BIMS Training Grant `Nomination` Form

Training Grant Nomination Form
Deadline: Noon, Friday, May 1st, 2015 at 5 pm
Please email this form with supporting documents below to the student’s BIMS administrator by 5/1/15.
I. Mentor: Please complete this form for EACH Training Grant (TG) nomination and:
Mark below the TGs to which you are nominating this student and indicate the preferred TG.
Provide a separate recommendation letter specific to each training grant.
Provide your NIH Biosketch with Other Support.
II. Mentor & Nominee: Please work together to provide:
Nominee’s Curriculum Vita (CV).
Nominee’s research aims (1 page): provide a one-line description followed by a summary of the aims.
Assurance the nominee has or will complete Research Ethics and any requirements in Section IV below .
III. BIMS Administrators: post to Collab a complete application for each nominee in a pdf containing: 1) this form
and recommendation letter(s); 2) Nominee’s CV and Research Aims; 3) Rotation evaluation(s) if available; 4) Current
courses, grades, and GPA; 5) Nominee’s GSAS application with GRE/MCAT scores; 6) Mentor’s Biosketch and Other
Support. Please add all elements into a single pdf and use the format Last name, First name, Training Grant.
IV. Additional Requirements: Please provide the following additional specifics:
Biodefense TG: Assurance that the trainee will take MICR 8400, 8401, 8402, and 8341, and participate in all programmatic
Biophysics TG: Assurance that the nominee will (1) take the two Biophysical Principles modules and four modules (or two
semesters) of biophysics-related courses, and (2) participate in the Biophysics journal club, research-in-progress, and the
annual retreat.
Biotech TG: 1) Three faculty letters of recommendation, including mentor’s; 2) Nominee must agree to all requirements and
apply at:
CVRC TG: 1) Up to four faculty letters of recommendation, including one from nominating mentor; 2) Nominee must agree
to attend required CVTG courses and events and all requirements:
CMB TG: 1) Assurance that the research project is focused on basic science and falls into the category of Cell and
Molecular Biology (Mentor); 2) Assurance that the trainee participate in all CMB activities (including Data Dinners); 3)
Assurance that the mentor will participate as a faculty coach for the data dinners.
Cancer TG: 1) Paragraph of the trainee’s interest in cancer research and how the chosen thesis lab/project will help attain
his/her training goals (Trainee); 2) Assurance the trainee will take MICR 8040, MICR 8044, and MICR 8042; 2) Assurance
that the trainee will participate in all TG program events (Cancer Center Seminars, Cancer Training Retreat, etc.).
Immunology TG: Assurance that the trainee will 1) take the following courses for credit: BIMS 8200 & 8202; and BIMS
8204, PATH 8280, and PATH 8300. Since the latter 2 courses are taught in alternating years, it is expected that one will be
taken in the year after they are supported by the training grant; 2) attend weekly Research in Progress and Carter
Immunology Center seminars.
Infectious Diseases TG: Assurance that the trainee will take MICR 8400, 8401, and 8402, and participate in all
programmatic events.
Pharmacology TG: Assurance that the trainee will: 1) take a course in biostatistics and at least one Pharmacology course
(selected from 9001/2, 9003/4, Medical Pharmacology; and 2) participate in Pharmacology Journal Club, Pharmacology
Colloquium and 1 day annual Pharmacology Retreat while appointed to the PSTG.
______________________ _________ _________________________________
Nominee Full Name
Nominated to:
 BioDefense
 Cancer
 Immunology
Mentor’s Name
 Biophysics
 BioTech
 Infectious Diseases  Pharmacology
Please indicate the order of preference if you select more than one TG above: _________________
For any questions, please email Fred Siebenmann in the GPO at Thank you.