ISO Update Supplement to ISOfocus February 2014 International Standards in process An International Standard is the result of an agreement between the member bodies of ISO. A first important step towards an International Standard takes the form of a committee draft (CD) - this is circulated for study within an ISO technical committee. When consensus has been reached within the technical committee, the document is sent to the Central Secretariat for processing as a draft International Standard (DIS). The DIS requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. A confirmation vote is subsequently carried out on a final draft International Standard (FDIS), the approval criteria remaining the same. CD registered Period from 01 January to 31 January 2014 These documents are currently under consideration in the technical committee. They have been registred at the Central Secretariat. TC 5 Ferrous metal pipes and metallic fittings ISO/CD 18468 Epoxy coating (heeavy duty) of ductile iron fittings and accessories — requirements and testing method TC 10 Technical product documentation ISO/CD 8887-1 Design and documentation for manufacture, assembly, disassembly and end-of-life processing (MADE) — Part 1: General concepts, process and requirements TC 20 Aircraft and space vehicles ISO/CD 16709 Realtime solar activity and space environment information for spacecraft operation ISO/CD 17546 Space systems — Lithium ion battery for space vehicles — Design and verification requirements TC 21 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting ISO/CD 6182-14 Fire protection — Automatic sprinkler systems — Part 14: Requirements and test methods for water spray nozzles TC 22 Road vehicles ISO/CD 3536 Road vehicles — Safety glazing materials — Vocabulary ISO/CD 15082 Road vehicles — Tests for rigid plastic safety glazing materials ISO/CD 17449 Road vehicles — Safety glazing materials — Test methods for properties of electrically heated glazing TC 39 Machine tools ISO/DTR 17529 Machine tools — Risk assessment for electro discharge machines TC 43 Acoustics ISO/CD 7029 Acoustics — Statistical distribution of hearing thresholds as a function of age ISO/CD 4869-1 Acoustics — Hearing protectors — Part 1: Subjective method for the measurement of sound attenuation TC 58 Gas cylinders ISO/CD 18119 Gas cylinders - Seamless steel and aluminium-alloy gas cylinders --- Periodic inspection and testing TC 68 Financial services ISO/CD 13491-1 Banking — Secure cryptographic devices (retail) — Part 1: Concepts, requirements and evaluation methods TC 84 Devices for administration of medicinal products and intravascular catheters ISO/CD 7864 Sterile hypodermic needles for single use ISO/CD 9626 Stainless steel needle tubing for the manufacture of medical devices TC 85 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection ISO/DTS 18090-1 Radiological protection - Characteristics of reference pulsed radiation — Part 1: Photon radiation TC 106 Dentistry ISO/DTS 11405 Dental materials — Testing of adhesion to tooth structure ISO/CD 17254 Dentistry — Springs for use in orthodontics ISO/CD 3964 Dentistry — Coupling dimensions for handpieces TC 121 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment ISO/CD 5366 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment — Tracheostomy tubes ISO/CD 18562-1 Biocompatibility evaluation of respiratory gas pathways in healthcare applications — Part 1: Evaluation and testing within a risk management process ISO/CD 18562-2 Biocompatibility evaluation of respiratory gas pathways in healthcare applications — Part 2: Tests for emissions of particulate matter ISO/CD 18562-3 Biocompatibility evaluation of respiratory gas pathways in healthcare applications — Part 3: Tests for emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) ISO/CD 18562-4 Biocompatibility evaluation of respiratory gas pathways in healthcare applications — Part 4: Tests for leachables in condensate TC 147 Water quality ISO/CD 18220 Water quality — Larval development test with the harpacticoid copepod Nitocra spinipes TC 156 Corrosion of metals and alloys ISO/CD Corrosion of metals and alloys — Corrosion test for intergranular corrosion susceptibility of low 18298 — Cr ultrapure ferritic stainless steels TC 160 Glass in building ISO/CD 19597 Glass in building — Determination of emissivity TC 172 Optics and photonics ISO/CD 12853 Microscopes — Information provided to the user ISO/CD 19045 Ophthalmic optics — Contact lens care products — Method for evaluating Acanthamoeba encystment by contact lens care products TC 188 Small craft ISO/CD 14895 Small craft — Liquid-fuelled galley stoves TC 194 Biological evaluation of medical devices ISO/CD 10993-5 Biological evaluation of medical devices — Part 5: Tests for in vitro cytotoxicity TC 201 Surface chemical analysis ISO/DTS 18507 Surface Chemical Analysis - Technical Specification for the use of Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence spectroscopy in biological and environmental analysis TC 215 Health informatics ISO/DTR 19231 Health informatics — Survey of mHealth projects in low to middle income countries (LMIC) IEC/DTR 80001-2-7 Application of risk management for IT-networks incorporating medical devices — Part 2-7: Application guidance — Guidance for Healthcare Delivery Organizations (HDOs) on how to selfassess their conformance with IEC 80001-1 TC 227 Springs ISO/CD 19690 Disc springs — Calculation — Technical specifications TC 229 Nanotechnologies ISO/DTS 17466 Use of UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy in the characterization of cadmium chacolgate semiconductor — Nanoparticles (Quantum dots) ISO/DTS 80004-9 Nanotechnologies — Vocabulary — Part 9: Nano-enabled electrotechnical products and systems ISO/DTS 80004-10 Nanotechnologies — Vocabulary — Part 10: Nano-enabled photonic components and systems TC 247 Fraud countermeasures and controls ISO/CD 18641 Fraud Countermeasures and Control — Terminology JTC 1 Information technology ISO/IEC CD 7812-1 Identification cards — Identification of issuers — Part 1: Numbering system ISO/IEC CD 7812-2 Identification cards — Identification of issuers — Part 2: Application and registration procedures ISO/IEC CD 19763-1 Information technology — Metamodel framework for interoperability (MFI) — Part 1: Reference model ISO/IEC CD 18384-2 Specification of Information Technology Distributed Application Platforms and Services — Reference Architecture for Service Oriented Architecture — Part 2: Reference Architecture for SOA Solutions DIS circulated Period from 01 January to 31 January 2014 These documents have obtained substantial support within the appropriate ISO technical committee. They have been submitted to the ISO member bodies for voting by the date shown. * Available in English only Vote terminates PC 253 ISO/DIS 16075-1 Treated wastewater re-use for irrigation * Guidelines for Treated Wastewater Use for Irrigation Projects — Part 1: The Basis of a Reuse Project for Irrigation 2014-04-07 (Revision of ISO/CD 16075-2) ISO/DIS 16075-2 * Guidelines for Treated Wastewater Use for Irrigation Projects — Part 2: Development of the project 2014-04-07 ISO/DIS 16075-3 * Guidelines for Treated Wastewater Use for Irrigation Projects — Part 3: Components of a reuse project for irrigation 2014-04-07 PC 271 ISO/DIS 19600 Compliance management systems * Compliance management systems — Guidelines REMCO ISO/DGuide 33 2014-04-22 Committee on reference materials * Reference materials — Good practice in using reference materials 2014-05-22 (Revision of ISO Guide 32:1997, ISO Guide 33:2000) TC 4 ISO/DIS 3245 Rolling bearings Rolling bearings — Needle roller bearings, drawn cup without inner ring * — Geometrical product specifications (GPS), boundary dimensions and tolerances 2014-03-10 (Revision of ISO 3245:2007) TC 6 ISO/DIS 16260 Paper, board and pulps * Paper and board - Determination of internal bond strength TC 8 2014-04-16 Ships and marine technology ISO/DIS 18611-1 * Ships and marine technology — Marine NOx reduction agent AUS 40 — Part 1: Quality requirements 2014-04-14 ISO/DIS 18611-2 * Ships and marine technology — Marine NOx reduction agent AUS 40 — Part 2: Test methods 2014-04-14 ISO/DIS 18611-3 * Ships and marine technology — Marine NOx reduction agent AUS 40 — Part 3: Handling, transportation and storage 2014-04-14 ISO/DIS 15016 * Ships and marine technology — Guidelines for the assessment of speed and power performance by analysis of speed trial data 2014-04-07 (Revision of ISO 15016:2002) TC 17 ISO/DIS 11949 Steel * Cold-reduced electrolytic tinplate 2014-04-10 (Revision of ISO 11949:1995) ISO/DIS 11950 * Cold-reduced electrolytic chromium/chromium oxide-coated steel 2014-04-10 (Revision of ISO 11950:1995) ISO/DIS 11951 * Cold-reduced blackplate in coil form for the production of tinplate or electrolytic chromium/chromium oxide-coated steel 2014-04-10 (Revision of ISO 11951:1995) TC 20 ISO/DIS 16130 Aircraft and space vehicles * Aerospace series — Dynamic testing of the locking behaviour of bolted connections under transverse loading conditions (vibration test) 2014-04-30 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry TC 23 ISO/DIS 24253-1 * Crop protection equipment — Spray deposit test for field crop — Part 1: Measurement in a horizontal plane 2014-04-10 ISO/DIS 24253-2 * Crop protection equipment — Spray deposit test for field crop — Part 2: Measurement in a crop 2014-04-10 TC 28 ISO/DIS 20844 Petroleum products and lubricants * Petroleum and related products - Determination of the shear stability of polymer-containing oils using a diesel injector nozzle 2014-06-17 (Revision of ISO 20844:2004) TC 29 ISO/DIS 2725-1 Small tools * Assembly tools for screws and nuts — Square drive sockets — Part 1: Hand-operated sockets 2014-04-21 (Revision of ISO 2725-1:2007) ISO/DIS 2725-2 * Assembly tools for screws and nuts — Square drive sockets — Part 2: Machine-operated sockets ("impact") 2014-04-21 (Revision of ISO 2725-2:2007) ISO/DIS 2725-3 * Assembly tools for screws and nuts — Square drive sockets — Part 3: Machine-operated sockets ("non-impact") 2014-04-21 (Revision of ISO 2725-3:2001) TC 34 ISO/DIS 27971 Food products Cereals and cereal products — Common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) — * Determination of alveograph properties of dough at constant hydration from commercial or test flours and test milling methodology 2014-06-10 (Revision of ISO 27971:2008) ISO/DIS 17604 * Microbiology of food and animal feed — Carcass sampling for microbiological analysis (Revision of ISO 17604:2003, ISO 17604:2003/Amd 1:2009) 2014-06-17 ISO/DIS 12966-4 * Animal and vegetable fats and oils — Determination of methyl esters of fatty acids — Part 4: Capillary gas chromatographic method 2014-06-17 (Revision of ISO 5508:1990, ISO 15304:2002) TC 38 Textiles ISO/DIS 17299-4 * Textiles — Determination of deodorant property — Part 4: Condensation sampling analysis 2014-04-14 ISO/DIS 3074 * Wool — Determination of dichloromethane-soluble matter in combed sliver 2014-04-10 (Revision of ISO 3074:1975) ISO/DIS 18068 * Cotton fibers — Test method for sugar content — Spectrophotometry 2014-04-10 ISO/DIS 12947-2 * Textiles — Determination of the abrasion resistance of fabrics by the Martindale method — Part 2: Determination of specimen breakdown 2014-06-10 (Revision of ISO 12947-2:1998, ISO 12947-2:1998/Cor 1:2002) TC 39 ISO/DIS 230-7 Machine tools * Machine tools — Test code for machine tools — Part 7: Geometric accuracy of axes of rotation 2014-04-10 (Revision of ISO 230-7:2006) ISO/DIS 13041-5 * Test conditions for numerically controlled turning machines and turning centres — Part 5: Accuracy of feeds, speeds and interpolations 2014-04-28 (Revision of ISO 13041-5:2006) Safety of woodworking machines — Edge-banding machines fed chain(s) ISO/DIS 18217 * ISO/DIS 16089 * Machine tools — Safety — Stationary grinding machines 2014-06-17 ISO/DIS 16093 * Machine tools — Safety — Sawing machines for cold metal 2014-06-17 TC 43 ISO/DIS 1996-1 2014-06-17 Acoustics Acoustics — Description, measurement and assessment of * environmental noise — Part 1: Basic quantities and assessment procedures 2014-04-28 (Revision of ISO 1996-1:2003) ISO/DIS 16254 * Acoustics — Measurement of minimum noise emitted by road vehicles 2014-04-28 ISO 174971:2004/DAmd 1 Acoustics — Sound-scattering properties of surfaces — Part 1: * Measurement of the random-incidence scattering coefficient in a reverberation room — Amendment 1 2014-04-14 TC 44 ISO/DIS 3834-5 Welding and allied processes Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials — Part 5: * Documents with which it is necessary to conform to claim conformity to the quality requirements of ISO 3834-2, ISO 3834-3 or ISO 3834-4 2014-06-17 (Revision of ISO 3834-5:2005, ISO 3834-5:2005/Cor 1:2007) ISO/DIS 15614-8 Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic * materials — Welding procedure test — Part 8: Welding of tubes to tubeplate joints 2014-06-17 (Revision of ISO 15614-8:2002) ISO/DIS 9454-1 * Soft soldering fluxes — Classification and requirements — Part 1: Classification, labelling and packaging (Revision of ISO 9454-1:1990) 2014-06-10 TC 45 Rubber and rubber products ISO/DIS 18766 * Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Low temperature testing — General introduction and guide 2014-04-21 ISO/DIS 19242 * Rubber — Determination of total sulfur content by ion chromatography 2014-04-21 TC 58 Gas cylinders ISO/DIS 16964 * Gas cylinders — Flexible hoses assemblies — Specification and testing 2014-04-10 ISO/DIS 17871 * Gas cylinders — Quick opening valves — Specification and type testing 2014-06-17 TC 59 ISO/DIS 12006-2 Buildings and civil engineering works * Building construction — Organization of information about construction works — Part 2: Framework for classification 2014-04-17 (Revision of ISO 12006-2:2001) TC 61 ISO/DIS 11357-7 Plastics * Plastics — Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) — Part 7: Determination of crystallization kinetics 2014-07-01 (Revision of ISO 11357-7:2002) ISO/DIS 4892-1 * Plastics — Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources — Part 1: General guidance 2014-06-24 (Revision of ISO 4892-1:1999) TC 68 ISO 95641:2011/DAmd 1 Financial services Financial services — Personal Identification Number (PIN) management * and security — Part 1: Basic principles and requirements for PINs in card-based systems — Amendment 1 TC 69 ISO/DIS 7870-6 Applications of statistical methods * TC 70 ISO/DIS 8178-5 2014-04-30 Statistical Methods in Process Management — Control Charts — Part 6: EWMA Control Charts 2014-04-28 Internal combustion engines * Reciprocating internal combustion engines — Exhaust emission measurement — Part 5: Test fuels 2014-04-10 (Revision of ISO 8178-5:2008) TC 85 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection ISO/DIS 16637 Radiological protection — Monitoring and internal dosimetry for staff exposed to medical radionuclides as unsealed sources TC 86 Refrigeration and air-conditioning ISO/DIS 23953-1 * Refrigerated display cabinets — Part 1: Vocabulary 2014-04-16 2014-06-10 (Revision of ISO 23953-1:2005, ISO 23953-1:2005/Amd 1:2012) TC 91 ISO/DIS 17280 TC 92 Surface active agents * Surface active agents — Determination of 1,4-dioxan residues in surfactants obtained from epoxyethane by gas chromatography Fire safety 2014-04-28 ISO/DIS 9705-1 * Reaction to fire tests — Room corner test for wall and ceiling lining products — Part 1: Test method for a small room configuration 2014-04-14 (Revision of ISO 9705:1993, ISO 9705:1993/Cor 1:1993) Personal safety -- Protective clothing and equipment TC 94 ISO/DIS 11999-5 PPE for firefighters — Test methods and requirements for PPE used by * firefighters who are at risk of exposure to high levels of heat and/or flame while fighting fires occurring in structures — Part 5: Helmets 2014-04-29 ISO/DIS 11999-6 PPE for firefighters — Test methods and requirements for PPE used by * firefighters who are at risk of exposure to high levels of heat and/or flame while fighting fires occurring in structures — Part 6: Footwear 2014-04-29 TC 96 ISO/DIS 16715.2 Cranes * Cranes — Hand signals used with cranes TC 106 ISO/DIS 22674 2014-03-28 Dentistry * Dentistry — Metallic materials for fixed and removable restorations and appliances 2014-06-17 (Revision of ISO 22674:2006) ISO 12836:2012/DAmd 1 * TC 107 ISO/DIS 27307 2014-06-10 Metallic and other inorganic coatings * Evaluation of adhesion/cohesion of plasma sprayed ceramic coatings by scratch testing 2014-04-28 Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring TC 108 ISO/DIS 7626-2 Dentistry — Digitizing devices for CAD/CAM systems for indirect dental restorations — Test methods for assessing accuracy — Amendment 1 Mechanical vibration and shock — Experimental determination of * mechanical mobility — Part 2: Measurements using single-point translation excitation with an attached vibration exciter 2014-04-23 (Revision of ISO 7626-2:1990) ISO/DIS 13379-2 * TC 110 ISO/DIS 11525-2 TC 121 ISO/DIS 23747 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines — Data interpretation and diagnostics techniques — Part 2: Data-driven applications 2014-04-10 Industrial trucks * Rough-terrain trucks - User requirements — Part 2: Slewing variablereach trucks 2014-04-14 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment — Peak expiratory flow meters * for the assessment of pulmonary function in spontaneously breathing humans 2014-06-24 (Revision of ISO 23747:2007) TC 130 ISO/DIS 12646 Graphic technology * Graphic technology — Displays for colour proofing — Characteristics (Revision of ISO 12646:2008, ISO 12646:2008/Amd 1:2010) TC 134 Fertilizers and soil conditioners 2014-04-28 ISO/DIS 17322 * Fertilizers and soil conditioners — Sulfur Coated Urea (SCU) — Analytical methods 2014-04-10 ISO/DIS 17323 * Fertilizers and soil conditioners — Sulfur Coated Urea (SCU) — General requirements 2014-04-10 TC 146 Air quality ISO/DIS 17621 * Workplace atmospheres — Short term detector tube measurement systems — Requirements and test methods 2014-06-10 ISO/DIS 16000-20 * Indoor air — Detection and enumeration of moulds — Part 20: Determination of total spore count 2014-04-29 TC 147 ISO/DIS 9697 Water quality * Water quality — Measurement of gross beta activity in non-saline water — Thick source method 2014-04-28 (Revision of ISO 9697:2008) TC 150 ISO/DIS 8828 Implants for surgery * Implants for surgery — Guidance on care and handling of orthopaedic implants 2014-04-20 (Revision of ISO 8828:1988) TC 153 ISO/DIS 15848-1 Valves Industrial valves — Measurement, test and qualification procedures for * fugitive emissions — Part 1: Classification system and qualification procedures for type testing of valves 2014-06-24 (Revision of ISO 15848-1:2006) ISO/DIS 15848-2 * Industrial valves — Measurement, test and qualification procedures for fugitive emissions — Part 2: Production acceptance test of valves 2014-06-24 (Revision of ISO 15848-2:2006) TC 160 ISO/DIS 1288-1 Glass in building * Glass in building — Determination of the bending strength of glass — Part 1: Fundamentals of testing glass 2014-06-10 (Revision of ISO/DIS 1288-1) ISO/DIS 1288-2 Glass in building — Determination of the bending strength of glass — * Part 2: Coaxial double-ring test on flat specimens with large test surface areas 2014-06-10 (Revision of ISO/DIS 1288-2) ISO/DIS 1288-3 * Glass in building — Determination of the bending strength of glass — Part 3: Test with specimen supported at two points (four-point bending) 2014-06-10 (Revision of ISO/DIS 1288-3) ISO/DIS 1288-4 * Glass in building — Determination of the bending strength of glass — Part 4: Testing of channel-shaped glass 2014-06-10 (Revision of ISO/DIS 1288-4) ISO/DIS 1288-5 Glass in building — Determination of the bending strength of glass — * Part 5: Coaxial double-ring test on flat specimens with small test surface areas (Revision of ISO/DIS 1288-5) TC 163 Thermal performance and energy use in the built environment 2014-06-10 ISO/DIS 16956 * TC 172 Thermal Performance in the Built Environment — Determination of Air Flow Rate in Building Applications by Field Measuring Methods Optics and photonics ISO 8624:2011/DAmd Ophthalmic optics — Spectacle frames — Measuring system and * 1 terminology — Amendment 1 ISO/DIS 10322-1 2014-04-22 * Ophthalmic optics — Semi-finished spectacle lens blanks — Part 1: Specifications for single-vision and multifocal lens blanks 2014-06-17 2014-06-17 (Revision of ISO 10322-1:2006) ISO/DIS 10322-2 * Ophthalmic optics - Semi-finished spectacle lens blanks — Part 2: Specifications for progressive-power and degressive-power lens blanks 2014-06-17 (Revision of ISO 10322-2:2006) ISO/DIS 13694 * Optics and optical instruments — Lasers and laser-related equipment — Test methods for laser beam power (energy) density distribution 2014-07-01 (Revision of ISO 13694:2000, ISO 13694:2000/Cor 1:2005) ISO/DIS 17901-1 * Optics and photonics — Holography — Part 1: Methods of measuring diffraction efficiency and associated optical characteristics of holograms 2014-05-01 ISO/DIS 17901-2 * Optics and photonics — Holography — Part 2: Methods for measurement of hologram recording characteristics 2014-05-01 TC 173 Assistive products for persons with disability ISO/DIS 16840-6 * Wheelchair seating — Part 6: Simulated use and determination of the changes in properties — Seat cushions 2014-04-10 ISO/DIS 16840-10 * Wheelchair — Resistance to ignition of non-integrated seat and back support cushions — Part 10: Requirements and test methods 2014-04-29 Copper, lead, zinc and nickel ores and concentrates TC 183 ISO/DIS 13547-1 Copper, lead, zinc and nickel sulfide concentrates — Determination of * arsenic — Part 1: Iron hydroxide concentration and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method 2014-04-23 ISO/DIS 13547-2 Copper, lead, zinc and nickel sulfide concentrates — Determination of * arsenic — Part 2: Acid digestion and inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method 2014-04-23 Building construction machinery and equipment TC 195 ISO/DIS 13105-1 Building construction machinery and equipment — Machinery for * concrete surface floating and finishing — Part 1: Terms and commercial specifications 2014-04-15 ISO/DIS 13105-2 Building construction machinery and equipment — Machinery for * concrete surface floating and finishing — Part 2: Safety requirements and verification 2014-04-15 TC 199 ISO/DIS 14122-4 Safety of machinery * Safety of machinery — Permanent means of access to machinery — Part 4: Fixed ladders 2014-06-17 (Revision of ISO 14122-4:2004, ISO 14122-4:2004/Amd 1:2010) TC 204 ISO/DIS 13185-2 Intelligent transport systems * Intelligent transport systems — Vehicle interface for provisioning and 2014-04-28 support of ITS services — Part 2: Unified gateway protocol (UGP) requirements and specification for vehicle ITS station gateway (V-ITSSG) interface TC 210 Quality management and corresponding general aspects for medical devices IEC/DIS 80369-5 Small-bore connectors for liquids and gases in healthcare applications — 2014-04-11 Part 5: Connectors for limb cuff inflation applications TC 215 Health informatics ISO/DIS 16278 * Health informatics — Categorial structure for terminologies systems of human anatomy 2014-07-01 ISO/DIS 17090-2 * Health informatics — Public key infrastructure — Part 2: Certificate profile 2014-04-17 (Revision of ISO 17090-2:2008) TC 220 ISO/DIS 21029-2.2 Cryogenic vessels * Cryogenic vessels — Transportable vacuum insulated vessels of not more than 1 000 litres volume — Part 2: Operational requirements 2014-04-24 (Revision of ISO 21029-2:2004) Materials for the production of primary aluminium TC 226 ISO/DIS 18842 * Aluminium oxide primarily used for the production of aluminium — Method for the determination of tapped and untapped density 2014-04-14 ISO/DIS 18843 * Aluminium oxide primarily used for the production of aluminium — Method for the determination of flow time 2014-04-14 TC 242 Energy Management Energy management systems — Guidance for the implementation, maintenance and improvement of an energy management system ISO/DIS 50004 * ISO/DIS 50006 Energy management systems — Measuring energy performance using * energy baselines (EnB) and energy performance indicators (EnPI) — General principles and guidance 2014-04-21 International Union of Leather Technologists and Chemists Societies IULTCS ISO/DIS 19076 2014-04-21 * JTC 1 Leather — Measurement of leather surface — Using electronic techniques 2014-06-17 Information technology ISO/IEC DIS 17811-2 * Information Technology — Device Control and Management — Part 2: Specification of Device Control and Management Protocol 2014-04-17 ISO/IEC DIS 17811-3 * Information Technology — Device Control and Management — Part 3: Specification of Reliable Message Delivery Protocol 2014-04-17 ISO/IEC DIS 17821 * Information Technology — Specification of Low Power Wireless Mesh Network over Channel-hopped TDMA Links 2014-04-17 ISO/IEC 147632:2012/DAmd 1 * Information technology — Implementation and operation of customer premises cabling — Part 2: Planning and installation — Amendment 1 2014-04-22 ISO/IEC DIS 27018 * Information technology — Security techniques — Code of practice for PII protection in public cloud acting as PII processors 2014-04-08 ISO/IEC DIS 27040 * Information technology — Security techniques — Storage security ISO/IEC DIS 27041 * Information technology — Security techniques — Guidance on assuring suitability and adequacy of incident investigative methods 2014-04-28 ISO/IEC DIS 27042 * Information technology — Security techniques — Guidelines for the analysis and interpretation of digital evidence 2014-04-28 ISO/IEC DIS 27043 * Information technology — Security techniques — Incident investigation principles and processes 2014-04-07 ISO/IEC 1449612:2012/DAmd 3 Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 12: ISO * base media file format — Amendment 3: Font streams and other improvements to file format 2014-04-14 ISO/IEC 1544412:2012/DAmd 3 Information technology — JPEG 2000 image coding system — Part 12: * ISO base media file format — Amendment 3: Font streams and other improvements to file format 2014-04-14 ISO/IEC DIS 23001-7 * Information technology — MPEG systems technologies — Part 7: Common encryption in ISO base media file format files 2014-04-07 2014-04-14 (Revision of ISO/IEC 23001-7:2012) ISO/IEC 230024/DAmd 2 * Information technology — MPEG video technologies — Part 4: Video tool library — Amendment 2: FU and FN descriptions for HEVC 2014-04-25 ISO/IEC 230025:2013/DAmd 1 Information technology — MPEG video technologies — Part 5: Reconfigurable media coding conformance and reference software — * Amendment 1: Graphics tool library (GTL) reference software and conformance 2014-04-14 ISO/IEC 230073:2011/DAmd 1 Information technology — Rich media user interfaces — Part 3: * Conformance and reference software — Amendment 1: Conformance and reference software for widget extension and AUI 2014-04-07 ISO/IEC 230081/DAmd 1 Information technology — High efficiency coding and media delivery in heterogeneous environments — Part 1: MPEG media transport (MMT) * — Amendment 1: Additional technologies for MPEG Media Transport (MMT) 2014-04-14 ISO/IEC DIS 18000-4 Information technology — Radio frequency identification for item * management — Part 4: Parameters for air interface communications at 2,45 GHz 2014-04-10 (Revision of ISO/IEC 18000-4:2008) ISO/IEC DIS 9995-11 Information technology — Keyboard layouts for office systems — Part * 11: Functionality of dead keys and repertoires of characters entered by dead keys ISO/IEC DIS 19788-4 * ISO/IEC DIS 38500 * Information Technology — governance of IT — For the Organization Information technology — Learning, education and training — Metadata for learning resources — Part 4: Technical elements 2014-04-10 2014-04-07 2014-04-10 (Revision of ISO/IEC 38500:2008) FDIS circulated Period from 01 January to 31 January 2014 These Final draft International Standards have been submitted to the ISO member bodies for formal approval by the date shown * Available in English only Vote terminates TC 2 ISO/FDIS 4017 Fasteners * Hexagon head screws — Product grades A and B 2014-04-10 (Revision of ISO 4017:2011) ISO/FDIS 10683 * Fasteners — Non-electrolytically applied zinc flake coatings 2014-03-17 (Revision of ISO 10683:2000) TC 4 ISO/FDIS 199 Rolling bearings * Rolling bearings — Thrust bearings — Geometrical product specification (GPS) and tolerance values 2014-03-21 (Revision of ISO 199:2005) ISO/FDIS 492 * Rolling bearings — Radial bearings — Dimensional and geometrical tolerances 2014-03-21 (Revision of ISO 492:2002) TC 6 ISO/FDIS 2759 Paper, board and pulps * Board — Determination of bursting strength 2014-03-24 (Revision of ISO 2759:2001) ISO/FDIS 12625-7 Tissue paper and tissue products — Part 7: Determination of optical * properties — Measurement of brightness and colour with D65/10° (outdoor daylight) 2014-03-17 (Revision of ISO 12625-7:2007) ISO/FDIS 13820 * Paper, board and corrugated fibreboard — Description and calibration of compression-testing equipment 2014-03-17 (Revision of ISO 13820:1996) TC 17 ISO/FDIS 15510 Steel * Stainless steels — Chemical composition 2014-03-17 (Revision of ISO 15510:2010) ISO/FDIS 16143-1 * Stainless steels for general purposes — Part 1: Corrosion-resistant flat products 2014-03-29 (Revision of ISO 16143-1:2004) ISO/FDIS 16143-2 * Stainless steels for general purposes — Part 2: Corrosion-resistant semifinished products, bars, rods and sections 2014-03-18 (Revision of ISO 16143-2:2004) ISO/FDIS 16143-3 * Stainless steels for general purposes — Part 3: Wire 2014-03-18 (Revision of ISO 16143-3:2005) ISO/FDIS 4998 * Continuous hot-dip zinc-coated carbon steel sheet of structural quality 2014-03-21 (Revision of ISO 4998:2011) TC 20 ISO/FDIS 10788 ISO/FDIS 17255 Aircraft and space vehicles * Space systems — Lunar simulants Space systems — Programme management — Statement of work 2014-03-16 2014-03-23 TC 21 ISO/FDIS 6182-10 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting * Fire protection — Automatic sprinkler systems — Part 10: Requirements and test methods for domestic sprinklers 2014-03-16 (Revision of ISO 6182-10:2006) ISO/FDIS 7076-5 * TC 22 Fire protection — Foam fire extinguishing systems — Part 5: Compressed 2014-03-11 air foam equipment Road vehicles ISO/FDIS 8820-9 * Road vehicles — Fuse-links — Part 9: Fuse-links with shortened tabs (Type K) 2014-03-07 ISO/FDIS 18542-2 Road vehicles — Standardized repair and maintenance information (RMI) * terminology — Part 2: Standardized process implementation requirements, Registration Authority 2014-03-17 ISO/FDIS 12405-3 Electrically propelled road vehicles — Test specification for Lithium-ion * traction battery packs and systems — Part 3: Safety performance requirements 2014-03-17 ISO/FDIS 16380 * Road Vehicles — Blended Fuels Refuelling Connector 2014-03-17 TC 24 ISO/FDIS 9276-2 Particle characterization including sieving Representation of results of particle size analysis — Part 2: Calculation of * average particle sizes/diameters and moments from particle size distributions 2014-03-22 (Revision of ISO 9276-2:2001) TC 29 ISO/FDIS 16462 Small tools * Cubic boron nitride inserts, tipped or solid — Dimensions, types 2014-03-28 (Revision of ISO 16462:2004) ISO/FDIS 16463 * Polycristalline diamond inserts, tipped — Dimensions, types 2014-03-28 (Revision of ISO 16463:2004) TC 33 ISO/FDIS 16835 Refractories * Refractory products — Determination of thermal expansion TC 34 ISO/FDIS 3493 2014-03-07 Food products * Vanilla — Vocabulary 2014-04-10 (Revision of ISO 3493:1999) ISO 8589:2007/FDAmd 1 * TC 35 ISO/FDIS 3233-2 Sensory analysis — General guidance for the design of test rooms — Amendment 1 2014-03-24 Paints and varnishes Paints and varnishes — Determination of the percentage volume of nonvolatile matter — Part 2: Method using the determination of non-volatile* matter content in accordance with ISO 3251 and determination of dry film density on coated test panels by the Archimedes principle TC 38 2014-03-17 Textiles ISO/FDIS 16373-3 * Textiles — Dyestuffs — Part 3: Method for determination of certain carcinogenic dyestuffs (method using triethylamine/methanol) 2014-03-17 ISO/FDIS 15625 * Protein fibres — Electronic test method for defects and evenness of raw silk 2014-03-25 TC 43 ISO/FDIS 10844 Acoustics * Acoustics — Specification of test tracks for measuring noise emitted by road vehicles and their tyres 2014-03-28 (Revision of ISO 10844:2011) ISO/FDIS 11200 Acoustics — Noise emitted by machinery and equipment — Guidelines * for the use of basic standards for the determination of emission sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions 2014-03-17 (Revision of ISO 11200:1995, ISO 11200:1995/Cor 1:1997) ISO/FDIS 12999-1 * Acoustics — Determination and application of measurement uncertainties in building acoustics — Part 1: Sound insulation 2014-03-17 (Revision of ISO 140-2:1991, ISO 140-2:1991/Cor 1:1993) TC 45 ISO/FDIS 3994 Rubber and rubber products * Plastics hoses — Helical-thermoplastic-reinforced thermoplastics hoses for suction and discharge of aqueous materials — Specification 2014-03-17 (Revision of ISO 3994:2007) ISO/FDIS 6806 * Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for use in oil burners — Specification 2014-05-01 (Revision of ISO 6806:1992) ISO/FDIS 8029 * Plastics hose — General-purpose collapsible water hose, textilereinforced — Specification 2014-03-17 (Revision of ISO 8029:2007) TC 46 ISO/FDIS 28560-1 Information and documentation * Information and documentation — RFID in libraries — Part 1: Data elements and general guidelines for implementation 2014-03-28 (Revision of ISO 28560-1:2011) ISO/FDIS 28560-2 * Information and documentation — RFID in libraries — Part 2: Encoding of RFID data elements based on rules from ISO/IEC 15962 2014-03-28 (Revision of ISO 28560-2:2011) ISO/FDIS 28560-3 * Information and documentation — RFID in libraries — Part 3: Fixed length 2014-03-28 encoding (Revision of ISO 28560-3:2011) TC 54 ISO/FDIS 16928 Essential oils * Essential oil of ginger [Zingiber officinale Roscoe] TC 60 ISO/FDIS 14104 2014-03-16 Gears * Gears — Surface temper etch inspection after grinding, chemical method 2014-03-20 (Revision of ISO 14104:1995) TC 61 Plastics Plastics — Acquisition and presentation of comparable single-point data — Part 1: Moulding materials — Amendment 1 ISO 103501:2007/FDAmd 1 * ISO/FDIS 15985 Plastics — Determination of the ultimate anaerobic biodegradation under * high-solids anaerobic-digestion conditions — Method by analysis of released biogas 2014-03-31 2014-03-17 (Revision of ISO 15985:2004, ISO 15985:2004/Cor 1:2007) ISO/FDIS 17223 * Plastics — Determination of yellowness index and change in yellowness index 2014-03-18 ISO/FDIS 16365-1 * Plastics — Thermoplastic polyurethanes for moulding and extrusion — Part 1: Designation system and basis for specifications 2014-03-11 ISO/FDIS 16365-2 * Plastics — Thermoplastic polyurethanes for moulding and extrusion — Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties 2014-03-11 ISO/FDIS 16365-3 Plastics — Thermoplastic polyurethanes for moulding and extrusion — * Part 3: Distinction between ether and ester polyurethanes by determination of the ester group content 2014-03-11 Concrete, reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete TC 71 ISO/FDIS 13315-2 * TC 86 Environmental management for concrete and concrete structures — Part 2: System boundary and inventory data 2014-03-08 Refrigeration and air-conditioning ISO/FDIS 16345 * Water-cooling towers — Testing and rating of thermal performance 2014-03-20 ISO/FDIS 817.2 * Refrigerants — Designation and safety classification 2014-03-09 (Revision of ISO 817:2005) Personal safety -- Protective clothing and equipment TC 94 ISO/FDIS 20346 * Personal protective equipment — Protective footwear 2014-03-17 (Revision of ISO 20346:2004, ISO 20346:2004/Cor 1:2005, ISO 20346:2004/Amd 1:2007, ISO 20346:2004/Cor 2:2006) TC 96 ISO/FDIS 17440 Cranes * TC 106 ISO/FDIS 9173-3 Cranes — General design — Limit states and proof of competence of forged steel hooks 2014-03-31 Dentistry * Dentistry — Extraction forceps — Part 3: Design 2014-03-17 (Revision of ISO 9173-1:2006) Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring TC 108 ISO/FDIS 18436-2 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines — Requirements for * qualification and assessment of personnel — Part 2: Vibration condition monitoring and diagnostics 2014-03-23 (Revision of ISO 18436-2:2003) TC 121 ISO/FDIS 80601-267 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment * Medical electrical equipment — Part 2-67: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of oxygen-conserving equipment (Revision of ISO 18779:2005) TC 135 ISO/FDIS 12715 Non-destructive testing * Non-destructive testing — Ultrasonic testing — Reference blocks and test procedures for the characterization of contact probe sound beams (Revision of ISO 12715:1999) TC 138 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids 2014-03-28 ISO 8779:2010/FDAmd 1 * Plastics piping systems — Polyethylene (PE) pipes for irrigation — Specifications — Amendment 1 2014-03-30 ISO 164861:2012/FDAmd 1 Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels - Unplasticized * polyamide (PA-U) piping systems with fusion jointing and mechanical jointing — Part 1: General — Amendment 1 2014-03-07 ISO 164862:2012/FDAmd 1 Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels - Unplasticized * polyamide (PA-U) piping systems with fusion jointing and mechanical jointing — Part 2: Pipes — Amendment 1 2014-03-07 ISO 164863:2012/FDAmd 1 Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels - Unplasticized * polyamide (PA-U) piping systems with fusion jointing and mechanical jointing — Part 3: Fittings — Amendment 1 2014-03-07 ISO/FDIS 8513 Plastics piping systems — Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) * pipes — Test methods for the determination of the apparent initial longitudinal tensile strength 2014-03-25 (Revision of ISO 8513:2000) TC 146 ISO/FDIS 8672 Air quality Air quality — Determination of the number concentration of airborne * inorganic fibres by phase contrast optical microscopy — Membrane filter method 2014-03-23 (Revision of ISO 8672:1993) ISO/FDIS 12219-5 Interior air of road vehicles — Part 5: Screening method for the * determination of the emissions of volatile organic compounds from vehicle 2014-03-17 interior parts and materials — Static chamber method ISO/FDIS 16000-31 * TC 150 ISO/FDIS 14708-1 Indoor air — Part 31: Measurement of flame retardants and plasticizers based on organophosphorus compounds — Phosphoric acid ester 2014-03-16 Implants for surgery Implants for surgery — Active implantable medical devices — Part 1: * General requirements for safety, marking and for information to be provided by the manufacturer 2014-03-17 (Revision of ISO 14708-1:2000) Control and protective devices for gas and/or oil burners and appliances TC 161 ISO/FDIS 23551-5 * Safety and control devices for gas burners and gas-burning appliances — Particular requirements — Part 5: Manual gas valves 2014-03-17 ISO/FDIS 23553-1 * Safety and control devices for oil burners and oil-burning appliances — Particular requirements — Part 1: Automatic and semi-automatic valves 2014-03-17 (Revision of ISO 23553-1:2007, ISO 23553-1:2007/Cor 1:2009) TC 164 ISO/FDIS 17340 Mechanical testing of metals * TC 165 ISO/FDIS 13910 Metallic materials — Ductility testing — High speed compression test for porous and cellular metals 2014-03-22 Timber structures * Timber structures — Strength graded timber — Test methods for structural properties 2014-03-23 (Revision of ISO 13910:2005) ISO/FDIS 17754 Timber structures — Test methods — Torsional resistance of driving in screws 2014-03-28 TC 172 ISO/FDIS 10109 Optics and photonics * Optics and photonics — Guidance for the selection of environmental tests 2014-03-22 (Revision of ISO 10109-7:2001, ISO 10109-11:2001, ISO 10109-12:2004, ISO 10109-1:2005, ISO 10109-6:2005, ISO 10109-8:2005) ISO/FDIS 10343 * Ophthalmic instruments — Ophthalmometers 2014-03-24 (Revision of ISO 10343:2009) TC 173 ISO/FDIS 7176-1 Assistive products for persons with disability * Wheelchairs — Part 1: Determination of static stability 2014-03-07 (Revision of ISO 7176-1:1999) TC 180 ISO/FDIS 22975-3 Solar energy * TC 190 ISO/FDIS 17184 Solar energy — Collector components and materials — Part 3: Absorber surface durability Soil quality * Soil quality — Determination of carbon and nitrogen by near-infrared spectrometry (NIRS) TC 201 Surface chemical analysis ISO/FDIS 11952 Surface chemical analysis — Scanning-probe microscopy — Determination of geometric quantities using SPM: Calibration of measuring systems TC 204 Intelligent transport systems ISO/FDIS 11270 2014-04-07 * TC 205 Intelligent transport systems — Lane keeping assistance systems (LKAS) — Performance requirements and test procedures 2014-03-24 2014-03-23 2014-03-21 Building environment design ISO/FDIS 13612-1 Heating and cooling systems in buildings — Method for calculation of the * system performance and system design for heat pump systems — Part 1: Design and dimensioning 2014-03-07 ISO/FDIS 13612-2 Heating and cooling systems in buildings — Method for calculation of the * system performance and system design for heat pump systems — Part 2: Energy calculation 2014-03-07 TC 206 Fine ceramics ISO/FDIS 17094 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) — Test method for antibacterial activity of semiconducting photocatalytic 2014-03-23 materials under indoor lighting environment TC 220 Cryogenic vessels ISO/FDIS 21010 * Cryogenic vessels — Gas/materials compatibility 2014-03-10 (Revision of ISO 21010:2004) JTC 1 Information technology ISO/IEC 144433:2011/FDAmd 6 Identification cards — Contactless integrated circuit cards — Proximity * cards — Part 3: Initialization and anticollision — Amendment 6: Bit rates of 3fc/4, fc, 3fc/2 and 2fc from PCD to PICC ISO/IEC FDIS 23001-9 * Information technology — MPEG systems technologies — Part 9: Common encryption of MPEG-2 transport streams 2014-03-25 2014-03-22 ISO/IEC FDIS 23008-1 * Information technology — High efficiency coding and media delivery in heterogeneous environments — Part 1: MPEG media transport (MMT) 2014-03-17 Standards published New International Standards published between 01 January and 31 January 2014 * Available in English only ** French version of standard previously published in English only Price group CIE International Commission on Illumination ISO 11664-6:2014 Colorimetry — Part 6: CIEDE2000 Colour-difference formula PC 251 Asset management ISO 55000:2014 Asset management — Overview, principles and terminology K ISO 55001:2014 Asset management — Management systems — Requirements G ISO 55002:2014 Asset management — Management systems — Guidelines for the application of ISO 55001 P TC 6 Paper, board and pulps Pulps — Determination of fibre length by automated optical analysis — Part 2: Unpolarized light method ISO 16065-2:2014 * ISO 23714:2014 * Pulps — Determination of water retention value (WRV) E E D ISO 535:2014 Paper and board — Determination of water absorptiveness — Cobb method D ISO 5636-3:2013 Paper and board — Determination of air permeance (medium range) — Part 3: Bendtsen method G ISO 5636-5:2013 Paper and board — Determination of air permeance (medium range) — Part 5: Gurley method F TC 8 Ships and marine technology ISO 24409-2:2014 Ships and marine technology — Design, location and use of shipboard safety * signs, safety-related signs, safety notices and safety markings — Part 2: Catalogue ISO 24409-3:2014 Ships and marine technology — Design, location and use of shipboard safety * signs, safety-related signs, safety notices and safety markings — Part 3: Code of practice ISO 17357-1:2014 * Ships and marine technology — Floating pneumatic rubber fenders — Part 1: High pressure K ISO 17357-2:2014 * Ships and marine technology — Floating pneumatic rubber fenders — Part 2: Low pressure G ISO 17683:2014 * Ships and marine technology — Ceramic weld backing for marine use TC 20 Aircraft and space vehicles XC K C ISO 16290:2013 Space systems — Definition of the Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) and their criteria of assessment TC 21 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting ISO 6182-1:2014 * TC 22 Fire protection — Automatic sprinkler systems — Part 1: Requirements and test methods for sprinklers F V Road vehicles ISO 8856:2014 * Road vehicles — Electrical performance of starter motors — Test methods and general requirements F ISO 21308-5:2014 * Road vehicles — Product data exchange between chassis and body work manufacturers (BEP) — Part 5: Coding of loader crane bodywork U TC 23 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry ISO 5718:2013 Harvesting equipment — Blades for agricultural rotary mowers — Requirements TC 29 Small tools ISO 23481:2013 Tools for pressing — Cam driver plates TC 34 Food products D B ISO 14470:2011 Food irradiation — Requirements for the development, validation and routine * control of the process of irradiation using ionizing radiation for the treatment of food K ISO 7301:2011 * Rice — Specification K ISO 4833-2:2013/Cor 1:2014 Microbiology of the food chain — Horizontal method for the enumeration of microorganisms — Part 2: Colony count at 30 degrees C by the surface plating technique — Technical Corrigendum 1 TC 35 Paints and varnishes ISO 16927:2014 Paints and varnishes — Determination of the overcoatability and recoatability of a coating TC 38 Textiles ISO 2076:2013 Textiles — Man-made fibres — Generic names M ISO 24362-1:2014 Textiles — Methods for determination of certain aromatic amines derived from azo colorants — Part 1: Detection of the use of certain azo colorants accessible with and without extracting the fibres M ISO 24362-3:2014 Textiles — Methods for determination of certain aromatic amines derived from azo colorants — Part 3: Detection of the use of certain azo colorants, which may release 4-aminoazobenzene J ISO 13934-2:2014 Textiles — Tensile properties of fabrics — Part 2: Determination of maximum force using the grab method E TC 41 Pulleys and belts (including veebelts) ISO 17396:2014 * TC 42 ISO 18937:2014 Synchronous belt drives — Metric pitch, trapezoidal profile systems T and AT, belts and pulleys free B J Photography * Imaging materials — Photographic reflection prints — Methods for measuring indoor light stability U TC 43 Acoustics ISO 3095:2013 Acoustics — Railway applications — Measurement of noise emitted by railbound vehicles TC 44 Welding and allied processes ISO 5817:2003 * Welding — Fusion-welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys (beam welding excluded) — Quality levels for imperfections TC 45 Rubber and rubber products ISO 3949:2009 Plastics hoses and hose assemblies — Textile-reinforced types for hydraulic applications — Specification ISO 10282:2014 * Single-use sterile rubber surgical gloves — Specification TC 59 ISO 15686-4:2014 M G F Buildings and civil engineering works * Building Construction — Service Life Planning — Part 4: Service Life Planning using Building Information Modelling TC 60 Gears ISO 1328-1:2013 Cylindrical gears — ISO system of flank tolerance classification — Part 1: Definitions and allowable values of deviations relevant to flanks of gear teeth TC 61 Plastics ISO 29221:2014 U * Plastics — Determination of mode I plane-strain crack-arrest toughness Q T K ISO 15791-1:2014 Plastics — Development and use of intermediate-scale fire tests for plastics products — Part 1: General guidance K ISO 11359-1:2014 * Plastics — Thermomechanical analysis (TMA) — Part 1: General principles C TC 67 Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries ISO 14998:2013 Petroleum and natural gas industries — Downhole equipment — Completion accessories ISO 11960:2014 * Petroleum and natural gas industries — Steel pipes for use as casing or tubing for wells TC 69 Applications of statistical methods ISO 16269-6:2014 Statistical interpretation of data — Part 6: Determination of statistical tolerance intervals S XC T ISO 7870-1:2014 * Control charts — Part 1: General guidelines H ISO 7870-5:2014 * Control charts — Part 5: Specialized control charts U TC 84 Devices for administration of medicinal products and intravascular catheters ISO 10555-1:2013 Intravascular catheters — Sterile and single-use catheters — Part 1: General requirements TC 85 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection ISO 3925:2014 Unsealed radioactive substances — Identification and documentation M B ISO 19238:2014 Radiological protection — Performance criteria for service laboratories performing biological dosimetry by cytogenetics TC 89 Wood-based panels ISO 1096:2014 * Plywood — Classification TC 105 Steel wire ropes ISO 16839:2013 Steel wire ropes — Determination of the transverse rigidity of steel wire ropes under no axial load condition TC 123 Plain bearings ISO 2795:2014 * Plain bearings — Sintered bushes — Dimensions and tolerances TC 131 Fluid power systems ISO 3320:2013 Fluid power systems and components — Cylinder bores and piston rod diameters and area ratios — Metric series TC 138 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids N A C E B ISO/TR 4191:2014 * Plastics piping systems for water supply — Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride)(PVC-U) and oriented PVC-U (PVC-O) — Guidance for installation S ISO 15874-5:2013 * Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations — Polypropylene (PP) — Part 5: Fitness for purpose of the system E ISO 4437-1:2014 * Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels - Polyethylene (PE) — Part 1: General G ISO 4437-2:2014 * Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels - Polyethylene (PE) — Part 2: Pipes J ISO 4437-3:2014 * Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels — Polyethylene (PE) — Part 3: Fittings P ISO 4437-5:2014 * Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels - Polyethylene (PE) — Part 5: Fitness for purpose of the system F TC 145 ISO 7000:2014 Graphical symbols * Graphical symbols for use on equipment — Registered symbols TC 147 Water quality ISO 16665:2014 Water quality — Guidelines for quantitative sampling and sample processing of marine soft-bottom macrofauna TC 156 Corrosion of metals and alloys ISO/TR 16208:2014 Corrosion of metals and alloys — Test method for corrosion of materials by electrochemical impedance measurements TC 157 Non-systemic contraceptives and STI barrier prophylactics ISO 25841:2014 TC 159 ISO/TS 20646:2014 TC 173 * Female condoms — Requirements and test methods free Q M S Ergonomics * Ergonomics guidelines for the optimization of musculoskeletal workload Assistive products for persons with disability K Technical systems and aids for disabled or handicapped persons — Wheelchair tiedown and occupant-restraint systems — Part 1: Requirements and test methods for all systems — Technical Corrigendum 1 ISO 105421:2012/Cor 1:2013 free ISO 16840-3:2014 * Wheelchair seating — Part 3: Determination of static, impact and repetitive load strengths for postural support devices P ISO/TS 1684011:2014 * Wheelchair seating — Part 11: Determination of perspiration dissipation characteristics of seat cushions intended to manage tissue integrity C TC 184 ISO 22400-2:2014 Automation systems and integration * Automation systems and integration — Key performance indicators (KPIs) for manufacturing operations management — Part 2: Definitions and descriptions TC 190 Soil quality ISO 16387:2014 Soil quality — Effects of contaminants on Enchytraeidae (Enchytraeus sp.) — Determination of effects on reproduction TC 202 Microbeam analysis ISO 17470:2014 * TC 206 ISO 17172:2014 Microbeam analysis — Electron probe microanalysis — Guidelines for qualitative point analysis by wavelength dispersive X-ray spectrometry U L E Fine ceramics * Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) — Determination of compaction properties of ceramic powders D Quality management and corresponding general aspects for medical devices TC 210 IEC 62366:2007/Amd Medical devices — Application of usability engineering to medical devices — * 1:2014 Amendment 1 TC 211 XZ Geographic information/Geomatics Geographic information — Imagery sensor models for geopositioning — Part 2: SAR, InSAR, lidar and sonar XC ISO 19157:2013 Geographic information — Data quality XB TC 213 Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification ISO 25178-605:2014 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Surface texture: Areal — Part 605: Nominal characteristics of non-contact (point autofocus probe) instruments TC 215 Health informatics ISO/TS 191302:2014 * Health informatics — Categorial structures for representation of nursing diagnoses and nursing actions in terminological systems ISO 18104:2014 * ISO 20301:2014 * Health informatics — Health cards — General characteristics P P F ISO 21549-2:2014 Health informatics — Patient healthcard data — Part 2: Common objects H ISO 21549-3:2014 Health informatics — Patient healthcard data — Part 3: Limited clinical data F ISO 21549-4:2014 Health informatics — Patient healthcard data — Part 4: Extended clinical data J TC 229 Nanotechnologies ISO/TS 12901- * Nanotechnologies — Occupational risk management applied to engineered P nanomaterials — Part 2: Use of the control banding approach 2:2014 ISO/TR 14786:2014 * Nanotechnologies — Considerations for the development of chemical nomenclature for selected nano-objects TC 262 Risk management ISO/TR 31004:2013 Risk management — Guidance for the implementation of ISO 31000 TMBG Technical Management Board - groups Vehicle security barriers — Part 1: Performance requirement, vehicle impact test method and performance rating IWA 14-1:2013 * IWA 14-2:2013 * Vehicle security barriers — Part 2: Application R R T U CASCO Committee on conformity assessment ISO/IEC TS 170214:2013 Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems — Part 4: Competence requirements for auditing and certification of event sustainability management systems D General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories N ISO/IEC 17025:2005 * JTC 1 Information technology ISO/IEC 144434:2008/Amd 4:2014 * Identification cards — Contactless integrated circuit cards — Proximity cards — Part 4: Transmission protocol — Amendment 4: Frame with error correction ISO/IEC 154081:2009 * Information technology — Security techniques — Evaluation criteria for IT security — Part 1: Introduction and general model ISO/IEC 18045:2008 * Information technology — Security techniques — Methodology for IT security evaluation XC ISO/IEC 24759:2014 * Information technology — Security techniques — Test requirements for cryptographic modules XB ISO/IEC 27000:2014 * Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management systems — Overview and vocabulary ISO/IEC 270341:2011/Cor 1:2014 * Information technology — Security techniques — Application security — Part 1: Overview and concepts — Technical Corrigendum 1 free ISO/IEC 144961:2010/Amd 2:2014 * Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 1: Systems — Amendment 2: Support for raw audio-visual data XZ ISO/IEC 1449612:2012/Amd 2:2014 Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 12: ISO base * media file format — Amendment 2: Carriage of timed text and other visual overlays XZ ISO/IEC 1449616:2011/Amd 2:2014 Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 16: * Animation Framework eXtension (AFX) — Amendment 2: Multi-resolution 3D mesh compression N ISO/IEC 1449626:2010/Amd 3:2014 * Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 26: Audio conformance — Amendment 3: Conformance for Low Delay AAC v2 profile XZ ISO/IEC 154449:2005/Amd 5:2014 Information technology — JPEG 2000 image coding system: Interactivity * tools, APIs and protocols — Part 9: — Amendment 5: UDP transport and additional enhancements to JPIP XZ ISO/IEC 1544412:2012/Amd 2:2014 Information technology — JPEG 2000 image coding system — Part 12: ISO * base media file format — Amendment 2: Carriage of timed text and other visual overlays XZ ISO/IEC 230051:2014 * Information technology — Media context and control — Part 1: Architecture T XZ V P Information technology — Media context and control — Part 7: Conformance and reference software ISO/IEC 230057:2014 * ISO/IEC TR 38502:2014 * Information technology — Governance of IT — Framework and model Standards confirmed The following International Standards are confimred for a five year period: TC 6 Paper, board and pulps ISO 5269-1:2005 (reconfirmed) TC 22 Road vehicles ISO 6415:2005 (reconfirmed) ISO 7026:1997 (reconfirmed) ISO 7876-4:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 7876-5:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 7879:1997 (reconfirmed) ISO 8535-2:2003 (reconfirmed) ISO 9102:1997 (reconfirmed) ISO 12103-2:1997 (reconfirmed) TC 28 Petroleum products and lubricants ISO 5275:2003 (reconfirmed) ISO 6743-1:2002 (reconfirmed) ISO 6743-2:1981 (reconfirmed) ISO 6743-3:2003 (reconfirmed) ISO 6743-5:2006 ISO 6743-7:1986 (reconfirmed) ISO 6743-9:2003 (reconfirmed) ISO 6743-13:2002 (reconfirmed) ISO 6743-99:2002 (reconfirmed) ISO 8216-3:1987 (reconfirmed) ISO 8216-99:2002 (reconfirmed) ISO 8681:1986 (reconfirmed) ISO/TS 12927:1999 (reconfirmed) ISO/TS 12928:1999 (reconfirmed) T G ISO 19378:2003 (reconfirmed) TC 29 Small tools ISO 522:1975 (reconfirmed) ISO 6104:2005 (reconfirmed) ISO 8020:2002 (reconfirmed) ISO 8977:2003 (reconfirmed) ISO 10072:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 11900-3:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 2380-2:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 8764-2:2004 (reconfirmed) TC 34 Food products ISO 661:2003 (reconfirmed) ISO 16035:2003 (reconfirmed) ISO/TS 23647:2010 TC 44 Welding and allied processes ISO 5182:2008 ISO 15610:2003 (reconfirmed) ISO 15614-10:2005 (reconfirmed) ISO 17652-1:2003 (reconfirmed) ISO 17652-2:2003 (reconfirmed) ISO 17652-3:2003 (reconfirmed) ISO 17652-4:2003 (reconfirmed) ISO 9454-2:1998 (reconfirmed) ISO 9455-2:1993 (reconfirmed) ISO 9455-9:1993 (reconfirmed) ISO 12224-3:2003 (reconfirmed) TC 47 Chemistry ISO 2209:1973 ISO 8174:1986 (reconfirmed) TC 48 Laboratory equipment ISO 385:2005 (reconfirmed) ISO 4788:2005 (reconfirmed) TC 54 Essential oils ISO 4727:1988 (reconfirmed) TC 59 Buildings and civil engineering works ISO 10591:2005 (reconfirmed) ISO 11432:2005 (reconfirmed) TC 68 Financial services ISO 13616-1:2007 ISO 13616-2:2007 TC 69 Applications of statistical methods ISO 2859-3:2005 (reconfirmed) ISO 2859-5:2005 (reconfirmed) ISO 13448-2:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 14560:2004 (reconfirmed) ISO 21247:2005 (reconfirmed) ISO 11648-1:2003 (reconfirmed) TC 79 Light metals and their alloys ISO 3522:2007 ISO 17615:2007 TC 92 Fire safety ISO/TS 17431:2006 (reconfirmed) ISO/TS 22269:2005 (reconfirmed) ISO/TR 22898:2006 TC 108 Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring ISO/TS 15694:2004 (reconfirmed) TC 118 Compressors and pneumatic tools, machines and equipment ISO 5941:1979 (reconfirmed) TC 119 Powder metallurgy ISO 4496:1978 (reconfirmed) ISO 4497:1983 (reconfirmed) TC 122 Packaging ISO 11683:1997 (reconfirmed) ISO 15750-1:2002 (reconfirmed) ISO 15750-2:2002 (reconfirmed) ISO 15750-3:2002 (reconfirmed) TC 123 Plain bearings ISO 16287:2005 (reconfirmed) TC 138 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids ISO 727-2:2005 (reconfirmed) ISO 18553:2002 (reconfirmed) TC 146 Air quality ISO 15202-3:2004 (reconfirmed) TC 164 Mechanical testing of metals ISO 8491:1998 (reconfirmed) ISO 8493:1998 (reconfirmed) TC 181 Safety of toys ISO 8124-4:2010 TC 205 Building environment design ISO 16814:2008 ISO 23045:2008 TC 216 Footwear ISO 17699:2003 ISO 17704:2004 ISO 17707:2005 (reconfirmed) ISO 19952:2005 (reconfirmed) ISO 20868:2001 (reconfirmed) Standards withdrawn Period from 01 January to 31 January 2014 TC 21 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting ISO/TS 20885:2003 (replaced by ISO 14520-1:2006) TC 60 Gears ISO/TR 13593:1999 (replaced by ) ISO/TR 139891:2000 (replaced by ) ISO/TR 139892:2000 (replaced by ) TC 119 Powder metallurgy ISO/TR 14321:1997 (replaced by ) TC 133 Clothing sizing systems - size designation, size measurement methods and digital fittings ISO/TR 10652:1991 (replaced by ) TC 138 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids ISO 4437:2007 (replaced by ISO 4437-1:2014, ISO 4437-2:2014, ISO 4437-3:2014, ISO 4437-5:2014) ISO 8085-1:2001 (replaced by ISO 4437-3:2014) ISO 8085-2:2001 (replaced by ISO 4437-3:2014) ISO 8085-3:2001 (replaced by ISO 4437-3:2014) TC 154 Processes, data elements and documents in commerce, industry and administration ISO/TS 150001:2004 (replaced by ) ISO/TS 150002:2004 (replaced by ) ISO/TS 150003:2004 (replaced by ) ISO/TS 150004:2004 (replaced by ) TC 159 Ergonomics ISO/TS 206461:2004 (replaced by ISO/TS 20646:2014) TMBG Technical Management Board - groups IWA 1:2005 (replaced by ) IWA 3:2005 (replaced by ) Meeting calendar (update at 01 January 2014) Meetings called for the month of December are not in this edition. * Information definite but meeting not yet formally convened ** Provisional February 2014 3-5 St. Petersburg (Russian Federation) TC 172/SC 4 Optics and photonics/Telescopic systems 5-7 Birmingham (United Kingdom) PC 272 Forensic sciences 1011 Paris (France) TC 44/SC 3 Welding and allied processes/Welding consumables 1012 Villepinte (France) TC 44/SC 7 Welding and allied processes/Representation and terms 1014 Paris (France) TC 58/SC 4 Gas cylinders/Operational requirements for gas cylinders 1014 Nairobi (Kenya) TC 285 Clean cookstoves and clean cooking solutions 12 Virtual (Unknown) JTC 1/SC 40 Information technology/IT Service Management and IT Governance 12 Milan (Italy) TC 120/SC 3 Leather/Leather products 1214 Milan (Italy) TC 120 Leather 13 Milan (Italy) TC 120/SC 1 Leather/Raw hides and skins, including pickled pelts 14 Milan (Italy) TC 120/SC 2 Leather/Tanned leather 1821 New Delhi (India) TC 23/SC 18 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry/Irrigation and drainage equipment and systems 19 Geneva (Switzerland) President's committee President's committee 1920 London (United Kingdom) PC 286 Collaborative business relationship management -Framework 2021 Milan (Italy) PC 280 Management Consultancy 21 Berlin (Germany) TC 170 Surgical instruments 21 Stockholm (Sweden) TC 213 Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification 2528 Foz do Iguacu (Brazil) PC 277 Sustainable procurement 26 London (United Kingdom) TC 104/SC 2 Freight containers/Specific purpose containers 2627 Guilin (China) TMB Technical Management Board 2628 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) PC 273 Customer contact centres (South America) * ** JTC 1/SC 35 Information technology/User interfaces March 2014 3-7 Berlin (Germany) JTC 1/SC 34 Information technology/Document description and processing languages 6 Virtual (Unknown) CSC/FIN Council/Council Standing Committee on Finance (CSC/FIN) 1011 Troy (USA) TC 22/SC 11 Road vehicles/Safety glazing materials 12 Tokyo (Japan) TC 22/SC 21 Road vehicles/Electrically propelled road vehicles 13 La Plaine St-Denis TC 5/SC 2 Ferrous metal pipes and metallic fittings/Cast iron pipes, (France) fittings and their joints 13 London (United Kingdom) TC 118/SC 1 Compressors and pneumatic tools, machines and equipment/Process compressors 13 London (United Kingdom) TC 118/SC 3 Compressors and pneumatic tools, machines and equipment/Pneumatic tools and machines 13 London (United Kingdom) TC 118/SC 4 Compressors and pneumatic tools, machines and equipment/Compressed air treatment technology 13 London (United Kingdom) TC 118/SC 6 Compressors and pneumatic tools, machines and equipment/Air compressors and compressed air systems 14 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) TC 94/SC 13 Personal safety -- Protective clothing and equipment/Protective clothing 14 London (United Kingdom) TC 118 Compressors and pneumatic tools, machines and equipment 17 Geneva (Switzerland) * President's committee President's committee 1719 Geneva (Switzerland) * COUNCIL Council 20 Osaka (Japan) TC 86/SC 1 Refrigeration and air-conditioning/Safety and environmental requirements for refrigerating systems 20 Singapore (Singapore) TC 104/SC 1 Freight containers/General purpose containers 21 Singapore (Singapore) TC 104 Freight containers 2327 Warsaw (Poland) * TC 107/SC 4 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Hot dip coatings (galvanized, etc.) 2328 London (United Kingdom) * TC 130 Graphic technology 2427 Warsaw (Poland) TC 107 Metallic and other inorganic coatings 2428 Berlin (Germany) * TC 68/SC 2 Financial services/Financial Services, security 25 Warsaw (Poland) * TC 107/SC 3 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Electrodeposited coatings and related finishes 25 Warsaw (Poland) * TC 107/SC 7 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Corrosion tests 25 Warsaw (Poland) * TC 107/SC 8 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Chemical conversion coatings 2527 Madrid (Spain) PC 278 Anti-bribery management systems 27 Paris (France) TC 274 Light and lighting PC 283 Occupational health and safety management systems * March-April 2014 314 Casablanca (Morocco) April 2014 1 Toronto (Canada) TC 117 Fans 2-3 Berlin (Germany) TC 34/SC 11 Food products/Animal and vegetable fats and oils 2-3 Berlin (Germany) TC 265 Carbon dioxide capture, transportation, and geological storage 3 Paris (France) TC 67/SC 8 Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries/Arctic operations 3 Berlin (Germany) TC 255 Biogas 4 Sydney (Australia) TC 198 Sterilization of health care products 710 Vitoria (Brazil) TC 102 Iron ore and direct reduced iron 711 Delft (Netherlands) TC 6 Paper, board and pulps 711 Lund (Sweden) TC 92 Fire safety 711 Bologna (Italy) TC 110/SC 4 Industrial trucks/Rough-terrain trucks 711 Amsterdam (Netherlands) TC 161 Control and protective devices for gas and/or oil burners and appliances 711 Delft (Netherlands) 8 Berlin (Germany) 8-9 (Japan) ** TC 199 Safety of machinery 810 (Brazil) ** TC 67/SC 2 Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries/Pipeline transportation systems 810 Vitoria (Brazil) TC 102/SC 1 Iron ore and direct reduced iron/Sampling 810 Vitoria (Brazil) TC 102/SC 2 Iron ore and direct reduced iron/Chemical analysis 810 Vitoria (Brazil) TC 102/SC 3 Iron ore and direct reduced iron/Physical testing 9 Tokyo (Japan) TC 23/SC 19 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry/Agricultural electronics 9 Lund (Sweden) TC 92/SC 1 Fire safety/Fire initiation and growth 910 Berlin (Germany) TC 44/SC 10 Welding and allied processes/Unification of requirements in the field of metal welding 911 Busan (Korea, Republic of) TC 112 Vacuum technology 10 Delft (Netherlands) TC 6/SC 2 Paper, board and pulps/Test methods and quality specifications for paper and board 10 Lund (Sweden) TC 92/SC 3 Fire safety/Fire threat to people and environment 10 Prague (Czech Republic) TC 201/SC 8 Surface chemical analysis/Glow discharge spectroscopy 1011 Berlin (Germany) TC 44/SC 8 Welding and allied processes/Equipment for gas welding, cutting and allied processes 11 Lund (Sweden) TC 92/SC 4 Fire safety/Fire safety engineering 11- Maryland (USA) TC 267 Facilities management * ** TC 257 TC 44/SC 11 * General technical rules for determination of energy savings in renovation projects, industrial enterprises and regions Welding and allied processes/Qualification requirements for welding and allied processes personnel 13 1415 Hong Kong (Hong Kong, China) 2226 Mishima (Japan) * 2324 (Europe) ** TC 167 Steel and aluminium structures 2425 Bangkok (Thailand) ** TC 34 Food products 2425 Paris (France) 29 Atlanta (USA) * Berlin (Germany) ** TC 34/SC 2 Food products/Oleaginous seeds and fruits and oilseed meals * JTC 1/SC 38 Information technology/Distributed application platforms and services (DAPS) * TC 184/SC 4 Automation systems and integration/Industrial data JTC 1/SC 27 Information technology/IT Security techniques TC 194 Biological evaluation of medical devices TC 67/SC 6 Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries/Processing equipment and systems TC 219 Floor coverings April-May 2014 283 Sydney (Australia) May 2014 4-9 Philadelphia (USA) 5-8 Washington, D.C (USA) TC 46/SC 9 Information and documentation/Identification and description 5-9 Washington, D.C (USA) TC 46 Information and documentation 5-9 Washington, D.C (USA) TC 46/SC 4 Information and documentation/Technical interoperability 5-9 Washington, D.C (USA) TC 46/SC 11 Information and documentation/Archives/records management 7-9 Delft (Netherlands) PC 259 Outsourcing 8 Washington, D.C (USA) TC 46/SC 8 Information and documentation/Quality - Statistics and performance evaluation 8 Santa María de Lamas (Portugal) 8-9 Wiesbaden (Germany) TC 226 Materials for the production of primary aluminium 916 London (United Kingdom) TC 10 Technical product documentation 10 St. Petersburg, Florida (USA) TC 96 Cranes 1214 Beijing (China) TC 184/SC 5 Automation systems and integration/Interoperability, integration, and architectures for enterprise systems and automation applications 1216 Seoul (Korea, Republic of) * JTC 1/SC 39 Information technology/Sustainability for and by Information Technology 1216 Milan (Italy) ** TC 39/SC 2 ** TC 87 Cork Machine tools/Test conditions for metal cutting machine tools 1216 London (United Kingdom) 1216 Pretoria (South Africa) 1216 Zhangjiajie (China) 1216 Zhangjiajie (China) 13 London (United Kingdom) TC 68/SC 7 Financial services/Core banking 1315 Delft (Netherlands) TC 147/SC 3 Water quality/Radioactivity measurements 14 London (United Kingdom) TC 10/SC 1 Technical product documentation/Basic conventions 14 London (United Kingdom) TC 10/SC 8 Technical product documentation/Construction documentation 14 London (United Kingdom) TC 68/SC 2 Financial services/Financial Services, security 14 Rosslyn (USA) * TC 145/SC 1 Graphical symbols/Public information symbols 1415 Düsseldorf (Germany) * TC 122/SC 4 Packaging/Packaging and the environment 15 London (United Kingdom) * TC 10/SC 6 Technical product documentation/Mechanical engineering documentation 15 London (United Kingdom) TC 68 Financial services 15 Rosslyn (USA) TC 145/SC 2 Graphical symbols/Safety identification, signs, shapes, symbols and colours 15 Rosslyn (USA) * TC 145/SC 3 Graphical symbols/Graphical symbols for use on equipment 1516 Milan (Italy) * COPOLCO Committee on consumer policy 1520 Berlin (Germany) * TC 34/SC 5 Food products/Milk and milk products 16 Rosslyn (USA) TC 145 Graphical symbols 1920 Lübeck (Germany) TC 94 Personal safety -- Protective clothing and equipment 1923 Milan (Italy) * TC 23/SC 13 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry/Powered lawn and garden equipment 1923 Berlin (Germany) * TC 43 Acoustics 1923 Berlin (Germany) TC 43/SC 1 Acoustics/Noise 1923 Berlin (Germany) ** TC 43/SC 2 1923 Karuizawa (Japan) 1924 Woippy (France) * TC 68/SC 4 Financial services/Securities and related financial instruments TC 171 Document management applications TC 195 Building construction machinery and equipment ** TC 195/SC 1 * * Building construction machinery and equipment/Machinery and equipment for concrete work Acoustics/Building acoustics TC 215 Health informatics TC 173/SC 1 Assistive products for persons with disability/Wheelchairs Tokyo (Japan) * 2122 (USA) ** TC 22/SC 3 Road vehicles/Electrical and electronic equipment 22 Prague (Czech Republic) * TC 122 Packaging 23 Milan (Italy) TC 23/SC 7 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry/Equipment for harvesting and conservation 23 Paris (France) * TC 228 Tourism and related services 23 Toronto (Canada) * TC 268 Sustainable development in communities 2324 Beijing (China) TC 24/SC 4 Particle characterization including sieving/Particle characterization 2627 Sapporo (Japan) TC 159/SC 4 Ergonomics/Ergonomics of human-system interaction 2629 Kyoto (Japan) TC 249 Traditional chinese medicine 2630 Tokyo (Japan) TC 20/SC 14 Aircraft and space vehicles/Space systems and operations 2630 Treviso (Italy) TC 133 Clothing sizing systems - size designation, size measurement methods and digital fittings 2631 Panama (Panama) TC 207 Environmental management 2830 Shanghai (China) TC 8/SC 8 Ships and marine technology/Ship design 30 Houston (USA) TC 156 Corrosion of metals and alloys 30 Panama (Panama) TC 207/SC 1 Environmental management/Environmental management systems * TC 67/SC 5 Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries/Casing, tubing and drill pipe 21 Washington, D.C (USA) ** TC 46/SC 10 Information and documentation/Requirements for document storage and conditions for preservation (Europe) ** TC 134 Fertilizers and soil conditioners Berlin (Germany) ** TC 136 Furniture June 2014 1-6 Ronneby (Sweden) ** TC 127 Earth-moving machinery 2-3 Geneva (Switzerland) * CSC/SPC Council/Strategy and Policy Committee (CSC/SPC) 2-6 Washington, D.C (USA) * PC 284 Management system for quality of private security company (PSC) operations - Requirements with guidance 2-6 Berlin (Germany) ** TC 35 2-6 Delft (Netherlands) 2-6 Moscow (Russian Federation) 2-6 Berlin (Germany) 2-6 Luzern (Switzerland) * * Paints and varnishes TC 43/SC 3 Acoustics/Underwater acoustics TC 85 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection TC 211 Geographic information/Geomatics TC 223 Societal security 3 Moscow (Russian Federation) * TC 85/SC 2 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection/Radiological protection 4-5 Geneva (Switzerland) * TMB Technical Management Board 5 (Russian Federation) ** TC 85/SC 6 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection/Reactor technology 5 (Russian Federation) ** TC 85/SC 6 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection/Reactor technology 6 London (United Kingdom) * TC 22/SC 12 Road vehicles/Passive safety crash protection systems 1011 Düsseldorf (Germany) TC 17/SC 10 Steel/Steel for pressure purposes 16 Düsseldorf (Germany) * TC 17/SC 15 Steel/Railway rails, rails fasteners, wheels and wheelsets 1620 London (United Kingdom) * TC 94/SC 6 Personal safety -- Protective clothing and equipment/Eye and face protection 1620 Incheon (Korea, Republic of) TC 121 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment 1620 Baltimore (USA) * TC 188 Small craft 1718 Düsseldorf (Germany) * TC 17/SC 17 Steel/Steel wire rod and wire products 1718 Stockholm (Sweden) * TC 29/SC 10 Small tools/Assembly tools for screws and nuts, pliers and nippers 1719 Paris (France) * TC 22 Road vehicles 18 Berlin (Germany) * TC 220 Cryogenic vessels 1825 Berlin (Germany) JTC 1/SC 28 Information technology/Office equipment 2227 Berlin (Germany) * TC 37 Terminology and other language and content resources 2326 Berlin (Germany) ** TC 37 Terminology and other language and content resources 2327 Oslo (Norway) 2327 Washington, D.C (USA) ** TC 34/SC 9 Food products/Microbiology 2327 London (United Kingdom) * TC 193 Natural gas 2526 Paris (France) * TC 91 Surface active agents 27 Vienna (Austria) TC 69 Applications of statistical methods 27 Vienna (Austria) TC 69/SC 6 Applications of statistical methods/Measurement methods and results 30 Geneva (Switzerland) President's committee President's committee Oslo (Norway) JTC 1/SC 36 ** JTC 1/SC 36 Information technology/Information technology for learning, education and training Information technology/Information technology for learning, education and training London (United Kingdom) ** TC 193/SC 1 Natural gas/Analysis of natural gas * JTC 1/SC 35 Information technology/User interfaces TC 159/SC 3 Ergonomics/Anthropometry and biomechanics June-July 2014 304 Hangzhou (China) July 2014 7-9 Berlin (Germany) * 711 Vienna (Austria) ** PC 271 Compliance management systems 811 Boulder (USA) * REMCO Committee on reference materials 811 Clemson (USA) * TC 189 Ceramic tile 25 Sydney (Australia) * TC 94/SC 14 Personal safety -- Protective clothing and equipment/Firefighters' personal equipment September 2014 2-4 Research Triangle Park (USA) * TC 34/SC 16 Food products/Horizontal methods for molecular biomarker analysis 3-5 Berlin (Germany) * TC 202 Microbeam analysis 3-5 Berlin (Germany) * TC 202/SC 1 Microbeam analysis/Terminology 3-5 Berlin (Germany) * TC 202/SC 2 Microbeam analysis/Electron probe microanalysis 3-5 Berlin (Germany) * TC 202/SC 3 Microbeam analysis/Analytical electron microscopy 3-5 Berlin (Germany) * TC 202/SC 4 Microbeam analysis/Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) 3-6 Berlin (Germany) ** TC 201 7 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) * President's committee President's committee 8-9 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) * DEVCO Committee on developing country matters 8-9 Madrid (Spain) * JTC 1/SC 22 Information technology/Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces 8-9 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) * TMB Technical Management Board 812 Paris (France) ** TC 108/SC 5 Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring/Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machine systems 812 Kyoto (Japan) ** TC 258 Project, programme and portfolio management 812 (Canada) ** TC 275 Sludge recovery, recycling, treatment and disposal 919 Paris (France) * TC 213 Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification 10 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) * CSC/FIN Council/Council Standing Committee on Finance (CSC/FIN) Surface chemical analysis 1012 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) * GA General Assembly 13 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) * COUNCIL Council 1420 Berlin (Germany) * TC 106 Dentistry 1519 Seoul (Korea, Republic of) ** TC 150 Implants for surgery 1519 Wuxi (China) * TC 163 Thermal performance and energy use in the built environment 1519 Wuxi (China) * TC 205 Building environment design 1718 Bangkok (Thailand) * TC 67 Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries 1819 Manchester (United Kingdom) ** TC 24/SC 4 Particle characterization including sieving/Particle characterization 20 Manchester (United Kingdom) * TC 281 Fine Bubble Technology 21 Amsterdam (Netherlands) * TC 254 Safety of amusement rides and amusement devices 22 Berlin (Germany) * TC 172 Optics and photonics 2223 Stockholm (Sweden) * TC 17/SC 11 Steel/Steel castings 2223 Stockholm (Sweden) * TC 17/SC 16 Steel/Steels for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete 2226 Honolulu, Hawaii (USA) * TC 61 Plastics 2226 Honolulu, Hawaii (USA) ** TC 61/SC 10 Plastics/Cellular plastics 2226 Durban (South Africa) ** TC 146 Air quality 2226 Durban (South Africa) ** TC 146/SC 1 Air quality/Stationary source emissions 2226 Durban (South Africa) * Air quality/Workplace atmospheres 2226 Durban (South Africa) ** TC 146/SC 6 Air quality/Indoor air 2226 Tokyo (Japan) ** TC 165 Timber structures 2227 Honolulu, Hawaii (USA) * TC 61/SC 9 Plastics/Thermoplastic materials 2325 Berlin (Germany) * TC 172/SC 5 Optics and photonics/Microscopes and endoscopes 2325 (Switzerland) ** TC 256 Pigments, dyestuffs and extenders 2425 Geneva (Switzerland) * Committee on conformity assessment TC 146/SC 2 CASCO 25 Honolulu, Hawaii (USA) ** TC 61/SC 13 Plastics/Composites and reinforcement fibres 25 Chicago (USA) * Light metals and their alloys/Titanium 25 (United Kingdom) ** TC 142 Cleaning equipment for air and other gases 2526 (Sweden) ** TC 17 Steel 26 Beijing (China) ** TC 23/SC 6 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry/Equipment for crop protection (Germany) ** TC 21/SC 5 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting/Fixed firefighting systems using water Sydney (Australia) ** TC 21/SC 6 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting/Foam and powder media and firefighting systems using foam and powder Copenhagen (Denmark) ** TC 34/SC 17 Food products/Management systems for food safety Milan (Italy) ** TC 39/SC 4 Machine tools/Woodworking machines Seattle (USA) ** TC 89 Wood-based panels Stockholm (Sweden) ** TC 210 Quality management and corresponding general aspects for medical devices TC 79/SC 11 September-October 2014 293 Paris (France) ** TC 218 Timber 303 Fortaleza (Brazil) * Petroleum products and lubricants TC 28 3rd Quarter 2014 London (United Kingdom) ** TC 48 Laboratory equipment 2nd-3rd Quarter 2014 Ljimuden (Netherlands) ** TC 17/SC 9 Steel/Tinplate and blackplate October 2014 510 Berlin (Germany) 6-8 Moscow (Russian Federation) 611 TC 215 Health informatics * TC 20 Aircraft and space vehicles Sao Paulo (Brazil) * JTC 1/SC 38 Information technology/Distributed application platforms and services (DAPS) 810 London (United Kingdom) * TC 25 Cast irons and pig irons 1416 Suzhou (China) * TC 164/SC 5 Mechanical testing of metals/Fatigue testing 15 Suzhou (China) * TC 164/SC 4 Mechanical testing of metals/Toughness testing -- Fracture (F), Pendulum (P), Tear (T) 1516 Suzhou (China) * TC 164/SC 2 Mechanical testing of metals/Ductility testing 16 Suzhou (China) * TC 164/SC 3 1617 (Czech Republic) ** TC 58/SC 2 Gas cylinders/Cylinder fittings 17 Suzhou (China) * Mechanical testing of metals/Uniaxial testing 2023 Tokyo (Japan) ** TC 23/SC 17 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry/Manually portable forest machinery 2024 (Korea, Republic of) ** TC 138 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids 2024 Nunspeet (Netherlands) TC 149/SC 1 Cycles/Cycles and major sub-assemblies 2024 Berlin (Germany) TC 190 Soil quality 2024 Berlin (Germany) * TC 190/SC 1 Soil quality/Evaluation of criteria, terminology and codification 2024 Berlin (Germany) * TC 190/SC 2 Soil quality/Sampling 2024 Berlin (Germany) * TC 190/SC 3 Soil quality/Chemical methods and soil characteristics 2024 Berlin (Germany) * TC 190/SC 4 Soil quality/Biological methods 2024 Berlin (Germany) * TC 190/SC 5 Soil quality/Physical methods 2024 Berlin (Germany) * TC 190/SC 7 Soil quality/Soil and site assessment 2223 Tokyo (Japan) * TC 79/SC 2 Light metals and their alloys/Organic and anodic oxidation coatings on aluminium 2324 (South Africa) ** TC 178 Lifts, escalators and moving walks 2731 Berlin (Germany) * TC 264 Fireworks 2830 Sydney (Australia) * TC 17/SC 1 Steel/Methods of determination of chemical composition 29 (Europe) ** TC 79 Light metals and their alloys 2931 Tokyo (Japan) * Aircraft and space vehicles/Aerospace fluid systems and components Miami (USA) ** TC 44/SC 3 Welding and allied processes/Welding consumables Toronto (Canada) ** TC 59 Buildings and civil engineering works (Canada) ** TC 59/SC 3 Buildings and civil engineering works/Functional/user requirements and performance in building construction Toronto (Canada) ** TC 59/SC 8 Buildings and civil engineering works/Sealants Toronto (Canada) ** TC 59/SC 13 Buildings and civil engineering works/Organization of information about construction works Toronto (Canada) ** TC 59/SC 15 Buildings and civil engineering works/Performance description of houses Tokyo (Japan) ** TC 79/SC 5 Light metals and their alloys/Magnesium and alloys of cast or wrought magnesium TC 164/SC 1 TC 20/SC 10 Mechanical testing of metals/Hardness testing Prague (Czech Republic) ** TC 135 Non-destructive testing (Czech Republic) ** TC 206 Fine ceramics Seoul (Korea, Republic of) ** TC 209 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments November 2014 3-7 Cape Town (South Africa) * TC 45 Rubber and rubber products 3-7 Cape Town (South Africa) * TC 45/SC 1 Rubber and rubber products/Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies 3-7 Cape Town (South Africa) * TC 45/SC 2 Rubber and rubber products/Testing and analysis 1421 Tel Aviv (Israel) * TC 176 Quality management and quality assurance 1421 (North America) ** TC 176/SC 1 Quality management and quality assurance/Concepts and terminology 1520 Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) * Information technology JTC 1 December 2014 910 Düsseldorf (Germany) ** TC 17/SC 4 Steel/Heat treatable and alloy steels Copenhagen (Denmark) ** TC 98 Bases for design of structures Copenhagen (Denmark) ** TC 98/SC 2 Bases for design of structures/Reliability of structures Copenhagen (Denmark) ** TC 98/SC 3 Bases for design of structures/Loads, forces and other actions ** TC 34/SC 4 Food products/Cereals and pulses 4th Quarter 2014 (Portugal) 2nd Semester 2014 Madrid (Spain) ** TC 34/SC 7 Food products/Spices, culinary herbs and condiments Month unknown 2014 Beijing (China) ** TC 36 Cinematography (Japan) ** TC 44 Welding and allied processes Seoul (Korea, Republic of) ** TC 138/SC 2 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids/Plastics pipes and fittings for water supplies Berlin (Germany) ** TC 201/SC 6 Surface chemical analysis/Secondary ion mass spectrometry * Welding and allied processes/Equipment for gas welding, cutting and allied processes January 2015 2223 Cape Town (South Africa) February 2015 TC 44/SC 8 313 London (United Kingdom) * St. Petersburg, Florida (USA) ** TC 115 Pumps TC 213 Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification March 2015 1718 Geneva (Switzerland) * COUNCIL Council 2325 Vienna (Austria) * JTC 1/SC 38 Information technology/Distributed application platforms and services (DAPS) 1st Quarter 2015 Foshan (China) ** TC 107 Metallic and other inorganic coatings Foshan (China) ** TC 107/SC 3 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Electrodeposited coatings and related finishes Foshan (China) ** TC 107/SC 4 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Hot dip coatings (galvanized, etc.) Foshan (China) ** TC 107/SC 7 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Corrosion tests Foshan (China) ** TC 107/SC 8 Metallic and other inorganic coatings/Chemical conversion coatings April 2015 24 Atlanta (USA) ** TC 6/SC 2 Paper, board and pulps/Test methods and quality specifications for paper and board 25 Atlanta (USA) ** TC 6 Paper, board and pulps (France) ** TC 29 Small tools (France) ** TC 29/SC 9 Small tools/Tools with defined cutting edges, cutting items (USA) ** TC 34/SC 15 Food products/Coffee Tienjin (China) ** TC 161 Control and protective devices for gas and/or oil burners and appliances (Europe) ** TC 215 Health informatics (Czech Republic) ** TC 224 Service activities relating to drinking water supply systems and wastewater systems - Quality criteria of the service and performance indicators May 2015 1112 Kuching (Malaysia) * 1822 London (United Kingdom) ** TC 4 Rolling bearings Tokyo (Japan) ** TC 113 Hydrometry Tokyo (Japan) ** TC 113/SC 1 Hydrometry/Velocity area methods Tokyo (Japan) ** TC 113/SC 2 Hydrometry/Flow measurement structures Tokyo (Japan) ** TC 113/SC 5 Hydrometry/Instruments, equipment and data management Tokyo (Japan) ** TC 113/SC 6 Hydrometry/Sediment transport Tokyo (Japan) ** TC 113/SC 8 Hydrometry/Ground water JTC 1/SC 27 Information technology/IT Security techniques June 2015 1-5 Tokyo (Japan) ** TC 42 Photography 1-6 Philadelphia (USA) ** TC 147 Water quality 1819 Frankfurt (Germany) * TC 184/SC 2 Automation systems and integration/Robots and robotic devices 2226 Göteborg (Sweden) * TC 188 Small craft Beijing (China) ** TC 46 Information and documentation ** TC 172/SC 7 Optics and photonics/Ophthalmic optics and instruments 2nd Quarter 2015 (China) 1st Semester 2015 (Europe) ** TC 184 Automation systems and integration September 2015 1425 Berlin (Germany) * TC 213 Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification 1618 Seoul (Korea, Republic of) * GA General Assembly 19 Seoul (Korea, Republic of) * COUNCIL Council Vienna (Austria) ** TC 33 Refractories Paris (France) ** TC 34/SC 17 Food products/Management systems for food safety (Netherlands) ** TC 258 Project, programme and portfolio management ** TC 215 Health informatics 3rd Quarter 2015 Sao Paulo (Brazil) 2nd-3rd Quarter 2015 ** TC 126/SC 1 Tobacco and tobacco products/Physical and dimensional tests Nairobi (Kenya) ** TC 38 Textiles Nairobi (Kenya) ** TC 38/SC 1 Textiles/Tests for coloured textiles and colorants Nairobi (Kenya) ** TC 38/SC 2 Textiles/Cleansing, finishing and water resistance tests Nairobi (Kenya) ** TC 38/SC 23 Textiles/Fibres and yarns Nairobi (Kenya) ** TC 38/SC 24 Textiles/Conditioning atmospheres and physical tests for textile fabrics Sao Paulo (Brazil) ** TC 58/SC 2 Gas cylinders/Cylinder fittings ** JTC 1 Information technology (Europe) October 2015 November 2015 (China) 2nd Semester 2015 (Europe) ** TC 126/SC 2 Tobacco and tobacco products/Leaf tobacco Month unknown 2015 (South Africa) ** REMCO Committee on reference materials (Switzerland) ** TC 17/SC 17 Steel/Steel wire rod and wire products (Brazil) ** TC 23/SC 17 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry/Manually portable forest machinery (USA) ** TC 27 Solid mineral fuels (Japan) ** TC 37 Terminology and other language and content resources (Finland) ** TC 44 Welding and allied processes (France) ** TC 45 Rubber and rubber products (Russian Federation) ** TC 96 Cranes Berlin (Germany) ** TC 138 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids (Japan) ** TC 142 Cleaning equipment for air and other gases (China) ** TC 155 Nickel and nickel alloys (United Kingdom) ** TC 164 Mechanical testing of metals (Austria) ** TC 190 Soil quality (Korea, Republic of) ** TC 206 Fine ceramics (China) ** TC 274 Light and lighting ** TC 213 Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification Seoul (Korea, Republic of) ** TC 161 Control and protective devices for gas and/or oil burners and appliances (Australia) ** TC 178 Lifts, escalators and moving walks ** JTC 1 Information technology February 2016 (USA) April 2016 November 2016 (Norway) Month unknown 2016 (Russian Federation) ** REMCO Committee on reference materials (Australia) ** TC 44 Welding and allied processes (Malaysia) ** TC 45 Rubber and rubber products (China) ** TC 138/SC 2 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids/Plastics pipes and fittings for water supplies