This research paper has been commissioned by the International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament, but reflects the views of the author and should not be construed as necessarily reflecting the views of the Commission. SPACE WEAPONS: SCIENCE FICTION, REAL THREATS AND ARMS CONTROL OPPORTUNITIES Alexey Arbatov May 2009 Executive Summary Currently, 125 countries are engaged in space activities, with many newly industrialised countries becoming more active in this. Technology for information support in space and, in particular, technology for imagery intelligence is possessed by a number of these states. Space systems have become an integral part of the military potential of the armed forces of leading countries. For developed countries it is impossible in practice and ineffective in modern conditions to carry out military action without the use of space technology. Overall, active military-purpose space vehicles represent about 40% of the overall number of such vehicles. The majority of them belong to the USA, and US spending on military space programs is significantly larger than that by all other space countries taken together. In relation to Russia, it is 20 times greater. The security of orbital systems, whether for military, dual purpose or civilian use, has become a major concern. Space, due to its growing military and civilian importance, may in the near future become a new arena for an arms race and potential military conflict. During the years of the Cold War there was already a precedent for this when the USSR and the US were actively developing and deploying space weapons. However, if we discount a number of experiments, large scale militarisation of space has not yet begun in the sense of weapons deployment and their use in space and from space. In this context, the accumulated mass of international legal norms regulating space activity is very important. Currently, however, due to a number of political, military–strategic and legal constraints for such negotiations and agreements, the situation is less favourable than it was at the end of the Cold War. The situation has become even more complicated because a number of countries have an openly proclaimed goal of military superiority in space. At the same time, information satellites and other non-weapon space vehicles are becoming an important and irreplaceable component of nuclear deterrence, as well as, potentially, warfare, with the joint use of high precision nuclear and conventional weapons. This also makes such space vehicles an attractive target for attack with space weapons. The new American strategic concept of “Prompt Global Strike”, which is heavily dependent on space-based systems, has caused concern in Russia, which does not believe it is aimed only at rogue states. As a result, Russia is developing its own counter-strike capacity aimed at space vehicles as the most vulnerable link in the chain. However, if political relationships between the leading powers improve, the problem of space may return to the disarmament agenda. Current space law forbids nuclear weapons placement and testing in orbit around the Earth, on celestial bodies or in orbits around such bodies, though this prohibition does not have a verification system. But current space law does not forbid placing in space any weapon that is 2 not a weapon of mass destruction. There are also no restrictions on the creation, testing and deployment in space of anti-satellite weapons. Russia and China in 2008 presented a draft Space Weapons Treaty, and there is some hope it will be considered by the Conference on Disarmament in the not too distant future. To date, the US has not shown interest in such a treaty. Some EU countries in the meantime are developing a Space Code of Conduct as an interim security measure and this merits consideration as a first step. While many countries wish to participate in negotiating such a treaty, its highly technical nature suggests that it would be better to limit negotiations to a small group of space-capable nations. Moreover, there is as yet no agreement on what systems might be included in the definition of a space weapon—a situation made more difficult by the current early military and technological stage of space weapon development. The 2008 Draft Treaty, moreover, contains a number of ambiguities, and the fact is that many systems intended for other purposes can have additional capabilities for striking space objects and thus could be considered a weapon. Anti-ballistic missile systems being developed by the US are a particularly egregious case in point. Agreed National Technical Means of verification will be another contentious area in the conclusion of any treaty on the subject. It thus seems that space without weapons may not be achievable through a single treaty, and the negotiating process is likely to be long and fraught with complications. In this sense it may be comparable to the process of strategic arms reductions between the US and Russia, which began so many years ago, continues today and whose end point is still out of sight. Two main models for achieving the desired result suggest themselves. The first is along the lines of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, where universal bans would be applied to certain kinds of weapons and actions, without getting into the technical detail of definitions and verification processes. The other would be akin to existing strategic arms reductions measures, involving a stage-by-stage progress of disarmament and verification measures, from partial to broader and deeper, and done in considerable detail. The former approach did not produce much by way of practical results. So the second approach might offer more possibilities and in the early stages at least, might be based on the 2008 Chinese-Russian draft text. Nor are pious expressions of hopes for the peaceful uses of outer space a viable basis for negotiations, but a hard-headed analysis of the balance of asymmetric military interests of the parties must instead be made. A balance similar to that achieved in START-1 could be obtained through limiting or banning anti-satellite systems in exchange for prohibiting the development of ABM systems in space. An outright ban on anti-satellite systems wherever they are based is desirable but unlikely to be achieved in a single step. Initial agreement might, however, be reached on a ban on the testing of anti-satellite systems and attack anti-missile space systems. Verification could be based on the national technical means of the parties, along with the facilitation of certain transparency measures. Such a treaty would of necessity have a partial and selective character due to both military and political factors, as well as technical and physical conditions, in particular those of space as a distinct environment. However, if this first, albeit limited, step in the non-armament of space is made through a verifiable ban on all types of anti-satellite and space ABM testing, it will be followed by other, broader steps, and more intrusive verification measures, as happened historically with the limitation of strategic nuclear arms. Currently, the economic and technological superiority of the USA in space is obvious and indisputable, but it will be challenged by more and more countries. Moreover, the concerns about a renewed nuclear arms race on Earth will have its parallels in space. As increasing problems confront the world, the last area needing conflict and confrontation is outer space. States need to adopt a cooperative approach to prevent this. 3 Introduction Currently, 125 countries are engaged in space activities. The USA and Russia are the leaders; France China, Japan, Germany, Great Britain, Canada, The Netherlands, Belgium and Spain are also actively engaged. The newly industrialised countries— India, Pakistan, Argentina and Egypt—are also becoming more active. Not less than 40 of them are in one way or another engaged in programs of creation and utilisation of space technologies for information support of weapon systems. More than 20 countries have scientific and industrial capabilities for independent development and production of space technology and launching of space vehicles (SV), using their own or leased delivery vehicles. Technology for information support in space and, in particular, technology for imagery intelligence is possessed by the USA, Russia, China, France and Japan. Great Britain and Germany are developing such technologies. India possesses second generation space technology for remote reconnaissance of the Earth’s surface, which also allows the possibility of imagery intelligence, but with lesser resolution. It is known that the United Arab Emirates have submitted orders for the manufacturing of their own military SV. Currently, around 780 SVs are actively operating in circumterrestrial space: 425 of them belong to the USA, 96 to Russia and 22 to China1. By 2010–2015 the number of in-orbit SVs will grow by more than 400. There is also a noticeable trend for the development of multi-satellite space systems comprising small-size SVs numbering up to hundreds of units, and capable of dual purpose functions. Space systems have become an integral part of the military potential of the armed forces of leading countries. For developed countries it is impossible in practice and ineffective under modern conditions to carry out military action without the use of space technology. Space-based systems of information support for military action make the greatest contribution here. More than 150 units of in-orbit information support systems are deployed operationally or as standby units. Overall, active military-purpose SVs represent about 40% of the overall number of space vehicles. Military satellites can be placed in all types of orbits. In numerical terms, 25% of vehicles are located in low orbits, 20% in medium orbits and 55% in high-elliptical geostationary orbits. Russia, the USA and the latter’s NATO allies possess military space vehicles. The majority of them belong to the USA and the spending on military space programs by the USA is significantly larger than that by all other space countries taken together. (In relation to Russia, using commercial currency exchange rates, it is 20 times greater.2) The security of orbital systems, whether for military, dual purpose or civilian use, has become a major concern for practically all developed countries. Aside from military space systems, an important role is played by space vehicles that are monitoring the Earth’s surface in order to forecast natural disasters and emergency situations and to 1 2 Military-Industrial Complex. Encyclopedia. Vol. 1, Moscow 2005 Ibid . 4 forestall them. The role of orbital systems in supporting financial and economic activity under conditions of globalization is extremely important because most operations are currently carried out with the use of satellite communication and broadcast systems. Taking into account the fact that prevailing international relations are to a high degree prone to conflict and that leading countries and various alliances are subject to political and military antagonisms, and with the rapid progress in the development of science, space, due to its growing military and civilian importance, may in the near future become a new arena for an arms race and potential military conflict. (During the years of Cold War there was already a precedent for this when the USSR and the USA were actively developing and deploying space weapons). A similar situation occurred in the past on the ground and later in the sea and airspace. This course of events would be a natural continuation in the development of military struggle and further broadening of military conflict areas—the course that was already followed for thousands of years by various countries under conditions of changing geopolitical alliances, accompanied by regular breakthroughs in science and technology. However, such a path would represent a growing threat to international security as well as huge financial expenditures, and is particularly undesirable under conditions of financial and economical globalization. Already in the ’50s and ’60s of the last century space had become a sort of “transit” area for testing weapons: initially for nuclear testing, ballistic missile testing, and, finally, for antiballistic missile interception systems. However, if we discount a number of experiments for creating and then discarding anti-satellite weapons systems from active inventory by the USSR and the USA, large scale militarisation of space has not yet begun, in the sense of weapons deployment and their use in space and from space. At the end of the Cold War, under the conditions of an evolving multipolar system of international relations with intensive globalization and interdependence of the whole world, there was a chance to interrupt the historical process of accelerating arms races and military conflict and their transition to ever higher levels of technological complexity, affecting new areas of human activity. The growing commercial information and scientific value inherent in the use of space, and also its huge facilitating role for military action on Earth (including peacekeeping operations), is moving us in this direction, in order to achieve greater stability and facilitate the process of disarmament. In this sense, the accumulated mass of international legal norms regulating space activity is very important, as well as half a century’s experience of practical negotiations on arms limitation and disarmament, including in the area of strategic missile weapon systems and military activity in space. Insofar as the utilisation of space is concerned, mankind is now poised at an important historical juncture: space will either become a new arena for arms race and military conflict, or will remain an area for peaceful and exclusively ancillary military activity, and thus for promoting international cooperation, strategic stability and disarmament. Important choices in this direction will apparently be made in the next decade and perhaps even in the next few years. 5 1. The Contemporary Military and Political Environment. The history of negotiations for banning of space weapons (including those between the USSR and the USA at the end of the ’80s) demonstrated an incredible complexity inherent in the banning and limitation of this type of weaponry through negotiated agreements. Currently, due to a number of political, military–strategic and legal constraints for such negotiations and agreements, the situation is less favourable than it was almost 20 years ago at the end of the Cold War. Above all, after the refusal of the USA to ratify the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) and its abandonment of the ABM Treaty at the beginning of the current decade, there followed an almost complete dismantling of the international disarmament treaty system. This can be demonstrated by the fact that after the 1994 START-1 Treaty, there were no new agreements in the area of disarmament that became legally binding, if one is to exclude the Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty (SORT) of 2002, the status of which is very fragile and contradictory. All other subsequent treaties and agreements were either not signed, or were signed but not ratified, or were ratified but were not implemented in a timely manner. Some were denounced or may be rescinded in the near future (ABM Treaty, CFE Treaty, Treaty on Intermediate and Shorter-range Missiles). The situation was made even more complicated because a number of countries, first of all the USA, have military space programs aimed at building weapons for space wars, with the openly proclaimed goal of military superiority, or under the pretext of the impossibility of either banning or limiting such weapons systems. At the same time, information satellites and other ancillary (non-weapon) space vehicles are becoming an important and irreplaceable component of nuclear deterrence, as well as military action of a new type, and, potentially, warfare with the joint use of nuclear and conventional weapons of high precision. The possibility of such warfare is officially proclaimed by the USA in its military doctrine and new triad concept. This also makes such space vehicles an attractive target for attack with space weapons, given asymmetric defence counteraction capability in the face of overwhelming attack capability in the hands of a potential adversary.3 In this context, the new American strategic concept of “Prompt Global Strike” is very indicative, as it envisages striking targets in enemy countries with the use of nonnuclear strategic carriers (SLBM “Trident-2”), which is hardly possible without the use of ancillary space technology4. It is true that Moscow is not proclaimed as being among such adversaries. However, Moscow does not believe that such expensive nonnuclear carriers will be used against rogue countries, taking into account cost effectiveness criteria. 3 See: N Gallagher, J. Steinbruner. Reconsidering the Rules for Space Security. American Academy of Arts & Sciences. 2008. 4 See: E. Myanikov. Countervailing Potential of High Precision Weapons. Nuclear Proliferation. New Technologies, Arms, and Agreements. Eds., A. Arbatov, V. Drorkina, Moscow: Moscow Carnegie Center РОССПЭН, 2009. pp. 109-118. 6 In turn, the official military and political leadership in Russia and the community of strategic experts have proposed as a cornerstone of a new military concept the repelling of an “air-space” strike aimed at their own country, based on recent military experience in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and Iraq5. Only a minority of Russian experts have doubts about such new trends in military thinking6. The concept of repelling an “air-space strike” implies as a major priority a strike at the most vulnerable link in the above-mentioned threat, namely space vehicles, and that will require antisatellite systems. Russian experts write in this vein: “Taking into account the growing dependence of modern military forces on space elements for their efficiency… the threat of using and the actual use of strike capability against adversaries’ space systems may be viewed as complementary and, in a number of cases, as an independent factor in deterring the aggressor from using military forces… It is not excluded that the creation of the anti-satellite weaponry possessed by the armed forces of the Russian Federation may be the very ‘bridle’ which may deter the realisation of excessively ambitious plans by ‘cowboys’ from the USA and NATO.”7 And finally, greater tension in the Russian–American relationship in the aftermath of the South Caucasus conflict in August 2008 plays a negative role. Among other things this crisis brought to the surface grievances that have accumulated over the past fifteen years, as well as mistrust and hostility, which were a consequence of the growing problems in the relationship that were camouflaged by the “cosmetic” declarations of partnership and cooperation. However, if political relationships between the leading powers improve, and serious negotiations for reduction and limitation of arms, particularly nuclear arms, are renewed (and this agenda came to the forefront of world politics after a known initiative by important American public figures) the problem of space may return to the disarmament agenda. The subject of “non-militarisation” (or more precisely nonweaponisation) of space remains topical, which was once again demonstrated by the testing of Chinese anti-satellite systems in 2007, the American experiment in satellite destruction in 2008 and the collision of Russian and American satellites at the beginning of 2009. 2. Universal Treaty Projects Current space law forbids nuclear weapons placement, as well as placement of other WMDs, in orbit around the Earth, on celestial bodies or in orbits around such bodies. It is true that this prohibition does not have a system for verification. Also banned are: testing of nuclear weapons in space, location of military bases and military tests or manoeuvres on celestial bodies or in orbits around them, hostile actions or the use of force on celestial bodies and in orbits around them, deliberate scattering of debris in orbits aimed at creating obstacles for the normal functioning of SV (provisions of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty). 5 S. Sukhanov, V. Grin’ko, V. Smirnov. Space as a Problem Armed Struggle. National Defence. 2008. July. №7 (28) pp. 28-42. 6 V. Dvorkin. What is Air-Space Defence? Independent Military Review. 3rd of March 2007. pp. 4. 7 S. Sukhanov, V. Grin’ko, V. Smirnov. Space as a Problem of Armed Struggle. National Defence. 2008. July. №7 (28) pp. 42. 7 At the same time, current space law does not forbid placing in space any weapon that is not a weapon of mass destruction. There are also no restrictions on the creation, testing and deployment in space of anti-satellite weapons. When the USA in 2002 left the ABM Treaty, the creation, testing and deployment in space of space-based ABM systems or their components became unrestricted. The following are permitted by default: anti-ABM means and systems, as well as means of active and passive defence of satellites; creation and deployment in space of means of optical-electronic (laser) and radioelectronic jamming; implementation of any kind of applied military experiments related to space, with the exception of means for hostile action against the natural environment. On the 12th of February 2008 the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China jointly introduced at the Disarmament Conference in Geneva a draft Treaty for the prevention of deployment of weapons in space and against the application of force or the threat of use of force in relation to space objects. Prior to this, these problems were discussed in this forum for more than five years. The suggestion to start developing a universal treaty regarding the non-placement in space of any kind of weapon, non-use of force or the threat of force in relation to space projects, and also the introduction of the moratorium on deployment in space of military equipment until such an agreement is reached, was proposed in the speech of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation during the 56th session of UNGA on the 24th of September 2001. A document entitled “Potential Elements for Future International and Legal Arrangements Preventing the Deployment of Weapons in Space, the Application of Force or the Threat of Force in Relation to Space Objects” was presented on behalf of the Russian Federation and the USA at the Disarmament Conference in Geneva on the 27th of June 2002. In 2004–2005, Russia and China tabled at the Disarmament Conference materials covering the norms of International Law governing military space activities. In 2008, a Draft Treaty on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Weapons in Space was introduced as a research mandate so that in future, under more favourable conditions, these negotiations could be transferred to the Committee on Disarmament. The document’s preamble says that space plays a growing role, and that states have research and exploitation rights in space for peaceful purposes. As a concrete measure, Article 1 defines the concept of space as “space around the Earth 100 km above ocean level”. This definition is not new and is contained in the legislation of a number of countries. In the Russian interpretation of international space law, the division between air and space at the level of 100–110 km above the ocean has long been established. In addition, by extension of recognised legal practice, the term “space object” is defined as “any device intended for functioning in space and put into orbit around any celestial body or present in orbit around any celestial body, or on any celestial body, with the exception of the Earth, or leaving an orbit around any celestial body towards that celestial body, or moving from any celestial body to another celestial body, or placed in space in any other manner”. At the same time, a distinction is being made between two kinds of space objects: an object intended for launch and placed under national jurisdiction; and an object which has acquired first and second space 8 acceleration speeds prior to entry into space. In the latter case the space object finds itself under the norms of international space law. For the purposes of the Treaty, the term “space weapon” is defined as “any device placed in space, and based on any physical principle, specially created or re-equipped for destruction, damage or impairment of normal functioning of objects in space, on Earth, or in its airspace, as well as for destruction of populations or components of the biosphere that are important for people, or for harming them”. It is stipulated that a weapon is regarded as being “placed” in space if it performs at least one turn in circumterrestrial orbit or follows a part of this orbit with a later departure from it, or is permanently placed somewhere in space. Therefore, ballistic missiles of various types are excluded, as they are put into space in order to complete a combat task (such as interception of a satellite or a ballistic missile and its warheads) and transit through space, but are not placed in circumterrestrial orbits. The document contains definitions of the terms “application of force” and “threat of force”. By the terms “application of force” or “threat of force” is meant any hostile action against space objects, directed in particular towards their destruction, damage or temporary or permanent disruption of normal functioning, intentional change of orbit parameters, or threat of such an action. In accordance with Article II of this new Draft Space Weapons Treaty, all participating states are obliged to not put in Earth orbit any objects with any types of weapons; not to station such weapons on celestial bodies and not to place such weapons in space in any other fashion; not to resort to force or the threat of force in relation to any space objects, and not to aid or encourage other states, group of states or international organisations to take part in activities that are banned by the Treaty. Compliance with the Space Weapons Treaty must become the subject of an additional protocol. It is indicated that “to ensure confidence in compliance with the statutes of the Treaty and to provide transparency and strengthen trust regarding space activities, participating states will implement, on a voluntary basis, unless other arrangements prevail, agreed measures for trust building”. (Article VI). In order to peacefully dissolve disputes regarding the application and interpretation of the Space Weapons Treaty provisions, it is envisaged that an executive organisation should be set up under the Treaty. In case of dispute, interested parties would initially carry out joint consultations in order to resolve the dispute through negotiation and cooperation. In cases when interested parties do not come to agreement after consultations, the dispute may be introduced by an interested participating state for discussion by the executive organisation under the Treaty, providing the necessary justification for this (Article VII). The proposed Space Weapons Treaty reiterates in many cases the provisions of the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 ( “Treaty on principles governing the activities of states in their exploration and use of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies”), which was signed on the 27th of January 1967 in Moscow, Washington and 9 London.8 This universal Treaty became the foundation for governing military activity in space, but in its disarmament aspect its prohibitions covered only weapons of mass destruction (above all, nuclear). The Draft Space Weapons Treaty of 2008 borrowed these principles but extended them to other types of weapons as well. The Russian–Chinese initiative for this Draft Treaty was generally welcomed by the international community, with the exception of the USA’s Republican Administration. In particular, Germany proclaimed that it intends to take a constructive part in the discussion of the Draft Treaty and that it supports the adoption of the new document with binding effect for weapons control in space. At the same time Germany, as well as other members of the European Union, regard as a priority the discussion and adoption of a Space Conduct Code for States as a means for improving security in this area, recognising that political conditions are not yet right for the acceptance of a full-scale Agreement banning weapons in space. (The Code is being developed within the framework of the European Union, and in future it is proposed to be presented for discussion at the Conference on Disarmament). Acting on behalf of the Group of 219, Syria supported the Draft Treaty. The initiative to begin working on the Draft was also supported by Kazakhstan and the rest of the CIS States, and also by The Netherlands, Romania and other countries. The negative position taken by Washington in relation to the Russian–Chinese Draft was perhaps determined by its lack of willingness to tie its hands in the development of military programs in space. Actually, the USA showed an interest only in the discussion of certain transparency measures and trust building for the resolution of some problems connected with the utilisation of space. The new initiative of the RF–PRC once again confirmed the joint approach by these two countries to this strategic problem. Obviously, such a confluence of interests is based on concerns over the American strategic ABM program, and above all the fact that it is space-based, which in theory may undermine the Chinese nuclear deterrence potential, and cause diminution of the Russian potential. It is also notable that the subject of the Treaty covers only weapons that are placed in space, while weapons in “Earth-Space” class are not covered, despite their rapid development and the possibility that they may be militarily deployed in the forseeable future. Instead of this, only space-based ABM systems are covered, as well as antisatellite systems, and devices of “Space-Earth” class that are envisaged in the more remote future (if they will be developed at all). This is a remarkable departure from the Soviet position of the ’80s, which was not completely realistic, although it was all-encompassing. This is possibly based on the fact that China, and possibly Russia, are working on the development of ground-based anti-satellite systems as a means of asymmetric response to the potential space-based ABM being developed by the USA. It is also possible that the ancillary space equipment supporting the USA’s ABM, as well as their potential for waging high 8 See: Space and Law. Moscow. IPAN, 1980; Existing International Agreements and the Prevention of Placement of Weapons in Space (CD/1789, 22nd of May 2006) 9 The Group is made up of non-aligned and neutral States of diverse political orientation. 10 technology warfare of the new type with the massive utilisation of high precision long range non-nuclear weapons, may become open to attack. It is also notable that problems of verification, which are most important and most difficult in relation to military systems in space, are avoided by referral to an additional protocol and voluntary trust measures. However, the possibility of verification (which, by the way, is much more achievable in relationship to groundbased space weapons) plays an absolutely key part in deciding what may and what may not be banned or limited during the first stage of negotiation, as happened, for example, in the history of negotiations on the START-1 and START-2 Treaties. The multilateral nature of the array of countries wishing to participate in the proposed drafting of such a Treaty gives rise to serious doubts. The highly complex technological systems that are involved are military and strategic in nature and are known only to a few states, and questions related to them are of an exceptionally sensitive nature. So any hope for practical negotiations on these problems in a multilateral format based on the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) is hardly justified. A more practical format would involve two or, at most, three parties (RF–USA–PRC), and seems more practical, at least at the initial stage. 3. Defining the Subject of Negotiation The long-term experience of initiatives and negotiations of this problem indicates that there are many ambiguities and differences in interpretation regarding the very subject of the Agreement. In other words, the fundamental and basic task of defining the subject of negotiations is far from being resolved. Among specialists it is more or less accepted that by “space weapons” or “space arms” (SA) are meant weapons that are created and tested for their strike capability on any targets, and that are used from space objects (that is, objects that have completed at least one full turn in circumterrestrial orbit (other celestial bodies and their orbits are not mentioned so far)), as well as weapons that are created and tested for their attack capability on space objects (that is, objects that have completed at least one full turn in circumterrestrial orbit). A simpler and less strict definition of space weapon means a weapon that is both a space object and is also intended to destroy space objects. This wide interpretation of the term “offensive space weapons” was used in the Soviet Union as a subject for legal negotiations on banning them in the early to mid-80s as part of its fight against the American SDI program. In other words, space weapons were defined by the targets they intended to strike, or through the place where the weapons themselves were based. It is particularly important to differentiate the concept of space object from an object in space. The latter term could refer to any object launched into space or flying through space, but not completing at least one full term in circumterrestrial orbit. If such a differentiation is not maintained, than all medium range and intercontinental range ballistic missiles could be regarded as space weapons, as well as all systems of anti-missile defence with a height of interception exceeding 100 km; such systems have been built by many states and are subjects of other negotiations, agreements or draft proposals. However, the above-mentioned consensus does not 11 fully resolve the problem. Moreover, a distinction along the principle of “one turn” creates, from a technical point of view, a great deal of uncertainty A particularly striking example of the vagueness of this distinction is presented by the so-called “fractional orbital missile”. This system was created in the USSR during the ’60s and was based on the heavy ICBM (RT-36 ORB) type intended to strike the USA from the Southern azimuth, not covered by Missile Warning Systems radar locators that were directed towards the main missile threat areas in the North, West, and East. This ICBM was supposed to strike its target not along the normal quickest ballistic trajectory above the North Pole, but to enter a circumterrestrial orbit and, having effected an incomplete turn through the Southern Polar circle, to come down from orbit and strike USA territory. This system was banned by the SALT–2 Treaty of 1979 and then by the SNF–1 Treaty (Article V, para 18, c). From a formal, legal point of view, the fractional orbital missile is not a space weapon and it does not become a space weapon after its launch into orbit because it is not designed to complete a full turn around the Earth. In this sense, it is comparable to any ICBM or SLBM. But from a technical point of view nothing prevents this missile from completing the turn after being launched into space or completing a number of turns around the Earth before leaving its orbit and striking the target. Used in this way, this system would be functioning as a space object and must be considered a space weapon. In other words, two different weapon classes—strategic ballistic missiles and offensive space weapons of the “Space–Earth” class—are divided not by any technical differences, but only by an extra half hour’s flight in circumterrestrial orbit. Although fractional orbital missiles are banned by the START–1 Treaty, the terms of this Treaty will expire in December 2009. Moreover, the Treaty bans the use of nuclear-armed fractional orbital missiles (or those carrying any types of WMD), but not those with conventional munitions. Thus, such a system can in theory be created and tested during an incomplete turn around the Earth and, at the same time, not be covered by either START–1, or any other definition of space weapon, including the RF–PRC Draft of 2008. But in reality it will be able to fulfil the function of a space weapon of “Space–Earth” class. A similar situation exists with the projected American Falcon system, a space bomber put into orbit and then lowered from it in order to attack targets on the ground. This project is still in an early stage of development, and is surrounded by many financial and technical doubts. But if these doubts are resolved and the system is tested on an incomplete turn around the Earth, then it will also not fall under any existing definition of a space weapon (including that of the Draft Space Weapons Treaty of 2008), and thus will not be the subject of any negotiations. As regards the speed and height of orbits and trajectories, there is a large and impenetrable grey area between ballistic missiles, anti-missiles, ABM anti-missiles, and satellites. Thus the technical characteristics of anti-satellite and anti-missile intercept systems are similar in many respects, giving them a dual purpose. The same can be said of ABM intercepting missiles, anti-satellite systems, and offensive ballistic missiles. (Soviet anti-missile systems during the ’60s–70s and the Chinese 2007 system possessed, as their basis, the technology of the offensive ballistic 12 missile.) Ancillary ABM, anti-satellite, and Missile Warning Systems (MWS), whether space, ground, or sea-based, also have a multi-purpose character. Additionally, space weapons are subject to their own peculiar paradox insofar as some such weapon types were created in the past and have now been removed from active commission, or liquidated unilaterally, while others are at a rather early stage of development. On the one hand, this gives hope that new weapons will be banned before they are tested and actively deployed; but this may be extremely difficult, both in the military strategic sense (because of their variety, asymmetry and the different roles they play in the defence policies of different states), and also because of the complexity of their verification (more on this later). On the other hand, the current early military and technological stage of space weapon development itself makes it extremely difficult to define the subject of negotiations, bans or limitations. In fact, the currently used definition of space weapons is formulated with reference to where they are based (space) and/or where targets are located (space) rather than concrete technical characteristics. A useful analogy would be to imagine how difficult disarmament measures would be if their subject would be defined as, for example, “any sea-based weapon or weapon used for attacking marine targets”. In the past, successful disarmament negotiations were always based on fixed and concrete (or mutually understood) weapons systems’ technical characteristics and agreed definitions of their kinds and types. For example, the Treaty on Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE), signed in 1990, defines as one of the major subjects of the agreement the tank, as a “self-propelled armoured combat vehicle that has high fire power, generally due to its main cannon, with a high initial velocity of shells for an attack, with direct aim, needed to inflict damage on armoured and other targets, having high mobility over irregular terrain, and a high level of protection... Military tanks are fully-tracked armoured combat vehicles, with a dry weight not less than 16.5 metrical tonnes and armed with cannon with a calibre of no less than 75 millimeters, and having a 360-degree horizontal angle of turn. Additionally, any wheel-based armoured combat vehicles coming into operation that comply with all the other above-mentioned criteria will also be considered as combat tanks.” (Article III, para. 1, C). Partly on objective grounds, nothing of the kind can be found in relation to space weapons. It is obvious that in the RF–PRC Draft of 2008, space weapons are defined more narrowly; ground-based systems (and also sea and air-based) are not included, with only space-based systems being considered. On the one hand, this makes things easier because the complicated problem of distinguishing between the existing ABM systems (strategic and “theatre of operation”) and anti-satellite use of offensive ICBMs and MRBMs is bypassed. However, on the other hand, actual Soviet and American anti-satellite systems of “Earth–Space” class already created and tested in the past, as well as strategically attractive anti-satellite systems currently being developed (or intended for future development) by the USA, PRC and possibly Russia and other countries, are being omitted from consideration. 13 It is such systems in particular that, very likely, will be capable in the foreseeable future of posing a greater threat to satellites in high orbits of up to 1,000 km or more. Currently, a significant percentage of multi-purpose satellites and piloted vehicles are placed or will be placed in such orbits, including satellites used for electronic and optical and radio-electronic intelligence, communications, meteorology, anti-missile defence (SBIR-LOW), and also space weapons on high elliptical orbits on a perigee section above Antarctica (and used for purposes such as communications and MWS). It is more than likely that space military stations for anti-satellite, anti-missile defence and “Space–Earth” class weapons (if they ever appear) will also be placed in orbits of this range. To a lesser extent, such anti-satellite systems with an interception range of up to 1,000 km will be a threat to satellites in higher orbits, including geosynchronous and semigeosynchronous orbits, which are used for communication, MWS, and navigation (GPS, GLONASS, “Galileo”). It is also possible that in the foreseeable future there may be systems created, with ground, sea or air launch, intended for placement of anti-satellite systems in their appropriate orbits for satellite interception, or placed near their target at an earlier point (“space mines”). Taking into account the complexities of verification, the Draft Treaty of 2008, even in its second version, does not seem to be very effective, since anti-satellite systems are left completely outside the Treaty. The same can be said of the projected air, ground, or sea-based laser systems that can strike and damage satellites in high orbits with a fair degree of efficiency. Aside from these omissions, the 2008 Draft Treaty contains many ambiguities in its definitions of a “weapon in space”. As was noted earlier, in the document a space weapon was said to be “any device, placed in space, and based on any physical principle, specially created or re-equipped for the destruction, damage or the impairment of normal functioning of objects in space, on Earth or in its air space, as well as for the destruction of population, components of the biosphere important for the existence of humans, or for harming them”. A question arises: what is meant by “specially created or re-equipped”; what are the attributes around which such a designation can be assigned, and how? For example, can it be said that a space vehicle shall be banned if it is intended to be reusable and was especially created, among other purposes, for the capture, repair, and removal from orbit of satellites? It is even less clear what is meant by “biosphere components” and their “destruction and harming”; could it be applied, for example, to the destruction of the ozone layer that is caused by every space launch, or to the destruction of one’s own obsolete satellites and their removal from orbit and descent into the ocean? The formula “the destruction, damage or impairment of normal functioning of objects in space” causes almost as many uncertainties. There are many ways in which functioning of space vehicles can be disrupted, because space systems themselves and the environment in which they are placed are so varied. In order to directly strike a space vehicle one can use conventional (explosive), kinetic (impactdetonated), nuclear and laser weapons. For jamming purposes one can use lasers, beam, X-ray and UHF weapons as sources of electronic warfare. During times of peace, states do not intentionally interfere with the normal functioning of space vehicles belonging to other countries. However, under conditions 14 of military conflict one cannot seriously expect anyone to honour bans against creating interference, for example, for enemy systems such as GLONASS, NAVSTAR or Galileo—the main systems providing support for precision-guided weapons. It is also difficult under such circumstances to avoid attempts to disrupt the functioning of other space systems intended for military, dual, and commercial purposes, as well as ground-based centres for collection and transmission (retransmission) of information and guidance for space vehicles. It is also not clear whether one can consider as “creation of interference with normal functioning,” laser or radio locator illumination of satellites from Earth or from space for the purpose of identification, for example. It can in theory be possible, and of mutual interest in terms of preventing an uncontrollable escalation of conflict, to agree not to attack at least the early missile warning systems (similar to the agreements existing between some countries not to attack nuclear power stations). However, it would be very hard to agree on banning such systems if it is justified as a means of restraint against their creation and use by other countries. This is even more the case since many types of weapons usually have a multi-purpose use, and their development, testing, deployment and use are not limited by any international treaties or agreements. Among such weapons one can name, for example, laser, kinetic, electromagnetic, beam, and other weapons of similar nature. The banning of combat systems that are based on directed energy transmission, primarily lasers, is particularly complicated. They can be used for striking aircraft, satellites, ballistic missiles and their elements during flight, and also for the detection, probing and identification of ground, underwater and space objects, as well as for targeting other weapon systems and, in future, for the rapid transfer of immense amounts of information, i.e. for communications. Theoretically, effectiveness of lasers may be limited (thereby separating attack systems from ancillary purpose systems) by the ratio of power illumination to the area of the ray’s cross-section (joules/steredian), which is an indicator integrating a laser’s energy and the area of its mirror reflector. But to come to an agreement regarding such limitations would be a complex undertaking if we take into account the different types of lasers (“pumping” methods) and the diverse areas through which they may pass (space, atmosphere). For example, a laser that does not have destructive potential in a dense atmosphere may be an effective weapon against satellites in space at long distances, or for striking booster stages of ballistic missiles at a shorter range when they leave the atmosphere, or missile warheads in space at a short distance. Taking into account distance to target, space-based lasers may be more or less effective as anti-satellite weapons. However, when one considers military stations moving along orbits, as well as their possible targets, and the possibility of orbit change, then the limitation of the technical characteristics of laser weapons is very hard to translate into the limitation of their military capabilities. This is another aspect that differentiates such systems from, say, the practice of limiting nuclear arms as a subject of various negotiations, where technical characteristics within the various limits could define the range of their action, and when banning overseas missile locations would reliably separate strategic systems from weapons of medium range and their operational and tactical designation. (Thus, for ICBMs, the range was defined as above 5,500 km, for MRBM—from 1,000 to 5,500 km, for shorter-range 15 missiles—from 500 to 1,000 km, for SLBM, ALCM, SLCM—a range of 600 km and above, and so on). The creation, testing and utilisation of weapons and the the functioning of ground-based space system facilities practically impossible to ban, because practically all nuclear weapon systems, means of electronic warfare physical principles, can be considered such weapons. creation of interference with for managing information is offensive conventional and and systems based on new Many systems that are intended for other purposes can have ancillary (additional) capabilities for striking space objects: offensive ballistic missiles of various classes, fractional orbital ballistic missiles, pilotless or piloted space vehicles. The most complicated case of “overlapping” is created by ABM systems, however based, that hold immanent (“inborn”) anti-satellite potential in orbits of approximately up to 1,000 km. Apart from being capable of intercepting missiles at an early stage of their boost phase trajectory and the final phase of their entry into the atmosphere, targets for ABM systems traverse the same space in which the majority of space vehicles are rotating in orbits with an apogee of up to 1,000 km. Satellites on these orbits move somewhat faster than the final rocket stages and warheads (around 8 km per second and 5–7 km per second respectively)—otherwise they represent easier interception targets. As a rule, space vehicles are larger in size and are somewhat fragile (particularly their solar batteries, communication aerials and electric and optical sensors). It is most important that satellites move along predictable orbits and can be followed over a long period of time, which facilitates targeting. A satellite interception point can be programmed many days and even weeks in advance, while the time of arrival for ballistic missiles is 7–30 minutes, depending on their class, type and trajectory. Finally, as opposed to ballistic missiles, space vehicles do not represent a massive targeting complex and are not combined with false targets and other means of defence against ABM. Of course, there are various means by which space systems can be made more durable: by taking organisational and technical measures for increasing space vehicle protection and ground-based centres from attack factors of various physical nature, by duplicating the most important space vehicles, by placing in orbit standby or “sleeper” satellites, by preparation of delivery vehicles and satellites for quick replacement of vehicles that have been disabled, etc. However, such measures are often linked to considerable expenditures of time and money. 4. Special Features of Verification in Space In disarmament practice, agreement on verification is the most important and inviolable condition. Historically, only the creation of a national technical means of verificaton (NTMV), mainly involving the use of space reconnaissance satellites, had permitted the conclusion of SALT-1 in 1972. At the same time, one cannot elevate the importance of technical verification capabilities to the level of an absolute imperative. As mutual trust grew and there was a movement towards radical measures of disarmament, NTMVs were augmented by transparency measures, trust and 16 cooperation, on-site inspections (including the removal of missile cones and counting of warheads), continual monitoring of facilities, etc. In this way, such agreements as CFE (1990), CWC (1992), START–1 (1994) and CTBT (1996) were without precedent. By contrast, the SORT Treaty of 2002 is not functioning in full measure because it is not backed up by a verification system and rules for counting items under limitation (nuclear munitions). As applied to space weapons, the dialectical progress of disarmament and verification is also fully possible. However, it would be naive to expect breakthroughs in the initial stages. This is exacerbated by the new nature and specificity of the subject under negotiation. In the majority of former and existing Treaties for disarmament, the centre of gravity for verification measures was placed at the deployment stage and the operational stage of weapons systems (ABM Treaty, START–1, Treaty on Intermediate and Shorter Range Missiles, SFE, CWC). The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 is also related to this phase (as regards the non-placement of WMDs), but it does not envisage any verification measures. To a much lesser degree verification measures in the above-mentioned disarmament Treaties extend to the weapons’ systems testing stage (in relation to CFE it does not extend at all). START–1 is an exception because missile testing is tightly controlled (including a ban on encryption of telemetric information) and also the CTBT, which is fully relevant to testing. Insofar as the establishment stages are concerned, that is, the development of weapons systems prior to the testing stage, it is not covered by any Treaty, except for the CWC and BTWC, while the latter was not finally supported by a verification system. It is true that the ABM Treaty banned the “creation” of a number of ABM systems, but parties could not come to a final agreement regarding this term, and that manifested itself rather dramatically in the course of debates between the USSR and USA—and also within the USA—in relation to their SDI program in the first half of the ’80s. As opposed to this historical experience, space weapons will be the most difficult to ban and to limit at their deployment and operational stages, particularly where deployment in space is concerned, as it is in the Draft Space Weapons Treaty of 2008. To identify, through the use of NTMVs, banned satellites with weapons on board among approximately 700 space vehicles that are currently rotating in various orbits, would be exceptionally difficult. It could be even more difficult to prove that they are subject to a Treaty without their inspection in space or their being brought down to Earth (even if the Treaty could determine the technical characteristics of banned systems, and not just where they are based and where their possible targets are located). This can also apply to future compact satellites used as a means of inspection of space vehicles in all orbits. Such on-site space inspection, as well as bringing vehicles down to Earth, is in many cases not technically possible, as well as being dangerous and, more likely than not, unacceptable for states because of military or commercial secrecy. Additionally, the creation of such systems and means of verification may of itself be interpreted as a type of anti-satellite weapon or combat operation. Verification on space launching pads before the launch also seems improbable in the foreseeable future because of military and commercial secrecy. By the way, this question was touched upon at the end of the ’80s during the USSR–USA negotiations on space weapons, in relation to a ban on orbital ABM systems. It was acknowledged 17 at that time that such verification methods would be overly intrusive and practically impossible to implement for technical reasons (the necessity of opening containers with the payload, and its identification before being installed on a space vehicle). It is possible that in the context of radical disarmament measures and abandonment of military confrontation, such measures of pre-launch inspection could in time become possible for the verification of space disarmament. But at this stage they seem unrealistic, in particular regarding the RF–PRC Draft Treaty of 2008. As regards land, air, and sea-based space weapons that are most likely to appear in the foreseeable future (but not addressed by the RF–PRC Draft), even here the picture is mixed. The banning or limitation of such systems as were deployed by the Soviet Union in the ’70–80s (and experimental missiles tested by China against satellites in 2007) would not be difficult if their technical characteristics and locations could be agreed upon, using methods applied by the Treaty on Intermediate and Shorter Range Missiles and START-1. However, as applied to the aircraft-based systems of the type deployed during the ’80s by the USA (F15 SRAM–Altair) and the Soviet development of anti-satellite systems based on the MiG–31 fighter plane, the verification of bans on their deployment would be extremely difficult due to the dual purpose and massive numbers of such aircraft in operation, as well as the small size of intercepting missiles that may be stored in any airfield’s storage facilities. Of course, such satellite systems possess special systems for targeting and navigation, but their banning would interfere in the overall ground-based infrastructure of space complexes, and would therefore be unrealistic. Limitation of quantity of such systems is a more achievable goal, but requires wide transparency and agreement on the functional differences between aircraft and missiles, facilitation of verification measures, agreed locations for antisatellite systems, as well as the possible acceptance of rights of inspection upon suspicion (with brief notification) of other airforce bases of the parties. A ban or limitation on the deployment of presently developed aircraft-based laser systems and upgraded sea-based missile systems (such as the US missile of the “Standard-3” type that was launched from a cruiser and used to down an obsolete American satellite in 2008) would be extremely difficult due to their widely varying technical characteristics and their dual purpose as a means of anti-missile and antisatellite defence (see Table 1). Thus a major feature of space weapons, and especially orbit-based weapons, separating them from any other kind of weapon that up to the present time has been the subject of disarmament Treaties, is the fact that it is exceptionally hard, if not impossible, to forbid or limit the relevant kinds and types of armed forces after their operational deployment by the state. This is based both on their complexity of verification and also on the great variety of their technical characteristics, possible designation, and use. At the same time, the specificity of space weapons, as regards their base, as well as the location of their targets, permits significant limitation of their development through limits on full-scale testing. 18 Table 1: Possibilities for Verification of Space Weapons at Different Stages of Their Life Cycles Cycle Detonation on Contact Systems Attack Space Weapons Research and Development Testing with Target Destruction Testing without Target Destruction Operational Deployment Space object 1 3 1 1 Object in space 1 3 2 3 Ground-based 1 3 2 3 Air-based 1 3 2 2 Sea-based 1 3 2 2 1 3 1 1 Directed energy weapon Notes: 1 Verification impossible 2 Limited possibilities for verification 3 Sufficient possibilities for verification 5. Outlook for Limitation and Banning of Weapons in Space It seems that the idea of weapons-free outer space cannot be achieved in a single blow by one universal Treaty. Space is a new area for a potential arms race and military conflict, and stakes by various countries in this area are exceptionally high in the military, scientific, and commercial senses. All weapon systems are currently in their early development stage, the technologies are exceptionally complex, multifunctional, expensive, and are cloaked in complete secrecy. Methods of verification and monitoring are exceptionally difficult. Thus, if space disarmament and limitation measures are initiated in a practical format at some stage, it will be a complicated, long, and multi-stage process rather comparable to the limitation and reduction of strategic weapons, and not to the CWC or BTWC. The RF–PRC Draft Treaty of 2008 brought some positive results, but only in the political and propaganda arena, and not in the sense of practical disarmament. The effort was not entirely wasted, however, particularly since until that point the official US policy remained militantly destructive. But even if, after the change of the US administration in 2009, Washington’s position will change in a constructive direction and weapons-free space becomes a task for practical negotiations, including the cardinal problems of verification, even then this path will be fraught with many complications, not only for the USA, but also for Russia and China. 19 There are historical precedents for this in the experience of transition from debates in the UN on universal and full nuclear disarmament, to negotiations about concrete ABM systems and strategic ballistic missiles, in the framework of SALT-1 at the end of 60s. It is instructive to recall that after two decades of heated polemics during all the international forums, the US Defense Secretary at that time, Robert McNamara, at the meeting in Glasboro in 1967 proposed to then USSR Prime Minster Alexey Kosygin initiation of the Arms Limitation Process with a mutual renunciation of ABM, upon which he received a categorical refusal. The argument behind this was that ABM was a morally justified system for protecting the population from nuclear weapons. Later, the positions of both sides were periodically altered and became diametrically opposed, both on ABM and on other questions relating to strategic weapons. Such was the beginning of an extensive negotiating process, accompanied by successes and failures, a process which is not finished even today and the end of which is still out of sight. The analysis of half a century of military and technological development of space systems, concepts of their use, and also the experience of negotiations and agreements in this area, allow us to delineate conditionally two main models for regulating space activity through Treaty processes. One of them is based on the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, and it envisages universal bans on certain kinds of weapons and types of actions, without getting into the technical detail of defining the subject of the agreement, verification measures, exchange of data, exceptions from the rule, and mutually agreed understanding. Another model that is also deeply involved with the subject matter of space is based on Treaties for ABN, SALT-1, Treaty on Medium and Shorter Range Missiles and SART-1, including thorough reconciliation of all the above-mentioned questions, and a stage-by-stage progress of disarmament measures and verification, from partial to broader and deeper. Soviet proposals in multilateral forums and bilateral negotiations with the USA during the ’80s, and Russian initiatives during the current decade (including joint initiatives with other countries), were based on the first model. Considering the non-constructive line taken by Washington, these diplomatic actions brought certain political and propaganda dividends to Russia, but have not brought about substantial results in the form of legally binding Treaties. If the USA position changes and negotiations become more practical, then the approach to this problem will, most likely, change. It seems that in terms of the subject of negotiations, it would be wise to move, at least at the first stage, both from the USSR’s position during the 80s, and also from the recent proposals by Russia and China in Geneva. More specifically, the subject of negotiations must be narrowed and not involve the attempt, as it did 20 years ago, to universally ban all systems of “Earth–Space”, “Space–Earth” and “Space–Space” classes, technical features of which are not clear, not least the possibility of verification of these agreements. It is unlikely that vague exhortations to prevent militarisation of space could be used as the basis for such negotiations. It is useful to recall that the practical basis for strategic arms Treaties was found not in mutual wishes for peace of the countries concerned, but in the balance of asymmetric military interests of the parties. Thus, START–1 became possible because the USA was interested in limiting the growth of 20 Soviet ballistic missiles, while the USSR was interested in limiting ABM systems. The START–2 Treaty was based on the USA’s interest in limiting Soviet missiles with dispersal (MIRV) warheads, and on the USSR’s desire to limit American cruise missiles. The START–1 Treaty embodied in itself a compromise between the reduction of heavy ICBMs, limitation of ground-based mobile missiles possessed by the USSR, and the reduction and limitation of the superior American sea and airbased strategic forces. Following the same logic in space, an obvious balance between the practical interests of the parties could be reached through banning and strict limitation of anti-satellite systems in exchange for the refusal to develop ABM in space, that is, attack systems (interceptors) based in space. The first would be useful to the USA, and the second to Russia and the PRC. Within such a negotiating format, the technical intersection between ABM and anti-satellite systems, which makes it difficult to ban one without banning the other, could facilitate measures for their limitation or joint prohibition. For such practical negotiations to be successful, it would be very important to reach agreement on a definition of the subject of the agreement, and to develop realistic and durable measures of verification and transparency. Also, the correct choice of stages and the format of the negotiating process would be important. Currently, anti-satellite systems are the most developed and visible in a technical sense, while space-based ABM systems belong to a more remote future (10–15 years ahead) and the outlook for their establishment still remains somewhat cloudy. This is even more true of systems of the “Space–Earth” class. It will be rather difficult to agree in aggregate about all of them, due to the different nature of separate subjects of the agreement. In this light, it would make sense for Moscow and Washington to take into account the historical experience of such a dialogue between the USSR and USA in the ’70s and ’80s, and also to take into account the initiatives of independent experts from different countries. A ban on the deployment of anti-satellite systems based anywhere would be desirable, but is unlikely to be achievable. As was noted earlier, it would be difficult to verify such bans in space by realistically available methods; while on Earth experimental missile systems of this class are currently deployed perhaps only by China (it is possible that because of this, the joint RF–PRC Draft of 2008 involved only space systems). Both Russia and the USA have decommissioned or put into cold storage previous systems, while the new ones being developed are dual purpose, such as the American anti-missiles of the GBI (Ground Based Interceptor) or “IGES-Standard” type. Instead of banning the deployment as an indirect solution to this problem, the initial agreement could instead concentrate on a ban on the testing of anti-satellite systems and attack anti-missile space systems. This would mean banning testing by actually striking a target satellite or a ballistic missile and its elements along their flight trajectory, as was done by the USSR in the ’60s–80s, by the USA in the ’80s, and by China in 2007. Such tests are much easier to verify as regards the consequences of the interception (the creation of multiple fragments). Verification of this Agreement could be based on the national technical verification systems of the parties, along with, as would be desirable, the facilitation of certain transparency measures. For example, it would be necessary to confirm and to broaden the existing notification format about all missile launches, including space launches, and to include in this format any actions and experiments with destructive action towards 21 space objects. Such a ban, aside from its significance as an arms limitation measure, could also be important for the safety of space use for peaceful purposes, which is being increasingly threatened by the growing amount of “space debris”. The destruction of obsolete satellites, if there is a threat of uncontrolled descent, must be carried out under the observation of another party or parties, with sufficient information being provided, in order not to arouse suspicions regarding the conduct of testing of secret anti-satellite systems, as was the case with the American interception of a space vehicle in 2008. Docking operations with satellites for peaceful purposes must be regulated as regards the speed of their approach, be subject to prior notification, and also be conducted under observation by another party or parties. The initial Treaty could have a time limitation (say, a ten year framework, with the possibility of extension), which would be less than the projected time of arrival of a technically feasible space-based ABM system. As in any other such Treaty, it would contain an article regarding withdrawal from the Treaty in cases where the “higher interests” of any of the parties was threatened. Russia (and, if it acceded, the PRC) could make a unilateral declaration that they would consider as such a circumstance the creation of an American space-based ABM system or “Space–Earth” class systems. This could serve as an additional element of deterrence, considering the USA’s interest in limiting anti-satellite systems to a maximum extent, if such a limitation could be effectively verified. The format of the agreement could, in the first stage, include the USA, Russia and, as would be desirable, the PRC, and envisage the possibility of future accession by any other country. It would be necessary to create a permanent joint commission for the management and resolution of disputes (such a commission could be linked to the centre for the exchange of missile launch data). The advantages of such a Treaty would be: The prevention of creation and modernisation of the most advanced class of space weapons—anti-satellite—independently of its physical principles and forms of deployment; Relative simplicity of verification, with emphasis on National Technical Means of verification in combination with minimal transparency and facilitation measures; Slowdown in the development of space ABM as regards its attack elements; Prevention of experiments causing formation of space debris, threatening the space vehicles of all countries; The early involvement of the PRC (and later of other countries) at a new stage in the process of strategic arms limitation; A slowdown at an early stage in the development of any anti-satellite systems that are capable of attacking the most important satellites for MWS, navigation, communication, and monitoring. At the same time, the proposed Treaty would not be without shortcomings, some of them quite material. Among them in particular would be: The possibility of indirect testing and deployment of anti-satellite systems through testing and deployment of variously-based ABM systems (with the exception of space systems); 22 The possibility of preserving anti-satellite potential, without specific testing, on the basis of ICBM, SLBM, fractional orbital missiles (after the expiry of START-1), and medium range missiles (for China), with a guaranteed strike capability against satellites by nuclear explosion (which would knock out of action all space vehicles within reach, including one’s own); The possibility of secret deployment in peacetime or during a pre-war period of “space mines” without testing and without a guaranteed capability for striking satellites, above all, on geostationary orbit; The possibility of secret rehearsal of anti-satellite operations of low intensity with the use of piloted and pilotless vehicles through approach, locking and descent from the orbit of space vehicles that became obsolete or requiring repairs; The possibility of the secret testing of weapons with directed energy beaming (laser, beam), and means of electronic warfare for disrupting the function of satellites without their physical destruction; The possibility of creation of a space attack weapon of the “Space– Earth” class, including on the basis of fractional orbital missiles, multiple-use spaceships and other, at this stage hypothetical, technologies and operational ideas; The impossibility of the purposeful creation of anti-satellite weapons as an asymmetrical response to the development of new systems and methods of non-nuclear military action, including the use of long-range guided precision weapons supported by space information systems; The impossibility of a direct response to the hypothetical systems of “Space-Earth” class, if they ever eventuate. While accepting the existence of the problems indicated, one must at the same time emphasise the advantages of the proposed version that may well outweigh its shortcomings. Moreover, it seems that as the first practical step in preventing the armament of space, this version is relatively more realistic, both from the point of view of its mutual military and strategic acceptability, and also with the view of the more concrete nature of the military and technological parameters of the subject of the Treaty, and the possibilities of its verification. The Treaty proposed above will of necessity have a partial and selective character due to both military and political reasons, as well as the objective technical and physical circumstances, in particular those of space as a distinct environment. Incidentally, the same thing occurred with the interim SALT–1 Treaty of 1972, and with the SALT–2 Treaty of 1979. However, without passing through these natural stages of disarmament, parties would never have reached the unprecedented universal reduction, limitation, and transparency measures obtained by the START–1 Treaty twenty years later. If this first, albeit limited, step in the area of the non-armament of space is made through a verifiable ban on all types of anti-satellite and space ABM testing, it will be followed by other, broader steps, and more intrusive verification measures, as happened historically with the limitation of strategic nuclear arms. With the change in 2008 of the American administration, and under conditions of the deepening world financial and economic crisis, the outlook for expensive and highly complex strategic ABM systems, and even more for its space version, is becoming 23 highly doubtful. To a even greater extent the same could be said about weapons of the “Space-Earth” class. And finally, the main argument supporting the suggested Treaty is linked to the absence of realistic alternatives to the prevention of anti-satellite systems and space ABM through the prohibition of their full-scale testing. It seems that such an alternative lies not in the realisation of previous proposals by the USSR, and maybe not even in the Russian–Chinese Draft of 2008 which could be looked upon more as a gesture of goodwill. In reality, the alternative lies in the continuing absence of any legal Treaty limitations on space armament, and in the gradual transformation of outer space into an area of military competition and potential military conflicts. *** Currently, the economic and technological superiority of the USA in space is obvious and indisputable. However, if a space arms race is initiated, it will inevitably be joined by other countries, above all China, Russia, India, Brazil, Japan, and later possibly Iran, Pakistan, and others. As a result, the USA, despite its superiority in space, may lose more than all the rest because, in their military and civilian activities, they more than anyone else depend on the security of space vehicles. Historically, this is what happened with nuclear weapons and missile technology, where the USA initially had a monopoly or superiority, but now they see the proliferation of such weapons as the main threat to their own security. In the long term, the growing threat of an arms race and, even more so, space conflicts, will inevitably lead to the “vertical” and “horizontal” proliferation of missiles and nuclear weapons, and to the irreversible crisis of the whole nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation regime. Additionally, outer space (which does not have natural borders and natural shelters) through its saturation by weapons, will present a grave threat from the point of view of accidents, incidents, false alarms, and navigational system failures. Having entered the era of globalisation, the world is confronting ever new security problems that cannot be resolved on a unilateral basis, and even less through the use of military force. In order to resolve these tasks, it is absolutely necessary that leading powers and all responsible states in the world are engaged in concerted action, including cooperation in the use of outer space to fight proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, control of international terrorism, the fostering of multilateral peacekeeping operations, verification of radical disarmament steps, promotion of effective measures in relation to climate and ecology as a whole, and the provision of a secure supply of energy and food. For this to happen, it is imperative to develop international agreements without delay, to prevent the arming of outer space. As Napoleon I said, “Great politics are only common sense applied to great things”. The first step on this path can be the urgent adoption of outer space code of conduct, in which states shall voluntary adhere to general principles of the peaceful and co-operative use of outer space. A Draft for such a Code was proposed at the end of 2008 by the Council of the European Union under the title “Draft Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities”. One of its provisions proclaims “the freedom of access to, exploration and use of outer space 24 and exploitation of space objects for peaceful purposes without interference, fully respecting the security, safety and integrity of space objects in orbit”. Another article proclaims the consent of States “to take all the appropriate measures and cooperate in good faith to prevent harmful interference in outer space activities”10. It also says that states shall “refrain from any intentional acts that will or might bring about, directly or indirectly, the damage or destruction of space objects”. In order to implement the above goals, states that sign the Code “express determination” to exchange information, on an annual basis, regarding “national space policies and strategies, including basic objectives for security and defence related activities”11. It is true that in this Draft there is no attempt to limit the creation, testing or deployment of any weapons systems that could be used against outer space objects or from outer space against objects in space and on Earth. The main concepts and terms are also not defined. Therefore, the next step must be in the transition towards development of legally binding Treaties, one version of which was presented in this paper, and which may pave the way for a regime of space utilisation based only on the interests of universal security. 10 Council of the European Union. Brussels, 3 December 2008. Annex II. Draft Code of Conduct for outer Space Activities. ( 11 Ibid.