Errors in Moodle (Arabic Language)

Errors in Moodle (Arabic Language)
Teaching Language in the Low Cambridge Secondary programme
First Page
 The word assignments translated as the word mission
Administration Page
 Under the administration menu  Profile the word roles
translated as plural. even its one role ( In English we can use
Role(s) but in Arabic we cant it should be (‫الدور‬/‫)االدوار‬
 Under the blog tab in the profile menu the spelling of the
translation for word here is wrong it should be (‫ )هنا‬not (‫)هناء‬
 Profileactivity reports All logs The word records should
translated according to the number such as 136 ‫ سجل‬and 8 ‫سجالت‬
Participant page
 In the Participants menu the word ‫ نشيطين‬informal it should be
‫ نشطين‬and there is mistake in the word ‫ إلكثر‬it should be ‫ألكثر‬
 In the drop menu after the word ‫ من‬in the participant menu
there is a mistake ‫ اسابيع‬1 WHICH IS ‫ اسابيع‬is plural.
 The alphabetical letters should end with full stop not comma
Messages page
 In the messages menu under the contact tab there is a mistake in
the words ‫ الصفحةأستخدم‬should be space and should be written
like this ‫ إستخدم‬,‫الصفحة‬
 In the messages menu under the search tab the translation for
the words only in my courses doesn’t make sense it should be
‫فقط في مقرراتي الدراسية‬
 The word include block user there is a mistake in the spelling
should be ‫ المستخدمين‬not ‫المستخدميين‬
 In the messages under the settings tab There is mistake in the
translation of the word comes in it should be ‫ وصول‬not ‫وصوول‬
Old topics Page
 In the old topic page there is a mistake in the spelling of the
word ‫ ابداء‬it should be ‫ابدأ‬
 In the old topic page the in top to the write should be ‫هذا المنتدى‬
‫يجبر الكل على االشتراك‬.
Advance search Page:
 The advance search menu the word ‫ تالتية‬should be ‫ثالثية‬
 The advance search in the sentence Posts must be newer than
this the translation gives different meaning it should be ‫المشاركات‬
‫يجب ان ال تكون احدث من‬
 the sentence Posts must be older than
this the translation gives different meaning it should be
‫المشاركات يجب ان ال تكوت اقدم من‬
 There is a mistake in translation this (These words should be in
the subject ) the mistake in spelling the word ‫ كلة‬which must be
‫ كلمة‬.
Note: Those Error just when you log as user, there are some common
errors when you log as administrator such as the messages page