Scheme of Working for English and

Scheme of Working for
English and
Communication for SLD
Schools in Hertfordshire
Scheme of work written by:
Mary Bradbury, Lakeside School
Tony Fenwick, Woodfield School
Jackie Joiner, Greenside School
Vibele Rowe, Amwell View School
Supported by:
Jo Miller
Hertfordshire KS3 Literacy Consultant
Brigid de Rivaz
Hertfordshire KS2 Literacy Consultant
116103795 September 2003
A Literacy Scheme of Work
SLD Schools
This scheme was written in Summer 2002 by teachers from four Hertfordshire SLD schools working at each of the four key stages. It is intended to support Medium Term Planning.
The scheme provides termly modules that will enable coverage of balance, range and progression. It corresponds to the National Literacy Strategy and the National Curriculum.
Each module provides different learning objectives, suggested activities and resources. Suggested texts are provided for most of the modules, but this list is by no means exhaustive. As
you know, finding age appropriate texts is always difficult and we would welcome any suggestions to add to our own.
The Scheme and the National Curriculum
The scheme is intended to be inclusive and is designed to follow the national Curriculum and provide activities for pupils working within the 'P' levels towards Level 1. Not only are the
recommended texts and learning objectives age appropriate, but they link with the orders for pupils in mainstream education at all Key Stages.
Cross-curricular Links
Communication and literacy skills facilitate access to all areas of the curriculum. ICT support should be made available as appropriate. Teachers may wish to take opportunities to make
texts relevant within other curriculum areas. Page numbers may link with numeracy for example, or studying The Tempest may link with science or geography, but these are not
explicitly laid out within the activities in the scheme, since the scheme is not designed to be prescriptive.
In producing the scheme, we acknowledge the use of the following reference materials:
QCA Planning, teaching and assessing the curriculum for pupils with learning difficulties
National Literacy Strategy Guidance and Text Range
Equals Literacy Strategy
Equals Practical Literacy Activities
The National Curriculum
The English Scheme of Work by Glenwood School, Essex
116103795 September 2003
Key Stage One
Autumn 1
Spring 1
Summer 1
Autumn 2
Spring 2
Summer 2
Read List
Familiar nursery rhymes and stories
Cambridge Big Book of Nursery Rhymes
Book of Nursery Rhymes
Ten in the Bed
Five Little Ducks
This Old Man
This Old Man
Traditional Stories and Rhymes
We're Going on a Bear Hunt
The Little Red hen
Hot Hippo
Down by the River
Stories with everyday settings
The Train Ride
Amazing Grace
Where's Spot?
The Shopping basket
Stories and a variety of poems with familiar settings
Mr Gumpy's Outing
Each Peach Pear Plum
James France
Lucy Cousins
David McKee
Cambridge University Press
Margot Zemach
Mwenye Hadith
Grace Hallworth
Red Fox
June Crebbin
Mary Hoffman
Eric Hill
Colin McNaughton
John Burningham
Frances Lincoln
Reed Fox
Janet & Allan Ahlberg
The Sandwich that Max Made
Peace at Last
Traditional stories: stories and poems from other cultures
Handa's Surprise
Once Upon a Time
The Boy who cried wolf
Rama and the Demon King
Down by the River
Extended Stories; stories by significant children's authors
A range of stories by eg
Marcia Vaughan
Pat Hutchins
Jill Murphy
Big Book Addison Wesley
Red Fox
Red Fox
Eileen Browne
John Prater
Tony Ross
Jessica Souhami
Grace Hallworth
Murphy, Carle, Ahlberg
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage Two
Autumn 1
Spring 1
Summer 1
Autumn 2
Spring 2
Summer 2
Autumn 3
Spring 3
Summer 3
Autumn 4
Spring 4
Summer 4
Read List
Stories with familiar settings; plays, poems based on observation and the senses
Pig in the Pond
Katie Morag and the Two Grandmothers
Something Special
A quiet night in
Hairy MacLary from Donaldson's Dairy
Traditional Stories; oral and performance poetry from different cultures
The Gingerbread Man
Adventure stories; poetry that plays with language
Three Billy Goats Gruff
Stories, plays and poems based on common themes, eg Space, School
What Happened Next?
Ham and Jam
Dear Daddy
Fantasy stories; classic and modern poetry, including poems from different cultures and
The Tiger who Came to Tea
Stories from other cultures; alphabet and conversation
Hope on a Rope
Significant children's writers of stories and poems
Stories and poems by eg Rosen, Ahlberg, Dahl
Traditional stories, Legends and fables; classic poetry
Aesop's Fables,
The Three Little Wolves & The Big Bad Pig
Stories and poems from a variety of cultures
Sun and Moon
Two tales from China and Africa
Classic fiction and letters
Wind in the Willows
Stories from a range of genres; nonsense verse; notices and signs
Edward Lear Verse, humour, mystery, sci-fi, adventure etc
Different authors and poets on the same themes
Possible themes - Jungles; Journeys; Seasons; Animals
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
ISBN/Ref no
Mairi Herderwick
Nicola Moon
Jill Murphy
Lynley Dodd
Red Fox
Tony Mitten
Cambridge Reading
Geraldine McCaighrean
Eugene Triviasm
Key Stage Three
Autumn 1
Spring 1
Summer 1
Autumn 2
Spring 2
Summer 2
Autumn 3
Spring 3
Read List
Extended stories, riddles, tongue twisters and humorous verse. Non fiction, information
books, maps and guides
Treasure Island
Our School (information)
Contemporary stories and poems. Non-fiction: newspapers, magazines and notices
The huge bag of worries
What are you afraid of?
A day at the Zoo
Story Poems
Writing from different cultures and traditions
Non fiction: brochures, leaflets, magazines
A is for Africa
The Hunter
Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters
Holidays (discursive and persuasive)
The Brocaded Slipper
Introduction to Shakespeare
Non-fiction: Shakespeare's biography, history of the theatre
Introduction to a Midsummer Night's Dream
The Tempest
Recent Works
Harry Potter Books
Media and moving image text
Blank Big Books
Shakespeare's Macbeth
Supernatural Scenes from Shakespeare's Macbeth
Graphic Shakespeare Series
Non-fiction: background materials
Theseus and the Minotaur
Androcles and the Lion
The cave of the One-Eyed Giant from Homer's Odyssey
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ISBN/Ref. no
DfES Big Books
Sarah Wimperis
David Fulton
DfES Big Books
Pelican Big Books
Lynette Dyer Young
Red Fox
DfES Big Books
Literacy Links Plus
Magie Walker
David Fulton
Paul Geraghty
John Steptoe
DfES Big Books
Christine Hall & Martin
Not big books
Genre Range, Literacy Land,
Maggie Walker
Jamie Scott
David Fulton
Literacy Links Plus
Literacy Links Plus
Key Stage Three
Summer 3
Read List
Pre-1914 fiction texts
Oliver Twist
A Christmas Carol
Alice in Wonderland
Black beauty
Robinson Crusoe
Huckleberry Finn
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
ISBN/Ref. no
Key Stage Four
Autumn 1
Spring 1
Summer 1
Autumn 2
Spring 2
Summer 2
Read List
Contemporary poetry; rhymes and word play
Sounds Like poetry
Poems to chant
Language and Literature
Pre-1914 Poetry
Classic Poetry 3
Songs of Innocence and Experience
The Highwayman
The Listeners
Story Poems
Media and moving image text
Billy Eliott
Shirley Valentine
Biography & Autobiography
Penguin Readers, Biography Pack
Jacques Cousteau
Fiction: Moral Tales, Parables
The Selfish Giant
Aesop's Fables
Fables - A short anthology
Fiction: Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Non fiction; related to other subjects
Romeo and Juliet
Planning Party (instruction)
Graphic Shakespeare Series
Livewire Classics
Penguin Readers - Entire range
ISBN/Ref. no
Maggie Walker
Maggie Walker
David Fulton
B& D Publishers
William Blake
Walter de la Mare
Pelican Big Books
0582 333814
Croser and Kennett
Janeen Brian
Junior Novels
Magic Bean Classics
DfES Big Book
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
KS1 Autumn 1
KS2 Autumn 1
KS3 Autumn 1
KS4 Autumn 1
KS1 Autumn 2
KS2 Autumn 2
KS3 Autumn 2
KS4 Autumn 2
KS1 Spring 1
KS2 Autumn 3
KS3 Autumn 3
KS4 Spring 1
KS1 Spring 2
KS2 Autumn 4
KS3 Spring 1
KS4 Spring 2
KS1 Summer 1 KS2 Spring 1
KS3 Spring 2
KS4 Summer 1
KS1 Summer 2 KS2 Spring 2
KS3 Spring 3
KS4 Summer 2
KS2 Spring 3
KS3 Summer 1
KS2 Spring 4
KS3 Summer 2
KS2 Summer 2 KS3 Summer 3
KS2 Summer 3
KS2 Summer 4
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 1
Suggested activities
Date: Autumn 1
Module: Familiar nursery rhymes and stories
Learning objectives:
Fiction: To explore familiar stories; to explore stories and rhymes with predictable
and repetitive patterns.
Non-fiction: signs, pictures, symbols, lists, instructions.
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to a range of multi-sensory stimuli in relation to the text.
To begin to focus attention on sensory aspects of stories and rhymes.
To begin to anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text.
To experience the rhythm of the nursery rhyme.
Appropriate text e.g. Cambridge Big Book of Nursery Rhymes.
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 To participate in tapping and chanting to encourage an awareness of the
predictable pattern and structure of the text
 Activities to encourage sound production of key words associated with the
 Anticipation of key words associated with the text
 Drama or role-play activities associated with the text
 Listening to rhyme presented in other forms e.g. tape, song
 Responding to and using signs when retelling rhymes
 Exploring and matching objects relating to the text
 Sequencing of key objects, pictures, symbols or words to retell the text
 Reading symbols and words relating to the text
 Handwriting; encouraging and developing fine motor skills, including mark
 Cooperation in group activities that focus on the text.
To show an awareness of, and begin to recognize sounds in relation to pictures and
To begin to show recognition of objects and pictures relating to text.
To anticipate familiar people, routines, rhymes, activities and actions from the text.
sounds in relation to pictures and text.
To make familiar sounds relating to the text.
To select and name familiar signs, symbols or words relating to the text.
To be able to anticipate and “fill in” missing words from the rhyme.
Appropriate objects to illustrate text
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text.
Clothing and props for drama and role-play.
Selection of CDs, tapes, DVDs, songs and video versions of text
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 1
Suggested activities
Date: Autumn 2
Module: Stories and a variety of poems with familiar settings
Learning objectives:
Fiction: to explore stories with everyday settings; to explore stories and poems on
similar themes with predictable and patterned structures.
Non fiction: signs, symbols, pictures, lists, instructions, visits, events.
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to a range of multi-sensory stimuli in relation to the text.
To begin to focus attention on sensory aspects of stories and rhymes.
To begin to anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text.
To begin to recognize objects from familiar settings.
To show an awareness of, and begin to recognize sounds in relation to pictures and
To begin to show recognition of objects and pictures relating to text.
To anticipate familiar people, routines, rhymes, activities and actions from the text.
To make familiar sounds relating to the text.
To select and name familiar signs, symbols or words relating to the text.
To begin to recognize the names of familiar settings, and associated terms.
Appropriate text e.g. Mr Gumpy’s Outing
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 Activities to encourage sound production of key words associated with the
 Retell stories using key words
 Games to encourage phonic awareness
 To extend descriptive vocabulary
 Drama or role-play activities to re-enact key elements of the story
 Listening to story presented in other forms e.g. tape, song
 Cross-curricular activities
 Discussion of different environments
 Exploring and matching objects relating to the text
 Sequencing of key objects, pictures, symbols or words to retell the text
 Reading symbols and words relating to the text
 Handwriting; encouraging and developing fine motor skills, including mark
 Writing practice, e.g. tracing, overwriting
 Cooperation in group activities that focus on the text.
Appropriate objects to illustrate text
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text. Whiteboards.
Clothing and props for drama and role-play.
Selection of CDs, tapes, DVDs, songs and video versions of text
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 1
Suggested activities
Date: Spring 1
Module: Traditional stories and rhymes
Learning objectives:
Fiction: to explore traditional stories and rhymes; to explore stories and rhymes with
predictable and patterned language from a range of cultures.
Non fiction: signs, symbols, pictures, lists, instructions
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to a range of multi-sensory stimuli in relation to the text.
To begin to focus attention on sensory aspects of stories and rhymes.
To begin to anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text.
To experience the rhythm of the text.
To show an awareness of, and begin to recognize sounds in relation to pictures and
To begin to show recognition of objects and pictures relating to text.
To anticipate familiar people, routines, rhymes, activities and actions from the text.
To make familiar sounds relating to the text.
To select and name familiar signs, symbols or words relating to the text.
To be able to anticipate and “fill in” missing words from the text.
Appropriate text e.g. We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 To participate in tapping and chanting to encourage an awareness of the
predictable pattern and structure of the text
 Activities to encourage sound production of key words associated with the
 Anticipation of key words associated with the text, introducing prepositions,
e.g. in, on, under
 Drama or role-play activities associated with the text
 Games to encourage phonic awareness
 Listening to story presented in other forms e.g. tape, song
 Cross-curricular activities
 Activities to encourage the anticipation, excitement and feelings
 Exploring and matching objects relating to the text
 Sequencing of key objects, pictures, symbols or words to retell the text
 Reading symbols and words relating to the text
 Handwriting; encouraging and developing fine motor skills, including mark
 Cooperation in group activities that focus on the text.
Appropriate objects to illustrate text
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text.
Clothing and props for drama and role-play.
Selection of CDs, tapes, DVDs, songs and video versions of text
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 1
Suggested activities
Date: Spring 2
Module: Traditional stories; stories and poems from other cultures
Learning objectives:
Fiction: to explore characters within the story; to explore stories and poems from a
wider range of sources.
Non fiction: signs, symbols, pictures, lists, instructions, visits, events.
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to a range of multi-sensory stimuli from a range of different traditions.
To begin to focus attention on sensory aspects of stories and poems.
To anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text.
To begin to recognize objects from familiar settings.
Appropriate text e.g. Handa’s Surprise
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 Demonstrate an interest in unfamiliar sensory experiences
 Retell stories using key words
 To extend descriptive vocabulary
 Drama or role-play activities to re-enact key elements of the story
 Activities to encourage turn taking and anticipation
 Cross-curricular activities
 Discussion of different environments
 Exploring and matching objects relating to the text
 Sequencing of key objects, pictures, symbols or words to retell the text
 Recognising and reading new symbols and words relating to the text
 Handwriting; encouraging and developing fine motor skills, including mark
 Writing practice, e.g. tracing, overwriting
 Cooperation in group activities that focus on the text.
To show an interest in sounds, objects and artefacts from a range of different
To begin to show recognition of objects and pictures relating to text.
To anticipate familiar people, routines, rhymes, activities and actions from the text.
To select and name new signs, symbols or words relating to the text.
To begin to recognize the names of familiar settings, and associated terms.
Appropriate objects to illustrate text
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text. Whiteboards.
Clothing and props for drama and role-play.
Introduction of ICT software to support.
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 1
Suggested activities
Date: Summer 1
Module: Stories with everyday settings
Learning objectives:
Fiction: to explore stories with everyday settings; to explore stories on similar
themes with predictable and patterned structures.
Non fiction: signs, symbols, pictures, lists, instructions, visits, events.
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to a range of multi-sensory stimuli in relation to the text.
To begin to focus attention on sensory aspects of stories and rhymes.
To begin to anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text.
To begin to recognize objects from everyday settings.
Appropriate text e.g. The Train Ride
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 Activities to encourage sound production of key words associated with the
 Anticipation of key words associated with the text, developing prepositions,
e.g. over, under, through
 Drama or role-play activities to re-enact key elements of the story
 Listening to story presented in other forms e.g. tape, song
 Cross-curricular activities
 Activities to encourage the anticipation, excitement and feelings
 Discussion of different environments
 Exploring and matching objects relating to the text
 Sequencing of key objects, pictures, symbols or words to retell the text
 Reading symbols and words relating to the text
 Handwriting; encouraging and developing fine motor skills, including mark
 Cooperation in group activities that focus on the text.
To show an awareness of, and begin to recognize sounds in relation to pictures and
To begin to show recognition of objects and pictures relating to text.
To anticipate familiar people, routines, rhymes, activities and actions from the text.
To make familiar sounds relating to the text.
To select and name familiar signs, symbols or words relating to the text.
To begin to recognize the names of familiar settings, and associated terms.
Appropriate objects to illustrate text
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text. Visits to everyday places.
Clothing and props for drama and role-play.
Selection of CDs, tapes, DVDs, songs and video versions of text
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 1
Suggested activities
Date: Summer 2
Module: Extended stories; stories by significant children’s authors
Learning objectives:
Fiction: to explore characters from within the story; to explore stories from a wide
range of sources.
Non-fiction: signs, symbols, pictures, lists, instructions, visits, events.
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to a range of multi-sensory stimuli in relation to the text.
To begin able to focus attention on sensory aspects of stories.
To begin to anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text.
Appropriate text by significant authors e.g. Murphy, Carle, Rosen, Ahlberg. Revisiting
favourite and familiar texts.
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 Recognizing familiar sensory experiences.
 Retell stories using key words
 To consolidate descriptive vocabulary
 Drama or role-play activities to consolidate key elements of the story
 Activities to encourage turn taking and anticipation
 Cross curricular activities
 Prepare, anticipate and discuss visits
 Exploring and matching objects relating to the text
 Sequencing of key objects, pictures, symbols or words to retell the text
 Consolidating familiar symbols and words relating to the text.
 Handwriting; encouraging and developing fine motor skills, including mark
 Writing practice, e.g. tracing, overwriting
 Cooperation in group activities that focus on the text.
To show an interest in sounds, objects and artefacts in relation to pictures and text.
To begin to show recognition of objects and pictures relating to text.
To anticipate familiar people, routines, activities and actions from the text.
To select and name familiar signs, symbols or words relating to the text.
To consolidate previous learning of signs, symbols and words.
Appropriate objects to illustrate text
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text. Whiteboards.
Clothing and props for drama and role-play.
Introduction of ICT software to support. Photo’s of visits.
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 2
Suggested activities
Date: Autumn 1
Module: Stories with familiar settings; plays; poems based on observation and the
Learning objectives:
Fiction: To explore familiar stories; and to explore stories and poems through
Non-fiction: signs, pictures, symbols, lists, instructions, picture and symbol
dictionaries, information books.
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to multi-sensory stimuli in relation to a wider range of texts.
To begin to focus attention on sensory aspects of stories, plays and poems.
To anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text.
To interact with a wider range of people & in a wider range of situations
To take active part in retelling personal events and experiences
To show an awareness of, and begin to recognize sounds in relation to pictures and
To encourage the development of early reading skills through symbols, objects,
photographs, print in books, phonics and reading schemes.
To encourage communication of matters of immediate interest.
To use knowledge of letters and recognition to read words with support.
To answer and ask questions.
To express likes and dislikes in response to poems, stories and non-fiction.
To take turns in discussions.
Appropriate text e.g. Pig in the Pond.
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 Convey simple meaning to a range of listeners, using signs symbols and/or
verbal media
 Anticipate key words associated with a text, e.g. insert the last word of a
 Take varied roles in groups and contribute to situations with different
 Activities to encourage turn taking and anticipation
 Cross curricular activities
 Responding to and using signs when retelling experiences.
 To reinforce interest in reading materials through matching activities
 To show an increasing understanding of how books work, e.g. turning pages,
holding the book correct way up, recognizing cover, author
 Predicting words relating to the text
 To read a number of words and symbols from a familiar vocabulary.
 Handwriting; developing fine motor skills, including mark making
 Writing practice; to begin to copywrite
 To convey meaning through marks and symbols
 Use ICT to support the presentation of work, e.g. WWS2000.
Appropriate objects to illustrate text.
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text. Whiteboards.
Clothing and props for drama and role-play.
Use of ICT software and communication aids
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 2
Suggested activities
Date: Autumn 1
Module: Stories with familiar settings; plays; poems based on observation and the
Learning objectives:
Fiction: To explore familiar stories; and to explore stories and poems through
Non-fiction: signs, pictures, symbols, lists, instructions, picture and symbol
dictionaries, information books.
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to multi-sensory stimuli in relation to a wider range of texts.
To begin to focus attention on sensory aspects of stories, plays and poems.
To anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text.
To interact with a wider range of people & in a wider range of situations
To take active part in retelling personal events and experiences
To show an awareness of, and begin to recognize sounds in relation to pictures and
To encourage the development of early reading skills through symbols, objects,
photographs, print in books, phonics and reading schemes.
To encourage communication of matters of immediate interest.
To use knowledge of letters and recognition to read words with support.
To answer and ask questions.
To express likes and dislikes in response to poems, stories and non-fiction.
To take turns in discussions.
Appropriate text e.g. Pig in the Pond.
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 Convey simple meaning to a range of listeners, using signs symbols and/or
verbal media
 Anticipate key words associated with a text, e.g. insert the last word of a
 Take varied roles in groups and contribute to situations with different
 Activities to encourage turn taking and anticipation
 Cross curricular activities
 Responding to and using signs when retelling experiences.
 To reinforce interest in reading materials through matching activities
 To show an increasing understanding of how books work, e.g. turning pages,
holding the book correct way up, recognizing cover, author
 Predicting words relating to the text
 To read a number of words and symbols from a familiar vocabulary.
 Handwriting; developing fine motor skills, including mark making
 Writing practice; to begin to copywrite
 To convey meaning through marks and symbols
 Use ICT to support the presentation of work, e.g. WWS2000.
Appropriate objects to illustrate text.
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text. Whiteboards.
Clothing and props for drama and role-play.
Use of ICT software and communication aids
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 2
Suggested activities
Date: Autumn 2
Module: Stories, plays and poems based on common themes, e.g. space, school,
Learning objectives:
Fiction: To explore stories with common themes; and to explore stories and poems
through drama
Non-fiction: signs, pictures, symbols, information books, e.g. home/school diary,
timetables, personal and group books
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to multi-sensory stimuli in relation to the text
To focus attention on sensory aspects of stories and poems.
To respond to key personal objects relating to self
To take active part in retelling personal events and experiences
To show an awareness of, and recognize sounds in relation to pictures and text.
To encourage the development of early reading skills through symbols, objects,
photographs, print in books, phonics and reading schemes.
To encourage communication of matters of personal interest.
To use knowledge of letters and recognition to read words with support.
To answer and ask questions.
To express preferences in response to poems, stories and non-fiction.
To take turns in discussions.
Appropriate text e.g. What happened Next? Dear Daddy…
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 Convey simple meaning to a range of listeners, using signs, symbols and/or
verbal media
 To use facial expression and intonation to enhance meanings
 Activities to encourage turn taking and anticipation
 Asking and responding to questions about themselves
 Cross curricular activities
 Responding to and using signs when retelling experiences.
 To show an increasing understanding of how books work, e.g. turning pages,
recognizing cover, beginning, middle, title
 Predicting words relating to the text
 To read a number of words and symbols from a familiar vocabulary
 Handwriting; developing fine motor skills, including mark making
 Writing practice; to develop copywriting skills
 To convey meaning through marks and symbols
 Use ICT to support the presentation of work, e.g. WWS2000
 Retelling personal events through photographs and individual books
Appropriate objects to illustrate text.
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text. Whiteboards.
Clothing and props for drama and role-play.
Use of ICT software and communication
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 2
Suggested activities
Date: Autumn 3
Module: Significant children’s writers of stories and poems
Learning objectives:
Fiction: to explore stories and poems by significant writers
Non-fiction: signs, pictures, symbols, picture and symbol dictionaries, instructional
texts e.g. rules, recipes, instructions
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to multi-sensory stimuli in relation to the text
To focus attention on sensory aspects of stories and poems
To anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text.
To participate in group activities following instructional texts
To show an awareness of, and recognize sounds in relation to pictures and text.
To encourage the development of early reading skills through symbols, objects,
photographs, print in books, phonics.
To follow simple instructional texts with support
To use knowledge of letters and recognition to read words with support.
To answer and ask questions.
To express likes and dislikes in response to poems, stories and non-fiction.
To follow a sequence of instructions
Appropriate text e.g. Roald Dahl books: stories and poems; recipes
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 To listen to simple instructions
 To begin to develop styles of language connected with giving instructions
 Cross curricular activities
 Responding to and incorporating signs/symbols when exploring ideas.
 To reinforce interest in reading materials through participation in
multi-sensory activities
 To show an increasing understanding of how books work, e.g. recognizing
cover, title, beginning, middle and end
 To understand that there are different types of text: real and pretend, i.e.
stories and instructions
 To read a number of words and symbols in sequence.
 Handwriting; developing fine motor skills, including mark making
 Writing practice; to develop copywriting skills
 To practise individual letter formation
 To produce lists
 Use ICT to support the recording and presentation of work, e.g. WWS2000.
Appropriate objects to illustrate text.
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text. Whiteboards.
Clothing and props for drama and role-play.
Use of ICT software and communication aids. Art and music
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 2
Suggested activities
Date: Autumn 4
Appropriate text e.g. Wind in the Willows
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 To begin to express ideas about characters in the text
 To begin to explore the range of styles of language used
 Cross curricular activities
 Responding to and incorporating signs/symbols when exploring ideas
 To encourage use of sentences by modelling
 To reinforce interest in reading materials through participation in
multi-sensory activities
 To consolidate understanding of how books work, e.g. recognizing cover,
title, author and illustrator
 To introduce the concept of new and old through use of language and
 Handwriting; developing fine motor skills, including mark making
 Creative writing; create own stories on paper, and using ICT with a scribe
 To practise individual letter formation
 To encourage use of sentences by modelling
Module: Classic fiction and letters
Learning objectives:
Fiction: to explore classic stories and plays
Non-fiction: letters
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to multi-sensory stimuli in relation to the text
To focus attention on sensory aspects of stories and poems
To anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text.
To participate in group activities exploring classic stories
To recognize sounds relating to pictures and text.
To encourage the development of early reading skills through symbols, objects,
photographs, print in books, phonics.
To follow simple texts with support
To participate in writing letters with support
To use knowledge of letters and recognition to read words with support
To answer and ask questions
To express preferences in response to stories
To express opinions about major events or ideas in stories
To plan and write letters with support
Appropriate objects to illustrate text.
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text. Whiteboards.
Clothing and props for drama and role-play.
Use of ICT software and communication aids. Theatre visit
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 2
Suggested activities
Date: Spring 1
Module: Traditional stories; oral and performance poetry from different cultures
Learning objectives:
Fiction: To explore traditional stories; and to explore stories and poems through
Non-fiction: signs, pictures, symbols, lists, instructions, picture and symbol
dictionaries, information books.
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to multi-sensory stimuli in relation to traditional texts.
To focus attention on sensory aspects of stories, plays and poems.
To anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text.
To interact with a wider range of people & in a wider range of situations
To take active part in retelling personal events and experiences
To show an awareness of, and begin to recognize sounds in relation to pictures and
To encourage the development of early reading skills through symbols, objects,
photographs, print in books, phonics and reading schemes.
To encourage communication of matters of immediate interest.
To perform to an audience.
To use knowledge of letters and recognition to read words with support.
To answer and ask questions.
To express likes and dislikes in response to poems, stories and non-fiction.
To take turns in discussions.
Appropriate text e.g. The Gingerbread Man
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 Convey simple meaning to a range of listeners, using signs, symbols and/or
verbal media
 Anticipate formal elements when retelling stories, e.g. ‘Once upon a time…’
 Take varied roles in groups and contribute to situations with different
 Activities to encourage turn taking and anticipation
 Cross curricular activities
 Responding to and using signs when retelling experiences.
 To reinforce interest in reading materials through matching activities
 To show an increasing understanding of how books work, e.g. turning pages,
holding the book correct way up, recognizing cover, author
 Predicting words relating to the text
 To read a number of words and symbols from a familiar vocabulary.
 Handwriting; developing fine motor skills, including mark making
 Writing practice; to develop copywriting skills
 To convey meaning through marks and symbols
 Use ICT to support the presentation of work, e.g. WWS2000.
Appropriate objects to illustrate text.
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text. Whiteboards.
Clothing and props for drama and role-play.
Use of ICT software and communication aids
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 2
Suggested activities
Date: Spring 2
Module: Fantasy stories; classic and modern poetry, including poems from different
cultures and times.
Learning objectives:
Fiction: To explore fantasy stories; and to explore stories and poems through drama
and word play.
Non-fiction: signs, pictures, symbols, lists, instructions, picture and symbol
dictionaries, information books.
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to multi-sensory stimuli in relation to the text
To focus attention on sensory aspects of stories and poems
To anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text.
To participate in an imaginary sensory journey
To show an awareness of, and recognize sounds in relation to pictures and text.
To encourage the development of early reading skills through symbols, objects,
photographs, print in books, phonics and reading schemes.
To encourage communication about fantastic events
To use knowledge of letters and recognition to read words with support.
To answer and ask questions.
To express likes and dislikes in response to poems, stories and non-fiction.
To use imagination to take part in discussions
Appropriate text e.g. The Tiger who Came to Tea,
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 Use role-play to explore a variety of ways of communication.
 To develop phonic awareness and listening skills through word play
 To use facial expression and intonation to enhance meanings
 Activities to encourage imaginative play
 Cross curricular activities
 Responding to and using signs when exploring ideas.
 To reinforce interest in reading materials through participation in
multi-sensory activities
 To show an increasing understanding of how books work, e.g. recognizing
cover, title, beginning, middle and end
 Predicting words relating to the text
 To read a number of words and symbols from a familiar vocabulary.
 Handwriting; developing fine motor skills, including mark making
 Writing practice; to develop copywriting skills
 To convey meaning through marks and symbols
 Use ICT to support the presentation of work, e.g. WWS2000.
Appropriate objects to illustrate text.
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text. Whiteboards.
Clothing and props for drama and role-play.
Use of ICT software and communication aids. Galaxies and sensory rooms
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 2
Suggested activities
Date: Spring 3
Module: Traditional stories, legends and fables; classic poetry
Learning objectives:
Fiction: to explore stories, legends and fables from our own and other cultures
Non-fiction: use content from other subjects for simple explanations e.g. life cycles
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to multi-sensory stimuli in relation to the text
To focus attention on sensory aspects of stories and poems
To anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text.
To participate in group activities exploring myths and legends
To respond to real objects relating to non-fictional texts.
To recognize sounds relating to pictures and text.
To encourage the development of early reading skills through symbols, objects,
photographs, print in books, phonics.
To follow simple texts with support
To use knowledge of letters and recognition to read words with support.
To answer and ask questions.
To express preferences in response to poems, stories and non-fiction.
To express opinions about major events or ideas in poems and stories
Appropriate text e.g. Aesop’s Fables
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 To listen to legends and fables
 To begin to understand moral issues raised in the text
 To begin to explore use of historical language
 Cross curricular activities
 Responding to and incorporating signs/symbols when exploring ideas
 To encourage use of sentences by modelling
 To reinforce interest in reading materials through participation in
multi-sensory activities
 To consolidate understanding of how books work, e.g. recognizing cover,
title, beginning, middle and end
 To understand that stories may be real or imaginary
 Handwriting; developing fine motor skills, including mark making
 Writing practice; to develop copywriting skills
 To practise individual letter formation
 To encourage use of sentences by modelling
 Use ICT to support the recording and presentation of work, e.g. WWS2000.
Appropriate objects to illustrate text.
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text. Whiteboards.
Clothing and props for drama and role-play.
Use of ICT software and communication aids. Art and music
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 2
Suggested activities
Date: Spring 4
Module: Stories from a range of genres; nonsense verse; notices and signs
Learning objectives:
Fiction: to explore a range of genres; to show an increased awareness of word-play
Non-fiction: to increase familiarity with signs and public notices in the environment
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to multi-sensory stimuli in relation to the text
To focus attention on sensory aspects of stories and verse
To anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text.
To participate in group activities exploring stories from a range of genres
Appropriate text e.g. Edward Lear Verse, humour, mystery, sci-fi, adventure etc.
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 To begin to explore different genres
 To express different feelings and viewpoints
 Cross curricular activities
 Responding to and incorporating signs/symbols when exploring ideas
 To encourage use of sentences by modelling
 To reinforce interest in reading materials through participation in
multi-sensory activities
 To anticipate genre by looking at the cover of the big book
 To begin to appreciate differences in layout e.g. verse and prose
 To begin to develop a social sight vocabulary in school and local
 Handwriting; developing fine motor skills, including mark making
 To create own writing using a range of media, with support and/or a scribe
 To practise individual letter formation
 To encourage use of sentences by modelling
To recognize sounds relating to pictures and text.
To encourage the development of early reading skills through symbols, objects,
photographs, print in books, phonics.
To follow simple texts with support
To participate in composing verse with support
To use knowledge of letters and recognition to read words with support
To answer and ask questions
To express preferences in response to stories
To express opinions about major events or ideas in stories
To plan and write verse with support
Appropriate objects to illustrate text.
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text. Whiteboards.
Social sight vocabulary resources
Use of ICT software and communication aids.
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 2
Suggested activities
Date: Summer 1
Module: Adventure stories; poetry that plays with language
Learning objectives:
Fiction: To explore adventure stories; and to explore stories and poems through
drama and word play.
Non-fiction: signs, pictures, symbols, lists, instructions, picture and symbol
dictionaries, information books, e.g. home/school diary
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to multi-sensory stimuli in relation to the text
To focus attention on sensory aspects of stories and poems.
To anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text.
To interact with a wider range of people & in a wider range of situations
To take active part in retelling personal events and experiences
To show an awareness of, and begin to recognize sounds in relation to pictures and
To encourage the development of early reading skills through symbols, objects,
photographs, print in books, phonics and reading schemes.
To encourage communication of matters of immediate interest.
To use knowledge of letters and recognition to read words with support.
To answer and ask questions.
To express likes and dislikes in response to poems, stories and non-fiction.
To take turns in discussions.
Appropriate text e.g. Three Billy Goats Gruff
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 Convey simple meaning to a range of listeners, using signs, symbols and/or
verbal media
 To develop phonic awareness and listening skills through word play
 To use facial expression and intonation to enhance meanings
 Activities to encourage turn taking and anticipation
 Cross curricular activities
 Responding to and using signs when retelling experiences.
 To reinforce interest in reading materials through matching activities
 To show an increasing understanding of how books work, e.g. turning pages,
holding the book correct way up, recognizing cover, title
 Predicting words relating to the text
 To read a number of words and symbols from a familiar vocabulary.
 Handwriting; developing fine motor skills, including mark making
 Writing practice; to develop copywriting skills
 To convey meaning through marks and symbols
 Use ICT to support the presentation of work, e.g. WWS2000.
Appropriate objects to illustrate text.
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text. Whiteboards.
Clothing and props for drama and role-play.
Use of ICT software and communication aids
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 2
Suggested activities
Date: Summer 2
Module: Stories from other cultures; alphabet and conversation.
Learning objectives:
Fiction: To explore stories from other cultures; to explore other cultures, beliefs and
Non-fiction: signs, pictures, symbols, picture and symbol dictionaries, information
books, brochures and leaflets, catalogues, alphabets, fliers, circulars and
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to multi-sensory stimuli in relation to the text
To focus attention on sensory aspects of stories and poems
To anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text.
To participate in an imaginary journey
To show an awareness of, and recognize sounds in relation to pictures and text.
To encourage the development of early reading skills through symbols, objects,
photographs, print in books, phonics.
To encourage communication about events from other cultures
To use knowledge of letters and recognition to read words with support.
To answer and ask questions.
To express likes and dislikes in response to poems, stories and non-fiction.
To find out about other cultures and faiths through discussion
Appropriate text e.g. Tumpa Tumpa
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 Use role-play to explore a variety of ways of communication.
 To develop alphabetic and phonic knowledge
 Activities to encourage imaginative play
 Cross curricular activities
 Responding to and using signs when exploring ideas.
 To reinforce interest in reading materials through participation in
multi-sensory activities
 To show an increasing understanding of how books work, e.g. recognizing
cover, title, beginning, middle and end
 To gain familiarity with new words that express ideas from other cultures
 To read a number of words and symbols from a familiar vocabulary.
 Handwriting; developing fine motor skills, including mark making
 Writing practice; to develop copywriting skills
 To practise individual letter formation
 To convey meaning through marks and symbols
 Use ICT to support the presentation of work, e.g. WWS2000.
Appropriate objects to illustrate text.
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text. Whiteboards.
Clothing and props for drama and role-play.
Use of ICT software and communication aids. Art and music
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 2
Suggested activities
Date: Summer 3
Module: Stories and poems from a variety of cultures
Learning objectives:
Fiction: To explore stories and poems from other cultures; to explore other cultures,
beliefs and faiths
Non-fiction: signs, pictures, symbols, picture and symbol dictionaries, information
books, brochures and leaflets, catalogues, alphabets, fliers, circulars and
advertisements; study visits
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to multi-sensory stimuli in relation to the text
To focus attention on sensory aspects of stories and poems
To anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text.
To participate in real and imaginary journeys
To show an awareness of, and recognize sounds in relation to pictures and text.
To encourage the development of early reading skills through symbols, objects,
photographs, print in books, phonics.
To encourage communication about events from other cultures
To take part in visits to cultural centres
To use knowledge of letters and recognition to read words with support.
To answer and ask questions.
To express likes and dislikes in response to poems, stories and non-fiction.
To find out about other cultures and faiths through discussion
To begin to plan and prepare for visits to cultural centres
Appropriate text e.g. Sun and Moon: Two tales from China and Africa
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 To begin to understand cultural issues raised in the text
 To continue to explore the use of historical language
 To develop alphabetic and phonic knowledge
 Cross curricular activities
 Responding to and incorporating signs/symbols when exploring ideas.
 To reinforce interest in reading materials through participation in
multi-sensory activities
 To show an increasing understanding of how books work, e.g. recognizing
cover, title, beginning, middle and end
 To gain familiarity with new words that express ideas from other cultures
 Use globe or travel brochures to locate a place in the text
 To read a number of words and symbols from a familiar vocabulary.
 Handwriting; developing fine motor skills, including mark making
 Writing practice; to develop copywriting skills
 To practise individual letter formation
 Use ICT to support the recording and presentation of work, e.g. WWS2000.
Appropriate objects to illustrate text.
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text. Whiteboards. Globes
Clothing and props for drama and role-play.
Use of ICT software and communication aids. Art and music
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 2
Suggested activities
Date: Summer 4
Module: Different authors and poets on the same themes
Learning objectives:
Fiction: to compare works by different writers on the same theme
Non-fiction: to use non-fiction texts to support chosen theme; visits to places relating
to themes
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to multi-sensory stimuli in relation to the text
To focus attention on sensory aspects of stories and verse
To anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text.
To participate in group activities exploring themes
To recognize sounds relating to pictures and text.
To encourage the development of early reading skills through symbols, objects,
photographs, print in books, phonics.
To follow simple texts with support
To participate in shared writing
To use knowledge of letters and recognition to read words with support
To answer and ask questions
To express preferences in response to stories
To express opinions about stories with a common theme
To initiate own writing
Appropriate theme e.g. Jungles; journeys; seasons; water
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 To begin to explore common themes
 To begin to explore and use appropriate vocabulary for common themes
 Cross curricular activities
 Responding to and incorporating signs/symbols when exploring ideas
 To encourage use of sentences by modelling
 To reinforce interest in reading materials through participation in
multi-sensory activities
 To anticipate themes by looking at the covers and titles of the big book
 To begin to appreciate differences in layout e.g. verse and prose
 To continue to develop a social sight vocabulary in school and local
 Handwriting; developing fine motor skills, including mark making
 To create own writing using a range of media, with support and/or a scribe
 To produce word/symbol banks on a common theme
 To practise individual letter formation
 To encourage use of sentences by modelling
Appropriate objects to illustrate text.
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text. Whiteboards.
Social sight vocabulary resources. Vocabulary lists. Word/symbol banks
Use of ICT software and communication aids. Visits
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 3
Suggested activities
Date: Autumn 1
Appropriate text e.g. Treasure Island
See above read list for texts related to this module
Module: Extended stories, riddles, tongue twisters and humorous verse. Non fiction;
Speaking and Listening
information books, maps and guides
 To begin to explore longer stories
 To begin to communicate understanding of the content of different stories
 To develop phonic awareness an listening skills through word play
Learning objectives:
 To begin to explore familiar characters in stories
 Cross curricular activities
Fiction: to explore classical stories with particular emphasis on characters and
 Responding to and incorporating signs/symbols when exploring ideas
Non-fiction: to use non-fiction texts to support chosen story, including maps and
 To use multi-sensory activities to access reading materials
 To recognize books by title, and author, or cover
 To appreciate differences in layout e.g. verse and prose
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
 To develop an awareness that longer pieces of writing may be broken down
To respond to multi-sensory stimuli in relation to the text
To focus attention on sensory aspects of stories and verse
To anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text.
To participate in group activities exploring characters and settings
To recognize sounds relating to pictures and text.
To continue the development of early reading skills through symbols, objects,
photographs, print in books, comics, phonics.
To follow simple texts with support
To participate in shared writing
To begin to consider techniques of presentation
To use knowledge of letters and recognition to read words with support
To know that books tell stories and give information
To express preferences in response to stories
To express opinions about characters an settings in stories
To initiate own writing
To express preferences about techniques of presentation
Handwriting; developing fine motor skills, including mark making
To create own writing using a range of media, with support and/or a scribe
To produce word/symbol banks relating to the text
To practise individual letter formation
To write simple captions for pictures relating to text
Appropriate objects to illustrate text.
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text. Whiteboards.
Vocabulary lists. Word/symbol banks
Use of ICT software and communication aids. Visits
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 3
Suggested activities
Date: Autumn 2
Module: Introduction to Shakespeare
Non-fiction: Shakespeare’s biography, history of the theatre
Learning objectives:
Fiction: to explore poetic, descriptive and archaic language; to explore stories in
unfamiliar settings
Non-fiction: to develop an age appropriate text
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to multi-sensory stimuli in relation to the text
To anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text.
To participate in role play activities
To continue to show awareness of others
Appropriate text: Introduction to a Midsummer Night’s Dream
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 To demonstrate an interest in unfamiliar settings and experiences
 To reinforce alphabetic and phonic knowledge, e.g. through poetry
 To use intonation and facial expression to identify with characters
 Cross curricular activities
 Responding to and incorporating signs/symbols and vocabulary
 To use multi-sensory activities to access reading materials
 To access a wide range of texts for pleasure
 To access a wider range of media for information
 To become more familiar with the layout of text in a play
 Handwriting; developing fine motor skills, including mark making
 To create own writing using a range of media, with support and/or a scribe
 To produce word/symbol banks
 To practise individual letter formation
 To write simple captions for pictures relating to text
 To make character maps
To recognize sounds in relation to pictures and text.
To continue the development of early reading skills through symbols, objects,
photographs, print in books, phonics.
To contribute in role play activities
To begin to understand that there is a difference between plays and stories
To use knowledge of letters and recognition to read words with support.
To ask questions to gain information
To express preferences in response to the text
To role play and begin to show empathy
To begin to understand differences between plays and stories, verse and text
Appropriate objects to illustrate text.
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text. Whiteboards.
Vocabulary lists. Word/symbol banks. Library
Use of ICT software and communication aids. Art and music
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 3
Suggested activities
Date: Autumn 3
Module: Shakespeare’s Macbeth
Non-fiction: themed background materials, e.g. witches, castles
Learning objectives:
Fiction: to revisit poetic, descriptive and archaic language; to explore stories in
unfamiliar settings
Non-fiction: to develop an age appropriate text, e.g. storyboard, blank big book
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to multi-sensory stimuli in relation to the text
To anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text.
To participate in role play activities
To continue to show awareness of others
To recognize sounds in relation to pictures and text.
To continue the development of early reading skills through symbols, objects,
photographs, print in books, phonics.
To contribute in role play activities
To begin to understand that there is a difference between plays and stories
To use knowledge of letters and recognition to read words with support.
To ask questions to gain information
To express preferences in response to the text
To role play and begin to show empathy
To begin to understand differences between plays and stories, verse and text
Appropriate text: Macbeth
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 To demonstrate an interest in unfamiliar settings and experiences
 To reinforce alphabetic and phonic knowledge, e.g. through poetry
 To express feelings in a variety of situations
 Cross curricular activities
 Responding to and incorporating signs/symbols and vocabulary
 To demonstrate understanding that comedies have happy endings and
tragedies have sad endings
 To use multi-sensory activities to access reading materials
 To access a wide range of texts for pleasure and information
 To use a variety of contextual cues to anticipate story content
 To become more familiar with the layout of text in a play
 To identify rhyming patterns
 Handwriting; developing fine motor skills, including mark making
 To create own writing using a range of media, with support To produce
word/symbol banks
 To practise individual letter formation
 To write simple captions for pictures relating to text
 To make character maps
Blank Big Book
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text. Whiteboards.
Vocabulary lists. Word/symbol banks. Library
Use of ICT software and communication aids. Art and music
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 3
Suggested activities
Date: Spring 1
Module: Contemporary stories and poems. Non-fiction: newspapers, magazines
and notices
Learning objectives:
Fiction: to explore stories and poems about familiar people in familiar settings
Non-fiction: to develop awareness that newspapers and magazines give news and
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
Appropriate text e.g. The Huge Bag of Worries
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 To begin to communicate understanding of the content of different stories
 To reinforce phonic awareness
 To begin to identify with characters in stories
 Cross curricular activities
 Responding to and incorporating signs/symbols when exploring ideas
 To use multi-sensory activities to access reading materials
 To access a wide range of texts for pleasure
 To recognize books by title, and author, or cover
 To appreciate differences in layout e.g. verse and prose
To respond to multi-sensory stimuli in relation to the text
To anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text.
To participate in group activities
To begin to show an awareness of others
To recognize sounds relating to pictures and text.
To continue the development of early reading skills through symbols, objects,
photographs, print in books, phonics.
To follow simple texts with support
To participate in group activities relating to the self
To use knowledge of letters and recognition to read words with support
To know that books tell stories and give information
To express preferences in response to stories
To participate in group activities communicating thoughts, ideas, experiences and
To initiate own writing
Handwriting; developing fine motor skills, including mark making
To create own writing using a range of media, with support and/or a scribe
To produce word/symbol banks relating to the text
To practise individual letter formation
To write simple captions for pictures relating to text
To produce personal pictures and writing, with support
Appropriate objects to illustrate text.
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text. Whiteboards.
Vocabulary lists. Word/symbol banks
Use of ICT software and communication aids. Library.
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 3
Suggested activities
Date: Spring 2
Age appropriate text, e.g. Harry Potter books
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 To demonstrate an interest in unfamiliar settings and experiences
 To reinforce alphabetic and phonic knowledge
 To use intonation and facial expression to identify with characters
 Cross curricular activities
 Responding to and incorporating signs/symbols and vocabulary
 To use multi-sensory activities to access reading materials
 To access a wide range of texts for pleasure
 To access a wider range of media for information
 To understand that longer stories are broken down into chapters
 To retell sections of the story in correct sequence
 Handwriting; developing fine motor skills, including mark making
 To create own writing using a range of media, with support and/or a scribe
 To produce word/symbol banks
 To practise individual letter formation
 To write simple captions for pictures relating to text
 To make character maps
Module: Recent works
Learning objectives:
Fiction: to explore characters and settings in current literature
Non-fiction: background research, non fiction related to other subjects
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to multi-sensory stimuli in relation to the text
To anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text.
To participate in role play activities
To continue to show awareness of others
To recognize sounds in relation to pictures and text.
To continue the development of early reading skills through symbols, objects,
photographs, print in books, phonics.
To contribute in role play activities
To begin to empathise with characters
To use knowledge of letters and recognition to read words with support.
To ask questions to gain information
To express preferences in response to the text
To role play and to show empathy with characters
To distinguish between the realistic and the fantastic
Appropriate objects to illustrate text.
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text. Whiteboards. Posters, fliers, publicity materials.
Vocabulary lists. Word/symbol banks. Library
Use of ICT software and communication aids. Art and music
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 3
Suggested activities
Date: Spring 3
Module: Myths
Non-fiction: background materials
Learning objectives:
Fiction: to explore myths from other cultures
Non-fiction: to develop an age appropriate text, e.g. storyboard, blank big book, plus
non fiction related to other subjects
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to multi-sensory stimuli in relation to the text
To anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text.
To participate in group activities exploring myths and legends
Age appropriate text: Theseus and the Minotaur
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 To demonstrate an interest in unfamiliar settings and experiences
 To reinforce alphabetic and phonic knowledge
 To express feelings in a variety of situations
 Cross curricular activities
 Responding to and incorporating signs/symbols and vocabulary
 To use multi-sensory activities to access reading materials
 To access a wide range of texts for pleasure and information
 To use a variety of contextual cues to anticipate story content
 Handwriting; developing fine motor skills, including mark making
 To create own writing using a range of media, with support To produce
word/symbol banks
 To practise individual letter formation
 To write simple captions for pictures relating to text
 To make character maps
To recognize sounds in relation to pictures and text.
To continue the development of early reading skills through symbols, objects,
photographs, print in books, phonics.
To contribute in group activities exploring myths and legends
To begin to understand the existence of old stories
To use knowledge of letters and recognition to read words with support.
To ask questions to gain information
To express preferences in response to the text
To initiate group activities exploring myths and legends
Blank Big Book
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text. Whiteboards.
Vocabulary lists. Word/symbol banks. Library
Use of ICT software and communication aids. Art and music
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 3
Suggested activities
Date: Summer 1
Module: Writing from different cultures and traditions
Non fiction: brochures, leaflets, magazines
Learning objectives:
Fiction: To explore stories and poems from different cultures
Non-fiction: to develop awareness that brochures and magazines give information
about other cultures, plus non fiction related to other subjects
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to multi-sensory stimuli in relation to the text
To anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text.
To participate in real and imaginary journeys
To continue to show awareness of others
Appropriate text e.g. A is for Africa
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 To begin to understand cultural issues raised in the text
 To reinforce alphabetic and phonic knowledge
 To identify with characters in stories, through drama and role play
 Cross curricular activities
 Responding to and incorporating signs/symbols and vocabulary
 To use multi-sensory activities to access reading materials
 To access a wide range of texts for pleasure
 To access a wider range of media for information
 To read a number of words and symbols from a familiar vocabulary.
 Handwriting; developing fine motor skills, including mark making
 To create own writing using a range of media, with support and/or a scribe
 To produce word/symbol banks
 To practise individual letter formation
To recognize sounds in relation to pictures and text.
To continue the development of early reading skills through symbols, objects,
photographs, print in books, phonics.
To participate in group activities relating to other cultures
To take part in visits to cultural centres
To use knowledge of letters and recognition to read words with support.
To answer questions to give information
To express preferences in response to stories.
To find out about other cultures and faiths through discussion
To plan and prepare a visits to a cultural centre, with support
Appropriate objects to illustrate text.
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text. Whiteboards.
Vocabulary lists. Word/symbol banks. Library
Use of ICT software and communication aids. Art and music
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 3
Suggested activities
Date: Summer 2
Module: Media and moving image text
Learning objectives:
Fiction and non-fiction: gathering information and evidence through
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to multi-sensory stimuli in relation to the text and media
To anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text and media
To attend to the screen
To continue to show awareness of others
Making own books and films
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 To demonstrate an interest in unfamiliar settings and experiences
 To reinforce alphabetic and phonic knowledge
 To use intonation and facial expression to communicate confidently
 Cross curricular activities
 Responding to and incorporating signs/symbols and vocabulary
 To use a variety of communication aids to access a topic
 To access a wide range of media for pleasure and information
 To understand that text can be represented in a variety of media
 To retell events in correct sequence
 Handwriting; developing fine motor skills, including mark making
 To create own writing using a range of media, with support and/or a scribe
 To produce word/symbol banks
 To practise individual letter formation
 To write simple captions for pictures relating to text
 To produce, or participate in the production of books
To recognize sounds in relation to pictures and text.
To continue the development of early reading skills through symbols, objects,
photographs, print in books, phonics.
To recognize that operating a clicker, switch or mouse will affect what appears on a
To use knowledge of letters and recognition to read words with support.
To ask questions to gain information
To review and organize information
To produce and present own information
Blank Big Books
Digital camera, video camera
Sensory boxes. Sensory books
Use of ICT software and communication aids
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 3
Suggested activities
Date: Summer 3
Age appropriate text: Oliver Twist
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 To demonstrate an interest in unfamiliar settings and experiences
 To reinforce alphabetic and phonic knowledge
 To use intonation and facial expression to identify with characters
 Cross curricular activities
 Responding to and incorporating signs/symbols and vocabulary
 To use multi-sensory activities to access reading materials
 To access a wide range of texts for pleasure and information
 To understand that longer stories are broken down into chapters
 To retell sections of the story in the correct sequence
 Handwriting; developing fine motor skills, including mark making
 To create own writing using a range of media, with support
 To produce word/symbol banks
 To practise individual letter formation
 To write simple captions for pictures relating to text
 To make character maps
Module: Pre-1914 fiction texts
Learning objectives:
Fiction: to explore characters in pre-1914 settings
Non-fiction: Background research, non fiction related to other subjects
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to multi-sensory stimuli in relation to the text
To anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text.
To participate in role play activities
To continue to show an awareness of others
To recognize sounds in relation to pictures and text.
To continue the development of early reading skills through symbols, objects,
photographs, print in books, phonics.
To contribute in role play activities
To begin to empathise with characters
To use knowledge of letters and recognition to read words with support.
To ask questions to gain information
To express preferences in response to the text
To role play and to show empathy with characters
To distinguish between old and modern
Museum visits. Artefact boxes
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text. Whiteboards.
Vocabulary lists. Word/symbol banks. Library
Use of ICT software and communication aids. Art and music
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 4
Suggested activities
Date: Autumn 1
Module: Contemporary poetry; rhymes and word play
Learning objectives:
Fiction: to explore word play and rhymes in verse, including onomatopoeia and
Non-fiction: non fiction related to other subjects
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to multi-sensory stimuli in relation to the text
To anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text.
To participate in role play activities
To continue to show an awareness of others
Age appropriate text: Pit-a-pat-a-Parrot
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 To demonstrate an interest in unfamiliar settings and experiences
 To reinforce alphabetic and phonic knowledge
 To communicate effectively in a variety of contexts
 Comment on contributions they and others have made
 Cross curricular activities
 Responding to and incorporating signs/symbols and vocabulary
 To use multi-sensory activities to access reading materials
 Continue to access a wide range of texts for pleasure and information
 To understand that longer stories are broken down into chapters
 Handwriting; developing fine motor skills, including mark making
 To create own writing using a range of media, with support
 To produce word/symbol banks
 To practise full-stops and the formation of capital letters
 To write simple captions for pictures relating to text
 To communicate ideas, experiences and feelings
To recognize sounds in relation to pictures and text.
To continue the development of early reading skills through symbols, objects,
photographs, print in books, phonics.
To contribute in role play activities
To use knowledge of letters and recognition to read words with support.
To ask questions to gain information
To express preferences in response to the text
To initiate in role play
To develop an awareness of descriptive vocabulary
Artefact boxes
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text. Whiteboards.
Vocabulary lists. Word/symbol banks. Library
Use of ICT software and communication aids.
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 4
Suggested activities
Date: Autumn 2
Module: Biography and autobiography
Learning objectives:
Non fiction; to explore biographical writing
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to multi-sensory stimuli in relation to the text and media
To anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text and media
To show an awareness of self and others
To recognize sounds in relation to pictures and text.
To continue the development of early reading skills through symbols, objects,
photographs, print in books, phonics.
To demonstrate an interest in the lives of themselves and others
To demonstrate an awareness of the difference between fact and fiction
To use knowledge of capital letters and recognition to read words
To ask and answer questions to gain information and give information
To describe events in their lives and those of others
To understand that writing can be used for a range of purposes
Age appropriate text; e.g. Jacques Cousteau
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 To demonstrate an interest in unfamiliar settings and experiences
 To reinforce alphabetic and phonic knowledge
 To retell the story through drama and role play
 To communicate effectively in a variety of contexts
 To comment on contributions they and others have made
 Cross curricular activities
 Responding to and incorporating signs/symbols and vocabulary
 To use a variety of communication aids to access a topic
 Continue to access a wide range of media for pleasure and information
 To understand that text can be represented in a variety of media
 To retell sections of biographies in the correct sequence
 Handwriting; developing fine motor skills, including mark making
 To create own writing using a range of media, with support
 To produce word/symbol banks
 To practise full-stops and the formation of capital letters
 To communicate ideas, experiences and feelings
 To produce or participate in the production of an autobiography
Blank Big Books
Artefact boxes
Whiteboards. Digital camera. Photographs from home
Sensory boxes and books
Use of ICT software and communication aids.
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 4
Suggested activities
Date: Spring 1
Module: Pre-1914 poetry
Learning objectives:
Fiction: to explore archaic and poetic language; to explore the role of nature in verse
Non-fiction: non fiction related to other subjects
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to multi-sensory stimuli in relation to the text
To anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text.
To participate in role play activities
To continue to show an awareness of others
To recognize sounds in relation to pictures and text.
To continue the development of early reading skills through symbols, objects,
photographs, print in books, phonics.
To contribute in role play activities
To use knowledge of letters and recognition to read words with support.
To ask questions to gain information
To express preferences in response to the text
To initiate in role play
To develop an awareness of descriptive vocabulary
Age appropriate text: Classic Poetry Three
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 To demonstrate an interest in unfamiliar settings and experiences
 To reinforce alphabetic and phonic knowledge
 To listen to and appreciate formal and poetic language
 To communicate effectively in a variety of contexts
 Cross curricular activities
 Responding to and incorporating signs/symbols and vocabulary
 To use multi-sensory activities to access reading materials
 Continue to access a wide range of texts for pleasure and information
 To understand that longer stories are broken down into chapters
 To retell sections of stories in the correct sequence
 Handwriting; developing fine motor skills, including mark making
 To create own writing using a range of media, with support
 To produce word/symbol banks
 To practise full-stops and the formation of capital letters
 To write own verse
 To communicate ideas, experiences and feelings
Artefact boxes
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text. Whiteboards.
Vocabulary lists. Word/symbol banks. Library
Use of ICT software and communication aids.
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 4
Suggested activities
Date: Spring 2
Age appropriate text; e.g. The Selfish Giant, Aesop’s Fables
See above read list for texts related to this module
Module: Fiction: Moral Tales, parables
Speaking and Listening
 To demonstrate an interest in unfamiliar settings and experiences
 To reinforce alphabetic and phonic knowledge
 To retell the story through drama and role play
Learning objectives:
 To argue and debate issues raised in the text
 Cross curricular activities
Fiction; to explore stories that have a moral; plus non fiction related to other subjects
 Responding to and incorporating signs/symbols and vocabulary
 To use a variety of communication aids to access reading materials
 Continue to access a wide range of texts for pleasure and information
 To retell sections of biographies in the correct sequence
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
 Handwriting; developing fine motor skills, including mark making
 To create own writing using a range of media, with support
To respond to multi-sensory stimuli in relation to the text
 To produce word/symbol banks
To anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text
 To practise full-stops and the formation of capital letters
To participate in role play
 To communicate ideas, experiences and feelings
To show an awareness of self and others
 To participate in shared writing about story related events
To recognize sounds in relation to pictures and text.
To continue the development of early reading skills through symbols, objects,
photographs, print in books, phonics.
To contribute to role play activities
To demonstrate an awareness of right and wrong
To develop awareness of consequences
To use knowledge of capital letters and recognition to read words
To ask and answer questions to gain information and give information
To initiate role play
To begin to explore ideas and issue relating to the text
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text. Whiteboards.
Clothing and props for drama and role play.
Religious texts
Use of ICT software and communication aids.
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 4
Suggested activities
Date: Summer 1
Module: Media and moving image text
Learning objectives:
Fiction and non fiction; gathering information and evidence through multi-media; to
produce a bag book
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to multi-sensory stimuli in relation to the text and media
To anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text and media
To attend to the screen
To continue to show an awareness of others
To recognize sounds in relation to pictures and text.
To continue the development of early reading skills through symbols, objects,
photographs, print in books, phonics.
To recognize that operating a clicker, switch or mouse will affect what appears on
the screen and anticipate effects
To use knowledge of capital letters and recognition to read words
To ask and answer questions to gain information and give information
To review and organize information
To produce and present information
Age appropriate text; e.g. Shirley Valentine
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 To demonstrate an interest in unfamiliar settings and experiences
 To reinforce alphabetic and phonic knowledge
 To retell the story through drama and role play
 To communicate effectively in a variety of contexts
 To comment on contributions they and others have made
 Cross curricular activities
 Responding to and incorporating signs/symbols and vocabulary
 To use a variety of communication aids to access a topic
 Continue to access a wide range of media for pleasure and information
 To understand that text can be represented in a variety of media
 To retell sections of stories in the correct sequence
 Handwriting; developing fine motor skills, including mark making
 To create own writing using a range of media, with support
 To produce word/symbol banks
 To practise full-stops and the formation of capital letters
 To communicate ideas, experiences and feelings
 To produce, or participate in the production of books
Blank Big Books
Book bags.
Digital camera, video camera
Sensory boxes. Sensory books
Use of ICT software and communication aids.
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016
Key Stage: 4
Suggested activities
Date: Summer 2
Module: Fiction: Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet
Non fiction; related to other subjects
Learning objectives:
Fiction: to explore themes, e.g. love and hate; to explore unfamiliar settings; Non
fiction: contemporary magazines, developing text
Differentiated learning objectives (access levels)
To respond to multi-sensory stimuli in relation to the text
To anticipate appearance of key objects/sounds related to the text
To participate in role play
To show an awareness of self and others
To begin to express preferences
To recognize sounds in relation to pictures and text.
To continue the development of early reading skills through symbols, objects,
photographs, print in books, phonics.
To contribute to role play activities, and express preferences
To explore feelings and emotions
To develop awareness of consequences
To use knowledge of capital letters and recognition to read words
To ask and answer questions to gain information and give information
To develop role play, and express preferences
To begin to explore themes relating to the text
To explore families, feelings and viewpoints
Age appropriate text; e.g. Romeo and Juliet
See above read list for texts related to this module
Speaking and Listening
 To demonstrate an interest in unfamiliar settings and experiences
 To reinforce alphabetic and phonic knowledge
 To retell the story through drama and role play
 To argue and debate themes raised in the text
 Cross curricular activities
 Responding to and incorporating signs/symbols and vocabulary
 Consider different endings
 To use a variety of communication aids to access reading materials
 Continue to access a wide range of texts for pleasure and information
 To retell sections of the story in the correct sequence
 To understand the difference between a play and a novel
 To know the characters and their appropriate groups
 Handwriting; developing fine motor skills, including mark making
 To create own writing using a range of media, with support
 To produce word/symbol banks
 To practise full-stops and the formation of capital letters
 To make character maps
 To participate in shared writing about story related events
Pictures, symbols, sounds and words from text.
Symbolised text. Whiteboards.
Clothing and props for drama and role play.
Theatre visits and videos. Music
Use of ICT software and communication aids.
Individual learning outcomes as recorded in IEPs and P levels.
116103795 Revision 4 Date 12/02/2016