Suggested tracks for responsibility based on TC preparedness Feel free to create your own variation, considering these as suggestions for how to think about the development of lead and solo teaching. Week 1 2 3 4 *3-way conference 5 6 7 8 *Benchmark 3 way conference, HIGH PREPAREDNESS: TC consistently performs above expectations CT Lead planning and teaching TC co-teaching, taking on some routine responsibilities, conducting focused observations * CT Lead planning and teaching. Goal to try all coteaching strategies during this time to get comfortable. Becoming more balanced.coplanning and teaching LOW PREPAREDNESS: TC is not able to independently meet expectations Week 9 10 11 High preparedness: TC lead planning TC Lead planning, and lead teaching balanced teaching to gain experience. TC lead planning, lead teaching Solo planning Lead teaching Balanced coplanning and teaching. Balanced or TC lead planning. TC lead planning, balanced teaching Low preparedness: Co-planning and Becoming more ** teaching with CT in balanced lead. Balanced TC lead planning, balanced teaching 12 15 3-way final 16 TC taking lead to Balanced gain experience co- responsibilities. planning and teaching, 13 14 conference HIGH PREPAREDNESS: TC solo planning and lead teaching Solo planning and lead teaching Selected sections of the day could be solo taught Solo planning, Solo planning and lead teaching solo teaching. Selected sections of the day could be solo taught Solo planning and solo teaching. Balanced responsibilities. CT lead.* TC may choose to continue to co-teach through week 16 & 17 for additional experience TC Lead planning and lead teaching Solo planning and lead teaching Solo planning and lead teaching Selected sections of the day could be solo taught Solo planning and lead or solo teaching Selected days could be solo Solo planning and Balanced lead teaching responsibilities. Selected days could be solo taught CT lead.* TC may choose to continue to co-teach through week 16 & 17 for additional experience, especially in placements with a late start date LOW PREPAREDNESS: TC lead planning and balanced teaching TC lead planning, balanced teaching Solo planning and lead teaching. Selected sections of days could be solo taught Solo planning and lead teaching Selected sections or whole days could be solo taught. Balanced responsibilities. CT lead.* TC may choose to continue to co-teach through week 16 & 17 for additional experience, especially in placements with a late start date CT lead * TC may also observe in other classrooms in the building, visit specialists, or meet with other school professionals such as counselors, and administrators. **Low-preparedness note: Highest possible grade with only limited lead and/or solo will be a "B" (with consideration for unusual circumstances) Responsibility level descriptions Balanced planning: Teachers use co-planning sessions to lay out broad goals for lessons and discuss strategies and resources together. Each teacher does detailed planning for some lessons, some may be planned completely together. Each teacher has responsibility for preparing materials. Lead planning: TC comes to co-planning sessions with outlines of plans including all purposes and objectives, and collaboratively discusses specific strategies and resources with the CT. The final decisions about which strategies or resources to use, as well as the detailed planning of lessons, are mostly the responsibility of the teacher candidate. All candidates should have a significant period of lead planning. Solo planning: TC does all the detailed planning and directs the CT in supporting instruction through the use of co-teaching strategies. Co-planning sessions are times when the TC reviews plans with the CT, but is not asking for support and resources. If there are any concerns about standards, content or appropriate delivery, the CT should ask guiding questions such as “Have you considered how these students will respond to this lesson?” or “Are you meeting all the standards we are supposed to focus on this week?” Only well-prepared candidates who have demonstrated competence in lead planning need to have a period of solo planning. It may be a helpful option to have a week of solo planning followed by a week of lead planning followed by a week of solo planning to scaffold learning. Balanced teaching: Shared teaching responsibilities. Many lessons are co-taught but those that are “One teach” are balanced between the CT and TC leading. Leading transitions, guiding non-academic parts of the day, grading, and administrative responsibilities are shared. Specific responsibilities should rotate during this phase to give the TC experience in all responsibilities before lead teaching. Lead teaching: Teacher candidate is actively teaching in every lesson, using whatever co-teaching strategies are most effective. When “One teach” lessons are used, they are taught by the candidate. The candidate is responsible for leading all transitions, managing all non-academic parts of the day, and doing most, if not all, administrative tasks including grading and documentation of learning. All candidates should have a significant period of lead teaching. Solo teaching: Teacher candidate is responsible for everything listed in lead teaching, but the emphasis of strategies is shifted so that the cooperating teacher is less evident in the classroom. The CT will continue to work with small groups and individual students as directed by the TC, but is more often working with those students outside of the classroom. More “One teach” strategies are used with the CT conducting focused observations to give the candidate feedback or to observe student performance. The CT may choose to be completely out of the classroom for entire days, but probably not entire weeks. Only candidates who have shown competence in lead teaching and solo planning should have true solo teaching.