Anne Frank Transition Activities

World War II Unit
Transition Activities: Life Centered Career Education
Diary of a Young Girl
Anne Frank
This book is presented separately to address the Daily Living Skills and Personal Social Skills of the Life Centered
Career Education Competencies (LCCE). Her diary entries include many of the topics; some of the specific dates
have been indicated below.
Daily Living Skills
1. Personal
2. Household
3. Personal Needs
Diary Date
How did they manage their finances?
July 11, 1943 1. Mrs Van Daan selling her fur coat for more money
2. Keeping lights off to save on electricity
November 28, 1942 3. Rationing food and clothes
(ongoing) How did they manage their household?
1. The families had to divide up the living space in the
2. They had to find a place to hide
3. They had to make rules so that they would not be found
4. They had to divide up chores
5. They had to make sure that they did not run out of food
(ongoing) How did they manage their personal needs in such
crowded living space?
1. Everyday how everyone had their allotted time in the
2. Girls’ clothes got too small and what they had to do to
get new shoes
4. Marriage &
July 5, 1942
July 8, 1942
July 9, 1942
July 7, 1942
September 21, 1942
October 29, 1942
December 6, 1943
July 3, 1942
July 5, 1942
September 2, 1942
September 2, 1942
September 27, 1942
September 27, 1942
April 2, 1943
March 19, 1944
October 3, 1942
October 29, 1942
3. What they did when someone was sick in the Annex
4. What they did to keep themselves safe/hidden
5. Keeping up with their school work, exercising their minds
6. How poor was their nutrition by the end of the book?
7. What did Anne do to keep herself emotionally stable?
How did Otto Frank prepare in order to keep his family
1. Found place for the family to go into hiding
2. Made arrangements to have clothes and items taken to
Annex in a safe way so no one was suspicious
3. Arrangements with coworkers to help by bringing food
rations and supplies to the Annex
What activities did Otto do with Anne to maker her feel
safe? How did this help her psychologically?
1. Sewed curtains together to cover the windows
2. Worked out figuring out their family tree together
3. Otto brought plays of Goethe and Schiller and read Don
Carlos to Anne every night
4. Wrote poems for every person in the Annex for St.
Nicholas Day
Compare and contrast Anne and Margot’s
relationships with their father and mother versus
Peter’s relationship with his parents.
1. Father upset with Anne because she came home late,
dangerous for Jews
2. Anne’s parents don’t get mad about her grades, as long
as she’s well and happy
3. Mr. Van Daan yells and gets upset when Peter talks
back, refused to give him food until her apologized
4. Otto intervened with Mr Van Daan’s reaction with Peter
and tried to calm him down
5. Anne had big fight with mother, family rule to try not to
get into outbursts
6. Mrs Van Daan trying to mother Anne by telling her to eat
more vegetables and becoming upset when she doesn’t
7. Mrs. Frank becomes upset when Anne doesn’t want to
pray with her, has tears in her eyes. Mr. Frank only looks
at Anne with disappointment
8. Peter says that he never gets goodnight kisses, feels so
isolated that why he keeps silent
How do the actions of Anne’s father and mother differ
and how did this affect Anne?
1. Mother becomes upset, Anne admits that she’s more
fond of her father
2. Anne feels like her mother forces her to pray just so she
November 7, 1942
January 30, 1943
June 13, 1943
December 24, 1943
January 7, 1944
March 28, 1944
June 20, 1942
September 2, 1942
October 29, 1943
5. Food Storage &
July 10, 1942
November 9, 1942
November 9, 1942
December 10, 1942
December 22, 1942
March 12, 1943
July 23, 1944
November 17, 1943
October 1, 1943
August 9, 1943
September 16, 1943
6. Clothing Care
July 5, 1942
will obey her
3. Mother always backs up Margot – says that she adores
her father, he is the only one she looks up to and loves
4. Upset because of the horrible words, mocking looks and
accusations from her mother she receives all the time
5. Father writes a beautiful poem for Anne for her birthday
6. Wishes she would have a real mother to care for her and
wishes to be that kind of mother for her children, “Mumsie”
7. Anne talks to Father about sex – says she couldn’t
possibly understand the longing yet
8. Mother has forbidden Anne to go upstairs with Peter –
both are against each other. Father closes eyes not to see
the silent battle
Compare the Frank’s marriage to the marriage of the
Van Daan’s. How did they manage disagreements?
1. Mr. and Mrs. Frank were married late (36 & 35 years old)
2. Mr. and Mrs. Van Daan have a huge fight – Anne says
that her parents would never fight like that
3. Mr. Van Daan forced Mrs. Van Daan to sell her fur coat
for money when she wanted to save it for after the war. It
resulted in a huge fight with lots of screaming.
How did the families handle the rationing?
1. First arrived in Annex, Elli and Miep collected rations
2. Bought 4 illegal ration cards because their prices are
Where was the food stored and how was it obtained?
1.Hung sacks of beans inside hidden door, get bread from
friend of Koophuis
2. Mr. Van Daan handled the meat business, ordered a lot
of meat under the table to preserve for later use if
3. Received extra butter rations for Christmas, making
biscuits and cake
4. Mother gave extra butter to kids – they eat kidney beans
and haricot beans
5. Elli buys cheap fruit – grapes, gooseberries, peaches
and melons
6. Hard time getting food when Elli is sick
How did the family use meals to celebrate and build
positive relationships with each other?
1. Mrs. Van Daan’s birthday meal with small presents and
2. How did each person act and share at the dinner table?
3. Conversations during meals.
How did they get their clothes to the Annex?
Give away clothes before they went into hiding
July 8, 1942
July 8, 1942
September 21, 1942
October 1, 1942
October 7, 1942
January 13, 1943
March 12, 1943
May 2, 1943
August 10, 1943
October 17, 1943
March 27, 1944
March 29, 1944
February 20, 1944
October 1, 1942
July 1, 1943
7. Citizenship
June 20, 1942
June 24, 1942
July 8, 1942
July 9, 1942
March 29, 1944
July 1, 1942
October 9, 1942
November 9, 1942
October 10, 1942
June 1, 1943
May 5, 1943
November 11, 1942
November 19, 1942
December 22, 1942
February 27, 1943
July 8, 1942
July 10, 1942
Pack clothes for hiding
Wore clothes to Annex
How did they handle of problem of growing out of their
Lack of winter clothes; knitting
Anne plans out what she would buy with a certain amt of $,
makes list
Poorly dressed street children outside
Anne grows out of her shoes
Clothes too small, need mending and washing
Anne’s coat too small, let out hem
Van Dann’s selling expensive clothes for food money
Anne’s nightgown has become too small
Cost to repair shoes very high; many wearing worn out
What was done about laundry?
Anne talks about doing laundry in Annex
When and how did they buy new clothes?
New skirts (poor quality)
Anne gets new high-heel shoes
What rules were set up for the Jews?
German rules regarding Jews
Ferryman escorting Jews (Anne realizes that the Dutch are
not responsible for German occupation)
Comment about no Jew going into street with suitcase
Jews must wear the Yellow Star (Jude)
Anne comments that Jews have no rights
What laws/rules were changes during the war?
Respecting curfew
Mention of young men being drafted as soldiers
Ration books
Guilder notes no longer accepted in 500/1,000 amounts
College students forced to sign paper saying sympathize
with Germans
Dussel wants a banned book, Miep almost caught with it
How do they handle the new rules while being in
Annex families no longer consider themselves as having
been German citizens, rather hostages
Forbid selves to listen to German radio, speak German,
read German books (inference)
Miep and Bep come to gather things to take to Annex, help
them hide, shop for them
Mr. Kleiman lying to hide them from new architect
List of rules for Annex members
November 17, 1942
March 13, 1943
May 2, 1943
July 11, 1943
November 27, 1943
January 28, 1944
March 10, 1944
August 10, 1943
January 28, 1944
January 28, 1944
March 14, 1944
March 2, 1944
March 29, 1944
April 11, 1944
April 11, 1944
April 11, 1944
May , 1944
May 26, 1944
March 19, 1943
8. Recreation
June 14, 1942
December 7, 1942
June 20, 1942
June 24, 1942
October 1, 1942
October 9, 1942
December 10, 1942
June 20, 1942
January 27, 1944
June 29, 1942
November 28, 1942
November 28, 1942
December 10, 1942
Martial law/ rationing; also, feel like Annex is paradise
compared to other Jews’ fates
False ID papers
Idea about taking Anne outside to see eye doctor (vs. the
Annex rules)
Following Annex rules when there is break-in downstairs
Anne talks about those hiding her family as good citizens
Registration books for those in hiding – how they are
secretly obtained (w/Dutch help)
Duty to share food with those that are hiding them
How did other Jews respond to the new laws?
Free Netherlands group, an underground resistance
Man who supplied Jews in hiding with food arrested
People who supplied Franks with extra food coupons
Reports of Dutch people vandalizing and stealing from
each other
Dutch people sabotaging German authorities, attempt to
help fellow citizens
Man who supplied potatoes knew they were in hiding…will
he tell?
Anne wanted to become a Dutch citizen after the war
War caused inflation, corruption of local Dutch officials
Mr. Kugler’s responsibility for their survival
Private phones cut off by Germans; Mr. Kugler called for
work detail
Evacuation of German women and children in coastal
Break-ins and burglaries of office/warehouse
How did they celebrate holidays and special events?
Anne’s birthday party
Celebrating holidays- Chanukah and St. Nicholas Day
What did they do for fun?
Playing ping-pong with friends
Spending time at friend’s houses
Anne and Peter play dress – up
Listening to radio/news
People watching from window at night
Peter playing cats
Collecting film stars
What did they do for exercise?
Doing exercises at night to reduce muscle pain
Exercising in the dark
Mrs. Van Daan’s idiotic butt exercises
December 10, 1942
December 24, 1943
July 8, 1942
November 28, 1942
9. Community
10. Self awareness
11. Self confidence
October 16, 1942
November 28,1942
December 13,1942
January 30, 1943
February 5, 1943
February 27, 1943
April 2, 1943
July 13, 1943
July 29, 1943
August 9, 1943
September 16, 1943
October 29, 1943
November 8, 1943
December 25,1943
December 29,1943
January 27, 1944
January 28, 1944
February 3, 1944
February 16, 1944
February 23, 1944
March 14, 1944
March 16, 1944
April 11, 1944
May 5, 1944
May 22, 1944
May 26, 1944
July 6, 1944
Nov. 19-20,1942
December 22,1942
January 13, 1943
Peter doing acrobatics around the house
Anne takes up ballet
What was done to keep up on academics?
Reading books
Asking riddles, speaking foreign languages, criticizing
How they kept in touch with the outside world while in
Kept in touch with outside world through Meip and other
Friends brought food and news of events occurring in the
Lack of goods in the community affected the families in
Anne’s reading of books
Self confidence
Criticism of other children
“Showing off”
Character development
Relationship with mother
Similarities with mother
Argument with Mr. Dussel
Appropriateness for reading a book
Criticizing others
Relationship among residents
Mr. Koophuis
Different moods
Relationship with father
Self-image and hair
People who risk their lives to help Jews
Relationship with Peter
Sense of independence
Relationship with father
Attitudes toward Jews
Emotional state
Peter and religion
Sense of self
Comparing others with self
Mr. Dussel
Criticisms of other people
January 30, 1943
April 2, 1943
May 1, 1943
July 11, 1943
July 13, 1943
August 3, 1943
December 24, 1943
January 2, 1944
January 5, 1944
January 5, 1944
January 6, 1944
January 12, 1944
January 22, 1944
February 12, 1944
February 27, 1944
March 17, 1944
April 4, 1944
April 11, 1944
April 17, 1944
April 28, 1944
May 7 1944
June 14, 1944
July 6, 1944
July 15, 1944
12. Achieving
Conflicts with other residents
Disagreeing with Mother
Comparisons to other Jews
Criticism of her upbringing
Criticism of Mr. Dussel
Criticism of Mother
Self criticism
Relationship with mother
Sense of independence
Emotional awareness
Inner feelings
Comparisons with mother
Whose fault is it?
Comparing self to others
Feelings about Peter
Relationship with father
Relationship with Peter
Relationship with parents
How did Anne’s life change when the war started?
- Treatment of Jew’s property by the Germans.
- Sending away many of their possessions so the Nazis
would not destroy them.
- Unfairness of not being allowed to ride the tram, ride a
bicycle, shop at non-Jewish shops, and go to the park and
other activities before they went into hiding.
How did she accept following directions?
- Anne listens to her father and does not question going
into hiding.
- She follows instructions for packing and what she can/not
take with her.
- While in hiding, everyone adheres to the rules in order to
remain undetected, keeping quiet, keeping the curtains
drawn, etc.
- Mr. Van Daan developed a list of rules for the Secret
Annex when Mr. Dussel, the 8th person arrived.
- Jewish people had certain rules that they had to follow
when in public. Failure to follow the rules could result in
death or worse imprisonment.
What is Anne’s perception of herself and her
relationships with others in the house?
13. Maintaining
good Interpersonal
November 7, 1942
July 6, 1944
January 22, 1944
June 14, 1942
January 2, 1944
March 20 & 22, 1944
April 4, 1943
July 10,1942
November 11, 1942
August 21, 1942
- Anne talks about her relationship with Margot and asked
permission to read her diary; Margot allows it.
- Anne has established her role as the talkative and funny
one. She seems to accept this role and revel in it.
- Anne feels that she is constantly being picked-on and
reprimanded by the others.
- Anne often falls asleep wishing that she were different
from who she is and wanting to behave differently.
How does Anne establish relationships?
- Anne has established an especially close relationship with
her father. She often compares herself to him and refers to
him as a “darling” who is always sticking up for her.
- Anne describes her ever-changing relationship with the
Van Daan’s and continues to comment on her relationship
with different members of the family throughout her time in
How does Anne establish friendships?
- Anne described a variety of different friendships
throughout her life.
- Discusses the different friendships and characteristics of
those friendships. She feels that she has many friends but
no real friend with whom she can confide in.
How does Anne communicate with others react to how
her comments affect them?
Anne believes that God wants to try her, wants her to
become stronger, and better
Anne wants to train herself not to live a lazy life, and wants
to be completely confident
Anne strives to become more independent and to be nicer
to the people around her
Anne writes to record her experiences and to express her
emotions in a constructive way
Anne realizes that her rude comments upset her mother
and that she needs to keep mouth shut sometimes
Anne writes letters to Margot explaining her feelings for
Peter so she doesn’t hurt her sister’s feelings.
Anne understands that she hurt her mother’s feelings by
refusing to say prayers with her; Mother says “love can’t be
Families have people who help from the outside: Mr. Van
Santen, Krater, Elli and Miep who collect rations and get
needed things to bring to the Annex
Prices for different foods and how many they can afford,
the need to ration in case they are hiding for long time
Mr. Vossen and Mr. Kraler build cupboard in front of door
to hide, in case people sneak around
with Others
Guidance and
August 5, 1943 Everyone must stay quiet all morning (7:15-12:30) until all
the warehouse men go home
November 17, 1942 Create rules for the annex so that they aren’t found
December 22, 1943 Anne has flu, can’t cough for fear of being heard. Tries to
sweat it out, uses compresses, etc.
January 2, 1944 Anne realizes that if she keeps her mouth shut when
talking to her mother, it avoids problems and conflict
January 22, 1944 Anne doesn’t want to irritate the people around her; she
tries to be patient, open, and friendly with others
June 20, 1942 Anne keeps a diary--her written communication
June 21, 1942 Anne was a chatterbox in school
July 5, 1942 Father explains about going into hiding
September 21, 1942 Mrs. Van Daan and Anne quarrel
September 27, 1942 Fight at dinner about Anne eating her vegetables
January 30, 1943 Anne has trouble communicating with others
March 25, 1943 Burglars in the house
June 13, 1943 Writing poetry
July 16, 1943 Burglars again
February 3, 1944 Preparing for different emergency situations
February 27, 1944 Anne communicates frustrations by being loud
March 3, 1944 Anne judges others remarks for their honesty
March 14, 1944 Mrs. Van Daan’s complaining is a result of her upset mood
March 17, 1944 Frank family has communication breakdowns- constant
questioning of Anne
April 11, 1944 Burglars and police in the house
May 6, 1944 Anne writes letter to her father that she later realizes is
June 14, 1944 Anne feels need to have someone to confide in
Anne’s hopes and dreams for her future career, and
analysis of her skills and abilities.
Online Resources:
The Anne Frank Museum
The Anne Frank Center
38 Crosby Street, Fifth Floor, New York, NY 10013
tel: (212) 431-7993, fax: (212) 431-8375 email: