BIO 340 Laboratory Instructor: Paula Veverica E-mail: Office: Brooks 164, 774-3455 Hours: M 9-10am, TW 12-1pm Grading, General: BIO 340 grades are determined as follows: Lecture………..60% Laboratory……40% Grading, Laboratory: Attendance at ALL laboratory sessions is MANDATORY, NO EXCEPTIONS. Attendance will be taken. An unexcused absence means you lose the opportunity to turn in any assignments due. If you absolutely must miss your assigned lab time, you MUST make up that session the SAME WEEK by attending another lab session. Come to lab PREPARED!!! Read lab handouts prior to lab. Short quizzes on these handouts will be given in the first 5 minutes of each lab period. Do not be late for lab!! 4 announced, longer quizzes will be given throughout the semester, in addition to the weekly reading quizzes Bring appropriate materials to each lab period. Most labs will take the entire 3 hours and will require work. Bring pencils/pens/paper for note taking; wear weather-appropriate clothing; bring weather-appropriate materials (i.e. clipboard with protective cover). WE WILL BE OUTSIDE IN RAIN AND SNOW!!! No cellular phones are to be on during class. Phone use and/or ringing cell phones may result in the loss of ALL points for that lab period Smoking is not permitted during class time, even if we are outside. All written work must be typed and include your NAME, DATE, and LAB DAY/TIME. Late work is reduced by 10% of its maximal value for every day it is late (including weekends) up to one week. After one week, late work will not be accepted. No E-mailed work will be accepted, unless otherwise specified. There are minimal extra credit opportunities and no curving of grades for this class. Classroom/Field Conduct: Be respectful of others at all times!! If you don’t understand something, ASK!!!! Take an active role in each lab period…come prepared, participate w/your lab group, etc. You are responsible for your own work, keeping track of assignment dues dates and missing work, and arranging an excused absence from your scheduled lab period. Grading Scale: 100-90% A 89-80% B 79-70% C 69-60% D 59-0% E Ecology is a field science, thus labs will require outdoor work. Be prepared for all weather types, as we will be going outside even in cold and wet weather. Dress appropriately!! Fall 2005 Lab Schedule (subject to change): Date (week) Aug 29 Sept 5 Sept 12 Sept 19 Sept 26 Oct 3 Oct 10 Oct 17 Oct 24 Oct 31 Nov 7 Nov 14 Nov 21 Nov 28 Dec 5 Dec 12 Laboratory Topic Hypothesis testing (Veit’s Woods) Experimental Design (Veit’s Woods) Statistical Analysis **Meet at CL: Brooks 101** Plant Interaction Set-up Mark-recapture (CMU Grounds) Population Dispersion (Veit’s Woods, **CL upon return**) Human Demography (Mount Pleasant Cemetery) Population Models **Meet at CL: Brooks 101** Mimicry (CMU Grounds) Plant interaction, Cont. **Meet at CL: Brooks 101** Water Quality Testing (Chippewa River) Bog Ecology (Vestaburg Bog) No Lab Ecological Modeling **Meet at CL: Brooks 101** Presentations No Lab – Finals Week Assignment(s) Due Quiz Reading Quiz Hypotheses (patterns) Reading Quiz Abstract (paper) Finalize presentation groups Stats Assignment Material and Methods (Plant interaction) Mark-recapture assignment Reading Quiz Quiz #1 Reading Quiz Reading Quiz Reading Quiz Demographic assignment Quiz #2 Reading Quiz Mimicry assignment Reading Quiz Results (Plant competition) Reading Quiz Discussion (Plant competition) Happy Thanksgiving!! Quiz #3 Quiz #4 Passed Out Quiz #4 Due Schedule Notes: **CL Computer Lab, located in Brooks 101 Bring a disk, etc. to save your work. All bolded labs will be outdoors Lab Points Breakdown: Reading Quizzes (10 @ 5 points) Assignments (~9 @ 10/5 points) Quizzes #1-#3 (@ 20 points) Quiz #4 (take-home @ 30 points) Presentation 50 80 60 30 100 Total: 320 points