Japan Foundation London Language Centre
The Japan Foundation keeps a record of UK schools that are teaching Japanese. We would be very grateful if you could fill out your school’s details below, so that we can keep our records upto-date. Please note we may share school information with relevant third parties. However, we will not share contact information for individual teachers with any third parties.
Institution Name:
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
School Email:
Local Authority Name:
Number of Students on Roll: Age Range:
Type of school: State-maintained Independent
Number of students learning Japanese:
What status does Japanese have at your school?
Please select
What year did your school start Japanese?
Is your school currently using
ReadySteadyNihonGO? Yes No
Please give details of any other course or text your school is using to teach Japanese:
Sex: Please select
Does your school receive Japanese teaching from a local secondary school as part of Outreach?
Yes No
Name of secondary school:
Number of students taught:
Please return to Christopher Shone by e-mail, fax or post:
E-mail: christopher.shone@jpf.org.uk
Tel: 020 7436 6698 Fax: 020 7323 4888
Japan Foundation London Language Centre, Russell Square House, 10-12 Russell Square,
London, WC1B 5EH
Please list all staff teaching Japanese at your school, as well as the head teacher (in the first box). We will not share contact information below with any third parties:
Email Address:
Position / Role: Head Teacher
Native Japanese speaker? Yes No
Former JET participant? Yes No
Tick here if you would like to receive
JFNews, the Japan Foundation’s monthly ebulletin
Tick here if you would like to be signed up for jle-
UK, the JFLLC’s email discussion list for teachers of Japanese in the UK.
Email Address:
Position / Role:
No No No
Former JET participant? Yes No
Tick here if you would like to receive
JFNews, the Japan Foundation’s monthly e-bulletin
Tick here if you would like to be signed up for jle-
UK, the JFLLC’s email discussion list for teachers of Japanese in the UK.
Email Address:
Position / Role:
Native Japanese speaker? Yes No
Former JET participant? Yes No
Tick here if you would like to receive
JFNews, the Japan Foundation’s monthly ebulletin
Tick here if you would like to be signed up for jleUK, the JFLLC’s email discussion list for teachers of Japanese in the UK.
Email Address:
Position / Role:
No No No
Former JET participant? Yes No
Tick here if you would like to receive
JFNews, the Japan Foundation’s monthly e-bulletin
Tick here if you would like to be signed up for jle-UK, the JF LLC’s email discussion list for teachers of Japanese in the UK.
No No
No No
Please return to Christopher Shone by e-mail, fax or post:
E-mail: christopher.shone@jpf.org.uk
Tel: 020 7436 6698 Fax: 020 7323 4888
Japan Foundation London Language Centre, Russell Square House, 10-12 Russell Square,
London, WC1B 5EH