Disaster Recovery Plan - Alloway State School

Analysing the Situation and the Potential Hazards
Workplace and Surrounds
Alloway State School consists of Blocks A, B and H which make up the Administration
Area, Classroom Areas, Library and Staff Room, Health Room and two Store Rooms.
The Tuckshop is located under Block A. An undercover area is located at the rear of
Block A and the toilet block is adjacent to this undercover area. The groundsman’s
shed is located on the northern boundary of the school grounds. The school sports
oval is at the back of the school and continues to the eastern boundary of the
grounds with a tennis court situated on the northern side of the oval and a cricket
pitch approximately in the middle of the oval. A Pre school storage shed is situated
adjacent to Block B at the eastern end.
The school is located approximately 10 kilometres from the Central Business District
and critical response time for emergency vehicles is generally less than fifteen
Potential Hazards or situations requiring disaster status.
Arson or vandalism of school buildings
Natural disasters (eg cyclone/storms)
Traffic accident involving students or families of students.
Traffic accident (petrol spillage)
Bomb Threat
Safety threat to student/s – Siege or hostage situations (possible custody
Infectious disease (eg Meningococcal infection)
Hazardous animals (eg snake)
Death of a student, parent, guardian
Roles and Responsibilities
 Assessment of the emergency and the danger
 Establish an emergency coordination centre
 Notification of emergency services
 Liaise with emergency services
 Establish a reception centre for parents
 Identification and provision of resources
 Account for all staff and students
 Supervision of students
 Assembly of students
 Informing parents
 Communication with emergency services
 Providing situation reports to the department
 Providing a message service
Teachers, Teacher Aides, Groundsman and Administrative Staff
Accounting for students – roll class
Evacuation: students, rooms, toilets
Assembly of students
Supervision of students
First aid if necessary
Assembly area – oval
Reception area if necessary
Religious Education Teachers and Voluntary Helpers
Assist with evacuation
Assist with supervision
Assist as directed by the Principal or teachers
Alerting, Notifying and Reporting
If there is a need for an emergency evacuation, the school’s Emergency Evacuation
Policy will be followed (Appendix 2).
If action needed due to some unforeseen disaster situation, inform administration
immediately by sending a runner (with written message) to raise the alarm.
Notify emergency services.
Alert workplace about the emergency by sounding the alarm. If not requiring
immediate evacuation, use runners to carry written messages from room to room.
The message will contain information if staff and students are to remain where
they are or move to the designated safe area (the oval).
Notify District Office.
Coordinate the activity from the office.
Reception area for concerned relatives and others to be set up in the library
(resource centre) if this area is safe.
- Keep a telephone line clear (or mobile service) to be accessible for use during
the emergency.
- Regular reports to be issued to all personnel involved.
- Education Queensland media services to be contacted.
- Media to be dealt with by Principal or person designated by the Principal.
Information released to the media should be controlled with Principal or
nominated person to carry out briefings at nominated times during the course
of the emergency.
Methods of securing buildings, property, records and books
Our primary consideration is the safety of the people in our care in the event of an
emergency. Once these are safe then decisions regarding property will be made in
light of an emergency.
The following materials should be taken to the oval:
- Rolls (class teacher)
- Hard copy of students’ phone numbers so parents can be phoned if necessary
- Backup tapes from SMS (Admin staff)
Records to be locked in security room (if time permits):
- Cheques
- Cash Books
- Edquip cards
In the event of facilities being damaged, Q Build (Bundaberg) should be notified
and the following adhered to:
Damaged building/s should be made secure and barricaded if necessary.
If only one building is damaged, the students or services provided may be able to
be relocated if an alternate part of the school e.g. resource centre (library).
In the event of total destruction, the following scenarios are possible:
- A major disaster in the community e.g. cyclone or severe storm. In this
situation it would be prudent to close the school in the short term and if
practicable relocate to another venue until facilities are restored.
- Major damage to the school but no damage to the rest of the community
- e.g. fire. In this situation staff and students should be relocated to an
alternate venue e.g. nearby church hall or school.
Evacuation Planning
Safety of Personnel
The safety of students and staff should be maintained throughout the emergency
and should be the guiding principle determining evacuation decisions. Duty of care
responsibilities should be maintained. A roll call or head count on all staff and
students should be conducted during an evacuation.
Alternative Evacuation Route
Normal assembly area for evacuation is the oval (cricket pitch).
If necessary to totally leave the school grounds, this will be done by relocating
students on the oval at Alloway Country Club.
Evacuation Decision
Decisions concerning evacuation and selection of safe areas should be made according
to circumstances at the time of the emergency.
Media Arrangement
Only the Principal (or appointed delegate), Emergency Services personnel (if involved)
or District Office designated staff should communicate with Education Queensland
media personnel.
Welfare and First Aid Requirements
First aid kit should accompany any evacuation. First aid trained staff can
Water may be required (access nearest and safest tap).
If on the oval for any length of time, seek available shelter if it is safe to do so.
Training Procedures
Staff are inducted in Emergency Evacuation procedures during the school induction
process. Evacuation drills are held each term with students being trained by
teachers through classroom discussion on the procedures to follow.
Regular, routine and structure should be restored as soon as possible and all members
of the school community should be accurately informed. Everyone should be
encouraged to access support if it is needed.
Post incident debriefing should be offered two weeks, one month and three to six
months after the incident.
Counselling team could consist of Senior Guidance Officers, Employee Advisor and
School Guidance Officer.
Assessing Danger and Reacting During Emergencies
Verify Report
Confirm the accuracy of the information
Alert the classrooms
Notify emergency services (where necessary)
Assess the Danger
Has the worst already happened?
Can the situation get worse?
Is it close enough to be a threat?
Is it getting closer or moving away?
Is it getting bigger or smaller?
Is it moving quickly or slowly?
Is it affected by weather conditions?
Are people or property already involved?
Are they likely to become involved?
Identify Safety Areas
Which areas and access routes cannot be used?
Is it best to remain indoors, or leave the building?
How far does the danger area extend?
Move to Safe Areas
Seal buildings if remaining indoors
Communicate decisions to all classrooms
Implement procedures in the plan
Contingency Plans for Potential Hazards
Arson or Vandalism of Buildings
In the event of a building being vandalised, it is the responsibility of the school to
organise the repair and security of the building.
Contact Q Build (Appendix 3) List of Personnel and Telephone Numbers
In the event of a classroom building being totally destroyed, those classes will
continue in the resource centre (library).
In the event of the administration building being totally destroyed, the office in
the resource centre (library) will be set up so that the continuation of the
administration duties can occur. The Systems Technician at District Office
should be contacted so back up data can be used to set up a new system.
Telecommunications will be set up using the ‘Internet’ line which is separate to the
main school telephone system. Mobile telephone 0410 452 714 is also available.
Special Preparedness and Response Guidelines
The following appendices are attached:
Site plan
Emergency Evacuation Procedures
Q Build Personnel & Telephone Numbers
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
The following attachments are Alloway State School’s response to:
 Telephone threats
Appendix 4
 Fire/Vandalism
Appendix 5
 Storm or Cyclone
Appendix 6
 Chemical emission
Appendix 7
 Safety Threat to Students
i.e. Siege or hostage (possible Custody problem) Appendix 8
 Siege or hostage questionnaire
Appendix 9
 Traffic Accident (petrol spillage)
Appendix 10
 Snakes
Appendix 11
The person who first notices an outbreak of fire or other emergency which necessitates an evacuation must
immediately inform the nearest teacher who will sound the alarm from the nearest and/or the most convenient
Fire warning signals shall be as follows - Repeated blast of the air horn.
Upon hearing the initial signal all designated teachers will sound the air horn repeatedly.
Responsibilities of teachers The sole responsibility placed upon teachers to remove the children safely from the buildings. When it is
obvious that all children are evacuated, then the Principal, or in his absence the senior teacher, should take
steps to notify the brigade.
If proceedings are not delayed, teachers are required to take the class roll with them to the assembly area as an
additional check. Delays must not be caused by the collection of other property.
Children must be trained to move smartly from their rooms, leaving personal property behind.
Assembly areas are on the attached school site plan. In practice, routes will be varied according to the location
of the imaginary fire. In the event of a fire it will be necessary for teachers to size up the situation and act
When the alarm sounds, the first action should be to maintain a sensible atmosphere. Children must be trained
to leave the room quietly without running or pushing as a child who falls will become an obstacle. Once
assembled in their areas, they must not be allowed to leave.
After teachers have checked their classrolls, they should report immediately to the designated fire officer.
If a fire occurs during a recess, the teachers/aides on duty must assume control of pupils and direct them to
their assembly points. Class teachers should check classrooms and collect rolls. Teacher aides should check
toilet areas and sports sheds.
Principal/Deputy to write report on evacuation detailing any areas of concern. Book kept in Office.
It should be the Principal’s responsibility, or his delegate (i.e. Deputy/Admin Officer) to (a) Contact the Fire Brigade,
(b) Secure the Admission Registers (now stored on tape - backed up nightly),
(c) Turn off the electricity at the mains,
(d) Join staff and pupils at an assembly area,
(e) Check that admin building has been cleared.
Date: …/…/… Time: ……am/pm
Receiver of call:
 Record exact working and nature of threat.
 Ask the following questions and record the answers.
What are you threatening to do? ……………………………
Why are you making this threat? …………………………..
When do you intend carrying it out? ……………………..
Do you intend telephoning again? ……………………………
What is your name? …………………………………………………..
Where are you? ………………………………………………………….
What is your address? ……………………………………………..
When is the bomb going to explode? ……………………………
Where did you put the bomb?………………………………………….
When did you put it there? …………………………………………….
What does the bomb look like? ……………………………………..
What kind of bomb is it? ………………………………………………….
What will make the bomb explode? …………………….…………
Did you place the bomb? ………………………………………………….
Why did you place the bomb? ………………………………………..
What is your name? …………………………………………………………..
Where are you? ……………………………………………………………………
(Tick  appropriate boxes)
Callerer’s Voice Locating
Well spoken
Deep breathing
Crackling voice
Message read by called
Street Noises
PA system
House noises
Office machinery
Factory machinery
Animal noises
Long distance
Background Noises
Other details
Follow prearranged telephone or switchboard procedures to assist in tracing the call (eg leaving phone off the hook,
notify the Police using another telephone on 000)
Response by the Principal
Notify the Police (request a trace of the call).
Assess seriousness of the threat.
If evacuation is necessary, check exit route for suspicious objects, then follow the evacuation plan (Appendix 2).
Fire Response
1. Building Fire/Explosion (usually no warning time)
If there is a fire in any of the buildings on the school campus, the administration
area is notified immediately by intercom or a runner so the siren can be sounded and
emergency evacuation procedures can be put into place (Appendix 2).
Severe Storm / Cyclone Response
(Minimal to reasonable warning time)
1. Before the storm or cyclone season
Have tree branches trimmed well clear of buildings.
Have roofs, guttering and downpipes checked and cleaned.
Have a portable radio with fresh batteries.
Clear ground of loose objects that could cause damage during high winds.
2. Upon first warnings – possible evacuation
Listen to local radio for further warnings and reports.
Secure all doors/windows and tape (cross fashion ‘X’) or cover windows.
If a thunderstorm approaches, disconnect all electrical applicances.
In case of cyclones, if a local evacuation warning is issued, turn off electricity
etc., assemble all students and staff and follow instructions from emergency
3. When the cyclone strikes
Ensure everybody stays inside away from windows.
Do not use the telephone (lightning danger).
Listen to the portable radio for weather updates.
During cyclones, beware of the calm ‘eye’. Everybody must remain inside until
advised by emergency services or weather bureau that the danger has passed.
4. After the cyclone passes
Listen to the radio for warnings and reports of disruption to services.
Check buildings for damage and evacuate if in dangerous condition.
Before moving outside, check for damage to buildings, fallen power lines and
For emergency assistance contact SES 41522645 or Q BUILD (Appendix 3)
Chemical Overspray/Emission
1. Upon first warning (when alerted by phone or in person)
Move all students, staff etc into buildings immediately.
Close all external doors and windows.
Occupy rooms furthest from the emission.
2. Evacuation
Do not attempt to evacuate unless officially advised.
Listen to the radio or TV for the Standard Emergency Warning Signal which
preceded any authorised information or instructions.
Remain indoors until either you hear the ‘all clear’ or you receive advice from the
emergency services sections.
Safety Threat to Students - Siege/Hostage Response
(possible Custody Problems)
Confirm available facts by personal observation or by second information source.
Contact the Police (000)
Evacuate – partially or totally (according to the situation).
Assemble personnel with a direct knowledge of:
- Preceding events
- Interior layout/topography
- The hostage/s
- The assailant/s
5. Complete the Siege/Hostage Questionnaire (Appendix 9)
6. Cooperate and assist Police as necessary
Siege/Hostage Questionnaire
Time reported: ____________________ by _____________________
Exact location of hostage incident: _____________________________
Number of hostages: _______________________________________
Name/s of hostages: _______________________________________
If name/s unknown:
- Height: ____________
- Sex: ____(M) _____(F)
- Age:
- Colouring: __________
6. Number of assailants: _______________________________________
7. Notable characteristics of assailants: ___________________________
8. Number of weapons: ________________________________________
9. Description of weapons: _____________________________________
10. Mood of assailant/s (e.g. calm, irrational, nervous) __________________
11. Other information: _________________________________________
Traffic Accident Response
1. Traffic flow past the school can be quite high immediately prior to and after
school hours. There is a possibility of an accident occurring during these times.
2. Upon notification of a car accident of a child being hit, an ambulance will be called
and one of the staff who has first aid experience will be sent to the scene to
administer any possible help.
3. If a student is involved, the parents contacted.
4. All other students will be kept away from the area.
Snake Response
1. During the summer months we do experience snakes in the school grounds at
various times.
2. Student/s to keep an eye on the snake. Student/s to notify closest teacher or
3. Upon notification (either at the office or teacher), the Principal or teachers will
dispose of the snake.
4. Long plastic waddies are located along walkways and in classrooms around the
school for such purposes.
Response to medical emergency – Meningococcal Infection
 Central Public Health Unit will notify the school in the case of a
student presenting with symptoms of Meningococcal Disease.
Information sheet has been included.
 District Office – Manager Education Services- to be notified.
 Letter (example attached) provided by the Central Public Health
Unit to be distributed to all parents.
 Identification of students who may have close contact with
Suspected infected student. Name, Date of birth, Parents’ names,
addresses and telephone numbers to be provided to the Health
Department. Health Department will contact these families if
 Health Department Contact – Sue Johnson
- 41977280
Mobile phone - 0419663612
- 41988299
 Health Department to advise by phone and letter as to whether
Medical case is confirmed or not.
 If confirmed Health Department to co-ordinate immunization
 District Office Informed of outcome.