PATIENT INFORMATION & CONSENT (with lot numbers) Are you sick today or have you had a fever in the past 48 hours? Yes/ No Are you pregnant or nursing? Do you have any allergies? List all medicine or vaccine allergies______________________________________________________ Yes/ No Yes/ No Initials Patient must initial by each vaccine prior to receiving it. ______Influenza Shot: I am not allergic to eggs or egg products or Thimerosal, do not have acute febrile illnesses (Fever>101º F) and have not had an anaphylactic reaction or developed Guillain-Barré syndrome after receiving a previous influenza vaccination. VIS given: annual _____Flu Mist: I am not allergic to eggs or egg products and did not have a reaction to a previous dose. I am not under 2, over 49 or pregnant. I am not younger than 5 years with asthma or one with more than one episode of wheezing in the last year, receiving aspirin- containing therapy, or have acute febrile or respiratory illnesses. I am not and will not have contact with severely immunocompromised individuals and have not ceased antiviral therapy within 48 hours. I do not have any muscle or nerve disorders or other long-term health problems such as heart disease or lung disease or blood disorders. VIS given: 7/26/2013 _____Hepatitis A: I am not allergic to aluminum hydroxide, sodium borate and /or sodium chloride. VIS given: 10/25/2011 _____Hepatitis B: I do not have multiple sclerosis and am not hypersensitive to yeast, formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide or thimerosal. VIS given: 2/02/2012 _____Meningococcal: I am not pregnant or allergic to thimerosal (Menomune). I am not on anticoagulant therapy (Menveo). VIS given: 10/14/2011 _____MMR (Measles Mumps Rubella): I have not had a reaction to a prior dose or any vaccine components, am not pregnant, do not have acute febrile illness or a weakened immune system. I have not had another live vaccine in last 4 weeks. VIS given: 4/20/2012 Available at some clinics. _____Pneumonia: I am over 50, have a chronic health condition or am a child at risk. I have not had a Shingles shot within 30 days or a pneumonia shot within 5 years and am not pregnant or on immunosuppressive therapy within 2 months or allergic to phenol or bacterial polysaccharides. VIS given: 10/06/09 _____Polio: I was not allergic to a previous dose, neomycin, streptomycin or polymyxin B and am not pregnant. VIS given: 11/08/2011 ____TDAP (Tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis): I am not allergic to aluminum phosphate, formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, 2-phenoxyethanol or a prior DTaP vaccine and have not had encephalopathy, or progressive neurological disorder. VIS given: TD 1/24/2012 TDAP 5/19/2013 _____Varicella (Chicken Pox): I have not had a reaction to a prior dose or any vaccine components, am not pregnant, do not have acute febrile illness or a weakened immune system. VIS given: 3/13/2008 Only available at certain clinics _____Shingles: I have not had pneumonia vaccine within 30 days, am not allergic to neomycin or any component of the vaccine, pregnant or in close contact with pregnant women who have not had chickenpox, do not have a weakened immune system and am not under 50 yrs old. VIS given: 10/06/09 Available at certain clinics Patient Information Section (attach photocopy of insurance (front only) and driver’s license. BCBS ID prefixes not accepted: AMR group 028110, BYP, CGL, FJC, MSR 007013847, TEA, UGD, UDT, UZF,WFQ, XZA, ZGP with group 000301,000955, 090047, 00700, 075130, ZGZ, Aetna Assurant SRC ____________________/_____________ __________________________ Insured ID Group# Patient Last Name If same person, skip this line __________________________ Insured Last Name ________________________________ Patient Address: Street ____________________ First Name _______ Middle I ___________________ First Name _______ Middle I ___/____/____ ___ ___ Birth Date M/D/Y Age Sex ___/___/____ ___ Birth Date M/D/Y Sex ______________________ City _________ State __________ Zip ______-_______-______ ________________________________ ______________________ Insured (skip if patient) Address: Street City _________ State __________ Zip ______-_______-______ Daytime Phone Number Daytime Phone Number ________________________________________________ Self, Spouse, Child, Other ________________________/______________ Signature (Person receiving vaccine or Parent or Guardian) (Circle 1) Insured Relationship Emergency Contact Person/ Phone Number If you have any questions, please ask now or check with your physician before receiving the vaccine. I understand the benefits and risks of these vaccinations and request those indicated above to be given to me. If you experience any significant reactions, see your physician. Please note that by signing this form you are accepting responsibility for all costs not covered by your insurance. There is a $25.00 service charge for returned checks. For Clinic Use Only below this point: Vaccine Administered (nurse checks box by vaccine given) Influenza Flu Mist Hepatitis A Lot # Fluzone (SP) >6 mos High Dose (SP) >65 yrs Flulaval (GSK) >18yTri Quad Fluarix (GSK) >3 yrs Flu Mist (Medimmune) 2-49yrs only Quad only Havarix (GSK), Vaqta (Merck)>1y 12-23 mos, 6 mos Exp Date Amount/Site 06 0.5 ml >3y IM 0.25ml < 3y IM 0.1 ml/Nostril 1.0 ml >18y IM later, Catch-up is 0,6 months. Hepatitis B Injection Site Left Right Intranasal Left Right 0.5 ml < 18y IM Energix (GSK) Recombivax (Merck) 0, 1-2 mos and 3- 1.0 ml > 19y IM Left Right 18 months, Rec schedule is 0,1 and 6 months Catch-up is 0,4 16 wks 0.5 ml < 19y IM Meningococcal Menveo (Nov) (2-55y) Menactra (SP) (9ms-55y) Menomune (SP) (2 and up, use for >55y) child 11-12,16 yrs MMR MMRII(Merck) 12-15 mos, 4-6 years. Catch-up 0,4 wks Pneumonia Pneumovax (Merck) for adults>50 or child>18 at risk Polio IPOL (SP) if unvaccinated adult, 0, 4, 26wks TDAP Boostrix (GSK) 11-64y Adacel(SP)>10y, 1 every 5-10yrs 0.5 ml 0.5 ml 0.5 ml 0.5 ml 0.5 ml 0.5 ml IM SC SC IM IM IM Left Right 0.5 ml 0.65 ml SC SC Left Right Left Right Chicken Pox Shingles Nurse Signature: Varicella(Merck) 12-15 mos , 4-6 yrs. Catch-up 0,4-12wks Zostavax (Merck) >60, 50 with BCBS (5/8th syringe) RN Date: Payment Amount: CASH CHECK# OTHER: Left Left Left Left INSUR Right Right Right Right BILL