English Updates/Changes to be incorporated in Spanish Products The translations team needs to be notified as soon as possible if an editorial change is taking place in the English program. The changes can be as minor as a photo being replaced or as major as a lesson being rewritten in order to meet a state standard. English Editorial team is accountable to communicate all changes to the translations team. There are different scenarios during first printing, and at reprint. (If possible, translation should not take place until the English reprint has been completed). Early planning All processes applies to print and technology product. Members of the translations team should attend as many of the English program planning meetings as possible to get an understanding of the scope of the national or state specific version. The translation team should provide to the Spanish vendor prior to actual translation and production: Master glossary Current style guide Updated English files Final English manuscript Change Communication Process I. Concurrent first printing for English and Spanish (new, major revision or minor revision) A. Create a delivery schedule for changes. B. Designate an editorial content or production editor to be responsible for making copies of marked up first pass pages. An electronic workflow would involve scanning the originals as opposed to making copies. Highlight areas of change if delivered as scanned or hard copy. C. Global changes and digital tearsheets with markups are posted by English editorial to SharePoint or other electronic medium. English editor coordinates with a translations team member to forward hard copy changes to the translator. D. Utilize Sharepoint or other electronic medium for posting global changes. E. Verify receipt of changes by both internal translation and vendor teams. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Translation Incorporating English Changes • Author • McGraw-Hill School Education Group 2/12/16 • 1 SUBSEQUENT PASSES - FOLLOW THE SAME PROCESS WHILE FULLY CHECKING A DESIGNATED CHAPTER OR UNIT FOR REPRESENTATIVE CHANGES, AND THEN SPOT-CHECKING THE BALANCE TO ENSURE THAT CHANGES HAVE BEEN INCORPORATED. (SEE IN-HOUSE CHECKLIST FOR SPECIFICS) ENGLISH EDITORIAL: SUPPLY WORD DOCUMENT FOR MISSING, CHANGED, OR NEW COPY DUE TO ANSWER/FACT CHECKING, REVIEWER COMMENTS, OR AUTHOR COMMENTS ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Translation Incorporating English Changes • Author • McGraw-Hill School Education Group 2/12/16 • 2 II. Translation after 1st printing is complete, but prior to reprint corrections (new, major revision or minor revision) A. English editorial performs cold read or post-publication review and incorporate changes into tear sheets. B. English editorial provides final approved English printer PDF/application files to translation vendor. C. Translation editorial follows established process and workflow for change, review and validation. III. Reprint for English and Spanish (new, major revision or minor revision) A. English editorial provides errata lists to Translations team upon earliest approval to determine if changes are required in Spanish. B. If concurrent, English and Translations staff must work in close collaboration to insure accurate updates, the English editors send any notifications of changes to the appropriate Translations editor with copy to Translations Executive Editor. If Translation reprint follows English reprint, all tearsheets plus final approved English printer PDF/application files. C. Upon receipt from English editorial, Translation editor provides reprint lists, tear sheets, and new manuscript to the translation vendor. D. Translation editorial and production must address any state layer or file management requirements if the national reprint is being called. E. Translation editorial follows established process and workflow for change, review and validation F. The above process would also apply to state versions that are adaptations of another state version. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Translation Incorporating English Changes • Author • McGraw-Hill School Education Group 2/12/16 • 3