UNIVERSIDAD DE ESPECIALIDADES ESPÍRITU SANTO FACULTAD DE ESTUDIOS INTERNACIONALES INTERNATIONAL CAREERS PROGRAM SYLLABUS COURSE: TRA 111 History of Translation and Interpretation FACULTY: Benoit Verplancke SCHEDULE: BIMESTER: Summer 2007 ACADEMIC UNITS/CRÉDITS: 3 UEES (S.N.C.C. 4.8 ) PRE REQUISITES: CONTACT HOURS: 48h 30 DAYS ROOM: NON-CONTACT HOURS: 96h 1. COURSE DESCRIPTION This course deals with Translation and Interpretation in the History of Mankind. Course offers an overview of translation through history and analyzes some of the most important roles played by translators and interpreters both in East and West. Students will explore specific periods or aspects of particular interest and will discuss their readings and research in class. The course highlights the role of translators and interpreters as intercultural communicators and as instruments of power. 2. OBJECTIVES a. GENERAL Foster awareness among the future translators and interpreters about their role in history and society. b. SPECIFIC a. Make the students cognizant about the chief translational contributions produced in the West and East from the 1st century BC until after the Second World War. b. Familiarize the students with the most meaningful translational texts that sprung from various Western languages and cultures during the above mentioned period. c. Provide the students with the necessary and sufficient critical capacity in order to comment on whichever translational text belonging to the above mentioned period. d. Foster awareness among students about the connexion between History of Translation and general History. Agosto 2006 3. COURSE CONTENT OUTLINE DATES & SESSIONS Session 1 27/6/2007 Session 2 28/6/2007 SPECIFIC COMPETENCIES CONTENTS Introduction Develop insight into the role of translators in the process of establishing a norm for language and its (alphabetical) annotation Translators and the Invention of Alphabets -Ulfila, evangelist to the Goths -Mesrop Mashots and the flowering of Armenian culture -Cyril and Methodius among the Slavs NON CONTACT HOURS p. XIII-XVI p. 1-6 p.7-17 Session 3 2/7/2007 -James Evans and the Cree Indians of Canada Translators and the Development of National Languages: -A language for England p. 17-35 Session 4 3/7/2007 -The emancipation French -The development Swedish p. 35-45 Session 5 4/7/2007 of of -Martin Luther: artisan of the German language -The evolution of Gbaya in Cameroon -Hebrew, a modern language for Israel Understand the role Translators and the translators play in Emergence of National literary development Literatures -Joost van den Vondel and the Dutch Golden Age -Translating Shakespeare to/on the European Continent p. 45- 66 Session 7 9/7/2007 -Changing sides: the case of Ireland -Speaking intimately to the Scottish soul – in translation p. 79-88 Session 8 10/7/2007 -Jorge Luis Borges and the birth of Argentine literature -Translation and transmission in African literatures p. 88-100 Session 6 5/7/2007 Session 9 11/7/2007 Measure the importante Translators and of translation as a tool Dessemination Agosto 2006 the of p. 67-79 p. 101-112 ASSESSMENT Class discussion with questions to check the readings, individual oral presentations every day. for diffusion of Knowledge knowledge throughout -China: importing the world knowledge from India and the West -India: hub of translation through the ages Session 10 12/7/2007 -Baghdad: centre of Arabic translation -Toledo: cultural exchange and rebirth -The Nordic countries: breaking the barrier of isolation. p. 112-130 Translators and the Reins of Power -The Balfour Declaration: “homeland” of “national home”? -Medieval translation enterprises from Baghdad to Western Europe p. 131-138 Session 12 17/7/2007 -Toward multiple centres of power: the case of France -Translation as subversion: Italy and the former Soviet Union p. 138-147 Session 13 18/7/2007 -Conquest and colonization in the New World -Women translators: England, the Continent and North America -Translators who wielded power p. 148-158 Session 14 19/7/2007 Session 15 23/7/2007 Midterm Exam Session 11 16/7/2007 Foster awareness of the influence translators can exert on the geopolitical scene Estimate the role of translation in the transmission of religious texts and cultural phenomena Session 16 25/7/2007 Session 17 26/7/2007 Agosto 2006 Translators and the Spread of Religions -Judaism: the oral and written word from ancient to modern times -Christianity: religious texts in the languages of the world -Islam : the Koran, untranslatable yet abundantly translated -Hinduism: the case of the Bhagavad Gita -Buddhism: the spread of the religion across East Asia Translators and the Transmission of Cultural Values p. 159-176 p. 177-190 P. 191-200 -The translator’s letter home -The Koranic Orient and religious pluralism Session 18 30/7/2007 -Elizabethan England: translating with a purpose -A Huguenot in England : the Emergence of European consciousness p. 201-207 Session 19 31/7/2007 -Revolutionary France: serving the cause -France’s infatuation with the Gothic Novel France p. 208-215 Session 20 1/8/2007 -The impact of translated thought: a Chinese example -American science fiction and the birth of a genre in Developping glossaries Translators and the and dictionaries Writing of Dictionaries -Unilingual dictionaries: from clay tablets to supermarket editions -Multilingual dictionaries: internationalization and the birth of lexicography p.215-228 -Specialized dictionaries: medical glossaries to computerized term banks Interpreters and the Making of History -The evolutions of methods and training -Transmitting the Word of God -Exploration and Conquest -War and peace How Conference Interpretation Grew Translation as Innate Skills Interpreter Roles and Interpretation Situations Review p. 236-244 Session 21 2/8/2007 Session 22 6/8/2007 Session 23 7/8/2007 Realize the role of interpreters in History, the development of the profession, the skills it takes Session 24 8/8/2007 Session 25 13/8/2007 Session 26 14/8/2007 Session 27 15/8/2007 Session 28 16/8/2007 Session 29 20/8/2007 Session 30 21/8/2007 p. 228-236 p. 245- 258 p. 258-273 p. 5-9 P. 155-169 p. 217-229 Final Exam Correction Exam Final Grade and 4. METHODOLOGY Every class will start with an oral presentation of one of the students, highlighting one of the historical figures mentioned in the section of the textbook Agosto 2006 who is assigned to that particular student. During the first week all students will receive a topic. The rest of the class will then follow with a thorough analysis providing a historical background for the foregoing presentation. Students will also be required to make a paper, about which they will be sent a set of instructions through METIS. 5. ASSESSMENT Oral presentations: 20 pts. Research paper: 20 pts. Class participation: 10 pts. Exam: 50 pts. Total: 100 pts. 6. BIBLIOGRAPHY 6.1 REQUIRED Deslisle Jean and Judith Woolsworth (eds) Translators throughout history (in Benjamins Translation Library, vol. 13), John Benjamins : Philadelphia, 1995. 6.2 COMPLEMENTARY AA. VV. (1999), Menéndez Pelayo Digital [edición de las obras completas de D. Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo en CD-ROM), Madrid, Digibis. Ballard, Michel (1992), De Cicéron a Benjamin. Traducteurs, traductions, réflexions, Lille, Presses Universitaires de Lille. Catelli, Nora y Marietta Gargatagli (1998), El tabaco que fumaba Plinio. Escenas de la traducción en España y América: relatos, leyes y reflexiones sobre los otros, Barcelona, Serbal. Delisle, Jean y J. Woodsworth (1995), Les traducteurs dans l’histoire, Les Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa / Éditions Unesco [Translators through History, Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 1995]. D'Hulst, Lieven (1995), «Pour une historiographie des théories de la traduction: questions de méthode», TTR, 8 (1), págs. 83-111. García Yebra, Valentín (1983), En torno a la traducción, Madrid, Gredos. — (1994), Traducción: historia y teoría, Madrid, Gredos. — (2004), Traducción y enriquecimiento de la lengua del traductor, Madrid, Gredos. Hoof, Henri van (1991), Histoire de la traduction en Occident, París, Duculot. Hurtado Albir, Amparo (2001), «Evolución de la reflexión sobre la traducción», en Traducción y Traductología. Introducción a la Traductología, Madrid, Cátedra, págs. 99-132. Lafarga, Francisco (1996), El discurso sobre la traducción en la historia. Antología bilingüe, Barcelona, EUB. López García, Dámaso (1996), Teorías de la traducción: antología de textos, Cuenca, Universidad Castilla-La Mancha. Menéndez Pelayo, Marcelino (1952-1953), Biblioteca de Traductores Españoles, Madrid, CSIC. Agosto 2006 Rener, Frederick M. (1989), Interpretatio: Language and Translation from Cicero to Tytler, Amsterdam y Atlanta, Rodopi. Ruiz Casanova, José Francisco (2000), Aproximación a una Historia de la Traducción en España, Madrid, Cátedra. Santoyo, Julio-César (1999), Historia de la traducción: quince apuntes, León, Universidad de León. — [coordinador] (1987), Teoría y crítica de la traducción. Antología, Barcelona, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Steiner, George (19952), Después de Babel. Aspectos de lenguaje y traducción, México D. F., Fondo de Cultura Económica. — (1996), «¿Qué es literatura comparada?», en Pasión intacta, Madrid, Siruela, págs. 121-145. Vega Cernuda, Miguel Ángel [coordinador] (1996), Textos clásicos de teoría de la traducción, Madrid, Cátedra. Venuti, Lawrence (1995), The Translator’s Invisibility. A History of Translation, Londres, Routledge. 6.3 HANDOUTS: In addition to the textbook, students will also be provided with a number of articles, all handed out for them to take copies during the first week of classes. 6.4 WEBLIOGRAPHY: 7. FACULTY INFORMATION NAME: Benoit Verplancke DEGREES: Undergraduate: B.A. Translation French-Dutch-Spanish B.A. Translation in English Graduate Studies: M.A. Interpretation EMAIL: bverplan@uees.edu.ec Agosto 2006 UNIVERSITY: Erasmus Rue de Trêves 84 Bruxelles VLEKHO Rue Royale 336 Bruxelles VLEKHO Rue Royale 336 Bruxelles