Form 1 Application and Serious Mental Illness (SMI) Verification Applicant Information: Print Name of Applicant (qualifying individual): Gender: M/F Date of Birth: Social Security Number: Current Contact Address (if applicable): Current Contact Phone Number (if applicable): Message Phone: Current E-mail Address (if applicable): Applicant is: Applicant has: Homeless Health Condition that warrants special accommodation At-Risk of Homelessness Wheelchair Walker Oxygen Other: **Verification below to be completed by the supportive services provider/case manager. Verification of Serious Mental Illness or Severe Emotional Disturbance and DBH Program Enrollment/Service Engagement: The applicant may provide records that document their eligibility OR they may authorize DBH to contact a specific provider for verification. Documentation must include information that clearly states the applicant meets the definition of serious mental illness (as defined in California Welfare and Institutions Code Section 5600.3 (b) (1)) or severe emotional disturbance (as defined in California Welfare and Institutions Code Section 5600.3 (a) (1)) and the applicant is enrolled or engaged in services provided by DBH or one of its contracted mental health providers. Name of Supportive Services Program/Agency: Signature of Supportive Services Provider/Case Manager Date Completed MHSA – Office Use Diagnosis verified by Behavioral Health-MHSA Name:______________________________________ Approved Denied Date: ______________ Form 2 Certification of Homelessness Instructions: Please provide certification which will verify and document your knowledge of an applicant being either… Continuously homeless for the past year – “Section A” to be completed by Facility/Shelter/Program. Having had at least 4 episodes of homelessness within the past 3 years of at least 15 days of homelessness per episode. - “Section B” must have written certification on Letterhead from Facility/Shelter/Program/and/or Case Manager for each episode. Section A - Certification – Continuously Homeless for the past year I certify that has been continuously homeless for the past year and living on the (Applicant’s Name) streets and/or staying at an emergency shelter during the past year. (Facility/Shelter/Program) Additional detail of the client being continually homeless for the past year (or longer) may be provided here. This Agency / Service Provider are classified as one of the following types of facilities / programs: Emergency Shelter Other: ______________ Name of Agency Signature of Agency Staff Tittle Phone Date Section B - Certification – Four (4) Episodes of Homelessness within the past three (3) years I certify that __________________________ stayed at the following locations and/or on the streets for the following periods of time: (Applicant’s Name) Example: Lifeline Shelter, Cleveland Between: 1/12/10 and 8/15/10 Live At: (Facility-Shelter/Program/Streets) Start Date End Date Check when Supporting Letter is attached. 1) 2) 3) 4) Additional detail of the applicant’s episodes of homelessness may be provided here. Before coming to this Facility/Shelter/Program, the homeless person resided at___________________________________. I certify that I have met with my worker and that all of the above information is correct. (Applicant Name) Signature of Applicant: ________________________________ Signature of Mental Health Staff/Case Manager Title Date: ___________________ ( ) Phone Date Form 3 Certification of At Risk of Homelessness Instructions: Please provide certification which will verify and document your knowledge of this applicant who due to housing instability, is at imminent risk of homelessness. Certification - “Section A” completed by Supportive Services/Agency. Self-Statement – “Section B” completed by Applicant. Section A - Certification – At Risk of Homelessness I certify that due to housing instability, is at imminent risk of homelessness. (Applicant’s Name) Current living situation: How long did applicant stay at that place? _________________. Additional details of applicant’s living situation may be provided here. This Agency / Service Provider are classified as one of the following types of facilities / programs: Emergency Shelter Mental Health Institution Transitional Housing Name of Agency Correctional Facility Permanent Housing Substance Abuse Facility Signature of Agency Staff Medical Institution Other: ______________ Tittle Phone Date Section B - Applicant – Self-Statement of Homelessness / At Risk of Homelessness Prior history of housing within past year (check all that apply): Living in/ with Domestic Violence Situation Friends Emergency Shelter Hospital Exiting Child Welfare Hotel/Motel Exiting Juvenile Justice System Local Jail Family Residential Streets Treatment Facility Other: What else would you like to share about your history? For example, “I can not remember the name of the place where I was living during the fall of 2011 but I believe that it was a homeless emergency shelter. I have problems with my memory from that time due to an illness.” I certify that I am, or was homeless, or at risk of homelessness as identified above. Signature of Applicant: ________________________________ Date: ___________________ MHSA – Office Use At-Risk of Homelessness verified by Behavioral Health-MHSA Approved Referred for Imminent Risk of Homelessness Review Name:______________________________________ Reviewed for Imminent Risk of Homelessness Denied Date: ______________ Approved ____________________________, Karen Markland, MHSA - Division Manager Denied Date: _____________