

Traditional Format Course Syllabus Fall 2009 Sections 02 and 03

This course is an introduction to biological principles, biotechnology, and applications related to genetics. Ethical analyses are included due to the far-reaching effects on the individual and society.

BIOL 116 is a 3 credit hour lecture only course. Life science lab credit can be obtained by concurrent or subsequent enrollment in BIOL 117 .

If absent, students may attend any of the scheduled times for BIOL 116 Sections 02 or 03

Check with the instructor for the other sections’ scheduled activities.

Section 02: MW 9:30-10:45

Section 03: TR 12:30-1:45

Instructor: Stacie Rose

Only my.heartland emails will be opened.

ALL email Subject boxes must state ‘BIOL116 -( your section number)’.

Office: ICB 2406

Office Hours:

Mon. 9:00 a.m.-9:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m.

Tue. 9:00 a.m.-9:30 a.m.

Wed. 9:00 a.m.-9:30 a.m. and 12:15 p.m.-2:15 p.m.

Phone: (309) 268-8644

Website :


Note: If you are having problems opening attachments or other documents when using the

Explorer browser, you may want to consider downloading the free Firefox browser and using it instead of Explorer. The website to obtain the free download for Firefox is .


Course Materials:

BIOL 116 Lecture Guides : Students are REQUIRED to BRING ‘ Lecture Guides

’ to the lectures. Lecture Guides can be obtained by printing them directly from the website. A three-ring binder should be used to organize these documents.

Text : Human Genetics Concepts and Applications 8 th

Ed. Ricki Lewis

Online Course Readings

* are located on the BIOL 116 website. Instructions and

Questions for these online readings also are located here.

Online Recorded Lectures : As assigned by instructor

Videos on reserve at the HCC library

3-Ring Binder

Students are responsible for…

Reviewing the syllabus periodically to refresh their memory concerning information provided therein, and bringing the syllabus to each class.

Attending and bringing Lecture Guides and other course materials to class.

Contacting the instructor if the student is having difficulty with a particular topic.

Tutors may be available at the Academic Support Center (ASC) in the library area.

Writing down questions to ask before the lectures and exams.

Viewing videos and completing other assignments.

Exhibiting courtesy and respect for their fellow students and the instructor. This includes turning the power off of cell phones. Because vibrating phones, texting, checking messages, etc. is disruptive, all cell phones must have their power off.

Recording your grades as they are obtained (see page in syllabus).

Obtaining copies of the notes from another student if absent. Xeroxed lecture notes are not available.

R EADING the syllabus and signing a contract stating that he/she understands and will abide by the syllabus policies. If for some reason a student cannot abide by these policies, he/she should not sign the contract and must contact the instructor immediately.

Contract due date:

* Other course readings may include the text, journal articles, and online readings linked from the Lecture



Student Contacts :


Course Policies



The student may take any exam with either SECTION 02 or 03, but check with the instructor as soon as possible for the scheduled exam dates of the other section.

The lowest grade (out of exams 1-3 is dropped). A missed exam will be counted as the lowest grade.

Exam 4 cannot be dropped.

Exam grades are returned during the following lecture session. Grades will NOT be emailed to students.

2 .



: T






Attendance is mandatory for the quizzes. 7pt. out of the 15pt. of one missed quiz can be made up by turning in the completed Self-Test for the missed quiz on the ‘exam’ date.

Incomplete Self-Tests will not be receive any points. One point will be deducted from the

7 possible points for each incorrect Self-Test answer. If a student misses a second quiz, a grade of zero will be recorded for that quiz.

3 .






The group debate assignment requires class attendance and participation. This assignment will involve several lecture periods. Attendance is mandatory for ALL debate sessions.

4 . 5 Minute Disease of the Week Presentation: Student groups will give a 5 minute presentation concerning a genetic disease to the class.


Extra Credit V


-The only extra credit in the course are videos on reserve in the

HCC library. Take the Video Signature Sheet and have the librarian sign the sheet. It is your responsibility to be sure that the sheet is signed with the librarian’s full signature and dated.

6 .



: Attendance it is not included as part of your grade (unless it interferes with a classroom activity such as the debate or quizzes). Remember, your grade in the course will reflect the priority given it.


T ARDINESS : Please let the instructor know if there are extenuating circumstances that may cause tardiness.


Course Objectives

1. To examine prevailing philosophical concepts applied in the study of science.

2. To associate relationships between cells, cellular organelles, their functions, and

biological organization.

3. To relate the structure and functions of molecules involved in genetic determination

(proteins and nucleic acids).

4. To understand scientific principles of DNA typing and examine case studies.

5. To correlate human traits with the dynamic relationship between genes and


6. To attain knowledge of selected genetic disorders and relate this information to

genetic principles.

7. To understand the scientific basis of genetic engineering, gene therapy and cloning-

while evaluating concerns and goals.

8. To gain knowledge of the Human Genome Project and related programs- including

their implications concerning ethics and public policy.

Student Evaluation

Assignments, Exams, Quizzes

5 minute Disease Presentation

Total Points Possible


4 Exams (100pt. each, lowest dropped)

Happy Book paper

2 Quizzes (15pt. Each)


Grading scale: Grades are rounded to the nearest 0.5

















Record all of your scores here.

Exam 1

Exam 2

Drop lowest exam score. (Exams 1-3)

Exam 3

Exam 4


Quiz 1

Quiz 2

Happy Book Paper

Disease of the Week Presentation

EC Video 1

EC Video 2

EC Video 3

EC Video 4

EC Video 5

Total points earned by student (Drop lowest of exams 1-3) =

Divide by Total # of possible points = 390


Services and Support

Academic Support Center Services

Library: Students must go to the library to watch the extra credit videos.

The Library, located in the Student Commons Buildings at the Raab Road campus, provides Heartland students with a full range of resources including books, online journal databases, videos, newspapers, periodicals, reserves, and interlibrary loan. Librarians are available to assist in locating information. For more information, please call the Library

(309) 268-8200 or (309) 268-8292

Tutoring Services

Heartland Community College offers tutoring in various forms at no cost to Heartland students at the Tutoring and Testing Center in Normal and at the Pontiac and Lincoln

Centers. Tutors are available at convenient times throughout the week. Study groups are also available by request. For more information about services available at each location, please call the Tutoring and Testing Center in Normal (309) at 268-8231, the Pontiac

Center at (815) 842-6777, or the Lincoln Center at (217) 735-1731.

Testing Services

The Tutoring and Testing Center provides a secure testing environment for students who are enrolled in online, hybrid, and other distance learning courses; have a documented disability; or need to take a make-up exam. Testing accommodations for students having documented disabilities must be arranged by the student through the Office of Disability

Services, and Testing Services will only administer make-up exams at the request of the instructor. Contact Testing Services at (309) 268-8231 for more information.

Open Computing Lab

The Open Computing Lab provides free computing for HCC students at convenient times throughout the week. The computer lab is staffed by trained Lab Assistants and offers the use of approximately 70 computers, a scanner, a laser printer, and an electric typewriter. Read the HCC Computer lab Rules concerning Printing (on the website).

Notice of Cancelled Class sessions are listed for all HCC classes online. Note that some cancellations occur too late to be posted.

Counseling Resources : Personal Development Services

Celeste M. Bradley, Coordinator of Personal Development Services

Student Services CCB 1004 ph: (309)268-8029



This syllabus is subject to change. Students must attend lectures or, if absent, communicate with student contacts or the instructor for any verbal or written changes.


Tentative Lecture Outline

The following schedule is only an approximation of the dates when material is covered during the semester. Depending on student needs, section pace, class cancellations, and college closings, course sections may proceed through the material at different rates.

Therefore, lecture topics/exams/quizzes/group project dates are not definite until the instructor has made a final announcement.

Upcoming Due Dates:

Week of Aug. 24-27, due the last lecture session of the week: Video signature sheet-

“The Boy Whose Skin Fell Off “

Week of Aug. 31-Sept. 3, due the first lecture period of the week: Happy Book

Assignment Part 1 and Part 2

Week of Sept. 8-9: Video signature sheet “Basic Chemistry for Biology Students”

Exam 1: Week of Sept. 14-17

Special Note about the Debate (Held after Exam 1):

You may attend another section’s debates (But ALL sessions must be attended with the other section). If a student misses even one of the debate lecture periods, a 10 page paper is required to make up a maximum of 15pt. out of the 20pts. possible for the debate.


Aug. 17-20


Introduction to the course: Syllabus, Website

Meeting other students.

Video: Huntington disease

Lecture Guide: The Cell

Go to the library and watch the DVD “The Boy Whose Skin Fell Off”. Take the Video

Signature Sheet and have the librarian write his/her full signature and date you watched the DVD on the sheet. Due date is final.


Due last lecture period of this week: Video signature sheet Boy Whose Skin Fell Off

Lecture Guide: The Cell

Aug. 31-Sept. 3

Due first lecture period this week: Happy Book Assignment

Summaries and Opinion.

Lecture Guide: The Cell

Go to the library and watch the video “Basic Chemistry for Biology Students” before the last class next week. Take the Video Signature Sheet and have the librarian write his/her full signature and date on the sheet. Due date is final.


Sept. 8-10 (No class on Mon. Sept. 7 Labor Day)

Lecture Guide: Structure of DNA

Disease of the Week #1 (Last lecture period of the week)

Due last lecture period of this week: Video signature sheet Basic Chemistry for

Biology Students

Sept. 14-17

Exam 1 First lecture period of this week. o Lecture Guide The Cell o Lecture Guide Structure of DNA o The Happy Book o Text:

Chap. 1

Chap. 2 pp. 17-27, 33(Signal Transduction), 34-36 (Cell Lineages)

Chap. 3 pp. 50-57

Chap. 9 pp. 165-172 & Fig. 9.13 p. 173

Chap. 11 pp. 206-209

Chap. 13 pp. 239-246

Chap. 17 pp. 327-331

(Second lecture period of this week) For Exam 2- Lecture Guide: Functions of DNA



(See previous week)

Sept. 21-24

Lecture Guide: Functions of DNA

Disease of the Week #2 (First lecture period of the week)

Sept. 28-Oct. 1

Lecture Guide: Functions of DNA

Lecture Guide: Human Genome Project & Debate

Oct. 5-8


Exam 2: Last Lecture period of this week o Lecture Guide: Functions of DNA o Lecture Guide: Human Genome Project and Debate o Text:

Chap. 2 pp. 28-32

Chap. 9 pp. 173-175

Chap. 10

 Chap. 12 pp. 213-227

Chap. 14 p. 276-278 (Genetic Privacy & Bioethics: Choices for the


Chap. 19 pp. 376-377 (Patenting DNA)

Chap. 20 pp. 393-399

Chap. 22, including Reading 22.1 (Huntington Disease)



Oct. 12-15

Disease of the Week #3 (First lecture period of the week)

Lecture Guide: DNA Typing: Introduction and Procedures

Quiz 1

Will be held the lecture period after we reach the first Self-Test in The DNA

Typing: Introduction and Procedures Lecture Guide

Oct. 19-22

Lecture Guide: DNA Typing: Introduction and Procedures

Quiz 2: Will be held the lecture period after we reach the second Self-Test in The

DNA Typing: Introduction and Procedures Lecture Guide

Go to the library, and watch the video “Murder, Rape and DNA” before the second class period next week. Take the Video Signature Sheet and have the librarian write his/her full signature and date on the sheet. Due date is final.

Oct. 26-29

Lecture Guide: DNA Typing Applications

Due the last lecture period of this week: Video signature sheet Murder, Rape, and DNA


Nov. 2-5

Exam 3 First lecture period of this week o Lecture Guide DNA Typing: Introduction and Procedures o Lecture Guide Applications of DNA Typing o Text:

Chap. 1 pp. 7-13

 Chap. 9 Reading 9.1 p. 171

Chap. 14

Chap. 16 pp. 301-308, 315-319 (up to Eugenics)

Chap. 20 Sections 20.1 & 20.2 pp. 394-398 o Online readings:


 Click Play for “DNA Restriction”, “Gel Electrophoresis” and

“Polymerase Chain Reaction”

Read the above and watch the animations

Read the internet sites and answer the questions in the worksheet: adAssignments/OnlineReadingQuestions/DNAtypeOnlineRead/Applic ationOnlineReadings/AppOnlineReadInstructQuest.htm

(Second lecture period of this week) for Exam 4- Lecture Guide: Meiosis and Sexual


Go to the library and watch the video “Sex and the Single Gene” before the first class period next week. Take the Video Signature Sheet and have the librarian write his/her full signature and date on the sheet. Due date is FINAL.



(See previous week)

Nov. 9-12

Disease of the Week #4 (First lecture period of the week)

Due first class period this week: Video signature Sheet: “Sex and the Single Gene”

Lecture Guide: Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction complete

Lecture Guide: Genetics and Race

Go to the library and watch the video “Race Power of an Illusion Part I” before the first class period next week. Take the Video Signature Sheet and have the librarian write his/her full signature and date on the sheet. Due date is FINAL.

Nov. 16-19

 Due first class period this week: Video signature Sheet “Race Power of an

Illusion Part I

Lecture Guide: Genetics and Race complete

Lecture Guide: Genetics of Sex

Student Evaluations

In the last 3-4 weeks of class, all students are expected to complete a course evaluation form online, at

Go to the library and watch the video “Sex and the Single Gene” before the first class next week. Take the Video Signature Sheet and have the librarian write his/her full signature and date on the sheet. Due date is FINAL.


Nov. 23-24 (No class Nov. 25-27 Thanksgiving)

Disease of the Week #5 (First lecture period of the week)

Due first class period this week: Video signature sheet Sex and the Single Gene

Lecture Guide: Genetics of Sex complete

Lecture Guide: Genetic Engineering, Gene Therapy, and Human Cloning

Nov. 30-Dec. 3

Disease of the Week #6 (First lecture period of the week)

Lecture Guide: Genetic Engineering, Gene Therapy, and Human Cloning

Final Exam (Exam 4, not cumulative): o Lecture Guide Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction o Lecture Guide Genetics and Race o Lecture Guide Genetics of Sex o Lecture Guide Genetic Engineering, Gene Therapy, and Cloning o Text:

Chap. 2 pp. 36-38

Chap. 3 pp. 41-50, pp. 52-53 (Bioethics: Why a Clone…), 54-56


 Chap. 6

Chap. 7 pp. 131-143 & 144 (Key Concepts)

Chap. 8 pp. 151-154 (up to Key Concepts)

Page 281 (Evolution of Lactose Intolerance)

Chap. 13 pp. 247-260

Chap. 16 pp. 319-321

Chap. 19 pp. 379-380 (up to ‘Isolating the Gene of Interest’), pp. 382-

387 (up to 19.4)

Chap. 20 p. 393 (yellow box) & Section 20.3 pp. 399-408.

BIOL 116-02 Mon. Dec. 7, 8:00 a.m. (NOT 9:30)

BIOL 116-03 Tue., Dec. 8, 12:00 p.m. (NOT 12:30)



BIOL 116 Video Signature Sheet

Name: Course and Section:

Please have the Librarian sign their full name and the date you watched the video. Turn this sheet into the instructor.

Video Title Library Staff Full Signature Date Video was


The Boy Whose Skin Fell


Basic Chemistry for Biology


Murder, Rape and DNA

Race Power of an Illusion

Sex and the Single Gene




BIOL 116 Genes: The Foundations of Life

Date of Presentation:

Disease of the Week 5 Minute Presentation

Disease (genetic):

Group Members’ Names

Topic assigned (see below)

At least one visual aid is required.

Everyone must speak.

The group must make copies of the typed information for all of the students and the instructor.

This five minute presentation should include the following information:

The organelles/cells/tissues/organs causing the disease scientific and common names.

The gene(s) responsible for the disease.

The protein affected, its normal function, and how it affects the organelles/cells/tissues/organs.

Who is affected (ages, groups, geographic locale, etc…)?

How are they affected (symptoms, death rates, etc…)?


Any other pertinent information the group wishes to include.



BIOL 116 Genes: The Foundations of Life

Student Contract

116 Section Date:

You must sign this form before the instructor will record any grades.

I, (print your name) , read, understand, and will abide by the policies listed below as stated in the lecture syllabi.



1. Course Materials

2. Student Responsibilities and Conduct

3. Course Policies Concerning: a. Exams/Quizzes and Accommodations for Missed Exams, Quizzes, and

Assignments b. Attendance, & Debate Participation c. Tardiness

4. BIOL 116 Course Website- Lecture Guides , Self-Tests, Online Readings &

Study Questions

5. HCC Computer Printing Policies

6. Syllabus Disclaimer

7. Course Objectives

8. Grade Reporting, Grade Calculations & Student Evaluation

9. Support Services: HCC Computing and Tutoring

10. Tentative Lecture Schedule

11. Video extra credit

