Thirty-fifth Meeting of the Red River Basin Commission RRBC US Office: 119 5th St, PO Box 66 Moorhead, MN 56561-0066 T. 218-291-0422/ F. 218-291-0438 September 7, 2006 Ramada Plaza Suites Fargo, North Dakota 11:00 am RRBC Canada Office: 206-309 Hargrave St Winnipeg MB R3B 2J8 T. 204-982-7250/ F. 204-982-7255 Directors: Joe Belford, ND Counties; Brian Charles, MB Municipalities; Lindy Clubb, MB Environmental; Sheryl Corrigan, MN State; Jerry Dahl, MN Counties; Judith DesHarnais, Federal; Jon Evert, MN Counties; John Finney, MN Watersheds; Tom Fischer, ND Watersheds; Dale Frink, ND State; Bruce Furness, ND Cities; Dave Gera, MB Municipalities; Dave Glatt, ND State; Jake Gust, ND At-Large; Ron Harnack, MN State; Dean Hildebrand, ND State; Melissa Hotain, MB Tribal; Eddie Madsen, SD At-Large; Herm Martens, MB Municipalities; Gene Merriam, MN State; Don Norquay, MB Provincial; R. S. “Bud” Oliver, MB Cities; Donald Osborne, MN Cities; Bill Paulishyn, MB Municipalities; Allen Pemberton, MN Tribal; Riley Rogers, ND Cities; Sam Schellenberg, MB Water Co-Op; Bill Schwandt, MN Cities; Warren Seykora, MN At-Large; Mike Shkolny, MB Cities; Muriel Smith, MB Provincial; Chuck Spitzack, Federal; Fred Stark, ND Cities; Genevieve Thompson, ND Environmental; Steven Topping, MB Provincial; Constance Triplett, ND Counties; Henry Van Offelen, MN Environmental; Ben Varnson, ND Watersheds; Larry Whitney, MB At Large; Dan Wilkens, MN Watersheds. Vacancies: MN Cities, ND First Nations/Tribal and SD Governor Appointee. Ex Officio: Duane Boutang, Canada; Judith DesHarnais, USA; David Johnson, for MP Alcock; Valerie Gravseth for Sen. Dayton; Maynard Pick for MN Rep Peterson; Pam Gulleson for Sen. Dorgan; Joan Carlson for ND Rep Pomeroy; and Curt Kuhl for Sen. Conrad. Alternates: Donald Elston, ND Watersheds; Ken Evenson, ND Cities; Dennis Fewless, ND State; John Holland, MB Municipalities; Paul Houdek, ND Cities; Lee Klapprodt, ND State; Glen Koroluk, MB Environmental; Curt Kreun, ND Cities; Rick Martel, MB Water Co-Op; Chuck Meyer, MN Tribal; Stephanie Miranowski, MN Counties; Oliver Nelson, MB Tribal; Velma Oakland, MN Counties; Ron Osowski, MN Watersheds; Erin Prochnow, Ex-Officio; William Regehr, MB Provincial; Jon Roeschlein, MN At Large; Allen Ruzicka, ND Counties; Alana Schoenbach, MB Municipalities; Murray Seymour, MB Municipalities; Paul Swenson, MN Cities; Mark TenEyck, MN Environmental; Robert Thompson, ND At Large; Gary Thompson, ND Watersheds; Mark Voxland, MN Cities; Hetty Walker, ND Counties; William Weaver, MB At Large; Dwight Williamson, MB Provincial; Robert Wright, MN Watersheds. Minutes Board Attendance: William Regehr, Daniel Wilkens, Joan Carlson, Riley Rogers, Ben Varnson, Tom Fischer, Joe Belford, Rick Martel, Hetty Walker, Don Norquay, Paul Swenson, Larry Whitney, Jake Gust; Melissa Hotain, Jim Zeigler, John Finney, Dave Glatt, Bud Oliver, Warren J. Seykora, Henry Van Offelen, Connie Triplet, Dale Frink, Eddie Madsen. Ex-Officio Attendance: Rick Nelson, Bureau of Reclamation; Ken Vein, Garrison Diversion Conservation District; Lynn Schlueter, ND Game & Fish; Garry Croot US Coast Guard; Keith Weston, NRCS; Norb Schwartz, FEMA R5; Jason Lambrecht, USGS; Glen Kajewski, MN NRCS; John H. Braastad, US FWS; Pam Gulleson, Senator Dorgan; Maynard Pick, Congressman Peterson; Val Gravsath, Senator Dayton; Judy DesHarnais, Army Corps of Engineers; Tony Kettler, AAFC-PFRA; Dave McShane, NOAA/NWS; Dan Luna, NOAA/NWS; Craig Edwards, NOAA/NWS; Steve Buan, NOAA/NWS; Brenda Elmer, Senator Coleman; Others: Rachel Asleson, Kathy Spanjer, April Kiers North, Julie Goehring, Ruth Lewis, Don Buckhout 1. 2. 3. 4. Approval of Agenda M/S/C Belford /Fischer to approve the agenda. Approval of August 3, 2006, Minutes (A) M/S/C Oliver/ Fischer to approve the August 3, 2006 minutes. Executive Director Report – Yohe (B) report filed with minutes Reports a. Executive Committee – Wilkens (C) Wilkens reported that the Executive Committee is working on the 2007 budget, the 2007 work plan as it relates to the budget, and grants that will fit into the RRBC mission. A vacant staff position in the MB office is being advertised at this time. b. June and July Financials – Martens (D) Yohe (reporting for Martens) reported on the financials and answered questions. The 2005 audit is being nearing completion. M/S/C Varnson/Fischer to approve the July Financials and pay the bills. c. Nominating Committee – Oliver Reported that this is an election year for the RRBC board positions. The RRBC Board appointment process will be completed over the next three months. Those interested in running for the RRBC at-large Board positions need to contact the Nomination Committee or Executive Director. Nominations for the at-large positions will remain open for the first half of the annual conference in January 2007, with elections on the morning of the last day of the conference. d. Plan Implementation Committee (PIC) – Klapprodt 1. State of Basin Reports: FDR & Water Quality – Yohe (reporting for Klapprodt) reported that PIC members are working on a “State of the Basin” reporting mechanism for Flooding and Water Quality issues during the Conference. PIC will work on the information details and the Communications Committee will package the reports for dissemination and for reporting on at the 24th Annual Conference in 2007 and the “State of the Basin” 25th annual conference in 2008. PIC PIC recommended that the Executive Committee talk with EERC about the funding needs to develop a basin wide model using SWAT for water quality and flood reduction evaluations. 2. SCD, SWCD, CD Dialogue and Meeting – Lewis reported that a conservation conference for a cross-jurisdictional group of SCD, SWCD, and CD staff members will coincide with the beginning of the Annual RRBC Conference in January 2007. e. Legislative – Harnack 1. MN and ND Session Strategies Harnack reported that the Executive Committee is exploring options for legislative meetings in the jurisdictions in the near future. f. Facilitation/Mediation – Yohe 1. Drought Plan Strategy, Out of Basin Discussions, Road/Dyke Discussions Yohe reported that the Basin Drought Strategy Technical Committee is working on a recommendation and that the Pembina area Road Dyke- subcommittee co-chairs Frink and Topping have not yet met to determine a course of action. LiDAR Study: PFRA Federal Canadian Agency has funding for a LiDAR Project on the Pembina River Watershed, mostly in North Dakota. This study together with the Culvert study and the Choke Point Modeling will provide new information that will directly impact possible solutions to the Pembina area flooding. Motion, see below. g. Communications Committee – Evert 1. 24th Annual Summit Conference – “Ripple Effect” – Asleson reported on the upcoming 24th Annual Conference in January 2007. The theme is “The Ripple Effect: Working Today for a Better Tomorrow.” The planning committee is finalizing the details. Highlight: is the polar explorers Lonnie Dupre and Eric Larsen are going to talk on the first ever summer expedition to the North Pole. The committee meets again Sept 11 to complete the 24th annual conference agenda so that it can be finalized and mailed out in October. Partnerships: Devils Lake – Belford reported that Devils Lake is down 2 feet from the beginning of the season. A new task force to deal with the problem of Tolna Coulee is being formed. Glatt reported on the ND Department of Health’s public hearing process on the water quality discharge permit change request. Rivers West – Martens reported on the Canadian Heritage River’s Conference that will be held in Winnipeg in the summer of 2007. There are open house meetings for the public, 3:00-8:00 pm Sept 13 in Morris, Sept 14 in Selkirk, and Sept 15 in Winnipeg. One objective of the group working on the conference is have the Red River designated as a Canadian Heritage River and announce it in 2007. RRBC is assisting in the planning of the conference, as needed. .International Red River Board – Wilkens reported that the IRRB met in July and that he and Martens represented RRBC. They updated on RRBC activities and basin needs that IRRB/IJC would find relevant to their mandates.ND Aquatic Nuisance Species – Fischer: Lynn (reporting for Fischer) reported that the ND Game & Fish has established an Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force that Fischer is on representing RRBC. The Task Force has been working on the Milfoil in Dead Colt Creek and the possible carp movement in the Devils Lake area, as well as other potential problems in ND.., Aquatic EcoSystem Health – Staff Nothing new to report. Pembina River Basin Advisory Board (PRBAB) – Walker; reported that the sub-committee chairs (Frink and Topping) are working to meet and establish a process to move forward. Neche, ND is concerned about the constant flooding and wants something done. The PRBAB meet over the summer and will meet again in November. Roseau River International Watershed (RRIW) –North reported that the MB RM’s are exploring the formation of a conservation district (CDs). The RRIW continues to meet monthly as they finalize the Roseau River Watershed Plan in MB and talk about areas where they can cooperate. South Valley Initiative (SVI) – Madsen reported that the SVI group is gradually learning more about the Wild Rice River and the interaction between South Dakota and North Dakota local leaders has been a positive step forward. The two main issues they have been discussing are flooding and water quality. Joint Powers Board – Dahl reported that Mike Carroll, the DNR Regional Director in Bemidji presented to the group at their last meeting and that they had an excellent discussion about local needs at the county level and DNR mandates and activities. North Chapter – Paulishyn reported that the next meeting is September 21 and that the presentation will be on Lake Winnipeg by Eva Pitt. Red River Joint Water Resource District Board – Fischer reported that the next meeting is on September 13. There will be a tour of the Maple River Dam that day. The dam is now 90% complete.. Frink added the ACE did a study and Maple is a core tributary that contributes to the peak on the Red River. Upper Sheyenne Joint Board – Varnson reported that the group is continuing to build partnerships in the area and has a project with Game & Fish to remove some downed trees. Red River Water Management Board (RRWMB)– Finney: Wilkens (reporting for Finney) reported that the RRWMB is looking at numerous issues related to Elevation Mapping, Drainage Issues, and Retention. ND State Water Resource District – Varnson: reported that the next regular meeting is at the state convention in early December. ADDED: Greenway on the Red (GOR): Thompson indicated that numerous efforts are underway by various groups using federal and non-federal monies. Mapping of elevation would be a useful tool that GOR supports. The ND Game & Fish has had success in identifying the best areas for the greenway for recreation and hunting. International Water Institute (IWI): Swenson and Whitney reported that IWI continues with efforts to get a basin-wide LiDAR Project underway. They will host a scientific conference in Grand Forks March 2007. IWI recently received a grant for wetland biological monitoring. Environment and Energy Research Center (EERC): Triplett reported that EERC is continuing their work in modeling on the tributaries (Waffle Project) and on the mainstem with HEC/RAS in conjunction with the US Army Corp of Engineers. 5. Unfinished Business a. US Heritage Rivers: Yohe reported on the staff findings. The US effort for Heritage River designation is less involved than it is in Canada. The US program began under the previous administration in Washington D.C. The current administration has not de-authorized the program, but neither has the current administration continued to implement the program as allowed by law or expanded it to go beyond the original twenty authorized rivers. There is room for an additional four more river designations under the current authorizing legislation. If the current administration were to open the program for additional nominations the Red River will be on the list for consideration. If the program opens up and accepts further nominations RRBC could work with other partners in the basin, and the congressional delegation and prepare the necessary paperwork and documentation to seek a Heritage River designation in the US for the Red River. The designation would provide the region with a designated federal liaison staff person to assist basin efforts in linkages and potential funding with/through federal agencies. 6. New Business a. Pembina LiDAR Yohe reported that Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration (PFRA) at the summer IRRB meeting committed to explore possible funding for a LiDAR Project in the Pembina River catchement on the US side of the border. PFRA linked up with RRBC, ND SWC, US COE, and others via phone conferences hosted by RRBC as part of our work with the PRBAB. PFRA indicated their commitment to doing a fall LiDAR collect in the Pembina River catchement. ND SWC agreed, if a project developed, that they would send out a field crew to work on establishing GPS points for a network that linked Manitoba and North Dakota. RRBC indicated that they had experience in working with customs/immigration/border patrol on boundary issues. A strategy was developed to request the RRBC board to take action that would allow RRBC to host the PFRA contract (to access the currently available federal funds) and carry the subcontract with the LiDAR firm. PFRA would assist RRBC in the proper RFP language so that the new LiDAR would be as good as or better than current LiDAR collects in Manitoba and Minnesota. There was further discussion, with general agreement that information on this previously would have been useful. The board was informed that the details of this effort had just became clear in the last couple of days. M/S/C Varnson/Martel to approve that RRBC enter into agreement with PFRA for the Canadian federal funds and a sub-contractors to do the LiDAR n the Pembina River catchement. b. CFMP Report: Wilkens reported that the CFMP has been moved to the IRRB Hydrology Committee by the IRRB. A name and concept change to “Flood Mitigation Strategies” has been proposed. This change is due to lack of support for a comprehensive effort at this time, due to the realization that a lot of flood mitigation work has been done since 1997 and that a continuation of these efforts is more economical and practical. The willingness of RRBC to continue to work with this effort was conveyed to IRRB and they accepted the offer. RRBC staff will work with the IRRB Hydrology Committee (co-chairs) who will take the lead. There was consensus by the Board to continue in this manner with RRBC support for the CFMP (“Flood Mitigation Strategies”). c. Watershed Grant Applications Yohe reported on the new funding announcement by US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The opportunity exists to apply for grant related to ”Capacity Building” and “Implementation”. The grant opportunities range from $6,000-800,000. The EPA grant process was explained in more detail for this round of funding, which just recently became known. The relatively short time line, with one grant deadline being the middle of October and the other being the middle of November also intensives the process. The one page handouts for each opportunity explain a possible approach to a larger grant, that other basin partners would need to provide input to and be involved with. Discussion revealed some board members’ hesitancy to apply for projects which may commit staff to unrelated activities and may not fit the mission and objectives of the RRBC. Others felt any funds that would help 7. 8. 9. 10. move the NRFP goals forward with RRBC and other partners involved would benefit the basin and should be pursued. There was consensus to explore the funding opportunities with other basin partners and if viable to prepare a proposal. The Executive Committee will review the proposals and give final approval before submittal. Around the Basin Stakeholder Updates (Directors Reports on activities and projects). There were no additional reports. Other Next RRBC Board Meeting and Board Retreat: Wednesday – Thursday, November 1 – 2, 2006, Grand Forks Adjournment M/S/C Fischer/Rogers