LEAD and SERVE constitute the conceptual framework for all programs for professional educators in the College of Education at NC State. They are the touchstones that assure that our students graduate with the following: LEAD: four forms of knowledge; general pedagogy, content-specific pedagogical strategies, content or discipline knowledge as well as knowledge of the content of education, including foundations, historical perspectives and school settings. SERVE: elements that show the range of dispositions developed in our candidates; scholarly, ethical, reflective, valuing diversity and experienced in practical application of knowledge. General Course Information COURSE NUMBER AND TITLE: TDE 452 Lab Planning in Technology Education Spring Semester 2010 Phone W. J. Haynie, III, Ph.D. Office No 502-D Poe Hall 919/515-1748 (W) 919 779-6221 (H) Office Hours: 3:30 – 4:30 T & W Other times by appointment COURSE DESCRIPTION: Knowledge and experience about laboratory planning are provided. Physical layout, selection, specification, and cost of equipment; the safe operation, repair and maintenance of both power and hand tools; specification of expendable supplies, estimating, and ordering. COURSE OBJECTIVES: The Technology Education Laboratory Planning course is designed to: 1. Provide the student with skill and knowledge related to layout, equipment selection, installation and maintenance of power and hand tools. (LEADSERVE 2, 4, 9) (INTASC 5) (NCDPI-C 4) (NCDPI-D 1) (SA-TED 4, 7) 2. Provide knowledge about expendable supplies, prices, ordering, storage, and distribution. (SA-TED 7) 3. Provide knowledge of safety rules and regulations, both state and federal, as related to school laboratory safety and accidents. (LEADSERVE 2, 4, 9) (INTASC 5) (SA-TED 4, 6, 7) For Teaching Majors, this is a companion course to Student Teaching, the culminating capstone for the TED teaching curriculum and thus the course objectives address the elements of the conceptual framework highlighted below: L: Learn general pedagogy E: Educate with content specific strategies for teaching, may include technology -- SAFETY A: Apply discipline or content specific knowledge D: Demonstrate understanding the educational context, i.e., school culture, societal issues -- SETTING S: Scholarly knowledge base to guide educational decisions E: Ethical disposition for behaving with respect, integrity, personal responsibility R: Reflective and self-evaluative V: Value diversity with a sensitivity to cultural, economic, developmental, ethnic, racial, gender, religious and sexual orientation differences E: Experienced in practical application of knowledge – MANAGEMENT OF FACILITY The College of Education’s Conceptual Framework may be found in its entirety at http://ced.ncsu.edu/about/conceptual_framework.htm SYLLABUS: I. Introduction to lab planning A. The need for effective lab planning B. The facilities planning procedure 1. Evaluation of existing facilities 2. Redesign 3. New facilities II. C. Principles of laboratory organization Facilities design considerations A. Philosophy of instructional program B. Student needs 1.Handicapped - special populations 2.Multicultural - differing cultures represented in posters, bulletin boards, etc. 3. Gifted - creative environments C.Teacher needs D.Space needs 1. 2. 3. E. F. G. H. Enrollment projections Class size Equipment requirements Curriculum requirements Laboratory location Equipment layout and work flow Space relationships 1. Form 2. I. J. Function Traffic flow Auxiliary areas and storage 1. Tool storage 2. Material storage 3. Office III. Safety Considerations A. OSHA Standards B. Developing safety standards C.NCDPI safety practices for technology education laboratories D.Safety resources E.Liability IV. Environmental Considerations A. Visual 1. Color 2. Lighting B. Auditory - noise control C. Air 1. Ventilation 2. Heating 3. Air conditioning V. VI. Acquisition of Equipment, Materials and Contractual Services A.Equipment selection B. Materials selection 1. Budget requirements 2. Purchase requests C.Contractual services D.Utilities Administration of Programs and Facilities A.Promotion of lab safety B.Development of public relations C.Maintenance and records D.Preparation of budgets E.Laboratory maintenance systems F.Operation of a personnel system G.Issuance of materials and equipment H.Computer applications lab management Attendance Policy: As professionals (to be), your attendance is EXPECTED at every class meeting. Attendance will be taken regularly. Since there are only seven class meetings (plus the exam) ONE (1) unexcused absence (as defined by University policy) will result in a letter grade deduction from the final grade. An additional letter will be dropped for each unexcused absence thereafter. Unexcused tardies will accrue such that two tardies equal one absence. Any tardy which exceeds 20 minutes will be considered an absence. Missed appointments or work days at the school or employment site will be considered absences also and grade reductions will be made on pro-rata basis in consultation with the student's supervisor. Incompletes (as grades) are not given except for unpreventable urgency as provided under University policy. Makeup work is not allowed for cuts and will be arranged individually for documented excused absences. Note: As developing professionals, it is expected that your papers will be well written, grammatically correct, and properly proofed--assignments are to be prepared in a professional manner. Grading System: The weight percentage of each assignment is given with the descriptions of assignments. Regrettably, the University requires use of +/- grades. Academic Integrity: Your name (whether signed, written, printed, or typed) on any work submitted is your pledge that you have neither given nor received any unauthorized help on the work. NOTE ABOUT DUE DATES-- Due dates are important. They indicate your willingness to bite the bullet and get the job done on time. Papers and assignments are due on the date posted in this course outline. You must plan accordingly. Get the work done early enough so that unexpected problems (like broken hands, broken typewriters, or big green monsters that eat only Technology Education term papers) will not prevent your delivering it on time. If you must miss class on the day a paper/project is due, it is your responsibility to have it delivered somehow. Any paper or project which is not delivered on the due date will suffer a OneLetter-Grade Penalty. All work in this class is due on the last scheduled class meeting date. Papers which are not delivered by the examination date WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AT ALL, and a grade of zero (about 7 times worse than an F) will be recorded. Schedule your time wisely! COURSE REQUIREMENTS: 1. Existing facility and modifications: (10%) a) Construct a 1/4 scale drawing of the floor plan of your laboratory or work setting. b) Prepare a 1/4 scale overlay showing the placement of major equipment and laboratory components. c) Analyze the traffic patterns and work flow relationships in the lab. Identify problem areas associated with the arrangement of the physical facility. d) Based upon your analysis, prepare recommendations for facility modification. 2. Improvement Project: (10%) Select one area of the laboratory or work setting which requires modification. Implement a laboratory improvement project which results in a more effective learning/working environment. Document your project and explain how it has contributed to improved instruction/effectiveness (examples of lab improvement projects could include the construction of tool panels, material storage, a material control/ distribution system, etc.). Documentation should include written description, photographs (before and after), and comments by the cooperating teacher or supervisor about the need and impact of the changes. 3. Develop a long term plan for the continual upgrading of your laboratory or work setting. Include a rationale for new equipment, equipment replacement, and facility modification. (5%) 4. Develop an ultimate technology education laboratory or work setting. Either use a 1/4 scale and movable cutouts or computer software to plan space utilization. Only submit hardcopy printouts, but you must be able to prove that an iterative process was used. Include a bubble diagram of the major areas required, a list of the major activities to be performed in these areas, and prepare a presentation drawing of your concept. (10%) (Signature Artifact # 1 for TED 452) 5. Obtain a representative budget figure for your area. Calculate the per student cost and a full (teaching load) schedule cost of a representative project. Document the ordering procedure in your school and collect the appropriate forms. Non teaching students perform a similar task involving budget/materials procurement and project funding/estimating in their work setting. (5%) 6. Collect a variety of ways to efficiently control the use of materials and minimize the waste of materials in your lab or work setting. Examples should include small and large items of varying expense/sensitivity. (5%) 7. Collect current catalogs/listings of equipment and supplies in an area. Write specifications for one major piece of equipment used in your area and include a copy of the catalog page from which it is selected. (5%) 8. Conduct a safety inspection of your lab or work setting. Document the safety, emergency, and accident reporting procedures in effect in your school or company. (5%) 9. Fix, adjust, or arrange for the repair of a piece of equipment and document your efforts including comment from the cooperating teacher or supervisor. (10% -- Note, to get 10%, this must be a substantial effort, grinding a few screwdrivers will not be adequate, consult with instructor). 10. Identify a feasible personnel system. Document your observations concerning its effectiveness. Cite possible alternatives including projected advantages and disadvantages. Include the TSA Co-Curricular Approach as one alternative. (May need to visit/interview another program to find out about this-often this approach is also used with FFA in Agriculture programs or VICA or other vocational student groups.) Non teaching majors will develop an organizational chart which shows the chain of command in their company and how their unit fits—the key duties of positions should be identified. They will also develop an alternative organizational structure with justifications for the changes suggested. (10%) 11. Facility Access for Disabled Students: a) (5%) Analyze the access of your facility for the handicapped. b) Design or develop an aid or equipment modification for use by a handicapped student, worker, or customer. Document these efforts in written form and with photographs. Comments from the cooperating teacher or supervisor will be helpful. (NOTE: Points may be shared among assignments 2, 9, and 11, but the COMBINED total work effort must remain at 25% of total grade. Consult with instructor for any anticipated adjustments.) 12. Collect and organize examples of forms, reports, hall passes, student handbooks, permit slips for field trips or special events, behavior reports, grade report forms, purchase orders, parent communications, accident reports, and other general administrivia which are used in your school or company and in your class or work setting in particular which can serve as examples in the event you someday have to create a similar document. (5%) 13. Maintain your lab planning materials in an organized manner in a notebook. This document should include all evidence, written comments, photographs and drawings, and other items to illustrate your efforts on these assignments. There should be a table of contents which closely follows this list of requirements. The document should be bound in a manner which will make it a useful resource for you as you begin your professional career in teaching or management. Submit this entire document on the last class date. Your final examination will be partially based upon your document. (5%) (Balance of Portfolio = Signature Artifact # 2 for TED 452) 13. Final Examination. Partially based on above logbook, remainder on topics discussed in class. Date/time/place: Wednesday, May 5, 2010 at 6:30 PM in Room 122 Poe Hall. (10%) Required Materials, Texts, Etc.: for this course. There is no textbook required Class Meetings for Spring 2010: ALL students (interns and student teachers) will meet from 6:30 to approximately 8:30 PM for EOE 452. TED 407 has no formal meetings, but announcements and transactions will occur at the end of the TED 452 sessions. Dates: Dates: 1-13, 1-27, 2-10, 2-24, 3-24, 28, and 5-5 for the EXAM 4-7, 4-21, 4- ALTERNATE ASSIGNMENTS: It is understood that some of the above assignments may not fit some work settings. The following are alternative suggestions with point values. A-1 Create an auto-fill form for your company (i.e. application, order form, etc.) that can be emailed to a client or posted on a webpage for the client to download and fill-out. Must work with WORD. (5-10 % depending on complexity, must be pre-approved) A-2 Create a “New Employee Information” packet for your company. Include information on operating procedures, company expectations, benefits, policies, performance assessments, worker’s rights & responsibilities, administrative structure, and other useful items. (5-10 % depending on complexity, must be pre-approved) A-3 Develop an advertising campaign for your company. Elements could include brochures, newspaper ads, TV or radio ad, webpage, etc. (5-10 % depending on complexity, must be preapproved) A-4 Develop an employee assessment form for use by a person in a supervisory capacity in your company. Must be for employees at your level or lower. Needs specific as well as general information. (5% Maximum, must be pre-approved) A-5 Using above ideas as a start, propose your own alternative assignment. It must be preapproved/amount of credit pre-negotiated. (A-5 items not pre-approved are NOT ACCEPTED)