Promoting Productive Discourse EMAT 8990 DISCUSSION PAPER 1 D. WHITE Promoting Productive Mathematical Classroom Discourse with Diverse Students Dorothy Y. White University of Georgia Department of Mathematics Education 105 Aderhold Hall Athens, GA 30602-7124 (706) 542-4096 Fax: (706) 542-4551 Email: Running head: PROMOTING PRODUCTIVE MATHEMATICAL DISCOURSE Submitted for Publication in the Journal of Mathematical Behavior. Do not cite or quote. The research reported in this material was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant number MDR 8954652 and ESI 9454187. The opinions, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in these materials are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Promoting Productive Discourse EMAT 8990 DISCUSSION PAPER D. WHITE FOR DISCUSSION IN THE EMAT 8990 SEMINAR. DO NOT CITE WITHOUT PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR. 2 Promoting Productive Discourse EMAT 8990 DISCUSSION PAPER Abstract 3 D. WHITE Productive mathematical classroom discourse allows students to concentrate on sense making and reasoning; it allows teachers to reflect on students' understanding and to stimulate mathematical thinking. The focus of the paper is to describe, through classroom vignettes of two teachers, the importance of including all students in classroom discourse and its influence on students’ mathematical thinking. Each classroom vignette illustrates one of four themes that emerged from the classroom discourse: (a) valuing students’ ideas, (b) exploring students’ answers, (c) incorporating students’ background knowledge, and (d) encouraging student-tostudent communication. Recommendations for further research on classroom discourse in diverse settings are offered. Promoting Productive Discourse 4 EMAT 8990 DISCUSSION PAPER D. WHITE Promoting Productive Mathematical Classroom Discourse with Diverse Students Productive mathematical classroom discourse can facilitate the development of children’s mathematical thinking (Davis, 1997; Kazemi, 1998; Knuth & Peressini, 2001; Lo & Wheatley, 1994; Martino & Maher, 1999; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics [NCTM], 1996, 1991; Pirie, 1996). Research on classroom discourse often cites the NCTM (1991) recommendations that mathematics teachers initiate and orchestrate discourse by posing questions that elicit, engage, and challenge students' thinking; by listening carefully to students' ideas; and by asking students to clarify and justify their ideas orally and in writing. Classroom discourse, properly managed, allows the students to concentrate on sense making and reasoning; it allows teachers to reflect on students' understanding and to stimulate mathematical thinking. Teachers can stimulate students’ growth of mathematical knowledge by asking more open-ended questions aimed at problem solving and conceptual understanding (Martino & Maher, 1999). Productive classroom discourse requires that teachers engage all students in discourse by monitoring their participation in discussions and deciding when and how to encourage each student to participate. By actively listening to students' ideas and suggestions, teachers demonstrate the value they place on each student’s contributions to the thinking of the class. Thus, if classroom discourse is essential to the learning of mathematics, then researchers and teachers need to examine the nature and type of communication occurring in classrooms of diverse student populations. As Hart and Allexsaht-Snider (1996) specifically suggest, we need more research on teacher development programs that focus explicitly on teachers of diverse students and the sociocultural contexts of mathematics learning in their school settings. The purpose of this paper is to describe how two teachers used classroom discourse to promote the mathematical learning of their diverse students. Through classroom vignettes, I Promoting Productive Discourse 5 EMAT 8990 DISCUSSION PAPER D. WHITE demonstrate the importance of including all students in classroom discussions and its influence on students’ mathematical thinking. I begin with a brief overview of the mathematics education experiences of diverse students, a description of the teachers, their students, and their pedagogical practices. Next, I present four vignettes to demonstrate how the teachers used classroom discourse to promote students' mathematical learning. Each vignette illustrates one of four themes: (a) valuing students’ ideas, (b) exploring students' answers, (c) incorporating students' background knowledge, and (d) encouraging student-to-student communication. Each vignette includes a brief explanation of the importance of the type of discourse with respect to the mathematical content and implications for students’ learning. Finally, I present implications and recommendations for teacher educators and mathematics education researchers. The recommendations are designed to help those interested in the educational experiences of diverse students identify and extend the current research on effective teaching strategies in mathematics classrooms. Educational Experiences of Diverse Students The disparities in mathematics achievement among students are well documented (Strutchens & Silver, 2000; Tate, 1997). In national mathematics assessments, African American and Hispanic students continue to score at significantly lower levels than White and Asian American students. For example, data from the 1996 National Assessment of Educational Progress ([NAEP], Strutchens & Silver, 2000) found that the average proficiency of African American and Hispanic students at all grade levels was considerably lower than that of White students. These differences were especially substantial on tasks that called for extended responses and complex problem solving. Although African American and Hispanic students have made achievement gains in recent years, these gains have been on low-level, basic mathematics skills. As Secada (1992) noted, basic skill proficiency is not enough for “true knowledge and Promoting Productive Discourse 6 EMAT 8990 DISCUSSION PAPER D. WHITE mastery of mathematics” (p. 630). Instead, all students "need to learn a new set of mathematics basics that enable them to compute fluently and to solve problems creatively and resourcefully" (NCTM, 2000a, p. 1). The poor academic performance of African American and Hispanic students in mathematics is attributable, in large part, to their educational experiences in mathematics classrooms (Campbell & Langrall, 1993; Oakes, 1990; Secada, 1992). According to NCTM (2000b), "students' understanding of mathematics, their ability to use it to solve problems, and their confidence in, and disposition toward, mathematics are all shaped by the teaching they encounter in school" (p. 17). Researchers that have examined the educational experiences of African American and Hispanic students in mathematics report that these students are disproportionately placed in low-tracked mathematics classes that are largely taught by direct instruction, rely heavily on worksheets, and cover relatively little of the curriculum (Oakes, 1990; Secada, 1992). Teachers often believe that a primary goal of instruction is control of minority students, which can best be achieved in teacher-centered classrooms (Stiff, 1998). In these classrooms, teachers spend more time directing students on repetitive tasks, remedial work, and conformity to rules than on developing students’ mathematical competence and autonomous thinking. However, research supports the view that students do not learn mathematics effectively when passively listening to teacher directions and disengaged from the learning process. As Campbell (1998) suggests, "The character of the child is not the issue; the issue is the character of the instruction" (p. 50). Descriptions of teachers successfully educating African American and Hispanic students (Author, 1997, 2000; Gutstein, Lipman, Hernandez & de los Reyes, 1997; Ladson-Billings, 1997; Malloy, 1997) can help us understand the unique features of improving instruction and learning for these students. These studies demonstrate that improving the mathematical performance of Promoting Productive Discourse 7 EMAT 8990 DISCUSSION PAPER D. WHITE African American and Hispanic students requires a classroom climate that promotes their learning. Malloy (1997) contends that teachers can create a classroom atmosphere that is conducive to African American students' mathematical learning by: (a) allowing students to be active in their learning, (b) encouraging high levels of peer interaction, (c) encouraging group decision making, and (d) avoiding judging any student either verbally or nonverbally on the basis of the teacher’s biases. Gutstein et al. (1997) propose a three-part model of culturally relevant mathematics for Mexican American students. The three components are (a) building on students’ informal mathematical knowledge and building on students’ cultural and experiential knowledge, (b) developing tools of critical mathematical thinking and critical thinking about knowledge in general, and (c) orientations to students’ culture and experience. In classrooms with these features, students learn mathematics through a system of instruction that combines the learning of basic computation skills with higher-order conceptual reasoning. Central to this environment is the type and nature of the classroom discourse and whether it is accessible to all students. Methodology This investigation examined how teachers used classroom discourse to teach mathematics and whether the discourse enhanced the educational experiences of their diverse student populations. The research questions were: (1) What was the nature and focus of teachers’ classroom discourse? and (2) How did teachers use classroom discourse to attend to the mathematical needs of their diverse students? In this section, I present a summary of the teachers’ and students’ characteristics and a description of the teachers’ involvement in Project IMPACT (Increasing the Mathematical Power of All Children and Teachers). I also provide a description of the data sources and analysis used in this investigation. Promoting Productive Discourse EMAT 8990 DISCUSSION PAPER Participants 8 D. WHITE The participants were two third-grade teachers and their students in a large, urban school district located just outside of Washington, DC. The teachers and students were part of a longitudinal research project entitled Project IMPACT to design, implement, and evaluate a model for mathematics instruction in schools serving children of diverse ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds (for more information on Project IMPACT, see Author, 1997, 2000). The teachers, Ms. Davis and Ms. Tyler, were both White and in their second year of teaching. Ms. Davis taught 22 students at a language arts magnet school, and Ms. Tyler taught 27 students at a social studies/science magnet school. The students in Ms. Davis’s and Ms. Tyler’s classes represented various ethnic/racial groups and were classified into the following categories: Asian, Black, Hispanic, and White. This racial categorization was based on the school system's policy for classifying students. Asian students were from Vietnam, Korea, Cambodia, and nations of Southwest Asia, as well as Asian Americans. Students who were African American, African, Haitian, or from the Caribbean were considered Black. Hispanic students were students who were Hispanic American, or immigrants from Central and northern South America, and Spanish-speaking European countries. Any student who was not considered Asian, Black, or Hispanic, as defined above, was classified as White. The 22 students in Ms. Davis’s class had the following racial distribution: 18% Asian, 36% Black, 36% Hispanic, and 9% White. Of the 27 students enrolled in Ms. Tyler’s class, 48% were Black and 52% were White. Students in both classrooms were evenly mixed across gender but diverse with respect to their socioeconomic status and mathematical academic performance. More specifically, of the 17 students in Ms. Davis’s where data were available, 12 of the students received free or reducedfee lunch. In Ms. Tyler’s class, 5 of the 23 students where data were available received free or Promoting Productive Discourse 9 EMAT 8990 DISCUSSION PAPER D. WHITE reduced-fee lunch. Both classrooms were heterogeneous with respect to mathematical performance. Based on the Project IMPACT 113-item Mid-year Assessment, student scores ranged from 16-91 in Ms. Davis’s class, and from 32-95 in Ms. Tyler’s class. Project IMPACT. A major component of Project IMPACT was its teacher enhancement program, which included a summer inservice program and on-site support during the academic year. As participants in the project, teachers attended a 22-day grade-specific summer enhancement inservice program. During this program, project staff addressed issues relating to (a) adult-level mathematics content; (b) teaching mathematics for understanding, including use of manipulative materials and integration of mathematical topics; (c) current reform documents and research on children’s learning of mathematics as well as teaching and learning from a constructivist perspective; and (d) teaching mathematics in culturally diverse classrooms including implications of teacher’s expectations, use of praise versus encouragement, grouping practices. Particular attention was devoted to helping teachers develop techniques for implementing productive classroom discourse, including the implications of teacher’s questions and responses for students’ mathematical thinking and participation in class discussions. The summer inservice program provided time for teachers to experience teaching from a constructivist perspective, to practice and refine their questioning techniques, and to plan for the upcoming academic year. For 10 mornings during the inservice, the teachers taught mathematics to small groups of four to five elementary school children enrolled in summer school who had either just completed third grade or were entering third grade in the coming school year. Small debriefing groups with project staff and the other third-grade teachers in their schools followed morning teaching sessions. For their participation in the summer program, teachers received three graduate credits and a financial stipend. Promoting Productive Discourse 10 EMAT 8990 DISCUSSION PAPER D. WHITE During the school year following the Project IMPACT summer program, the teachers received academic support from an on-site Project IMPACT mathematics specialist assigned to each school. Throughout the school year, the teachers participated in weekly planning sessions with the mathematics specialist and the other third-grade teachers at their schools. The mathematics specialist also assisted the teachers by providing demonstration lessons and helping in preparing instructional materials. Data Sources and Analysis Transcripts of classroom observations, supplemented by my field notes, provided the first source of data for this study. During the academic year following the Project IMPACT summer inservice, I observed each teacher teaching mathematics on eight separate occasions from January to June. In collecting the data, I assumed the passive observer stance in which I sat off to the side in the front of the room with a pad and tape recorder. Classroom observations were audiotaped via a remote microphone worn by the teacher that allowed me to record most of her verbal interactions. In conjunction with the audiotapes, I recorded the teacher’s nonverbal actions (e.g., writing on the blackboard, distributing materials, observing students, and using manipulative materials) and her selection of students. After the last classroom observations, I individually interviewed each teacher to provide data about her perceptions of the classroom discourse, questioning patterns during mathematics instruction, and whether her views were consistent with her actual classroom practices. These semi-structured interviews provide the second source of data for the study. A separate set of analyses was conducted for each teacher using methods of analytic induction (Bogdan & Biklen, 1992). I chose a qualitative perspective because it afforded me the opportunity to describe the teachers’ classroom discourse and questioning patterns in a Promoting Productive Discourse 11 EMAT 8990 DISCUSSION PAPER D. WHITE naturalistic setting while attending to both the content and context of the discourse (Carlsen, 1991). Transcripts of classroom observations and field notes were first analyzed by examining her question and response patterns. These patterns were often a series of questions and responses rather than a single exchange. For example, when a teacher asked an open-ended question and selected several students to respond, that exchange was considered one pattern. Four general questioning patterns emerged, and upon second readings of the transcripts, subsidiary patterns were identified based on the teachers' responses. These patterns were then categorized into themes based on the nature and focus of the discourse. The four themes were: (a) valuing students’ ideas, (b) exploring students' answers, (c) incorporating students' background knowledge, and (d) encouraging student-to-student communication. Once the themes were identified and assigned to units of data, these themes were analyzed to identify the students that were involved in the interactions based on categories across students' gender and race (Irvine, 1985; Simpson & Erickson, 1983). This analys1s helped answer the second research question, how did teachers use classroom discourse to attend to the mathematical needs of their diverse students? RESULTS Two Classrooms Ms. Davis taught mathematics in the morning as the first period of the day. Desks clustered in groups of four filled her large, well-lit classroom. A crescent-shaped table with chairs was positioned in one corner of the room for small-group work, and a large carpeted area in front of the chalkboard was available for students to gather. Each day began with an earlybird mathematics problem for the students to solve as they entered the classroom. Most earlybird problems involved some sort of data collection and representation in which students placed Promoting Productive Discourse 12 EMAT 8990 DISCUSSION PAPER D. WHITE their answers on either a graph or Venn diagram. Once the class completed the problems, Ms. Davis gathered the students around the chalkboard to share their answers and solution strategies. After the early-bird activity, the class discussed the topic for the day and was assigned groups in which to work. As the children worked on the task, Ms. Davis circulated around the room to monitor their progress and to ask and answer questions. On some occasions, she would work with a small group of students while the rest of the class worked individually at their desks. When time allowed, Ms. Davis followed the small-group work with a whole-class sharing activity in which students shared their answers and how they solved different problems. Ms. Tyler taught mathematics in the middle of the day immediately after lunch and recess. Her small, poorly lit classroom was also arranged with desks clustered in groups of four. Three corners of the room had a center for a different subject of the curriculum. There was a reading corner, a science corner, and a mathematics corner. As the lesson began, the class sat at their desks while they discussed the topic of the day. Whole-class discussions were followed by students being assigned to work on mathematical problems in groups, pairs, or individually. As the students worked, Ms. Tyler circulated around the room to monitor the student’s progress and to ask and answer questions. Whole-class sharing, in which students shared their answers and solutions strategies, followed the seatwork. Both Ms. Davis and Ms. Tyler used a hands-on approach to teaching mathematics. They provided several contexts, such as games and children’s literature books, in addition to traditional word problems, for students to explore mathematical concepts. They also encouraged students to work cooperatively and to use manipulative materials to solve problems. In these classrooms, most mathematics lessons included open-ended problems to allow for multiple answers and solution paths. Groups were mixed and were constantly rearranged to meet the needs of the students. As Ms. Tyler explained, “We do a lot more whole group and then break Promoting Productive Discourse 13 EMAT 8990 DISCUSSION PAPER D. WHITE down into [smaller] groups. [The groups] are always different because from the whole group you really see what their strengths and weaknesses are on a given topic.” During their mathematics lessons, Ms. Tyler and Ms. Davis assumed the role of facilitator. They led their classes in the problem-solving process but expected the students to solve problems in their own way. They also expected students to explain their answers and solution strategies and for the class to judge the mathematical soundness of the answers. The students were expected to listen to each other and were often reminded of the importance of listening to each other’s ideas and strategies. The teachers also encouraged students to ask them or other students questions about a particular answer or strategy. Students could agree or disagree with answers either verbally or by showing a “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” signal. In Ms. Davis’s room, there were limited-English-speaking students who would shy away from sharing their thoughts and ideas with the class. Therefore, Ms. Davis gave all students the option of sharing with a friend or in writing. According to Ms. Davis, “a lot of times they won’t share something with the whole group, but they will share it with somebody sitting next to them, or they can sometimes get ideas from other kids who are sitting next to them.” What follows are four vignettes to present the type of classroom discourse found in Ms. Davis’ and Ms. Tyler’s mathematics classes and how these discourse patterns promoted students’ mathematical thinking and learning. The vignettes provide a vivid description of what discourse looks like in these diverse classrooms and moves beyond dialogues with just two or three children. As a result, the vignettes are lengthy . In these vignettes, pseudonyms chosen to reflect the cultural background of the children have been used to mask their identity. Valuing Students’ Ideas The beginning of a mathematics lesson sets the tone for what students are expected to do. Many teachers spend the time telling students the problems they will work on and how they Promoting Productive Discourse 14 EMAT 8990 DISCUSSION PAPER D. WHITE should be solved. Ms. Davis and Ms. Tyler approached the opening of a lesson as a way to engage students in the problem-solving process. They began by asking the class what they noticed about a particular problem, what they thought they were going to work on, or how they might solve particular problems. Consider the following exchange from the beginning of one of Ms. Davis's mathematics lessons. Ms. Davis showed the class a poster with some advertised items (see Figure 1) and asked the class to share what they noticed. The exchange included ten students (a Black, Hispanic and Asian female, two White females, two Hispanic males, and an Asian and Black male). [INSERT FIGURE 1 HERE] 1 T: Everybody look up here for about 25 seconds and then tell me, be ready 2 to share something that you see up here on my poster. [Pause]. Okay, 3 what kinds of things do you see up here? [Students correctly state names and prices of coffee, dishwashing liquid and toothpaste.] 4 T: 5 Who sees anything up here that we have not said anything about yet? Maria?... 6 Maria: I see a light. 7 T: You see a light. Okay, that's a light bulb. How much does the light bulb 8 9 cost? Maria: Seventy, seven cents. 10 T: Seventy-seven cents. Could that, could that be dollars? Could that be 11 seventy-seven dollars? 12 Some: No. 13 T: Okay, how do you know that it's seventy-seven cents? Promoting Productive Discourse EMAT 8990 DISCUSSION PAPER 14 Binh: Cause it has a c. 15 D. WHITE 15 T: Has the little c with the line through it. Okay, right. There's different 16 ways you can write money, and that's one way you show the cents. [Another student points out the $77 would be too much to charge for a light bulb. Ms. Davis agrees, compliments the student on using common sense, and then asks what else the students see. Twi says she sees the toothpaste.] 17 Twi: It's not money, cause uhm, it don't have the dollar sign and decimal 18 point. 19 T: Oh, so if I added--sometimes when you see it in the advertisement, they 20 don't always have it--so if I did that [writes dollar sign], then would that 21 help? Help you to know what it was? Okay, good for you, 'cause I told 22 you that it should have the dollar sign and the decimal point. Is there a 23 way you can tell just by this picture that it's $2.27, though, Twi? 24 Twi: Yeah. 25 T: How can you tell that it's $2.27? 26 Twi: ‘Cause if you left, left it like 2, 27, then it would be, then people would 27 think it would cost $227. 28 T: Okay, but could you tell without what I added up there, that it was $2.27? 29 Twi: It would be 227. 30 T: It would be, all right just by looking up there. Does anybody else have a 31 different way you can tell it was $2.27? .... What do you think the person 32 who made this picture did to show that this was $2.27? ‘Cause you guys Promoting Productive Discourse 16 EMAT 8990 DISCUSSION PAPER D. WHITE 33 knew it was $2.27. I'm kind of curious to how you knew that. 34 Armando? 35 Armando: ‘Cause the 2 dollars is higher than the cents, so the 2 dollars 36 means it's bigger, and the 27 cents means it's smaller. 37 T: All right that's how I could tell too, because I saw that this 2 is a bigger, 38 a bigger 2 and then it has the, a little 2 and a little 7 that are sort of raised 39 up. All right good job.... In the first part of the exchange, students began by noticing the names and prices for the different items. Ms. Davis asked questions to help them recognize different ways money can be written. She focused on the conventional mathematical symbols, such as the question to Maria about the cents sign (lines 10-16), and nonconventional ways money is written, as in the exchange with Twi (lines 17-30) and Armando (lines 30-39). Notice that both Armando and Ms. Davis focused on the physical size of the numerals rather than the values. As the discussion progresses, observe how the students’ answers reflect more mathematical ideas. 40 T: Okay, anything else you see up here? You've already talked about the 41 picture, what else do you see up here? All right Katlin? 42 Katlin: Uhm, I see uhm, like rows, like you can put something in here. 43 T: Okay. 44 Katlin: And also, uhm, if you have to pay $77 dollars for, uhm, the light bulbs, 45 then it would be, you'd probably have a lot of tax on it. 46 T: A lot of tax? Okay how do you know that? 47 Katlin: Because 5 cents, it's 5 cents for each dollars, and, uhm, 5 times, 5 times 77 48 is, uhm, that's around 15 or 14 dollars. Promoting Productive Discourse 17 EMAT 8990 DISCUSSION PAPER D. WHITE 49 T: How did you know that? 50 Katlin: I don't know, I just, it's around 9, 10, 12 dollars. 51 T: Are you estimating or is it, did you figure it out somehow? 52 Katlin: I figured it out somehow, because, uhm, if you added a whole bunch of 5s, 53 then it's likely to equal dollars, probably more like, it's, it's, well, it's 54 probably more around 14.39. 55 T: All right so how did you guess that though? 56 Katlin: Cause, uhm, it has to be, because if you, if you can count the, wait... 57 T: All right can we come back to that? ‘Cause that's, I'm really curious. All 58 right Katlin said she saw columns or rows up here to put things in. 59 right what about this? What do you see up here? Helen? 60 Helen: I disagree with that because, if you counted on your fingers like 5, 10, 15, 61 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, and this is only 50 and 10 so, it would be 100 if 62 you have 2, and then... 63 T: A hundred what? 64 Helen: A hundred cents, so that would be 1 dollar. And then $2 and then that 65 would be $3, so it's more like, uhm, it's more like, uhm, 3.50. 66 T: All right that's a really good explanation. That might be something to try 67 out later, okay. All In the excerpt above, Ms. Davis wanted all students to know their ideas are valued. Students of various academic abilities shared their thoughts, and no answer was regarded as trivial. As a result, the students’ observations varied from noticing different items and their prices to conceptualizing and computing sales tax. In the case of Katlin, Ms. Davis was not concerned with the correct amount of tax; instead, she wanted to know how Katlin thought about the Promoting Productive Discourse 18 EMAT 8990 DISCUSSION PAPER D. WHITE problem (lines 44-56). The comment by Helen (lines 60-65), showed that the students were listening to each other and felt comfortable disagreeing with their peers. Asking students to share what they notice provides the class with information about how people can think about mathematics problems and tells students that their opinions are valued. Allowing students to share their thoughts without judgment also increases the number and variety of responses. Exploring Students' Answers When Ms. Davis and Ms. Tyler asked questions, their main focus was to explore how students arrived at their answers. They focused more on students' thinking and their various solution strategies and less on the correct answer. Both teachers found that by asking students to explain their answers, they not only learned how the students thought about the problems but also provided the class with multiple ways to think about and solve problems. Consider the following example, in which Ms. Davis worked with a group of five students to solve word problems on division. These students (two Black females, one Hispanic female, one Black male, and one Hispanic male) had an average achievement score of 26 out of 113, and needed assistance to solve the assigned class problems. Each child had Unifix cubes and was asked to solve the problems any way he or she knew how. Ms. Davis used questions to encourage students to share their answers and solution strategies and to prompt them to correct their errors. 1 Nina: [Reads problem] "Katlin has a package of cookies to share with her friends. 2 If she wants to give herself and five friends cookies from a package with 3 twenty-four cookies, how many cookies will each person get?" 4 T: 5 6 Okay, what do you have to do? What did you learn in the sentence, Nina?.... What do you think you have to do? ... Nina: How many people. Promoting Productive Discourse 19 EMAT 8990 DISCUSSION PAPER D. WHITE 7 T: You have how many people? How many people? 8 Vera: Six. 9 T: Six. Why did you say six? How do you know there should be six?... You 10 just guessed? Okay, what told you, what kind of, did something give you a 11 hint that it should be six people? 12 Vera: Yes. 13 T: What gave you a hint? 14 Vera: 'Cause it says herself and five friends. 15 T: Okay, herself and five friends. What do you think "herself and five friends" 16 means? You think that means six? Okay. So if I said, if I said “Katlin and 17 five friends”, how many folks are there? One, two, three, four, five. So if 18 we counted Katlin and all of us that would be six. So you know that there 19 are six people. What else do you know? Ricky, what else do we know here? 20 Ricky: There are fourteen cookies. 21 T: Fourteen cookies? Omar? 22 Omar: And she wants to give, uhm, twenty-four cookies. 23 T: All right, we have twenty-four cookies right? [Ms. Davis asks various students what Katlin wants to do with the cookies, again asks them how many people there are, and asks what the group should do to solve the problem. She gives them 20 seconds to think about what they should do.] 24 T: What do you think? 25 Vera: To, uhm, count out three, and the cookies, uhm, have, uhm, six and put Promoting Productive Discourse EMAT 8990 DISCUSSION PAPER 26 them here. 20 D. WHITE 27 T: Put twenty-four in each group of six?... One second Ricky. Got to have a 28 plan before we touch the cubes. So you think we should count out twenty- 29 four cubes and then put twenty-four in each, in six groups? 30 Ricky: That's what I was thinking. 31 T: Okay, is that what you think too? 32 Ricky: I was thinking there are six friends, then we get the twenty-four, get twenty- 33 four. Then you get, uhm, twenty-four cubes of...[Starts to count cubes] 34 Four... 35 T: Okay, Vera you can start doing what you said you thought you should do. [Students work individually with Unifix cubes to solve the problem.] 36 Ricky: Each gets three. Each gets three because there's five more cookies left. 37 T: Okay, write it down Ricky. Do you want to write down what you're gonna 38 do, Nina? 39 Nina: I can't think of it. 40 T: You can't think of it? Okay, why don't you look. Vera and Omar, will you 41 explain to Nina what you're doing? So that she can see what you're doing, 42 and maybe she can get some ideas from what you're doing. Vera, why don't 43 you explain since you said you were finished? [Vera explains that each friend gets three cookies. She has made a Unifix cube array with 6 columns and 5 rows, using cubes to represent both the cookies and friends. When Ms. Davis points out 6 cubes standing for friends and 24 standing for cookies, Vera can see that there are 4 rows of cookies] Promoting Productive Discourse 21 EMAT 8990 DISCUSSION PAPER D. WHITE 44 T: Okay, so how many cookies are there altogether? 45 Vera: Twenty-four. 46 T: Twenty-four cookies altogether. Okay, and how many friends are there? 47 Vera: Six. 48 T: Six. And how many cookies will each friend get? 49 Vera: [Counts the cubes in one column.]. Four. 50 T: Each person will get four? So what would, what would be your number 51 sentence for that? 52 Vera: Twenty-four divided by.. 53 T: Divided. How many friends did you have? 54 Vera: Six. 55 T: Okay, so twenty-four divided by; six friends, equals four cookies each? 56 Vera: [Nods yes.] 57 T: Okay write that down. [She turns to Ricky to see what he has done. When 58 he counts his cubes, he realizes he has only 23 cubes and goes back to 59 work.] Ms. Davis used questioning to help her students think about mathematics problems and to share their answers. Her main focus at the beginning of the exchange was to have the students devise a plan before working out the problems, as in lines 1-35. This approach helped Ms. Davis interpret whether the students understood what the problem was asking and whether they had a plan for solving it. It also provided students who did not have a problem-solving plan, like Nina (see lines 38-43), several strategies to use. Ms. Davis asked follow-up questions to ascertain how the students solved the problem. She also found that by asking questions students corrected their own mistakes as in the case of Ricky (lines 57-59). Once he heard Vera’s solution, he recounted Promoting Productive Discourse 22 EMAT 8990 DISCUSSION PAPER D. WHITE and realized that he had twenty-three instead of the needed twenty-four Unifix cubes. This excerpt also illustrates that Ms. Davis' questioning patterns encouraged students to connect their problem solving with symbolic representations when she asked her students to write using number sentences. In reacting to each student’s response, Ms. Davis respected their mathematical reasoning even when the answer was not correct, as in the case of Ricky (lines 3637). Incorporating Students' Background Knowledge Students enter school knowing a lot of mathematics. Their previous school experiences, coupled with their out-of-school experiences provide them with formal and informal work with numbers. When students are encouraged to think for themselves, they often incorporate their knowledge of numbers. Ms. Tyler and Ms. Davis found that while their students’ mathematical knowledge was still developing, students were always devising new strategies to connect their formal and informal mathematics experiences. Consider the following example, in which Ms. Tyler's class worked on solving a word problem about a class trip. The problem asked them how many more children could fit on the bus if there are 26 people in the class and the bus holds 55 people. One child, Max, had just solved the problem by counting up from twenty-six to fifty-five by ones. Ms. Tyler asked the other students to share how they solved the problem. This example included one Black female and two White males. 1 Patrice: I did the same thing and got twenty-four. 2 T: Why do you think that happened? Do you think that there's a mistake here or, or 3 do you think maybe you.. 4 Patrice: I think there's a mistake there. 5 T: Okay. Promoting Productive Discourse 23 EMAT 8990 DISCUSSION PAPER D. WHITE 6 Patrice: I started at twenty-six and counted by ones to fifty-five. Well, first I went, I 7 added a ten to it, that's thirty-six, so I'm still not there. Then I added another ten. 8 T: Okay, thirty-six plus ten is? 9 Patrice: Forty-six. 10 T: Okay, so that's two tens [writes 2 tens]. 11 Patrice: And then I, uhm, then I counted by ones and then, see I used the two tens then I 12 counted by ones to see how many ones it would take. 13 T: From forty-six to fifty-five? 14 Patrice: Uh huh. 15 T: Okay, and how many ones between forty-six and fifty-five, if you counted up 16 like forty-seven, forty-eight.... 17 Patrice: Up, I think I did it wrong in my head, ‘cause I got twenty-nine. 18 T: So did you get twenty-nine when you just did it? ‘Cause you can certainly do it 19 that way too. 20 Patrice: Yes. 21 T: So you counted, by tens from twenty-six. You said twenty-six, thirty-six, forty- 22 six, and then at forty-six you counted up by ones, and just now when you did it 23 you realized that it was? 24 Patrice: Twenty-nine. 25 T: Twenty-nine. 26 Patrice: Because if I added another ten, it would be fifty-six and that would be too much. 27 T: That's a good way of thinking about it. If you added three tens, which is thirty, 28 then that would give you fifty-six, one more than we need. All right, so that's Promoting Productive Discourse 24 EMAT 8990 DISCUSSION PAPER D. WHITE 29 another way of thinking about it. Lucas? 30 Lucas: Uhm, I did it, I got twenty-nine a different way. I did, uhm, I got, well, I did it, I 31 knew cards was fifty-two, that's cut in half, is twenty-six. 32 T: Oh. 33 Lucas: And so and twenty-six, uhm, twenty-six and twenty-six is fifty-two, plus three 34 more is fifty-five, so that's twenty-nine, plus twenty-six. So, uhm, you have 35 twenty-nine more. 36 T: So you, so you used what you knew about cards, and that there are fifty-two 37 cards in a deck, and half of them, half the deck is twenty-six. So, you knew that 38 it was, that we needed at least twenty-six more, plus what's left over between 39 fifty-two and fifty-five, which is three. You added twenty-six plus three equals 40 twenty-nine. Good thinking, using some background knowledge. Mitch? 41 Mitch: I subtracted twenty-six from fifty-five. 42 T: You subtracted twenty-six from fifty-five. Explain what you mean by subtracted. When students are encouraged to think and solve problems on their own, they use their background knowledge. That knowledge may be from their schoolwork or from their out-ofschool experiences, as in the solutions proposed by Patrice, Mitch and Lucas. In particular, Patrice used her knowledge of place value (lines 6-16), Mitch used his experiences with subtraction (lines 41-42), and Lucas used his experiences with playing cards to solve the problem (lines 30-40). The exchange with Patrice also highlights the importance of students’ need to feel comfortable challenging the answers of others (lines 1-5), to explain and justify their answers (lines 6-28), and to freely make mistakes and learn from those mistakes (lines 15-28). Promoting Productive Discourse 25 EMAT 8990 DISCUSSION PAPER D. WHITE Encouraging Student-Student Interactions Ms. Tyler and Ms. Davis wanted their students to judge the correctness of the various answers and strategies that were offered. They asked questions such as, "How many people agree or disagree?" and "Why do you agree or disagree?" Both teachers wanted their students to be responsible for judging the answers and ideas of others; they did not assume the role of mathematical judge and jury. At the same time, they expected students to explain their answers and suggestions. Consider the following example, in which the students in Ms. Tyler's class worked on fact families (Author, 2000). The exchange included twelve students: two Black males, two Black females, five White males, and two White females. One student had just solved a word problem, arriving at the number sentence 18 - 8 = 10. In this example, Ms. Tyler wanted the students to indicate members of a fact family for the equation they wrote. 1 T: 2 Is there another way to move around the numbers, and it'll still go with the story?... Tammy? 3 Tammy: Ten minus eight. 4 T: So if I'm using all--. 5 Tammy: No, no--. 6 T: I saw Dennis's hand go up and then come down. I saw Benita's hand go up 7 and then come down. Tell me what you're thinking, Dennis. 8 Dennis: Uhm, there's, there's one more to do, ten plus eight. 9 T: Oh, okay. If you want to switch around your, uhm, addition, ten plus eight 10 equals eighteen [writes 10 + 8 = 18]. All right.. [Students suggest other equations, 18 = 10 + 8 and 18 = 8 + 10, which the teacher writes.] 11 T: Does that work? Promoting Productive Discourse EMAT 8990 DISCUSSION PAPER 12 Some: Yes. 26 D. WHITE 13 T: Mitch? 14 Mitch: Eight, uhm, equals eighteen minus ten. 15 T: Eight equals eighteen minus ten [writes 8 = 18 - 10]. [Students continue to discuss the equation] 16 Sarah: I disagree with that answer. [points to 8 = 18 – 10.] 17 T: What? 18 Sarah: You can't do that. Because you can't take, you can't take eighteen away 19 from ten. 20 T: Is he taking eighteen away from ten? 21 Sarah: Uh huh. 22 Some: No. 23 Sarah: Yeah, ‘cause it's backwards. He says--. If you flip it over, you can't take ten 24 away from eighteen. I mean you can't take eighteen away from ten. The 25 eighteen and the ten... 26 T: So you're saying this [writes 8 = 18 - 10] is the same as, this [writes 10-18 27 = 8]? 28 Sarah: Uh huh. 29 T: What do you have to say Mitch? Sarah is, Sarah is questioning your, your 30 number sentence. Do you agree with her? Do you disagree? Do you have 31 a reason why you say this does work? 32 Mitch: The answer is eighteen, but if you flip it over, it doesn't make sense. It's 33 just looks backwards, if the eighteen is really behind the ten. Promoting Productive Discourse 27 EMAT 8990 DISCUSSION PAPER D. WHITE [The students discuss the meaning of 8 = 18 - 10 and whether it is the same as 8 = 10 - 18. After some expressions of confusion, Philip tries to clarify the issue.] 34 T: Philip, can you say what you're saying out loud please? 35 Philip: Uhm, it, I know what, I think I know what Sarah is trying to say. Uhm, the 36 problem isn't totally turned around, it's just the answer is. 37 T: ... So this [points to 8 = 18 - 10] is the same as this [writes 18 - 10 = 8], 38 only the answer is moved? Is that what you're saying? 39 Philip: [Nods yes.] 40 T: Do you agree with that? 41 Sarah: Yes. A common misconception regarding the equal sign is that operations on numbers must be written on the left and answers on the right. In this example, Sarah’s disagreement may be based on her misconception of the role the equal sign plays in subtraction problems, as in lines 16-24. Ms. Tyler did not assume the role of authority in verifying students' answers; rather, she posed the problem back to Mitch to have him explain his answer and say whether he agreed with Sarah’s comment (lines 29-33). When Mitch was unable to respond and seemed confused, Ms. Tyler noted Philip's comment and encouraged him to add to the discussion (see line 34). Once Philip offered his explanation, Ms. Tyler turned back to Sarah to see whether she agreed with Philip's assertion (lines 35-41). The importance of this exchange is that Ms. Tyler valued the students’ right to disagree and be confused and that she encouraged others to participate to form a consensus. She wanted her students to accept or reject answers freely and to talk to one another before accepting the correct answer. DISCUSSION Promoting Productive Discourse 28 EMAT 8990 DISCUSSION PAPER D. WHITE Ms. Davis and Ms. Tyler focused on developing children’s mathematical competence and autonomous thinking. They encouraged students to solve problems creatively and resourcefully, thereby developing their students' problem solving abilities and basic computational skills. Moreover, these teachers’ practices help dispel the myth that African American and Hispanic students must be told how to think about and solve mathematics problems. To the contrary, these teachers facilitated mathematical thinking by engaging their students, encouraging them to critically analyze answers to the questions being posed. That is, the classroom discourse in their classes was centered on purposeful mathematical talk with genuine student contributions and interactions (Lo & Wheatley, 1994). Asking challenging questions and listening to students’ answers and solution strategies alone are not enough to bring about change in African American and Hispanic students’ mathematical content knowledge. Effective teachers must interpret students’ responses as indicators of their levels of understanding and adjust their pedagogy accordingly (Author, 2000). As Martino and Maher (1999) suggest, teachers must become skilled listeners and be prepared to build on students’ ideas to stimulate further thought. Productive classroom discourse requires that students' ideas are encouraged, valued, and used to shape instruction. For Ms. Davis and Ms. Tyler, their instructional practices developed over time. As a result of asking children to share their thinking every day, children became more fluent and able express their ideas. That only happens when mathematical discussions become a classroom norm that is negotiated and changed. Unfortunately, the teaching vignettes presented in this paper concern practices that are not common in classrooms containing African American and Hispanic students. Too often, teachers of these students focus on repetitive tasks, remedial work, and conformity to rules, thereby exerting control over their students. When students are taught in these classrooms, they are rarely afforded the opportunity to hear and participate in rich mathematical discussions. Promoting Productive Discourse 29 EMAT 8990 DISCUSSION PAPER D. WHITE African American and Hispanic students, in particular, and all students, in general, need the types of experiences described in this paper in order to meet the demands of higher educational standards. They need teachers that orchestrate productive classroom discourse to shape the learning environment in a positive way, allowing all children to show that they can learn mathematics and learn from each other. All students need opportunities to solve problems on their own and share their solutions with peers and teachers. Not until we begin to see as commonplace the kind of teaching discussed in this paper will African American and Hispanic students succeed in mathematics. As the vignettes illustrate, students can meet the challenges of a rich mathematics curriculum when given the opportunity. CONCLUSION School systems across the country are engaging in educational reform that demands higher educational standards and results. Mathematics education has received a large share of the attention because of the need for schools to produce more quantitatively literate citizens. No longer can schools allow large number of students, especially African American and Hispanic students, to leave school underprepared for the technological society in which they will live and work. According to Strutchens and Silver (2000), the achievement gap will narrow only when expectations are raised for all students and when students are placed in schools encouraging them and providing them with means to develop and use their talents and skills. Our knowledge of the mechanisms of classroom discourse is very rudimentary. We need much more research on what works and what does not and analyses on why some things work and some do not. In particular, further research on classroom discourse needs to provide more evidence of the practices of successful teachers of diverse students. Research must address how teachers are interacting with students of various racial, economic, and academic backgrounds to identify areas of strength and those that need improvement. 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