War Before you Start: Decide roles of people in group King/Queen

Before you Start:
Decide roles of people in group
 need to make list of resources they
 needs to lend out 1-10 items for
merchants to trade
 needs to give trade list to merchants
Religious leader
 needs to talk to military leader about
wars and treaties (making alliances
with certain cities for battle or trade)
 review list and make a plan on
where you will go to trade
How to Play:
Each turn is 5 minutes, you can
move to a new city after, but you
don’t have to
o Game will have 6 turns in
 You can only carry 10 items on
yourself when traveling on camel,
15 if traveling on ship
 You can trade with other traveling
merchants or cities
 Use a post it note to mark your
place on the map. There will be a
picture of the type of
transportation on a post-it note to
Points to Win
show how much you can carry on
 Trade: Each item you trade is worth
your person
1 point, unless it is a special item in
plague: when you trade with a
your city. Then it is worth 3 points.
certain city or person you may get a card
 War: Gain/lose points based on how
that says the “bubonic plague”. Once you
well your city played in battles
make a trade you cannot try to give back
 Religion: This is based off how your
well your Missionary spread your
the plague card. If you receive this card,
cities religion to other minor cities.
you must return home immediately. You
Bubonic Plague: If you are in possession of can move again on your next turn. The
this card at the end of the game, you next trade you make, you have to give that
automatically lose half of your cities points.
person or city the plague card. The city
who starts with it, needs to give it to
whomever they trade with first.
Your cities Missionary will travel to
other minor/major cities and try to
influence them on the religion you
represent. The more cities that are
influenced by your religion in the
end, the more points you get.
King/Queen: Cannot leave the city but can make
trades, can send out merchants to specific cities,
make list of what they want for city
Religious Leader/Missionary: make treaties with
other religious leaders (can’t go to war with a city
on a certain turn, can’t trade for something etc), can
leave and go to other cities, trade of religious ideas
General/Mercenary: Plays game of war, can’t trade,
but can conquer other cities, must answer to
King/Queen‘s rules
Banker: Can trade, exchange currency, in charge of
what merchants get when they go out to trade items,
2nd under King/Queen for trade, person that is in
charge of communication between King/Queen and
Merchants: Can move to any city on map to trade,
can’t talk to or King/Queen or religious leader
Culture Cards
Pick up a card every time you pass over a red dot on the
map. You can hold on to the card, or you can use it. You
can only be in possession of one card at a time. If you
are in possession of a card and have the chance to pick
up a new one, you can, or you can keep the card you
already have. They can be traded.
Resources in Each City
Glassware 3
Jewlery 2
Textiles 2
Grapevines 4
Perfume 2
Olive Oil 2
Artwork 3
Wool 2
Myrrh 2
Perfumes 3
Frankincense 3
Pearls 3
Textiles 2
Slaves 2
SIlver 2
Horses 3
Nuts 2
Swords 2
Lapis Lazuli 2
Dyes 2
Livestock 2
Curtains 3
Carpets 3
Cotton 2
Nutmeg 2
Medicines 1
Precious Stones 2
Grains 2
Ivory 2
Tortoiseshells 3
Silk 4
Mirrors 2
Gunpowder 2
Paper 3
Tin 2
Sandalwood 2
Tea 3
Porcelain 3