GRANT ROUND 2016 GRANT APPN …………..….. FOUNDATION USE ONLY AUSTRALIAN DENTAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION INC. PO Box 241, St Leonards, NSW 1590 (Incorporated in the ACT) GRANT ROUND 2016 APPLICATION FOR RESEARCH GRANT Closing date for Submission 31 March Applications are to be converted to pdf and uploaded to the grants upload link on the ADRF webpage* Only this version of the application form will be accepted. Any omissions will deem the Application noncompliant. 1A PROJECT TITLE ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1B NEW PROJECT 1C KEYWORDS (List up to five keywords) OR CONTINUATION OF PROJECT ADRF-FUNDED NON-ADRF-FUNDED ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2A PRIMARY APPLICANT ……………………………… SURNAME ………………………………………. GIVEN NAMES …….. ………………………………… TITLE QUALIFICATIONS ……………………………………… APPOINTMENT/PRACTICE TYPE ……………………………………. INSTITUTION (If applicable) ………………………………… DEPARTMENT (If applicable) ……………………………………… CONTACT ADDRESS (STREET) ……………………………………. CITY .……………………………...... STATE AND POSTCODE …………………. PHONE (WORK) ……………….. FAX (WORK) …………………... PHONE (HOME) …………………………… EMAIL PLEASE INDICATE IF THIS APPLICANT IS IN ONE OF THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES: PRIVATE PRACTITIONER , EARLY CAREER RESEARCHER , SENIOR RESEARCHER POSTGRADUATE STUDENT , HONOURS STUDENT , UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT IF THE APPLICANT IS A STUDENT, WHO IS THEIR RESEARCH SUPERVISOR? …………………………………………………… IS ADMINISTRATION OF THE GRANT AND CORRESPONDENCE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THIS APPLICANT? YES / NO 1 2B ASSOCIATE APPLICANT ……………………………… SURNAME ………………………………………. GIVEN NAMES …….. ………………………………… TITLE QUALIFICATIONS ……………………………………… APPOINTMENT/PRACTICE TYPE ……………………………………. INSTITUTION (If applicable) ………………………………… DEPARTMENT (If applicable) ……………………………………… CONTACT ADDRESS (STREET) ……………………………………. CITY .……………………………...... STATE AND POSTCODE …………………. PHONE (WORK) ……………….. FAX (WORK) …………………... PHONE (HOME) …………………………… EMAIL PLEASE INDICATE IF THIS APPLICANT IS IN ONE OF THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES: PRIVATE PRACTITIONER , EARLY CAREER RESEARCHER , SENIOR RESEARCHER POSTGRADUATE STUDENT , HONOURS STUDENT , UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT IF THE APPLICANT IS A STUDENT, WHO IS THEIR RESEARCH SUPERVISOR? …………………………………………………… IS ADMINISTRATION OF THE GRANT AND CORRESPONDENCE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THIS APPLICANT? YES / NO 2C ASSOCIATE APPLICANT ……………………………… SURNAME ………………………………………. GIVEN NAMES …….. ………………………………… TITLE QUALIFICATIONS ……………………………………… APPOINTMENT/PRACTICE TYPE ……………………………………. INSTITUTION (If applicable) ………………………………… DEPARTMENT (If applicable) ……………………………………… CONTACT ADDRESS (STREET) ……………………………………. CITY .……………………………...... STATE AND POSTCODE …………………. PHONE (WORK) ……………….. FAX (WORK) …………………... PHONE (HOME) …………………………… EMAIL PLEASE INDICATE IF THIS APPLICANT IS IN ONE OF THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES: PRIVATE PRACTITIONER , EARLY CAREER RESEARCHER , SENIOR RESEARCHER POSTGRADUATE STUDENT , HONOURS STUDENT , UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT IF THE APPLICANT IS A STUDENT, WHO IS THEIR RESEARCH SUPERVISOR? …………………………………………………… IS ADMINISTRATION OF THE GRANT AND CORRESPONDENCE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THIS APPLICANT? YES / NO 2 2D ASSOCIATE APPLICANT ……………………………… SURNAME ………………………………………. GIVEN NAMES …….. ………………………………… TITLE QUALIFICATIONS ……………………………………… APPOINTMENT/PRACTICE TYPE ……………………………………. INSTITUTION (If applicable) ………………………………… DEPARTMENT (If applicable) ……………………………………… CONTACT ADDRESS (STREET) ……………………………………. CITY .……………………………...... STATE AND POSTCODE …………………. PHONE (WORK) ……………….. FAX (WORK) …………………... PHONE (HOME) …………………………… EMAIL PLEASE INDICATE IF THIS APPLICANT IS IN ONE OF THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES: PRIVATE PRACTITIONER , EARLY CAREER RESEARCHER , SENIOR RESEARCHER POSTGRADUATE STUDENT , HONOURS STUDENT , UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT IF THE APPLICANT IS A STUDENT, WHO IS THEIR RESEARCH SUPERVISOR? …………………………………………………… IS ADMINISTRATION OF THE GRANT AND CORRESPONDENCE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THIS APPLICANT? YES / NO 3 3 BRIEF CURRICULUM VITAE A PRIMARY APPLICANT B ASSOCIATE APPLICANT C ASSOCIATE APPLICANT D ASSOCIATE APPLICANT 4 4. WHERE IS THE WORK TO BE UNDERTAKEN? 5. HOW MANY HOURS PER WEEK WILL THE APPLICANT/S DEVOTE TO THE PROJECT? A. PRIMARY APPLICANT …………………………… HOURS B. ASSOCIATE …………………………… HOURS C. ASSOCIATE …………………………… HOURS D. ASSOCIATE …………………………… HOURS 6. WHAT TECHNICAL/OTHER STAFF WILL BE AVAILABLE TO ASSIST THE PROJECT? 7. DURATION OF PROJECT COMMENCEMENT DATE ……………………………………….. ANTICIPATED COMPLETION DATE ………………………………………... 8. Grantee Note: For projects designed to be managed in stages over more than one year, it is necessary to submit a new application each year RESEARCH GRANTS HELD BY APPLICANT/S IN LAST FIVE YEARS (All Projects) Source of Funds Project Title Amount Years 5 9. RESEARCH GRANTS CURRENTLY HELD BY APPLICANT/S (All Projects) Grantee 10. Source of Funds Project Title Amount Years RESEARCH GRANTS UNDER CONSIDERATION (All Projects) Applicant/s Funding Body Project Title Amount Requested Date Outcome Known 6 11. BUDGET (For One Year) Mark with an “A” those costs that are absolutely essential for the project to proceed $ CONTRACT SERVICES PLEASE NOTE FULL OR PARTIAL SALARIES FOR STAFF WILL NOT BE FUNDED. PLEASE LIST MATERIALS, CONSUMABLE SUPPLIES, APPARATUS, ANIMALS AND MINOR EQUIPMENT [UP TO $1,000] PROVIDED THAT ANY FUNDING PROVIDED IS NOT WHOLLY OR MAINLY USED FOR INFRASTRUCTURE PURPOSES AS DESCRIBED IN CRITERIA 1 AND 7 OF THE AUSTRALIAN COMPETITIVE GRANTS FUNDING SCHEME QUALIFYING CRITERIA. Data Processing Engineering Other EQUIPMENT AND APPARATUS CONSUMABLE SUPPLIES TRAVEL (Will be funded only where necessary to carry out the project) OTHER TOTAL NB: GRAND TOTAL Figures MUST AGREE with item 12 on Page 8 7 12. EXPLANATORY NOTES ON BUDGET Show clearly under appropriate headings how the requested amounts were calculated. This must, for example, include an estimate of how many consumable supplies are needed and the cost per item. $ 8 13. WHAT ARE THE AIMS OF THE PROJECT? [Type a quote from the document or the summary of an interesting point. You can position the text box anywhere in the document. Use the Drawing Tools tab to change the formatting of the pull quote text box.] 14. WHY DO YOU CONSIDER THEM IMPORTANT AND WHAT IS THEIR DENTAL RELEVANCE? 9 15. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT (INCLUDING RESUME OF EXISTING KNOWLEDGE IN THE RELEVANT FIELD) Provide a description of the materials and methods to be used and, if appropriate, the statistical procedures – your description should not exceed five (5) A4 pages. Where human or animal subjects or biological specimens are used with the project, a Certificate of Ethical Clearance from the appropriate authority is mandatory (see Item 19) 10 15. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT (Continued) 11 15. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT (Continued) 12 15. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT (Continued) 13 15. DETAILED DESCRIPTON OF THE PROJECT (Continued) 14 16. REFERENCES RELEVANT TO ITEM 15 ABOVE 15 17. LIST OF PUBLISHED WORK AND REPORTS BY APPLICANT/S IN THE LAST FIVE (5) YEARS ONLY (Please append the list if the space provided here is insufficient. Abstracts and proceedings should NOT be listed.) 18. OTHER RESEARCH PROGRAMMES BEING UNDERTAKEN OR SUPERVISED BY THE APPLICANT/S 19. A CERTIFICATE OF ETHICAL CLEARANCE (1) Is Appended (2) Will follow this application (3) Is Unnecessary 16 20. DETAILS OF POTENTIAL GRANT REVIEWERS PLEASE PROVIDE THE NAMES AND CONTACT DETAILS OF TWO (2) POTENTIAL REVIEWERS WHO CAN PROVIDE FEEDBACK ON THIS GRANT PROPOSAL. REVIEWERS MUST NOT BE FROM THE SAME INSTITUTION OR STATE. THE ADRF RESEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE MAKES FINAL RECOMMENDATIONS ON THE SELECTION OF REVIEWERS. REVIEWER 1 ……………………………… SURNAME ………………………………………. GIVEN NAMES …….. ………………………………… TITLE QUALIFICATIONS ……………………………………… APPOINTMENT/PRACTICE TYPE ……………………………………. INSTITUTION (If applicable) ………………………………… DEPARTMENT (If applicable) ……………………………………… CONTACT ADDRESS (STREET) ……………………………………. CITY .……………………………...... STATE AND POSTCODE …………………. PHONE (WORK) ……………….. FAX (WORK) …………………... PHONE (HOME) …………………………… EMAIL REVIEWER 2 ……………………………… SURNAME ………………………………………. GIVEN NAMES …….. ………………………………… TITLE QUALIFICATIONS ……………………………………… APPOINTMENT/PRACTICE TYPE ……………………………………. INSTITUTION (If applicable) ………………………………… DEPARTMENT (If applicable) ……………………………………… CONTACT ADDRESS (STREET) ……………………………………. CITY .……………………………...... STATE AND POSTCODE …………………. PHONE (WORK) 21. (a) (b) (c) ……………….. FAX (WORK) …………………... PHONE (HOME) …………………………… EMAIL SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT/S: The applicants by the execution of this Application Form shall acknowledge and accept the absolute discretion of the Directors of the AUSTRALIAN DENTAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION INC to decide in any year which projects will receive Grants from the Foundation and the size of those Grants and their absolute discretion to use whatever means, methods and criteria they consider appropriate to make such decisions, and agree that an applicant does not now or in the future have a right to challenge such decisions of the Directors of the Foundation, and agree to review grants for the AUSTRALIAN DENTAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION INC in the spirit of collegiality, and will have their grant/s denied if they do not participate in the grant review process. SIGNATURES DATE ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… …………………………….. 17 22. CERTIFICATE OF HEAD OF DEPARTMENT WHERE APPLICANT IS TO WORK IN AN INSTITUTION OR UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT (NOT REQUIRED FOR RESEARCH UNDERTAKEN IN A PRIVATE PRACTICE). I certify that the project is appropriate to the general facilities in my Department/Institution and I am prepared to have the project carried out in that Department/Institution. I have noted the contents of Item 19 regarding Ethics Approval. SIGNATURE ………………………………………………………………………… NAME ……..………………………………… DATE ……………………………. *Applicants are requested to complete the MS Word Version of the application form by typing directly into each field. Applicants should save a copy for their records and upload all of the completed form by following the links to the grants upload webpage on It is recommended that applicants convert the completed Word document to a PDF file prior to submission to minimise the risk of file or format changes. Scanned or electronic signatures should be included with the application. Updated June 2015 18