eat you up!
Narrator 4: The wild things went to bed without
Narrator 4: He ran away and went to bed without
eating anything!
Max: 'I'm lonely!'
Narrator 1: That night, in Max's room, a forest
Narrator 1: Max wanted to be where someone
loved him most of all
Narrator 2: It grew and grew, and grew until there
were trees and plants everywhere!
Narrator 2: Then, all around, from far away,
across the world, he smelled good things to eat!!
Narrator 3: The whole room became green, and an
ocean appeared.
Max: I'll give up being king of the wild things!
Max: With a boat for me!
Narrator 4: Max sailed off through night and day.
Narrator 1: He sailed for days… and weeks… and
months… and years.
Monsters: Don’t go! Please stay.
Max: No!
Narrator 4: They showed their terrible eyes, and
their terrible claws and their terrible teeth!
Narrator 2: Finally he arrived…
Max: ….at where the wild things are!
Narrator 3: Max went away.
Narrator 3: The wild things roared their terrible
Narrator 1: He sailed for days… and weeks… and
months… and years.
Narrator 4: And showed their terrible eyes, and
their terrible claws and their terrible teeth!
Narrator 2: He sailed back into his own room,
where he found his dinner waiting for him!
Narrator 3: And it was still hot!
Max: Be still!
Everyone: The end!
‘The Little Red Hen’
Students perform together, using lots of expression and some props.
Narrator 3: …said the pig.
8 characters: Narrator 1, Narrator 2, Narrator 3,
Narrator 4, Hen, Cat, Pig, Dog.
Narrator 1: A pig and a dog and a cat went to live
with a Little Red Hen.
Dog: Not I!
Narrator 4: …said the dog.
Cat: Not I!
Narrator 2: One day, the little red hen decided to
plant some wheat.
Hen: Who will help me plant the wheat in my
Pig: Not I!
Narrator 1: …said the cat.
Hen: Then I will cut the wheat myself!
Narrator 2: So she cut off each piece of wheat
using her beak. Then she scooped them up and put
them under her wings.
Narrator 3: …said the pig.
Hen: Who will help me cook the bread?
Dog: Not I!
Pig: Not I!
Narrator 4: …said the dog.
Narrator 3: …said the pig.
Cat: Not I!
Dog: Not I!
Narrator 1: …said the cat.
Narrator 4: …said the dog.
Hen: Then I shall plant the wheat myself!
Cat: Not I!
Narrator 2: The Little Red Hen took her sharp toes
and dug them into the ground. She put the seeds in
her beak and flipped her head from side to side to
spread the seeds. The Wheat began to grow…
Narrator 1: …said the cat.
Hen: Then I will cook it myself!
Pig: Not I!
Narrator 2: So she took the wheat, added some
salt, some eggs, some water, some flour and put it
all in the oven.
Narrator 3: …said the pig.
Hen: Who will help me eat the bread?
Dog: Not I!
Pig: I will!
Narrator 4: …said the dog.
Narrator 3: …said the pig.
Cat: Not I!
Dog: I will!
Narrator 1: …said the cat.
Narrator 4: …said the dog.
Hen: Then I will water the wheat myself!
Cat: I will!
Narrator 2: She carried water up the hill from the
river, holding it in her beak. She dipped her wing
feathers into the water and shook them out time
after time. This made the water fall on the wheat
like rain. The wheat grew
Narrator 1: …said the cat.
Hen: Who will help me water the wheat?
Hen: Who will help me cut the wheat?
Hen: Ooohh reeaallly!! You did not help me plant
the wheat. You did not help me water the wheat.
You did not help me cut the wheat. You did not help
me cook the bread, and now I will eat all the bread
by myself! HA HA HA!
Pig: Not I!
Everyone: The end!
‘Cinderella the Model’
Students perform together, using lots of expression and some props.
King, Queen, Cinderella, Prince, Ugly sister 1, Ugly
sister 2, Fairy Godmother, 2 servants, Narrator.
Ugly sister 2: She’s not really a princess!
It is the ball at the palace. Cinderella is
dancing with the prince. The ugly sisters are dancing
together because nobody wants to dance with them.
The king and queen and servants are standing
Ugly sister 2: She stole this dress from us
Ugly sister 1: No! She’s our stepsister!
Ugly sister 1: She’s got nothing! She’s really poor!
I really want our boy to marry a nice
A nice RICH girl, remember. We
haven’t got any money!
Get away from my son!
Oh yes, of course.
I haven’t seen you before. Are you a
OK! OK! I don’t want to marry a man
who only cares about money! Forget
it, Prince! I’m leaving!
No…… er….. I mean yes!
She takes off the shoes and throws
hem at the Prince. She was going to
leave, but then the Fairy Godmother
Ugly sister 1: Yes! She’s got no money at all!
Prince: Where do you come from?
Oh…..a country far away!
Fairy Godmother:
Stop! Cinderella, you’re right!
This prince is no good. I’ve got
a better idea for you!
Who’s your father? He must be very
Oh yes…….
What’s that?
Fairy godmother:
You can be America’s next top
Ugly sister 2: I don’t know. She’s very beautiful!
Thank you very much!
Ugly sister 1: Rubbish! She’s really ugly! And those
shoes are stupid
(some servants bring a crown and a sash with
“America’s next top model” written on it)
Ugly sister 2: I think I’ve seen her before………
Ugly sister 1: Hey! Wait a minute! That’s not a
princess! That’s…
Fairy godmother:
Ugly sister 1: Who’s that dancing with the prince?
What about me?
Since you like money so much,
you can marry one of the ugly
What a good idea!
Ugly sister 1:
Come here prince!
Ugly sister 2:
No! Come to me!
Ugly sister 1:
No! He’s mine! He’s mine!
Ugly sisters: (shouting) CINDERELLA!
What’s all that about?
Oh, just some crazy women!
(The ugly sisters come running over)
Ugly sister 1: Mr. Prince! That woman is a cheat!
(The prince runs away, followed by the Ugly sisters)
‘The Bored Genie’
Students perform together, using lots of expression and some props.
Genie, Aladdin, Princess, Aladdin’s mother,
Towngas man, Wizard, Genie’s wife, 2 children,
In Aladdin’s house, the genie was
cleaning while Aladdin, his mother and
the princess sat reading newspapers.
I’m getting tired of this! I’m just a
servant in this house!
Genie! Bring me a drink of water!
Genie! I’m hungry! Bring me some
(Looking at the floor in disgust) This
floor is dirty! Clean it, Genie!
Hey, where are my sandwiches? Aiya!
I’m going to die of hunger!
What’s going on down there?
They can’t turn on the light. They need
someone to help them.
Aladdin’s mother and the Princess
went to the stairs. The genie pushed
them down as well.
Great! Now I’ll just lock the door and
go! Bye bye!
But then someone appeared in front of
the genie! This time it really was the
evil wizard!
Ha Ha! Genie! So you thought you
could escape! You can never get
away from me! Come back to the lamp!
Oh I’m sorry, but I can’t do that!
I wish!
What?! Why not?
What did you say?
Because that lamp is broken! But I
know someone who can fix it! The
Towngas man!
There was a knock on the door. A
person was outside.
Where is he?
He’s just down here, see?
Towngas here! I’ve come to read your
He took the wizard to the stairs and
pushed him down.
What – now? Oh all right then, come
Ha Ha! Free at last!
Oh no! That’s not the Towngas man!
It’s my old master the evil wizard,
come to catch me again. I must not let
him see me! (goes to hide in the cellar)
Then there was a knock at the door
Oh no! What is it this time?
Where’s the meter?
He opens the door. Outside there is a
woman and three children
Downstairs in the cellar.
The Towngas person went over to the
stairs and looked down. Suddenly, the
genie pushed him down the stairs.
Thank goodness we finally found you!
We have been looking
Genie, is the gas man ok?
I think he can’t find the meter! He
needs someone to help him!
Oh all right.
So now you can come
home and fix the
washing machine
before you cook the
He went to the stairs but the genie
pushed him down, too.
Oh no!
‘Snow White’s Apple’
Students perform together, using lots of expression and some props.
Snow White, Witch, Rabbit 1, Rabbit 2, Doc,
Sneezy, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Dopey, Sleepy,
Lazy, Narrator.
The dwarfs had gone to work and
Snow White was alone in the cottage.
She was doing housework. A witch
appeared and knocked on the door.
Two rabbits were watching them.
Of course it’s clean! I washed it myself
this morning! Try it now!
Snow White: But I shouldn’t buy things from
hawkers. The dwarfs told me not to.
Suddenly, the 8 dwarfs appeared with
the two rabbits
That’s right, Snow White! Don’t touch
the apple!
Snow White: Who’s there?
Rabbit 1:
That’s rubbish! Go away!
Just an old lady selling apples, my
We know who you are! You’re the
wicked witch!
Oh no! It’s the witch! What are we
going to do???
The dwarves stood around the witch..
Snow White: (surprised because the witch is very
ugly) Waaah!
What a nice little house! Can I come
NO! NO! Don’t let her in!
Rabbit 2:
It’s no good. She can’t understand us!
Snow White:
(to the witch)
The witch came inside and sat down
on a chair.
Snow White: The wicked witch! Oh no!
I’d have done it if it hadn’t been for
these stupid rabbits
The dwarves and rabbits fought the
witch and she ran away.
Snow White: So what about my Prince? Where is
Well, er…… OK.
Rabbit 1:
Let’s go and find the dwarfs. Come on!
The two Rabbits ran off to find the
Look at my beautiful apples! Try one!
It’s delicious! (she holds out an apple)
Prince? What Prince?
Snow White: Now I should marry a prince and be
happy ever after.
No! You can stay with us and do the
Snow White: Huh?! I don’t like that idea! …Hey,
witch! Come back! I want that apple!
Snow White ran off after the witch.
Nice try, guys. Now who’s going to
wash the dishes?
Snow White: Well… it looks nice but…
Try it!!
Snow White: But…is it clean? You should wash
them you know! I don’t want to get
(They all look at Dopey)
Oh no! Not again!
‘The Hungry Caterpillar’
Students perform together, using lots of expression and some props.
Students 1-5, Caterpillar.
Student 1: In the light of the moon a little egg lay on a
Student 2: One Sunday morning the warm sun came
Caterpillar: I’m still…. Oh…. Oh dear!
Student 5: That night he had a stomach ache!
Student 3: The next day was Sunday again.
Student 3: and POP, out of the egg came a tiny, very
hungry caterpillar.
Caterpillar: Hello! I am a very hungry caterpillar, and I
am feeling HUNGRY!
Student 1: He started looking for some food.
Student 2: The caterpillar ate through one nice leaf, and
after that he felt better.
Caterpillar: Ahhh! That’s better!
Student 5: Now he wasn't hungry anymore--and he
wasn't a little caterpillar anymore.
Student 5: On Monday he ate one apple, but he was still
Student 3: He was a big fat caterpillar.
Caterpillar: I’m still hungry!
Student 1: He built a small house,
Student 4: On Tuesday he ate two pears, but he was still
Student 2: Called a cocoon,
Student 1: Around himself.
Caterpillar: I’m still hungry!
Caterpillar: Bye bye everyone!
Student 2: On Wednesday he ate three plums, but he
was still hungry.
Caterpillar: I’m still hungry!
Student 3: He stayed inside for more than two weeks.
Student 5: Then he nibbled a hole in the cocoon, pushed
his way out and...
Student 3: On Thursday he ate four strawberries, but he
was still hungry.
Student 4: He became a beautiful butterfly!
Caterpillar: I’m still hungry!
Caterpillar: I’m a hungry butterfly and I’m feeling hungry!
Student 5: On Friday he ate five oranges, but he was still
Caterpillar: I’m still hungry!
Student 1: On Saturday he ate through one piece of
chocolate cake,
Student 3. One ice-cream cone,
Student 4: One pickle,
Student 2: One slice of cheese,
Student 5: One big sausage,
Student 3: One lollipop,
Student 2: One piece of cherry pie,
Student 4: One bunch of bananas,
Student 1: One big cake,
Student 4: And one fat watermelon.
‘Chicken Little in Hong Kong’
Props: Animal masks, cave, bommy-knocker.
NARRATOR: This is the scary story of Chicken Little. One day, Chicken Little was picking up food on the food. Suddenly,
a leaf from a big tree fell on his head!
CHICKEN LITTLE: WAAAHH!! Oh no, the sky is falling, I am going to tell Donald Tsang [曾蔭權]!
NARRATOR: Off he went. Then he met Henny Penny.
HENNY PENNY: Where are you going Chicken Little?
CHICKEN LITTLE: The sky is falling. I am going to tell Donald Tsang [曾蔭權]!
HENNY PENNY: I will go with you!
NARRATOR: Away they went. Then he met Cocky Locky.
COCKY LOCKY: Where are you going Chicken Little?
CHICKEN LITTLE: The sky is falling. I am going to tell Donald Tsang [曾蔭權]!
COCKY LOCKY: I will go with you!
NARRATOR: Away they went. Then he met Ducky Lucky.
DUCKY LUCKY: Where are you going Chicken Little?
CHICKEN LITTLE: The sky is falling. I am going to tell Donald Tsang [曾蔭權]!
DUCKY LUCKY: I will go with you!
NARRATOR: Away they went. Then he met Turkey Lurkey.
TURKEY LURKEY: Where are you going Chicken Little?
CHICKEN LITTLE: The sky is falling. I am going to tell Donald Tsang [曾蔭權]!
TURKEY LURKEY: I will go with you!
NARRATOR: Away they went. Then he met Foxy Loxy.
FOXY LOXY: Where are you going Chicken Little?
CHICKEN LITTLE: The sky is falling. I am going to tell Donald Tsang [曾蔭權]!
FOXY LOXY: I know where to find Donald Tsang [曾蔭權], follow me!
NARRATOR: The fox went to his cave and asked the animals to follow him in one-by-one!
FOXY LOXY: Everyone slowly come into my cave, one at a time!
NARRATOR: In went Turkey Lurkey, off went his head with a bommy-knocker! In went Ducky Lucky, off went his head
with a bommy-knocker! In went Cocky Locky, off went his head with a bommy-knocker! In went Henny Penny...
HENNY PENNY: AGGGHHH – a bommy-knocker! Run away Chicken Little!
NARRATOR: Chicken Little ran all the way back to the farm.
CHICKEN LITTLE: AGGGHHH!! I will run away!
NARRATOR: And Donald Tsang [曾蔭權] would never find out that the sky is falling!
‘Hungry Giant Puppet Show’
Props: Puppets, bommy-knocker. The role-play will be acted out using puppets.
NARRATOR: The Giant was hungry
GIANT: “Make me some soup or I’ll hit you
with my bommy-knocker”
NARRATOR: The people ran for the soup pot.
PEOPLE: “The pot’s too small. We’ll have to
make the soup in a bathtub.”
GIANT: “Hurry! Hurry! Or you’ll all get my
NARRATOR: Into the tub went some
tomatoes. Into the tub went some onions and
spices. Then the people made a fire to cook the soup
GIANT: “Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!”
NARRATOR: There was no more wood for the fire.
PEOPLE: “The soup’s stopped cooking, what will we do? …We will get some wood…
Here’s some wood.”
NARRATOR: They put the bommy-knocker on the fire. Soon the soup was cooked.
PEPOPLE: “Mmmm good!”
GIANT: “That’s good soup!... Now I’ll be on my way… Hey, where’s my bommyknocker?!”
EVERYONE: “The end!” (everyone stands up and takes a bow”)
‘Kitty & the Three Monsters’
A very tall, a very short, and a ‘regular’ sized student are needed to be the monsters! One girl
is needed to play ‘Kitty’ and another student to be the narrator.
NARRATOR: Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Kitty. She went for a walk in Tai Po Kau forest. Soon, she
saw a small wooden house. She knocked but no-one answered. At the table in the kitchen, there were three bowls of
porridge. She was hungry so she tasted the porridge in the first bowl.
KITTY: "This porridge is too hot!"
NARRATOR: So, she tasted the porridge from the second bowl.
KITTY: "This porridge is too cold!"
NARRATOR: So, she tasted the last bowl of porridge.
KITTY: "Ahhh, this porridge is just right!"
NARRATOR: Now she was feeling a little tired. So, she walked into the living room where she saw three chairs. Kitty sat
in the first chair to rest her feet.
KITTY: "This chair is too big!"
NARRATOR: So she sat in the second chair.
KITTY: "This chair is too small!"
NARRATOR: So she tried the last chair.
KITTY: "Ahhh, this chair is just right!"
NARRATOR: But then the chair broke! Oh no... Kitty was very tired by this time, so she went upstairs to the bedroom.
She lay down in the first bed, but it was too hard. Then she lay in the second bed, but it was too soft. Then she lay down
in the third bed and it was just right. Then she fell asleep.
NARRATOR: As she was sleeping, the three monsters came home!
FATHER MONSTER: "Someone's been eating my porridge!"
MOTHER MONSTER: "Someone's been eating my porridge!"
BABY MONSTER: "Someone's been eating my porridge and they ate it all up!"
FATHER MONSTER: "Someone's been sitting in my chair," growled the Papa monster.
MOTHER MONSTER: "Someone's been sitting in my chair," said the Mama monster.
BABY MONSTER: "Someone's been sitting in my chair and they've broken it all to pieces!"
NARRATOR: They decided to look around some more and when they got upstairs to the bedroom, Father Monster
FATHER MONSTER: "Someone's been sleeping in my bed"
MOTHER MONSTER: "Someone's been sleeping in my bed, too" said the Mama monster
BABY MONSTER: "Someone's been sleeping in my bed and she's still there!"
NARRATOR: Just then, Kitty woke up and saw the three monsters. She screamed, jumped up and ran out of the room.
She ran down the stairs, opened the door, and ran away into the forest. And she never returned to the home of the three
‘I Know an Old Lady who Swallowed a Fly’
6 students to read the poem and 1 girl to act it out as ‘the student’.
[student 1] I know an old lady who swallowed a fly
[student 1] I don't know why she swallowed the fly
[student 1] Maybe she'll die
[student 2] I know an old lady who swallowed a spider
[student 2] That wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her
[student 1] She swallowed the spider to catch the fly
[student 1] But I don't know why she swallowed the fly
[student 1] Maybe she'll die
[student 3] I know an old lady who swallowed a bird
[student 3] How absurd to swallow a bird
[student 2] She swallowed the bird to catch the spider
[student 2] That wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her
[student 1] She swallowed the spider to catch the fly
[student 1] But I don't know why she swallowed the fly
[student 1] Maybe she'll die
[Student 3] I know an old lady who swallowed a cat
[Student 3] Imagine that. She swallowed a cat.
[student 3] She swallowed the cat to catch the bird
[student 2] She swallowed the bird to catch the spider
[student 2] That wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her
[student 1] She swallowed the spider to catch the fly
[student 1] But I don't know why she swallowed that fly
[student 1] Maybe she'll die
[student 4] I know an old lady who swallowed a dog
[student 4] Oh my god she swallowed a dog!
[student 4] She swallowed the dog to catch the cat
[student 3] She swallowed the cat to catch the bird
[student 2] She swallowed the bird to catch the spider
[student 2] That wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her
[student 1] She swallowed the spider to catch the fly
[student 1] But I don't know why she swallowed that fly
[student 1] Maybe she'll die
[student 5] I know an old lady who swallowed a goat
[student 5] Opened her throat and down went the goat!
[student 5] She swallowed the goat to catch the dog
[student 4] She swallowed the dog to catch the cat
[student 3] She swallowed the cat to catch the bird
[student 2] She swallowed the bird to catch the spider
[student 2] That wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her
[student 1] She swallowed the spider to catch the fly
[student 1] But I don't know why she swallowed that fly
[student 1] Maybe she'll die
[student 6] I know an old lady who swallowed a cow
[student 6] I don't know how she swallowed the cow
[student 6] She swallowed the cow to catch the goat
[student 5] She swallowed the goat to catch the dog
[student 4] She swallowed the dog to catch the cat
[student 3] She swallowed the cat to catch the bird
[student 2] She swallowed the bird to catch the spider
[student 2] That wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her
[student 1] She swallowed the spider to catch the fly
[student 1] But I don't know why she swallowed that fly
[student 1] Maybe she'll die
[student 6] I know an old lady who swallowed a horse
[student 6] She' dead of course!
Practice at home with the video:
‘The Giant Pumpkin’ – Role Play
Characters: Narrator, girl, boy, dog, cat, monkey, mouse. Props: Face masks, giant pumpkin.
NARRATOR: This is a story called 'The Giant Pumpkin'! Once upon a time, there was a boy and a girl who
wanted to grow pumpkins for Halloween!
BOY & GIRL: Hello! We love pumpkins! We love gardening!
NARRATOR: So they planted some seeds in the garden.
BOY: I am very excited, we will have some lovely pumpkins for Halloween!
NARRATOR: They waited and waited for weeks and weeks.
GIRL: Where are the pumpkins? I want to eat them and make some jack-o-lanterns.
NARRATOR: They waited some more. Waiting and waiting. Longer and longer.
BOY: I hope the pumpkins will grow soon! I'm hungry!
GIRL: Let's go and water the seeds.
NARRATOR: The next day, they woke up and saw a very, very, very, very BIG pumpkin the garden!
BOY: WAAAAAAHHH! I can't believe it!
GIRL: It is bigger than a dinosaur!
NARRATOR: They ran outside.
BOY: I can't wait to take it inside! I will try and pull it out... Grrrr... Arrrghhh... HHHmmmm!!!
GIRL: Let me try! ... Grrrr... Arrrghhh... HHHmmmm!!!
NARRATOR: They tried and tried to pull the pumpkin out, but it was too big! He needed some help.
BOY: Yes, we need some help.
DOG: WOOF WOOF, I will help you!
NARRATOR: The boy, the girl and the dog pulled and pulled but the pumpkin did not move. They needed
some more help.
GIRL: Yes, we need more help.
CAT: MIAOW MIAOW, I will help you!
NARRATOR: They pulled and pulled but it did not move. They needed some MORE help.
DOG: Woof woof, we need more help.
MONKEY: WUUAH-WUUAH! I will help you.
NARRATOR: Again, they pulled and pulled but it did not move. They needed some MORE help.
CAT: Miaow, miaow, we need more help.
NARRATOR: They pulled and pulled and pulled.
MONKEY: Let's pull together! Count to three!
MOUSE: Squeak-squeak. Wow we got the pumpkin.
BOY & GIRL: Thank you everyone for your help - what a team!
NARRATOR: The boy and girl went to cook the pumpkin. Everyone sat down to a big pumpkin soup.
DOG: Mmmm delicious!
CAT: Mmmmm tasty!
MONKEY: Thank you for the lovely pumpkin!
MOUSE: Do you have any cheese?
1 student tells the joke, the others say ‘I don’t know’ and then laugh.
Student 1 - What happens if you dial 666?
You will get some policemen upside down!
Student 2 - What dog smells like onions?
A hot dog!
Student 3 - What is white when it’s dirty and black when it’s clean?
A blackboard!
Student 4 - What has no beginning, no end, and nothing in the middle?
A doughnut!
Student 5 - What always falls without getting hurt?
Student 1 - How do you stop fish from smelling?
Cut their noses off!
Student 2 - What is brown and sticky?
A stick!
Student 3 - What did the tree say to the boy?
Leaf me alone!
Student 4 - What do sheep do on sunny days?
Have a baa - baa - cue!
Student 5 - What did the frog order at McDonald's?
French flies!
Student 6 - Where can you find an ocean without water?
On a map.
Student 1 - What should you say when you meet a ghost?
How do you boo?
Student 2 - What's a snake’s favourite subject?
Student 3 - What do giraffes have that no other animal has?
Baby giraffes
Student 4 - What question can't be answered with a yes?
Are you asleep?
Student 5 - How does Minnie Mouse go to school?
By minnie-bus!
Student 6 - What’s big, fat, grey and wears a beautiful dress?
Student 1: My poem is called 'Why Oh Why'
Why do I have to clean my room
when I would rather play?
The crayons scattered on the floor
are hardly in the way.
I almost never trip upon
my basketball or drums,
And I don't pay attention
to cake and cookie crumbs!
Why do I have to clean my room?
I think my room looks nice.
There's pizza in the corner,
but it's only half a slice.
I'm not at all worried about
the gravy on the chair,
My piles of model planes and trains,
my stacks of underwear!
I will admit some bits of clay
are sticking to the wall.
I hardly even notice them
and do not mind at all.
Under my bed there's just a wedge
of last weeks apple pie,
And yet I have to clean my room...
I simply don't know why!
Student 2: My poem is called ‘Wrestling’
I like wrestling with Herbie because
He's my best friend
We poke each other
(but not very hard)
And punch each other
(but not very hard)
And roll on the grass
And pretend to have fights
Just to make our sisters scream
But sometimes if he hits too much
And it hurts
I get mad
And I punch him back
As hard as I can
And then we are both crying
And going into our houses
And slamming our back doors on each other
But the next day, if it's sunny
We come out into our yards
And grin at each other
And sometimes he gives me an apple
Or I give him a cookie and
Then we start wrestling again
Student 3: This poem is about a boy who lives
in Causeway Bay.
I live in the city in a street;
It is crowded with traffic and feet;
There are buses and motors and trams;
I wish there were meadows and lambs.
The buildings all stand in a row,
There is smoke everywhere that I go.
I don't like the noises I hear,
I wish there were woods very near.
There is only one thing that I love,
And that is the sky far above,
There is plenty of room in the blue
For castles of clouds and me, too!
Student 4: This poem is about a girl who lives
in a small village on Lantau Island.
My home is a house near a wood
I'd live a street if I could!
The lanes are so quiet, oh, dear!
I do wish that someone lived near.
There is no one to play with at all,
The trees are so high and so tall;
And I should be lonely for hours,
Were it not for the birds and the flowers.
I wish that I lived in the city,
To see all the trams going down,
A twinkling street that is bright,
With wonderful colours, at night!
Student 5: This poem is called ‘The Wind’
Who has seen the wind?
Neither I nor you:
But when the leaves hang trembling
The wind is passing thro'
Who has seen the wind?
Neither you nor I:
But when the trees bow down their heads
The wind is passing by.
Everyone together: Our last poem is called
Rainbow, rainbow in the sky,
I look at your and wonder why,
Your colours never run or smear,
And how you so suddenly appear,
Beautiful, colourful and bright,
Then slowly fade away from sight.
‘A Scary Hike’ Role-Play
Students should memories their lines and act out the role-play. Characters: Narrator
1, Narrator 2, Bruce, Father, Policeman 1, Policeman 2
Narrator 1: One day, Bruce and his father were
very happy and decided to go to the New
sleep. He stayed close to his father. It was a long
and scary night for Bruce.
[scary noises]
Bruce: Hello! We like to keep fit!
Bruce: Dad, what are all those noises? I’m all wet
and scared! I want to be at home.
Father: Hello! We’re going hiking today!
Father: Don’t worry, son, we will be ok!
Narrator 2: The weather was sunny and warm.
Narrator 1: Suddenly Bruce saw something.
Father: Let’s go, son!
Bruce: Look dad – a light!
Narrator: Off they went to the New Territories.
They were walking up and down the grassy hills.
Bruce: This is hard work! But I love it! It is
wonderful to have some fresh air.
Policeman 1: Hello? Is anybody there?
Father: YES! Come here!
Policeman 2: Hello? Where are you?
Narrator 1: Suddenly, the sky turned
dark. There was a thunderstorm and
it was windy too. The mountain path
became wet and slippery.
Father: Oh no! What shall we do?
We must be very careful as the rocks
and grass will become slippery!
Narrator 2: …And then Bruce tripped
over a rock and slipped down a
slope! His father tried to hold onto
him but he slipped down too!
Bruce: AAAHHH! Oh no, help me!
Father: AAAHHH! Hold on!! Are you
Narrator 1: Both Bruce and his father were injured.
They could do nothing. They sat there and waited
for help. They waited for a long time but no-one
passed by.
Bruce: HELP! HELP! We are over
Policeman 1: I cannot see where,
keep shouting!
Narrator 2: They shouted and
shouted until the man found them.
Father: We are here, at the bottom
of the slope. Please help us!
Policeman 2: Stay calm. We’re the
police. We’ve come to save you.
Narrator 1: The policeman took
Bruce and his father to hospital.
They were injured but they were safe.
Father: Bruce, you are a brave boy.
Bruce: Thanks, dad, but I don’t want anything like
this to happen to us again!
Father: Son, you have lost your glasses, and I lost
my mobile phone – do you have yours?
Father: Thank you, officers, for your help.
Bruce: Let me check…. Ah, no, I lost mine too!
Policemen 1 & 2: You are welcome.
Narrator 2: The rain finally stopped but it was very
dark. Bruce and his father had nothing to eat. They
could not see anything but they heard a lot of
strange noises. Bruce was frightened and could not
Policeman 1: Always remember to check the
weather report when you go hiking!
‘Chicken Little’ Role Play
Everyone: THE END!
Students should memories their lines and act out the role-play. Characters: Narrator
1, Narrator 2, Chicken Little, Henny Penny, Cocky Locky, Ducky Lucky, Turkey
Lurkey, Foxy Loxy.
TURKEY LURKEY: It’s falling?! I will go with you!
NARRATOR 1: This is the scary story of Chicken Little.
Once upon a time, Chicken Little was pecking at food on
the farm. Suddenly, a leaf from a big tree fell on his
NARRATOR 2: Away they went, further still, until they
met Foxy Loxy.
CHICKEN LITTLE: WAAAHH!! What was that?! Oh no,
it must be the sky! It is falling! I am going to tell the king!
FOXY LOXY: Hello everyone – you all look so very
delicious – I MEAN… worried! Where are you going?
NARRATOR 2: Off he went to tell the king that the sky
was falling down. On his way, he met Henny Penny.
CHICKEN LITTLE: The sky is falling so we’re going to
tell the king
HENNY PENNY: Where are you
going Chicken Little?
FOXY LOXY: Ah, I know where to find The
king, follow me!
sky is falling. I must go and tell the
NARRATOR 1: The group followed Foxy Loxy,
who led them into a cave and asked the
animals to follow him in one-by-one!
HENNY PENNY: Really? I’d better
go with you!
FOXY LOXY: Everyone slowly come into my
cave, one at a time!
NARRATOR 1: Away they went.
Then he met Cocky Locky.
COCKY LOCKY: Are you sure the king lives
COCKY LOCKY: Where are you
going in such a hurry Chicken
FOXY LOXY: Oh, yes, yes, he has to live in a
secret cave so that people will not steal all of
his gold and jewels!
CHICKEN LITTLE: Come with us!
The sky is falling. I am going to tell
the king!
COCKY LOCKY: Oh no! The sky is falling?! I will join
you – let’s go!
NARRATOR 2: Away they went. They walked a little
further and then they met Ducky Lucky.
DUCKY LUCKY: Where are all of you going Chicken
CHICKEN LITTLE: I’m going to tell the king that the sky
is falling!
DUCKY LUCKY: Uh-oh, I will go with you, I don’t want
the sky to fall on me!
NARRATOR 1: Away they went together. After a while,
they saw Turkey Lurkey.
TURKEY LURKEY: Chicken Little and friends, where
are you all going?
CHICKEN LITTLE: We’re off to tell the king that the sky
is falling.
NARRATOR 2: In went Turkey Lurkey, off went his head
with a bommy-knocker! Then, in went Ducky Lucky, off
went his head with a bommy-knocker! In went Cocky
Locky, off went his head with a bommy-knocker! …Then,
in went Henny Penny...
HENNY PENNY: AGGGHHH – a bommy-knocker! You
lied to us Foxy Loxy – you are a bad fox. Run away
Chicken Little, he is trying to eat us!
NARRATOR 1: Chicken Little was very scared and he
ran with Henny Penny all the way back to the farm.
2: And the king
would never find
out that the sky is
[take a bow]
Student 1:
This poem is called ‘Betty eats spaghetti’
When Betty eats spaghetti,
She slurps, she slurps, slurps,
And when she’s finished slurping,
She burps, she burps, she burps
Student 2:
This poem is called ‘Pretty shell’
Tell me your secrets, pretty shell,
I will promise not to tell!
Humming, humming, soft and lowAll about the sea I know.
You are. Murmuring I think,
Of the sea-weeds, green and pink,
Of the tiny baby shells
Where the mother mermaid dwells
Pretty shell, I, m waiting here,
Come, and whisper in my ear.
Student 3:
This poem is called ‘If’
If all the seas were one sea,
What a great sea that would be!
If all the trees were one tree,
What a great tree that would be!
If all the axes were one axe,
What a great axe that would be!
If all the men were one man,
What a great man he would be!
And if the great man took the great axe,
And cut down the great tree,
And let it fall into the great sea,
What a great splash-splash that would be!
Student 4:
This poem is called ‘Your nose’
Be glad your nose is on your face,
not pasted on some other place,
for if it were where it is not,
you might dislike your nose a lot.
for when you were obliged to sneeze,
your brain would rattle from the breeze.
Your nose, instead, through thick and thin,
remains between your eyes and chin,
not pasted on some other place-be glad your nose is on your face!
Student 5:
This poem is called ‘New kid’
There's a new kid on the block,
and boy, that kid is tough,
that new kid punches hard,
that new kid plays real rough,
that new kid's big and strong,
with muscles everywhere,
that new kid tweaked my arm,
that new kid pulled my hair.
That new kid likes to fight,
and picks on all the guys,
that new kid scares me some,
(that new kid's twice my size),
that new kid stomped my toes,
that new kid swiped my ball,
that new kid's really bad,
I don't care for her at all.
All students together:
Our poem is called ‘Big and little waves”
There are big waves and little waves,
Green waves and blue,
Waves you can jump over,
Waves you dive through
Waves that rise up
Like a great water wall
Waves that swell softly
And don't break at all,
Waves that can whisper,
Waves that can roar
And tiny waves that run at you
Playing on the shore.
Imagine if your precious nose
were sandwiched in between your toes,
that clearly would not be a treat,
for you'd be forced to smell your feet.
Your nose would be a source of dread
were it attached atop your head,
it soon would drive you to despair,
forever tickled by your hair.
Within your ear, your nose would be an
absolute catastrophe,
‘The King’s New Clothes’ Puppet Show
Characters: 3 x brothers, king, servant, narrator, child.
Narrator: Hello, this story is called ‘The King’s New
Clothes’. Once up on a time, there was a powerful
king. He loved new clothes! One day, three cunning
brothers pretended to be tailors and wanted to make
a special coat for the Lion King.
King: Great! I will wear it on my birthday to show all
of my people. You are the best tailors; here is your
gold and jewels.
Brother 3: Enjoy your new coat, your majesty!
Brother 1: We are the best tailors in Hong Kong! Ha
Narrator: The next day, it was the king’s birthday!
Brother 2: We can make the most beautiful clothes in
the world!
King: YES! I am so excited – it is my birthday today –
I can wear my new coat.
Brother 3: Your majesty, would you like us to make
some clothes for you?
Servant: Good morning sir. There are one million
people from the city, waiting outside to wish you a
happy birthday.
King: Wow, I want you to make a special coat for my
King: Great. Bring me my coat and help me to put it
Brother 1: No problem. It will be ready in a week’s
Servant: Yes, your majesty.
[brothers take the king’s measurements]
King: Let’s go!
King: [excited] If the coat looks good on me, I will
give you lots of gold and jewels!
Narrator: The king left the palace and walked past all
the people of the city. They cheered and
Brother 2: Thank you, your majesty! We’ll make the
best coat and it’ll look great on you!
People: Waaaa! Yeeesssss! Happy Birthday!!! What
a beautiful coat.
King: Be quick, I can’t wait to see how special it is!
King: The people love me! My coat is amazing!
Narrator: Then the brothers left he palace happily…
A week later they went back to the palace.
Narrator: Suddenly, a small girl came up to the king
and started laughing.
Brother 3: Your majesty, here is the most special
coat in the world. It’s beautiful isn’t it?
Child: HA HA HA! Why aren’t you wearing any
Brother 1: Only clever people can see it. Stupid
people cannot see it!
Narrator: The king looked at himself and realised the
coat was not real.
Narrator: The king could not see the coat but he did
not want to look stupid. So he took off his clothes and
pretended to try it on. The brothers pretended to help
the king put on the new coat.
King: Oh no! Why am I so stupid!? The tailors tricked
me! Take me back to the palace at once!
Narrator: Very quickly, the king returned to his palace
and the people laughed as he went home.
Brother 2: Wow, it fits you well.
People: HA HA HA HA!
King: It is very comfortable too. How do I look?
Everyone: THE END!
Servant: Yes sir, it is very special! It is the best coat
I’ve ever seen.
English Facts
Students should memorise the script and practice using expression.
Student 1: Hello, we are from P6E, today we will give
you some facts about English. Did you know that
English is the most widespread language in the world
and is more widely spoken and written than any other
Student 5: There are so many words in the English
language - for example, here are some other words
which mean 'good'!
All students: WOW!
Student 2: GOOD!
Student 2: Chinese is spoken by the most people.
Did you know that over 400 million people are native
English speakers.
Student 3: FANTASTIC!
All students: WOW!
Student 5: AMAZING!
Student 3: Did you know that over 700 million people
speak English, as a foreign language?
Student 1: GREAT!
Student 1: SUPER!
Student 4: BRILLIANT!
Student 2: SPLENDID!
All students: WOW!
Student 3: TERRIFIC!
Student 4: Did you know that of all the world's
languages English is has the most number of words.
The Oxford English Dictionary lists about half a million
Student 4: MARVELLOUS!
All students: WOW!
Student 1: EXCELLENT!
Student 5: Did you know that the main language
used on the internet is English?
Student 2: SUPERB!
All students: WOW!
Student 4: TREMENDOUS!
Student 1: Did you know that most of the information
on the world's computers is in English?
Student 5: PERFECT!
All students: WOW!
Student 1: WONDERFUL!
Student 2: Did you know that the most used letter in
the English alphabet is ‘E’. The letter ‘Q’ is the least
Student 2: FABULOUS!
All students: WOW!
Student 4: DAZZLING!
Student 3: Did you know that shortest complete
sentence in the English language is “I am.”
Student 3: ACE!
All students: WOW!
Student 4: Did you know that English is an official
language of Hong Kong?
All students: WOW!
Student 4: REMARKABLE!
Student 5: STUNNING!