Binary Numbers Lesson Plan for 4th Grade Technology

Binary Numbers and Computing Lesson Plan
Teacher: Mrs. Noland
Day: _
Subject: _Technology
Date: 9/17/11
Time: _45 minutes___
NJCCCS: 8.1 Educational Technology-Strand A: Technology Operations and Concepts
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis
Objective: SWBAT understand the binary system and how the binary system is used in
computing by creating their own binary number patterns after previewing a ppt. presentation.
Anticipatory Set: Students will discuss what we use computers for. Students will discuss how they
think computers work.
Input and Modeling:
 Students will remain on reading rug.
 Teacher will explain that today they will focus on what is the binary system and how it is used
in computing.
 Teacher will show PowerPoint to promote class discussion.
 Teacher will show students how to create a base-2 number from a base-10 and vice versa.
for Understanding & Guided Practice:
Teacher will put students into groups of 4.
Teacher will give students a card with a base-10 number on it.
Students are instructed to translate their base-10 into a base-2 number
Students will stand in front of the class in groups and act out their base-2 number by
standing to represent 1 and sitting to represent 0, i.e. 13= 1101 two students standing, one
sitting, then one standing
 The other students in the class will guess the number.
Independent Practice:
 Students will be given a secret message in binary. They will need to decode it to find a secret
message using a special decoder.
 If students finish early, have them create their own messages using binary and test others
who are done.
 Students will watch BrainPop video on “Binary”. Students will answer quiz questions on miniwhiteboards if time allows or just ask for volunteers to the SMARTboard. If time runs short,
skip the video and take the quiz with whiteboards.
Materials: SMARTboard, Projector, computer, mini whiteboards, markers, Binary message decoder
wksht., number cards for groups