Constitution of the University of Cincinnati Men’s and Women’s Choruses (December 2013) Article I: Name and Purpose 1.1 The name of this organization is the University of Cincinnati Men’s and Women’s Choruses [hereafter called Choruses]. 1.2 Traditionally drawing from a wide variety of educational disciplines, the University of Cincinnati Men’s and Women’s Choruses seek to promote cultural and social enrichment for the University and community by striving for excellence in the performance of choral music. Article II: Organization 2.1 The Choruses shall consist of two primary vocal ensembles, Men’s and Women’s Choruses, and one secondary ensemble: Cabaret Singers. The primary vocal ensembles will each have its own director, while the secondary ensemble will have an appointed conductor. Other musical groups may be formed of members of the Choruses on a temporary or permanent basis at the discretion of the appropriate director. These groups may rehearse and perform with or separate from the Choruses. No subgroup of the Men’s and Women’s Choruses may use the name of the group without the approval of the executive committee. 2.2 An executive Committee [hereafter called Committee] consisting of an Officers Board, Men’s and Women’s Chorus directors, and faculty advisor govern the choruses. This Committee is responsible for supervising all fundraisers, purchases, social events, and for keeping records of these activities. The Committee is expected to ensure efficient management and promote welfare of the Choruses. 2.3 The directors shall be appointed by the Division of Ensembles and Conducting at the College-Conservatory of Music. The directors are in charge of all artistic and academic matters as prescribed by CCM. 2.4 The university advisor shall be appointed by the Division of Ensembles and Conducting at the College-Conservatory of Music and must be a part-time or full-time faculty member. 2.5 The Voting Officers Board shall consist of two elected officers including the President and Vice-President, as well as appointed offices including, but not limited to, Secretary, Treasurer, Publicity Manager, Recruitment Officer, Cabaret Singers manager, an Alumni Officer, Men’s Chorus Manager, and Women’s Chorus Manager. Ex officio members may be included at the President’s discretion. 2.6 The Committee is required to establish a regular meeting time at the beginning of each academic semester. Attendance and minutes are recorded and will be available to Revised December 16, 2013 1 any member of the choruses upon request. Meetings are not to be held during rehearsal time. 2.7 A meeting may be officially held if the President or Vice President is in attendance and two thirds of the members of the Voting Executive Committee are present. Article III: Referendum 3.1 Any action or decision of the Committee, including officer appointments, can be overturned by a two-thirds majority vote of the members. Article IV: Amendments 4.1 Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by a member and shall be voted upon by the Board following approval by directors and faculty advisor. 4.2 A two-thirds vote of approval is required from the Board to ratify an amendment. 4.3 Amendments shall be made available to members prior to ratification and may be disputed on specific grounds. Disputes will be brought to the attention of the Board, directors, and the faculty advisor. Article V: Ratification 5.1 Ratification by two-thirds (2/3) of the charter members shall be sufficient to establish this constitution between said members so ratifying and with the approval of the Board, directors, and faculty advisor. Article VI: Cabaret Singers 6.1 The purpose is to give talented and/or experienced chorus members the opportunity to develop their abilities in a fast paced, performance-oriented ensemble. 6.2 Prior members of Chorus who have previously remained in good standing within the group for at least one academic semester, but are legitimately unable to continue to take the course will be permitted to audition for and perform with Cabaret Singers at the discretion of the Cabaret conductor. These particular ensemble members will still be considered members of Chorus, and are therefore required to pay all Cabaret and Choruses dues in order to perform. 6.3 The structure of Cabaret Singers will be: A. Conductors: it is the preference and in the best interest of Cabaret Singers to have only one conductor. Potential candidates will be interviewed by the existing directors of Men’s and Women’s Choruses and will be appointed with consultation of the choral conducting faculty of CCM. Revised December 16, 2013 2 Bylaws of the University of Cincinnati Men’s and Women’s Choruses (December 2013) Article I: Revenue 1.1 A membership fee in the form of $45 is required (henceforth referred to as “dues”). Dues must be paid each semester to keep membership status. 1.2 An extra $10 due shall be collected for members of Cabaret Singers. 1.3 A deadline set by the appropriate director shall be established regarding dues, 1.4 Dues will be paid in full to the Treasurer. 1.5 Registered student organizations can generate revenue from sources (fundraisers, bake sales)other than those defined in this section as determined by the student organization’s Advisor, Executive Board and approved by the general body of the student organization. The funds generated through fundraising must be used to further the student group’s mission, programmatic efforts, or their support of philanthropic efforts (i.e., Relay for Life). Article II: Membership and Discipline 2.1 The Choruses are open to all registered students, faculty, and staff of the University of Cincinnati. 2.2 Students must register for the appropriate academic course entitled “U.C. Men’s Chorus” and “U.C. Women’s Chorus,” and if selected and approved, “UC Cabaret Singers” in order to be a member of the groups. 2.3 Dues are collected at the beginning of each academic semester and a dues payment is required for membership. Exceptions will be determined by the respective directors, president and treasurer, but non-due-paying members must forfeit their voting and petitioning rights. 2.4 Any chorus member may be dismissed by the director for any of the following reasons: 1. Absence from any performance without an acceptable excuse. 2. Failure to return music or any other chorus property. 3. Lack of cooperation, effort, or a violation of the University of Cincinnati’s student code of conduct. 4. Excessive unexcused absences. *Readmission is at the director’s discretion. Revised December 16, 2013 3 2.5 A member in good standing is defined by the following: 1. Must be registered for 0 or 1 credit for the class. 2. Must have no more than six unexcused absences. 3. Must not have a grade incomplete from the previous semester. 4. Must have dues paid to date (in full). Article III: Election of Officers and Vacancy of Office 3.1 Candidates for all offices shall have completed at least one academic semester as a member in good standing during the academic year the voting shall take place and intend to be in attendance for both semesters of the year for which they are elected or appointed. They must also fulfill any Student Activities and Leadership Development (SALD) requirements that pertain to officer eligibility. Exceptions can be made for students on coop in the Cincinnati area, or at the President’s discretion. 3.2 Nominations for elected office positions are taken in class at the end of Spring Semester. All nominations must have a second. 3.3 Elections are held in class during Spring Semester. All officers must win by a simple majority vote. 3.4 If an officer is unable to perform his/her duties for any reason, the Committee (as defined in the constitution) appoints a replacement for no more than thirty days (of class session), after which a special election is held. All appointed officers must meet the requirements for membership and those in Section One of this article. 3.5 The officers assume their duties on the last week of Spring semester and perform those duties for one complete year. Officers must remain registered students in good standing with their college during their tenure. 3.6 Official resignation by an elected or appointed officer must be typed and duplicated for the executive committee and both directors of the Choruses. Once accepted the resignation becomes final and cannot be rescinded. In order for a former officer to receive any type of recommendation from the Choruses, all previously assigned duties as an officer of the Choruses must be completed. This includes turning over previously assigned projects to the president for delegation and finishing any paper work. These duties are to be completed and handed in within two weeks following the resignation. Article IV: Appointments 4.1 Initial appointments during spring semester of each year shall be made in joint decision by the newly elected president, vice-president, and the returning director. The president, vice-president, and directors of the choruses shall make subsequent reappointments, appointments, and dismissals throughout the remaining year. All appointments, re-appointments, and dismissals must be approved by a simple majority of the voting Committee. Revised December 16, 2013 4 4.2 The following committees may exist as needed: budget, tour, publicity, alumni, and recruitment. Others may be added as needed with approval of the Executive Committee. The president, vice-president, or a director must serve as an advisor to the committee. The tour committee head shall be determined in a joint decision by the president, vice-president, and directors. The treasurer, recruitment officer, publicity officer, and alumni officer shall serve as the head of each of their respective committee. The committees shall meet no less than once per month. All recommendations made by the committees must be communicated to and approved by the Executive Committee. Any registered chorus member, in good standing as defined by SALD and the Chorus bylaws may participate in a committee. 4.3 Officers and appointees must maintain a minimum 2.3 GPA during their appointment. 4.4 Voting privileges of the Executive Committee are extended only to elected officers and appointed officers not including the President [hereafter called the Voting Executive Committee]. However, the President may cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie. Revised December 16, 2013 5 Article V: Board Duties 5.1 The roles of the officers and directors shall be agreed upon, in May of the year they begin their duties, by joint decision of the Committee. 5.2 Duties and positions are defined at the beginning of the year by the President and Vice President. Changes can be made at the discretion of the Executive Committee. 5.3 An electronic database will be established and maintained in order to archive chorus member information. The list will not be used to contact a chorus member if the chorus member wishes not to be contacted. 5.4 Board members are required to attend all scheduled board meetings. Excuses must be approved by the Executive Committee. Article VI: Referendum 6.1 A petition of one-third of the members is drawn up. This is presented to the Committee with an explanation of the members’ objections. Upon receipt of this petition, the Committee will schedule and announce a vote for one week after the next meeting. A two-thirds majority vote of the members is required to overturn the action or decision in question. 6.2 Officers can be impeached by a majority vote of the Committee including approval of the faculty advisor, or by petition process in Section One (Article Three). Article VII: Non-hazing Clause/Non-Discrimination Clause 7.1 The laws of the state of Ohio and the University of Cincinnati policies concerning hazing shall be observed. 7.2 Hazing shall be defined as participating in or allowing any act or coercing another, including the victim, to do any act that creates a substantial risk of causing mental or physical harm to any person. A forced or coerced activity shall also be considered hazing when the initiation or administration into, or continued affiliation with, a university organization is directly or indirectly conditional upon performing the activity. In no event shall the willingness of an individual to participate in such an activity serve as defense in cases of hazing. 7.3 Actions and activities, which are explicitly prohibited, include, but shall not be limited to the following: a. Any activity that creates a substantial risk of physical or mental harm. b. Paddling, beating, or hitting individuals. c. Wearing anything designed to be degrading or to cause discomfort. Revised December 16, 2013 6 d. Depriving individuals of the opportunity to obtain a minimum of six hours of sleep per day, proper and adequate means, or access to means, of maintaining body cleanliness. e. Activities that interfere with an individual’s academic efforts by causing exhaustion of loss of reasonable study time. 7.4 This organization shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, gender, disability or handicap, religion, sexual orientation, disabled veteran's status or Vietnam era veteran's status in any of its policies, procedures and practices. This policy will include but is not limited to recruiting, membership, organization activities, or opportunity to hold office. Article VIII: Dissolution 8.1 Upon the dissolution for any reason, all work, funds, and property controlled by the organization will be transferred to the College Conservatory of Music. 8.2 The Advisor and executive officers of the student organization will oversee the dissolution process. Article IV: Robert’s Rules of Order 9.1 "Robert's Rules of Order, Revised'' shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters of procedure not specifically covered by these by-laws. Article V: Duties of Individual Officers 10.1 Duties of the President include but are not limited to: 1. Shall carry out the duties described in the composite job description for all members of the UC Men’s and Women’s Choruses Board 2. Shall work in conjunction with the Directors and the Board to plan and execute all aspects of the UC Men’s and Women’s Choruses 3. Shall preside at all Executive and General Board business meetings 4. Shall review and present a current copy of the By‐Laws and Constitution of the UC Men’s and Women’s Choruses to all officers 5. Shall see that all officers carry out the duties described in the composite job descriptions 6. Shall expect notification from all officers of business‐related agenda items 48 hours prior to the weekly board business meeting 7. Shall supply an agenda for all weekly board meetings to the Board 24 hours prior to the meeting 8. Shall supply all General Board members with a copy of the weekly board minutes of the previous week 9. Shall expect notification of absence of an Executive or General Board member in advance of meetings Revised December 16, 2013 7 10. Shall expect from the recording secretary a copy of the minutes of each Executive and General Board Meeting 11. Shall appoint special committees as needs arise 12. Shall serve as an ex‐officio member of all committees 10.2 Duties of the Vice President include but are not limited to: 1. Shall carry out the duties described in the composite job description for all members of the UC Men’s and Women’s Choruses Board 2. Shall work in conjunction with the Directors and the Board to plan and execute all aspects of the UC Men’s and Women’s Choruses 3. Shall assume the duties of the President in case of disability or absence of the President 4. Shall work with the directors in logistical matters relating to the annual spring tour 5. Shall work with the treasurer and directors in all financial matters concerning the annual spring tour. This includes assisting the treasurer in collecting and recording all individual student payments and supplying each payer with a receipt. 6. Shall assist the fundraising chair in planning and executing all fundraising events 7. Shall share responsibilities with the President as an ex‐officio member of all committees 8. Shall perform all other duties necessary to this office 10.3 Duties of the Secretary include but are not limited to: 1. Shall carry out the duties described in the composite job description for all members of the UC Men’s and Women’s Choruses Board 2. Shall work in conjunction with the Directors and the Board to plan and execute all aspects of the UC Men’s and Women’s Choruses 3. Shall take accurate minutes for Executive and General Board meetings 4. Shall provide the President and Directors with the board minutes within five (5) days of the board meeting 5. Shall perform other duties related to this office as necessary 10.4 Duties of the Treasurer include but are not limited to: 1. Shall carry out the duties described in the composite job description for all members of the UC Men’s and Women’s Choruses Board 2. Shall work in conjunction with the Directors and the Board to plan and execute all aspects of the UC Men’s and Women’s Choruses 3. Shall maintain accurate records of all financial transactions on behalf of the board 4. Shall reconcile the UC Choruses Accounting Ledger on a weekly basis, saving the document to the appropriate server location upon completion of work 5. Shall provide a weekly report in print form to the Board and Directors, including worksheets 11 and 12 from the UC Choruses Accounting Ledger, and any additional materials request by Directors or Board members Revised December 16, 2013 8 6. Shall provide a quarterly report in print form to each Board member, specific to their individual job description from the UC Choruses Accounting Ledger. (i.e. Social chairs will receive print out of worksheets 59, and 62‐66) The President, Vice President, Secretary and Directors will each receive a print out of all worksheets in the UC Choruses Accounting Ledger 7. Shall maintain accurate records of chorus personnel as related to the collection of dues, apparel fees, banquet ticket sales, CD sales and any other miscellaneous financial transactions taken on by the UC Choruses 8. Shall issue a payment of receipt for each UC Choruses transaction, including, but not limited to dues, CDs, tour, apparel, etc. 9. Shall communicate directly with chorus personnel related to the collection of dues, apparel fees, banquet ticket sales, CD sales and any other miscellaneous financial transactions taken on by the UC Choruses in a timely and professional manner 10. Shall work in conjunction with the UC Women’s Chorus manager to place quarterly order for concert apparel 11. Shall accurately maintain the UC Choruses checkbook, and shall write checks in a timely manner as requested by the Directors or Board members 12. Shall file a copy of the monthly statements of all financial accounts in the UC Choruses Office, including SACUB, Tickets, Checking and Savings 13. Shall perform other duties related to this office as necessary 10.5 Duties of the Chorus Manager(s) include but are not limited to: 1. Shall carry out the duties described in the composite job description for all members of the UC Men’s and Women’s Choruses Board 2. Shall work in conjunction with the Directors and the Board to plan and execute all aspects of the UC Men’s and Women’s Choruses 3. Shall keep an up‐to‐date attendance record of all rehearsals, dress rehearsals, concerts and any other mandatory events for all student members of the UC Men’s and Women’s Choruses and Cabaret 4. Shall submit an electronic attendance report to their respected Director weekly or as often as requested by the Director. In the attendance records and updates to directors, indicate the students who are members of Cabaret. 5. Shall assemble music packets prior to the first rehearsal of each quarter, or as needed as requested by the Director 6. Shall assign music numbers to each student and help disseminate music to all members 7. Shall collect and file all music in the CCM Choral Library at the conclusion of each quarter, or at the Director’s request 8. Shall be present and secure additional assistance for all riser and rehearsal setups (If a manager is unable to be present for a riser or rehearsal room setup, he/she will make the necessary arrangements for someone else to serve as their representative at the setup.) 9. Shall be present and secure additional assistance for all riser and rehearsal strikes (If a manager is unable to be present for a riser or rehearsal room strike, Revised December 16, 2013 9 he/she will make the necessary arrangements for someone else to serve as their representative at the strike.) 10. Shall work with the Treasurer to disseminate and collect all materials related to UC Choruses payments, including, but not limited to dues, apparel, CD sales, tour payments, etc. Receipts will be given for all payments 11. Shall assist any board member in relaying important information to the UC Men’s and Women’s Chorus members via class announcements, blackboard and website postings, emails, etc. 12. Shall perform all other duties necessary to this office 10.6 Duties of Social Chair(s) include but are not limited to: 1. Shall carry out the duties described in the composite job description for all members of the UC Men’s and Women’s Choruses Board 2. Shall work in conjunction with the Directors and the Board to plan and execute all aspects of the UC Men’s and Women’s Choruses 3. Shall plan and execute all social activities for the UC Men’s and Women’s Choruses 4. Shall provide detailed account of planned events to Executive and General Board no less than two weeks prior to planned event. This includes, but is not limited to quarterly retreats, spring banquet and any other planned activity 5. Shall work with the Directors and the Board to secure transportation for all off‐campus venues 6. Shall perform other duties related to this office as necessary 10.7 Duties of Recruitment Chair(s) include but are not limited to: 1. Shall carry out the duties described in the composite job description for all members of the UC Men’s and Women’s Choruses Board 2. Shall work in conjunction with the Directors and the Board to plan and execute all aspects of the UC Men’s and Women’s Choruses 3. Shall plan and execute recruitment efforts on behalf of the UC Men’s and Women’s Choruses 4. Shall perform other duties related to this office as necessary 10.8 Duties of Fundraising Chair(s) include but are not limited to: 1. Seeking out and attaining fundraising opportunities 2. Keeping track of fundraising deadlines and logistical needs 3. Allocating resultant funds to the Treasurer 4. Shall perform other duties related to this office as necessary 10.9 Duties of Publicity Chair(s) include but are not limited to: 1. Shall carry out the duties described in the composite job description for all members of the UC Men’s and Women’s Choruses Board 2. Shall work in conjunction with the Directors and the Board to plan and execute all aspects of the UC Men’s and Women’s Choruses 3. Shall plan and execute all aspects of publicity for the UC Men’s and Women’s Choruses Revised December 16, 2013 1 0 4. Shall design and present to the Executive and General Board advertisement flyers and posters for each concert no less than three weeks prior to the event 5. Shall perform other duties related to this office as necessary Revised December 16, 2013 1 1