ESSEX ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2011-2012 INTRODUCTION The Essex Elementary School (EES) School Improvement Plan was developed through a series of School Advisory Council meetings held during the 2010-2011 school year. The EES School Advisory Council consisted of the following members: Jennifer Roberts, Principal Heidi Meikrantz, Parent Maggie Tomaiolo, Parent Ellen Hull, Parent Maggie Sears, Teacher Kim Field, Teacher Dawn Samsel, Teacher SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN The School Council, in conceiving this School Improvement Plan, addressed the following themes: Student Achievement Technology School Climate School Safety Communication The Council recognizes that school improvement needs to be cumulative, incremental and connected to district goals. This document provides a review of the actual outcomes of the current School Improvement Plan and then outlines themes for the new plan. The recommendations are subsequently addressed in more detail. 1 SUBMITTED JUNE 2011 ESSEX ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN OUTLINE 2011 - 2012 1. STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT Implement RTI Model Provide Professional Development for RTI Interventions Support the Ongoing Use of SMART Goals to Inform Instruction Compare and Analyze Assessment Methods across Specialist Disciplines 2. TECHNOLOGY Expand Use of Activboards 3. SCHOOL CLIMATE Introduce Parent/Staff/Student Bill of Rights Training for Recess Monitors Increase Parent/Guardian Volunteerism and Coordination Continue Work of School Climate Task Force 4. SCHOOL SAFETY 5. COMMUNICATION Inform Parents/Guardians About RTI Expand Use of the School Website 2 SUBMITTED JUNE 2011 STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT 1. Implement RTI Model Status: Based on the 2009-2010 School Improvement Plan, the staff explored the RTI model, and has fully embraced the idea of the intervention model. An RTI Implementation Committee was formed to plan all aspects of the model for full implementation during the 2010-2011 school year. They organized assessment and intervention schedules, determined roles of various faculty and staff, and planned specific intervention strategies. Expected Outcomes: An RTI model will be piloted during the 2010-2011 school year. This will ultimately help us to focus on intervention, improve classroom teaching strategies, and develop a stronger co-teaching model. The RTI model will include: Common assessments: Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment and AIMSweb Benchmark Assessments three times/year. Progress Monitoring on a regular basis for all students selected for intervention. Data Meetings and Progress Reports will take place during common planning. RTI intervention blocks will be established in the schedule: 30 minutes x 5 days for each grade. Deploy staff to support the intervention blocks. Investigate additional opportunities for math support (Math Specialist). Investigate restoring Reading Recovery in first grade as an RTI intervention. Actual Outcomes: Common assessments: Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment and AIMSweb Benchmark Assessments were administered three times/year. Progress Monitoring occurred on a regular basis for all students selected for intervention. Data Meetings and Progress Reports took place during common planning. RTI intervention blocks (What I Need/WIN) were established in the schedule: 30 minutes x 5 days, for each grade. Staff was deployed to support the intervention blocks. Allocated ARRA grant funds for a Title One Math teaching assistant Funding is not available for a Reading Recovery position at this time. Goals for 2011-2012: Continue to investigate additional opportunities for math support (Math Specialist). Continue to investigate ways to fund a Reading Recovery teacher. Improve communication about WIN groups with parents. Develop strategies to improve communication between interventionists and classroom teachers. Explore opportunities to provide extension activities for students during WIN time. Develop a shared understanding of the structure of activities that are appropriate for the 75% of students who are not in WIN groups. Share information with parents about RTI during a presentation following fall Open House evenings. 3 SUBMITTED JUNE 2011 2. Provide Professional Development for RTI Interventions Status: In the 2009-2010 school year, we began to investigate RTI through attending trainings, watching DVDs, and devoting numerous common planning and faculty meetings to study RTI. We need further professional development to support staff in successfully implementing the RTI model. Expected Outcomes: Summer curriculum work to develop resources for RTI interventions. Professional development on differentiated instruction strategies in math and literacy, to reach all students within the classroom. Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) training for RTI staff. Professional development on collaborative teamwork to interpret data and support the RTI model. Actual Outcomes: Resources were developed for RTI interventions. Professional development on Tier 2 occurred . The entire Essex Elementary School staff was trained in Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI). Staff participated in professional development on collaborative teamwork to interpret data and support the RTI model. Goals for 2011-2012: Provide professional development on differentiation strategies in math and literacy to reach all students in Tier 1 classroom instruction. Continue to provide professional development on Tier 2 intervention strategies. Provide more professional development on the AIMSweb Assessment System. Offer opportunities for staff to share successful interventions. Schedule additional professional development on programs such as, Lexia, Read Naturally, and Leveled Literacy Interventions (LLI). Arrange professional development on best practices in Tier One instruction. Provide professional development on Symphony Math (math intervention). 3. Support the Ongoing Use of SMART Goals to Inform Instruction Status: 2010-2011 will be the second year in the two-year evaluation cycle that teachers will be using SMART goals as part of their instruction. Feedback from the training and support structure from Year 1 will be used to inform Year 2. By the end of this year, all teachers will be able to use their understanding of the SMART goal process to inform instructional decisions, especially relating to RTI. Expected Outcomes: Provide training and support to teachers on cycle. Incorporate SMART goal procedures into RTI data meetings. 4 SUBMITTED JUNE 2011 Actual Outcomes: Teachers on cycle were provided with training and support to complete their SMART goals. SMART goal procedures were incorporated into the RTI data meetings. Goal for 2011-2012: Support will continue to be offered to teachers who are on cycle each year. 4. Compare and Analyze Assessment Methods Across Specialist Disciplines Status: In the 2009-2010 school year, a new district report card was implemented. During the spring and summer of 2010 four specialist teachers will work on a task force to create sections on the district report card that reflect the standards within the individual disciplines. In the 2010-2011 school year, specialist teachers at Essex Elementary will begin the process of comparing assessment methods across disciplines. This will be the first step of a multi-year goal. Expected Outcome: A study group will investigate methods of assessment that reflect the individual learning level of each student within each discipline. Actual Outcome: The specialist team at Essex Elementary School formed a study group and read a book called Multiple Assessments to Multiple Intelligences by Bellanca, Chapman, and Swartz and discussed the relevance of this on their own disciplines. Goals for 2011-2012: The study group will continue to investigate methods of assessment and create rubrics that reflect differentiated instruction provided for the students in their classes. The study group will also include a focus on learning disabilities and assessment modifications. TECHNOLOGY 1. Expand Use of Activboards Status: EES currently has four Activboards that have been installed and are in use in first and fifth grade classrooms. Two teachers were trained in 2009. Two teachers Activboards were installed in May 2010 and will be trained. The pilot clearly indicated that Activboards support learning through interactive, dynamic visuals, and ‘in the moment’ formative assessment. Moreover, the technology supports and encourages the sharing of lessons, further fostering a collaborative school culture. The School Council continues to endorse the long-term goal of placing an Activboard in every grade level classroom. 5 SUBMITTED JUNE 2011 Expected Outcomes: Expand acquisition of Activboards. Professional development to train teachers and support staff who work with the Activboard technology. Actual Outcomes: Two fourth grade classrooms were outfitted with Activboards. Professional development is ongoing. Goals for 2011-2012: Expand acquisition of Activboards to second and third grade classrooms. Train teachers and support staff who work with the Activboard technology. SCHOOL CLIMATE 1. Introduce Parent/Student/Staff Bill of Rights Status: As of June 2010, EES has not had a community Bill of Rights. A district-wide Bill of Rights and Responsibilities document was crafted by the School Climate Task Force. This document outlines rights and responsibilities of parents, students, and staff. Expected Outcomes: Fully adopt the district’s Bill of Rights by: Including it in the Student-Parent Handbook for distribution at the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year. Informing parents (open house, Essexpress). Informing students (teacher discussions, school assembly discussion led by principal and counselor). Staff will be informed (staff meetings). Displaying it in a visible location within the school. Actual Outcomes: The district’s Bill of Rights was fully adopted and disseminated. The Bill of Rights was documented in the Essexpress. Staff was informed on opening day. Displayed in the office. Goals for 2011-2012: The district’s Bill of Rights and the new Bully Legislation will be addressed during a presentation following fall Open House evenings. The presentation will be posted on the school’s website. Explore opportunities to connect the Bill of Rights to Essex Elementary School’s Core Values. 6 SUBMITTED JUNE 2011 2. Training for Recess Monitors Status: The November 2009 EES Parent Survey responses indicated the perception that lunch and recess is not adequately supervised and that discipline methods used are not consistent with school policies and procedures. The socio-emotional and physical wellbeing of the children are a priority. Expected Outcomes: Evaluate how many lunch and recess monitors are needed (and if parent volunteers would be helpful). Define what their priorities should be and how they should implement school rules and procedures. Create written documentation and ongoing training(s) to set the expectation for staff. Actual Outcomes: A job description and evaluation procedure was developed and shared with recess monitors. Winter and spring evaluation meetings took place. A training video, Significantly Reduce Playground Discipline Problems, was purchased and will be shared with monitors in the fall. Goals for 2011-2012: Continue the winter and spring evaluation meetings. Training for recess monitors will be ongoing using the newly purchased training video. Enlist PTO membership and Health and Wellness committee to support organized activities at recess. 3. Increase Parent/Guardian Volunteerism and Coordination Status: The November 2009 EES Parent Survey responses requested additional communication of volunteer opportunities. It was also indicated that the garden and greenhouse areas are not being optimally used. Expected Outcomes: Encourage teachers to consider adding a section to their website that communicates volunteer opportunities. Establish a parent/guardian volunteer garden and greenhouse coordinator to improve the garden and greenhouse areas and incorporate curriculum links. Actual Outcomes: Teachers were trained in website development and encouraged to include volunteer opportunities. It was unfortunate that our greenhouse collapsed in the heavy snow this winter. A parent volunteer recently replaced the greenhouse. Goals for 2011-2012: Establish parent/guardian volunteer opportunities in each classroom. Present an overview of volunteer expectations to parents/guardians at the fall Open House. Utilize parent/guardian volunteers during WIN times. 7 SUBMITTED JUNE 2011 4. Continue the Work of the School Climate Task Force Status: The district established a School Climate Task Force in the fall of 2009 to address bullying issues. Expected Outcomes: EES will continue to support the task force efforts. Some suggestions so far include: District-wide parent, student, and staff Bill of Rights. Parent education nights. Core value literacy curriculum. Educate students about bullying and healthy bystander behavior. Actual Outcomes: Bill of Rights was developed by Task Force and was included in the Student Handbook. Two Parent Education Nights were offered district-wide. Adoption of a Core Value Literacy curriculum is pending. School Guidance Counselor taught students about conflict vs. bullying, balancing sportsmanship with competition, and conflict resolution. Goal for 2011-2012: Develop anti-bully curriculum and instruction within the school district. SCHOOL SAFETY Status: As of 2010, the newly created EES School Safety Team met monthly to evaluate current safety protocols. We are addressing each protocol one at a time and implementing appropriate safety measures. Goals for 2011-2012: Explore funding sources in order to provide a secure front entrance (lock, door buzzer, and monitor). Continue to refine safety protocols. COMMUNICATION 1. Inform Parents/Guardians About RTI Status: As of June 2010, we have not extended information to parents/guardians about the RTI model. As we implement RTI interventions, parent awareness and support will be important for the success of the model. Expected Outcomes: Parent/Guardian Night will be held to explain the RTI model and how it is being implemented at EES. 8 SUBMITTED JUNE 2011 Staff will communicate the RTI model through parent meetings and newsletter articles. Actual Outcomes: Parent Night was held in March 2011. Staff and Principal communicated with parents/guardians regarding RTI through meetings and newsletters. Goals for 2011-2012: Communicate RTI information at presentation during Open House. Continue to communicate the RTI model through parent/guardian meetings and newsletter articles. 2. Expand Use of the School Website Status: As of June 2010, classroom teachers are using the school website to provide information such as classroom activities and assignments. However, the parent survey results showed that parent awareness and usage of the school website is inconsistent. Expected Outcomes: Increase parent awareness and usage of the school website as a tool for communication. Provide additional professional development for teachers on using the school website effectively. Actual Outcomes: Teachers shared information regarding websites with parents/guardians at Open House. Professional Development was held at EES to support teacher website development. Goals for 2011-2012: Continue to share information regarding websites with parents/guardians. Continue to support teacher website usage through professional development. Update teacher websites on a regular basis. 9 SUBMITTED JUNE 2011