Teaching Scholars Program

How well does the Curriculum Development Project Proposal address each step? Does the proposal answer the key questions posed
by Kern et al?
Step 1: Problem Identification
What problem was identified?
Whom does the problem affect?
What effects does the problem have on these people?
How important is the problem?
What is currently being done to address the problem?
What should ideally be done to address the problem?
What key information still needs to be collected? And how
would you collect this information?
Step 2: Targeted Needs Assessment
 Who are the targeted learners? Are they the best group to
 What do we know about the targeted learners and their
 What additional information is still needed about the
targeted learners or the environment?
 What methods could be used to gather the needed
Worksheet developed using materials from Curriculum Development for Medical Education: A Six-step Approach (2nd Edition)
Edited by DE Kern, PA Thomas, and MT Hughes.
Step 3: Goals and Objectives
Using the template below, write one broad educational goal and three specific measurable objectives for the Proposed Curriculum. Make sure
each objective contains all of the five required elements (who, will do, how much, of what, by when).
Educational Goal
Learner Objective 1
(cognitive, psychomotor, or affective)
Learner Objective 2
(cognitive, psychomotor or affective)
Process Objective
Step 4: Educational Strategies
For each learner objective developed in Step 3, choose an educational method to achieve the objective. Make sure the educational method is
congruent with the objective domain (cognitive, psychomotor, or affective). Next, choose an educational method that would help prevent decay
after achievement of the objective. Finally, identify resources needed to implement the chosen educational methods. Are your methods feasible?
Obj 1
Ed strategy to achieve objective:
Resources required:
Obj 2
Ed strategy to achieve objective:
Resources required:
Worksheet developed using materials from Curriculum Development for Medical Education: A Six-step Approach (2nd Edition)
Edited by DE Kern, PA Thomas, and MT Hughes.
Suppose you were asked to implement the curriculum in your division, department, or your institution.
Step 5: Implementation
 What resources are required (personnel, time, facilities, patients,
faculty development, cost)?
 What is the degree of support for the curriculum (anticipated
resistance, external support needs)?
 What sort of administration (administrative structure,
communications, operations, and scholarship) is necessary to
implement and maintain the curriculum?
 What barriers do you anticipate to implementing the curriculum?
What are your plans for addressing them?
 What are your plans for introducing the curriculum
(pilot, phase in, or full implementation)?
 Will your curriculum likely be feasible and successful?
Step 6: Evaluation and Feedback
 Who will be the users of your curriculum?
 What are their needs? How will evaluation results be used?
 What resources are available for evaluation (time, personnel,
equipment, facilities, funds, and existing data)?
 What might be the 1-3 critical evaluation questions?
Are they congruent with the objectives of your curriculum?
 What is the most appropriate evaluation design considering
rigor and feasibility?
 What are the most appropriate measurement methods for your
evaluation design? Are they congruent with the evaluation
 Will you need IRB approval?
 How will data be collected and analyzed? What should an
evaluation report contain?
Worksheet developed using materials from Curriculum Development for Medical Education: A Six-step Approach (2nd Edition)
Edited by DE Kern, PA Thomas, and MT Hughes.