MEDIA RELEASE Better understanding of groundwater allocation For immediate release: 12 May 2009 Environment Bay of Plenty now has a better understanding of the groundwater systems and how much groundwater is available for allocation in the western Bay of Plenty, Paengaroa and Matata areas. The regional council commissioned GNS Science to review the groundwater resources in these areas. GNS Science mapped the geology and nature of the aquifer systems (the bodies of rock through which water flows) and the layers of rock in the western Bay of Plenty and Paengaroa/Matata areas to assess groundwater availability. The report’s initial findings were presented to the council’s Regulation Monitoring and Investigation Committee recently and made recommendations to improve resource management, data records, consent allocation management and policy direction. This included water consents for actual use – estimated on how much water would be needed for frost protection, irrigation and municipal supply; instead of the current consent allocation which assumes the volume will be taken 365 days of the year, which in most cases does not occur. The report found that several wells in the coastal areas are at risk of salt water intrusion because the groundwater level is close to or below sea level. Environment Bay of Plenty Group Manager Water Management Eddie Grogan said the report is a timely wake up call. “The Bay of Plenty is in a good position currently. However, while there is little scientific evidence that groundwater catchments are under pressure the work has identified some that are theoretically over-allocated or near full allocation,“ Mr Grogan said. “The report provides us with a great springboard to be smarter about how we allocate water and push people to use this valuable resource with greater efficiency. “As a regional council we’re committed to managing the region’s water resource in a way that’s sustainable, while still supporting economic well-being. We want to assist people to get the water they need now and into the future and suggest that they talk to us about water availability before committing to land use change that requires water,” he said. 5 Quay Street, P O Box 364, Whakatane, New Zealand Telephone: 0800 ENV BOP (368 267) Email: Pollution Hotline: 0800 73 83 93 Facsimile: 0800 ENV FAX (368 329) Website: International: +64 7 9223390 2 The council’s draft Ten Year Plan identifies sustainable water management as a key activity and the Regional Water and Land Plan provides the statutory framework for Environment Bay of Plenty to allocate groundwater based on sustainable yields. Environment Bay of Plenty plans to evaluate the Rangitaiki Plains’ groundwater systems in the 2010/11 financial year and the Opotiki Plains’ the following year. Ends. For further media information please contact Eddie Grogan, Group Manager Water Management on 0800 ENV BOP (368 267) or Amanda Weatherley, Communications Advisor, on 0800 ENV BOP (368 267) ext 8150 or (021) 923 339.