nirex Technical Report Part 3 [Inspection Cell – methods of inspection] Prepared by Mr. Sebastian Roberts Mr. Tim Pegg Mr. Sam Billing Mr. Nick Petousis Mr. Iain Hughes Mr. Danny Thomas Mr. Carl Young Mr. Kevin Yong Directed by Dr. Phil Purnell AIM Visual inspection plays an important role in both monitoring of packages and also inspection of packages. This report looks into how visual inspection could be implemented in the inspection cell. INTRODUCTION Visual inspection is one of the inspection methods being adopted in the inspection cell and also waste monitoring in the storage vault. This report discusses the advantage and disadvantage of visual inspection and how it could be implemented into the Phased Geological Repository Centre (PGRC). ADVANTAGE Visual inspection is reliable. Sophisticated electronic sensors rely on batteries and circuits. A small break down or malfunction in one of these two could cause malfunction of the whole sensor. Visual inspection doesn’t require much operational cost and maintenance cost is relatively cheaper compared to other forms of inspection. Visual inspection only requires maintenance of shielded windows, such as cleaning and changing oil film. Visual inspection could also be done in a ‘real-time’ basis. Instead of some inspection methods which require time for computer or experiments to be finished, visual inspection provides a direct output to the viewer. Hence, it could be done relatively quickly. DISADVANTAGE Visual inspection is somehow difficult to be implemented. Visual inspection could only be conducted with shielded windows approximately 1.2m thick, or by mounting cameras on robotic crawlers. Visual inspection is often obstructed by blind spots or inaccessible of crawlers. Visual inspection is arguably not reliable for it is subjective and difficult to compare results. Often permissible crack widths are often difficult to be observed by the eye. Shielded windows are also expensive and maintenance work is relatively difficult to be conducted. BEST PRACTICE Visual inspection should be done with adequate lighting. Hence adequate lighting within the inspection cell should be made. It is also advisable that robotic crawlers to be equipped with lightings to allow visual inspection to be conducted easily. CCTV should also be radioactive resistant and be able to zoom, pan and tilt. This is to increase flexibility of cameras. Blind spots should be minimised through outlay of the inspection cell. Waste monitoring within the vault however should allow access for robotic crawlers. It is best practice to be able to view the process of inspecting packages and repackaging them via a shielded window. This could assure that all processes are carried out smoothly. 3D MAPPING As each package enters the PGRC for the first time, it will be mapped en route to the storage vault. This will take place in the Inspection Cell of the target vault. This will provide a ‘reference map’ of the package. After emplacement in the storage vault, each package will be taken to the Inspection Cell at regular intervals during the 300 year monitoring period to be mapped again. (e.g. approximately every 17 years if 1 package* from each vault is inspected each day). Subsequent maps will be compared to the reference map to note changes to the envelope dimensions of a package over time. * In the reference case, 1 package = 4x 500L drums/ 1x3m3 box/ 1x3m3 drum HOW IT WORKS a 2D pattern of light stripes is projected onto the object. The light stripes will reflect off the object and reach the camera lens at different angles due to the non-flat surface of the object. The pattern is imaged by means of a camera which is placed at an angle relative to the light projector. ACCURACY can detect change in envelope dimensions of the package to approximately 1mm. crack detection is possible in that small areas of the drum can be zoomed in on and mapped.(e.g. an area of 0.1x0.1m would detect changes in dimensions of 0.001mm) What is the upper limit for the max allowable crack size before reworking is needed? Figure 1 – Specifications of 3D Mapping system1 Figure 2 – Example of comparison of a subsequent map and a reference map.1 Yellow is zero deviation, while red corresponds to +1mm and blue corresponds to -1mm deviation. Figure 3 – Schematic of 3D Mapping system1 THREE POSITIONS OF 3D MAPPING. a)To map the sides of a package, the 3D mapping equipment will be located as in Figure 4. The package will be rotated such that four sides are mapped. Figure 4 – 3D mapping of the sides of a package b)To map the top of the package, the 3D mapping equipment will move to the top of the window. Figure 5 – 3D mapping of the top of a package c)To map the base of the package, the 3D mapping equipment will move to the base of the window and the package will be lifted. Figure 6 – 3D mapping of the base of a package REFERENCES [1] (March 2006). “Optical shape measurement with structured light”. [Online]. Viewed 2007 February 16. Available: /Structured_Light_Factsheet.pdf Skothei,. Øystein. BIBLIOGRAPHY Sintef (2005). “3D shape measurement”. [Online]. Viewed 2007 February 16. Available: