7530 Psychology (7350) Course Description and End-of-Course Assessment High School Curriculum Writers: Annette Alexander; Julie Ann Hill Pre-Requisites: 11th and 12th graders ONLY!! Level (Ess/ Exp/ Ext) and Time Obj. #1 Objective Allotted (in hours) Resources Understanding Psychology (Glencoe 2001 edition); Sample Teaching Strategy/ Assessment Supplemental Materials; Psychology Today; www.psychology.g lencoe.com Standard 1: Methods Domain Goal 1: Introduction to Psychology 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Define psychology ESS 1 Unit 1: Ch.1-2 Brainstorm EXP Unit 1: Ch. 1-2 Lecture; Read Chapters ESS 1 Unit 1: Ch. 1-2 Worksheet, Activities/Games; Vocabulary Quiz ESS 1 Unit 1: Ch.1-2 EXP Unit 1: Ch. 1-2 List and explain steps of scientific method Recognize and define key vocabulary related to psychological research methods ( i.e. variables, correlation, experiment, control group, experimenter bias, placebos, etc.) Compare and contrast (a) experiment and correlation; (b) a case study and a survey; (c) a representative sample and a biased sample; (d) independent variable and dependent variable Explain the advantage of naturalistic observation ESS = Essential (All students should master this skill or concept) EXP = Expected (Concept should be taught and will be mastered by many students) EXT = Extended (Optional objective for enrichment) 1 Read Chapters; Discussion Discussion; Object Lesson 7530 Level (Ess/ Exp/ Ext) and Time Obj. #1 Objective Allotted (in hours) Resources Sample Teaching Strategy/ Assessment Understanding Psychology (Glencoe 2001 edition); Supplemental Materials; Psychology Today; www.psychology.g lencoe.com Goal 2: Development of psychology as an empirical science 6. 7. 8. Review psychology’s roots in natural science and philosophy Describe the forms psychology took before the 20th century (i.e. Aristotle, Ancient Egyptians, Locke, Weber, Helmholtz, Fechner, Wundt, James, etc.) Describe 20th century “schools” of psychology: (a) behaviorism; (b) Gestalt; (c) psychoanalysis; (d) humanism; (e) cognitive Unit 1: Ch.1-2 Read Chapters Unit 1: Ch. 1-2 Read Chapters; Research (Internet) http://www.cwu. edu/~warren/to day.html Unit 1: Ch. 2 Read Chapters; Research; MiniPresentations or Papers; Matching Quiz EXP EXT ESS 2 Goal 3: The role of ethics in psychological research 9. Analyze the ethical issues inherent in psychological research (i.e. use of animals, deception) EXP Unit 1: Ch. 2 http://www.apa. org/ethics/code .html Discussion; Panel Discussion; Read Chapters Goal 4: Recognize sub-fields and career opportunities in the field of Psychology 10. 11. 12. Understand the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist Describe the major sub-fields in the field of psychology (i.e. clinical, behavioral, counseling, developmental, social, and experimental) Review career opportunities in the field of psychology ESS 1 Unit 1: Ch. 1 EXP Unit 1: Ch. 1 EXP Unit 1: Ch. 1 Discussion; Guest Speakers Read Chapter Read Chapter; Guest Speakers; Chapter Test Standard 2: Bio-psychological Domain Goal 1: Introduce the biological basis of human behavior Unit 3: Ch. 6 13. 14. 15. 16. Identify the neuron as the basis for neural communication EXP Explain the function of sensory, motor, and ESS Unit 3: Ch. 6 inter-neurons 1 Explain how information is transmitted through Unit 3: Ch. 6 the body’s nervous system EXP Describe the role of neurotransmitters in various Unit 3: Ch. 6 diseases (i.e. Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Epilepsy, Hyperactivity, etc.) EXT ESS = Essential (All students should master this skill or concept) EXP = Expected (Concept should be taught and will be mastered by many students) EXT = Extended (Optional objective for enrichment) 2 Visuals (i.e. charts, graphs, diagrams); Fill-inthe-blank Worksheets; Read Chapters “ “ “ Guest Speakers 7530 Level (Ess/ Exp/ Ext) and Time Obj. #1 Objective Allotted (in hours) Resources Understanding Psychology (Glencoe 2001 edition); Sample Teaching Strategy/ Assessment Supplemental Materials; Psychology Today; www.psychology.g lencoe.com Goal 2: Classify the major divisions and sub-divisions of the body’s nervous system 17. Identify the parts and explain the functions of the central and peripheral nervous systems ESS 1 Unit 3: Ch. 6 Visual (i.e. charts, diagrams, etc.); Fill-inthe-blank Worksheets; Read Chapter; Vocabulary/Diagram Quiz Goal 3: Classify the structure and functions of the major regions in the brain 18. Summarize the structure and function of the major regions of the brain (frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal) 19. Compare and contrast the functions of the brain’s hemispheres (left and right) and the corpus collosum EXP ESS 2 Unit 3: Ch. 6; http://www.pbs. org/wgbh/aso/tr yit/brain/ Unit 3: Ch. 6 “ Internet; Discussion; Activities Goal 4: Describe the structure and function of the body’s endocrine system 20. 21. Explain how the endocrine glands are linked to the body’s nervous system List the hormones secreted by the endocrine glands and give examples of their links to human behavior ESS 1 Unit 3: Ch. 6 EXP Unit 3: Ch. 6 Read Chapter; Visuals, etc. Visuals (i.e. charts, graphs, etc); Read Chapter; Unit Test Goal 5: Understand heredity and environmental influences on human behavior 22. Compare and contrast the concepts of “nature” and “nurture” as they relate to possible explanations of behavior ESS 2 Unit 3: Ch. 6, Sec. 4 Discuss “twin studies”; “genetics”; “environmental influences”; Read Chapter Goal 6: Describe the capabilities and limitations of sensory processes 23. Define sensations, perceptions, psychophysics, absolute and difference thresholds, Weber’s Law, and signal detection ESS 1 24. Describe and explain the functions of the body’s sensory systems (i.e. eyes, ears, nose, skin) EXP Unit 3: Ch. 8 Unit 3: Ch. 8 ESS = Essential (All students should master this skill or concept) EXP = Expected (Concept should be taught and will be mastered by many students) EXT = Extended (Optional objective for enrichment) 3 Read Chapter; Discussion; Fill-in-theblank worksheet; Vocabulary Game “ 7530 Level (Ess/ Exp/ Ext) and Time Obj. #1 Objective Allotted (in hours) Resources Understanding Psychology (Glencoe 2001 edition); Sample Teaching Strategy/ Assessment Supplemental Materials; Psychology Today; www.psychology.g lencoe.com 25. Relate knowledge of the sensory process to applications in music, memory, advertising, etc. EXT Unit 3: Ch. 8 Interactive and Interpretive Activities; Journal Entries; Surveys Goal 7: Explain the principles involved in perception and attention 26. Understand the principles of perception (depth perception, illusions, binocular and monocular cues) ESS 2 27. Compare and contrast “selective” and “divided” attention in determining human behavior EXT Unit 3: Ch. 8 http://www.illusi on.works.com/ Unit 3: Ch. 8 Internet; Visuals (i.e. magic pictures, illusions, etc.); Games Discussion; Vocabulary Quiz Standard 3: Cognitive Domain Goal 1: Explore the various stages of consciousness 28. Define consciousness and altered states of consciousness (i.e. sleep, drugs, hypnosis) ESS 2 29. Identify and describe the five stages of the sleep cycle EXP 30. 31. Explain the difference between REM and NREM sleep Review the different types of sleep disorders (i.e. sleep apnea, narcolepsy, insomnia, sleepwalking, nightmares, night terrors, etc.) 32. Analyze dreams and their possible interpretations EXT 33. Explain the historical and modern uses of hypnosis in the treatment of psychological problems EXT 34. ESS 1 ESS 3 Identify and describe the major categories of psychoactive drugs and their effects on human behavior (i.e. narcotic, stimulant, depressant, hallucinogens) ESS 4 Unit 3: Ch. 7 Unit 3: Ch. 7 http://www.slee pnet.com/index .shtml Unit 3: Ch. 7 Unit 3: Ch. 7 Unit 3: Ch. 7; Various Dream Analysis books; Video (i.e. “What Dreams May Come”, etc.) Unit 3: Ch. 7, Sec. 2 Unit 3: Ch. 7, Sec. 3; Various selfhelp books and organizations (i.e. alcoholic anonymous, ESS = Essential (All students should master this skill or concept) EXP = Expected (Concept should be taught and will be mastered by many students) EXT = Extended (Optional objective for enrichment) 4 Read Chapter; Guest Speakers; Discussion Read Chapter; Discussion “ Vocabulary Game; Discussion; Read Chapter; Unit Test Activity; Dream Logs; Interpretations; Read Supplementary Materials Guest Speaker; Internet; Discussion Guest Speaker; Journal Entry; Visuals (i.e. charts; videos); Pamphlets From Media Center; Creative Response Project; Vocabulary Quiz 7530 Level (Ess/ Exp/ Ext) and Time Obj. #1 Objective Allotted (in hours) Resources Understanding Psychology (Glencoe 2001 edition); Sample Teaching Strategy/ Assessment Supplemental Materials; Psychology Today; www.psychology.g lencoe.com etc.); school counselors; http://www.uws p.edu/acad/psy ch/tdrugs.htm Video: “28 Days” Standard 4: Socio-cultural Domain Goal 1: Identify and understand deviant behaviors 35. Define key vocabulary related to psychological disorders (i.e. deviance, normal, abnormal, neurosis, psychosis, etc.) ESS 2 36. Review methods used in the research and diagnosis of psychological disorders (i.e. DSM-IV, animal models, etc.) EXT 37. Cite and discuss examples of abnormal behavior (i.e. anxiety, panic disorders, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, depression, autism, etc.) ESS 5 Examine biological, psychological, and spiritual 38. e explanations for abnormal behaviors Recognize the stigma associated with abnormal and examine long-term impact of 39. behavior diagnostic labels EXP EXT Deviant Behaviors video series; community mental health professionals and services; Unit 6: Ch. 16 DSMR-IV and other diagnostic references Video—Deviant Behaviors (available in h.s. media centers) (i.e. “Sybil”, “What About Bob”, “As Good As It Gets”, “Rainman”, “Awakenings”, “A Beautiful Mind”, etc.); Unit 6: Ch. 16 Unit 6: Ch. 16 Unit 6: Ch. 1617; alliance for the mentally ill ESS = Essential (All students should master this skill or concept) EXP = Expected (Concept should be taught and will be mastered by many students) EXT = Extended (Optional objective for enrichment) 5 Discussion; Video Segments; Guest Speakers; Read Chapter; Literary and Historical Connections; Vocabulary Quiz Practicing Diagnostic Skills; Diagnostic Test Read Chapter; Videos; Literary Connections; Guest Speakers; Oral Presentations; MiniResearch Papers, Youth Suicide and Troubled Families Fact Sheets Read Chapter; Discussion; Research Guest Speakers; Discussion; Read Chapter; Unit Test 7530 Level (Ess/ Exp/ Ext) and Time Obj. #1 Objective Allotted (in hours) Resources Understanding Psychology (Glencoe 2001 edition); Sample Teaching Strategy/ Assessment Supplemental Materials; Psychology Today; www.psychology.g lencoe.com Goal 2: Identify various interventions used in the treatment of psychological disorders 40. Explain basic goals and processes involved in the different forms of therapy (i.e. behavioral, cognitive, psychoanalytical, humanistic, biomedical, etc.) ESS 2 41. Define and list types of psychotherapy and their treatment techniques (i.e. individual, group, family, etc.) ESS 1 42. 43. 44. 45. List and explain alternative methods of therapy (i.e. electro-convulsive shock therapy, drugs, psychosurgery, aversive conditioning, etc.) Describe the role of a therapist in the diagnosis and treatment of an individual with a psychological disorder ESS 1 Unit 6: Ch. 17; guest speakers (i.e. school counselors and psychologists, private practitioners, etc.) Unit 6: Ch. 17; http://www.groh ol.com/therapy. htm Unit 6: Ch. 17 EXP Review the different types of intervention therapists (i.e. psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, social workers, etc.) ESS 1 Identify and describe the legal and ethical challenges involved in the treatment of psychological disorders (i.e. confidentiality, right to treatment, right to refuse treatment, competent to stand trial, legally insane, etc.) Unit 6: Ch. 17 Unit 6: Ch. 17; guest speakers (i.e. school psychologists, private practitioners, law enforcement personnel, etc.) EXP Unit 6: Ch. 17 Guest Speaker; Discussion; Read Chapter; Role Playing; Vocabulary Quiz Read Chapter; Fill-in-theBlank Worksheet; Vocabulary Games Read Chapter; Visuals (i.e. charts, diagrams) Guest Speaker; Read Chapter; Discussion Read Supplementary Materials; Research Projects Discussion; Panel Discussion; Debate; Unit Test; Writing Assignment Standard 5: Developmental Domain Goal 1: Understand human development from conception to death 46. Identify key vocabulary related to the human lifespan (i.e. conception, fetus, infancy, childhood, puberty, adulthood, death and dying, Exp Unit 2: Ch. 3-5 ESS = Essential (All students should master this skill or concept) EXP = Expected (Concept should be taught and will be mastered by many students) EXT = Extended (Optional objective for enrichment) 6 Vocabulary Worksheet; Discussion; Read Chapter and 7530 Level (Ess/ Exp/ Ext) and Time Obj. #1 Objective Allotted (in hours) Resources Understanding Psychology (Glencoe 2001 edition); Sample Teaching Strategy/ Assessment Supplemental Materials; Psychology Today; www.psychology.g lencoe.com etc.) Supplementary Material; Guest Speakers Suggested Sequence of Objectives Connectivity (skills/concepts applicable to core areas of study) ESS = Essential (All students should master this skill or concept) EXP = Expected (Concept should be taught and will be mastered by many students) EXT = Extended (Optional objective for enrichment) 7 7530 End-of-Course Assessment Describe project, presentation, or product here and include rubric (for examples) OR attach exam. End-of-Course Assessment Description Rubric [Revise as necessary or attach rubric] 5 4 3 2 1 0 Advanced: [Include detailed description of what product must look like to earn this score] Proficient: [Include detailed description of what product must look like to earn this score] Satisfactory: [Include detailed description of what product must look like to earn this score] Developing: [Include detailed description of what product must look like to earn this score] Beginning: [Include detailed description of what product must look like to earn this score] Insufficient: [Include detailed description of what product must look like to earn this score] ESS = Essential (All students should master this skill or concept) EXP = Expected (Concept should be taught and will be mastered by many students) EXT = Extended (Optional objective for enrichment) 8