Justin Michael Carroll - MSU History

Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Michigan State University
Email: carrol90@msu.edu  Phone: (517) 303 - 4341
1670 South Shore Drive, Apt. C1
East Lansing, MI 48823
ABD in US History, Michigan State University, January 2008 with Distinction. Defense:
November 2010.
M.A. in US History, Michigan State University, 2007
B.A. in History, Michigan State University, graduated with honors, May 2005.
Indigenous Voices in Film, Introduction, Section Two, “Documentary Films: Global
Perspectives.” University of Nebraska Press, forthcoming Fall 2011.
Review of The Upper Country: French Enterprise in the Colonial Great Lakes, by Claiborne A.
Skinner in The Annals of Iowa, Spring 2009.
Review of The Long Journey of a Forgotten People: Métis Identities and Family Histories,
Edited by Ute Lischke and David T. McNab in Ontario History, Spring 2008.
Review of Permeable Border: The Great Lakes Basin as Transnational Region, 1650 – 1990, By
John J. Bukowczyk, Randy William Widdis, Nora Faires, and David R. Smith for HEnvironment, H-Net Reviews, September 2007.
“Slave, Not Wife: Sex, Slavery, and Family in Colonial Michilimackinac,” part of a panel
entitled, “Pathways of Power in the Eighteenth-Century Backcountry,” Omohundro Institute's
15th Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 11 – 14, 2009.
“‘Every fight is a food fight when you are a Cannibal’: Wendigoes, Horror Films, and
Hollywood Banality in Ravenous,” CIC-AISC Faculty Symposium entitled “Indigenous Voice in
Film,” East Lansing, Michigan, June 1, 2009.
“John Askin’s ‘Girl’s Worth Looking at’: Sex, Servitude, and Family in Colonial
Michilimackinac,” CIC-AISP Graduate Student Conference, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, Spring
2009. Winner of the First Place Distinguished Paper Prize at the conference.
“‘They Pretend to Claim Such a Vast Extent of this Whole Continent’: Maps in the PostRevolutionary Ohio River Valley,” part of a panel entitled “Patterns on the Land: Native and
Euro-American Strategies in the 18th- and 19th-Century Midwest,” Annual Meeting of the
American Society for Ethnohistory, Eugene, Oregon, November 12 – 16, 2008.
“The Children of Empire: Great Lakes Métissage and the Treaty of Greenville,” CIC-AISP
Graduate Student Conference, Iowa City, Iowa, Spring 2007.
Instructor, Visiting International Professionals Program, Michigan State University, “Native
American History.” (Spring 2010)
Designed class, developed coursework and held full responsibility for all instruction and
grading. This class helps foreign professionals adapt to American culture.
Online Course Instructor, History Department, Michigan State University, “HST 320: History
of Michigan.” (Summer 2010)
Interacted with students in a digital environment and served as a teaching assistant and
Instructor, Visiting International Professionals Program, Michigan State University, “United
States in a Global Perspective.” (Spring 2010)
Designed class, developed coursework and held full responsibility for all instruction and
grading. This class helps foreign professionals adapt to American culture.
Instructor, Visiting International Professionals Program, Michigan State University, “Michigan
History.” (Spring 2010)
Designed class, developed coursework and held full responsibility for all instruction and
grading. This class helps foreign professionals adapt to American culture.
Instructor, History Department, Michigan State University, “HST 379: Native Americans in
North America, 1830 to Present.” (Spring 2009)
Designed class, developed coursework and held full responsibility for all instruction and
Instructor, History Department, Michigan State University, “HST 201: From Contact to
Mascot: Topics in Native American History.” (Fall 2008)
Designed class, developed coursework, and held full responsibility for all instruction and
Online Course Instructor, History Department, Michigan State University, “HST 320: History
of Michigan.” (Summer 2008)
Interacted with students in a digital environment and served as a teaching assistant and
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Integrative Arts & Humanities Department, Michigan State
University, “IAH: United States and the World.” (Spring 2008)
Served as a teaching assistant and grader.
Graduate Teaching Assistant, History Department, Michigan State University, “HST: US
History to 1877.” (Fall 2007)
Served as a teaching assistant and grader.
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Integrative Arts & Humanities Department, Michigan State
University, “IAH: United States and the World.” (Spring 2007)
Served as a teaching assistant and grader.
Graduate Teaching Assistant, History Department, Michigan State University, “HST: US
History to 1877.” (Fall 2006)
Served as a teaching assistant and grader.
Colonial US History
Revolutionary US History
Early Republic History
Atlantic World History
World History
Public History
Digital History
Popular Culture Studies
Global History Studies
AISGSC.net, Webmaster and developer. May 2009 - Present.
Helped develop a graduate student website for the CIC-American Indian Studies Consortium
with a social networking component that includes profiles, blogging, and podcasts.
1) Worked with web-designers to implement changes to the website
2) Developing, recording, editing, programming and creating podcasts
3) Organizing discussion groups for graduate students and faculty
4) Organizing and promoting graduate student and faculty blogs
5) Managing and coordinating AISGSC.net activities
6) Networking with diverse faculty members, programs, groups, and clubs to
advertise and promote the CIC-AISC
The Filson Fellowship – The Filson Historical Society, Louisville, Ky., 2009.
Committee on Institutional Cooperation – American Indian Studies Graduate Student
Fellowship, CIC/AISP – D’Arcy McNickle Center for American Indian History, Newberry
Library, Chicago, Il., 2007.
American Historical Association
Organization of American Historians
American Society for Ethnohistory
Dr. Susan Sleeper-Smith
CIC-American Indian Studies Consortium
311 Berkey Hall
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
Dr. Maureen Flanagan
406D Morrill Hall
Department of History
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
Dr. Gordon Stewart
328 Morrill Hall
Department of History
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
Dr. Christine Daniels
406C Morrill Hall
Department of History
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824