
Test your Social and Business Savvy Quotient
When greeting someone for the first time, a cupped handshake (in which my left
hand covers the normal handshake) is a good way to show my sincerity and
a. True
b. False
When socializing at a cocktail party, it is best to hold my glass in which hand?
a. Right
b. Left
c. It doesn't make a difference
During a business meeting at an up-scale restaurant, a lady should expect a
gentleman to pull her chair out for her.
a. Yes, or else he is not really a gentleman
b. No, the days of gallantry have passed
c. No, but it would be nice if he did
In Japan, gift-giving protocol dictates that it is best to avoid offering gifts wrapped
in which color wrapping paper?
a. Blue
b. White
c. Black
During a business meal, it is permissible to place my cellular telephone on the
a. True
b. False
The following is an appropriate introduction: Mr. Client Dubois, I would like to
introduce to you Mrs. Boss Whitman.
a. Yes
b. No
Who goes through a revolving door first, the host or the visitor?
a. The Host
b. The Visitor
When is it okay to send confidential information via email or to discuss client
business on a cell/mobile phone in a semi-private area?
a. Anytime
b. Only when it is urgent
c. Email if it is a private address. Cell phone if not many people are around.
d. Never
When you are finished eating, your napkin should be?
a. Folded loosely and placed on the right side of the plate.
b. Folded loosely and placed on the left side of the plate.
c. Folded loosely and placed in the center of the plate.
d. Placed on the seat of your chair.
When dining in India, which hand should you eat with?
a. The right hand
b. The left hand
c. Either hand
In which countries should the "OK" sign be avoided (thumb and forefinger forming
a circle with other three fingers splayed upward)?
a. France
b. Germany
c. Japan
d. Brazil
e. Russia
f. All of the above
When at meetings at which people are wearing name tags, the best place to put
my name tag is on my left chest area.
a. True
b. False
When greeting someone for the first time, a cupped handshake (in which your left
hand covers the normal handshake) is a good way to show my sincerity and
Right! The proper "introductory" handshake is very important because it is one of
the first impressions you make. You do not want to do the cupped handshake (a.k.a.
the glove), which can be seen as condescending in some cultures, controlling in
others. This handshake is usually reserved for ministers, close friends, politicians,
and for conveying sympathy or condolences. Use your right hand and give a firm
handshake -- just don’t squeeze too hard. The handshake should be brief, but long
enough for both parties to say each other’s name in greeting. A firm handshake
communicates confidence, interest, and respect. Americans, keep in mind that the
general handshake in France is a bit lighter and briefer than in the US. It usually
consists of one pump instead of two.
When socializing at a cocktail party, it is best to hold my glass in which hand?
Right! It is best to hold your drink in your left hand so that your right hand is free for
shaking hands, eliminating the need to switch hands at the last minute. It also
prevents you from offering a wet handshake due to the condensation from the glass.
During a business meeting at an up-scale restaurant, a lady should expect a
gentleman to pull her chair out for her.
Right! Business situations are gender-neutral in western countries, therefore men
and women are treated equally. The roles of "ladies" and "gentlemen" are reserved
for social occasions. However, if a man pulls out the chair for a woman, she should
simply reply with "thank you" and consider it an act of kindness.
In Japan, gift-giving protocol dictates that it is best to avoid offering gifts wrapped
in which color wrapping paper?
A The correct answer is B. White wrapping paper in Japan represents death.
During a business meal, it is permissible to place my cellular telephone on the
Right! Nothing should be placed on the table that is not directly related to the meal
itself. If at a business meal, the business at hand should be the most important
conversation, not an in-coming call. If dining one-on-one, the person "in person"
should receive your full attention. Phone ringers should be turned off and phones
placed out of sight. If expecting an urgent call, let your party know in advance that
you are expecting an important call and may need to be excused. Take the call in
private, away from the table and keep it as brief as possible. Even when dining solo,
cell phone usage in restaurants should be kept to a minimum out of consideration to
other diners.
The following is an appropriate introduction: Mr. Client Dubois, I would like to
introduce to you Mrs. Boss Whitman.
Right! Always introduce the person of greatest authority first. In business, neither
gender nor age is a deciding factor. If a client is involved, mention his or her name
first. Be sure to specify "to you" and not "you to", as the latter would switch the order
of deference. A proper business introduction should always include first and last
Who goes through a revolving door first, the host or the visitor?
A or B - It depends. If the revolving door is already in motion or a doorman is
present, the host should allow the visitor to pass through first. If the revolving door is
stationary, the host should proceed by pushing the door and then wait on the other
side ready to direct the guest.
When is it okay to send confidential information via email or to discuss client
business on a cell/mobile phone in a semi-private area?
C The correct answer is D. There is no such thing as "private" email. Despite the
fact that most people do not seem to distinguish between personal and private
conversations on their cell phones, client business should never be discussed if
"anyone" is around and certainly not on elevators or in metros/tubes/subways.
When you are finished eating, your napkin should be?
Right! Folded loosely and placed on the left side of your plate. Your napkin should
be placed on your chair if you temporarily leave the table. Don’t forget to push your
chair in.
When dining in India, which hand should you eat with?
Right! It is inappropriate to use the left hand for dining in India, and in many North
African and Middle Eastern countries.
In which countries should the "OK" sign be avoided (thumb and forefinger forming
a circle with other three fingers splayed upward)?
D The correct answer is F. This sign when used in America is very positive. In fact
several surveys note that it is the best known gesture in North America and is
flashed frequently and enthusiastically. However in France it signifies "zero" or
"worthless". In Japan it can mean "money", as if making the shape of a coin. In
Brazil, Russia and Germany, it is the signal for a private bodily orifice.
When at meetings at which people are wearing name tags, the best place to put
my name tag is on my left chest area.
Right! Officially, you should place your name tag on your right shoulder because
during the handshake (using your right hand), the other person’s eyes naturally
follow your right arm up to your head to make eye contact, allowing time to slip
another look at your name on your name tag. However, in practice, most people
wear theirs on the left side.