Supplemental material: Cognitive reserve, presynaptic proteins and dementia in the elderly William G. Honer, M.D., Alasdair M. Barr, Ph.D., Ken Sawada, M.D., Ph.D., Allen E. Thornton, Ph.D., Martha Clare Morris, Sc.D., Sue E. Leurgans, Ph.D., Julie A. Schneider, M.D., and David A. Bennett, M.D. COGNITIVE RESERVE AND PRESYNAPTIC PROTEINS 2 Table S1. Presynaptic proteins studied in the present series. Research findings in Alzheimer’s disease reviewed elsewhere.1 Protein Antibody Function Localization Neurological phenotype in genetic mouse models Clinical relevance (selected) Synaptophysin EP10 Unclear Synaptic vesicle membrane Syp-/- mouse has subtle defects in spatial learning and memory14 Used as a marker for neural and neuroendocrine tumors Contributes to X-linked mental retardation2 Syntaxin-1A/1B SP6, SP7 One of three interacting SNARE proteins required for fusion of synaptic vesicles to the presynaptic membrane Presynaptic membrane Stx1a-/- mouse has specific memory consolidation deficits13 Cleaved by botulinum neurotoxin3 Deleted in Williams syndrome, and expression level contributes to cognitive dysfunction12 SNAP-25 SP12 SNARE protein Presynaptic membrane Snap25-/- mouse dies at birth4 Cleaved by botulinum neurotoxin3 Genetic polymorphisms associated with variation in cognitive function in healthy persons and schizophrenia5, 6 VAMP-1/2 SP10 SNARE protein Synaptic vesicle membrane Vamp2-/- mouse dies at birth11 Cleaved by tetanus and botulinum neurotoxins3 Complexin-I SP33 Binds to and modifies interactions between proteins in the SNARE complex Presynaptic terminal cytoplasm, enriched in inhibitory terminals Cplx1-/- mouse has severe ataxia and social deficits10 Small postmortem study shows association between protein level and cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia7 Complexin-II LP27 Binds to and modifies interactions between proteins in the SNARE complex Presynaptic terminal cytoplasm, enriched in excitatory terminals Cplx2-/- mouse has motor, learning and memory deficits9 Genetic polymorphisms associated with cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia8 COGNITIVE RESERVE AND PRESYNAPTIC PROTEINS 3 REFERENCES 1. Honer WG. Pathology of presynaptic proteins in Alzheimer's disease: more than simple loss of terminals. Neurobiol Aging 2003;24:1047-62. 2. Tarpey PS, Smith R, Pleasance E, et al. A systematic, large-scale resequencing screen of X-chromosome coding exons in mental retardation. Nat Genet 2009;41:535-43. 3. Dolly JO, Lawrence GW, Meng J, Wang J, Ovsepian SV. Neuro-exocytosis: botulinum toxins as inhibitory probes and versatile therapeutics. Curr Opin Pharmacol 2009;9:326-35. 4. Washbourne P, Thompson PM, Carta M, et al. Genetic ablation of the t-SNARE SNAP-25 distinguishes mechanisms of neuroexocytosis. Nat Neurosci 2002;5:19-26. 5. Gosso MF, de Geus EJC, van Belzen MJ, et al. The SNAP-25 gene is associated with cognitive ability: evidence from a family-based study in two independent Dutch cohorts. Molec Psychiatry 2006;11:878-86. 6. Spellmann I, Müller N, Musil R, et al. 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Figure S1. Global cognitive function (z-score) illustrated for a female, age 88 with 14 years of education, representative of the sample. Percentiles of presynaptic proteins VAMP, complexin-I, complexin-II and the SNAP-25-syntaxin interaction are shown as colored lines (green: 90th percentile, limited by the amount of available data, red: 50th percentile, blue: 10th percentile). Global cognitive function declines as AD pathology increases, but may vary considerably depending on levels of presynaptic proteins and protein-protein interactions. Figure S2. Images of hippocampus (dentate granule cell layer) obtained with triple immunostaining and confocal microscopy. Dark areas are unstained cell bodies, punctate areas of immunostaining are presynaptic terminals. Upper left-to-right images COGNITIVE RESERVE AND PRESYNAPTIC PROTEINS 6 show high overlap between SNAP-25, syntaxin and a marker for excitatory terminals, the vesicular glutamate transporter-1 (vGlut). Lower left-to-right images show overlap of SNAP-25 and syntaxin, but less overlap of these two presynaptic proteins with a marker for inhibitory terminals, the vesicular GABA transporter (vGAT). Scale bar at upper left represents 5 microns.