PLANKTON DIVERSITY AS AN INDICATOR OF WATER QUALITY IN SMALL RESERVOIRS IN THE LIMPOPO BASIN, ZIMBABWE Lefranc BUSANE Basima1,* , Aidan SENZANJE2, Brian MARSHALL3, Katherine SHICK4 1 Dept of Biology/Hydrobiology, Centre Universitaire de Bukavu. Bukavu, D.R.CONGO PO Box 570 Bukavu-DRCongo P.O. Box 435 Cyangugu-Rwanda 2 Dept of Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering, University of Zimbabwe, P.O. Box MP 167, Mount Pleasant, Harare, ZIMBABWE 3 Dept of Biology, University of Zimbabwe, P.O. Box MP 167, Mount Pleasant, Harare, ZIMBABWE 4 P.O. Box 56 Wise River MT, 59762, USA *: Corresponding author: PO. Box 435 Cyangugu-Rwanda. Tel: +243-97-735-697 Email addresses:, ABSTRACT This paper reports on a study carried out from February to April 2005 in the southern part of Zimbabwe in the Mzingwane catchment, Limpopo basin to investigate the impacts of land and water use on the water quality and ecosystem health of eight small man-made reservoirs. Four reservoirs were located in communal lands while the remaining were located in the National Park considered pristine. Plankton community structure was identified in terms of abundance and diversity as an indirect assessment of water quality and ecosystem health. In addition, phosphorus, nitrogen, pH, transparency, electric conductivity and hardness were analysed. The results obtained indicate that the communal lands’ areas have not gone through major land and water use changes that impact on the quality of reservoirs since no significant difference was obtained between communal lands and National Park in terms of plankton community (P>0.05). However, a 2 significant difference was found between the phytoplankton groups abundance (P<0.01). Though the highest phytoplankton abundance was observed in April, February showed the highest diversity. The zooplankton community was less diverse and less abundant and did not show any seasonality pattern. Phosphorus (0.0220.037 mg/l) and nitrogen (0.1010.027 mg/l) had similar trends in the study area during the study period. Transparency of water was very low (ca. 27 cm secchi depth) in 75% of the reservoirs with communal lands’ reservoirs having a whitish colour with a likely effect of reducing light penetration and therefore photosynthesis. The paper concludes by acknowledging that communal lands have not gone through major land and water use changes likely to effect its water quality and compromise its ecosystem health. Water managers are urged to continuously monitor the changes in land and water uses around these multipurpose reservoirs in order to prevent possible detrimental land and water uses. Key words: plankton community, small man-made reservoir, water quality, land use, water resources management INTRODUCTION Most of Zimbabwe’s rural population lives in areas where the mean annual rainfall is below 800 mm. This rainfall is highly seasonal, falling between November and March, and varies from year to year with frequent droughts. Consequently, about 11000 reservoirs have been constructed throughout the country, of which about 8000 have capacities of less than 0.1 x 106 m3 (Marshall and Maes, 1994). However these small reservoirs have not been studied much although they support a number of activities in many parts of the country. Because of this lack of knowledge, it is important that these small reservoirs are better understood, especially in regard to changes in water quality as a result of human activities. This is presently a global issue because the deterioration of water quality has disturbed ecosystem functioning and led to the contamination and pollution of ground and surface waters in many places (Ongley, 1996). This paper describes the water quality and plankton diversity and abundance in relation to land use in eight small reservoirs in a semi-arid region of Zimbabwe. It tests the hypothesis that land use has an adverse effect on water quality in these reservoirs. Four of these reservoirs were located in a national park and four in a communal land with a relatively dense population of peasant farmers should exhibit differences in physicochemical characteristics because of differences in land use. These differences should then affect the plankton communities in the dams. 2 Study area The study was carried out in February and April 2005 in the southern part of Zimbabwe in the Mzingwane and Tuli catchments (Limpopo basin) (Figure 1). Four reservoirs (Sibasa, Makoshe, Denje and Dewa) were located in the Insiza communal lands while four others (Chitampa, Mpopoma, Maleme and Mesilume) were located in the Matopos National Park, 34 km south of Bulawayo. Fig.1 Map of the study area (right) in the Mzingwane catchment (direction of the arrow), Limpopo basin (left) Nature Park (Matopos) Communal lands (Insiza district) UPPER MZINGWANE Umzin gwane li Tu Shas N han Insiz a i Shashe M zi ne we Bubi SHASHE MW ENEZI Shashe LOWER MZINGWANE Rivers.shp Boundary.shp Limpopo 0 100 Kilometers These reservoirs were relatively small with a capacity < 3 x 106 m3 and a maximum depth of eight metres. Those in the communal lands supply water to the local people and their livestock, and are used for gardening, brick making and fishing. Those in the national park supply water to wildlife and are used for recreational purposes such as angling. METHODS Soil samples were taken from the catchment area of each dam to give an indication of the effects of land use: these were analysed for colour, texture using the buoyant hydrometer method, and pH and electrical conductivity using the appropriate meters. 3 Water and plankton samples were collected from a depth of 0.5 m at four stations in each reservoir, set out in a line facing the dam wall. Water samples were collected with a Ruttner bottle and placed in a cooler box before being brought to the laboratory for analysis. Total phosphorus, total nitrogen, hardness, pH and electrical conductivity were determined. Total phosphorus and total nitrogen were respectively determined by the Muphy-Riley method, titrimetric method using 0.01 M HCl. Color, texture, pH and electric conductivity were analysed on soil samples collected around the small reservoirs. These parameters were selected because they are easily indicative of the influence of surrounding land uses to adjacent water bodies. Plankton samples were collected with 20 and 62-µm plankton nets for phytoplankton and zooplankton, respectively (Edmondson and Winburg, 1971). Phytoplankton samples were preserved in Lugol’s solution while zooplankton samples were preserved in 4% formalin. The samples were later analysed under an inverted microscope and the species using Durand and Lévêque (1980), Canter-Lund and Lund (1995), and Fernando (2002). RESULTS Soil and water quality The characteristics of the dams’ surrounding soils are presented in Table 1. The pH of the soils in the national park was slightly acidic 5-6.6 with an average of 5.5 while communal lands has alkaline soils ranging from 7.5 to 7.8. No significant difference was found 4 between the means of electric conductivity between the national park and communal lands. Table 1. Soil characteristics in the catchment areas of the eight reservoirs. Area Reservoir Wet Colour Dry Colour Water colour pH EC National Park Maleme 2.5Y3/2 (Very dark grayish brown) Light dark (clear) 5 315 Mezilume 2.5Y3/2 (Very dark grayish brown) Dark grayish (coffee) 5.2 400 4 Mpopoma 2.5Y3/2 (Very dark grayish brown) 10Yr4/2(Dark grayish brown) 2.5Y4/2 (Dark grayish brown) 2.5Y5/2 (Grayish brown) 2.5Y5/2 (Grayish brown) 2.5Y6/2 (Light brownish gray) 10Yr6/2 (light brownish Gray) 2.5Y6/4 (light yellowish brown) 10 Yr 5/2 (Grayish brown) 10 Yr6/4 (light yellowish brown) 2.5Yr6/0 (Gray) Vegeta tion Score* 3 Light dark (clear) Brownish 5.1 730 4 6.6 354 2 Whitish (milky) 7.5 558 3 Gray whitish brown 7.5 456 3 Gray whitish brown 7.8 330 2 Dark grayish 7.5 230 2 Chitampa Communa l lands Sibasa Dewa 10Yr3/3 (Dark brown) Denje 10Yr3/3 (Dark brown) Makoshe 2.5Yr3/0 (Very dark gray) The water in the reservoirs was slightly alkaline (pH = 7.6-8.5), with low conductivity (< 200 S cm-1 while hardness ranged from 23 to 104 mg l-1 (Table 2). Table 2. Water quality characteristics of the eight reservoirs. Sib = Sibasa, Dew = Dewa, Denj = Denje, Mak = Makoshe, Mal = Maleme, Mes = Mesilume, Mpo = Mpopoma, Chi = Chintampa, EC = conductivity, TP = total phosphorus. Variable Communal lands Sib pH Dew National Park Denj Mak Malem Mezil Mpop Chita FEB 7.6 8.1 7.7 7.7 8.5 7.9 8.0 7.6 APR 8.2 8.5 8.4 8.4 8.4 7.6 8.3 7.7 EC (S/cm) FEB 107 200 200 157 147 76 109 93 APR 111 250 183 198 138 102 110 109 Secchi depth (m) 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.5 1.7 2 0.1 Total Hardness (g/L) 42 104 58 84 47 23 36 36 Total Nitrogen (g/L) 94 87 84 99 8 12 11 14 7 11 6 6 4 3 3 7 5 TP (g/L) FEB APR 8 17 38 5 4 59 2 34 There were some differences in water quality between the two sets of reservoirs (Table 2). Both were slightly alkaline (mean pH = 8.1 and 8.0 in communal lands and national park, respectively) and with low conductivity (mean = 176 and 100 S cm-1, respectively). Mean transparency in the national park reservoirs was about four times higher (1.1 m) than in those in the communal lands (0.3 m). The water in the communal land reservoirs was harder than in the national parks (mean hardness = 72.0 and 35.5 mg l-1, respectively) and had a higher concentration of total nitrogen (mean = 91.0 and 11.3 g l-1, respectively). Although there was no significant difference in the mean concentrations of total phosphorus (12.25 g l-1 in communal lands and 14.50 g l-1 in the national park) these values were rather distorted by two high concentrations of phosphorus in Mesilume and Chitampa dams in February. On the whole phosphorus concentrations tended to be a little higher in the communal lands. Phytoplankton abundance and diversity The reservoirs’ flora identified and counted in February and April 2005 is presented in Table 3. Hydrodictyon was the most abundant and accounted for an average of 30% of the overall April phytoplankton samples. However, Hydrodictyon abundance was very low in February at 0.1% of the phytoplankton sample. Hydrodictyon was followed by Anabaena (20%), Peridinium (16%) and Melosira (12%) in April samples. February samples showed an abundance of Melosira (19%) followed by Ceratium (17%) and Pinnularia (12%). The phytoplankton taxa were much more abundant in April than in February constituting 84% against 16% (February) (Table 3). However, February’s 6 phytoplankton taxa within major groups were much more diverse that April’s. Chlorophytes had the highest number of taxa (29 in February and 20 in April). Chlorophytes were followed in diversity by bacillariophytes or diatoms (17 taxa in February and 12 in April). Though a difference has been noticed between February and April samples in terms of abundance, no student’s t-test statistical significant difference in phytoplankton species composition was found. The total phytoplankton identified was far more diverse in February than in April (38 species against 22 in Communal lands) and (49 species against 32 in the National Park), with a significant difference in their means using a student’s t-test (t=33, df=1, P=0.02). These figures show as well that the National Park was more diverse as compared to communal lands. This is confirmed by the significant difference found using the student’s for the diversity in the National Park compared to the communal lands (t=-21, df=1, P=0.03). The highest Simpson’s index of diversity was obtained by the National Park in February samples (0.91) followed by communal lands in April (0.77), communal lands in February (0.76) and lastly National Park in April (0.5). However, April samples showed more abundance than February (37,813 individuals per litre against 16,386 in the National Park and 52,047 against 12,227 in the communal lands). Abundance in February samples in communal lands was dominated by Dinophytes (50%) followed by Bacillariophytes (27%), while in the National Park Bacillariophytes (51%) dominated followed by Chlorophytes (41%). The Dinophytes were not found in the National Park. April samples were dominated in terms of abundance in the communal lands by Dinophytes (38.9%) followed by Cyanophytes 7 (34.4%) and Bacillariophytes. Differences in total phytoplankton abundance are shown on Fig.2 and Fig.3. 8 Table 3. Composition and abundance (No. l-1) of the phytoplankton in eight reservoirs located on communal lands and National Park in rural Zimbabwe February 2005 Class Chlorophyta Bacillariophyta Cyanophyta Canophyta Euglenophyta Fungi Dinophyta Xanthophyta Cryptophyta Chrysophyta Total Taxa Volvox Amscottia Sphaerocystis Dictyosphaerium Micractinium Scenedesmus Staurodesmus Ankistrodesmus Pediastrum Sorastrum Haematococcus cladophora Staurastrum Unidentified2 Unidentified1 Unidentitfied3 Cosmarium Euastrum Sphaerozoma Xanthidium Actinastrum Arthrodesmus Hydrodictyon Closterium Selenastrum Spondylosium Onynchonema Pleurotaenium Micrasterias Indet1 Onynchonema Penium Zygnema Spirogyra Cylindrocystis Navicula Surirella Melosira Achnantes Asterionella Cymatopleura Rhopalodia Oscillatoria Gomphosphaerium Gomphonema Fragilaria Rhizosolenia Synedra Pinnularia Stephanodiscus Amphiprora Cymbella Gyrosigma Coelosphaerium Microcystis Microchaete Merismopedia Anabaena Nostoc Trachelomonas Phacus Euglena Astasia Rhizosiphon Chytridium Sporangium Ceratium Peridinium Ophiocytium Cryptomonas Dinobryon Communal lands National Park Abundance 128 0 128 304 616 921 166 154 320 47 0 47 54 26 80 14 31 46 13 173 186 5 0 5 31 73 105 2 0 2 0 647 647 4 12 16 10 1252 1262 0 1161 1161 0 864 864 0 263 263 8 441 449 21 94 116 0 78 78 0 93 93 0 462 462 0 38 38 0 27 27 4 2 5 0 13 13 0 73 73 0 26 26 0 28 28 32 96 128 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 142 825 968 53 5 58 3055 2310 5365 0 61 61 0 3 3 0 53 53 0 60 60 35 28 62 0 28 28 6 0 6 4 0 4 38 125 162 0 1430 1430 0 3397 3397 0 2 2 0 4 4 2 0 2 0 0 0 800 306 1106 153 101 254 4 0 4 4 0 4 48 33 80 93 0 93 0 21 21 116 427 543 115 7 122 150 0 150 0 2 2 24 96 120 441 308 749 4945 0 4945 1202 2 1204 3 0 3 0 11 11 0 0 0 12276 16386 28662 April 2005 Communal lands 0 21 176 0 0 98 5 10 2562 0 0 0 1371 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 132 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 574 47 7923 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 147 78 5 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 17916 0 0 536 163 0 0 0 16 6151 14084 0 0 0 52046 National Park Abundance 0 0 0 21 122 298 0 0 0 0 5 104 248 254 78 88 28 2590 0 0 0 0 0 0 2264 3636 0 0 0 0 0 0 186 199 0 0 93 93 0 0 0 0 26 26 27221 27221 23 155 0 0 0 0 0 0 1082 1082 52 52 233 233 62 62 16 16 383 383 16 16 10 10 717 1291 0 47 2585 10508 127 127 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 31 414 562 72 150 427 432 0 0 0 0 194 194 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17916 0 0 0 0 585 1120 18 181 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 18 6169 5 14089 0 0 0 0 471 471 37812 89859 9 10000 35000 Tot Communal lands Tot National Park Tot Communal Lands Tot National Park 30000 8000 Number per liter Number per liter 25000 6000 4000 20000 15000 10000 2000 5000 0 0 ChloroBacillarioCyano Cano Eugleno Fungi Dino Xantho Crypto Fig. 2 Abundance of phytoplankton major groups/February 2005 Chloro Bacilario Chryso Cyano Dino Eugleno Fungi Fig. 3 Abundance of phytoplankton major groups/ April 2005 There was a significant difference in abundance between February and April phytoplankton samples in the communal lands using the t-test (t=-2.06; P=0.05; df=14) but no significant difference was found in the National Park (t=-0.86; P=0.39; df=14). However, there was high significant difference in phytoplankton abundance between the communal lands and the National park using a chi-square test (P<0.01). Zooplankton diversity and abundance Crustaceans and rotifers represented the zooplankton community with few individuals belonging to the Ostracods group. The zooplankton community was dominated in February by Copepods with Cyclops having 28.6 % followed by their youngsters (nauplii) with 15.2%, the rotifer Keratella (14.2%) and Copepod calanoids nauplii (13%). Communal lands had the highest zooplankton abundance in both February and April samples with respectively 63% and 57%. Cyclops also dominated in April with 27 % of the total abundance followed its nauplii, a cladoceran species, the rotifers Keratella and Brachionus (ca. 10% for each of them). Differences were noticed in zooplankton community structure figures between February and April and between communal lands and the National Park (Fig. 4 and Fig. 5). Highest abundances were found in communal lands with total abundance being 63.3% in 10 February and 56.9% in April against 36.7% in February and 43.1% in the National Park. There was variability among the major groups in the two sampling periods. February’s abundance was dominated by copepods with 60% of the total abundance (Cyclops 44% and Calanoids 16%) followed by Rotifers (24%) and cladocerans (16%) with communal lands having 63% of the total abundance. April’s abundance was also dominated by Calanoids (49% in total with Cyclops having 38% and Calanoids 11%) followed by rotifers (28%) and cladocerans (22%). Communal lands dominated the abundance in April again with 57%. Zooplankton diversity did not show any difference between the communal lands and the National Park, all having 13 species found in both February and April. 160 40 140 120 30 100 Number in Litre Number per litre Communal land2 National Park2 Communal lands National Park 80 60 20 40 10 20 0 Cladocera Cyclopoda Calanoida Rotifera Fig. 4. Zooplankton abundance in the study area in February 2005 0 Cladocera Cyclopoda Calanoida Rotifera Fig. 5. Zooplankton abundance in the study area in April 2005 DISCUSSION Water quality aspects, and land use The few water quality parameters that were analysed in the studied reservoirs and presented in Table 1 indicate a general trend that is acceptable in comparison with the WHO guidelines for drinking water (Chapman, 1992) and natural levels in freshwater (Sinkala et al. 2002). For instance in the whole study area, pH was more or less alkaline 11 ranging from 7.6 to 8.5- values that are in agreement with the pH of most natural waters that ranges between 6.0 and 8.5 (Chapman, 1992). Total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total hardness and electroconductivity are in the normal and acceptable ranges and did not show any affinity (significance) to the national park as compared to communal lands. The similarity in the water quality parameters analysed in the national park and in the communal lands suggests that ecosystem health, as defined by water quality, is currently not under serious threat due the land and water use in the surrounding communal lands. This result was not expected, based on findings in other areas and the documented impact humans can have on water quality (Brainwood et al. 2004; Vitousek et al. 1997; Siwela et al. 1996, Sharma, 2003). However, in the communal areas of this study, the relatively good quality of water of the reservoirs may be explained by the fact that few or no significant land and water uses are taking place upstream, of the reservoirs; all of the farms in the study area were located downstream of the reservoirs and the human settlement appeared to be located far enough away from the reservoirs to not constitute a threat. The homesteads that were found close to reservoir might have not had significant influence, probably due to their low-density status. This is indicative of good planning by settlers. Though the study area under investigation in this study currently lacks upstream influences, it would be expected that increased human settlement or any development upstream of the reservoirs could potentially result in a decrease in water quality in reservoirs near communal lands. 12 The study may also document the role vegetative cover can play in mitigating the impacts of local soil conditions, caused by natural or anthropogenic phenomena, on water quality in the reservoir. Conductivity measurements in the soils in both national park and communal lands were three to four times higher than measurements in the water. The pH was far more acidic in the national park soils (pH= 5.3) as compared to the waters in the same area that is slightly alkaline (pH=8). The same trend is found in the communal lands where the soils have a pH around 7.5 and waters a pH=8.2. This contrast in values suggests that the surrounding soils have little influence on the water quality of the reservoir waters that might be attributed to the presence of good vegetation cover around reservoirs, which constitute a buffer to large transfers of elements. The presence of riparian vegetation is crucial in retaining some nutrients. This is confirmed by Carpenter et al.(1998) who state that the maintenance of vegetated riparian zones or buffer strips may reduce the transport of phosphorus and nitrogen to reservoirs. It might be suspected that the degradation of vegetation cover due to human activities on the communal lands could increase the transport of nutrients to the reservoirs, and alter water quality in the future. While it appears that water quality was not directly impacted by the surrounding soils (values of surrounding soil quality being different from those of the water quality), it is interesting to note that watercolour may have been influenced by local conditions. Though water quality was found to be acceptable in the communal lands, a whitish colour of water was present in almost all of the reservoirs. This is a major difference with the national Park reservoirs’ water, which was mostly clear. This colour was very close to a 13 white granite rock located 250m upstream of Sibasa reservoir and might be the origin of the colour. Such a strong whitish colour might have an effect on light penetration in the reservoir and compromise the primary productivity within the water column. Thus, it may be impacting biota within the reservoirs. This has been shown by the possible influence discovered on the quality parameters (pH, electroconductivity, total nitrogen and hardness) as well as some plankton species. Sibasa, having the strong whitish colour, might have got a very high abundance unlike the results obtained in the study. Plankton community composition, diversity and abundance in relation to land and water use Seasonal variation in plankton diversity and abundance This study found that the diversity and abundance of plankton species varied seasonally. While this study failed to conclusively support the overall variation with statistical significance, it is believed that rainfall patterns were responsible for the noted seasonal variation. The two sampling periods fell within the span of the normal rainy season that extends from November to April, though this was basically a dry season.. More conclusive evidence for seasonal variation in plankton diversity and abundance may be reached if future sampling-sessions took place both within the normal rainy and dry seasons. Results suggest here that rainfall variability can significantly impact the diversity and abundance of plankton communities. This is an important concept, as rainfall patterns in this area have been erratic in the past 10-15 years, and have the potential to continue following non-normal trends due to climate variability or climate change in the future. Rainfall patterns are considered here in the sense that their intensity might induce the 14 transport of sediments from upstream of reservoirs to the reservoirs. These sediments, if transported are likely to affect the reservoirs water quality, their biotic composition and ecosystems health. Apart from this seasonal variation due probably to rainfall patterns, no difference was noted between the communal lands and the National Park related to land and water use. The reason, therefore, for a tendency to acknowledge the good status of the health of the environment in the communal lands. This shows similarities between reservoirs in communal lands to the pristine-considered reservoirs in the National Park. However, care should be taken to applaud this finding since a more detailed investigation including all the seasons need to be done in order to be sure of the behaviour of these ecosystems. As Cander-Lund and Lund (1995) confirm that like humans need a regular check-up at the hospital, the health of aquatic ecosystems need to be monitored through the observation of their plankton composition- a regular monitoring might also be interesting to get on track with the evolution of the status of these ecosystems. Plankton composition The significant difference found in phytoplankton abundance samples (and highlighted in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3) using the chi-square method might be due to natural differences between the National Park and the communal lands. The most abundant phytoplankton taxon found during this investigation was Hydrodictyon spp. in April samples. Its abundance might be due to the fact that the species is known to break into pieces (Cander-Lund and Lund, 1995). It was found, however, in April samples that the taxa 15 was widely distributed. Hydrodictyon was rarely observed in February samples. Anabaena sp., a blue-green algae (Cyanophyta), was the second most abundant species observed in April though it was rare in the February samples. Though Anabaena sp. is always associated with algal blooms, its abundance was not high enough to create an algal bloom. Literature shows, in fact, that Anabaena sp. can be found in non-polluted waters (Cander-Lund and Lund, 1995). However, the presence of this species, and others that prefer similar ecological conditions, in areas where they are not expected to normally occur might be a sign of the enrichment of waters by nutrients, a term referred to as eutrophication. The current aquatic community structure would likely change with the onset of eutrophication, perhaps altering water quality and rendering the reservoirs unsuitable habitat for a variety of plankton species and unsuitable for human uses as they currently stand. One particular risk of the cyanophytes group is the fact that most of the species (including Anabaena sp.) contain toxic substances that can lead to fish kills wherever their blooms occurs, especially in hyper-eutrophic ecosystems. They have Nitrogen-fixing sites (heterocysts) on their organisms and are therefore able to fix nitrogen; which means that they can proliferate rapidly. Anabaena is, particularly, known to produce neurotoxins that affect the human central nervous system and hepatotoxins that affect human liver (Chipfunde, L., Zimbabwe National Water Authority, personal communication, 2005). Ceratium, a dinophytes that is likewise known to produce toxic substances and red water blooms, was found in both samples of February and April. Some species are rich in plants nutrients such as phosphates and nitrates (Cander-Lund and Lund, 1995). Cander-Lund 16 and Lund (1995) states that even in such lakes it is often accompanied by cyanophytes. The results obtained in this work have shown the presence of Ceratium as well as cyanophytes, though the water bodies were nutrient-poor (oligotrophic). Ceratium and Peridinium (another dinophytes) increased in abundance in April samples due probably to favourable conditions to their proliferations such as an increase in total nitrogen levels. This cannot be confirmed since total nitrogen was not analysed for February samples. An increase in nutrient levels in the study area would enhance a high productivity level of dinophytes and cyanophytes, leading to algal blooms, which would compromise health of the ecosystems as they currently stand. It is therefore crucial to keep the water bodies under observation. The species that could cause algal blooms like Anabaena were mostly present in the communal lands. Ceratium and Peridinium have also been found in high abundance in the communal lands as compared to the National Park. These taxa are known to be proliferating in nutrient rich waters (Cander-Lund and Lund, 1995); Ceratium being able to exploit organic and inorganic nutrients and gain competitive advantage over purely photosynthetic species (Smalley and Coats, 2002). Because these nutrient enrichment indicative species are abundant in the communal lands, an argument would be made that communal land sites should be monitored for an influx of nutrients that could spur them into an algal bloom. The lower diversity and abundance found in this study for the zooplankton community might be explained by the presence of planktivorous fishes and most probably low light penetration (low transparency, especially in the communal lands). Though fish abundance 17 was not part of this study, it was noted that fishes were present in all of the reservoirs. Humans were observed actively fishing on the reservoirs. Planktivorous organisms have preferences for specific food items (Wetzel, 1983). Large planktons are the preferred food item, as they contain the most energetic reward to balance the energy loss the fish has most incurred when hunting. In the case of the studied reservoirs, large planktons were composed of big cladocerans like some species of Daphnia and Calanoids. The idea of active hunting on large zooplankton can easily be derived where large Calanoids are scarce while their juveniles are abundant. Large Cyclopoids and cladocerans were also rarely found in the samples and most of the time when they were found they were only carcasses. So there seems to be a good zooplankton productivity, which is very well regulated by high predation by fish. This is in accord with Hrbàćek et al. (1958) in Wetzel (1983) who shows that the size of the zooplankton community is regulated by the presence of fish predators. The zooplankton community structure found is also in agreement with Arcifa et al. (1986) who concluded that plankton proliferation is greatly affected by the predator-prey relationships in reservoirs. Management implications The results of this study can be used to guide future management of these and similar man-made reservoirs in rural Zimbabwe. Reservoirs on communal lands had similar water quality as found in the National Park, which is attributed to the lack of upstream development surrounding these particular reservoirs. However, it is believed that if human populations alter the current use of these water bodies and develop upstream areas, water quality will suffer. Therefore, it would be stressed that upstream 18 development, particularly development that would result in an influx of nitrogen and phosphorus, be limited in these areas. This is particularly important as the reservoirs contained phytoplankton that would proliferate into toxic algal blooms with the influx of those particular nutrients. Such blooms would compromise the quality of water for both human use and the health of the current aquatic community. Secondly, this study found that local soil conditions were very different from water conditions. This result can be attributed to the presence of a healthy vegetative cover layer surrounding the reservoirs. Such a vegetative layer acts as a buffer to influxes of elements, and helps to maintain stable and healthy water conditions. Reservoir managers should maintain a healthy vegetative buffer around the water body to assist in mitigating any future changes in local conditions. CONCLUSION This paper investigated the impacts of land and water use activities on the water quality of small man-made reservoirs located in communal lands in Zimbabwe in comparison with pristine considered environment of the National Park. Water quality throughout the study area was at acceptable levels, and did not significantly differ between National Park and communal lands. This finding was contrary to expectations, and indicates that water conditions may be better in areas of human influence than currently thought. This pattern is attributed to limited upstream development, a condition that should be maintained to ensure the integrity of the aquatic ecosystems. High levels of vegetative cover were also thought to mitigate the impacts of 19 local conditions on water bodies, and should be preserved to protect these systems from future change. The diversity and abundance of plankton communities in the study area were influenced by an informal sub-seasonal rainfall patterns. Species composition of both phyto- and zooplankton were similar to expectations based on other ponds and lakes. However, species of phytoplankton were found that could potentially develop into toxic algal blooms with changes in water quality. Zooplankton species abundance was at a lower level than expected, possibly due to the presence of planktivorous fish in the reservoirs. Water managers are urged to note that investigations are carried out to provide information on health of the water bodies and allow them to develop strategies for better management of catchment and water resources. It is very important to maintain the current status of the ecosystems investigated by prohibiting any upstream development likely to affect the water bodies and conduct environmental impacts assessment of any major development plan. It is also important to investigate the status of small man-made reservoirs located in the other areas of the Mzingwane catchment in order to assess and evaluate the planning of settlers and for better management of water resources in the area. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS SRP CP40 is acknowledged for funding the fieldwork and sample analysis. WATERNET partially sponsored the work through the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Zimbabwe. The authors are grateful to Prof. Jean-Berckmans B. Muhigwa Centre Universitaire de Bukavu, DRCongo) for the help provided in statistical analysis, 20 Chattra Mani Sharma (NORAGRIC/Norway) for reviewing the manuscript and Elisabeth Munyoro (Biological Sciences, University of Zimbabwe) for the sampling equipments provision and preparation and Eng. Z. Hoko for the logistics. Literature cited Arcifa, M.S, Northcote, T.G. and Froehlich, O. 1986. Fish-zooplankton interactions and their effects on water quality of a tropical Brazilian reservoir. Hydrobiologia. 139:49-58 Brainwood, M.A., Burgin S. and Maheshwari, B. 2004. Temporal variations in water quality of farm dams: impacts of land use and water sources. Agric. Water Manage. 70: 151-175 Cander-Lund, H. and Lund, J.W.G. 1995. Freshwater algae. Their microscopic world explored. Biopress Ltd. England. UK. 360 pp Carpenter, S., Caraco, N.F., Corell, D.L., Howarth, R.W., Sharpley, A.N. and Smith, V.H. 1998. Nonpoint Pollution of surface waters with Phosphorus and Nitrogen. Ecol. 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