CBA 3.4 Excel Math Calculations

Lesson Plan
Unit: Microsoft Excel 2010
Topic: Excel Mathematical calculations
Framework: CBA 3.4
ELA Standards:
R11.10.1—Demonstrate appropriate vocabulary usage
R11.11.1—Recognize and apply specialized vocabulary
R11.12.1—Recognize and apply specialized vocabulary
CCSS: WHST 9.4, WHST 10.4
Author: Sherry Magness
 What concept within the framework is to be developed? What is the specific objective of
the lesson?
Perform mathematical calculations using spreadsheet software (3.4)
The learner will create mathematical formulas using cell references, operators, operands,
order of operations, absolute/relative/mixed references. They will also create mathematical
functions using SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, & MIN
 What do students probably already know about the content? What prior knowledge
needs to be activated?
Students will probably already know:
*Math knowledge including understanding of:
Order of operations
Sum, Average, Count, Maximum & Minimum
Prior knowledge to be activated:
*Use of examples in math classes
*Averaging grades
 What don’t they know?
Absolute & Relative Cell References
What-If Analysis
The difference in formulas and functions
 Is there potential for misconception?
As the topic in this lesson is very closely related to items that have been taught at a previous
level in math, there should not be a large potential for misconception.
 What should students be able to do at the end of the lesson?
Students should be able to create mathematical formulas using cell references when using
 What resources are available to develop the concept?
*Microsoft Office 2010 Introductory—Shelly Cashman Series
*The teacher will use Admit Slips the day after the students have completed the step-by-step
instructions from the textbook for the chapter on formulas and functions. This will allow the
students the opportunity to “absorb” the information they have done and then formulate
questions upon their return the next day.
*After the students have done several lab assignments and completed workbook pages, the
teacher will use Exit Slips to have for the following “review” day prior to testing.
 What questions will focus students’ thinking on the concept and help guide learning?
Ask students:
*Why is it important to be familiar with the order of operations?
*How would Excel knowledge have helped you to determine a mathematical equation in a
timelier manner?
*How would using Excel IF statements and Assumptions help to make decisions in various
aspects of your life? (grades, planning a trip, etc.)
 How will I assess students’ understanding of the essential concepts and major details?
Assessment will be done by walking around the room to check for understanding while the
students are completing their step-by-step instructions from the textbook. The teacher will
also be able to assess the students’ understanding by reading/answering admit and exit
Description of Lesson
Part of
What Students Will Do
What Teacher Will Do
Students will write questions based
on the previous day’s work to help
me see if they are understanding the
concepts used in the step-by-step
instructions of the textbook.
The teacher will show students
some examples of how the
formulas/functions used in Excel
have improved grade calculation.
The teacher will also use various
math examples.
Admit Slip
The teacher will use the first 5-10
minutes of class to answer
questions that the students have
regarding the prior day’s step-bystep instruction.
Students will complete the step-bystep instructions for the lesson in
the textbook related to
formulas/functions, etc.
Exit Slips
After the students have done several
lab assignments and completed
workbook pages, the teacher will
use Exit Slips to have for the
following “review” day prior to
The teacher will observe as students
work through the step-by-step
instructions in the lesson. The
teacher will question the students to
make sure they understand the
procedures that are being